Russian 1010 Fall Term 2015 Голоса: Topics Unit Period Алфавит Aug. 31Sept. 17 Немного о себе I. Sept.18Oct. 1 Что у меня есть? II. Oct. 5-19 Topic Russian alphabet and sound system Printed vs. cursive Letters Vowel reduction Palatalization Devoicing of final consonants Print vs. cursive vs. italic Consonant assimilation Geographical Names Numbers 1-10 Russian names Greetings and goodbyes Introducing and giving info about oneself Formal vs. informal speech — personal pronouns: ты—вы Gender—Introduction Nominative case Prepositional case of location The verb “to be” in present tense Numbers 11-20 Intonation Contour in Statements (IC-1) Unstressed o and e Naming common objects Greeting people Документы: паспорт и виза Grammatical Gender Nominative plural of nouns The 5- and 7-letter spelling rules Personal pronouns: он, она, оно, они Possessive pronouns: чей, мой, твой, наш, ваш его, её, их Nominative case of Adjectives Что vs. какой Это vs. этот, это, эта, эти Expressing “to have” in Russian: У меня (тебя, вас) есть Numbers 20-49 Intonation in Questions (IC-2) 1 Какие языки вы знаете? III. Oct.20Talking about languages Nov. 4 Discussing ethnic and social backgrounds Responding to compliments Verb conjugation Position of adverbial modifiers Prepositional case of singular and plural modifiers and nouns Languages: русский язык vs. по-русски Conjunctions: и, а, но Numbers 50-199 Intonation of yes-no questions (IC-3) Университет IV. Nov. 5-23 Распорядок дня V. Nov. 24Dec. 10 Talking about studies Higher education in Russia Russian diplomas and Russian grading system учиться vs.изучать (что) vs. заниматься The 8-letter spelling rule На каком курсе...? На + Prepositional case for location Prepositional case of question words and personal pronouns Accusative case of modifiers and nouns Conjunctions: где, что, как, какой, потому что Numbers 100-1000 Intonation review: IC-3 Vowel reduction Talking about daily schedules and activities Telling time on the hour Making and responding to invitations Notes and letters Days of the week В + Accusative case for time and weekdays Times of the day: утром, днём, вечером, ночью Answering the question: Что вы делаете? “Going”: идти vs. ехать; идти vs. ходить Motion vs. location: Где vs. куда В and На + accusative case for direction Expressing necessity: должен, должна, должны Past Tense of verbs Numbers 1000-100,000 Consonant Devoicing/Assimilation 2