Uploaded by Ruslan Gazaliev

(ENG)Газалиев Р.А

Novice teacher professionalization. Problems and difficulties
Ruslan Gazaliev, NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia, rusg98@mail.ru
Elena Melekhina, NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia, melehina.elena@list.ru
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the study of problems, which novice
teachers of foreign language face during their professionalization. The
purpose of the article is to identify the most common problems of novice
Keywords: professionalization; novice teacher; methodological problems;
pedagogical problems
The purpose of our survey is to state and describe the problems and
difficulties that novice teachers face in the process of their
professionalization. Moreover, to give the solutions for the problems and
difficulties in further researches. We are going to show different types of
problems in different areas of the novice teachers work process. Which of
them are about to be solved by an individual itself. In addition, when it is
necessary to discuss and find the right way together with a mentor. It should
be noted that there are two areas of language learning: learning the rules
(general) and mastering vocabulary, expressions, and idioms (particular). [1]
Most of all, each novice teacher has to interact with the administration of
the institution. There are frequent cases when it is difficult for teachers to
interact even with students. [2]
We have interviewed novice university teachers, aged from 21 to 24 years.
All of them, are university novice teachers of a foreign language (French;
German; English), however psychology teachers were asked as well. The
problems we are going to discuss are interpersonal problems; organizing
problems; methodological problems.
The relevance of the professionalization process, as well as the factors
determining it, first caused by its importance in the development of the
society. Nowadays, the role of education as a social institution is growing.
The survey was conducted in the form of an online questionnaire using
automatic data collection containing questions related to the difficulties of the
pedagogical activity of a novice teacher. It contains twelve questions that
reveal the following problems: interpersonal; organizational; linguistic;
methodological. Interviewees answered questions anonymously; both closed
and open questions were there in the questionnaire. Methods and results are
based both on theory and on practice. Interpersonal problems have become
the most urgent for novice teachers and it is too hard for them to solve such
kinds of problems. Organizing problems turned out to be difficult as well as
methodological problems, but it is easier for novice teachers to solve them
and find proper solutions. In the previous works, the authors studied both
school novice teachers as well as university novice teacher. In our research,
we’ve studied only university novice teachers.
1. Bronova G. H. Psihologija truda. 1-e izd. M.: JeKSMO, 2009. 169
2. Gonobolin F.N. O nekotoryh psihicheskih kachestvah lichnosti
uchitelja // Voprosy psihologii. 1999. № 1 (32). S.100–111.
Research adviser: E.A. Melehina, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy).