Uploaded by Lazizbek Sharafov


1. The play I saw yesterday was ... than this one.
*A) worse
B) bad
C) worst
D) the worst
E)2. Mos fe’lni qo’ying.
Listen! Somebody... in the next room.
*A) is singing
B) sings
C) are singing
D) sing
E) is sung
3. We don't like him because he always ... lies.
*A) tells
B) was telling
C) tell
D) are telling
E) has told
4. When Mr. Brown... to the party all the guests... at the table.
*A) came/ were sitting
B) came/are sitting
C) come/sat
D) comes/sit
E) came/had sat
5. When Christopher Columbus ... 14 he ... a sailor.
*A) was/became
B) is/became
C) was/becomes
D) are/become
E) were/ came
6. When I... school I ... the University
*A) finish/shall enter
B) finish/ enter
C) shall finish/ enter
D) shall finish/shall enter
E) finish/entered
7. There ... five cinemas in our town last year but now there ...
8 units.
*A) were/are
B) were/were
D) are/are
D) are/were
E) were/is
8. ... your father... at the Medical College?
-Yes, he does.
*A) does/work
B) did/work
C) has/worked
D) do/work
E) shall/work
9. All the children ... on an excursion next week.
*A) will go
B) went
C) have gone
D) go
E) has gone
10. I ... already my home work when my mother came.
*A) had done
B) have done
C) did
D) has done
E) do
11. The great English scientist Isaac Newton ... not far from
*A) was born
B) is born
C) are born
D) were born
E) born
12. May day ... in Great Britain with singing and dancing round
a Maypole.
*A) is celebrated
B) celebrated
C) celebrate
D) is celebrating
E) has celebrated
13. I ... speak English last year but I ... do it now.
*A) could/couldn’t
B) could/can
C) might/may
D) must/can
E) might/could
14.They sat up all night.…
*A) talked
B) talk
C) talking
D) to be talked
E) to have talked
15.What time do you come to the office?
Usually at 9, but tomorrow I’ll have to be there a bit earlier
...through some documents.
*A) to look
B) looked
C) to be looking
D) looking
E) to be looked
16.Besides...I like...swimming competitions.
*A) swimming/to watch
B) to swim/to watch
C) swimming/ watched
D) to swim/ watching
E) swimming/ watched
17. If I … the car myself I... you use it.
*A) didn’t need/would let
B) needed/would let
C) didn’t need/wouldn’t let
D) doesn’t need/would let
E) doesn’t need/would let
18.This house...better if they...it, ...the grass and...flowers.
*A)would look/painted/cut/planted
B) would look/paint/cut/planted
C) will look/painted/cut/plant
D) looked/painted/cut/planted
E) looks/painted/cut/planted
19.My friend doesn’t like detective stories.
*A) Neither does her friend
B) We didn’t either
C) So do we
D) So they do
E) He don’t either
20. Complete the question.
There is nor electricity neither gas on the island, ...?
*A) is there
B) isn’t there
C) there is
D) there isn’t
E) isn’t it
21. The manner of addressing people in Britain is quite
different from ours, ...?
*A) isn’t there
B) it is
C) is there
D) is it
E) isn’t it
22. The boy wasn’t able to do it alone, ...?
*A) was he
B)wasn’t he
C)didn’t he
D)did he
E) wasn’t it
23. To’gri javobni tanlang.
Do you speak... English ... your English lesson?
*A) -/in
B) -/at
C) at/at
E) in/24. What countries does France border...?
*A) on
B) to
C) in
D) E) with
25. ...my opinion he is a very clever boy.
* A) in
B) on
C) for
D) with
E) to
26. She comes from the family of Boston, ...?
*A) doesn’t she
B) didn’t she
C) do you
D) hasn’t he
E) won’t she
27. He came to the writing table and ... through the letters
which ... for him.
*A) looked/were waiting
B) look/was waiting
C) looks/has been waiting
D) looked/waiting
E) looks/are waiting
28. Food prices ... rapidly in the past few months.
*A) had risen
B) has risen
C) have risen
D) was rising
E) rises
29. Although Mary has been cooking for many years, she ...
still ... how to prepare Uzbek traditional foods.
*A)doesn’t know
B) know
C) don’t know
D) did not know
E) hadn’t know
30. My sister ... in Florida for one year when we ... to visit.
*A) had lived/came
B) have lived/come
C) lived/come
D) has lived/came
E) live/came
31.The American... the question slowly so that we ... .
*A) repeated/should understand
B) repeat/understood
C) repeats/would understood
D) repeated/understand
E) repeats/understands
32. The population on the world... very fast.
*A) is rising
B) rises
C) rise
D) rose
E) is risen
33. I visited my sister when she ... in Moscow.
*A) Lived
B) lives
C) were lived
D) is living
E) were living
34.The New York Times ... a good newspaper. It is published
in USA.
*A) is
B) was
C) are
D) to be
E) am
35. To’gri javobni tanlang.
She has nobody ... to.
*A) to talk
B) talked
C) talk
D) talks
E) is talking
36. She dreams of her son’s ... a director of the company.
*A) Becoming
B) is becoming
C) become
D) became
E) was becoming
37. He warmed himself by ... hot tea.
*A) Drinking
B) drank
C) drunk
D) to drink
E) is drinking
38.I’m flying to New York tomorrow.
*A) A happy landing to you!
B) Have a good journey!
C) You’re welcome!
D) Help yourself!
E) Not at all!
39. To’gri javobni tanlang.
I asked Nelly, “What … looking for?”
*A) are you
B) she was
C) were you
D) was she
E) she is
40. To’gri javobni tanlang.
They persuaded him to go though he did not want ... first.
*A) to
B) of
C) at
D) for
E) with
41.We are ready...talks now.
*A) for
B) with
C) about
D) of
E) in
42. To’gri javobni tanlang.
It’s the happiest evening I ever ...
*A) have had
B) had
C) has
D) has had
E) had had
43. To’gri javobni tanlang.
A year ... a long time to be without a job.
*A) is
B) Are
C) be
D) am
E) were
44.“Little boy”, why do you carry that umbrella over your
head? It ...and the sun….
*A) isn’t raining/isn’t shining
B) doesn’t rain/shines
C) rains/is not shining
D) is raining/is shining
E) isn’t raining/don’t shine
45. It was dark and cold. At one moment he thought he ...his
*A) had lost
B) will lose
C) lost
D) was lost
E) loses
46. A thing will… done.
*A) be
B) were
C) are
D) Is
E) had
47. He ate everything that ...on the table.
*A) was left
B) is leaving
C) were left
D) is left
E) are left
48. It is winter. Everything ...with snow.
*A) is covered
B) covered
C) were covered
D) will cover
E) are covered
49. The first coins in America...in 1572. They were not regular
in shape.
*A) were made
B) made
C) are made
D) was made
E) is made
50. Today computers... effectively in our country.
*A) are used
B) were used
C) is used
D) has been used
E) had used
51. This school ...next year.
*A) will be closed
B) is closed
C) will close
D) was closed
E) would be closed
52. A woman’s work ... never done.
*A) is
B) are
C) will
D) would
E) were
53. To’gri javobni tanlang.
Poetess was not in the hall.
*A) it/it
B) they/it
C) you/it
D) she/it
E) he/it
54. To’gri javobni tanlang. modal verb.
None but wearer knows where the shoe ... pinches.
*A) has to
B) –
C) had to
D) might
E) could
55. I ... go to the cinema yesterday.
-Because I ...complete my work.
*A) couldn’t/had to
B) can’t/must
C) didn’t have to/may
D) wasn’t to/need
E) should/have to
56. I’ve examined you very carefully. I think all you ... is a good
-But I’m still feeling sick. Why don’t you look at my tongue?
-It... a rest to.
*A) need/needs
B) might/can
C) need/could
D) should/have to
E) must/may
57. Does Larry... leave home at 7:30?
*A)have to
B) must
C) has to
D) need
58. ... the director receive me now?
*A) can
B) is able
C) can
D) is
E) has to
59. The skier broke his leg and ... complete in the recent
Olympic Games.
*A) couldn’t
B) mustn’t
C) had to
D) can’t
60. A: I live near my work.
B: So you ...go to the office by crowded buses.
*A) don’t have to
B)are able to
C) have to
D) would have to
E) can’t
61. To’gri javobni tanlang.
As well as...I like.…
*A) running/walking
B) run/walk
C) run/walked
D) running/walked
E) run/to walk
62.Choose the antonym to the underlined word:
Your answer is wrong.
*A) right
B) near
C) slow
D) nice
63. Put the verb into Present Simple Passive.
Many houses … in our country today
*A) are built
B) was built
C) were built
D) is built
64. Put the verb into Future Simple Passive:
This work … tomorrow.
*A) will be done
B) is done
C) has been done
D) was done
65 .Give short answer:
Does the building profession attract many young men and women?
*A) Yes, it does
B) Yes ,it has
C) Yes, it is
D) Yes it was
66. Give the opposite meaning of the following adjectives:
*A) unknown
B) good
C) famous
D) great
67. Fill in the blanks:
There are very… technical books in our library.
* A) few
B) little
C) many
D) much
68. Choose and use:
London is the … city and the second … city in the world:
*A) largest/largest
B) large/small
C) largest/small
D) smaller/larger
69. Choose the correct variant:
The Constitution of the USA was … in 1789.
*A) adopted
B) achieved
C) decided
D) devoted
70 . Choose the correct variant:
The President is the … of the Government of the USA.
*A) head
B) heart
C) leader
D) _
71. Use the correct modal verb:
I … make an appointment with Mr. Green now.
*A) must
B) could
C) might
D) has to
72. Use the correct modal verb:
He … buy tickets for the new comedy now:
*A) can’t
B) could
C) must
D) have to
73. Use article where necessary:
In … 15th century people knew only three continents: Europe ,
…Asia …and …Africa.
*A) the/-/B) /-/-/the
C) the/the/D) -/- /74.Choose the best variant
At last he found a good job at a factory.
*A. work.
B. Post
C. position
D. place
75.Choose the best variant
The only long river is the Thames on which London,
________ of England is situated.
*A. capital
B. city
C. country
D. village
76.Choose and use:.
Every morning when they go to work they take a tram because
their ________is not near the house.
*A. plant
B. cinema
C. museum
D. theatre
77. Choose and use:
The engineer works _______ a plant.
*A. at
B. with
C. by
D. for
78.Choose the correct variant:
I knew they(to wait) for me at the Institute and decided to hurry.
*A. would wait
B. wait
C. are waiting
D. will wait
79.Choose the correct variant:
My friend asked me who (to play ) the piano in the sitting room.
*A. was playing
B. are playing
C. is playing
D. plays
80. I want to know what he (to buy) for her birthday.
*A. has bought
B. buy
C. had bought
D. are buying
81. Choose the correct variant:
He says he (to work) at school two year ago.
* A. worked
B. work
C. has worked
D. were working
82. Choose and use
He said he (to leave)tomorrow morning.
* A. would leave
B. leaves
C. leave
D. left
83. Supply the correct articles:
If you go to Tashkent by… train it will take you 5hours.
*A. –
B. a
C. the
D. an
84. Supply the correct article:
When I bought … tickets for …I2.45 train I went to the waiting
room of the station.
*A. -/the
B. the/a
C. the/the
D. a/85. Supply the correct tense.
I didn’t know that it (to be) a slow train.
* A. was
B. to be
C. is
D. are
86 .Choose and use:
The train … not …yet , it is still at the platform.
*A. has left
B. is left
C. was left
D. had left
87. Use the Infinitive where necessary:
I like… dance.
*A. to dance
B. dancing
C. danced
D. dance
88. Use the Infinitive where necessary:
I can… you.
* A. help
B. to help
C. helped
D. helps
89. Choose and use:
Here are … books by English writers:
*A. every
B. no
C. anywhere
D. any
90.Choose and use:
I cannot find my glasses….
*A. anywhere
B .somewhere
C. nowhere
D. everywhere
91. Use the correct form of adjective.
English is as … as German.
* A. difficult
B. more difficult
C. the most difficult
D. –
92 . Choose the appropriate preposition:
Will you be at home … Saturday.
*A. on
B. at
C. in
D. for
93. Choose the correct preposition:
It is a good market … our goods.
*A. for
B. to
C. with
D. of
94.Choose the antonym to the underlined word:
Your answer is wrong.
*A) right
B) near
C) slow
D) nice
95. Put the verb into Present Simple Passive.
Many houses … in our country today
*A) are built
B) was built
C) were built
D) is built
96.Put the verb into Past Simple Passive:
Residential buildings, schools and hospitals … by builders.
*A) were built
B) was built
C) has been built
D) built
97. Put the verb into Future Simple Passive:
This work … tomorrow.
*A) will be done
B) is done
C) has been done
D) was done
98.Give short answer:
Does the building profession attract many young men and women?
*A) Yes, it does
B) Yes ,it has
C) Yes, it is
D) Yes, it was
99. Give the opposite meaning of the following adjectives:
*A) unknown
B) good
C) famous
D) great
100. Fill in the blanks:
There are too… technical books in our library.
*A) many
B) little
C) few
D) much
101. Choose and use:
London is the … city and the second … city in the world:
*A) largest/largest
B) large/small
C) largest/small
D) smaller/larger
102. Choose the correct variant:
The Constitution of the USA was … in 1789.
*A) adopted
B) achieved
C) decided
D) devoted
103 . Choose the correct variant:
The President is the … of the Government of the USA.
*A) head
B) heart
C) leader
D) –
104. Use the correct modal verb:
I … make an appointment with Mr .Green now.
*A) must
B) could
C) might
D) has to
105. Use the correct modal verb:
He … buy tickets for the new comedy now:
*A) can’t
B) could
C) must
D) have to
106. Use article where necessary:
In … 15th century people knew only three continents: Europe ,
…Asia …and …Africa.
*A) the/B) /--/the
C) the/the
D) -/107. Use the correct article:
Columbia was sure that he had discovered … new way to …India.
*A) a/B) the/C) a/the
D) -/the
108. If you go to Tashkent by … train ,it will take you 5 hours.
*A) B) a
C) an
D) the
109. Choose and use:
Why is London underground called the Tube?
It is called the Tube because of …
*A) the circular shape of its deep tunnels
B) the size
C) deep tunnels
D) a frequent service
110. Answer the question:
What was the earliest kind of Mass Media?
*A) newspaper
B) a television
C) radio
D) Magazines
111. Choose and use :
The main kind of radio entertainment is …
*A) music
B) a play and a trailer
C) events and news
D) an advertisement
112 . Answer the question:
What is printed in daily newspapers?
*A) world, national and local news
B) TV programs
C) coloured comics
D) scientific papers
113. Choose and use :
Television brings … from around the world.
*A) moving pictures and sounds
B) music
C) comedies
D) news
114. Choose and use
Uzbekistan … by 131 countries.
*A) was recognized
B) have been recognized
C) will be recognized
D) is recognized
115. Choose and use:
Besides .. . I like … swimming competitions.
*A) swimming/to watch
B) swimming/watch
C) swim/to watch
D) to swim /watched
116. Supply the correct word:
Is this room …?
*A) empty
B) deep
C) easy
D) difficult
117. Choose the best variant.
During the summer holidays my friend ____________ to visit the
village where he __________ during his childhood.
*A) decided / had lived
B) has decided / lived
C) will decided / to live
D) had decided / lived
118.Choose the best variant.
Students _______ know the history of their native country.
*A) must
B) can
C) may
D) could
119. Choose the best variant.
He ___________ us that his friends ________ in New York.
*A) told / were
B) tell / is
C) has told / have been
D) will tell / was
120.Choose the best variant.
We shall go to the cinema when ………………
*A) my father comes home
B) we shall have dinner
C) they will come back
D) we shall finish work
121. Choose the best variant.
What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday?
*A) I was doing lessons
B) I am reading a book
C) I came from the Institute
D) I have done my work
122. Choose the best variant.
This building is the ___________ in the city and one of the
__________ beautiful.
*A) highest / most
B) longest / less
C) better / long
D) far / more
123.Choose the correct question.
It’s more than 120 kilometers.
*A) How can I get to Tashkent
B) Where do you come from?
C) How far is it to Samarkand from here?
D)When will the next bus leave?
124. Choose and use:
Uzbekistan … by 131 countries
*A) was recognized
B) have been recognized
C) will be recognized
D) is recognized
125. Choose and use.
The independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan is celebrated …
*A) on September 1, 1991
B) on August 30, 1991
C) on March 2, 1992
D) on April 4, 1999
126. Choose and use :
The new constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted
on …
*A) December 8, 1992
B) January 2, 1992
C) December 10, 1991
D) March 8, 1992
127.Choose and use:
The National flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan consists of three
horizontal stripes:
*A) blue, white, green
B) yellow, green, blue
C) white, red, grey
D) red, white, green
128. Answer the question.
What does the mythical bird Semurg represent in the emblem?
*A) It represents the national renaissance
B) peace, happiness
C) Prosperity
D) Islam
129. Choose and use.
The UK can be divided into
*A) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
B) Wales and Northern Ireland
C) England and Northern Ireland
D) England and Scotland
130. Choose and use
Our Institute was established in …
*A) 1966
B) 1965
C) 1945
D) 1956
131.Choose and use:
Uzbekistan … by 131 countries
*A) was recognized
B) have been recognized
C) will be recognized
D) is recognized
132.Choose the best variant.
…. first thing we must do is having some food and, then, going for
….. long walk.
*A) the / a
B) any / some
C) a / the
D) some / an
133. Choose the best variant.
Science has become the most … factor in the development of
national economy.
*A) important
B) difficult
C) technological
D) famous
134. Choose the best variant.
“ I’ ve already read your book. Thank you very much.”
*A) Not at all
B) I have many books at home
C) Do, please
D) That’s all right
135. Choose and use
Besides …. I like … swimming competitions.
*A) swimming / to watch
B) swimming / watch
C) swim / to watch
D) to swim / watched
136. Choose the correct modal verb.
We … walk fast to get to the station in time.
*A) must
B) need
C) may
D) can
137. Supply the correct Tense form.
He (write) his article the whole day tomorrow.
*A) will be writing
B) will write
C) will being write
D) are writing
138. Choose the appropriate synonym.
They began their work in time.
*A) started
B) finished
C) explain
D) answer
139. Choose the correct pairs of antonyms.
*A) live – die
B) finish – end
C) peace – against
D) year - buy
140. Complete the logic list.
Cap, pants, shirt, skirt ….
*A) scarf
B) table
C) apple
D) wood
141. Choose the word out of logic group.
*A) cotton
B) butter
C) meat
D) cake
142. Supply the correct word . Is this room…?
*A) empty
B) deep
C) easy
D) difficult
143. Find the question to the sentence.
He goes to the institute by car.
*A) Does he go …?
B) Did you go …?
C) Do you go … ?
D) Has he gone …?
144.Find the second part of the question.
He is not a captain, …?
*A) isn’t he ?
B) wasn’t he?
C) is he ?
D) has he?
145.Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs.
It usually … him 20 minutes to get to the work.
*A) takes
B) take
C) have taken
D) is not taken
146. Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs.
Yesterday when I … her she … me about you.
*A) was meeting/told
B) have met /told
C) has told /will told
D) met had told
147.Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs
She … never … to eat soup.
*A) has liked
B) doesn’t like
C) like
D) will not like
148.Choose the correct answer.
How long has she been with you ?
*A) about 2 weeks
B) yes, she was
C) may be, tomorrow
D) of course
149.Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
They produced different models of cars … the new plan.
*A) according to
B) so that
C) as well as
D) therefore
150.Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs.
He … his work by the end of the month.
*A) had finished
B) has finished
C) have finish
D) will have finish
151. Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs.
I … never … to you about it.
*A) have/spoken
B) did/speak
C) have/spoke
D) will/speak
152. Supply the article where necessary.
Is … English language as difficult as … Russian language?
*A) the/the
B) a/a
C) the/a
D) -/153. Excuse me, can you tell me way to … British museum.
*A) the
B) C) a
D) an
154. Supply the correct preposition.
The young man began looking …the soap …his coat.
*A) for/in
B) at/for
C) on/to
D) for/to
155. Supply the correct preposition.
What places of interest … Samarkand can you recommend?
*A) in
B) of
C) to
D) for
158. Choose the disjunctive question.
*A) About 10 million people live in Moscow, don’t they?
B) How many people live in London ?
C) Have you ever been to Moscow ?
D) Do you like to travel?
159. Special question.
*A) What changes in Uzbekistan can you speak about?
B) Do you like to go in for sports ?
C) Do you like to go to the cinema or to the theatre ?
D) You like to go to the park , don’t you ?
160. Supply the correct tense form.
He … there unless he … .
*A)won’t go/is invited
B) go/invited
C) will go/invite
D) go/invite
161. Supply the correct tense form.
If you … him, you … him a book.
*A) see/will give
B) saw/will give
C) will see/give
D) see/give
162.Use the correct form of the adjective .
Are the trees in autumn … green … in summer ?
*A) as/as
B) so/as
C) so/so
D) as/so
163. Use the correct form of the adjective .
This is … topic for your report.
*A) the best
B) better
C) more
D) good
164. Supply the correct pronoun.
Isn’t that … friend over there ? –Oh.!No ,she isn’t …,she is … .
*A) your /mine/yours
B) your/his/my
C) my/yours/mine
D) mine/my/yours
165. Supply the correct tense form.
We (to walk) to the station when it (to begin) to rain.
*A) were walking/began
B) are walking/begin
C) walk/begin
D) walked/began
166. Supply the correct tense form.
Helen (to learn) English at the Institute.
*A) learns
B) is learning
C) have learned
D) learned
167. Supply the correct pronoun.
Tell him not to forget … ticket , she mustn’t forget … either.
*A) his/hers
B) him/hers
C) he/she
D) our/ours
168. Complete the questions
Betty is not well today, … ?
*A) is she
B) does she
C) isn’t she
D) she is
169. Put the articles. New year is one of... oldest holidays in ...
*A) the/the
B) the/C) an/the
D) -/the
E) the/a
170. .... book is always ... acceptable gift.
* A) a/an
B) the/C) the/the
D) an/the
E) -/a
171.Put the verb. Max ... to be good at interpreting, ... he?
*A) doesn't seem/does
B) seem/does
C) seemed/did
D) seems/does
E) didn't seem/does
172. I was ill and ... go to school for some days.
*A) couldn't
B) must
C) could
D) can't
E) can
173. Peter lived..... the suburb ... the capital ...
*A) in/of/of
B) on/of/in
C) on/in/of
D) in/of/on
E) in/in/of
174. Mos modal fe’lni tanlang.
…we do this work now? -… .
You can do it tomorrow.
*A) must/No you needn't
B) can/Yes you can
C) may/Yes you may
D) could/Yes you must
E) Might/No you might not
175. I hope he ... to England in two months.
*A) will go
B) shall go
C) goes D) go
E) went
176. Nick ... he ... his homework by 4 o'clock.
*A) said/had done
B) say/has done
C) says/do
D) said/does
E) said/has done
177. The boys ... four English books this year.
*A) have read
B) had read
C) reads
D) read
E) read (red)
178.She ... to school at 7: 30 and ... at 2 o'clock.
*A) goes/comes back
B) went/is coming back
C) go/come back
D) was going/has come back
E) is going/came back
179. At that time Martin ... in his third year at the University
*A) was
B) am
C) are
D) is
E) were
180. I ... never... such beautiful flowers before.
*A) have seen
B) had seen
C) shall see
D) has seen
E) will seen
181. I ... my work in time if you ... me.
*A) shall do/help
B) should do/helps
C) do/will help
D) have done/help
E) had done/would help
182. He ... his English in the morning, he ... it in the evening.
*A) doesn't have/has
B) don't have/had
C) doesn't have/is having
D) didn't have/have
E) hadn't/will have
183. Look! They ... in our direction.
*A) are coming
B) came
C) will come
D) was coming
E) come
184. He... to learn Italian next year.
*A) is going
B) was going
C) are going
D) will be going
E) shall be going
185. Mother, ... I go for a walk? I've done all my work.
*A) may
B) am to
C) have to
D) must
E) might
186. To’gri javobni tanlang.
My dress is ... than yours, isn't it?
*A) longer
B)C) the longest
D) longest
E) long
187. This is ... rule in this book.
*A) the most difficult
B) more difficult
C) most difficult
D) difficult
E) much difficult
188. The Thames is ... river in Britain.
*A) the longest
B) long
C) longest
D)E) longer
Predlog qo’ying.
189. It's time ... you to fill the pot... cold water and put it... the
*A) for/with/on
B) for/with/in
C) -/in/on
D) for/-/on
E) to/of/190. Nick goes...... boxing and takes part ... many competitions;
*A) in/for/in
B) to/for/in
C) for/in/on
D) in/to/for
E) for/in/in
191. There ... a book, a magazine, two pens and four exercisebooks o the table.
*A) is
B) are
C) were
D) shall be
E) have been
192. Mos artiklni qo’ying.
... youth of Great Britain wants to have ... better life for...
British people.
*A) the/a/the
B) -/-/the
C) the/the/the
D) the/-/the
E) -/the/193. Many years ago ... Tower Bridge of London was ...
*A) the/a
B) the/the
C) a/D) the/E) -/the
194. Mos olmoshni qo’ying.
If this hat is ... where have you put... ?
*A) yours/mine
B) his/hers
C) mine/her
D) ours/their
E) hers/my
195. Sifat darajasini to’g’ri qo’ying.
Why didn't you discuss this question yesterday?
It was ... important than the rest ones on the agenda.
*A) less
B) least
C) the least
D) E) little
196. Your English is much ... now. You've made ... mistakes this
*A) better/less
B) best/least
C) the best/less
D) good/less
E) best/the least
197. Mos artiklni qo’ying.
On ... first day they stopped at the river and decided to make a
*A) the
B) a
C) an
D) all the answers are right
E) all the answers are wrong
198. Olmoshni qo’ying
Bad news has wings.
*A) it
B) he
C) they
D) she
E) them
199. Bob soon finished his meal and paid the waitress.
*A) he/it/her
B) she/it/he
C) she/it/him
D) he/it/it
E) he/them/them
200. Mos fe’lni qo’ying.
When ... you ... here?
I... just... here.
*A) did/come back/have/come back
B) have/come back/have/come back
C) will/come back/have/come
D) do/come back/have/has come
E) are/coming back/was/coming back
201. Mos artiklni qo’ying.
At ... first it was difficult for her to drive ... car in ... London.
*A) -/the/B) the/the/C) -/-/the
D) a/-/the
E) a/a/202. .... book is always ... acceptable gift.
*A) a/an
B) the/C) the/the
D) an/the
E) -/a
203. Mos fe’lni qo’ying.
Max ... to be good at interpreting, ... he?
*A) doesn't seem/does
B) seem/does
C) seemed/did
D) seems/does
E) didn't seem/does
204. Everybody ... at what....
*A) was surprised/had happened
B) was surprised/has happened
C) is surprised/happen
D) surprise/happen
E) will be surprised/happened
205. lf you... in their talk they ... .
*A) don't interfere/will quarrel
B) didn't interfere/have quarreled
C) doesn't interfere/will quarrel
D) interfere/should have quarreled
E) interfere/are quarreling
206. A blind man was groping for the door handle.
*A) he/it
B) she/it
C) it/them
D) they/me
E) she/them
207. Every day I go for... walk and ride ... bicycle.
*A) a/a
B) the/C) -/a
D) -/the
E) a/208. Christmas is the celebration ... the birth ... Christ.
*A) of/of
B) in/for
C) of/D) in/E) -/of
209. He is interested ... planes and rockets .
*A) in
B) by
C) of
D) on
E) with
210. Mrs. was very good ... sewing and knitting and she was
always well dressed.
*A) at
B) on
C) for
D) of
E) by
211 . Mos fe’lni qo’ying.
New year is one of... oldest holidays in ... world.
*A) the/the
B) the/C) an/the
D) -/the
E) the/a
212. Uzbekistan is situated in ... Central Asia.
*A) B) a
C) an
D) the
E) one
213. First catch your... then cook it.
*A) hare
B) hair
C) heir
D) car
E) bear
214. To’gri javobni tanlang.
... name is Samuel, but ...may call ...Sam.
*A) my/you/me
B) his/you/me
C) my/she/him
D) your/you/me
E) her/he/him
215. Don't worry. I'll do ... best to help ....
*A) my/you
B) your/you
C) his/him
D) her/her
E) -/to you
216.To’gri javobni tanlang.
Mary is... girl in class.
*A) the tallest
B) taller
C) tall
D) E) tallest
217. I've done ... part of my work.
*A) the most difficult
B) more difficult
C) most difficult
D) difficult