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Контрольная работа по 1 разделу School and Schooling (Rainbow English 7)

Test 1 School and Schooling
Variant 1
1. Four people are speaking about their life at school. Listen, and match the speakers (1—
4) with what they say (A - F). There is one statement you don't have to use. (4 points)
A) The student changed his/her attitude (отношение) to one of the school subjects.
B) The examination marks were always worse than the student’s knowledge.
C) The student’s parents were surprised at his/her marks in sciences.
D) The student was fond of his/her classmates and teachers.
E) The student’s parents were proud of their child’s results in school subjects.
2. Read the text and write if the sentences below are True, False or Not Stated. (6 points)
In some areas of England there are schools for children under 5 years old. Some boys and girls
from two to five go there. Many parents organize informal playgrounds for their children to keep
them busy from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. While parents are at work or busy in the house, children in
these groups play, have lunch and sleep. Parents usually pay to keep their children in such
groups, schools, or classes. Primary education begins at the age of 5. Classes are not very long –
about 20 minutes. Boys and girls have classes of reading, writing and arithmetic.
1. Children who are under 5 years of age have classes of reading, writing and arithmetic. ______
2. Playgrounds are usually free. _____
3. Such playgrounds are usually typical only for big cities. _______
4. Primary education in England begins before children become 5. ______
5. Classes in English primary schools are fairly long. _____
6. In primary schools teachers give their pupils classes of writing and reading. _____
3. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. (7 points)
pencil case Mathematics
1. There are pens and pencils of different colours in my ______.
2. If I want to see what a new word means I usually use my father’s _____.
3. _____ is the study of numbers and shapes including algebra, geometry and arithmetic.
4. Most schoolchildren in Britain have to wear school ____.
5. I’m so tired. Let’s take a _____.
6. _____ is the subject in which they give you ideas about the official language of Britain and the
USA and some other countries.
7. How many ____ do you do in the seventh year?
4. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. (7 points)
1. Max (says/ tells) biology is his favourite subject.
2. (This/ These) trainers are very fashionable.
3. Who (pays/ paid) for the lunch last time?
4. There (is/ are) some glue on the table.
5. Why does the girl always (tell/ say) lies?
6. What (mark/ mistake) did you make? Why did the teacher give only a C?
7. Statistics (is/ are) not a school subject.
5. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. (7 points)
1. I am tired ___ writing dictations.
2. Jack got a good mark ___ his literature test.
3. I don`t know what happened ___ them yesterday.
4. I don't understand the problem. Let's talk it ______.
5. Never talk ____ to people who are older than you.
6. My elder brother talked me ____ of the trip to the USA by sea. He said it was a very long
7. I hope I'll talk him ______ learning Chinese. It is important for his job.
6. Choose the correct replies. Match the statements from two columns. (5 points)
1 May I go outside? I don’t feel well today.
A No. Write them in your exercise book now.
2 What do we have to do next?
3 Shall we do these exercises at home?
C No, you can read this text from your seat.
4 Shall I go to the blackboard?
D Certainly. Shall I call the doctor?
5 How do you spell this word?
Less than 18 points
18-25 points
Exercise 4 on page 15.
26-32 points
33-36 points
Keys Variant 1
1. Listening 1E 2D 3A 4B
2. Reading 1) F
2) F
3) NS
4) F
5) F
6) T
3. Vocabulary 1) pencil case 2) dictionary 3) Mathematics 4) uniforms 5) break 6) English
7) subjects
4. Use of English 1. says 2. These 3. Paid 4. Is 5. Tell 6. Mistake 7. is
5. Prepositions 1 of 2 for 3 to 4 over 5 back 6 out 7 into
6. Classroom English 1D 2E 3A 4C 5B
Keys Variant 2
1. Listening 1E 2D 3A 4B
2. Reading 1) F
2) T
3) F
4) NS
5) T
6) F
3. Vocabulary 1) subjects 2) pencil case 3) paints and brushes 4) Music 5) paper 6) pencil
sharpener 7) Literature
4. Use of English 1 is 2 schoolmate 3 tell 4 few 5 are 6 these 7 rubber
5. Prepositions 1 at 2 into 3 over 4 for 5 out 6 of 7 in
6. Classroom English 1C 2D 3E 4A 5B