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Статья Шахло

Diyarova Shaxlo Rovshan qizi
Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Teacher at the Department of Social Pedagogy
Difficulties in compiling tests to control familiarization reading skills and
ways to overcome them
Test control is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There are a number of
problems that are associated with the widespread introduction of tests in the
educational process, as well as those that teachers and students face in the process
of using them in teaching. It is necessary to conditionally distinguish between the
types of speech activity, i.e. communication skills, although in real communication
they most often interact in order to compose a test.
An important characteristic of the test is its objectivity. The score is expressed
in points. The test usually consists of two parts: informational and operational. Clear
and simply formulated instructions and examples of the correct execution of tasks
are contained in the information part. The operational part consists of a number of
tasks or questions.
Consider the types of tasks that are used to compose tests and control works,
especially those that are most common:
- cross selection (matching),
- ordering (rearrangement),
- multiple choice,
- alternative choice (true-false, etc.),
- completion / ending,
- replacement / substitution,
- transformation,
- the answer to the question,
- intralingual paraphrasing,
- interlingual paraphrasing (translation),
- close procedure, etc.
To control understanding in the process of reading, it is advisable to use the
most adequate selective multiple choice tests in the following varieties:
a) choosing the correct answer to the question;
b) on the basis of the proposed theses, the completion of the started statement;
c) arrangement in order, grouping of facts;
d) matching, cross-selection;
e) the exclusion of specially inserted superfluous words;
e) filling in the gaps with specially omitted words.
Test quality indicators are presented to the content of the test, which are also
certain requirements.
Consistency, or backbone properties of the tasks presented in the test, is one
of the important requirements for the content of the test. The system-forming
features of the test are that the test tasks belong to one academic discipline. Subject
purity of the test, content and structural integrity, i.e. the relationship of test items
through a common content (for example, all test items check the level of formation
of linguistic competence) and interpretation of the results. The general results of
testing are summed up on the basis of an analysis of the performance of individual
Testing time plays an important role and, of course, is the system-forming
quality of the test. There is a time limit for running a standardized test, it is usually
limited. Time to complete test tasks, according to approximate calculations, is spent:
1 min / task - for reading; 0.8 min/task - for listening; 0.7 min/task - in vocabulary
and grammar for tasks with a selective answer.
Tasks vary in their degree of difficulty. The test is built as a system of tasks
of increasing difficulty. It includes easy tasks that most students should be able to
handle (up to 20% of the items on the test), items of medium difficulty (up to 60%
of the test items) and difficult tasks that only the most prepared students can handle
(up to 20% of the test items). ).
The test must contain:
• general instructions. The time of the test, the number of tasks, the right to
use additional materials are disclosed in this paragraph;
• guidelines, instructions for the examiner on the test, on the evaluation of
• instructions for a specific type of tasks or a group of tasks, united by one
basis (text, drawing, etc.) or one task;
• actually test tasks;
The main requirement of the test preparation methodology is suitability, i.e.,
compliance with the principles of the adequacy of the test to the nature of the speech
activity being tested.
When compiling a test, one must take into account the general nature of the
text (most often, narrative texts are used, filled with factual material, details that are
essential for understanding the text). Test questions should be set out simply for
understanding, and that they require one or more answer options. Tests should be
such that the student could cope with them.
The peculiarity of reading control tests is as follows:
1) Tests help the student to focus on the information they have read.
2) Stimulate mental activity
3) The test serves as an adaptation
The complexity of the organizational nature is often the ability to create a
favorable psychological environment. It is widely known that the components of a
successful test are the benevolence of the teacher and the student's understanding of
the task, which would correspond to his age characteristics and interests. In addition,
the interpretation of test results should not go beyond the boundaries set by its
purpose. Consider the difficulties that arose before us in practice.
Stress for the body. Using testing for long periods of time leads to negative
health outcomes. To avoid such consequences, you should dose the time of work. A
teacher who plans to use testing in his work should explain to students how to avoid
overstrain, but at the same time achieve high results when writing tests.
Individual characteristics. Everyone's thinking is different. Each student needs
his own period of time to understand the content of the test, analyze and choose the
correct answer. The pace of reading the text is also different. And therefore reading
the text for some students takes a small amount of time, while others take more time.
Because of this, not all students can transgress to the text in time, having
comprehended the tasks. Some students had trouble understanding the wording of
the questions. For this, it is very important for the test compiler to know the
requirements when writing tests.
Difficulties associated with the content of testing. Testing should take place
on the topics covered. Formulation of the question with the correct answer. The
content of the task should reflect the content of the training and meet the program
requirements. The question contains a complete thought. Wrong answers should be
reasonable, skillfully selected, there should be no obvious inaccuracies, hints. When
compiling questions, you should be especially careful to use words such as
“sometimes”, “often”, “always”, “everything”, “never”. With the main part of the
task, all answer options must be grammatically consistent. Use short, simple
sentences. Correct and incorrect answers must be unambiguous in content, structure
and total number of words. It's always better to use a long question and a short
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