Ф Е Д Е РА Л Ь Н О Е А Г Е Н Т С Т В О Ж Е Л Е З Н ОД О Р ОЖ Н О ГО Т РА Н С П О Р ТА Ф е д е р а л ь н о е го с уд а р с т в е н н о е б юд ж е т н о е о б р а з о в ат е л ь н о е у ч р е ж д е н и е в ы с ш е го о б р а з о ва н и я « П е т е р бу р г с к и й го с уд а р с т в е н н ы й у н и в е р с и т е т п у т е й с о о б щ е н и я И м п е р ат о р а А л е кс а н д р а I » ( Ф Г Б ОУ В О П Г У П С ) Ф а к ул ьт е т « Э ко н ом и ка и м е н е д ж м е н т » К а ф е д р а « Бу х г а л т е р с к и й у ч е т и ауд и т » П Р Е З Е Н ТА Ц И Я П О Д И С Ц И П Л И Н Е « А Н ГЛ И Й С К И Й Я З Ы К » Т Е М А : « С Ф Е РА Д Е Я Т Е Л Ь Н О С Т И И Ф И Н А Н С О В О Е С О С ТОЯ Н И Е КО М П А Н И И Л У КО Й Л . » О БУ Ч А Ю Щ И Й С Я С И Т Н И КО ВА А . С БУД Н И КО ВА А . С LUKOIL is one of the world's publicly traded vertically integrated oil and gas companies, accounting for about 2% of world oil production and about 1% of proven hydrocarbon reserves. Every day, the Company's products, food products and heat are purchased by millions of people in more than 100 countries of the world. More than 100 thousand people combine their efforts and talents to ensure the effective development of the Company and its leading position in the market. Company's mission: We were created to turn the energy of natural resources for the benefit of people, to efficiently and responsibly develop the unique hydrocarbon deposits entrusted to us, ensuring the growth of the Company, the well-being of its employees and society as a whole. Strategic goals of the Lukoil group 1. INDUSTRIAL AND 2. COMPETITIVE ABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND EFFICIENCY OF PROCESSES 3. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, WORTHY CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY 4. RETURN ON EQUITY, RETURN ON INVESTMENT AND CONTINUOUS SHAREHOLDER VALUE CREATION We are focused on improving industrial safety, reducing injuries and ensuring trouble-free operation of production facilities, as well as continuously reducing the impact on the environment. We treat our stakeholders as responsibly as possible, taking into account their needs. We pursue a responsible social policy in relation to employees, and also make a significant contribution to improving the quality of life in the regions of our presence We pursue a flexible reinvestment policy and constant work to improve efficiency, focused on technological development. Successful implementation of the strategy allows us to maintain competitive advantages, create shareholder value and increase the investment attractiveness of the Company. We are focused on increasing overall operational performance and more rational use of resources (natural, human, production and financial) Financial performance 2 quarter 2021 1 quarter 2020 1 half 2021 1 half 2020 2 201,9 1 876,5 Revenues from sales 4 078,4 2 652,4 339,8 314,4 EBITDA 654,2 295,3 189,8 157,4 Net profit 347,2 (64,7) 104,2 107,2 Capital expenditures 211,4 247,5 112,2 163,6 Free cash flow 275,8 81,0 212,0 187,7 Free cash flow before changes in working capital 399,7 45,4 Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, LUKOIL has been taking the necessary measures to eliminate the direct impact of the pandemic on its operations, prioritizing the proper protection of its employees, contractors and customers, as well as the continuity of production processes.The decline in global economic activity due to the pandemic and the ensuing unprecedented drop in demand and prices for hydrocarbons had a significant negative impact on the Company's operating and financial performance in 2020 and continued to have a negative impact in the first half of 2021.