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Деловой этикет во Франции

Today we’ll speak about etiquette in France. First of all, the rules of b.e. are observed by modern
frenchmen as strictly as the court etiquette of the times of royal France.
business clothes
The most important rule - clothes, shoes, hairstyle, hands should look perfect. In France, a
business suit is treated somewhat stricter than in most other countries. It is best to dress
conservatively. In winter, dark suits are preferred, in spring and summer you can take some
liberties. It is important that your clothes are tasteful and look stylish. Women are encouraged to
dress simply and elegantly at the same time. Widespread accessories that give clothes a special
Meetings must be arranged in advance. Punctuality is seen as a courtesy. Make sure that the time
of the meeting is convenient from a business and domestic point of view. Usually working hours
are from 8.30-9.00 to 18.30-19.00. Lunch can last two or more hours. After 21.00, you should
not call them at home, let alone talk about business. In France, decisions are made not only at the
work table, but also at the dinner table. Business receptions organized in such cases can take
various forms, such as a cocktail, lunch, dinner, dinner with the invitation of the spouses.
Business lunch starts at 12.30 or 13.00. A business lunch is organized either for the purpose of
exchanging pleasantries or to discuss business issues (recently, breakfast meetings have been
increasingly practiced for these purposes). In France, dinner does not start before 20.00. Food
portions are usually small, but this is compensated by a large number of dishes. The one who
invites for lunch or dinner, as a rule, pays for everyone.
Rules for negotiating in France
Business cards play an important role in business communication. They should not be printed in
Russian, most businessmen in France read English. Business cards should be made on one side,
as the back side is often used for various notes. Any business cards you receive during
negotiations should not be placed in your pocket but in a business card holder or wallet. When
greeting a person, it is best to give their name, or you can use the impersonal address "monsieur"
and "madame". When meeting and saying goodbye, a handshake is obligatory.
Body language
Good posture is essential in the French business etiquette. Eye contact is important as long as it
is not too obtrusive. The distance between people is rather close when talking to each other.
Touching and patting is also commonplace in the French business etiquette. Make sure to have
your hands out of your pockets at all times. Do not snap your fingers! The OK sign (a circle with
the thumb and a forefinger) means “zero” or “useless” in France. It’s best to show approval by
raising your thumb.
brief instructions on how to observe French business etiquette
ALWAYS Say Bonjour And Bonsoir
Always Say Monsieur Or Madame
Introduce yourself using your full name
Don’t hug anyone
Knock and wait before entering a room
Interrupting and debating is the norm
Don’t change the subject abruptly