Selmer varieties Minhyong Kim 20 Otober, 2008 Toronto 1 I. General bakground (E; e) ellipti urve over Q . G := Gal(Q =Q ). The exat sequene n 0!E [n℄!E (Q ) ! E (Q )!0 of groups with G-ation leads to the Kummer exat sequene: n 1 0!E (Q )[n℄!E (Q ) ! E (Q ) ! H (G; E [n℄) In fat, the boundary map indues an injetion E (Q )=nE (Q ),!Hf1 (G; E [n℄); where the subsript f refers to a subgroup of Galois ohomology satisfying a olletion of loal onditions: A Selmer group. 2 Beause Hf1 (G; E [n℄) often admits an expliit desription, this inlusion is applied to the problem of determining the group E (Q ). Usually, we x a prime and run over its powers E (Q )=pn E (Q ),!Hf1 (G; E [pn ℄) leading to a onjetural isomorphism E (Q ) Z p ' Hf1 (G; Tp (E )) where Tp (E ) := lim E [pn ℄ is the p-adi Tate module of E . 3 When X=Q is a urve of genus g 2 and b 2 X (Q ), analogue of above onstrution 1 Z p )) X (Q ) ! Hf (G; H1et (X; uses the p-adi étale homology Z p ) := 1et;p (X; b)ab H1et (X; of X := X Spe(Q ) Spe(Q ). Several dierent desriptions of this map. 4 But in any ase, it fators through the Jaobian X (Q )!J (Q )!Hf1 (G; Tp J ) using the isomorphism Z p ) ' Tp J; H1et (X; where the rst map is the Albanese map x 7! [x℄ [b℄ and the seond is again provided Kummer theory on the abelian variety J . Consequently, diult to disentangle X (Q ) from J (Q ). 5 The theory of Selmer varieties renes this to a tower: Hf1 (G; U4 ) - ? Hf1 (G; U3 ) ? - Hf1(G; U2) ? - 1 3 4 - .. . .. . X (Q ) 2 1 Hf (G; U1 )= Hf1 (G; Tp J Q p ) where the system fUn g is the Q p -unipotent étale fundamental group b) of X . 1u;Q (X; p 6 Brief remarks on the onstrutions. 1. The étale site of X denes a ategory Q p) Un(X; of loally onstant unipotent Q p -sheaves on X . A sheaf V is unipotent if it an be onstruted using suessive extensions by the onstant sheaf [Q p ℄X . 2. We have a ber funtor Q p )!VetQ Fb : Un(X; p that assoiates to a sheaf V its stalk Vb . Then U := Aut (Fb ); the tensor-ompatible automorphisms of the funtor. U is a pro-algebrai pro-unipotent group over Q p . 7 3. U = U1 U2 U3 is the desending entral series of U , and Un = U n+1 nU are the assoiated quotients. There is an identiation Q p ) = V := Tp J Q p U1 = H1et (X; at the bottom level and exat sequenes 0!U n+1 nU n !Un !Un 1 !0 for eah n. For example, for n = 2, ^ 0![ V= 2 Q p (1)℄!U2 !V !0: 8 4. H 1 (G; Un ) denotes ontinuous Galois ohomology with values in the points of Un . For n 2, this is non-abelian ohomology, and hene, does not have the struture of a group. 5. Hf1 (G; Un ) H 1 (G; Un ) denotes a subset dened by loal `Selmer' onditions that require the lasses to be (a) unramied outside a set T = S [ fpg, where S is the set of primes of bad redution; (b) and rystalline at p, a ondition oming from p-adi Hodge theory. 9 6. The system !Hf1(G; Un+1)!Hf1(G; Un)!Hf1(G; Un 1)! is a pro-algebrai variety, the Selmer variety of X . That is, eah Hf1 (G; Un ) is an algebrai variety over Q p and the transition maps are algebrai. Hf1 (G; U ) = fHf1 (G; Un )g is the moduli spae of prinipal bundles for U in the étale topology of Spe(Z [1=S ℄) that are rystalline at p. If Q T denotes the maximal extension of Q unramied outside T and GT := Gal(Q T =Q ), then Hf1 (G; Un ) is naturally realized as a losed subvariety of H 1 (GT ; Un ). 10 For the latter, there are exat sequenes Æ 0!H 1 (GT ; U n+1 nU n )!H 1 (GT ; Un )!H 1 (GT ; Un 1 ) ! H 2 (GT ; U n+1 nU n ) in the sense of ber bundles, and the algebrai strutures are built up iteratively from the Q p -vetor spae struture on the H i (GT ; U n+1nU n ) and the fat that the boundary maps Æ are algebrai. (It is non-linear in general.) So the underlying input from Arakelov theory is the niteness of the ideal lass group, leading to nite-dimensionality of the H i (GT ; U n+1 nU n ). 11 7. The map na = fn g : X (Q ) - Hf1 (G; U ) is dened by assoiating to a point x the prinipal U -bundle P (x) = 1u;Q (X ; b; x) := Isom (Fb ; Fx ) p of tensor-ompatible isomorphisms from Fb to Fx , that is, the Q p -pro-unipotent étale paths from b to x. For n = 1, 1 : X (Q )!Hf1 (G; U1 ) = Hf1 (G; Tp J Q p ) redues to the map from Kummer theory. But the map n for n 2 does not fator through the Jaobian. Hene, the possibility of separating the struture of X (Q ) from that of J (Q ). 12 8. If one restrits U to the étale site of Q p , there are loal analogues 1 na p : X (Q p )!Hf (Gp ; Un ) that an be expliitly desribed using non-abelian p-adi Hodge theory. More preisely, there is a ompatible family of isomorphisms D : Hf1 (Gp ; Un ) ' UnDR =F 0 to homogeneous spaes for quotients of the De Rham fundamental group of X Q p . U DR = 1DR (X Q p ; b) U DR lassies unipotent vetor bundles with at onnetions on X Q p , and U DR =F 0 lassies prinipal bundles for U DR with ompatible Hodge ltrations and rystalline strutures. 13 Given a rystalline prinipal bundle P = Spe(P ) for U , D(P ) = Spe([P Br ℄G ); p where Br is Fontaine's ring of p-adi periods. This is a prinipal U DR bundle. The two onstrutions t into a diagram X (Q p ) - Hf1(Gp; U ) na p d na r = r - ? DR 0 U =F whose ommutativity redues to the assertion that 1DR (X ; b; x) Br ' 1u;Q (X ; b; x) Br : p 14 9. The map DR =F 0 na : X ( Q ) ! U p dr=r Z is desribed using p-adi iterated integrals 1 2 n of dierential forms on X , and has a highly transendental natural: For any residue disk ℄y [ X (Q p ), DR 0 na dr=r;n (℄y [) Un =F is Zariski dense for eah n and its oordinates an be desribed as onvergent power series on the disk. 15 10. The loal and global onstrutions t into a family of ommutative diagrams - X (Q p ) X (Q ) ? ? - - Hf1(Gp; Un) -D UnDR=F 0 lop 1 Hf (G; Un ) where the bottom horizontal maps are algebrai, while the vertial maps are somehow transendental. Thus, the diult inlusion X (Q ) X (Q p ) has been replaed by the algebrai map lop . 16 Theorem 0.1 Suppose dimHf1 (G; Un ) < dimHf1 (Gp ; Un ) for some n. Then X (Q ) is nite. Remarks: -Theorem is a rude appliation of the methodology. Eventually would like rened desriptions of X (Q ) X (Q p ) as an amalgam of the method of Chabauty and Coleman and the work of Coates-Wiles, Kolyvagin, Rubin, Kato on the onjeture of Birh and Swinnerton-Dyer. -Hypothesis of the theorem expeted to always hold for n suiently large. But diult to prove. -Strategy is also inspired by an old onjeture of Lang. 17 Idea of proof: There is a non-zero algebrai funtion - X (Q p ) X (Q ) na n ? Hf1 (G; Un ) na p;n ? - Hf1(Gp; Un) lo p 96=0 ? Qp vanishing on Im[Hf1 (G; Un )℄. Hene, Æ na p;n vanishes on X (Q ). But this funtion is a non-vanishing onvergent power series on eah residue disk. 2 18 II. Polylogarithmi quotients and CM Jaobians. The ompliated struture of U is an obstrution to diret usage. However, there are quotients of U with simpler strutures. The polylogarithm quotient of U is dened by W := U=[U 2 ; U 2 ℄: Also omes with a De Rham realization W DR = U DR =[(U DR )2 ; (U DR )2 ℄; and the previous disussion arries over verbatim. But now, we an ontrol the dimension of Selmer varieties in a larger number of ases. 19 Suppose J is isogenous to a produt of abelian varieties having potential omplex multipliation. Choose the prime p to split in all the CM elds that our. Then Theorem 0.2 (with John Coates) dimHf1 (G; Wn ) < dimHf1 (Gp ; Wn ) for n suiently large. Corollary 0.3 (Faltings' theorem, speial ase) nite. Applies, for example, to the twisted Fermat urves axm + bym = z m for a; b; 2 Q n f0g and m 4. 20 X (Q ) is Preliminaries: Need to ontrol H 1 (GT ; W n+1 nW n ) as n grows. This leads via the exat sequenes 0!H 1 (GT ; W n+1 nW n )!H 1 (GT ; Wn )!H 1 (GT ; Wn 1 ) to ontrol of Hf1 (G; Wn ) H 1 (GT ; Wn ). That is, X dimH (G ; W dimH (G; W ) 1 f n n 1 i=1 21 T n+1 nW n ): Sine W n+1 nW n is a usual Q p representation, we have the Euler harateristi formula dimH 0 (GT ; W n+1 nW n ) dimH 1 (GT ; W n+1 nW n ) +dimH 2 (GT ; W n+1 nW n ) = dim[W n+1 nW n ℄ : But the H 0 term always, vanishes, so we get the formula dimH 1 (GT ; W n+1 nW n ) = dim[W n+1 nW n ℄ + dimH 2 (GT ; W n+1 nW n ): 22 A fairly simple ombinatorial analysis of the struture of W DR . shows that dimWnDR =F 0 X dim[W n2g (2g 2) (2g)! + O(n2g 1 ): Meanwhile, n i=1 n2g [(2g 1)=2℄ (2g)! + O(n2g 1) i+1 nW i ℄ Sine g 2, we have X dim[W n i=1 i+1 nW i ℄ X dimH (G ; W << dimWnDR =F 0 : Therefore, it sues to show that n i=1 2 T i+1 nW i ) = O(n2g 1 ): 23 Input from basi Iwasawa theory: Let F=Q be a nite extension suh that all the CM is dened and suh that F Q (J [p℄). We an enlarge T to inlude all the primes that ramify in F . So we have GF;T := Gal(Q T =F ) GT : Beause the orestrition map is surjetive, it sues to bound X dimH (G n i=1 2 F;T ; W 24 i+1 nW i ): If we examine the loalization sequene X 0! 2 (W i+1 nW i )!H 2 (G F;T ; W i+1 nW i )! Y H (G ; W 2 vjT v i+1 nW i ) we see readily that H 2 (Gv ; ) ' H 0 (Gv ; [W i+1nW i ℄ (1)) = 0 for i 6= 2. Thus, by Poitou-Tate duality, it sues to bound X2(W i+1nW i) ' X1([W i+1nW i℄(1)): The last group is dened by X1([W i+1nW i℄(1))!H 1(GF;T ; [W i+1nW i℄(1)) 0! Y ! H (G ; [W 1 vjT v 25 i+1 nW i ℄ (1)): By the Hohshild-Serre sequene, the group X1([W i+1nW i℄(1)) is inluded in Hom (M; [W i+1 nW i ℄ (1)) = Hom (M ( 1); [W i+1 nW i ℄ ); where = Gal(F1 =F ) for the eld F1 = F (J [p1 ℄) generated by the p-power torsion of J and M = Gal(H=F1 ) is the Galois group of the p-Hilbert lass eld H of F1 . 26 Key fat (Greenberg following Iwasawa): M is a nitely generated torsion module over the Iwasawa algebra := Z p [[ ℄℄: Let L 2 be an annihilator for M ( 1)=(Z p torsion). Thus, if we knew an Iwasawa main onjeture for the Z rp -extension F1 =F , we ould take L ould to be a redued multi-variable p-adi L-funtion. For simpliity, we now assume that J itself has omplex multipliation so that ' Z 2pg and ' Z p [[T1 ; : : : ; T2g ℄℄: g be the haraters of G Let fi g2i=1 F;T appearing in Tp J and i = i . 27 The haraters that appear in [W i+1 nW i ℄ are all of the form j1 j2 j3 ji ; where j1 < j2 j3 ji ; eah with multipliity at most one. For suh a harater to ontribute to Hom (M ( 1); [W i+1 nW i ℄ ), we must have j1 j2 j3 ji (L) = 0: Furthermore, for eah suh harater, we have a bound Hom (M ( 1); j1 j2 j3 j ) < B; i where B is the number of generators for M . Thus the problem redues to ounting the number of zeros of L among suh haraters. 28 The bulk of the ontribution omes from indies of the form k < 2g j3 j4 ji : So we an ount the zeros for the 2g 1 twists Lk = L(k1(T1 + 1) 1; k2(T2 + 1) 1; : : : ; k;2g (T2g + 1) 1); for kj = k (Tj + 1) 2g (Tj + 1), among j3 ji for dereasing sequenes (j3 ; : : : ; ji ) of numbers from f1; 2; : : : ; 2gg. 29 When we try to bound X dimH (G ; W n i=2 2 T i+1 nW i ); the possible multi-indies as i goes from 2 to n run over the lattie points inside a simplex of edge length n 2 inside a 2g-dimensional spae. Using a hange of variable one an always redue to L of the form L = a0(T1; : : : ; T2g 1) + a1(T1; : : : ; T2g 1)T2g + +al 1 (T1 ; : : : ; T2g 1 )T2lg 1 + T2lg : From this formula, one easily dedues a bound O(n2g 1 ) for the number of zeros. 2 30 Remark: Finiteness for ellipti urves follows the pattern Non-vanishing of L-funtion ) niteness of Selmer group ) niteness of points. For urves of higher genus with CM Jaobians, the impliations are Sparseness of L-zeros niteness of points. ) bounds for Selmer varieties ) 31