Урок « Прогресс и цивилизация. История цивилизаций

Урок « Прогресс и цивилизация. История цивилизаций» Цивилизация майя - расцвет и упадок.
10 класс
УМК « Enjoy English» Биболетова М.З.Титул.2014
План урока ( презентация прилагается)
Учебные цели:
1. Развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением общей и специфической информации
( Подъем и падение цивилизации майя), навыков конспектирования.
2. Обобщить знания учащихся о древних цивилизациях( основные достижения)
3. Формировать “стратегии понимания” и умения ориентироваться в логико-смысловой структуре текста,
Совершенствовать навыки поискового и просмотрового чтения.
4. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания( определения, сообщения по плану, краткая
характеристика эпох от 2 до 7 предложений- описание, повествование)
Развивающие задачи урока:
1. Развивать языковую догадку и речевую наблюдательность.
2. Развивать умения высказываться логично и связно, делать выводы и анализировать полученную
Познавательные цели урока:
1. Расширить словарный запас учащихся с автоматизацией лексических единиц на уровне предложения,
2. Обогатить учащихся новой информацией о древних цивилизациях
3. Обучать учащихся анализу, сравнению, обобщению при работе с текстами культурологического
Воспитательные цели урока:
1. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к истории древних цивилизаций
2. Привлечь внимание учащихся к проблемам современной цивилизации и поискам их решения
Оборудование: географическая карта, картинки с изображением изобретений, текст для извлечения
информации, презентация.
Задачи урока: создание условий для осуществления коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.
Приемы: мини лекция, обсуждение в группе, высказывание по плану.
Форма организации: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая.
К концу урока обучающиеся должны:
-знать причины подъема и падения древней цивилизации, основные достижения римской, греческой,
египетской, китайской цивилизаций, основные этапы развития общества.
-уметь дать определение термину « Цивилизация», рассказать о его лингвистическом происхождении.
-высказаться в 2-7 связных, наполненных тематической лексикой предложениях по основным достижениям
одной из цивилизаций ( местоположение, время, основные открытия)
-извлечь конкретную и полную информацию из услышанного текста мини- лекции.
Контроль достижения целей осуществляется в оценивании устных ответов, проверки текстовой работы и
написанием личного письма об археологии ( домашнее задание)
Ход урока.
Организационный момент
Совместное определение целей и задач урока
Актуализация темы. Мозговой штурм. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания
Введение нового материала. Мини лекция. Развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением общей и
специфической информации. (Прогресс и цивилизация. Подъем и падение цивилизации майя),
навыков конспектирования.
Развитие навыков монологического высказывания.
5.Первичное закрепление. Работа в группах.
а) совершенствование навыков поискового и просмотрового чтения.
б) предъявление краткого устного сообщения по содержанию текста
6. Рефлексия собственной деятельности.
7. Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.
I. Организационный момент.. Приветственная беседа учителя.
II. Совместное определение целей и задач урока. На доске на листах расположены цели урока.
Обучающимся предлагается выбрать самые главные по их мнению на данный урок , исходя из темы и плана
работы, предъявленного учителем. Учитель отмечает выбранные пункты, комментируя выбор, добавляя
необходимые пункты.
- To train monologue speech habits ( sentence, text level)speaking about historical development( развитие навыков
монологического высказывания на уровне слова, предложения, текста.
-To train listening skills( развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением информации )
-To develop an ability to make notes (развитие навыков конспектирования лекции)
-To develop dialogue speech habits ( asking and answering questions)( развитие диалогической речи( умение
задавать и отвечать на вопросы)
-To train phonetics( тренировка фонетики)
-To train new words( reading, translation)( отработка новых слов)
-To train skills of interpreting information ( analyze, compare, choose)( навыки работы с информацией- анализ,
сравнение, обобщение)
-To get some knowledge about ancient civilizations- получить знание о древних цивилизациях
-To estimate my partner’s answer- оценивание ответов товарища
-To train an ability to work in teams навыки работы в команде
III. Мозговой штурм. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания. Учитель задает вопросы в
быстром темпе
What is the «civilization»?
What is the origin of the word « civilization»?
Which other words can substitute the word «civilization”?
What are the main traits( features) of а civilized society?
What society do we live in nowadays?
IV. Мини лекция. Развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением общей и специфической информации.
(Прогресс и цивилизация. Подъем и падение цивилизации майя), навыков конспектирования.
Учитель блоками выдает основную информацию, учащиеся конспектируют. При завершение лекции,
учащиеся отвечают на вопросы для закрепления материала.
Mini lecture. The height and the downfall of the Mayan civilization.
What is the Mayan
Civilization famous
The Mayan civilization attract a lot of scientists, archeologists, tourists and
researchers. The civilization was very developed and was famous for a developed
irrigation systems, astronomy calendar, it had a sophisticated culture with its
knowledge of Math, astrology and astronomy. About 13 million Mayans built great
stone temples with pyramids, its ruins can be seen nowadays.
When and where was
the state situated?
The state was located in Central America on the territory of Mexico’s Yucatan
Peninsula and reached the height of its development in 800 AD.
What puzzled the
The scientists discovered that this civilization vanished into the air and disappeared
instantly and suddenly. All the researchers were puzzled.
What caused the
They think that climatic changes caused the collapse of Mayan culture. The cities
were densely populated and the farmers supplied the city dwellers with crops and
products. But Crops depended on seasonal rains and just at that period there were
intensive droughts which lasted for decades. The Mayans had reservoirs to collect
water and a complicated irrigation system but at the period of constant droughts the
water ran out. No water- now crops. The Mayans couldn’t survive the lack of food
and water, those droughts were crucial for their survival and they died.
Why the lessons of
the past civilizations
are important for us?
What can modern societies learn from the Maya’s downfall? Nowadays people
face the same problem of fresh clean water. The examples of intense droughtsAustralia, western parts of the USA( Colorado river is practically dry) People have
to change their habits in order to survive the climatic changes. Scientists predict
dangerous droughts in some regions in future.
Затем выполняется по книге задание стр.97 упр.36 ответить на вопросы теста.
V. Совершенствование навыков поискового и просмотрового чтения. Учащиеся в группах по жребию
выбирают цивилизацию о которой им придется искать информацию в тексте. Учитель раздает текст , где
смешана информация о четырёх древних цивилизациях( Греция, Китай, Египет, Древний Рим), без указания
названий. Обучающиеся должны выяснить место, время, определить названия и основные достижения
цивилизации и выбрать картинки из имеющихся на доске
Текст( приложение 1)
The time of this civilization –the third millennium BC. Most historians see it as, the birthplace of world democracy,
Western philosophy, the basic principles of architecture, sculpture, poetry, physics, mathematics, theater, the
Olympic Games. The main Greek settlements were on the territory of modern Greece, the shores of the
Mediterranean, Black and Azov Seas.
The most famous philosophers and scientists - Thales, Democritus, Heraclitus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the most
famous physician Hippocrates, the Hippocratic Oath and today is the moral code of doctors all over the world .. The
main math works were written by Euclid, Archimedes
In the cities of the country first educational institutions,-schools were made for the children of the free population
(especially for boys).
This civilization was at its height in 202 BC ,and geographically was located in Southern Asia. This civilization has
a lot of achievements and many pieces of art, culture, industry and science and the Greatest Stone Wall still attracts
a lot of tourists.
In 105, the Cai Lun, the person who invented paper, presented it to Emperor of the Han Dynasty. The paper was
made from a mixture of solid components - fiber plants, fabric and other materials. From there, the paper gradually
spread to other countries of the world. After the invention of paper the next discovery was- printing, and the oldest
of the surviving printed book in the world dates back to 868 AD. Another achievement of these people was the
introduction of paper money, gunpowder, and the magnetic compass. The development of history might have been
taken in an entirely different way, if China's rulers decided to go to sea in order to expand its empire.
This civilization is one of the first states which was located in North-East Africa, on the Nile River. About 3
thousand BC in this region there was a state. The country is famous for pyramids and advanced irrigation system.
The pyramids were a contribution to the Sun, the channels - a contribution to the Nile. Literacy was the main trait of
that civilization. The Name of the person considered by the people to be his soul, and they believed in the
immortality of the soul. That is why the ancient kings being alive began building pyramids - their tombs. The quest
for immortality has created funerary cult, in this regard, the country developed the art of making a mummy. The
achievements of this culture are really significant: papyrus, monumental stone architecture-pyramids, a sculptural
portrait, knowledge of astronomy, medicine and mathematics. The first string musical instruments - a lyre and a harp
- were also invented by people of this civilization.
In 200 BC this civilization occupied Europe, Asia, some parts of Africa and was the biggest Empire of the world.
The greatest achievement of that period was a system of law, which is still studied in all universities. These people
are famous for their achievements in architecture, huge archways, glass walls, ceilings,. Even the greatest
architectural achievements, created before the Roman period, such as, for example, the Parthenon and the pyramids,
looked inside dark and cramped. This civilization invented CONCRETE. Their most famous concrete structure the
Pantheon, still is the largest concrete structure in the world, which has been existed for more than two thousand
The other achievements of the industry are well-known stone roads, straight and strong, they were always
constructed straight. One of the most important achievements of this civilization was a sewerage system was that it
was hidden from human eyes, kept from many diseases, infections, unpleasant smells and sights.The system of city
running water was also the greatest invention. by the end of the third century AD in the capital, there were 11
aqueducts, with a total length of 250 miles. Water mills, warm floors, pontoon bridges were also invented by these
б) предъявление краткого устного сообщения по содержанию текста. Группа предъявляет
монологическое высказывание( описание, повествование) о найденной цивилизации, использует
географическую карту ( местоположение, время расцвета, основные достижения)
в) дополнительно( викторина тест для проверки полученных знаний)( викторина- приложение3)
VI. Рефлексия собственной деятельности. Учитель комментирует деятельность учащихся, обучающиеся
заполняют табличку о результатах своей деятельности.
Поставьте +или -, если вы- я знаю основные достижения и причины упадка цивилизации майя, главные достижения других
- я умею выбирать нужную информацию из текста, сокращать, обобщать и сравнивать
- я умею делать записи на английском языке, слушая мини лекцию на англ. языке
- я умею отвечать на вопросы по теме « Древние цивилизации»
- я могу дать оценку выступлению одноклассника
- при работе в команде, я могу вести группу за собой
- я могу сделать краткое сообщение по истории одной из цивилизаций
VII. Подведение итогов, домашнее задание. Учитель подводит итоги, благодарить учащихся за работу.
.Домашнее задание: написать личное ответ- письмо другу, который хочет выбрать профессию археолога и
советуется с другом по переписке.
… I enjoy your letters, The main news!- My parents let me organize a great party for my classmates, you know how
difficult it was to find understanding with them, but now I know them better and I see that they are OK! I’ve already
decided what profession to choose. I want to be an archeologist, but my parents say that this profession is dull and
monotonous, because I would have to work at excavations in remote regions. Is the place you live famous for its
past? What do you want to be? Does an archeology attract you? …
Текст( приложение 1)
The time of this civilization –the third millennium BC. Most historians see it as, the birthplace of world
democracy, Western philosophy, the basic principles of architecture, sculpture, poetry, physics,
mathematics, theater, the Olympic Games. The main Greek settlements were on the territory of modern
Greece, the shores of the Mediterranean, Black and Azov Seas.
The most famous philosophers and scientists - Thales, Democritus, Heraclitus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle,
the most famous physician Hippocrates, the Hippocratic Oath and today is the moral code of doctors all
over the world .. The main math works were written by Euclid, Archimedes
In the cities of the country first educational institutions,-schools were made for the children of the free
population (especially for boys).
This civilization was at its height in 202 BC ,and geographically was located in Southern Asia. This
civilization has a lot of achievements and many pieces of art, culture, industry and science and the Greatest
Stone Wall still attracts a lot of tourists.
In 105, the Cai Lun, the person who invented paper, presented it to Emperor of the Han Dynasty. The paper
was made from a mixture of solid components - fiber plants, fabric and other materials. From there, the
paper gradually spread to other countries of the world. After the invention of paper the next discovery wasprinting, and the oldest of the surviving printed book in the world dates back to 868 AD. Another
achievement of these people was the introduction of paper money, gunpowder, and the magnetic compass.
The development of history might have been taken in an entirely different way, if China's rulers decided to
go to sea in order to expand its empire.
This civilization is one of the first states which was located in North-East Africa, on the Nile River. About
3 thousand BC in this region there was a state. The country is famous for pyramids and advanced irrigation
system. The pyramids were a contribution to the Sun, the channels - a contribution to the Nile. Literacy was
the main trait of that civilization. The Name of the person considered by the people to be his soul, and they
believed in the immortality of the soul. That is why the ancient kings being alive began building pyramids their tombs. The quest for immortality has created funerary cult, in this regard, the country developed the
art of making a mummy. The achievements of this culture are really significant: papyrus, monumental
stone architecture-pyramids, a sculptural portrait, knowledge of astronomy, medicine and mathematics. The
first string musical instruments - a lyre and a harp - were also invented by people of this civilization.
In 200 BC this civilization occupied Europe, Asia, some parts of Africa and was the biggest Empire of the
world. The greatest achievement of that period was a system of law, which is still studied in all universities.
These people are famous for their achievements in architecture, huge archways, glass walls, ceilings,. Even
the greatest architectural achievements, created before the Roman period, such as, for example, the
Parthenon and the pyramids, looked inside dark and cramped. This civilization invented CONCRETE.
Their most famous concrete structure the Pantheon, still is the largest concrete structure in the world, which
has been existed for more than two thousand years.
The other achievements of the industry are well-known stone roads, straight and strong, they were always
constructed straight. One of the most important achievements of this civilization was a sewerage system
was that it was hidden from human eyes, kept from many diseases, infections, unpleasant smells and
sights.The system of city running water was also the greatest invention. by the end of the third century AD
in the capital, there were 11 aqueducts, with a total length of 250 miles. Water mills, warm floors, pontoon
bridges were also invented by these people.
б) предъявление краткого устного сообщения по содержанию текста. Группа предъявляет
монологическое высказывание( описание, повествование) о найденной цивилизации, использует
географическую карту ( местоположение, время расцвета, основные достижения)
в) дополнительно( викторина тест для проверки полученных знаний)( викторинаприложение3)