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D001 Chief Officer's Standing Orders - 26 Nov 2018

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05/ 26 Nov 2018
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(AS PER FG No 86)
These orders are intended to provide guidance for the conduct of cargo watches for this ship. They
incorporate mandates, requirements and recommendations contained in the various manuals that are
carried on board. Principally, but not exclusively, the Company’s “Tanker Procedure Manual”, “Master’s
Standing Orders”, “ISGOTT”, US Coast Guard Regulations (33CFR, Part 156, in particular), with which
you should make yourselves familiar. You are expected to have a working knowledge of these
Additionally, most terminals have regulations which confirm their adherence to internationally
recognised tanker practises and may, at times, cover such matters as: smoking restrictions, local
weather, tides, ship/terminal communications, etc. Please ensure that you are aware of all Terminal
notices, CHECK LISTS and other such documents when taking over the watch.
The OOW is expected to be familiar with the location and operation of the vessel's fixed and portable
firefighting equipment including the fixed foam & CO2 system with knowledge of the starting
procedures for fire pumps and the location of remote operating points.
There are information files posted in the CCR covering ship’s particulars, such as: load lines, tank
capacities, pumps capacities & performance curves; Cargo, Ballast, COW & IG system’s drawing, etc.,
intended for handy reference.
OOW has full authority to operate appropriate valves/equipment/machinery etc. for safe and efficient
cargo transfer as indicated on cargo plan. The relevant operating instructions, warning notices, and/or
limitations of use of the equipment should always be referred to. Operational parameters should be
Duty Officer has the responsibility and authority to shut down cargo transfer operation in the event of
an actual or perceived unsafe or unsatisfactory condition or procedure that in his / her judgment may
lead to a spill or put the vessel or terminal in an unsafe situation.
Duty officer is expected to realize that during his watch he is fully responsible for the overall condition
of the crew, ship and cargo operation in respect to safety and security. In case of any doubts as to the
safe and security condition of the above cannot be maintained, CH OFF and/or Master must be notified
immediately and without hesitation.
The Duty Officer is expected to be familiar with, as follows:
- The design, operational procedures, and limitations of ship and ships’ cargo/ballast systems,
valves, IGS, COW systems and machineries.
- The requirements of the appropriate Company manuals, plans, instructions, procedures and
recommendations, etc.
- ISGOTT and other industry/environmental relevant publications.
- Company and Master’s Standing Orders.
- The operation and calibration of personal gas monitors, and portable gas detectors.
- The hazards of the cargo, content and structure of MSDS for cargo being handled, methods of
personal protection, first aid measures, firefighting measures and other relevant measures.
- Locations and operational procedures of the vessel's fixed and portable firefighting
equipment including the fixed foam system, and starting procedures for fire pumps and the
location of remote starting positions.
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Deck Procedures
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- emergency / contingency procedures laid down in VRP / SOPEP
- Duty officer is expected to be able to keep vessels’ loading computer updated at all times, and
perform and understand necessary calculations and/or checks.
No unauthorized Personnel is allowed in the CCR, in particular at the critical stages of the cargo
operations – topping off / Stripping / COW / Starting and/or stopping of cargo operations. Duty Officer
has an authority to instruct any additional personnel to leave CCR if he feels distracted from his cargo
watch duties
Shore personnel are not permitted to operate any ship's equipment, open any tank hatch/ullage port or
enter any enclosed space without C/O knowledge and permission. Cargo Surveyors are to be
accompanied by the OOW or responsible crew rating when undertaking gauging or sampling of tanks.
Each five to seven hours cargo watch will comprise Second Officer & Third Officer, in charge of the
watch. He/she will be assisted by the Pumpman and three ratings. The Pumpman will be required for
COW, stripping and topping off tanks; ratings will tend the mooring lines and gangway, periodically
check the Pumproom, report on any leakages from deck pipelines and observe the sea surface in the
vicinity of the ship. The OOW must be aware of what is going on deck. English is the official language
used onboard and as such I expect it to be used by all those on watch.
One man should be posted at the discharge manifold at all times. Try to ensure that duties are rotated
so that all the men get a break. Frequent safety, anti-pollution & security watch are to be conducted by
the deck ratings throughout the cargo operations and especially during changeover of
loading/discharging pattern or during COW. Proper PPE to be worn. The deck is not to be left
unattended. If deck watch needs to leave the deck the permission of the OOW must be obtained. In any
event there must be one man standing by the manifold area at all times during cargo operations
Careful watch will be kept for early signs of cargo leakage. The rating posted at the manifold will
report on any movement of the ship relative to the original alignment with the transfer arms or hoses,
movement off the berth fenders, untoward vibration or noise, manifold pressures as required.
When loading or discharging at an SBM, unless monitored by Terminal personnel, one man is to be
stationed forward to monitor and report at frequent intervals the position of the SBM advising the
OOW in case of the vessel riding up to the buoy or any other problems arise.
The Officer should arrive in good time before his/ her watch, be alert and to be able to take a round on
the ship, Pumproom and on the terminal along ship’s side (if possible) in order to better asses ship’s
status before incoming watch and in all respects ready to take over the watch. Any abnormalities
should be questioned and adjusted or reported to C/O, if appropriate.
When handing over the watch the OOW must inform their reliever of the following.
 At what stage of the Cargo Plan we are at.
 Status of pumps (running not running, RPM etc)
 Planed stoppages
 When to call the Chief Officer
 Any Activities on deck e.g. storing
 If there are any members of the ship’s crew ashore
 Who outside of the ship’s crew is onboard
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Deck Procedures
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The EM’CY stop procedure for this terminal
What tanks are being worked
Ships Stresses
Manifold Pressure
Method of communication with the terminal
Which ratings are on watch at the time
Weather conditions
Ship/Shore Safety Checklist - next check due, interval etc
Any planed works during the news watch that they are aware of, e.g. landing garbage, stores
Only when the above has been exchanged and the new OOW has indicated that he/she is happy to take
over the watch should the OOW leave the CCR. The Ratings on deck should be informed of this change.
If for some reason somebody does not show up to take over their watch or cannot take over there watch
then the C/O must be called.
The OOW is to ensure that the vessel is securely moored at all times with fire wires correctly rigged (if
applicable) and adjusted as necessary. Care should be taken, in the course of adjusting moorings, that
the ship is not displaced longitudinally from the original berthing position. The operating envelope for
Chicksan arms, in particular, does not tolerate much more than a metre or so displacement from the
central alignment before undue stress is placed upon the manifold. Be aware of passing ships, tide,
currents rip tides, and squalls and their effect on the moorings pay special attention to the wind.
Pumproom is to be checked hourly by the Pumpman or deck watch and prior taking over watch by the
OOW. OOW is to ensure that the SFSAF 39 “PUMPROOM ENTRY PERMIT” is completed and valid for this
operation. The person entering pump room should wear proper PPE including personal gas monitor
and that requirement to be strictly observed. Checks will include leakages from joints, pump seals, bilge,
and sea valve interspaces pressure. A report must be made to the CCR via the telephone in the
pumproom. If a report is not received then investigate. Entry and exit is to be reported to CCR.
Each rating in the deck watch will be equipped with a UHF walkie-talkie. Communication with the
Engine room will be trough the telephone and UHF when required. Communication with the Terminal
is very important and OOW to be aware of the local regulations regarding this. All communications are
to be in English. Full cooperation is to be given to Terminal personnel. If you consider any request to
be unreasonable or unsafe or if you are in any doubt I am to be called immediately. Shore personnel
should be treated courteously at all times.
Cargo tanks will remain closed. All gauging and sampling is to be conducted through the vapour locks
only and in a closed fashion.
These valves will be checked closed and respective blanks in place before commencement of cargo
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In the event of a Spill - Emergency Alarms must be sounded
In event of a large spillage on deck follow the ship’s OIL SPILL RESPONSE PROCEDURES. Equipment
for dealing with spill removal, including air-driven (Wilden) pumps, is to be deployed and ready for use
at the aft end of the cargo deck on both sides. For this purpose there are air driven pump on upper deck
stbd side close to accommodation edge (on opposite side to the pumproom entrance), with suction on
each side of the deck, and delivery to Slop Stbd; and dump valves at both sides going to Slop P & S. An
extra Wilden pump is located in the midship store port/stbd side if required. Ensure they are earthed.
Any suspicious event should be reported to OOW and, if spill situation arises, prompt use should be
made of ship’s or shore’s (if supplied) emergency cargo stop buttons. There are individual emergency
trips for each pump in the CCR at Pumproom bottom and at the turbine platform in the engine room.
Common trips for all pumps are located at the aft end of each manifold (port and starboard) and near
entrance to the Pumproom.
When using Emergency Trips, announce clearly on UHF
‘‘Emergency Stop - (Reason) - Pumps tripped from (Place)‘’
Any oil spillage on main deck may be drained via dump valves provided at the aft end of the cargo deck
or pumped to the stbd slop tanks through the suction valves provided as well at the aft end of the cargo
deck or. Suction via these valves is routed through an air driven pump located on upper deck close to
accommodation on opposite side to the pumproom entrance and delivery to slop stbd.
The manifold drip trays may be emptied, if necessary, by draining to COT 4 P or 4 S via drain pipes at
the aft end of both manifolds.
CCR is to be kept clean and tidy. It is a communal work space and should be kept clean and tidy to
convey a professional image as well as a courtesy to others.
Before taking over his cargo watch, OOW must assure himself that that he understands the cargo
operation plan, and that he/she is fully updated with present condition of the vessel.
Officers should perform their safety and security rounds before taking over the watch. They must
assure that the crew, ship/jetty and cargo transfer operations are in safe condition, and that the
emergency equipment is properly deployed and ready.
As a minimum, all items indicated on Ship-Shore Safety CL with code letter “R” should be rechecked.
The above should be recorded in Ship/Shore Safety Check-List, Deck Log Book and Cargo Operation
Log Book.
Copies of the appropriate entry/work permits should be posted locally by the workplace or entrance
to pump room.
While IG system is in operation, Duty Officer will check the oxygen level in IG line from sampling point
forward of the Deck Seal, using portable gas detector. He will report the result and appropriate record
must be made in IG Log Sheet SFOPS 17.
Primary and secondary means of internal and external communication should be retested upon
handing over the watch, and frequently then.
Weather conditions and weather forecast must be confirmed and if any weather deterioration is
expected, CH OFF must be notified.
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No cargo transfer operation should commence without C/O approval and presence in CCR.
Before any cargo operation commences, all cargo and IG/Venting systems will normally be lined-up by
CH OFF and Pump man. OOW will personally and physically cross check the line-up of cargo system
and IG/Venting system on deck. He will report the correct position of the valves to CCR.
OOW WILL NOT OPERATE ANY VALVES without being instructed by CH OFF.
Pressure inside the accommodation must be physically checked and confirmed to be positive,
appropriate ventilation openings must be closed and appropriate fans stopped or set to re-circulation.
A detailed cargo plan is provided for each loading or discharge operation. No deviation from the plan
is allowed without my permission. Supplemental “night orders” will be left in the Night orders book if I
am absent from the CCR. Please follow these instructions. I will supervise all topping off, draining, and
COW operations. Please ensure I am called for these operations.
 The CCR is never to be left unmanned. Be aware of the weather outside the CCR and monitor the
wind speed, tide for moorings and the temperature. Call me if weather conditions deteriorate,
cargo operations are to be suspended if electrical storms are in the vessel's vicinity.
 Prior to and during any loading and discharging operations the OOW shall ensure that the
ship/shore safety checklist has been completed and all points have been complied with. In
particular frequent checks should be made to ensure all outside doors are closed and that
smoking regulations are being complied with.
 The OOW shall be familiar with the operation of the vessel's cargo and ballast handling
systems, valve operation, gauging methods and inert gas system.
 Prior to loading/discharging the OOW is to check the line up of the cargo system and check that
all tank inert gas branch valves are in open position and padlocked as required. During
discharging operations positive pressure is to be maintained in the cargo tanks at all times. If
difficulty is experienced in maintaining positive pressure then call me and reduce the pumping
rate to prevent the tanks going into vacuum.
 Manifold valves and manifold drain valves are not to be operated without the permission of the
C/O. Manifold valves to be confirmed closed before cargo arms/hoses
connection/disconnection operations.
 Following the completion of any cargo operation where it is necessary to open the manifold
drain valves in order to relieve pressure and drain oil from the lines, these drain valves are
used only for the intended disconnection of either chiksans or hoses from the manifold lines
and are not to be left in the open position longer than necessary
 The hydraulic valve control system is to be closely monitored and the level of the hydraulic
tank checked at least once every watch. I am to be called immediately if any problem is
experienced with the valve hydraulic system.
 The status of full and empty tanks not being loaded or discharged is to be constantly monitored
in order to detect any leakages which might occur.
 Do not rely solely on CCR remote level gauge readouts. Local and remote readings should be
compared frequently and auto gauge readings checked against UTI ullages whenever possible,
at any rate before a tank reaches topping off level.
 Surveyors and shore personnel are not permitted to operate any ship's equipment, open any
tank hatch/ullage port nor enter any enclosed space without my permission. Surveyors are to
be accompanied by the OOW or responsible member of the crew when undertaking gauging or
sampling of tanks.
 Load and discharge rates are to be calculated hourly, ullages must be trim corrected. If possible,
comparisons with shore rates should be obtained and call me if any large discrepancies (more
than 1%) are found to exist.
 OOW is to maintain perform proper paper work during the watch.
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Duty officer will be present at the manifold area during commencing of cargo transfer and may leave
the manifold after he/she has personally confirmed that transfer has stared and there are no unusual
occurrences on deck / around manifolds.
The ship will normally ballast/de-ballast concurrently with cargo discharge/load operations. The cargo
plan will provide estimated drafts and stresses at various stages, based upon anticipated flow rates. You
must be aware that, if flow rates are much altered, i.e. cargo is stopped while ballast flow continues; the
drafts and stresses may go outside the anticipated parameters. Therefore drafts and stresses must be
hourly monitored.
Any unusual discrepancies must be brought to CH OFF attention immediately and without hesitation.
As with all remotely operated cargo systems, visual and other sensory perceptions of the cargo
operations are restricted. It is therefore important that you utilise all the facilities provided by the
system and constantly monitor the instrument read-outs.
Normally we will be topping off performing manual ullaging. Advice crew in due time about
topping off, so they can plan their rounds, coffee breaks, etc.
Pumpman must be on deck for topping off, and other crew directly involved in topping off
should not normally be instructed to perform any other duties.
In special circumstances (e.g. high H2S cargoes) we will try to minimize crew exposure to
gas and the topping off might be performed using tank radars. Clear instruction in cargo
plan will be given in such a case.
In any case, one watchman must monitor the manifold connection and backpressure during
the entire topping off. He must report any change of back pressure. Keep the crew informed
when valves are being operated.
In any case, ullages from tank radars must be cross-checked against manual readings well
before topping off commences. Maintain appropriate records.
Before commencing manual topping off reduce IG pressure in COT to minimum, to minimize
crew exposure to gas during topping off.
Always refer to Ship-Shore Safety Check List and pre-transfer conference agreements, to
make sure Terminal receives notice in due time to slow down loading rate.
Plan for topping of well in advance. Stagger the tanks appropriately (minimum ~0.5m
between the pairs) to facilitate smooth topping off. Topping off sequence will always be
indicated on the cargo plan.
Watch out for pressure surges. Make sure enough tanks are always kept open appropriate
to present rate.
Refer to loading/venting rates limitations posted in CCR. Do not close more than one valve
at the time, and watch out the closing speed. Keep close watch on manifold backpressure.
For the last pair of tanks, the loading rate should be reduced to max 1,590 m3/hr (around
10,000 Bbls/h) whenever possible, otherwise to Terminal minimum, as agreed during pretransfer conference.
In any case do not exceed ship’s design transfer limits for individual tanks:
Refer to loading/venting rates limitations posted in CCR
Notify CH OFF and Terminal in ample time, OOW will remain in charge until relived by CH
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Re-check the communication between Ship and Terminal and internal communication with
watchmen on deck.
Keep the vessel upright. Remember to apply trim corrections (if any) for topping off ullages.
Normally the ship should be on Even Keel upon completion of loading.
Tanks already topped-off and closed should be rechecked and assured cargo level is steady.
Re-checking of full tanks needs to be confirmed regularly until loading is completed.
Make sure all crew don appropriate PPE while doing manual ullaging, sounding and/or
sampling, etc. Pay particular attention on eye protection (goggles) and in special
circumstances - availability of EEBD in the immediate vicinity of the tanks being topping off
and at manifold (e.g. sour crudes)
After shutting off a tank monitor the level to ensure that the valve is shut tight.
I.G. must always be maintained in sufficient positive pressure appropriate to the current cargo
operations. In case of an over pressurized tank there should always be a visual check of the PV valve to
confirm its correct operation
Should system fail cargo operations must be ceased in sufficient time to maintain a minimum of 200mm
WG residual pressure.
The pressure and oxygen quality must be frequently monitored. Deterioration of quality may be
apparent whenever load on the boiler is altered, such as when a pump is stopped. Loss of IG or
deterioration of quality will require suspension of cargo discharge.
Before COW operations COW check lists must be completed
Crude Oil Washing operations are to be conducted in compliance with the Crude Oil Washing Manual
and Company Fleet Instructions. Operations will be supervised by me. COW operations are to be
suspended at once in the event of:
IG plant failure
If the oxygen content of delivered IG goes above 5%.
Loss of positive IG pressure in cargo tanks.
Any leaks are detected in the Cargo and/or COW piping system.
Engine Room to be clearly advised and given at least 1 hour notice for starting Cargo or Ballast Pumps
The engine room must be warned in good time before making planned stops of any cargo or ballast
All events regarding cargo and ballast operations are to be accurately recorded in the Port Log Book.
Cargo Hourly Monitoring / Rate Log / Pumping Log / IG log / COPs & WBPs temperatures monitoring
/ Manifold valves integrity check must be kept throughout cargo operation as applicable.
The Deck Log Book is to be written up in full at the end of each watch.
In general OOW should keep a record of all circumstances, occurrences, activities going on during
his/her watch. Items listed below are just minimum required by C/O, and normally record keeping
should not be limited to the below. Please consider this section as a quick-reminder and guide only:
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Deck Procedures
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Hourly records:
• Loading:
- Loading rates and quantities, for cargo and ballast, ETC (spreadsheet in computer)
- Vessels’ drafts, stress conditions (SF, BM) – spreadsheet.
- Vessels’ tanks / ullages condition – from loading computer should be saved on hard drive.
- Ballast pumps condition - pressures, temperatures, current / RPM
• Discharging:
- Discharging rates and quantities, for cargo and ballast, ETC (spreadsheet in computer)
- Vessels’ drafts, stress conditions (SF, BM) – spreadsheet.
- Vessels’ tanks / ullages condition – from loading computer should be saved on hard drive.
- Pumping log, including manifold backpressures and rates.
- COP conditions (RPM, pressures, temperatures),
- IG Log Sheet SFOPS 17
Once per watch:
Rounds made entry – before taking over the cargo watch (Deck LB and Cargo LB, and ShipShore Safety Check List and/or DOI)
Appropriate record in Deck Log Book as per Company standard.
Various logs for comparing local readings (ullages, pressures, etc.) with remote readouts in
CCR, as per standing orders.
Other records to be maintained up to date:
Time Sheet
Pump Room Entry Log
Various logs for comparing local readings (ullages, pressures, etc.) with remote readouts in
CCR, as per standing orders.
Various activities that should be recorded in Cargo Log Book:
For each particular tank:
First opening and final closing of cargo and ballast tanks valves.
Commencing/completing of COW or stripping.
Opening and closing of ballast sea chest valve and ballast overboard valve.
Starting / stopping of COP and WBP, stripping pump, IG fans, opening Mast Riser etc.
Communication with Terminal, in particular as to the operational instructions received during
cargo transfer (increasing or reducing rates/pressures, requests for stoppages etc.)
Alarm Logging must be on-line continuously
All alarms are to be investigated and corrected.
In addition to anything mentioned in the above, the Ship shore safety checklist is to be strictly
followed and prior/after each watch the OOW is to take a round of deck including the Pumproom and
ensure that everything is on order. Company safety requirement are to be followed and SFSAF 46 is to
be complied with. Perform toolbox talks with the crew before they start a task and remind them of the
key safety points regarding that task.
Watchman at the gangway should brief all visitors on the safety requirements as detailed on the
reverse of the visitor pass.
Deck watch should inform OOW or Chief Officer when observing another crewmember or visitor to
the vessel without PPE as required by the SFSAF 46 Matrix and / or Risk Assessment for particular
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All personnel on board the Vessel are to be aware of the security level we are working at. The
Gangway is the point of entry and that should be remembered, all persons coming on board will have
to show valid ID. The gangway will be manned at all times and the person there will wear a Yellow
high visibility jacket. They will report every time someone comes on board and escort these non
crewmembers to where they need to go but those people should not be left alone. All non-manned
spaces will be sealed and if for some reason the seal is broken it should be reported, investigation
should be carried out and a new seal put in its place and the number recorded. The opposite of the
jetty side upper deck door is the nominated door for entry into the ship during a port stay. Follow the
company Security practices.
SSO’s Standing Orders for deck/gangway personnel (a/p S.S.P. sect. 5.0)
 Gangway personnel are responsible to the SSO or OOW and must notify them if in doubt on any
matter by handheld radio.
 Those on gangway duty must not leave the station until properly relieved.
 No one is to be permitted to board without a valid Company pass or valid ID and being questioned
upon the reason of their visit.
 The gangway must be checked to see that it is properly landed and secured, well lit and at all
times safe for use.
 An alert watch is to be kept at all times at the head of the Gangway. This watch must ensure that
the gangway in use is operating within its permitted angles of elevation and that it can range
freely with the tide or harbour swell.
 A watch shall be maintained for unauthorised removal of the Ship’s equipment and stores.
 All communications devices used by security watch (e.g. intrinsically safe walkie-talkies) are to be
tested at least once per watch;
 Gangway crewmembers must carry out a proper hand-over to the oncoming watch, including the
following information:
- Amount of visitors on board and identity of their host;
- Amount of passes issued and initial the visitors log;
- Gangway and mooring areas update information;
- Communications check;
It is the responsibility of the Duty Officer to ensure the ship’s security is maintained and
appropriate security procedures are adhered to. Below just quick summary of routine security
procedures for Security Level 1.In case of increased security measures, all crew will be briefed
by C/O.
If the watchmen must go off-deck, he should inform his duty officer and request the permission.
He must inform his duty officer upon returning back on deck.
Duty officer must consider all the present and anticipated circumstances (e.g. pump room
check, any special work instructions etc.) and must ensure that:
Gangway should never be left unattended and one watchman should be available for escorting
visitors to accommodation at all times.
In conclusion: At least two watchmen must be available ON DECK at all times.
Gangway watch is also responsible for ensuring the entrance to the ship is kept safe (adjusting
the gangway, checking the gangway nets, lifebuoys etc.)
All deck watchmen and duty officers must ensure proper communication is maintained and
All deck watchmen must have proper security equipment, required by actual condition (e.g.
flashlights during night)
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Gangway watchmen must always be up-to date with present situation in respect to visitors,
Ship’s Visitor’s ID issued, crewmember gone ashore etc. – i.e. proper handover must always be
made. In case of any doubts the Duty Officer must be contacted immediately.
Normally the only authorised access to the ship is by the gangway, or other mean of
embarkation (pilot ladder, helicopter landing area etc.), which must always be attended.
Appropriate procedures for handling visitors must be followed.
Access to the accommodation is normally restricted to one door only, and that’s usually the
upper deck, off-shore side door.
All other doors or hatches/access points will be secured with security seals. Some spaces not in
regular use (e.g. lockers) will be locked and/or padlocked. If any crewmember must enter the
secured space and break the security seal (e.g. for routine checks), he must report that fact
immediately to Duty officer or SSO, and appropriate measures must be taken to replace broken
seal immediately.
immediately and appropriate measures must be taken.
REMEMBER: Safety always goes first. In case of emergency don’t feel restricted by security
seals. Don’t hesitate to break them if necessary to deal with emergency issues.
ALL visitors embarking the ship must be challenged for the purpose of their visit and checked
for proper photo ID. This then must be reported to duty officer, who will allow or deny the
Appropriate entries must be made in Visitors Log and this document must be kept up-to-date
at all times.
Visitors must be briefed of the dangers of cargo and general safety procedures and PPE upon
boarding. Appropriate safety warning boards must be displayed at the entrance to the ship.
All visitors who are authorised to board, must be issued with ship’s visitor ID card, and
escorted to the accommodation. Visitors are not allowed outside accommodation without being
accompanied by crew member, and must wear appropriate PPE. Baggage and personal
searches are not normally conducted for Security Level 1, unless otherwise instructed by
Master or SSO.
Upon disembarking, the visitors should return their ship’s ID card.
Under Security Level 1 – at least 4 in every 24 hours must be carried out. These patrols must be
recorded in Cargo and Deck Log Books.
It is the Policy of Northern Marine Management Limited that in all its activities, the highest priority
will be given to the need to protect the health and safety of its employees and other involved persons,
and to conserve the environment.
All vessels employees are required to familiar with ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MANUAL AND
This environmental manual promotes the importance of the Company’s commitment and intents
regarding environmental issues and further promote and emphasises the importance of:
 Implements measures to ensure compliance with environmental requirements (i.e.,
international standards, flag state and port state regulations and relevant Company
operating procedures).
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Is committed to continuously improving its environmental performance, including areas not
presently subject to regulation.
 Is committed to a continuous reduction of environmental risk by developing, implementing,
reviewing procedures and contingency plan to prevent pollution, and reviewing its working
practices in order to ensure that where practicable the use of possible pollutants is reduced.
It is the personal responsibility of ALL vessel employees to comply with COMPANY ENVIRONMENTAL
SYSTEM (EMS), environmental laws, regulations, standards and procedures and to immediately report
any environmental violations.
Environmental violations observed whilst on board should be reported in (confidence If required) to the
Chief Officer as dedicated person in charge (EMO). Reports not satisfactorily resolved by the EMO should
be reported directly to the Company’s Environmental Officer (ECO) whose contact details are as follows:
Name: Alasatir Fleming
Telephone: +44 (0)1418763108
E-mail: alastair.fleming@stena.com
Environmental violations observed other than a Company vessel should be reported to the ECO.
Retaliation against employees reporting violations of laws, regulations and non-compliance with
Company policies and procedures is strictly prohibited and individuals taking retaliative actions will be
subject to disciplinary measures.
1. If you are unable to keep the vessel upright; list more than 2 deg; trim more than 5.5 mtrs aft
and 0.5 mtr fwd – CALL ME!
2. If you are unable to correct stresses; GoM less than 0.5 mtr; SF more than 85%; BM more than
85% sea going condition – CALL ME!
3. If you are unable to adhere to cargo plan, maintain ullage/ sounding staging – CALL ME!
4. If any unplanned loading/ discharging stoppages took place for any reason as from ship side, as
from Terminal request – CALL ME!
6. Any ballast, cargo pumps failure – CALL ME!
7. Any failure of valves operation – CALL ME!
8. If you are unable to establish communication with Terminal – CALL ME!
9. Any weather condition such as lightning, strong wind gusts, frosting impacting to unsafe cargo
operation – CALL ME!
10. If a watch keeper fails to show up or is unable to take over the watch – CALL ME!
11. If there is an alarm (HC, H2S detectors) from fixed gas detection system for Pumproom,
Accommodation and WBTs .
12. Finally, if anything unusual or untoward is noticed, or reported by Deck Watch, regarding
cargo performance, (flow, pressures, leakages), LEAVING YOU IN DOUBT AS TO THE CAUSE
OR CONSEQUENCES, then CALL ME IMMEDIATELY, advising the reasons.
Chief Officer
Imran Shaikh
Approved by Master
Capt. A. Borisyak
Date: 18 August 2018
Document No.
Ship’s name
Revision / Date
05/ 26 Nov 2018
Deck Procedures
12 of 12
Chief Officer’s Standing Orders have been read, fully understood and signed by:
Iyer Srikanth
Osalla John Paul
2nd Officer
18 August 2018
3rd Officer
18 August 2018