141 !"#$%& '(%), 2010, *+, 14, - 1 !"#$ %&'()*+-,-&$( ./ 011&!)( 1(-2*-( #'*& !("*3&,) &''./ +-*4'#!( 5 *'6-&$'./ * #5)6-&$'./ -#,)&'*7 . . ,89:;, &. . 2<=>9?@, $. . !:ABC9:; !" #$%$&'()* +$,-+.-)''/01.2$30/4'()* )+'3)3,3 '0/4'(.5. 6.78*'32$ )%. !.9. :,/$*(.2$ ;<#=!, >070+-,(, ;.'')8, 0-mail: [email protected] ?@'($7$+. ) .A.'+.2$+. B&01B./.C0+)0 .A DB)50+03)-0'(.% 6$&$(30&0 27$)%.10*'32)8 «50+.3)B–'&01$». E&) .F0+(0 50+03)-0'()6 2$&)$+' , &$7+.2.7&$'3+@6 B.3.%(.2 D3. 27$)%.10*'32)0 G)(')&,03'8 ($( DB)'3$3)-0'()0 DGG0(3@. E.($7$+$ +$ )+A&01+.% (8&.2$8 %85($8 BH0+)F$) ) $,3A&01+.% (5)A&)1+$8 (,(,&,7$) .AI0(3$6 7$(.+.%0&+.'34 A./00 +)7(.5. ,&.2+8 2(/$1$ 50+.3)B-'&01.2@6 DGG0(3.2 2 G.&%)&.2$+)0 (./)-0'320++@6 B&)7+$(.2 , 5)A&)1.2 B. '&$2+0+)J ' 5.%.7)5.3+@%) G.&%$%). "-)3@2$8 2 7+$-)30/4+.* '30B0+) DB)50+03)-0'()* 6$&$(30& 27$)%.10*'32)8 «50+.3)B–'&01$», D3, 7$(.+.%0&+.'34 %.C+. .AI8'+)34 ' B.7)F)* 5)B.307@ «DB)50+03)-0'(.5. 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PB@3 7$(/$1@2$/'8 2 2.'4%) D(./.5)-0'()6 3.-($6 (#$%$&'()* !MM#= – #$%$&'($8 .A/$'34, ?!MM (,(,&,7@ ) PPP ME< <5&.G)&%$ «P3A.&» – N$A$&1)+.->$/($&)8, X)/)$/ «E.2./C'($8 '0/0(F).++.-.B@3+$8 '3$+F)8» !" ?!MMPY – ?./5.5&$1'($8 .A/$'34, X !" «;.''.&5.» – #$&$3.2'($8 .A/$'34, N&$'+.1$&'()* !MM#= ) !E#X «!MN<#» – N&$'+.1$&'()* (&$*, ?.&.+0C'()* G)/)$/ ?!MMN – ?.&.+0C'($8 .A/$'34). E/.L$14 10/8+() 10 %2, B.23.&+.'34 3&06(&$3+$8. E.'02 B&.2.1)/'8 '08/(.* «Hege-95». ?@-/0+0+)0 50+.3)B)-0'()6, '&01.2@6 ) 50+.3)B-'&01.2@6 DGG0(3.2 B&.2.1)/'8 B. B&)2010++.%, 2@H0 $/5.&)3%,. E.1'-03@ B&.2.1)/)'4 +$ B0&'.+$/4+.% (.%B4J30&0 ' )'B./47.2$+)0% B$(03$ B&.5&$%% «Agros-2.09». -BGHDIC<CE ? :JFHK=B@?B N$( 2)1+. )7 3$A/. 1, B. 2'0% )7,-$2H)%'8 B&)7+$($% 1./8 50+.3)B$ 2 G.&%)&.2$+)) G0+.3)B$ 8&.2.* BH0+)F@ B&)%0&+. .1)+$(.2$ ) &$2+$ 10,0–15,5 %. E. 12,% B&)7+$($% ((./)-0'32. 70&0+ 2 (./.'0 ) 2@'.3$ &$'30+)8) 1./8 DGG0(3.2 27$)%.10*'32)8 «50+.3)B/'&01$» 7+$-)30/4+. +)C0, -0% 50+.3)B)-0'()0 ) .'.A0++. '&01.2@0 2(/$1@. E. D3)% B&)7+$($% .3A.& %.C03 A@34 DGG0(3)2+@% 2 /.($/4+@6 ,'/.2)86 B&) +$/)-)) (.+3&$'3+@6 B. G0+.3)B, &0(.%A)+$+3.2 2 5)A&)1+@6 B.B,/8F)86. PA$ D3) B&)7+$($ 2 (.+(&03+.% 'B0(3&0 G/J(3,- 144 !"#$%& '(%), 2010, *+, 14, - 1 )<JD?L< 1 SGG0(3@ (V) ) 1./8 2/)8+)8 (%) 50+.3)B$, '&01@ ) 27$)%.10*'32)8 «50+.3)B/'&01$» +$ G.&%)&.2$+)0 (./)-0'320++@6 B&)7+$(.2 , 8&.2.* %85(.* BH0+)F@ M'3.-+)( 2$&4)&.2$+)8 #.&3$ (<) "'/.2)8 '&01@ (?) ?7$)%.10*'32)0 (< × ?) PH)A($ (Z) 9$''$ 70&+$ ?@'.3$ O/)+$ 20&6+05. "&.C$* 70&+$, N./)-0'32. 70&0+ 2 (./.'0 ' (./.'$, 5 &$'30+)8, '% %0C1.,7/)8, '% 5/%2 V % V % V % V % V % 8,24 30,7 24,8 18,7 10,0 37,1 30,0 22,9 0,51 1,67 0,15 2,31 11,0 35,9 3,3 49,8 0,026 0,059 0,050 0,094 11,5 25,8 21,7 41,0 1,97 5,88 0,74 4,09 15,5 46,4 5,8 32,3 1,21 3,60 3,42 2,52 11,3 33,5 31,8 23,4 )&,JL)6 G$(3.&.2 '&01@ B. 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V. 16. [ 9. ;. 498–504. 147 !"#$%& '(%), 2010, *+, 14, - 1 THE CONTRIBUTION OF GENOTYPE-ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS TO THE FORMATION OF QUANTITATIVE TRAITS IN INBRED AND OUTBRED PLANTS V.V. Syukov, E.V. Madyakin, D.V. Kochetkov Samara ScientiÞc Research Institute of Agriculture, Bezenchuk, Russia, 0-mail: [email protected] Summary The assumption about the epigenetic nature of the genotype–environment interaction is made and proven. When genetic variances in descendants of various ages are analyzed, this interaction manifests itself as epistasis. Study of inbred (common spring wheat) and outbred (hybrid maize) forms shows that ther contribution of genotype–environmental factors to quantitative traits in hybrids is less than in homozygous forms. With regard to the substantially epigenetic nature of the genotype–environment interaction, this trend can be explained in terms of the epigenetic balance hypothesis. Key words: «genotype–environment» interaction, epigenetical variability, epistasis, epigenetical balance, wheat, corn.