the card

Articles with the nouns school, hospital, prison, bed, church, work, space, etc.
Если эти существительные имеют значение
конкретного места, здания или учреждения,
они употребляются с артиклем по общим
правилам употребления исчисляемых
This is a school. The school is big.
Это школа. Школа большая.
The workers will go to the school to repair the roof.
Рабочие пойдут в школу чинить крышу.
Если эти существительные обозначают
процессы, которые в них происходят,
артикль не употребляется.
Например: bed (сон, болезнь), hospital
(лечение), school/college/university (учеба),
prison (лишение свободы), church
(церковная служба).
The boy will go to school.
Мальчик пойдёт в школу (учиться).
She went to the bed and sat on it.
Она подошла к кровати и села на неё.
She went to bed.
Она легла в кровать (легла спать).
The policeman is in the prison now.
Полицейский находится в здании тюрьмы.
The thief is in prison for his crime.
Вор сидит в тюрьме за своё преступление.
There is a wide space between the rows.
Между рядами большое расстояние /
пространство / много места.
The cosmonaut is in space.
Космонавт находится в космосе
(совершает космический полёт).
Read exercise 25 at page 67 and learn the word combinations.
Fill in a, the or – (no article).
1. Tom is a student. He is at … university. He went to … university last year.
2. Mr Henderson is a writer. He is at … university now. He is giving a lecture there.
3. Dan is a pupil. He is at … school. He went to … school when he was 7 years old.
4. Dan’s mother went to … school to talk to the teacher.
5. John Binks is a thief. Last year he was caught and now he is in … prison.
6. Mrs Binks goes to … prison to visit her son John. Mrs Binks is in … prison now.
7. Paul Smith is a lawyer. He sometimes goes to … prison to talk to his clients.
8. Alice is a nurse. She works in … hospital. She goes to … hospital every day.
9. Sarah is ill. She is in … hospital. She went to … hospital last week.
10. I will go to … hospital tomorrow to visit Sarah.
11. The tourists went to … church to take some pictures.
12. Nora is a religious woman. She goes to … church regularly. She is at … church now.
13. My father isn’t at … home now. He is at … work. He starts … work at 8 o’clock.
14. I know that … work he does is very important.
15. It is late. The children should go to … bed.
16. Alex is in … bed. He is asleep. He goes to … bed at 10 o'clock.
17. When she was cleaning the room, she found a book in … bed.
18. They put an armchair in … space between the sofa and the bookcase.
19. Yury Gagarin was the first man who went to … space.
20. We are going to watch … television.
21. Could you turn off … television? I’m trying to listen to … radio.
22. Have you heard the news on … radio today?