Загрузил Юлия Мельник

Unit Test 5

1 EXAM TASK You will hear a conversation about a boomerang generation. For each of the questions below circle
the correct answer А, B, C or D.
1 The man says that the majority of boomerang children
return to their parents because
4 What does the woman say about young adults
living with their parents?
A their marriages have fallen apart.
A They all help to pay the rent and bills.
B they haven’t finished their studies.
B They probably find the situation comfortable.
C they haven’t got enough money to pay their bills.
C Most of them at least help with household chores.
D they have been unemployed for some time.
D They should try to find a job as soon as possible.
2 What is the woman’s reaction to the statistics quoted
by the man from the article?
5 The conversation is mainly about
A She does not believe the numbers.
B She is already familiar with the numbers.
C She isn’t surprised that most of the boomerang children
are male.
D She sounds astonished by the numbers.
3 Both speakers agree that most young people from their
own generation
A the influence of boomerang children on the
B the reasons why boomerang children go back
C the conflicts between boomerang children and
their parents.
D the high costs of living nowadays.
A were keen to leave their parents’ homes.
B had an easier start to their adult lives than young people
C looked down on people living with their parents.
D never stayed with parents till the age of 30.
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2 EXAM TASK Read three blog posts A-C. For each of the questions 1-4 choose the correct text. Write your answers
in the boxes provided. Note: there is one text that matches two questions.
In which blog does the writer
1 criticise the need to draw attention to oneself?
2 mention different types of personality?
3 say that he/she was blamed for things he/she hadn’t done?
4 appreciate being supported by others?
I grew up on a farm in a family of nine children. As there were so many of us, my parents had one of each
type: a rebel, a charmer, a beauty queen, daddy’s girls – you name it, we had it. The experience of growing up
in such a large family taught me the skills to deal with all sorts of people in my life. In fact my best friend says
it has given me the patience of a saint. But most of all, one of the best things about growing up with eight
siblings is that you always feel that you have a lot of people behind you to back you up in times of trouble.
My family lived in a large detached house in the suburbs. As the first child of five, I quickly learnt that my
position came with certain privileges and as many drawbacks. While being the unquestioned leader of the
pack, I was also held responsible for my siblings. I remember being repeatedly told off by mum and dad for
any mischief that my younger sisters and brothers might have caused. On the plus side, my family have blessed
me with some hilarious childhood memories and a strong personality that’s a great asset in my adult life now.
I’m an only child myself, but one of my friends grew up in a family of six children. Although I quite like her,
I also think that the experience of growing up with several siblings has instilled some negative qualities in her.
She’s always trying to be the life and soul of the party and likes bossing people around, which I find rather
annoying. On the plus side, though, she’s extremely dependable and I know I can always turn to her for help
when the need arises.
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3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
1 Tom and Jerry are _w_r_ enemies. They always fight with each other.
2 I took my girlfriend to an expensive restaurant for her birthday t_ _ _ t.
3 His parents are very strict and believe in the positive influence of strong d_ _c_p_ _n_ at home.
4 I felt so offended by his remark that I decided to give him the _ _l_nt treatment.
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4 Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences.
1 I was amazed to hear that he’d just turned / broke / went forty. He certainly doesn’t look his age.
2 I had to put / lay / settle down some clear ground rules before my flatmate moved in.
3 Mark and Paul fell out yesterday. I wonder how long it’ll take them to do / take / make up this time.
4 I nearly forgot to take / pick / get up my suit from the dry cleaner’s.
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5 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1 I was very pleased to congratulate her __________ passing the driving exam.
2 We were both happy to get __________ touch again after many years apart.
3 We were all impressed __________ his performance. He played like a professional actor.
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6 Fill the gaps 1-4 with the words formed from the words in brackets so that the text is logical and grammatically
While a lot of elderly people can’t wait to retire, for many others reaching their retirement age is an (1)__________
(emotion) difficult moment. After working for many years in the same profession, some people come to the
(2)__________ (conclude) that they are what they do. Therefore, they see retirement as a threat to their identity.
They miss the busy routine of their working days and feel awfully (3)__________ (satisfy) with their lives as pensioners.
They were used to doing a variety of tasks during the day and now cannot cope with the (4)__________ (boring)
of their everyday lives.
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