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World Landmarks

Landmark – архитектурный памятник, достопримечательность
To represent – символизировать, представлять
Representation – образ, изображение
Event – событие, важное явление
Located - расположенный
Man-made landmark – достопримечательность, созданная руками человека
Natural landmark – природная достопримечательность
To occur – происходить, иметь место
Waterfall – водопад
Sight – вид, зрелище
Burial place – место погребения
Pharaoh – фараон
Tourist attraction – туристический объект
To fascinate – очаровывать, приводить в восхищение
Ancient civilization – древняя цивилизация
Remain – оставаться, сохраняться
To attract – привлекать, притягивать
Mystery - тайна
Mysterious – таинственный, непостижимый
Prehistoric – доисторический
Tool – инструмент, орудие
Additional – дополнительный, добавочный
To find out – выяснять, узнавать
To discover – обнаруживать, открывать, находить
Before watching the video answer the questions:
1) Do you like travelling?
2) What country would you like to visit? Why?
3) What role does travelling play in the modern world?
Fill the gaps:
1) ...so then you might have visited a landmark in that _____________________.
2) A Landmark is a building, ____________, ____________, or place that has an important meaning.
3) By visiting landmarks people can learn more about the ________ and _________ of the past.
4) Landmarks can be __________ or ____________.
5) Niagara Falls is a naturally occurring ______________ that is located on the border between
Canada and the United States.
6) Pyramids were originally built as ___________ places for Egyptian kings known as _________.
7) It is a mystery what the __________ of this place was but its _______________ and beauty attract
many visitors.
8) This ____________ monument is located in England and was also built about _______ years ago.
Choose the correct options:
1) For example, one historical landmark in the United States is...
Big Ben
Independence Hall
the Eiffel Tower
2) You can see the Eiffel Tower in
New York
3) What do landmarks represent?
the government of the country
a part of the history of a place
features of the natural landscape
4) What can people do while visiting landmarks?
to take photos
to learn more about the people and events of place
to enjoy a beautiful view
5) Where is Niagara Falls located?
North America
6) What was the purpose of building Great Pyramids of Giza?
to live inside of them
to create the largest buildings in the world
to bury Egyptian kings
7) Which of these landmarks isn’t located in the USA?
The Statue of Liberty
Mount Rushmore
Angel Falls
Match the landmarks with places where they are located:
1. Independence hall
a) Egypt
2. Niagara Falls
b) England
3. Great Pyramids of Giza
c) Paris
4. Machu Picchu
d) Philadelphia
5. Stonehenge
e) Rio de Janeiro
6. Eiffel Tower
f) Venezuela
7. Leaning Tower
g) Beijing
8. Brandenburg Gate
h) on the border between Canada and the USA
9. Great Wall of China
i) Pisa
10. Taj Mahal
j) Jordan
11. Petra
k) Australia
12. The Sydney Opera House
l) Mexico
13. Angel Falls
m) India
14. Cristo Redentor Statue
n) Berlin
15. Chichen Itza
o) Peru
Put the landmarks into the table:
Man-made landmark
Natural landmark
Landmarks: Stonehenge, The Golden Gate Bridge, Taj Mahal, Angel Falls, The Statue of Liberty,
Great Wall of China, Mount Rushmore, Great Pyramids of Giza, Machu Picchu, Niagara Falls
Make up the sentences:
1) often, history, a, people, of, the, landmark, of, a, represents, part, a, place, group, a , or.
2) the, landmark, Independence Hall, one, is, United States, historical , in.
3) United States, to, fathers, the, United States Constitution, in, write, the, founding, the, of, met,
building, the, in, Declaration of Independence, the.
4) built, man-made, it, since, Independence Hall, a, people, is, landmark, was, by.
5) occurring, Niagara Falls, between, a, that, on, located, United States, is, naturally, border,
waterfall, is, the, Canada.
6) have, well, very, natural, are, some, been, long, there, on, quite, landmarks, a, time, earth, for,
man-made, as, but, that, old, landmarks, are.
7) mountains, is, high, city, of, Machu Picchu, the, built, a, remains, in.
8) times, are, all, were, there, in, landmarks, world, that, around, modern, the, built.
Answer the questions:
1) What is the meaning of landmark?
2) Do you know any famous landmarks? Where are they located?
3) Do you have a favorite landmark?
4) What ancient landmarks were mentioned in the video?
5) What landmarks are built in the modern world?