Усиленная грамматика - Образование Костромской области

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
1. Ф.И.О. Смирнова Елена Алексеевна
2. Дата рождения: 08.03.1972
3. Место работы: МОУ СОШ №2 городского округа город Буй;
Информационно-методический центр отдела образования
администрации городского округа город Буй
4. Должность: учитель иностранного языка;
Педагогический стаж: 13,5 лет
Преподаваемый предмет: иностранный язык
Номинация: Дидактические материалы для учащихся
Тема работы: Программа элективного курса по английскому языку для
учащихся 10-11 классов «Усиленная грамматика».
9. Домашний адрес автора (с индексом, контактными телефонами,
междугородним кодом, электронным адресом): 157000 Костромская область
город Буй, ул. Октябрьской революции д.27 кв. 37
тел. домашний: 4-56-65; 4-60-62
тел. мобильный: 89206436598
эл. адрес: [email protected]
10. Ф.И.О. руководителя образовательного учреждения: Ширяева Людмила
11. Адрес образовательного учреждения
(с индексом, контактными
телефонами, междугородним кодом, электронным адресом): 157000
Костромская область город Буй ул. Республиканская д. 4а, тел. 4-47-68;
эл. адрес: [email protected]
12. Подпись автора
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
Директор школы: _______Ширяева Л.В.
элективного курса для учащихся 10-11-х классов
«Усиленная грамматика английского языка»
Автор программы: Смирнова Е.А.
учитель английского языка
2008 г.
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
элективного курса для учащихся 10-11-х классов
«Усиленная грамматика английского языка»
Нужно много учиться, чтобы немногое знать.
Настоящая программа является обучающей. Она составлена на основе
образовательного стандарта основного (общего) и среднего (полного) образования по
английскому языку. Программа позволяет освежить и обобщить знания учащихся в
области грамматики английского языка.
Состав программы элективного курса для учащихся 10-11-х классов
«Усиленная грамматика английского языка».
Пояснительная записка.
Цель элективного курса «Усиленная грамматика английского языка».
Задачи элективного курса «Усиленная грамматика английского языка».
Методы и формы обучения.
Ожидаемый результат.
Содержание курса.
Примерное тематическое планирование элективного курса «Усиленная
грамматика английского языка».
Требования к умениям и навыкам учащихся.
Список используемой литературы.
Пояснительная записка.
К концу обучения в средней школе и в преддверии поступления в высшие и средние
учебные заведения у учащихся возникает необходимость освежить, обобщить свои
знания и скорректировать пробелы в них в области грамматики английского языка.
Очень часто на уроках не бывает достаточно времени для закрепления определённых
грамматических навыков. Так данный элективный курс позволяет значительно
улучшить качество знаний учащихся в данном разделе изучения английского языка.
Курс рассчитан на 36 часов изучения, т.е. на занятия 1 раз в неделю в течение
учебного года.
Цели курса: обнаружить и своевременно скорректировать пробелы в знаниях
учащихся; сформировать устойчивый интерес к предмету; развивать стремление к
самообразованию учащихся.
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
Задачи курса: закрепить в сознании учащихся представление об основных частях
речи в английском языке и грамматических явлениях, связанных с ними; научить
узнавать и анализировать грамматические явления в текстах; совершенствовать
навык чтения и понимания прочитанных текстов; подготовить учащихся к
выполнению тестовых заданий на изученные грамматические явления; расширить
лексический запас и сформировать общую языковую компетенцию учащихся.
Методы обучения:
словесный: объяснение, учебная дискуссия;
наглядный: демонстрации, компьютерное тестирование;
Формы обучения: занятие- лекция, практикум.
Ожидаемый результат. В процессе обучения учащиеся приобретают следующие
умения: анализ и применение в речи изученных грамматических явлений.
Совершенствуется навык чтения и обогащается словарный запас учащихся.
Учащиеся становятся более уверенными в своих языковых знаниях.
Содержание элективного курса:
GRAMMAR: There/ to be
Much, many, a lot, (a) little, (a) few
The verbs to be, to have.
The Noun. Uncountable nouns.
Вставьте глаголы “to be”, “to have”:
Good evening. My name … Annabelle Hayes. I … French. I … three children. They
…n’t French. They … English because my husband … English. He … a bank manager in
London. My children … at school. My daughters … good pupils, but my son …n’t. My
husband … a car and he drives it to work. I also … a car and I use it to go shopping. My
son … a bicycle. It … blue.
Вставьте “there is”, “there are”:
In my living-room … a coffee-table. On the coffee-table … two ashtrays. … also a
cigarette-box on the table. On the floor … a carpet. … also a sofa in my living-room, and
… three armchairs. … five pictures on the wall. In the corner of the room … a television.
Вставьте артикль “a”, “an”, “the”:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
Good morning. My name is John Hayes. I am English. I am … bank manager in London. I
work in-office in … city. In … office there is … desk and … chair. On … desk there is …
telephone and … vase. I live in … house in … country. In … house there is … living-room,
… dining-room and … kitchen. There are three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. It is very
quiet in … country.
Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на притяжательный падеж
1. Yesterday I had supper at my friends.
2. He came home after a month’s holiday in Hungary.
3. Peter’s best friend came to see him.
4. As it was Peter’s birthday his friend brought him presents.
5. Peter liked his friends’ present.
6. Yesterday’s meeting of the friends continued till late at night.
Вставьте нужное слово:
1. He doesn’t have (many/much) money.
2. I would like (a few/a little) salt on my vegetables.
3. She bought (many/much) cards last night.
4. There are (less/fewer) students in this room than in the next room.
5. There is (too much/too many) bad news on television tonight.
6. A (few/little) people left early.
7. Would you like (less/fewer) coffee than this?
8. This jacket costs (too much/too money)
Заполните пропуски, используя “many, much, (a) little,(a) few, a lot of”:
1. … was said, but … done.
2. The application of electricity in the modern world is the result of … work, … study and …
3. He has very … knowledge of the matter.
4. … heard about the book, but … read it.
5. A good speaker can day much in … words.
6. Why do you eat so … ? Try … of everything.
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
7. There isn’t … harm in it.
Прочитайте и переведите.
I have three meals a day. In the morning I have a little porridge. Then I have tea with
bread and butter. Sometimes I put a few slices of cheese on the bread. I don’t like sweet
tea, so I put little sugar in it. But my sister (who is a sweet-tooth) puts many lumps in her
tea. She is very fond of porridge too. She eats much porridge and puts much sugar in it.
Sometimes she asks for another plate of porridge.
GRAMMAR: Pronouns.
The Adjective.
The Adverb.
Выберите правильную форму местоимений:
1. Would you like to see some of (her/hers) latest pictures?
2. He has not read a line of (your/yours), how can he criticize (your/yours) poems?
3. If this book is neither (her/hers) nor (his/he), it should be (my/mine).
4. (Their/theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much superior to (our/ours).
5. Will you help me to sort out the things? I can’t tell which are (your/yours) and which are
6. (Their/theirs) boat was faster than (our/ours).
Заполните пропуски соответствующими возвратно-уcилительными местоимениями:
1. We shall do it … .
2. She wants to come … .
3. They decided to make the instruments … .
4. Can he translate this text … ?
5. Will you go there … ?
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
6. I can’t do it … .
7. The text … is interesting, but I don’t like the exercises.
Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе:
1. This is a small room.
2. That is a long corridor.
3. This is an African boy.
4. That question is difficult.
5. This girl has a University education.
Заполните пропуски соответствующими вопросительными местоимениями:
1. … arrived first? 2. … did you say? 3. … boy is you friend? 4. … is Easter? 5. … is
the office? 6. … does it cost? 7. … words does he know? 8. … do you want to live in
Выберите нужную форму местоимения:
1. I go to school with (he/him) every day.
2. I see (she/her/herself) at the Union every Friday.
3. She speaks to (we/us/ourselves) every morning.
4. Isn’t (she/her) a nice person?
5. (He/Him) is going to New York on vocation.
6. (She/Her) and John gave the money to the boy.
7. (Yours/Your) record is scratched and (my/mine) is too.
8. I hurt (my/mine) leg.
9. John bought (himself/hisself) a new coat.
10. (We/Us) girls are going camping over the weekend.
11. Everyone does (their/his) own research.
12. Just between you and (I/me), I don’t like this food.
Вставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения:
1. This room is as … as that one, but it isn’t so … (large, light).
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
2. The … listen to music the … understand it (long, well).
3. Women are … drivers than men (careful).
4. You may have to spend three times as … time if you go by train (much).
5. John works … than Tom but earns … (hard, little).
6. You must eat … bread and spend … time walking (little, much).
7. That was the … of his recent publications (interesting).
8. Which is the … way of solving the problem (simple)?
9. You make far … mistakes in your English now (few).
10. Let’s go by car. It’s much … (convenient).
11. Which of you did … at the last exam (well)?
12. My elder sister is two year … than I am (old).
13. The traffic here isn’t so … as in the city centre (heavy).
14. Petrol is twice as … now as it was a few years ago (expensive).
15. You are a little … than he is (tall).
Прочитайте и переведите:
This is a match between a Finnish college team and a Spanish one. The Finnish players
are taller than The Spanish. One of the Finns is taller than all the others in both teams. The
shortest man’s in the Spanish team, but he is definitely the quickest.
At the beginning the Finnish team was quicker, but later the Spaniards were more
successful. They were quicker and cleverer with the ball.
Now they are winning 90 to 87, but they are a bit more tired than the Finns. There’s only
five minutes left. Which team is going to win the match? Can only tall people play
basketball? Are there any good players among your friends?
GRAMMAR: Modal Verbs.
Simple Tenses (active. passive)
Conditional Sentences of Real Condition.
Вставьте соответствующий модальный глагол (эквивалент модального глагола):
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
1. You … leave your car. … you see “No parking” sign?
2. He … not even know I’m here.
3. You … read in bed. It’s bad for your eyes.
4. I said, “… I help you?”.
5. “… I escort you home?” she said.
6. You … be exhausted after all the tennis you played this afternoon, Minnie.
7. They didn’t … to worry about money.
8. He will come if he … .
9. He … come at 4 o’clock if the plane arrives on time.
10. I didn’ go shopping this morning as I … do the housework.
11. She … come to see me yesterday, but she forgot.
12. I gave him a few lessons and he … soon swim.
13. He didn’t agree with me at first but I … persuade him.
14. You … not leave this room until you get permission.
Прочитайте и переведите:
Do You Call That a Hat?
“Do you call that a hat?” – I said to my wife. “You needn’t be so rude about it, “My
wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. I sat down on one of those modern
chairs with holes in it and waited. We had been in the hat shop an hour and my wife was
still in front of the mirror.
“We mustn’t buy things we don’t need,” I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it
almost at once.
“You needn’t have said that,” my wife answered. “I need not remind you of that
terrible tie you bought yesterday.”
“I find it beautiful,” I said. “A man can never have too many ties.”
“And woman can’t have too many hats,” she answered.
Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat looked
like a lighthouse!
Jumbo versus the Police. (Modal verbs)
Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take some presents to
a children’s hospital. Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a “guard of
honour” of six pretty girls, He set off down the main street of the city riding a baby
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
elephant called Jumbo. He should have known that the police would never allow this sort
of thing. A policeman approached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a sidestreet as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. Though Jimmy agreed to go at once, Jumbo
refused to move. Fifteen policemen had to push very hard to get him off the main street.
The police had a difficult time, but they were most amused. “Jumbo must weigh a few
tons”, said a policeman afterwards, “so it was fortunate that we didn’t have to carry him. Of
course, we should arrest him, but as he has a good record, we shall let him off this time.”
Найдите сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму, переведите
1. Someone sat on my hat. 2. My hat was sat on. 3. George and I placed in the
same class. 4. Someone placed George and me in the same class. 5. Cars kill people on the
roads every day. 6. People are killed on the roads every day. 7. This book was first
published in 1975. 8. They first published this book in 1975. 9. I am very interested in
chess. 10. In museum visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 11. They will give
you the answer
next week. 12. Chairs are usually made of wood.
Преобразуйте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог, не
меняя времени сказуемого:
Model: They offered him interesting work.
He was offered interesting work.
Interesting work was offered (to) him.
I paid him money yesterday.
The doctor prescribed a new medicine to the sick man.
They will finish their work in time.
They give us six lessons a day.
They will tell him the news.
Вставьте глагол в нужной видо - временной форме:
If I have time I … (to go).
If my headache … (to disappear), we can play tennis.
If I … (to be) rich, I will travel around the world.
If I have the money, I … (to buy) a new car.
He … (to tell) you about it as soon as he comes.
If you don’t leave now, you … (to be) late.
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
Unless you … ( to go) to university, you … (not to get) a good education.
You won’t meet her unless you … (to invite) her to the party.
When he … (to be) ready, we … (to go) to the café.
If he …(not to study) harder, he … (to fail) in the examination.
Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание не время и залог
When Elvis Presley died on the16-th August, 1977, radio and television
programmes all over the world were interrupted to give the news of his death. President
Carter was asked to declare a day of national mourning, Carter said, ”Elvis Presley changed
the face of American popular culture … He was unique and irreplaceable.” Eighty
thousand people attended his funeral. The streets were jammed with cars and Elvis Presley
films were shown on television, and his records were played on the radio all day. In the
year after his death, 100 million Presley LPs were sold. He died from Heart attack. He had
been working too much for several years. He left all his money to his only daughter Lisa
Maria Presley. She became one of the richest people in the world when she was only nine
years old.
Note: LP=Long Playing – большой диск.
GRAMMAR: Some, any, no.
Progressive Tenses (Active, Passive).
Поставьте предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме:
1. There is some news for you. 2. Somebody has locked their door. 3. We see some
people in the street. 4. There is something new for you in this book. 5. Somebody has lost a
key. 6. He has bought some milk.
Вставьте “some, any, every, no” или их производные:
1. There are … new machines in our shop.
2. Do you know … in the group? –No, I know … .
3. Will you go … tomorrow? –No, I’ll go … .
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
4. Do you know … about the book? –No, … .
5. I know … about this man.
6. Put … sugar in your tea, there is … sugar in it.
7. He took out … strange from his bag.
8. I told … I had to tell and there is hardly … to add.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на время сказуемого:
1. She prepares her lessons in the evening every day.
She is preparing her lessons now.
2. She prepared her lessons well yesterday.
She was preparing her lessons when we came to see her.
3. She is tired. She will prepare her lessons tomorrow.
She will be preparing all the evening tomorrow.
4. The work is done well every day.
The work is being done now and soon it will be finished.
5. The work was done two days ago.
The work was being done all the evening yesterday.
6. The work will be done next week.
Поставьте глагол в нужном времени и переведите предложения:
1. He (to make) his report in the next room.
2. He is being (to help) now.
3. The work was being (to do) at 5 o’clock yesterday.
4. Is he being (to ask) now?
5. The young man (to solve) the problem when we came in.
6. The girl (to enter) the room when I saw her.
7. He (not to work) at his report at 5 o’clock.
8. What was he (to do) when you visited him?
9. We (to work) at the library at 2 o’clock tomorrow.
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
10. A new house is being (to build) in our street.
11. They (to translate) English texts at 9 o’clock next Saturday.
Поставьте глагол в Present Simple or Present Progressive:
1. Where you (to live)?
Where you (to come from)?
What book you (to read) at the moment?
4. What you (to think) your friend (to do) now?
Поставьте глагол в Past Simple or Past Progressive:
- What you (to do) when I (to telephone) you yesterday?
- I (to read) an English book. I (to read) English every day. When I (to read) my younger
sister (to prepare) her lessons in Mathematics.
Вставьте глагол в нужном времени. Прочитайте и переведите.
It (to be) half past eleven in the morning. Mrs Fielding (to be) in the kitchen. She (to
make) dinner for her family. Her husband (to be) at work, but he (not to work) just now. He
(to have) coffee in the factory canteen.
GRAMMAR: Perfect Tenses (Active, Passive).
Найдите предложения, сказуемое которых выражено глаголом в Present Perfect
Active. Переведите это предложение:
1. Have you ever seen this picture? 2. He was seen to run along the street. 3. No mistakes
have been made. 4. This parts will have to be replaced. 5. He hasn’t yet listened to this
Найдите предложение, сказуемое которого выражено в Present Perfect Passive.
Переведите это предложение:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
1. This doctor has to take part in the conference. 2. We shall have some interesting work. 3.
The text has been examined. 4. Having written translation I gave in to the teacher. 5. He
has been here since 10 o’clock.
Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный:
1. We have seen him already. 2. They had reached the station by 3 o’clock yesterday. 3.
The fire has caused considerable damage. 4. John will have received the papers by
Вставьте глагол в Present Simple or Past Simple:
1. Bob … (see) this movie before.2. George … (read) the newspaper already. 3. John …
(write) the report last night. 4. We … (not to begin), read up for the test yet. 5. George …
(go) to the store at ten o’clock in the morning.
Вставьте глаголы в Past Perfect or Past Simple:
1. After John … (wash) his clothes, he began to study.
2. Maria … (enter) the university after she had graduated from the community colledge.
3. George … (wait) for one hour before the bus came.
4. The car … (flip) ten times before it landed on its roof.
5. Jenny … (wash) the pipettes after she had completed the experiment.
Прочитайте и переведите:
It has been proved by many experiments that when energy is changed from one from to
another the whole amount of energy remains unchanged. The cyclotron has been of great
help to development of human knowledge in the field of nuclear physics. In the cyclotron
particles of energy up to a billion electron volts and more have been achieved. Engineers
had carried out experimental work long before they proceeded with the design.
Вставьте, где нужно, предлоги:
1. He saw John … the concert … Saturday.
2. I’ll be … work until 5.30 but I’ll be …home all evening.
3. Our train arrives … 11.30. Can you meet us the station?
4. Tom is studying medicine … university.
5. When did he arrive … Britain?
6. They opened the door and went … the room.
7. When are you going … Spain?
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8. She usually goes … work … car.
9. Marcel has just returned … France after two years … England.
10. The man the police was chasing ran … a shop.
11. You’ll find the cups … the top shelf.
12. … the end of the street there is a path leading … the river.
13. He got … the car and drove off.
14. I’ve been … Austria once, but I’ve never been … Australia.
15. I must go … the bank today.
16. He usually goes out … Monday evenings.
17. Jack’s gone away. He’ll be back … a week.
18. In Britain children have to start school … the age of five.
19. Julia isn’t here … the moment. She’ll be back … about five minutes.
20. I’ve been invited to a wedding … 14 February.
21. The telephone and the doorbell rang … the same time.
22. We’ve lived in this house … six years.
23. … our stay in Paris, we visited a lot of museums and galleries.
24. I like walking round the … night.
25. Paul arrived … the party … midnight. But … that time most of the gests had left.
26. I knew … beginning that the first prize was not … me.
27. … 1812 the Russian people won the war … Napoleon.
28. There were a lot … foreign visitors … the recent song festival.
29. … the end … the interview the manager … the exhibition congratulated the
representatives … all organizations which took part … it.
30. The problem is very important … all … us, and we are going to settle it … the near future.
We simply have to!
31. Are you interested … literature?
32. I enjoy listening … music, and lectures and talks … different subjects.
33. I usually listen … the radio … the morning … breakfast.
34. … their letter they thanked their friends … their kind offer … help.
35. The conference began … the appointed time.
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36. We ‘ll leave … the house as soon as the rain stops.
37. What kind … wood is this church built …?
GRAMMAR: The Participle.
Types of Questions.
Заполните пропуски причастием 1 или 2 образованным от глаголов, данных в
скобках, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The things … on the table are mine. (to leave)
2. The new canals … the rivers from good water0ways. (to join)
3. Water becomes ice when … .(to cool)
4. The heat … is mechanically equivalent to the work … to produce it. (to produce, to do)
5. Why do people use … water? (to boil)
6. Lanny put his cases on the ground and stood … along the sandy road. (to look)
7. The British wine - … industry has been expanding rapidly in recent years. (to produce)
8. While … football he fell and broke his leg. (to play)
Укажите причастие, определите его функцию, переведите предложения.
1. Midsummer’s Eve is not traditionally a widely celebrated festival in Britain.
2. The Periodic Law allowed to put into one orderly table almost all known chemical
3. The Black Lion has of course never heard of wine.
4. The blancs stood for undiscovered elements.
5. The glass was somewhat spotted.
6. The public examinations taken by British schoolchildren are GCSEs. (the General
Certificate of Secondary Education)
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7. Seeing Players fall down into a pool, the spectators broke into laughter.
8. The camera has never been entirely my friend.
9. The theatre became my home; I even spent the war acting.
10. My heart is beating violently again.
Прочитайте и переведите:
Felt a little depressed I was cheered up by supper: spaghetti with a little butter and dried
basil. (Basil is of course the king of herbs). Then spring cabbage cooked slowly with dill.
Boiled onions served with bran, herbs, soya oil and tomatoes, with one egg beaten in. With
these a slice or two of cold tinned corned beef.
My father was a quite bookish man. I can picture him how bending down to pick up
a spider on a piece of paper. I was his comrade, companion. I always felt that we were in
the same boat, adventuring along together. Reading the same books we always discussed
them. I can remember him, when he was fatally ill, reading “Treasure Island” with a
magnifying glass. I was a docile quite loving child.
Вставьте нужное слово:
1. … you allow me to borrow your dictionary? (may, can, will, shall)
2. … do the summer holidays begin? (when, where, how long)
3. … Mary back from the country yet? (may, can, is, will, shall)
4. At … time did you wake up yesterday? (which, what, when, how)
5. … you had lunch yet? (what, when, have, did)
Добавьте заключительную часть к следующим вопросительным предложениям:
1. You went by air …?
2. The journey takes about three hours …?
3. You’ll be glad to get home again …?
4. It doesn’t take him long to get there …?
5. You’ve always lived here, … ?
6. You can’t see much when you’re thousands of feet up, …?
7. We need not hurry, …?
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Составьте вопросы, к которым подчёркнутые слова являются ответами:
1. Mr. West’s bag is in his left hand.
2. They have arranged to go Paris for their honeymoon.
3. Sir Christopher Wren was an architect.
4. London was burnt down in the seventeenth century.
5. No, I’ve never seen the Lord Mayor’s Show.
Прочитайте и переведите:
Mary (age 7): Where’s Mummy gone, Daddy?
Daddy: Mother’s in the Maternity Home.
Mary: What’s a Maternity home?
Daddy: It’s a nursing home for women who’re going to have babies.
Mary: My Mummy’s going to have a baby, Isn’t she?
Daddy: Yes, Mary.
Mary: Will it be a little boy or a little girl?
Daddy: We don’t know yet. Which do you want, a sister or a brother?
Mary: I think I want a little sister. When shall we know?
Daddy: Can’t be sure, Mary. Tomorrow, perhaps, or perhaps the day after tomorrow.
GRAMMAR: The Infinitive.
Complex Sentences.
Прочитайте, переведите не русский язык, учитывая функции инфинитива.
1. To fulfill this condition was hopelessly out of my power.
2. This job of are porter is to expose and record.
3. Do you mean to say he actually approves of it?
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4. He did not want to be left alone.
5. She claims to have read his diary.
6. I pretended not to be listening.
7. I dressed and went out to buy the morning paper.
8. To prove it I’ll drop in at your lab some time.
9. I can’t think who’d be stupid enough to side with you.
10. You’re too young to start giving up your plans.
11. There’s only one way to do it.
12. He gave her permission to leave.
13. I am not a very easy man to get on with you.
14. I had nothing to worry about.
15. This is too serious a business to be trifled with.
16. He seemed to have gained all he wanted.
17. He turned out to have no feeling whatsoever for his nephew.
18. It happens to be the truth.
19. It would interest him to hear about it.
20. No one could expect her to be happy.
21. I never look him to be a Norwegian.
Прочитайте и переведите:
Paul offered to accompany his mother and very soon found a little gate, and soon
were in a broad green alley of the wood. In front was a cluster of low red farm buildings. It
was very still. They were already near enough to see a pond under overhanging oak-trees
and some cows in the shade. Mother and son went into the small garden. By the open door
were some floury loaves, put out to cool. A hen was just coming to peck them. In a minute
a small frail woman appeared. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “I am glad to see you. It’s so lost up
here, we have no one talk to”.
Philip heard the front door shut and saw the butter Baines turn back into the dark
nearby hall Philip stood in front of the nursery door, listening until he heard the taxi motor
вшу out along the street. His parents were gone for a fortnight’s holiday. He seemed to be
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alone in the house although he was staying with Baines and Mrs. Baines. He appeared be a
stranger in his home because he could go to any room and all the rooms were empty.
Найдите придаточные предложения, укажите тип придаточного предложения,
переведите на русский язык:
1. The University I study at is the oldest one in our town.
2. It is at the conference where we met.
3. The English book I took from the library is easy to read.
4. If I have time I shall help you.
5. He decided to swim in the lake though it was very cold.
6. In case you join me I shall go to Moscow.
7. When he saw the car he understood at once it was his friend’s.
8. That I am a student is known to all my friends.
The thing is I can’t speak fluent English.
10. The time he comes is always the same.
One of these days you may find it possible to visit England. The guide who will
show you around the city will tell you about two great mistortunes that befell England in
the 17th population and the Great Fire (1996) just a year later when 3000 houses and nearly
all churches were destroyed in the flames.
You will be shown lots of historical monuments, places of interest, wonderful parks,
museums which you will admire. You may be taken to Oxford or Cambridge as well.
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But if you are inquisitive enough you won’t be satisfied until you see people’s
London. The trip on the deck or a bus will show you that London is dirty and ugly as well
as beautiful and wonderful. You will see happy children with their well-dressed mothers
walking in Kensington Gardens and little children playing among rubbish heaps on empty
You will be able to see the elegant crowd coming out of the Hey-market and watch
an artist who paints in coloured chalks right on the pavement. Beside the picture there is a
hat and the words: “Ladies and gentlemen! A penny is enough. Thank you kindly”.
Begging is forbidden in London, you know. But one can sell matches or any small
things, or draw pictures on the pavement.
After your visit to London you will say that London, indeed, is the city of contrasts.
One of the most striking features of English life is the self-discipline and courtesy
of people of all classes. There is little noisy behavior and practically no loud disputing in
the street. People do not rush excitedly for seats in buses or trains but take their seats in
queues at bus stops in a quiet and orderly manner.
Englishmen are naturally polite and are never tired in saying “Thank you”, “I’m
sorry”, “Bag your pardon”. If you follow anyone who is entering a building or a room, he
will hold a door open for you. Many foreigners have commented on a remarkable
politeness of the English people.
English people don’t like displaying their emotions even in dangerous and tragic
situations and ordinary people seem to remain go-od-tempered and cheerful under
difficulties. The Englishman does not like any boasting or showing off in manners, dress or
speech. Sometimes he conceals his knowledge: a linguist, for example, may not mention
his understanding of a foreigner’s language.
The Englishman prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats because
he doesn’t wish his doing be over looked by his neighbours. “An Englishman’s house in his
Many Englishmen are very good to their wives at home. They help their wives in
many ways. They clean the windows when they are at home on Saturday afternoon. They
often wash up the dishes after supper in the evening.
Sunday is a very quiet day in London. All the shops are closed and so are the
theatres and most of the cinemas. Londoners like to get out of town on Sundays. The sea is
not far – only fifty or sixty miles away and people like to go down to the sea in summer or
somewhere to the country for skiing in winter. These are some English customs.
London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the oldest cites in Europe. When
Julius Caesar crossed the English Channel and invaded Britain as far as the Thames in the
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middle of the first century B.C., people had already settled there and were living on both
sides of the river.
Like many other very old cities, London was never planned. It grew around two
centres – a fort the Romans built on one bank. As time went by, The place round the
Roman fort developed into the city of London, the country’s business centre; the abbey is
now known as Westminster Abbey.
By the middle of the first century A.D. London had already been in existence for
about a hundred years. Roads leading to other towns had changed into streets, market
grounds became squares. London was growing …
In the year of 1147 in a part of the world Londoners had never heard of, a town was
founded by a prince on a site which he close for its beauty and convenient location in the
middle of a magnificent forest on the bank of a river. The river gave its name to the city
which later became the capital of the Russian state.
Like London Moscow was never planned. It grew up around its centre which had
been surrounded by a wooden wall. The wooden wall was later replaced by a brick one,
and palaces, cathedrals and churches were built inside it forming now what is known as the
Those who complain about our weather may be surprised to learn that there are
some people in England who want more rain, in fact need it badly. We certainly have more
than many other countries, but we don’t get as much as we need. Two or three weeks in the
summer without rain and we have problems. The trouble is partly that the rain falls in the
wrong place, partly that we can’t store enough of it, and partly that we use much more than
we need.
Most of Britain’s rain falls in Wales and Scotland; it isn’t there but in the drier
South East England and Midlands that we need it. Of course we store this water and send it
to other parts of the country. Birmingham, for example, the second largest city in England,
gets all its water from North Wales. But our reservoirs are now a hundred years old and
need to be much larger. Both an home and in our factories we use much more water than
we did a hundred years ago. It takes 100.000 gallons of water to make one car. Factories at
least pay for the water they use, but in our homes we only pay to have water. After that we
can use as much as we want. We can use the washing-machine every day, leave the tap
running while we wash our hands, or even forget about the leaking tap in the bathroom.
Apparently we lose every day through leaking taps, enough water for the whole of London.
Finally what we have felt in our rivers we make so dirty that we can’t use it.
The answer to this problem isn’t simple. First we must find a way of keeping our
water clean. Factories needn’t use so much; they must learn to re-use a little. In this way
the British Steel Corporation already uses much less than it did. New reservoirs need
building and, because England is small, these need to be in the mouths of rivers. Finally we
must begin to take water from under the Cotswold Hills and study new ways of using water
from the sea.
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When I arrived in England, I couldn’t speak a word of English, so I decided to take
some lessons.
My teacher told us that we had to be careful as, in many ways, English is a
confusing language. Many a trap lies waiting for the unsuspecting student. At first, I look
his advise with a pinch of salt but I was soon to learn by bitter experience.
I remember, only too well, an evening I spent in a local pub, I had been going there
three or four times a week and had communicated with the barman by means of sign
language. One evening, I look the bull by the horns and decided to speak. I look a deep
breath and ordered as clearly as I could: “A bear, please”.
The barman couldn’t believe his ears. He hesitated for a moment and then
answered: “Listen to me, young man. You’re in pub not at zoo!”
I didn’t understand him but I realized from his voice that he was none too pleased. I
would have gone without my beer that evening if a kind Englishman hadn’t intervened. He
took me by the arm and led me to his table. Over a drink, he explained my silly mistake. He
was very friendly and helpful but talked very quickly. After a few drinks, he became very
patriotic and talked about the Queen and the Monarchy. I didn’t understand half of what he
said but I nodded sympathetically from time to time. Soon I began to feel a little tipsy and
thought that this would be a good opportunity to practice my English.
“God shave the Queen!”, I explained. There was a deathly silence. Then he began to
go pale. He stood up, looked me up and down and then turned round sharply and walked
away leaving me with my mouth hanging open and my glass hanging in the air.
“See you tomorrow,” I said weakly. But he had gone. I still feel mesirable when I
think of that day and know now that my teacher was right and I was altogether wrong.
Do you know how to wear clothes? The first impression that we make upon others
depend upon what we wear and how we wear it.
The woman who knows how to wear clothes is like a stage director who skillfully
presents herself.
Let’s speak about clothes for the Business Woman. The first requirement is
neatness. The unfailing directions for clothes worn in an office are that they be tailor-made,
smart to the least degree and in perfect taste, but in nothing conspicuous. Above all, avoid
wearing clothes that need constant arranging.
Also all, wear clothes that properly cover you. Conspicuous as well as transparent
clothes are entirely out of place in business. In hot weather very short sleeves are
permissible, but not cut out armholes or low back.
Neat, beautifully done hair but no little-girl effect of hair hanging loose, is in best
One important accessory for beautiful business clothes is a pair of plain sensible
shoes, designed to give proper support to the foot. High-heeled, fancy sandals and slippers
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not only are inappropriate and extravagant, but ruinous to any foot that must be much stood
The English pub (short for “public house”) or “the local” is a significant national
institution. The pub represents far more than merely a place in which to drink. For millions
of Englishmen it is a regular lunchtime meeting place, a club, a debating chamber, a
television on lounge, a show place and a refuge from the family.
Pubs are quite respectable institutions where women come unescorted.
London pubs serve almost any kind of known drink but their stock-in-trade is beer.
As for food, most pubs serve lunches but some offer more substantial meals.
Pubs are open from 11.30 a.m., than from 5.30 p.m. (7 p.m. on Sundays) to 11 p.m.
(10.30 p.m. on Sundays).
In Britain a lot of people are out of work. Tracey Chapman is 18, and she left school
a year ago. She lives in the North East an area of high youth unemployment. She hasn’t
been able to find a job yet.
“My dad doesn’t understand. He started working in a steel mill when he was 15.
Things are different now, but he thinks I should start bringing some money. Oh, I get my
unemployment benefit, but that isn’t much and I’m fed up with queuing for it every
Thursday. I hate having to ask my mum and dad for money. Oh, my mum gives me a
couple of pounds for tights now and then, but she can’t stand seeing me at home all day.
I’ve almost given up tired of looking through the “Situations Vacant” column. There are 50
applications for every job. I was interested in being a dentist’s receptionist because I like
meeting people, but now I’d like take any job at all. People ask me why I don’t move to
London, but I don’t want to leave my family and friends. Anyway, I’m scared of living on
my own in a big city”
The most common type of celebration is a New Year party, either a family party or
one arranged by a group of young people. This usually begins at about eight o’clock and
goes on until the early hours of the morning. Sometimes the hosts make big bowls of punch
which consists of wine, spirits, fruit juice and water in varying proportions. There is usually
a buffet supper of cold meat, pies, sandwiches, cakes and biscuits.
At midnight the radio is turned on, so that everyone can hear the chimes of Big Ben
and on the hour a toast is drunk to the New Year. Then the party goes on. Another popular
way of celebrating the New Year is to go a New Year’s dance. Most hotels and dance halls
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hold a special dance on New Year’s Eve. The hall is decorated there are several different
bands and the atmosphere is very festive.
The most famous celebration is in London round the statue of Eros in Piccadilly
Circus where crowds gather and sing to welcome the New Year. In Trafalgar Square there
is also a big crowd and someone usually falls into the fountain.
Those who have no desire or opportunity to celebrate the New Year themselves can
sit and watch other people celebrating on television.
January 1st, New Year’s Day, is a public holiday, some people send New Year cards
and give presents but it is not a widespread custom. This is the traditional time or making
New Year resolutions, for example to give smoking or to get up earlier. However, these are
generally more talked about than put into practice.
He was the son of a prosperous merchant of Stratford-upon-Avon, and tradition has
it that he was born on 23rd April 1565; records show that he was baptized three days later. It
is likely that he attended the local grammar school, but he had no university education. Of
his early career there is no record, though John Aubrey states that he was, for a time, a
country schoolmaster. How he became involved with the stage is equally uncertain, but he
was sufficiently established as a playwright 1592 to be criticized in print. He was a leading
member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Company, which became the King’s Men on the
accession of James I in 1603. Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in 1582, by whom had
two daughters and a son, Hamlet, who died in childhood. Towards the end of his life he
loosened his ties with London, and retired to New Place, His substantial property in
Stratford that he had bought in 1597. He died on 23rd April 1616 aged 52, and is buried in
Trinity Church, Stratford.
It did not look like our modern theatres. It was a high round building without any
except over the stage and people sat and stood around the stage right under the sky. So the
people did not always enjoy the play, it was not easy to stand in the rain, for example. In
late autumn and early spring it was very cold. In winter the theatres were closed. As there
was not artificial light in those days, the plays could not take place at night or even in the
evening. So they took place in the day-time, between one and three o’clock in the
afternoon. So as to show to everybody that a play was going on at the theatre, a flag was
put up above the building. Then there was no scenery either good or bad, and the public
was informed about the place where the play was going on by a paper put up in such a way
that the people could easily read it. There it was written: field, sea coast, wood and so on.
Sometimes the actors told the public where they were. There were no actresses in those
days. Women were not allowed to work in theatres. All the parts of girls and women were
played by boys. A boy first played the parts of women and when he grew up he started
playing men’s parts at the same theatre. The actors were often partners in the theatre
business. Shakespeare was one of the partners in the theatre where he played and for which
he wrote his dramas. This was the famous Globe. Many tragedies and comedies of
Shakespeare are acted in the theatres of our country and some of them have even been
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filmed. His tragedies and comedies were a success almost from the very beginning and
soon became quite famous throughout the whole world.
Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, was born in Edinburgh in the family
of a civil servant. He studied medicine at Edinburgh University. In 1881 he received his
Bachelor of Medicine degree.
Twice he went on long voyages as ship’s doctor, first to the Arctic and then on a
steamer bound to the West Coast of Africa.
This gave him material for “Stark Munto Letters” and the “Captain of the Polestar”.
“The Adventures the Sherlock Holmes” – each story complete in itself – began to appear in
the Strand Magazine. They were written during his business hours as an oculist waiting for
patients who did not come. He invented a detective, Sherlock Holmes, and a comarade to
join him in his exploits – Dr. Watson.
We say all these things to balance our emotions and gain strength. But it is not as
easy as it seems. So, what’s the answer? We cannot go and live on a desert island. There
are lots of things we can do of course. We can take more exercise. We can eat less, smoke
less, we can have a well-organized rest.
But perhaps the most important thing we can do is to learn to relax. Stress grows
very slowly. It is made up of all the little things that make us tense, day after day, year after
year. Every time we relax, every time we put our feet up, every time we have a cup of tea
and a chat with an old friend we take away some of the tension that causes stress.
Americans worry about relaxing. They take classes to learn how to relax. They read
books that tell them how to “take it easy”. Relaxing is a multi-dollar industry in the U.S.A.
So why not master this skill and do it on your own (without paying much money)?
But before you start think of what doctors say nowadays, “Too much relaxation is
bad for you”.
Cricket is often called the English national sport, though it is not as popular as
football. To many foreigners cricket appears a slow and rather boring game, but in fact it
requires a lot of muscle and a quick eye.
The players don’t all play at the same time, there are eleven players on each side,
and the players on the side go and play in pairs, while eleven on the other side are trying to
beat them. It is eleven against two all the time.
That sounds rather unfair. Cricket’s supposed to be the fairest game in the world.
The players must never lose their temper or complain, even if there has been a mistake
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which is nit in their favor. Cricket’s a good game for training people in courteous behavior;
teaches them how to lose a game without losing their temper and to avoid selfish actions or
mean tricks.
One man once fought an army. Ancient historians tell us that the man was old, over
seventy. The army was that of the strongest power in the world – Rome itself!
But the old man, a Greek, held the Roman army off for nearly three years – and
almost won. The old man was Archimedes of Syracuse, the greatest scientist of the ancient
The roman army knew his reputation very well. Legends say that when curved
mirrors were set up on the walls of Syracuse, the attacking Roman ships caught fire. It was
not magic – it was Archimedes. When huge claws were extended outwards on beams, ships
were caught, raised, and overturned. Again it was not magic – it was Archimedes.
It is said that when the Romans saw rope or wood above the walls of Syracuse they
hoisted their sails and ran. For Archimedes was different from the Greek scientists before
him, he went beyond them in imagination and daring. He denied for example, that the
sends of the sea were to many to be counted, and he devised a method to count them.
Тематический план элективного курса
«Усиленная грамматика английского языка»
№ Название разделов и тем
Распределение занятий
1, 2
There/ to be
Лекция Практи Чтение
Much, many, a lot, (a) little, (a) few
The verbs to be, to have.
The Noun. Uncountable nouns.
The Adjective.
The Adverb.
Modal Verbs.
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
Simple Tenses (active. passive)
Conditional Sentences of Real Condition.
Some, any, no.
Progressive Tenses (Active, Passive).
Perfect Tenses (Active, Passive).
The Participle.
Types of Questions.
The Infinitive.
Complex Sentences.
Требования к умениям и навыкам учащихся:
Основные грамматические явления английского языка;
Лексику различной тематики за курс средней школы;
Строить как простые, так и сложные предложения, применяя в них изученную
лексику и грамматику;
Читать и понимать тексты с изученными грамматическими и лексическими
Использовать приобретённые знания и умения в практической деятельности.
В ситуациях общения на иностранном языке;
При чтении текстов и выполнении разного рода языковых и речевых
упражнений и заданий.
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №2
городского округа город Буй Костромской области
Raymond Murphy “English Grammar In Use”. Cambridge University Press 1998.
А. О. Иванов, Дж. Поуви «Английские разговорные формулы» Москва,
«Просвещение» 1989 г.
В. К. Мюллер «Новый англо-русский словарь» Москва. Издательство
«Русский язык» 1999 г.
Костромской Государственный Технологический университет “My English Is
Getting Better” Кострома 1995 г.
Н. И. Кузеванова, Л. В. Талзи “Exam Drive” Учебное пособие для подготовки
к единому государственному экзамену. Издательство «Титул» 2003 г.
Татьяна Клементьева, Джил Шэннон «Счастливый английский» Книга 2 для
7-9 классов образовательных учреждений. Издательство «Титул» 1994 г., 249020, г.
Обнинск, Калужской обл., а/я 5055.
Л.В. Хведченя Р.В. Хорень «Английский язык для поступающих в Вузы.
Издательство «Вышейшая школа» 1996 г.