Загрузил Alina Hilim

discourse markers

Слова и фразы
Как вести диалог?
С помощью этих выражений вам будет легче объяснить свою мысль,
высказать мнение или выразить отношение к тому, о чем ведется беседа.
1. Организуем речь
2. Объясняем мысль
3. Меняем тему разговора
4. Выражаем отношение к предмету
5. Высказываем мнение
Мария Трибрат
Методист «Инглекс»
1. Организуем речь
Эти слова и фразы служат для того, чтобы выстроить предложения правильно и логично.
first of all, secondly, lastly (formal)
First of all, I’d like to give you some background information. Secondly, I will present what our company offers.
Lastly, I will be happy to answer your questions.
to sum up (formal)
To sum up, I would like to emphasize the importance of these networks.
in the first place, in the second place (neutral)
In the first place, New York is very cold in the winter, and in the second place I don't want to move anyway.
for a start, next, finally (neutral)
For a start, she has all the money that her aunt gave her. Next, she has a good job.
Finally, she seems to have a good lifestyle.
first, second, last (informal)
First, she hasn’t got the right qualifications. Second, she asked for a private office.
Last, we decided not to hire her.
to start with, what’s more, in the end (informal)
To start with, we need somewhere to live. What’s more, we need to find work. In the end, we need to find a school
for the children.
for one thing, for another thing (informal)
Sorry, I don’t want to dance with you. For one thing, you can’t dance. For another thing, my feet hurt.
2. Объясняем мысль
Используйте эти слова и выражения, чтобы раскрыть свою мысль более детально и добавить
подробности к теме разговора.
in other words (formal)
These were people who fought for money — mercenaries, in other words.
that is to say (formal)
I will deal with the second point first, that is to say the change to the club’s rules.
what I mean is (formal)
What I mean is that your personality is flexible.
well, actually (neutral)
I hate walking. Well, actually I hate being out in the cold weather.
I mean (neutral)
We couldn’t live on that. I mean, it’s ridiculous.
the thing is (informal)
‘Why didn’t you invite me?’ ‘Well, the thing is, I didn’t think you would want to come.
you know (informal)
Things are different now, you know.
you see (informal)
You see, Harry’s coming this afternoon, so I can’t come.
3. Меняем тему разговора
Эти фразы помогут вам вежливо сменить тему разговора.
incidentally (formal)
Incidentally, what are the travel arrangements for tonight?
by the way (neutral)
By the way, Jeff called this afternoon and he wants you to call him back.
so (neutral)
So, let’s get down to business.
right, all right (neutral)
Right, let’s try another approach.
OK (neutral)
OK, I think we were looking at page seven.
anyway (neutral)
Anyway, as I was saying, things really have started to improve.
now (informal)
Now, about next week’s programme — we’ve had to make a few changes.
4. Выражаем отношение к предмету разговора
Эти фразы и выражения помогут вам выделить мысль и подчеркнуть ее важность.
undoubtedly (formal)
quite frankly (informal)
The next few days will undoubtedly prove crucial.
Quite frankly, I don’t care if he leaves.
to tell you the truth (neutral)
quite honestly (informal)
To tell you the truth, I’m completely bored.
actually (neutral)
Actually, on second thoughts, I don’t think I want
to go out tonight.
no doubt (neutral)
Quite honestly, I don’t think there’s anything
to worry about.
obviously (informal)
Obviously, I’ll have to think about your offer carefully.
basically (informal)
No doubt she’ll tell me everything when she’s ready.
Basically, you should have asked me first.
to be honest (neutral)
if you ask me (informal)
To be honest, the meal was terrible.
If you ask me, she doesn’t really want the job.
Полезные статьи:
Вводные слова и конструкции в английском языке
Слова-связки в английском языке
5. Высказываем мнение
С помощью этих фраз вы подчеркнете субъективность своего высказывания о предмете разговора
from my perspective (formal)
I think, I feel, I believe, I’m afraid (neutral)
From my perspective, we can see a direct contrast with
the conventional style.
ary is in the garden, I think.
I feel that more should be done to help young people.
I believe he really loved her.
I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong address.
from my point of view (neutral)
From my point of view, there is no way they can win.
in my opinion (neutral)
In my opinion, Sarah is not so much interested
in this relationship.
as I see it (neutral)
As I see it, it was a fair trade.
apparently (neutral)
Apparently, it was a really good party.
I reckon, I guess, I suppose (informal)
I reckon he’s going to win.
Slim was gone — to Montana, I guess.
I suppose you’re right.
to my mind (informal)
o my mind, their behaviour is unreasonable.
in my humble opinion
In my humble opinion, he’s making a big mistake.
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