Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day
in America
Thanksgiving Day is one of the most important
American holidays. Americans celebrate
Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on
the 4th Thursday in November. It started in
In 1620 a group of Englishmen went to the
New World on board the ship called
“Mayflower”. They were the pilgrims and
there were 102 of them.
The pilgrims came to America in November. It
was very cold there, they had nothing to eat
and a lot of people died.
At last the Pilgrims found a good place for
settlement. They built houses and called their
small village “New Plymouth”. The Pilgrims
met Indians, who helped them, and the name of
one of the Indians was Squanto.
Indians helped the Pilgrims to survive. They
taught them how to grow crops, hunt and fish.
In autumn 1621 the harvest was so good, that
the Pilgrims decided to make a feast.
The Pilgrims invited their Indian friends to share
this feast. The Indians brought food for the feast
too. They brought some turkeys, deer and popcorn.
The Pilgrims thanked God and their Indian
friends for what they had. And nowadays it’s a
time to remember all the good things in life and
to be thankful.
Thank you
for all my hands
can hold –
apples red
and melons gold,
yellow corn
both ripe and
peas and beans
so good to eat!
Thanksgiving Day Symbols
• Turkey is an
inseparable part of
• Индейка –
часть праздничного
• Cornucopia is a hornshaped basket filled
with fruits & goodies
• Рог изобилия –
корзина в форме
рога, наполненная
фруктами и
• Pumpkins are a Thanksgiving favourite for
about 400 years.
• Тыква –
уже более 400
• Cranberry sauce
is turkey's favourite
thanksgiving feast
• Традиционно
индейку подают с
• Corn were a part
of first thanks
giving feast & are
popular till date
• Кукуруза была
частью первого
пира Дня
On Thanksgiving Day all Americans
stay home with their families and eat a
big dinner.
Thanksgiving became a
national holiday in 1863
President Obama with the help of daughters
Sasha and Malia is pardoning the National
Thanksgiving Turkey.
On Thanksgiving Day there’s a great parade
in New York City, sponsored by Macy’s
department store.
At the end of the parade Santa Claus opens
Christmas shopping season.
On this day people express their gratitude to
God and give thanks to the dearest ones for
their love and support
Thank you, thank you, very much
For everything that I can touch.
Thanks a lot for nature’s food
And for when I’m feeling good.
Thank you, thank you, very much
For moms and dads
and friends and such.
Thanksgiving Day!