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Business English
Lecturer: Dr Marisa Della Gatta
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
A pitch: definition
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
An pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that
you use to spark interest in what your
organization does. You can also use them
to create interest in a project, idea, or
product – or in yourself.
They should be interesting, memorable,
and succinct. They also need to explain
what makes you – or your organization,
product, or idea – unique.
Watch the
Listen carefully
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
From Those Girls’ pitch
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
What is the goal?
What does the product do?
What is their USP (Unique Selling
What gap in the market do they fill?
Listen again and pay
attention to the verb tenses
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
Going to (future)
Present perfects + continuos
Catching expressions
C-Capital, to be on the fence, take the
business to the next level, to make
something a priority, trademark,
distributors, retailers, retail, retail prince,
wholesale price, to extend the product
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
Negotiation language
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
A role-playing game where you pretend to
be negotiate.
You will have a few minutes to think of
negotiation strategies.
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
ENGLISH FOR ACCOUNTING | Topic: Accounting (common words/
expressions) - vocabulary matching
Match each definition with the letter of one of the following:
a - balance sheet, b - liquid assets, c - liability, d - net income, e property, f - payroll, g - equity, h - journal, i - cash flow, j - expense
1. a list of all employees and their wages
2. an accounting record where all business transactions are INITIALLY
3. money that is spent to purchase goods or services provided by
someone else
4. a detailed summary of a person's or a company's financial condition
at a specific point in time, taking into account their assets, liabilities,
5. something that is legally owned by a person or company
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
a - balance sheet, b - liquid assets, c - liability, d - net
income, e - property, f - payroll, g - equity, h - journal, i cash flow, j - expense
6. an obligation to settle a debt; money owed to
7. this word has 2 meanings: "stock (shares)" and "net
8. the balance of cash receipts minus cash payments
over a given period of time
9. cash or something that is easily convertible into cash
10. money remaining after all expenses and taxes have
been paid
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
Case study
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
Introduction to
And the welfare state
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
“Worker men’s Paradise”
The “Lucky country”
Contradictions of Australian capitalism:
Fair go vs distrust for authority
Individual responsibility vs welfare
Individual liberty vs fair distribution of
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
Infographics Australia Sept.
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
What is cash rate?
Business English EA MCA Dr Marisa Della Gatta
A cash rate is the interest rate that a
central bank – such as the Reserve Bank
of Australia or Federal reserve – will
charge commercial banks for loans. The
cash rate is also known as the bank rate
or the base interest rate.