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Modal verbs rephrasing

It is possible that I finish work earlier than usual today.
I _________.
I am not sure that she is his girlfriend.
She _________.
Smoking is forbidden in hospitals.
You _______.
It’s possible that her boyfriend is coming to the wedding.
Her boyfriend ___________.
The fireman managed to rescue the child from the burning house.
The fireman _______.
It is possible that we’ll be together soon.
We _________.
I had the ability to play the guitar when I was younger.
I _________.
If I were you I would eat more vegetables.
You ________.
It’s impossible that they’re home because they’re on holiday.
They ________________.
It isn’t necessary for you to take a jacket.
You _______.
I advise you to see a dentist.
You _______.
Tom knows how to speak Spanish.
Tom _______.
It is possible that Jake is in his room.
Jake ______.
They are certain that bringing up children is not easy.
Bringing up children ______.
I didn’t have the ability to cook when I was younger.
I _______.
I’m sorry that I didn’t study enough.
I _________.
I’m sure that he has finished the exercise.
He _______.
It wasn’t necessary for them to have reserved the tickets.
They _______.
You didn’t write as many words as possible.
You _______.
It was wrong of you to go to that party.
You _______.
She was able to run faster but she didn’t.
She ________.
We are certain that it was a disaster.
It ________.
It wasn’t a good idea for the government to apply all those economic measures.
The government _________.
I can’t believe your boyfriend began smoking.
You boyfriend _________.
It is possible that I finish work earlier than usual today.
I may finish work earlier than usual today.
I am not sure that she is his girlfriend.
She might be his girlfriend.
Smoking is forbidden in hospitals.
You mustn’t smoke in hospitals.
It’s possible that her boyfriend is coming to the wedding.
Her boyfriend may come to the wedding.
The fireman managed to rescue the child from the burning house.
The fireman was able to rescue the child from the burning house.
It is possible that we’ll be together soon.
We may be together soon.
I had the ability to play the guitar when I was younger.
I could play the guitar when I was younger.
If I were you I would eat more vegetables.
You should eat more vegetables.
It’s impossible that they’re home because they’re on holiday.
They can’t be home because they’re on holiday.
It isn’t necessary for you to take a jacket.
You don’t need to take a jacket.
I advise you to see a dentist.
You should see a dentist.
Tom knows how to speak Spanish.
Tom can speak Spanish.
It is possible that Jake is in his room.
Jake might be in his room.
They are certain that bringing up children is not easy.
Bringing up children can’t be easy.
I didn’t have the ability to cook when I was younger.
I couldn’t cook when I was younger.
I’m sorry that I didn’t study enough.
I should have studied more.
I’m sure that he has finished the exercise.
He must have finished the exercise.
It wasn’t necessary for them to have reserved the tickets.
They needn’t have reserved the tickets.
You didn’t write as many words as possible.
You should have written as may words as possible.
It was wrong of you to go to that party.
You shouldn’t have gone to that party.
She was able to run faster but she didn’t.
She could have run faster.
We are certain that it was a disaster.
It must have been a disaster.
It wasn’t a good idea for the government to apply all those economic measures.
The government shouldn’t have applied all those economic measures.
I can’t believe your boyfriend began smoking.
You boyfriend can’t have begun smoking