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Официальный бланк рекомендации на английском языке

Автономная некоммерческая организация
высшего образования
191028, РФ, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Моховая, д.40, Литер А
Тел. 8 (812) 920-88-43, 8 (812) 921-06-91
E-mail: [email protected]
ОКПО 47994249 ОГРН 1177800005866
ИНН 7804611813 КПП 784101001
№___010.01/04 от _30.01.2024
Dmitry Anatolyevich Byurganovsky is widely known in St. Petersburg as a graphic designer; he is
recognized as one of the leading experts in the design of newspapers, magazines and books.
But there is another area of his creativity. For many years I have been familiar with the works of
D.A. Burganovsky as an artist, primarily a watercolorist and graphic artist.
The basis of Dmitry A. Byurganovsky’s creative style is a strong, one might even say, masculine
drawing. From his graphic works one can see how he sculpts the form, sometimes exaggerating, almost to
the point of caricature, sometimes trying to achieve the most realistic accuracy; how, depending on the task,
he chooses either a sweeping, “picturesque” or transparent linear drawing... His ironic graphics always
contain a certain thought, often paradoxical, sometimes philosophical, funny and not very...
His watercolor works convey the subtlest nuances of mood artist due to the combination of
halftones, transparency and softness of the paint layer, inaccessible to any other technique. Working both
in multi-layer glazing technique and “a la prima”, applying paint at once, only in one layer, wet, after
moistening the paper, the artist creates his own world, full of softness and easy natural transitions from one
shade of color to another. However, the apparent simplicity and ease with which the artist creates his
paintings is deceptive - watercolor painting requires highly detailed drawing, masterful use of a brush, and
the ability to accurately apply paint to the surface - from a wide, bold fill to a clear final stroke.
Lightness, transparency and fluidity of watercolor painting, combined with compositional precision
and clarity, are the basis of the artist’s creative style. Therefore, his works especially successfully convey
the shades of color and the movement of the sky and water.
His watercolor works include city landscapes, the nature of the north and central Russia, flowers
and still lifes.
The artist uses a varied color palette: from almost monochrome landscapes to landscapes with a
variety of colors and shades. The warm color of autumn is replaced in his paintings by the cold color of
He also freely uses non-standard materials to achieve a certain impression.
In 2016, his personal exhibition “One Touch” took place in St. Petersburg, where about 150
watercolors were presented.
The exhibition was widely covered in the press and on television.
Works by D.A. Byurganovsky were exhibited later at the House of Jewish Culture in St. Petersburg,
as well as in the representative premises of some St. Petersburg banks.
I am familiar with the works of D.A. Byurganovsky, which were created by him in Israel. It is
pleasant to note that new subjects, new techniques, and a new color scheme have appeared.
I would like to wish this talented artist interesting new works and new exhibitions.
Svetlana V. Perminova, first vice-rector of VKHUTEIN
(Higher Art and Technical Institute),
Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor,
Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation