Действующие лица:
1. Narrator 1
2. Narrator 2
3. Narrator 3
4. Narrator 4
5. The Turnip
6. The old man
7. Granny
8. Anna
9. The dog
10.The cat
11.The mouse
Реквизит: костюмы действующим лицам, лопатка детская, лейки, скакалка.
Narrator 1: One day an old man goes to his garden. The old man plants a turnip
The old man (капает землю, сажает семя): Please, grow very big!
Granny (выходит и поливает репку): I like turnips.
Anna (выходит и поливает репку): I like turnips.
The dog and the cat (выбегаю и поливают репку): We like turnips.
The Mouse (выскакивает и поливает репку): I like turnips, too.
(Танцуют вокруг репки и поют песню “Little Seed”)
Little seed!
You look so sweet!
Little seed
Little seed!
Припев: Turnip seed, very small
Grow, turnip, grow
Turnip seed, very small
We love turnips so!
Little turnip,
Nice and round!
Little turnip,
Little turnip!
Giant turnips,
Look at you!
Giant turnip,
Giant turnip!
(Уходят в дом)
Narrator 2: The turnip grows and grows.
The Turnip: I’m big. I’m nice. I’m very sweet.
The old man: It’s a big giant turnip now. (Тянет репку) One, two, three…
(Вытирает пот со лба) It’s too big for me. Granny, come here. Help me, please!
Narrator 3: Granny is a very bright woman. She likes to sing and dance. She never
looks sad.
(Звучит песенка “With my foot I tap-tap-tap”, входит бабушка,
Granny: What’s the matter?
The old man: Please help me pull the turnip out!
Granny: Alright, I’m coming!
Narrator 3: So, she holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and
pull and pull.
All together: One, two, three… One, two, three… (Опускают руки, уставшие).
It’s too big for us. We need help.
Granny: Anna, come and help us.
Anna (прыгает на скакалке): Over my head and under my toes,
That’s the way my rope goes,
I can skip slowly, I can skip fast,
Look, my rope is whirling past.
Alright. I’m coming.
Narrator 4: So, Anna holds granny. Granny holds the old man. The old man holds
the turnip. They pull and pull and pull.
All together: One, two, three… One, two, three… (Опускают руки, уставшие).
It’s too big for us.
Anna: We need some help. Dog, dog! ... Help us, please!
(Звучит песенка « Hello, how are you», появляется пес)
Dog: I am pretty, little dog,
I can bark but can’t talk.
I’m black and like to play
In the garden every day.
What’s the matter?
Anna: Please help us pull out the turnip!
The dog: Alright! I’m coming.
Narrator 1: So, the dog holds Anna. Little Anna holds granny. Granny holds the
old man. The old man holds the turnip. They pull and pull and pull.
All together: One, two, three… One, two, three… (Опускают руки, уставшие.
Вытирают пол со лба). It’s too big for us.
The dog: We need some help. Cat, cat! ... Help us, please!
(Звучит песенка «Three little kittens», появляется кошка)
The cat: I’m a nice and funny cat.
I always sleep on my green mat.
I’m white and grey,
I like with you to play
What’s the matter?
The dog: Please help us pull out the turnip!
The cat: Alright! I’m coming.
Narrator 2: So, the cat holds the dog. The dog holds Anna. Little Anna holds
granny. Granny holds the old man. The old man holds the turnip. They
pull and pull and pull.
All together: One, two, three… One, two, three… (Опускают руки, уставшие.
Вытирают пол со лба). It’s too big for us.
The cat: We need some help. Little mouse, little mouse! ... Help us, please!
(Звучит песенка “Hickory, dickory, dock!” выбегает мышка)
The mouse: I am a mouse, you are a cat;
One, two, three, catch me! (Начинает убегать от кошки)
The cat: No, I don’t. Please help us pull the turnip out!
(Мышка возвращается)
Narrator 3: So, the mouse holds the cat. The cat holds the dog. The dog holds
Anna. Little Anna holds granny. Granny holds the old man. The old
man holds the turnip. They pull and pull and pull.
All together: One, two, three… One, two, three!
(Все падают, репка встает, поднимает вверх руки)
The Turnip: POP…Here I am!
All together: Oh! What a big turnip we have!
(Все радуются и поют песню “A little help goes a long, long way”)
A little help
Goes a long long way
A long long way, a long long way!
A little help
Goes a long long way
Give a little help today!
Hold on tight
To help a friend!
Hold on tight, hold on tight!
Hold on tight
To help a friendыпб
Give your friends a helping hand!
(Все кланяются)