Загрузил Jane Melikova

Доклад_Риф Апо

Apo Reef
1-й слайд:
Apo Reef is the largest coral reef in the Philippines! It spreads over an area of 34
square kilometres, making it the second largest connecting coral reef in the world
(the first place being occupied by the Great Barrier Reef of Australia).
The Apo Reef, also considered as the second largest atoll-like reef in the
Philippines comprises of two isolated coral reefs that are disconnected by a 30meter deep channel. The clear blue waters of the channel are teeming with 285
species of colourful marine life, including tropical aquarium fish, snappers and the
crevice-dwelling moray.
It is one best dive spots in the world, attracting hordes of divers all the year
round. The soft white sand and patches of fine corals, clearly visible through the
crystal blue waters, is truly an entrancing sight to behold.
Although most of the areas of the Reef are submerged, three beautiful islands:
the Apo Island, Apo Menor and Cayos del Bajo mark it on the surface. The pristine
surroundings, the occasional chirping of the birds and the incessant murmurings
of the rippling waters enhance the idyllic beauty of the Apo Reef. People flock to
these islands for recreation or just to enjoy a sporting vacation (scuba diving,
snorkelling, bird watching, dolphin watching, reef cruising, kayaking, lagoon
rafting and turtle monitoring are best enjoyed in the calm waters of the islands).
The Apo Reef was declared as a protected area under the category of Natural
Park due to Presidential Proclamation No. 868 that was issued in 1996. The
DENR’s Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) listed the Apo Reef for the
consideration of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The Apo Reef is located at the northern tip of the Coral Triangle, a 5.7 million
square-kilometre region that touches the sea of 6 countries, including Malaysia,
Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and the Solomon
Islands. Abundant in colourful marine life, the Coral Triangle is the home of
2228 types of reef fish and houses about 605 reef building corals. This is the
primary reason why renowned coral expert Dr. Charlie Veron hails it as ‘the
centre of Earth’s marine diversity.’
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The overabundance of colourful flora and fauna have been one of the main
attractions of the Reef. Currently, the Reef comprises around 400 different
varieties of coral reefs and about 400-500 types of marine species, including
sharks, sting rays, and manta rays. About twenty six species of algae and seven
species of seagrasses are present in the clear, blue waters.
The effects of years overfishing, lethal chemical pollution, destructive coral
mining, sedimentation and climatic change had been detrimental, resulting in
acidification, coral bleaching and ocean warming. Now steps have been taken to
protect the Apo Reef. In 1980 the then Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos
declared Apo Reef a “Marine Park”. This was followed up 3 years later by the local
government of Sablayan that declared the Apo Reef a special “Tourism Zone and
Marine Reserve”. In 1996 President Fidel Ramos declared Apo Reef a protected
Natural Park.
3-й слайд:
Apo Reef is one of the most famous diving areas around Mindoro and Pandan
Island. In fact many would claim it to one of be the best in Asia . Situated around
30 kms off the western coast of Mindoro Island, it is 3e kms long and divided into
a northern and a southern lagoon.
You can dive at Apo Reef the whole year round, but it is recommended to go
during the dry season from January to April. The rainy season begins in May and
ends in December, with the rains getting steadily worse towards the middle of the
season. The typhoon season is July-October, although being in the western region
of the Philippines, the area is less at risk. Air temperatures hover between 2830°C/82-86F, with April being slightly warmer and January slightly cooler. Visit
Weather AtlasOpens in a new window for more details on the climate of nearby
Puerto Galera.
The water temperature is 26-30°C/79-86F, warmest in May/June, coolest in
January-March. The visibility can be amazing at 40m during the dry season but
drops to 20m in the rainy season. There can be strong and interchangeable
currents at Apo Reef and this factor, together with the depth of some of the best
sites, makes the diving more suited to experienced divers.