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Кайсина 17зил51 кр

Кафедра «Перевод и переводоведение»
Контрольная работа
по дисциплине «Основы теории первого иностранного языка»
Направление подготовки: 45.03.02
Профиль подготовки:
Перевод и переводоведение
Выполнил студент: Кайсина А.С.
Группа: 17ЗИЛ51
Методист: Казакова Д.С.
Преподаватель: к.п.н.,
доцент Судовчихина Л.А.
Пенза, 2022 г.
Exercise 1.
1. What she wanted was a love too proud and independent to exhibit its joy
or its pain. (subject clause)
Все, чего она хотела, это любви слишком гордой и независимой,
чтобы выставлять напоказ ее радости и горести.
Perhaps you can tell me what happened in history after the Tudors. (object
Возможно, ты можешь рассказать мне, что произошло в истории
после правления Тюдоров.
I wish that the mission hadn’t fallen to you. (object clause)
Я надеюсь, что эта миссия выпала не тебе.
One advantage of being a medical practitioner is that you can usually tell
when people are lying to you. (predicative clause)
Одним из преимуществ практикующего врача является то, что ты
обычно можешь видеть, когда тебе лгут.
Work may be just what I want now. (object clause)
Возможно, работа - это то, что мне сейчас необходимо.
That this charming young woman accepted political life with enthusiasm was
a real surprise to me. (subject clause)
очаровательная девушка с энтузиазмом принимает участие в
политической жизни.
It is not at all clear how they will accept the proposed treatment. (subject
Совсем неясно, как они воспримут предложенное лечение.
I asked her if there was an equally polite acknowledgement on the part of
the publishers. (object clause)
Я спросил ее, были ли издатели так же вежливы и благодарны.
We saw that the old man had finished his scotch. (object clause)
Мы увидели, что пожилой мужчина допил виски.
How he managed to be so persuasive beats me. (subject clause)
Меня поражает, насколько он может быть убедительным.
It was our impression that things were not quite that bad. (subject clause)
На наш взгляд, все было не так уж плохо.
The fact is there is growing suspicion of foul play on their part. (predicative
Факт в том, что их подозревают в нечестной игре.
It annoyed the assistant managing editor that Pete hadn’t reported at once.
(subject clause)
Помощника главного редактора рассердило, что Пит не сообщил об
этом сразу же.
That there were other problems to be weighed sounded like good advice.
(subject clause)
Это был хороший совет - рассказать о других проблемах,
требующих решения.
Has it not occurred to you that there could be a better story for the first news
column? (subject clause)
Тебе не показалось, что для первой полосы можно было найти
историю получше?
It is no business of mine at what time Moira and Jill might come round.
(subject clause)
Это не мое дело, во сколько Мойра и Джилл смогут заехать.
How we can get the document is just what we should consider the first thing.
(subject clause)
Вопрос о том, как мы можем получить документ для нас
It is reported that the overseas checks have already been made. (subject
Сообщается, что заграничные проверки уже были закончены.
Exercise 2.
2. Why did he say it? Is it beyond my comprehension?
Why he said it is beyond my comprehension.
It is beyond my comprehension why he said it.
3. What does he suggest? Is it always taken into account?
What he suggests is always taken into account.
It is always taken into account what he suggests.
4. When will they be through with their talk? It is all the same to me, isn’t it?
When they will be through with their talk is all the same to me.
It is all the same to me when they will be through with their talk.
5. What will they decide about the new project? This is important, isn’t it?
What they will decide about the new project is important.
It is important what they will decide about the new project.
6. Why have Nell and Snider quarrelled? Does it worry you?
Why Nell and Snider have quarrelled worries you.
It worries you why Nell and Snider have quarrelled.
7. Might he still present his paper on Ancient Egyptian culture? Is it out of
the question?
That he might still present his paper on Ancient Egyptian culture is out of
It is out of question that he might still present his paper on Ancient Egyptian
8. Has Dad returned from his business trip? Can it be true?
That Dad has returned from his business trip can be true.
It can be true that Dad has returned from his business trip
9. Has Gina grown up already? Has it never occurred to you?
That Gina has grown up already has never occurred to you.
It has never occurred to you that Gina has grown up already.
10. Whom did he invite to his place? Is it his own business?
Whom he invited to his place is his own business.
It is his own business whom he invited to his place.
11. What did they argue about? It didn’t only concern them, did it?
What they argued about didn’t only concern them.
It didn’t only concern them what they argued about.
12. Was Milly working on her graduation paper? Did it sound surprising?
That Milly was working on her graduation paper sounded surprising.
It sounded surprising that Milly was working on her graduation paper.
13. Might the story be true to fact or might it not be true to fact? Did it trouble
That the story might be true to fact or it might not be true to fact troubled
It troubled somebody that the story might be true to fact or it might not be
true to fact.
Exercise 3.
14. Where can you find the man? Is this the puzzle?
This is the puzzle where you can find the man.
15. What is the reason of Jim’s sulky look? Has he quarrelled with Rosy?
The reason of Jim’s sulky look is that he has quarrelled with Rosy.
16. Was the house deserted? How did it look?
The house looked as if it were deserted.
17. How long will it take them to finish the calculation? Is this the point?
This is the point how long it will take them to finish the calculation.
18. What is the question? Has he formed a definite opinion of this matter?
The question is whether he has formed a definite opinion of this matter.
19. Didn’t she consider the young man suitable? Was this the problem?
This was the problem whether she didn’t consider the young man suitable.
20. Were they willing to agree? What was your understanding?
Your understanding was that they were willing to agree.
21. Is Mary pleased? What is your impression?
Your impression is that Mary is pleased.
22. How did they get that information? Is this the puzzle?
This is the puzzle how they got that information.
23. Is John guilty? How does it look?
It looks as if John is guilty.
24. Will Pete accept our condition or won’t he? What is the problem?
The problem is whether Pete will accept our condition or he won’t.
25. Had Milly recovered from her flu? How did she feel?
Milly felt as if she had recovered from her flu.
26. Should your son first finish school? What is your plan?
Your plan is that your son should first finish school.
27. Should we start anew? Is this the best way put?
This is the best way put that we should start anew.
28. Were they expected at that time? How did it seem?
It seemed as if they were expected at that time.
Exercise 4.
1. What is she always saying? Should one make friends wherever one gets
She is always saying that one should make friends wherever one gets about.
2. What did I wonder? Why did she pronounce the phrase so significantly?
I wondered why she pronounced the phrase so significantly.
3. With what doesn’t the instruction agree? What were we told about the
The instruction doesn’t agree with what we were told about the engine.
4. What are you not quite certain of? Are they eager to be with us or not?
You are not quite certain of whether they are eager to be with us or not.
5. What did Edgar feel? Was Helen ready to forgive him?
Edgar felt that Helen was ready to forgive him.
6. What were the students interested in? How are the damaged old
manuscripts restored?
The students were interested in how the damaged old manuscripts are
7. What did he wonder? Would she stay or would she go?
He wondered whether she would stay or she would go.
8. What did the professor speak of? Is an encounter with a non-earth
civilization possible?
The professor spoke of whether an encounter with a non-earth civilization is
9. What are you afraid of? Will you be asked more questions?
You are afraid of whether you will be asked more questions.
10. What do you feel? What do other people feel in this condition?
You feel that other people feel in this condition.
11. What did they concentrate on? What seemed the central point of the
They concentrated on what seemed the central point of the problem.
12. What can’t you fancy? Who is responsible?
You can’t fancy who is responsible.
Exercise 9.
1. If you continue in this way you will break your mother’s heart! (clause of
Если ты продолжишь в том же духе, то разобьешь своей матери
2. Since the newspapers were covering the search closely, there was no
point in his reserve. (clause of cause)
Газеты уже вовсю публиковали материалы расследования, так что
ему не было смысла осторожничать.
3. There was a moment of strain, it seemed as though neither of them knew
what to say next. (clause of comparison)
Чувствовалось напряжение, и казалось, будто никто из них не знал,
что сказать.
4. He said George was too nice a kid to make a good cop, even if he had
brains. (clause of conditions)
Он говорил, что, даже если Джордж был бы умным ребенком, для
работы в полиции он слишком застенчивый.
5. Lady Castlewood was as much cast down by this news as Miss Beatrix
was indignant at it. (clause of comparison)
Леди Каслвуд была опечалена новостью так же, как мисс Беатрикс
была возмущена ею.
6. The stewardess hurried along the aisle to where the sick passenger lay
moaning with eyes closed. (clause of place)
Стюардесса побежала через проход к пассажиру, который лежал с
закрытыми глазами и стонал.
7. As he ticked off points on his fingers my elation quickly subsided.
(temporal clause)
Пока он торопливо подсчитывал очки, загибая пальцы, мое ликование
быстро сошло на нет.
8. The door gave a little but came back as though somebody was holding it
against me. (clause of comparison)
Дверь немного подалась, но затем снова закрылась, будто кто-то
держал ее с обратной стороны.
9. When she was through she hung the phone back on a hook. (temporal
Закончив, она повесила трубку.
10. I’m doing it as I was told, so you may as well spare your sarcasm. (clause
of result)
Я делаю так, как мне велели, так что можешь не иронизировать.
11. As her lips smiled, her eyes didn’t lose their tragic expression. (clause of
Хотя ее губы улыбались, глаза ее были печальны.
12. I was just curious, though it wasn’t any of my business. (clause of
Мне просто было интересно, хотя это вообще не мое дело.
13. If it hadn’t been for his courage and resource, we’d have crashed. (clause
of condition)
Если бы не его храбрость и находчивость, мы бы попали в аварию.
14. You are meant to describe the situation as you understand it. (clause of
Подразумевается, что вы опишете ситуацию, как вы ее понимаете.
15. She manages such things far better than you manage them. (clause of
У нее такие вещи получаются гораздо лучше, чем у вас.
16. While explaining the rule he tried to make it simpler. (temporal clause)
Объясняя правило, он старался упростить его.
17. He looked a little sad, as if he had been waiting a long time and was
getting discouraged. (clause of comparison)
Он выглядел немного печальным, как будто очень долго ждал и начал
18. No sooner had she seen me approaching from the landing than she
slammed the door in my face. (temporal clause)
Стоило ей увидеть меня на лестничной клетке, как она захлопнула
передо мной дверь.
19. Now that the reader knows the essential events as they were open to the
public, I want to give him some explanations. (clause of cause)
Теперь, когда читатель в курсе основных событий, известных
общественности, я хотел бы пояснить некоторые моменты.
20. I have told you my story that you may judge me for what I am, not for
what they want to take me. (clause of cause)
Я рассказал тебе свою историю, чтобы ты мог оценивать меня
таким, какой я на самом деле, а не каким они хотят меня видеть.
21. Keep on taking the readings of the instrument unless instructed
otherwise. (temporal clause)
Продолжайте считывать показания прибора, пока не будет других
22. I am sure he was warned about the unwanted visitor, because he left the
house by the back stairs. (clause of cause)
Я уверен, что его предупредили о нежеланном госте, поскольку он
покинул дом через черный ход.
23. His hand pressed stronger so that mine gave way. (clause of result)
Он сильнее надавил рукой, и я уступил.