DR. CLIFF D. TAYLOR •Economic geologist, over 35 years with the USGS, stationed in Denver, Colorado •Ph.D. in economic geology from the Colorado School of Mines •Extensive experience leading mineral resource assessments in the U.S., Africa, Australia, and Europe. GMRAP (2004-2010) global sed-Cu assessment team leader and coordinator for the African continent •Leader of recent mineral deposit research projects in Alaska, Idaho-Montana, Mauritania, and Algeria •Experience with a wide variety of mineral deposit types, with particular expertise in volcanogenic massive sulfides, sediment-hosted Cu, MVT Pb-Zn-fluorite, intrusion-related carbonate replacements, porphyry Mo-Cu, banded iron formation, and peralkaline granite-hosted U-Th-Nb-Ta-REE DR. CAROL A. FINN •Geophysicist, over 35 years with the USGS, stationed in Denver, Colorado •Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Colorado •Extensive experience leading projects to interpret geophysical data for mineral resource and volcano hazards studies •Leader and member of mineral deposit research projects in Montana, Minnesota, South Africa, Greenland, China, Mauritania •Leader of projects to investigate volcano hazards in Washington, Alaska, Antarctica, Australia, Japan and Yellowstone. •Past President of the American Geophysical Union. Mauritania, 2014 MR. STEVEN M. SMITH •Exploration/Environmental Geochemist, over 35 years with the USGS, stationed in Denver, Colorado •M.Sc. specializing in exploration geochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines •Over 30 years of experience in geochemical exploration methodology, geochemical applications for mineral resource assessments, and geochemical data management •Mineral resource assessments of US National Forest lands, BLM Wilderness areas, Native American Reservations, Sage grouse habitat of the western US, Alaska, Mexico, and Mauritania •Chief of the USGS National Geochemical Database project DR. FEDERICO SOLANO • • Research Geologist for the USGS in Reston, VA for the last 10 years Ph.D. in Earth Systems and GeoInformation Sciences from George Mason University • Recent/Current Projects: • Integration of Remote Sensing Alteration Mapping and Regional Geochemistry in the SW U.S. o zbekistan Rare Minerals Assessment o Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative o NASA VIPER mission o NASA RESOURCE mission o Duluth PGE assessment o Greater Antilles Archipelago Assessment