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Краткие сведения об аннотации

Краткие сведения об аннотации.
В аннотации необходимо с максимальной краткостью изложить существо вопроса,
раскрыть идеи, фактические данные, важнейшие выводы.
Зарубежные авторы определяют abstract как
Condensed account of
1. objects of work,
2. significant results,
3. general conclusions, and
4. specific recommendations.
Listing the contents in the terms such as “this paper describes” or “the paper
presents” should be avoided.
Текст аннотации рассчитан на быстрое восприятие содержащихся в ней сведений и
требует поэтому особенно ясной формы изложения.
Аннотация строится почти полностью из простых, распространенных предложений.
Сложные предложения редки. Почти отсутствуют связующие слова. Характерно
использование безличных предложений. Наиболее употребительны Present Indefinite, Past
Indefinite и Present Perfect.
В аннотации заметно преобладание страдательного залога, так как чаще всего идет
речь о видах проделанной работы.
В действительном залоге широко применяются глаголы: to show, to exhibit, to contain,
to possess, to concern, to present – давать, излагать и др. и их синонимы в страдательном
залоге: to be studied, to be considered, to be suggested, to be discussed, to be examined, to be
determined, to be used, to be estimated, to be compared, to be obtained, to be reviewed, to be
developed, to be investigated.
Структурная схема аннотации № 1
A … method
is described which obtains
solutions to … problems
on …
The method
is best suited for obtaining …
… solutions to … problems
with accuracy required in …
The solution is obtained
in terms of …
A(n) … system
is used for both …
and …
The theoretical basis for the
method is discussed and
some results are presented.
A collocation method
quasilinear parabolic problems (on)
a general two-dimensional domain.
robust (solutions)
smooth problems
most engineering applications.
A finite element, B-spline basis.
An iterative computer graphics system
problem formulation
subsequent display of selected results.
(the theoretical basis)
some typical computational results
Примеры аннотаций
(Все значимые слова в заглавии аннотации пишутся с заглавной буквы)
1. Using Artificial Neural Networks in Network Intrusion Detection.
Advantages and disavantages of various heuristic detection systems of intrusion based on only
positive traffic learning are considered. An intrusion detection model based on one-class
classification via an artificial neural network is suggested. The investigation of the models
developed on <<KDD Cup Data '99>> modeling data is performed.
2. On Theory of Determining Displacement Field on the Base of Transfer Equation in Discrete
The problem of determining a displacement field of a radiotracer in radionuclide
diagnostics is considered. A mathematical model is constructed on discrete equations. For
describing the change of radoitracer density along trajectories the transfer equation for discrete
case is used. The problem is reduced to an optimization problem for a discrete system for whose
solution an iteration scheme is constructed.
3. Taylor series method for autonomous systems of ordinary differential equations with polynomial
right-hand sides is considered. The new fast algorithms for Taylor coefficient calculation is
proposed. All the algorithms are designed to allow computerized application of the method.
4. The problem of the stable orbital movement of a spacecraft in the neighborhood of the collinear
libration point is considered. The numerical analysis of the control trajectory with different laws of
control is conducted. The results of numerical integration are graphically illustrated. As an
important result, the possibility of stability of a spacecraft in the neighborhood of the collinear
libration point is shown.