Упражнение.1 Перепишите предложения в Present Perfect Continuous.

Упражнение.1 Перепишите предложения в Present Perfect Continuous.
Model: My father began to watch TV two hours ago. He is still watching it. - My father has
been watching TV for two hours.
1. Ann began to write a letter at five o'clock. She is still writing it.
2. They began to talk in the morning. They are still talking.
3. It began to rain an hour ago. It is still raining.
4. She began to cook dinner when we came. She is still cooking.
5. He began to make a fire 20 minutes ago. He is still making it.
6. 1 began to take pictures two hours ago. I am still taking them.
Упражнение. 2 Откройте скобки в Present Perfect Continuous.
1. My friend (work) on the project for two weeks.
2. Kate (look for) her bag for ten minutes.
3. You (sleep) all day again?
4. Why you (listen) to this song since yesterday?
5. How long (learn) English?
Упражнение.3 Переведите предложения на английский язык в Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Она уже два года изучает испанский язык.
2. Она разговаривает по телефону в течении 20 минут.
3. Он решает задачу в течении часа.
4. Она принимает витамины уже два месяца.
5. Она садит цветы с двух часов.
6.Они играют футбол с утра.
7. Они уже три часа играют во дворе.
8. Он ремонтирует машину уже три часа
9. Я не ем сладости с прошлого года.
10. Как давно ты работаешь в саду?
Упражнение.1 Перепишите следующий текст в Past Simple .
On Monday we have five lessons. The first lesson is English. At this lesson we write a dictation
and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. He answers well and gets a "five". Pete
does not get a "five" because he does not know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to the
canteen. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After school I do not go
home at once. I go to the library and take a book. Then I go home.
Упражнение.2 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.
1. I (to go) to the gym at seven.
2. I (to go) to the gym at seven o'clock yesterday.
3. John (to clean) his room yesterday .
4. Yesterday John (to clean) his teeth at a half past seven in the morning.
5. Jane (not to do) English exercises.
6. Jane (not to do) English exercises yesterday.
7. His brother (to drink) coffee with milk two hours ago.
8. His brother (to drink) coffee with milk yesterday.
9. Her husband (to like) his job. He (to go) to his office by bus. He (to go) to the office
10. Their family (to invite) everybody to the party last week
Упражнение.3 Поставьте глагол в форму Past Simple.
1) She (bring)__________ some chocolates to the party. .
2) I (hear) __________ a new song on the radio. .
3) I (read) __________ three books last week. .
4) They (speak) _________ French to the waitress. .
5) He (understand) ________ during the class, but now he doesn’t understand. .
6) I (forget) __________ to buy some milk. .
7) She (have) __________ a baby in June. .
8) You (lose) __________ your keys last week. .
9) They (swim) __________ 500m. .
10) I (give) __________ my mother a CD for Christmas. .
11) At the age of 23, she (become) __________ a doctor. .
12) I (know) __________ the answer yesterday. .
13) He (tell) __________ me that he lived in Toronto. .
14) We (lend) __________ John £200. .
15) She (drink) __________ too much coffee yesterday. .
Упражнение.1 Переведите предложения в Past Perfect.
1. Я уже написал письмо, когда сестра вернулась с работы.
2. Я написал письмо к 6 часам.
3. Он не закончил работу к 5 часам.
4. После того, как я получил телеграмму, я поехал встречать ее.
5. Ты сделал домашнее задание до того, как родители пришли домой?
6. Когда ты сделал домашнее задание?
7. Он сказал, что видел этот фильм.
8. После того, как он сдал экзамены, он поехал навестить родителей.
9. Прежде, чем поступить в университет, она работала на нашей фабрике
10. После того как она побывала в Англии, она захотела изучать английский язык.
Упражнение.2 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.
1. By two o’clock the teacher (to examine) all the students.
2. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (tо leave) my report at home.
3. All my friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the examinations successfully.
4. Poor Oliver (to lie) unconscious on the spot where Sikes (to leave) him.
5. By the time the train ( to reach) the city, he ( to make) friends with many passengers.
6. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin).
7. Where you (to work) before you (to enter) the University?
8. Lanny (to say) that he (to get) his education in Cape Town.
9. When I came home, my mother (to tell) me she (to receive) a letter.
10. She (to think) Gert and Lanny (to quarrel).
Упражнение. 3 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.
1. He suddenly (to understand ), that she (to love ) him all her life.
2. When we (to get ) to the river, the boat race (to start ).
3. When I (to come ) mother (to cook) dinner.
4. When the teacher (to enter) the classroom, the pupils (to open) their books.
5. I (to finish) my homework by 6 o’clock.
6. When I (to wake up) my father (to come) home.
7. The teacher (to understand ) that Lena (not to do) her homework.
8. Yesterday I (to find) the book, which I (to lose) in summer.
9. Tom (to return) from the cinema by 6 o’clock.
10. When father (to return) from work, we ( to do) our homework.
Упражнение.1 Перепишите предложения в Past Perfect Passive
1. She showed me the article which her brother translated.
2. When I arrived, they had built the house.
3. When he came, the film had already started.
4. When we came, the robbers had stolen the money.
5. The baker had baked the bread.
Упражнение. 2 Переведите предложения на английский язык используя Past Perfect
1.За ним послали, после того как я пришел.
2. Нам показали новый фильм, до того как он уехал.
3. Письмо было написано к 6 часам.
4. Зеркало было разбито, когда они вернулись.
5. Обед был приготовлен когда дети пришли.
6. Он был опрошен учителем на прошлом уроке.
7. Музей не был открыт к апрелю.
8. Текст был переведен вчера к 7 часам.
9. Телеграмма была отправлена ею вчера к 2 часам.
10. Деревья были посажены к весне.
Упражнение.3 Составьте предложения в правильном порядке.
1. sent,had, before, i, came,he, been.
2. went, before,he, film,a, shown, been,had,we, new.
3. had, been, the, by, letter, written, 6 o’clock, yesterday.
4. when, returned, they, been,had, mirror,the, broken.
5. stolen, had, the, they, came, when,been,money.
Упражнение.1 Раскройте скобки употребляя First Conditional.
1. If it ( rain), we ( not to go) to the park.
2. If he ( come) back, I (not to let) him in.
3. If we ( to study) well, we (to pass ) the exams.
4. If your mother (to permit) we ( to walk) to the park.
5. I ( not to get) home unless, I ( to find) the keys.
6. If I ( to have) enough money, I ( to buy) a car.
7. If she (to come), I ( to be ) glad.
8. If she ( to go) abroad, she ( to visit) interesting places.
9. If you ( to study) well, you ( to go) to the university.
10. I ( to ask) about it, if I ( to see) him.
11. She ( to drink) tea, if she ( to stay) at home.
12. If I ( to go) abroad, I ( to make) new friends.
13. If it ( to rain) this weekend, we ( not to able) to go for picnic.
14. If I ( to have) much time, I ( to help) you.
15. If he ( to stay) at home, I ( to watch ) TV all day.
Упражнение.2 Составьте предложения употребляя First Conditional.
1. If we hurry,
2. If the weather is fine,
3. If I hear any news,
4. If it rains this weekend,
5. If you finish your homework,
6. if I win in the lottery,
a) I’ll buy a new car.
b) we’ll not able to go for a picnic.
c) we’ll go to the mountains.
d) you’ll go to the cinema.
e) we’ll catch the the bus.
f) I’ll phone you
Упражнение.1 Выберите правильный вариант употребляя Second Conditional.
1. If you went abroad, you ( will/would) visit different places.
2. If he was there, he ( will/ would) ring up you up.
3. We (shall/should) write to her, If I knew her address.
4. If I were you, I (shall/ should go) abroad.
5. If you had enough time, you (will/ would help) me.
Упражнение.2 Раскройте скобки употребляя Second Conditional.
1. If I (to have) more time, I (to finish) my work.
2. If our flight (to land) on time, we (to arrived) in time for lunch.
3. I (to phone) him, If I (to know) his number.
4. If we (to study) well, we (not to fail) the exams.
5. If you (to start ) earlier, you ( not to miss ) the train.
6. If Romans (not to invaded) Britain, they (not to build) their roads.
7. If I (not to eat) cakes, I (to lose) weight.
8. If I (to have) a beautiful voice, I (to sing) in a band.
9. If we (to have) much money, we (to live) in a big house.
10. If I (to go) abroad, I (to spend) a lot of money.
Упражнение.3 Составьте предложения в правильном порядке, употребляя Second
1. buy, it, I, should, if, were, I, you,
2. would, he, chess, play, he, time, had, if.
3. were, they, they, if, young, play, would, football.
4. free, would, you, if, go, were, there, you.
5. on, foot, there ,they, lived, if, they, home ,go, would.
Упражнение.4 Перепишите следующие предложения, употребляя Second Conditional.
1. If the weather is warm, we shall bathe in the river.
2. If there is much snow in January, they will go skiing.
3. If the rain stops, the girls will go for a walk.
4. If he is not very busy, he will help you.
5. If you work hard, you will pass all exams.
Упражнение.1 Вставьте нужный артикль где необходимо
1. This...pencil is broken. Give me that...pencil, please.
2. I have...ten programmers on my TV.
3. My friend has...car. ...car is broken now.
4. I got...letter from my friend yesterday.
5. She has...daughters and one...son.
6. My...brothers...friend has no...dog.
7. This is...house. ...house is white
8. I read...good book yesterday. ...book was interesting and funny
9. I have … neighbor. My neighbor is … cook.
10. It is … new house. … house was built eleven years ago.
11. On … market Melissa bought peaches, pears, oranges, bananas and … big watermelon.
12. We didn`t expect such … bad rainy weather.
13. Jane never realized that … nights in southern mountains could be so cold.
14. Jerry describes … person selling magazines near …railway station.
15. Elisabeth`s son is a student. He is a student of the technical college.
Упражнение.2 Дополните предложения выбрав правильный вариант артиклей.
1. What's your name? My name is…Alison.
2. Where are you from? I am from …USA, … Wisconsin.
3. Where do you live? We live in … eastern part of … Minnesota. Our grandparents live in …
4. What street do you live in? I live in … Green Street.
5. What school do you study at? I study at … Hudson Middle school.
6. Have you got … pen-pal in … England?
7. What nationalities are your parents? My mother is … English. My father is … Swiss.
8. Where and when were you born? I was born in … Moscow in … 1984.
9. What's your mom? My mom is …housewife.
10. What's your dad? My dad is … driver
Упражнение.3 Вставьте артикль the, где необходимо.
1. … Australia is …largest island in … world.
2. … Mississippi is …longest river in … North America.
3…. Pacific Ocean is …largest ocean in …world.
4. What is … deepest lake in our country?
5. Which river is deeper: … Thames or … Severn in Great Britain?
6. … United States of America were formed in 1776.
Упражнение.1 Раскройте скобки употребляя герундий.
1 The machine needs ( to clean)
2. He seemed sorry for ( to be) inattentive to his child.
3. The clothes want ( to wash)
4. Excuse me for ( to break) your beautiful vase.
5. She was proud of ( to award) the cup of a champion.
Упражнение.2 Допишите предложения используя слова в скобках.
( telling the story, going home, smoking, going to the theatre, helping us)
1. He stopped … .
2. He went to the club instead of … .
3. He started … .
4. She enjoys … .
5. Thank you for … .
Упражнение.3 Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. I have no hope of seeing him soon.
2. After finishing his work, he went to bed.
3. He is very fond of playing football.
4. Go on telling your story.
5. Reading is her favorite occupation.
6. After reading the letter, I put it on the table.
7. He was busy translating an article, when I came.
8. I think of going to the south in autumn.
9. Thank you coming.
10. He started smoking.
Правильные ответы: Present Simple.
Упражнение 1. 1 - do, 2 - works, 3 - sleeps, 4 - work, 5 - drink, 6 - is, 7 - has, 8 - are, 9 - are, 10 – is
Упражнение 2. 1 - has, 2 - is, 3 - is, 4 - gets, 5 - goes, 6 - is, 7 – does, 8 - has, 9 - goes, 10 - takes, 11 takes, 12 - speaks, 13 - call, 14 - takes, 15 – goes
Упражнение 3. 1 - play, 2 – does not (=doesn’t) write , 3 – Do (you) speak, 4 – does not (=doesn’t) like,
5 – Does (Ann) have, 6 - works, 7 – cannot (=can’t) read, 8 – Do (they) water, 9 – does not (=doesn’t)
ride, 10 – Does (Elizabeth) drink
Ответы :Present continuous
Упражнение 1
1. My book is lying on the table.
2. They are working.
3. The doctor and her patient are talking.
4. We are cooking dinner. My mother is making a salad.
5. A young man is driving a car. He is listening music.
6. My grandfather is reading a book.
7. The pen is lying on the floor.
8. Are you having a break?
9. She is still singing
Упражнение 2 Present continuous
1 Мы пишем.
We are writing.
2 Они не читают.
They are not reading.
3 Она не работаем.
She is not working.
4 Вы смотрите?
Are you watching?
5 Он не читает.
He is not reading.
6 Они не играют на пианино.
They are not playing the piano.
7 Я не пеку торт.
I am not baking a cake.
8 Она не поет.
She is not singing.
9 Ее сестра не спит.
Her sister is not sleeping.
10 Бабушка не пьет чай?
Is grandmother not drinking tea?
11 Твои друзья пьют кофе?
Are your friends drinking coffee?
12 Она работает за столом.
She is working at the table.
13 Я пишу письмо.
I am not writing a letter.
14 Я делаю упражнение.
I am doing an exercise.
15 Мальчики не плавают в бассейне.
The boys are not swimming in the pool.
Ответы - Упражнение 3 Present continuous
1. The boys running about in the garden. 2 I am doing my homework. 3. John and his
friends are going to the library. 4. Ann is sitting at her desk. She is studying geography. 5. A young man
is standing at the window. He is smoking a cigarette. 6. The old man is walking about the room. 7. The
dog is lying on the floor. 8. Are you having a break? 9. What language are you studying? 10. Who is lying
on the sofa? 11. What are they talking about? 12. It is still raining
Ответы - Упражнение 1 Present Perfect
1. have worked
2. has already broken
3. has gone
4. has had
5.has hurt
Ответы- уупражнение2 Present Perfect
1. has gone
2. have dug
3. has put
4. has helped
5. has turned
6.has smashed
7. has written
8. has finished
9. has made
10. have painted
Ответы - упражнение 3 Present Perfect
1.He have lived in London all his life.
2. He has never been to Russia.
3. They haven’t caught the dragon yet.
4. Have you taken Ann to school?
5. They have just come back ( returned) from France.
6. Have you got my letter?
7. We have done all the exercises.
8. Have you ever seen a crocodile?
9. She has not left yet.
10. We have not had English since last week.
Ответы- Упражнение 1 Present Perfect Continuous
1. She has been writing.
2. They have been talking.
3. It has been raining.
4. She has been cooking.
5. he has been cooking.
6. I have been taking.
Ответы- Упражнение 2 Present Perfect Continuous
1. has been working.
2. has been looking for.
3. have been sleeping.
4. have you been listening?
5. how long have you been learning?
Ответы- Упражнение 3 Present Perfect Continuous
1. she has been learning Spanish for two years.
2. she has been talking on phone for 20 minutes.
3. she has been doing the task for an hour.
4. she has been taking vitamins for two month.
5. she has been planting the flowers since two o’clock.
6. they have been playing football since morning.
7. they have been playing in the yard for three hours.
8. he has been repairing the car for three hours.
9. I haven’t been eating sweets since last year.
10. how long have you been working in the garden?
Ответы- Упражнение.1 Past Perfect
1. I had already written a letter, when my sister came.
2. I had already written a letter by 6 o’clock.
3. He hadn’t finished his work by 5 o’clock.
4. After I had received a telegram, I went to meet her.
5. Had you done your home task before your parents came?
6. Had you done your home task?
7. He said, that he had seen this film.
8. After he had passed all his exams, he went to visit his parents,
9. Before she entered to the university, she had worked at our factory.
10. After, she had been to England, she wanted to learn English.
Ответы- Упражнение.2 Past Perfect
1. had examined; 2. I remembered, I had left; 3. Were, I had passed; 4. Lay, had left; 5. Reached, had
made; 6. Entered, had begun;7. Had you worked, you entered;8. Said, had got;9.told,had received;10.
thought, had quarreled;
Ответы- Упражнение.3 Past Perfect
1. understood, had loved; 2. got, had started; 3. came, had cooked; 4. entered, had opened;5. had
finished;6. woke up, had come; 7. understood, hadn’t done;8.found, had lost; 9.had returned; 10.
returned, had done.
Ответы- Упражнение.1 Past Perfect Passive
1. She showed me the article which had been translated by her brother.
2. The house had been built, when I arrived
3. The film had been started, when he came.
5. The bread had been baked.
Ответы- Упражнение.2 Past Perfect Passive
1. He had been sent, before I came.
2. We had been shown a new film, before he went.
3. The letter had been written by 6 o’clock.
4. The mirror had been broken, when they returned.
5. The dinner had been prepared when the children came.
6. He had asked by teacher at last lesson.
7. Museum hadn’t been opened by April.
8. The text had been translated yesterday by 7 o’clock.
9. The telegram had been sent by her .
10. The trees had been planted by spring.
Ответы- Упражнение.3 Past Perfect Passive
1. He had been sent, before I came.
2. We had been shown a new film, before he went.
3. The letter had been written by 6 o’clock yesterday.
4. The mirror had been broken, when they returned.
5. The money had been stolen when they came.
Ответы- Упражнение.1. First Conditional
1. rains, shall not go;
2. comes, I shall not let;
3. study, shall pass;
4. permits, we shall walk;
5.I won’t get, I find;
6. have, shall buy;
7. comes, shall be;
8. goes, will visit;
9. study, will go;
10. shall ask, see;
11. will drink, stays;
12. go, shall make;
13. rains, shall not to able;
14. have, shall help;
15.stays, shall watch;
Ответы- Упражнение.2 First Conditional
1.e; 2.c; 3.f; 4.b;5.d;6.a
Ответы- Упражнение.1. Second Conditional
1. would; 2.would;3.should; 4. Should;5. Would;
Ответы- Упражнение.2. Second Conditional
1. had, would finish; 2.landed, should arrive; 3. should phone, knew;4.studied, shouldn’t fail;
5.started, wouldn’t miss; 6. didn’t invade, wouldn’t build; 7.didn’t eat, should lose; 8. Had,
should sing; 9. had, should live; 10. Went, should spent;
Ответы- Упражнение.3. Second Conditional
1. If I were you, I should buy it.
2. If he had time, he would play chess.
3. If they were young, they would play football.
4. If you were free, you would go there.
5. If they lived there, they would go there on foot.
Ответы- Упражнение.4. Second Conditional
1. was warm, should bathe.
2. was much snow, would go.
3. stopped, would go.
4. wasn’t, would help.
5. worked, would pass.
Ответы- Упражнение.1. Gerund (гурундий)
1. cleaning; 2. Being; 3. washing; 4. breaking; 5. Awarding;
Ответы- Упражнение.2. Gerund (герундий)
1. smoking; 2. going home; 3. telling the story; 4. going to the theatre; 5. helping us;
Ответы- Упражнение.3 . Gerund (герундий)
1. У меня нет надежды увидеть его скоро.
2. После того как он окончил работу он лег спать.
3. Он любит играть футбол.
4.Продолжайте рассказывать историю.
5. Чтение- ее любимое занятие.
6. После прочтения письма он положил его на стол.
7. Он был занят переводом статьи когда он пришел.
8. Я думаю о поездке на юг осенью.
9. Спасибо за то что пришли.
10. Он начал курить.
Ответы- Упражнение.1. The article.
1. -; 2.-; 3. a, the; 4.a, the; 5. -; 6. -; 7. a, the; 8. a, the; 9. a, a; 10.a,the; 11. the, a; 12.a; 13. the; 14. a,the;
15. a, a, the;
Ответы- Упражнение.2. The article
1. -; 2. the,-; 3. the,-; 4. -; 5. the; 6. a; 7. -,-; 8. -,-; 9. a; 10. a;
Ответы- Упражнение.3. The article
1. -, the, the;
2. the, the;
3. the, the, the;
Список используемой литературы
1.К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич. Практическая грамматика английского языка. 2001г.
2. Ю. Голицинский. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. 1997г.
3.Л.Г. Верба, Г.В. Верба. Грамматика современного английского языка. 2007г.
4.Е.А. Истомина, А.С. Саакян. Английская грамматика. 2002г.
5. Е.А. Васильева. 100 главных правил английского языка. 2011г.
6. Э.П. Ельникова, З.В. Зарубина, Л.А. Кудрявцева, М.Ф. Ширманова.
Совершенствуйте свой английский. Keep up your English. 1988г.
7. Республиканский научно- методический журнал. Английский язык в школе. 2007г