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4 класс англ.

f /д\
«Белый Bert
D® n
УДК 811.161.1(075.2)
ББК 81.2Рус-922
кандидат филологических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой английского языка с мето­
дикой преподавания учреждения образования «Брестский государственный университет
им. А. С. Пушкина» Н. А. Тарасевич;
учитель английского языка высшей категории ГУО «Лицей БГУ» Г. В. Карповцова
Тематический контроль по английскому языку. 4 класс :
практикум для учащихся учреждений общего среднего образо­
вания. — Мозырь : Белый Ветер, 2013. — 75, [1] с.
ISBN 978-985-542-008-9.
В пособии представлены 36 тестов по английскому языку пяти уров­
ней сложности, предназначенные для контроля лексико-грамматических
умений и навыков учащихся 4 класса. Материал подобран в соответствии
с требованиями программы и учебником по английскому языку для 4 клас­
са (авторы: Л. М. Лапицкая, Т. Ю. Севрюкова, А. И. Калишевич).
Адресуется учащимся начальных классов, учителям английского языка
для использования вне образовательного процесса в учреждениях обра­
УДК 811.161.1(075.2)
ББК 81.2Рус-922
Пособие включает задания по лексике и грамматике
английского языка, которые предназначены для учащихся
4 классов.
Материал пособия также призван помочь учителям
английского языка в подготовке материалов для контро­
ля активной лексики и грамматики, подготовки учащихся
к предметной олимпиаде.
Данное пособие можно использовать для тематическо­
го и промежуточного контроля, а также для самостоя­
тельной работы учащихся вне образовательного процес­
са в учреждениях образования.
Данные задания составлены с учетом лексического
и грамматического материала учебника по английскому
языку для 4 класса авторов Л. М. Лапицкой, Т. Ю. Севрюковой, А. И. Калишевич.
Структура и языковое наполнение заданий отвечают
требованиям десятибалльной системы оценки учебных до­
стижений. Каждый тест состоит из пяти заданий, что соот­
ветствует пяти уровням усвоения учебного материала.
«Цена» каждого правильного ответа: I — 0,4 (2), II —
0,8 (4), III - 1,2 (6), IV - 1,6 (8), V - 2 (10).
My friend
Test 1
1 I | Guess and w rite th e w ords.
1. ecin —
2. odgo —
3. Ital —
4. ynfnu —
5. refidn —
| II [ Choose the rig h t va ria n t.
1. I watch TV with my p a re n ts____ Sunday.
A. on
B. in
C. to
2. Nick is ____ Britain.
A . to
B. from
C. in
3. Tom can roller — skate
A. in
B. on
C. at
4. I listen to music with M ike _____Monday.
A. from
B. in
C. on
5. My friend
A. on
B. in
C. to
ГПЛ W rite in amу is or are.
1. W h a t_______your name?
2. How o ld _______ you?
3. I _______ 10.
4. My frie n d _______ good.
5. B e n _______ a tall boy.
IIV | Make up a sentence.
1. g o t/e y e s /h e /g r e y /h a s .
2. my / got / sisters / fair / have / hair / long.
3. Al / a / has / bike / not / got.
4. friends / got / computers / not / have / my.
5. got / Jill / dark / has / hair / short?
1 V | Translate.
1. Мой друг умеет рисовать.
2. Я не умею летать.
3. Они умеют играть в футбол.
4. Том умеет танцевать?
5. Моя мама не умеет кататься на велосипеде.
Test 2
| I | Guess and w rite th e w ords.
1. dikn —
2. eervc —
3. aylz —
4. adb —
5. tnhyuga —
| II | Choose the rig h t va ria n t.
1. Nick and Ben go fo r a w a lk _____ Tuesday.
A. on
B. in
C. to
2. I do my hom ew ork______Friday.
A. on
B. from
C. in
3. She can ride a b ik e ______Sunday.
A. in
B. on
C. at
4. My friend is ______ Belarus.
A. from
B. in
C. on
5. My birthday is ______May.
A. on
B. in
C. to
1III | W rite in am, is or are.
1. Pat and J e ff______my friends.
2. My little s is te r______ very funny.
3. How o ld ______ your brother?
4. W here______you from?
5. I
I tv | Make up a sentence.
1. has / Liz / a / got / friend.
2. your / long / mum / got / fair / has / hair?
3. long / has / a / got / Rossi / not/nose.
4. beautiful / they / got / eyes / have.
5. I / not / big / have / ears / got.
I V [ Translate.
1. Лиза может слушать музыку в понедельник.
2. Они могут играть в компьютерные игры в вос­
3. Ты умеешь кататься на велосипеде?
4. Он не умеет играть в волейбол.
5. Мой друг не умеет петь.
Test 3
[ Г 1 M atch the w o rd s to make phrases.
1. listen to
2. go for
A. computer games
B. music
3. do
4. watch
D. homework
E. a walk
5. play
[ H~| Choose the rig h t va ria n t.
1. I go to s c h o o l______Monday.
A. in
B. to
C. on
2. Mike and Liz sing karaoke______ Saturday.
A . on
B. from
C. in
3. My friend is ______Twinkyland.
A . from
B. on
C. at
4. I lis te n ______music every day.
A. to
B. in
C. on
5. Masha can dance ______ summer.
A. on
B. in
C. to
ГЙП W rite in am, is o r are.
1. I ______not from A frica.
2. K a te ______her friend.
3 . ______Bob fine?
4 . ______you my friend?
5. Nick and his b ro th e r______ naughty.
I iV | Make up a sentence.
1. have / small / 1/ got / nose / a.
2. teacher / got / dark / my / short / has / hair.
3. and / friends / his / Tom / a lot of / got / aunt /
4. eyes / has / blue / got / he?
Ь. not / blue / Peter / got / a / has / nose.
| V 1 Translate.
1. Мой брат очень ленивый.
2. Моя мама добрая и умная.
3. Он не умеет кататься на велосипеде.
4. Ты можешь залезть на дерево?
5. Мой папа не умеет танцевать.
Test 4
| I 1 M atch the w ord s to make phrases.
2. ride
A. football
B. a story
3. read
C. a tree
4. play
D. star ball
5. play
E. a bike
1. climb
[ и | Choose th e rig h t v a ria n t.
1. My classmates g o ______a walk every day.
A. fo r
B. to
C. on
2. Harry can't ride a b ik e ______Tuesday.
A. on
B. from
C. in
3. Where is his frie n d ______?
A. from
B. on
C. at
4. I dance b oogie-w oogie______summer.
A. to
B. in
C. on
5. Leo and his dad watch TV to g e th e r_____Friday.
A . on
B. in
C. to
ПТП Write in have or has.
1. M ike _____ got short fair hair.
2. I ______got blue eyes.
3 . _____ Liz got grey eyes?
4. Pavel and his b ro th e r______got short hair.
5. My frie n d s ______not got long hair.
| IV ]
Make up a sentence.
1. are /M ik e /fro m / L iz / not /a n d / America.
2. she/ а / la z y /is /g ir l?
3. am / child / not / naughty / 1/ a.
4. y o u r/a re /fu n n y /frie n d s ?
5. p u p il/g o o d /a r e /y o u /a ?
1. Я не умею рисовать.
2. Ты умеешь играть в компьютерные игры?
3. Он может слушать музыку в понедельник?
4. Мой папа может смотреть телевизор в субботу.
5. Она не умеет летать.
Му family
_____________ Test 5_____________
1 1 | W rite o u t the nouns.
Lazy, singer, nice, dentist, driver, aunt, his, woman,
they, forty.
1 il | Paraphrase.
1. Tom's cat
2. Liz’s bag
A. their
3. boy's puppy
4. brothers' books
5. children’s pet
C. their
B. his
D. her
E. his
Fill in is or are.
1. T h is ______my mum.
2. T hese______ their toys.
3. T hese______ books.
4. T h is ______a doctor.
5. T hese______ his pets.
W rite the numbers.
1. 7
2. 16
3. 11
4. 80
5. 25
1. Мой папа — фермер.
2. Брат моей мамы — зубной врач.
3. Моя бабушка — учительница.
4. Сёстры моего папы — мои тёти.
5. Сын моего дяди —
мой двоюродный брат.
Test 6
1 i | W rite o u t the nouns.
Good, granny, job, can, have, your, teacher, runner,
one hundred, farmer.
| И | Paraphrase.
1. my sister's doll
A. their
2. my friends’ house
B. his
3. Rob’s car
C. their
4. dad’s chair
D. her
5. aunts’ children
E. his
ГПП Fill in is or are.
1. T h is ______a boy.
2. T h is ______Harry's uncle.
3. T hese______shop assistants.
4. T h is ______my aunt.
5. T hese______my cousins.
IIV [ W rite the numbers.
1. 5
2. 13
3. 19
4. 70
5. 44
1. Дочь моей мамы —
моя сестра.
2. Папа моего папы —
мой дедушка.
3. Сестра Лизы — певица.
4. Я хочу быть стоматологом.
5. Моя бабушка —
Test 7
l I | W rite o u t th e nouns.
Thirty-tw o, his, her, skier, cousins, farmers, uncle,
funny, one hundred, family.
1 И | Paraphrase.
1. my cats' kittens
2. my mum’s sister
A. her
B. their
3. friends’ bird
C. its
4. Tob’s bike
D. their
5. teachers’ books
E. his
[~ЙГ| Fill in is or are.
1. T hese______ his sisters.
2. T hese______ farmers.
3. T h is ______a girl.
4. T hese______ workers.
5. T h is ______ my cousin.
IIV | W rite the numbers.
1. 3
2. 17
3. 12
4. 50
5. 68
l V | Translate.
1. Сын моего папы —
мой брат.
2. Мама моей мамы —
моя бабушка.
3. Брат моего папы — ветеринар.
4. Я хочу быть врачом.
5. Мама Пети — учительница.
_____________ Test 8_____________
W rite o u t th e nouns.
Dentist, husband, room, she, beautiful, our, tw entyone, sixteen, man, son.
1 II | Paraphrase.
1. Mike's mum
A. their
2. Will’s brother
B. her
3. girls’ dolls
C. their
4. sister’s toy
D. his
5. pupils’ pen
E. his
[Ж] Fill in is o r ore.
1. T h is ______her uncle.
2. T hese______ my teachers.
3. T hese______ children.
4. T h is ______ a picture.
5. T hese______ doctors.
[~IV~| W rite the numbers.
1. 6
2. 15
3. 18
4. 40
5. 37
l V 1 Translate.
1. Дочь моей тёти —
моя двоюродная сестра.
2. Сестра моего папы —
моя тётя.
3. Брат Нины — бизнесмен.
4. Я хочу быть водителем.
5. Сын моей бабушки — мой папа.
Daily life
Test 9
| i 1 W rite in the m issing le tte rs .
1. mo ni__g
2. s_nd_ich
3. di n r
4. br s
5. s_us__ge
| II | Choose the rig h t p re p o s itio n .
A. in
B. for
C. at
1. I have lu n ch _____the afternoon.
2. They have s a la d _____lunch.
3. Mike and his little brother get u p ____7 o’clock.
4. Children go to s c h o o l_____ the morning.
5. I go to b e d ______ 9 o'clock.
I III \ W h a t tim e is it? W rite .
1. 7.00
2. 12.30
3. 11.05
1. get
2. have
A. to school
B. exercises
3. go
4. wash
C. breakfast
D. up
5. do
E. the dishes
1 V | W rite the verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
1. I _______________ (to take) a shower every day.
2. W e __________________(to tidy) our room every
3. I ________________ (not to have) lunch at school
every day.
4. I ________________ (to wash) my hands and face
every morning.
5. ________ y o u _________________ (to have) lunch
in the afternoon?
| i~| W rite in the m issing le tte rs .
1. a ft____ noon
2. p_st__
3. h_us wo_к
4. w s
5. с c mber
[li~ | Choose the rig h t p re p o s itio n .
A. in
B. for
C. at
1. I have b re a kfa st_____the morning.
2. He and his sister have p o rrid g e _____ breakfast.
3. I get u p _____9 o’clock.
4. They brush their te e th _____9.15.
5. They come hom e_____the evening.
| HI | W hat tim e is it? W rite .
1. 10.03
2. 4.35
3. 8.00
4. 12.17
5. 9.45
1. make
A. home
2. have
B. housework
3. come
C. lunch
4. do
D. up
E. my bed
5. get
| V | W rite the verbs in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. I _______________ (not to tidy) my room every
2. W e ________________ (to have) lunch at school
every day.
3. I ____________________(to do) exercises in the
4 . __________y o u _______________ (to brush) your
teeth in the morning?
5. T h e y ________________ (not to tidy) their room
every day.
[ l.| W rite in the m issing le tte rs .
v ning
2. po____ id_e
3. s____ wer
4. u_ua_Jy
5. у__g_urt
| II I Choose the rig h t p re p o s itio n .
A. in
B. for
C. at
1. I have s o u p _____lunch.
2. They have sandw iches_____dinner.
3. I get u p _____11 o’clock.
4. They have a sh o w e r_____the afternoon.
5. We tidy our ro o m _____7 o’clock.
I ill | W hat tim e is it? W rite .
1. 1.15 i
2. 12.00
3. 11.30
4. 3.56
5. 2.02
1. brush
2. have
3. go
4. tidy
A. dinner
B. my teeth
5. wash
E. hands and face
C. to bed
D. the room
1 V 1 W rite th e verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
1. T h e y___________________(not to take) a shower
every day.
2. I _______________ (not to wash) the dishes every
3. I ____________________(not to come) home in the
4. W e ______________ (to wash) our hands and face
in the afternoon.
5 . ______ y o u ____________ (to get) up at 7 o'clock
every day?
I j W rite in the m issing le tte rs .
1. br
kf st
2. I_nc__
3. ex
4. t _ d _
ho olate
[Tl | Choose the rig h t p re p o s itio n .
Га . in___________ B. for__________ C. at
1. I have d in n e r_____the evening.
2. I have p a s ta _____dinner.
3. They get u p _____ 8 o’clock.
4. Liz and her mother wash the dishes _____the
5. My brother and I go to s c h o o l_____9 o’clock.
| III | W hat tim e is it? W rite .
1. brush
2. get
3. take
4. tidy
5. make
A. dressed
B. a shower
C. my hair
D. my bed
E. the room
| V | W rite th e verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
1. I __________________(to wash) the dishes every
2. W e _______________ (to brush) our teeth in the
3. I ________________ (not to come) home in the
4 . ________y o u _____________ (to wash) your hands
in the morning?
5 . _______ th e y _______________ (to go) to school
every day?
A day off
_____________ Test 13_____
l n
W rite the w ord s and phrases.
[ Ti Ij Choose the rig h t p re p o s itio n .
A. at
B. to
C. in
1. They a re _____the theatre.
2. We a re _____the disco.
3. He is _____the swimming-pool.
4. I g o _____the museum every day.
5. The swimming-pools o p e n _____9 o’clock.
I HI | W rite in do o r does.
1 . ____ you read books on your day off?
2 . ____ they ski?
3 . ____ she watch TV on Sunday?
4 . ____ your mum tidy your room?
5 . ____ Mike and Liz go to the theatre on their day
1tv 1 Add th e ending -s o r -es to the verbs.
1. P l a y ___________________
2. Wash
3. W ork
4. Come
5. Tidy
l V | W rite th e verbs in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. H e _______________ (to get) up at 8 o'clock.
2. My frie n d s __________________(not to go) to the
3. I usually_______________ (to walk) my dog.
4 . ______ s h e ____________(to tidy) your room?
5. R ay_______________ (to help) his mum.
Test 14
l I | W rite th e w o rd s and phrases.
[1T | Choose the rig h t p re p o s itio n .
A. at
B. to
C. in
1. She is _____the museum.
2. They g o _____the museum every day.
3. Nick is ____ the amusement park.
4. We g o _____the cinema every week.
5. Mrs. Read is
the theatre.
I HI | W rite in do o r does.
you do your homework?
Liz play with her friends?
you listen to music?
your sister do her exercises?
they come home at 12 o’clock?
I IV | Add the ending -s o r -es to the verbs.
1. Get
2. Go
3. Give
4. Feed
5. Lay
l V | W rite th e verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
1. My sister usually _______________ (to lay) the
2. I _______________ (to feed) my dog every day.
3. My b ro th e r___________________(not to walk) his
dog in the morning.
4. T he y___________________(to tidy) their room on
5. His frie n d _________________ (to help) him every
Test 15
l I | W rite the w ord s and phrases.
l II | Choose the rig h t p re p o s itio n .
A. at
B. to
C. in
1. We g o _____the theatre every week.
2. I a m _____the swimming-pool now.
3. Tom is _____the theatre.
4. They g o _____the disco in the evening.
5. Mr. Black is
the cinema.
W rite in do o r does.
Mr. Black go to bed at 10 o’clock?
Tom help his mother?
you watch TV at 9 o’clock?
your mum go to w ork every day?
your sisters go to the cinema on their day
f i v l Add the ending -s o r -es to th e verbs.
1. H e l p ___________________
2. W a l k ___________________
3. B r u s h ___________________
4. Watch
5. M a k e ___________________
l V | W rite the verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
1. M a ry _______________ (to cook) breakfast in the
2. I ______________________ (not to have) dinner at
3. My b ro th e r____________________ (not to go) to
4 . ___________ your a u n t__________(to go) to the
5. T h e y______________ (to make) their beds in the
Test 16
Г 11 W rite the w ords and phrases.
1 II 1 Choose the rig h t p re p o s itio n .
A. at
B. to
C. in
1. I go to the sw im m ing-pool_______ 10 o'clock.
2. Mike and his friend go to the d is c o ________
5 o'clock.
3. Nick i s _______ the museum.
4. We a re _______the amusement park now.
5. They go to the cinem a_______ the evening.
[~ЙГ| W rite in do o r does.
1 . ____ you get up at 7 o'clock?
2 . ____ your aunt swim every day?
3 . ____ your brother take a shower in the morning?
4 . ____ Ben have lunch at school?
5 . ____ they tidy their room in the morning?
IIV l Add the ending -s o r -es to th e verbs.
1. Take
2. Run
3. R e a d ___________________
4. Study ___________________
5. Close
|~V~| W rite the verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
1. ________ you _____________ (to feed) your dog
in the evening?
2. I _______________ (to go) to the swimming-pool
every day.
3 . _____ s h e _____________ (to help) her mother?
4. H e _______________ (to want) to be a doctor.
5 . _______your m o th e r________________ (to give)
you presents?
'Pet of the family I
Test 17
| i | Guess and w rite the w ords.
1. irah
2. uelbauitf___________________
3. yulg
4. owls
5. gonirb ___________________
| II | W rite in What, When, Where.
does his dog eat? — Bones.
do they go every day? — To the cinema.
does Tom walk his dog? — A t 8 o’clock.
do children go with their pets? - - To the
does your mum feed the cat? -- In the
| III | Fill in the rig h t fo rm o f th e verb to be.
1. My p e t_____white and black.
2. Their c a t _____noisy.
3. D o g s _____interesting.
4. My friend’s p e ts _____old.
5. Foxes_____quiet.
I IV | W rite the a d je ctive s in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. My cat i s __________________ (beautiful).
2. A mouse i s ______________ (small) than a bear.
3. A wolf i s _________________ (angry) than a fox.
4. Horses a r e ______________ (fast) than tortoises.
5. His dog i s ___________ (old).
I V | Translate.
1. Голубые киты самые большие в мире.
2. Мой маленький котёнок очень красивый.
3. Жирафы выше, чем тигры.
4. У него два интересных котёнка.
5. Её попугай самый шумный.
Test 18
Guess and w rite the w ords.
1. Itia
2. staf
3. i t r e e n t s g n i ___________________
4. dlo
5. ynsio
[ И \ W rite in What, When, Where.
1 . _____ does your cat drink? —
2 . _____ do you go with your pet? — To the park.
3 . _____ does Tom’s parrot eat? — Seeds.
4 . _____ does Mike brush his pet? — Everyday.
5 . _____ do you do with your cat? — Play.
I III 1 Fill in the rig h t fo rm o f the verb to be.
1. Our p a rro t____ young.
2. Monkeys_____noisy.
3. Tom’s d o g _____white and brown.
4. B e a rs_____big.
5. My sister’s c a ts _____fast.
! IV | W rite the a d je ctive s in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. A tiger i s ________________ (big) than a rabbit.
2. My dog i s _____________ (friendly) than his cat.
3. His pet i s __________________ (friendly).
4. Their parrot i s ________________ (noisy).
5. Bears a r e ________________ (slow) than tigers.
I V | Translate.
1. Кролики очень красивые животные.
2. Наш попугай самый красивый.
3. Самые большие наземные животные —
канские слоны.
4. Большие собаки интереснее, чем маленькие
5. Гепарды быстрее, чем слоны.
_____________ Test 19_____________
l I | Guess and w rite the w ords.
1. rsasg
2. yphpa
3. iedfyml
4. agyrn
5. tisietnrgen
l II 1 W rite in What, When, Where.
1 . _____ is your pet's name? — Lucinda.
2 . _____ does your pet eat? — Grass.
3 . _____ does Liz walk her dog? — In the evening.
4 . _____ do you play with your pet? — A t home.
5 . _____ do you wash your kitten? — Every day.
| HI | Fill in the rig h t fo rm o f the verb to be.
1. K itte n s _____ friendly.
2. My d o g _____big.
3. T ortoises_____ slow.
4. Liz’s c a t _____ black.
5. My p uppies_____funny.
1. Tisha i s ______________ (happy) than his master.
2. Tom’s parrot i s __________________ (beautiful).
3. Our cat i s __________________ (friendly).
4. A tortoise i s ____________ (slow) than a monkey.
5. Monkeys a r e _____________________ (interesting)
than snakes.
| V | Translate.
1. Моя собака Рэкс — самая добрая.
2. Самые шумные животные —
обезьяны из Америки.
красные и чёрные
3. Волки очень злые животные.
4. Слоны больше, чем собаки.
5. Коты тише, чем обезьяны.
Test 20
l I | Guess and w rite th e w ords.
1. eobn
2. yrgan
3. Islam
4. eutqi
5. nbigor
| lT | W rite in What, When, Where.
1 . _____ do your pets eat? — Leaves.
2 . ______ does Tod feed his parrot? — Every day.
3 . ______ do you brush your cat? — In the evening.
4. ______does Ann play with her dog? — In the
5 . _____ does your cat drink? — Milk.
| III j Fill in the rig h t fo rm o f the verb to be.
1. P a rro ts _____beautiful.
2. Mike’s fis h _____orange.
3. T ig e rs _____fast.
4. Monkeys_____noisy.
5. His snake____ slow.
IIV | W rite the a d je ctive s in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. Cats a re ______________ (small) than tigers.
2. A hippo i s ______________ (big) than a hare.
3. Butterflies a re ____________ (beautiful) than flies.
4. Her pet i s ______________ (sad).
5. My friend’s snake i s ______________ (nice).
2. Колли — самая дружелюбная собака.
3. У него очень злая собака.
4. Ленивцы — самые медленные животные.
5. Щенки интереснее змей.
Му house
_____________ Test 21_____
l I | Find th e odd w ord in each line.
1. beautiful, bedroom, interesting, ugly.
2. kitchen, hall, house, lamp.
3. mirror, computer, chair, hall.
4. armchair, sofa, bed, fridge.
5. wardrobe, cupboard, cooker, table.
1. There is a big ta b le ______the kitchen.
2. I have a co m p uter______my room.
3. There are p ic tu re s______ the wall.
4. There is a b a ll______ the table.
5. He has two chairs
the bedroom.
[TiT| Fill in are o r is.
1. T h is _____my bedroom.
2. T here_____some chairs in the kitchen.
3. T here_____a big carpet in the hall.
4. T he re _____tw o lamps in the living-room.
5. T hese_____my flowers.
| T v ] Make up sentences.
1. a / in / there / table / kitchen / is / the.
2. any / not / there / box / are / toys / the / in.
3. are / pencils / not / there / table / on / the / any.
4. lamp / the / hall / is / a / there / in?
5. fridge / is / a / the / there / in / kitchen.
2. В коридоре нет зеркала.
3. В спальне есть диван?
4. В саду нет цветов.
5. В моей комнате есть телевизор.
_____________ Test 22________
| I | Find th e odd w ord in each line.
1. living-room, Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom .
2. carpet, cooker, fridge, kitchen.
__ _
3. flowers, yard, garden, basket.
4. TV, sofa, chair, armchair.
5. bathroom, hall, cooker, k i t c h e n . ____
| II | Choose th e c o rre c t p re p o s itio n .
1. There are to y s ______ the sofa. Take them out.
2. There is a w a rd ro b e ______the hall.
3. I have a la m p ______ the table.
4. She has a m irro r_____ the hall.
5. There is a frid g e ______the kitchen.
ГП71 Fill in are or is.
1. T he re _____a computer in the living-room.
2. T h is _____a beautiful sofa.
3. These_____tw o armchairs.
4. T he re _____ pictures in the hall.
5. T here_____tw o fridges in the kitchen.
IIV | Make up sentences.
1. beds / bedroom / are / in / there / the / three.
2. b e d r o o m s /th e r e /tw o /a n d /a /a r e /b a th r o o m /
3. my / TV / is / in / there / bedroom.
4. there / sofa / is / a / in / bedroom / the?
5. carpet / floor / is / an / on / old / there / the.
2. В ванной есть холодильник?
3. На столе нет карандашей.
4. В зале есть диван и два кресла.
5. В городе много домов.
Test 23
| I | Find the odd w ord in each line.
1. Upstairs, carpet, lamp, computer.
2. Chair, street, armchair, carpet.
3. Mirror, key, picture, carpet.
4. Cupboard, bathroom, bookcase, fridge.
5. House, toy, ball, car.
| II j Choose th e c o rre c t p re p o sitio n .
1. There are four c h a irs ______the room.
2. There is a com puter______the table.
3. I have a beautiful c a rp e t______ my bedroom.
4. There is a c a rp e t______the floor.
5. There are d o g s ______ the table.
|7lT| Fill in are or is.
1. T here______cupboards in the kitchen.
2. T h is ______a mirror.
3. These______ wardrobes.
4. T here______a cooker in thekitchen.
5. T here______many flowers in the garden.
[ iv | M ake up sentences.
1. a / i n / t h e / is / m ir r o r / t h e r e / h a ll?
2. hall / mirror / a / the / in / not / is / there.
3. in / there / computer / Ann’s / is / room / a / big.
4. three / in / there / apple-trees / the / are /
5. flowers / not / garden / are / in / there / the.
2. В саду три яблони.
3. На полу есть ковёр.
4. В кухне есть стол.
5. В комнате есть большой книжный шкаф.
Test 24
l I | Find th e odd w o rd in each line.
1. Living-room, garden, hall, kitchen.__
2. Hall, wardrobe, bedroom, bathroom.
3. Bed, sofa, cupboard, armchair.
4. Room, cupboard, cooker, fridge.
5. Street, downstairs, lane, yard.
| II | Choose the c o rre c t p re p o s itio n .
A. in
B. on
1. There are many pens
C. under
the table.
/. There is a t o y ______ the armchair. Take it out.
3. There is a h a t______ the wardrobe.
4. I have a kitchen, a hall and a livin g -ro o m ____
my house.
5. They have two d e s k s ______their bedroom.
|ЙГ| Fill in are o r /s.
1. These_____ cupboards.
2. T here______a table in the living-room.
3. T here______ four chairs in the kitchen.
4. T h is ______an old picture.
5. T here______ apple-trees in the garden.
[ I v ] Make up sentences.
1. not / pictures / wall / there / on / the / are.
2. the / is / big /
bedroom / there /
in / a /
3. tw o /s o fa / а / there/living-room / is/arm chairs /
and / in / the.
4. there / fridge / in / is / a / the / bathroom?
5. many / there / in / the / are / streets / town.
1 V | Translate.
1. На верхнем этаже находятся две спальни и ван­
ная комната.
2. В корзине нет цветов.
3. В зале есть большая картина.
4. В комнате у Анны есть зеркало.
5. В коридоре есть лампа?
Test 95
| I | W rite the w ord s to the tra n s c rip tio n .
1. ['sciks]
2. ['taits]
3. ['Jb:ts]
4. № :tj
5. ['d3i:nz]
i" J
Choose the rig h t w ord.
1. th is /th e s e sweater___________________
2. th is /th e s e boots ___________________
3. that / those scarf ___________________
4. that / those gloves ___________________
5. t h is / these coat
| i l l l Fill in are o r is,
1. My d re s s ______in the wardrobe.
2. Her b lou se ______ on the chair.
3. Tom’s sh o e s______under the bed.
4. This ja c k e t______very expensive.
5. How m uch______ it?
| i v l W rite the a d je c tiv e s in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. The blue scarf i s ______________ (long) than the
purple one.
2. I have got a ______________ (new) dress.
3. Her tights a r e ______________ (warm).
4. The grey socks a r e ______________ (cheap) than
the black ones.
5. The blue trainers a r e ______________ (nice) than
the white ones.
| V | Translate.
1. В Беларуси очень холодно зимой.
2. Это голубое платье самое красивое.
3. Его серые шорты очень короткие.
4. Мы надеваем свитера и куртки осенью.
5. Сколько стоят эти колготки?
Test 26
[ I | W rite the w ords to th e tra n s c rip tio n .
1. [ska:t]
2. ['trainaz]
3. ['trauzaz]
4. [klaudz]
5. ['Ju:z]
| И | Choose th e rig h t w ord .
1. t h a t / those T-shirt
2. th a t/th o s e blouses
3. this / t h ese dress
4. t h is / these gloves
5. th a t/th o s e hat
1. I think this c o a t______cheap.
2. These je a n s ______ expensive.
3. My s h o rts ______ in the bathroom.
4. His s o c k s ______ on the floor.
5. Her T -s h irt_____ in the wardrobe.
11VI W rite the a d je ctive s in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. I have g o t ______________ (beautiful) gloves.
2. The green boots are ______________ (big) than
the brown ones.
3. His sweatshirt i s ______________ (warm).
4. The yellow hat is ______________ (expensive) than
the white one.
5. The red scarf i s ______________ (long) than the
orange one.
I V | Translate.
1. Эта куртка самая красивая.
2. У неё самый длинный шарф.
3. Самая жаркая пора года — лето.
5. Мы надеваем перчатки зимой.
Test 27
[ I | W rite th e w o rd s to the tra n s c rip tio n .
1. ['s w e tja :t]
2. ['buits]
3. ['dsaekat]
4. ['s k a :f]
5. f ' s w
] ___________________
t a
| II | Choose the rig h t w ord .
1. t h a t / those socks
2. t h i s / these trainers
3. th a t/th o s e tights
4. th is /th e s e shirt
5. that / those skirt
l III | Fill in are o r /s.
1. These tra in e rs______very cheap.
2. My s k ir t ______in the wardrobe.
3. His je a n s ____ on the chair.
4. Tom’s tro u se rs_____ dirty.
5. Her hat
I IV I W rite the a d je ctive s in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. The pink sweater i s _______________ (small) than
the blue one.
2. The white shirt i s _______ (big) than the red one.
3. I have got a ______________ (short) skirt.
4. These shorts a r e ______________ (new).
5. The black shoes a r e ________________ (beautiful)
than the red ones.
1. У моей мамы новое платье.
2. Сколько это стоит?
3. Летом мы надеваем майки и шорты.
4. Осенью самая сырая погода.
5. Какие брюки самые дорогие?
Test 28
Г 1 1 W rite th e w ord s to th e tra n s c rip tio n .
1. ['swetjait]
2. [b u :ts]
3. ['d ja e k it]
4. [ska .f]
5. ['sw eta]
1 И | Choose the rig h t w ord .
1. this / these trousers
2. that / those shoes
3. that / those jeans
4. t h is / these scarf
5. th is / these shorts
Г1ТП Fill in are o r as .
1. My s h ir t______in the wardrobe.
2. T h is ______his jacket.
3. Mike’s je a n s ______nice.
4. Her tig h ts ______new.
5. This c o a t______very expensive.
IIV | W rite th e a d je c tiv e s in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. The white tights a re ______________ (old) than the
blue ones.
2. I have got a ______________ (beautiful) blouse.
3. The green shorts a r e ______________ (long) than
the grey ones.
4. These socks a re ______________ (warm).
5. The purple T-shirt is
the blue one.
(ugly) than
1. Летом мы надеваем юбки и майки.
2. Какие носки самые дешёвые?
3. Мы надеваем рубашки и брюки в школу.
4. Эта самая маленькая юбка.
5. Сколько стоит эта блузка?
Test 29
|Т] Guess and w rite th e w ords.
1. tmhas
2. letygoochn
3. nusrisa
4. ntouc
5. elosv
Add -ing.
1. read
2. play
3. make
4. swim
5. sleep
l III | Choose the rig h t va ria n t.
1. T om ________________ now.
A. sings
B. sing
C. is singing
2. I _________________ now.
A. am counting
B. count
C. counting
3. Look! T h e y__________________ .
A. dance
B. is dancing
C. are dancing.
4. My m um _________________ now.
A. cook
B. is cooking
C. are cooking
5. What y o u ____________ now?
A. are doing
B. is doing
C. do
1iv ] W rite the verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
1. I ______________ (to read) stories now.
2. W e ______________ (to have) English on Monday.
3. Mr. B ro w n ______________ (to teach) Maths.
4. Look! T h e y______________ (to dance).
5. M ik e _________________ (to wear) a blue T-shirt
| V | Translate.
1. Мой любимый предмет — белорусское чтение.
2. Первый урок в понедельник —
русский язык.
3. Мы поём песни на уроке музыки.
4. Они играют в футбол сейчас.
5. Твой друг говорит по-английски?
Test 30
Г I I Guess and w rite th e w ords.
1. tra
2. e e c c is n ___________________
3. nlegsih ___________________
4. cusmi
5. arlne
l II | Add -ing.
1. learn
2. go
3. run
4. dance
5. draw
l IN | Choose the rig h t va ria n t.
1. M o lly _______________ an interesting book now.
A. read
B. am reading
C. is reading
2. What
A. is painting
B. are painting
C. am painting
3. T hey_______________ things now.
A. is making
B. make
C. are making
4. Listen! Nick and his m um _____________ English.
A. speak
B. speaking
C. are speaking
5. I __________________ sums now.
A. is doing
B. are doing
C. am doing
| IV~| W rite the verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
1. My frie n d s ____________ (to draw) pictures now.
2. S h e ______________ (to wear) a pink blouse now.
3 . _______ y o u ______________ (to like) English?
4. The children_____________ (to watch) TV now.
5. M ike ______________ (to do) sums every day.
| V | Translate.
1. Маша не спит сейчас.
2. Второй урок в пятницу — физическая культура.
4. Его любимый предмет — информационные тех­
5. Ученики поют песни сейчас.
Test 31
l I | Guess and w rite th e w ords.
1. senbaalriu
2. y h s i o r t ________________
3. irnadeg
4. uanetr
5. npita
| II | Add -ing.
1. w
r i t e
2. sing
3. count
4. listen
5. do
l 111 | Choose the rig h t va ria n t.
1. l i m _______________________ now.
A. is swimming
B. are swimming
C. am swimming
2. The g ir ls _________________ games now.
A. is playing
B. play
C. are playing
3. It is Music now. W e _________________ a song.
A. are singing
B. is singing
C. am singing
4. I ______________________ my room now.
A. am tidying
B. tidy
C. are tidying
5. W h a t_______your m um __________________ ?
A. are doing
B. is doing
C. doing
[T v] W rite the verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm .
1 . ______ y o u _____________ (to speak) English?
2. W e ____________ (to listen) to our teacher now.
3. I ____________ (to have) A rt on Friday.
4. T o m ____________ (to solve) problems every day.
5. Listen! N ic k ____________ (to sing) a song.
|~V~1 Translate.
1. Мы обычно решаем задачи на математике.
2. Любимый предмет моей сестры — музыка.
3. Смотри! Он решает примеры.
4. У меня шесть уроков каждый день.
5. Третий урок в четверг —
русское чтение.
Test 32
I I | Guess and w rite th e w ords.
1. umss
2. hsatm
3. Irasueiabn
4. ekasp
5. ti
1. j u m p ___________________
2. speak ___________________
3. sit
4. solve ___________________
5. cook
fill I Choose the rig h t va ria n t.
1. My little s is te r____________________ now.
A. sleeps
B. is sleeping
C. are sleeping
2. It is PE. W e ______________________ .
A. are running
B. is running
C. run
3. Look! S h e __________________________ .
A. draws
B. is drawing
C. are drawing
4. W h a t________ th e y _______________ now?
A. do
B. are doing
C. is doing
5. His c a t______________________a tree.
A. am climbing
B. are climbing
C. is climbing
| IV 1 W rite the verbs in the c o rre c t fo rm .
1. Our te a ch e r____________(to read) a book now.
2 . ________ h e ____________ (to sleep) now?
3. S a ra h ____________ (to watch) TV every day.
4. I ____________ (to make) things now.
5. L iz ____________ (to have) Science on Monday.
I V | Translate.
1. Мальчики пишут в своих тетрадях сейчас.
2. Пятый урок в понедельник — рисование.
3. Любимый урок моего друга — человек и мир.
4. Шестой день недели — суббота.
5. Тане нравится её учитель английского.
) Birthday party^T
Test 33
I 1 1 W rite o u t th e nouns.
1. have
2. winter
3. buy
4. year
5. invite
6. send
7. card
8. presents
9. birthday
10. empty
| lT~l Choose the r ig h t p re p o s itio n .
| A. in
B. on
C. at
D. of
1. Mike's birthday is
2. My birthday is __
3. My mum gets up
4. Today is the fifth
__O ctober 6th.
5. They come home
12 o’clock.
_ 6 o’clock.
__A pril.
1HI | W rite the num bers.
1. 4 1 - ы й ___________________
2. 20-ый ___________________
3. 8-ой
4. 3-ий
5. 99-ый ___________________
| IV | W rite th e verbs in th e rig h t fo rm .
1. T he re ___________ (to be) four seasons in a year.
2. Look! T h e y____________ (to buy) a balloon.
3. I ________________ (to have) a birthday party on
4 . ____ s h e _________ (to decorate) her room now.
5 . _____ y o u ____ (to invite) friends to your party?
I V | Translate.
1. Я собираюсь смотреть телевизор.
2. Лиза собирается читать книгу.
3. Его папа собирается открыть подарок.
4. Они собираются танцевать?
| 1 | W rite o u t th e nouns.
1, season
2. flower
3. spring
4. want
S. take
6. beautiful
7. d irty
8. party
9. A pril
10. go
111 Choose the rig h t p re p o s itio n .
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. of
1. Her birthday is on the seventh_____ September.
2. My friend’s birthday is ______January.
3. Tom does exercises______the morning.
4. Tim’s birthday is ______May 2nd.
5. I get u p ______10 o’clock.
| III | Write the numbers.
1. 71-ый
2. 12-ый
3. 50-ый
4. 22-ой
5. 83-ий
1IV | W rite the verbs in the rig h t fo rm .
1. My m um ____________ (to cook) a birthday cake
2. I usually____________ (to invite) my friends.
3. H e ______________ (to give) her a present every
4. T h e re _______________ (to be) three months in a
5. T hey____________ (to sing) a song fo r me now.
I V | Translate.
1. Ты собираешься дарить ему подарок?
2. Они собираются надеть джинсы завтра.
3. Я собираюсь петь песню.
4. Он не собирается приглашать друзей.
l I ] Write out the nouns.
6. give
7. us
8. seventh
9. day
10. family
1. wash
2. month
3. brush
4. autumn
5. cake
| |T~| Choose the right preposition.
1A. in
B. on
C. at
D. of
1. My brother’s birthday is ______ December.
2. Today is the sixte e n th ______November.
3. She was b o rn ______September.
4. I have lu n ch ______ 11 o’clock.
5. We have A r t ______Monday.
|HI | Write the numbers.
1. 32-ой
2. 61-ый
3. 10-ый
4. 13-ый
5. 40-ой
I IV | W rite the verbs in the rig h t fo rm .
1. Look! Mike and L iz ____________ (to dance).
2. T h e re ________________ (to be) twelve months in
a year.
3 . ________ you u su a lly_______________ (to cook)
a birthday cake?
4. L iz _______________ (to have) a birthday party on
5. W e ____________ (to play) now.
I V 1 Translate.
1. Она собирается пить сок?
2. Он не собирается читать книгу.
3. Я собираюсь испечь торт.
4. Они не собираются делать домашнее задание.
5. Том собирается мыть посуду.
[ I | Write out the nouns.
6. give
7. day
8. balloons
9. candles
10. January
1. second
2. get
3. our
4. summer
5. fifth
Choose the right preposition.
A. in
B. on
C. at
1. She was b o rn ______2002.
2. Today is the f ir s t ______January.
3. They have E nglish______9 o’clock.
4. The third le sso n ______Friday is PE.
5. He has d in n e r______the evening.
| III | Write the numbers.
1. 11-ый
2. 70-ый
D. of
3. 21-ый
4. 63-ий
5. 15-ый
| IV | W rite the verbs in the rig h t fo rm .
1. I ____________ (to make) a birthday card fo r my
brother now.
2 . _______ y o u ____________ (to like) presents?
3. There ____________ (to be) tw enty-eight days in
4 . ______ your mum usually_________ (to give) you
a birthday present?
5. H e ____________ (to tidy) his room now.
I V 1 Translate.
1. Они не собираются принимать душ.
2. Майк не собирается мыть посуду.
3. Я собираюсь пригласить своих друзей.
4. Моя мама собирается печь торт.
П редисловие...........................................................................
Му f r ie n d .................................................................................. 4
Test 1 ................................................................................... 4
Test 2 ...................................................................................
Test 3 ................................................................................... 9
Test 4 .......................................................................................11
My fa m ily ..................................................................................... 14
Test 5 ...................................................................................... 14
Test 6 ...................................................................................... 16
Test 7 ...................................................................................... 17
Test 8 ...................................................................................... 19
D a ily l i f e ......................................................................................21
Test 9 ...................................................................................... 21
Test 1 0 ....................................................................................23
Test 1 1 .................................................................................... 25
Test 1 2 ....................................................................................27
A d a y o f f ..................................................................................... 29
Test 1 3 ....................................................................................29
Test 1 4 ....................................................................................30
Test 1 5 ....................................................................................32
Test 1 6 ....................................................................................34
P et o f th e fa m ily .......................................................................35
Test 1 7 ....................................................................................35
Test 1 8 ....................................................................................37
Test 1 9 ....................................................................................39
Test 2 0 ................................................................................... 40
M y h o u s e .................................................................................... 42
Test 2 1 ....................................................................................42
Test 2 2 ................................................................................... 44
Test 2 3 ................................................................................... 46
Test 2 4 ................................................................................... 48
C lo th e s ........................................................................................50
Test 2 5 ................................................................................... 50
Test 2 6 ................................................................................... 52
Test 2 7 ................................................................................... 54
Test 2 8 ................................................................................... 55
S c h o o l......................................................................................... 57
Test 2 9 ................................................................................... 57
Test 3 0 ................................................................................... 60
Test 3 1 ................................................................................... 62
Test 3 2 ................................................................................... 64
Birthday p a rty .......................................................................... 67
Test 3 3 ................................................................................... 67
Test 3 4 ................................................................................... 69
Test 3 5 ................................................................................... 71
Test 3 6 ................................................................................... 72
V4e6Hoe издание
4 класс
Практикум для учащихся учреждений общего среднего образования
Ответственный за выпуск А. В. Зуева
Подписано в печать с оригинал-макета 26.02.2013. Формат 60x84/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать
цифровая. Уел. печ. л. 4,42. Уч.чзд. л. 1,05. Тираж 5013 экз. Заказ 167/5420089-1.
Удостоверение о государственной гигиенической регистрации Мг 08-33-3.68371 от 03.03.2010.
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Издательский Дом «Белый Ветер». ЛИ № 02330/0548579
от 05.08.2009.247760, г. Мозырь, ул. Советская, 198/4. Филиал: 220007, г. Минск, ул. Володько, 30, оф. 417.
Тел. (017) 221-66-89, 298-50-26, 298-50-27.
Отпечатано цифровым способом печати. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Издательский
Дом «Белый Ветер». 247760, г. Мозырь, гл. Советская, 198/4. Тел./факс (0236) 32-51-03, 32-51-22.
book.belveteil.by. E-mail: book^belyeterl.by