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PAT Preparation Guide
(University of Oxford Test for Physics)
What is the PAT?
 The PAT is a pre-interview admissions test for physics courses at the University of
 Check below to see if the subject you are applying for required the PAT:
Engineering Science
Materials Science
Physics and Philosophy
 The test is one element (alongside your UCAS application and grades) that
determines whether you are invited to an interview.
 It is a test of your mathematical and physics skills. The types of questions on the
paper will be familiar to all those who have studied Mathematics and Higher Tier
Physics at GCSE and AS Level, you can find the syllabus online by clicking here.
 It is a 2 hour paper-based test in two parts.
The Test
In 2017 the PAT evolved and multiple choice questions have been reintroduced to the
assessment. The physics and maths sections will be mixed up with one another rather
than being two distinct sections.
Candidates are strongly advised to familiarise themselves with the format of the test
and the syllabus.
Click here for a new sample paper.
General Information and Advice
 Plan your time carefully. You must try to attempt all questions on the test.
 Show all of your working as partial marks can be given even if the final answer is incorrect.
 Ask your Mathematics and Physics teachers for help if you are unsure about any part of
the test syllabus.
 Remember that every topic on the syllabus will be familiar. The syllabus is taken from
skills learnt in GCSE and AS Level Mathematics and Higher Tier Physics.
 Complete practice papers under timed conditions. This will help you to calm your nerves
and familiarise yourself with the format of the paper.
Find test papers online here:
 Make sure that you read the Department of Physics website carefully for
information on applications in general and about the PAT in specific:
 Find more information about the PAT in the PAT leaflet: