Загрузил Анна Початкова

ЕГЭ разработка

Conflicts are a common part of life, especially during our teenage years. Whether
it's with our friends, family, or even our teachers, conflicts can arise for a variety
of reasons. Understanding the different types of conflicts and how to effectively
resolve them is an important skill to have as a teenager.
There are generally four main types of conflicts that we may encounter:
1. Interpersonal conflicts: These are conflicts that arise between individuals.
It could be due to misunderstandings, differences in opinions, or simply
personality clashes. For example, you and your friend may have a
disagreement about something, leading to a conflict between the two of
2. Intrapersonal conflicts: These are conflicts that occur within ourselves. It
could be due to conflicting emotions or desires. For example, you may be
torn between studying for a test and going out with your friends, causing
internal conflict.
3. Intergroup conflicts: These are conflicts that occur between different
groups of people. It could be between different friend groups, teams, or even
cultural or religious groups. These conflicts often stem from differences in
beliefs or values.
4. Intragroup conflicts: These are conflicts that occur within a group. It could
be due to power struggles, communication issues, or simply
disagreements within the group. For example, your group of friends may
disagree on where to go for lunch, leading to an intragroup conflict.
So, how can we effectively resolve conflicts as teenagers?
1. Communication is key. It's important to talk openly and honestly about
your feelings and concerns. Listen to the other person's perspective and try
to understand where they're coming from.
2. Find common ground. Look for areas where you can compromise or find
a solution that works for both parties. It's important to be willing to give a
little in order to reach a resolution.
3. Seek help if needed. If you're struggling to resolve a conflict on your own,
don't be afraid to seek help from a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or
counselor. They can offer guidance and support in finding a resolution.
4. Take a step back. Sometimes, it's helpful to take a break from the conflict
and give yourself time to cool off. This can help you approach the situation
with a clearer mind and make it easier to find a resolution.
Conflicts are a natural part of life, but how we handle them can make all the
difference. By understanding the different types of conflicts and implementing
effective strategies for resolving them, we can navigate through our teenage
years with greater ease and maturity. Remember, conflicts may arise, but they don't
have to define our relationships or our experiences.
Exercise 1. Put these words in the right category.
during, arise for, effectively resolve, arise between, due to, misunderstandings,
disagreement about/within, be torn between, stem from, power struggles,
communication issues, talk openly and honestly, find common ground, in order
to, reach a resolution, compromise, find a solution, seek help, struggle, cool off
Start of a conflict
Finding a solution
Exercise 2. Match the words/phrases with their definitions.
a skill
to encounter
a personality clash
internal conflict
a value
a concern
to struggle
to offer guidance
to handle
to implement
the importance or worth of something for
an imbalance between a person’s beliefs,
values and that person’s goals and desires
to experience difficulty and make a very
great effort in order to do something
to provide advice, direction, or support to
someone to help them navigate a
particular situation, overcome obstacles,
or make decisions
to experience something, especially
something unpleasant
to deal with, have responsibility for, or be
in charge of something
an ability to do an activity or job well,
especially because you have practised it
a fight or argument between people
a worried or nervous feeling about
something, or something that makes you
feel worried
to start using a plan or system
Speaker A
I'm a student and it's hard for me to find the time to go to the gym. It's cheaper to
go to the gym in the morning, but I have classes in the morning and evening hours
are more expensive. Plus, there are too many people there, so I do sports at home. I
bought a couple of DVDs with yoga classes and I think they're good enough. The
instructor on the DVDs explains what to do and how to do it, and this is important
not to get an injury while exercising.
Speaker B
I do think any physical activity must bring you pleasure and satisfaction, otherwise
it's pointless to do any sports. As for me, I don't enjoy going to the gym because
there are too many people there, so I bought a cycling machine and I do cycling
training sessions three or four times a week. I love cycling at home. I switch on a
video with some beautiful nature on my laptop and watch it while cycling,
imagining that's me in these great places.
Speaker C
If you ask me, I don't see any point of doing any fitness at home. First of all, there's
no motivation to do sports at home like in the gym. In the gym, there are always
people watching you, plus instructors, so you can't be lazy there. If you don't like
the gym, which is not a rare case, you can still go jogging in the local park or
practice Scandinavian walking or whatever. But at home, you don't have any fresh
air and your training sessions are useless.
Speaker D
I think you can easily do fitness at home and it's a great way to save money. I don't
see any reason to pay money for fitness as long as there are free video fitness
classes on YouTube. I don't think fitness classes are worth the money they charge,
actually. I'm pretty much happy working out at home without any investments into
it, and I will spend the money which I have saved on a trip to some interesting
place or on a new gadget like a laptop.
Speaker E
I guess we can work out at home instead of attending a gym without too many
problems, but only if you are determined and organized. There are so many
distractions at home. It can be a phone call, or somebody's visit, or just anything.
At home, there are always so many reasons to relax and just do nothing. You can
look around and see that you need to do some housework, for example. That is
why I don't do sports at home. I just can't.
Speaker F
In my opinion, doing sports at home can be a great way out for those people who
don't like gyms or cannot attend them for some reasons. Sorry to say, for me it's
not possible because I play football. I need a team for a good training session, and
I'm sure you understand why having a proper football training session at home is
impossible. So, I envy those people who can just put on a disc and do their exercise
to it. As for me, I have to go to the sports club.
1. Fitness at home is a cheap alternative to gyms.
2. Not all sports can be done at home.
3. Exercising at home has a lot of advantages.
4. You can do sports at home if you are strong-willed.
5. Fitness at home has many disadvantages.
6. A gym is the only place where you can do sports.
7. Doing exercise must give you positive emotions.
Exercise 1. Rephrase the parts in bold so it has got the same meaning.
Speaker A
I'm a student and it's hard for me to find the time to go to the gym. It's cheaper to
go to the gym in the morning, but I have classes in the morning and evening hours
are more expensive. Plus, there are too many people there, so I do sports at
home. I bought a couple of DVDs with yoga classes and I think they're good
enough. The instructor on the DVDs explains what to do and how to do it, and this
is important not to get an injury while exercising.
Speaker B
I do think any physical activity must bring you pleasure and satisfaction, otherwise
it's pointless to do any sports. As for me, I don't enjoy going to the gym because
there are too many people there, so I bought a cycling machine and I do cycling
training sessions three or four times a week. I love cycling at home. I switch on a
video with some beautiful nature on my laptop and watch it while cycling,
imagining that's me in these great places.
Speaker C
If you ask me, I don't see any point of doing any fitness at home. First of all,
there's no motivation to do sports at home like in the gym. In the gym, there are
always people watching you, plus instructors, so you can't be lazy there. If you
don't like the gym, which is not a rare case, you can still go jogging in the local
park or practice Scandinavian walking or whatever. But at home, you don't have
any fresh air and your training sessions are useless.
Exercise 2. Choose the right part to fill in the gaps.
Speaker D
I think you can easily do fitness at home and it's a great way to save money. I don't
see any reason to pay money for fitness as _______________________________.
I don't think fitness classes are worth the money they charge, actually. I'm pretty
much happy working out at home without any investments into it, and
___________________________________ on a trip to some interesting place or
on a new gadget like a laptop.
Speaker E
I guess we can work out at home instead of attending a gym without too many
problems, ____________________________________. There are so many
distractions at home. It can be a phone call, or somebody's visit, or just anything.
At home, there are always so many reasons to relax and just do nothing. You can
look around and see that __________________________________. That is why I
don't do sports at home. I just can't.
Speaker F
In my opinion, doing sports at home can be a great way out for
_______________________ or cannot attend them for some reasons. Sorry to say,
for me it's not possible because I play football. I need a team for a good training
session, and I'm sure you understand why ________________________. So, I
envy those people who can just put on a disc and do their exercise to it. As for me,
I have to go to the sports club.
1. those people who don't like gyms
2. long as there are free video fitness classes on YouTube
3. having a proper football training session at home is impossible
4. I will spend the money which I have saved
5. you need to do some housework, for example
6. but only if you are determined and organized
Exercise 3. Read the texts and describe each person’s opinion in one sentence.
Holidays in Russia
Exercise 1. Read two texts and compare them using the following plan:
 who wrote each of the texts?
 which style is used in each of the texts?
 which text would you use for writing a letter to your friend? for a travel blog
or a magazine article?
 which common key words can you see?
 which linkers are used in the texts?
 what are the differences and similarities can you see?
Text 1.
In Russia I was treated to a magical and festive experience. The streets were
adorned with twinkling lights and garlands, and the air was filled with the scent of
pine and cinnamon.
I was awed by the grand Christmas tree in Red Square, surrounded by bustling
crowds and the impressive architecture of the Kremlin. The famous Bolshoi
Theatre put on enchanting performances of the Nutcracker ballet, transporting me
to another world with its graceful dancers and ornate costumes.
I also had the opportunity to sample traditional Russian foods, such as borscht,
pelmeni, and blini. The warm hospitality of the locals made me feel right at home,
as they welcomed me into their homes to share in their festive celebrations.
One highlight of my trip was celebrating New Year's Eve in Moscow, where I
watched the spectacular fireworks display over the city skyline. The atmosphere
was electric with excitement and joy, as people gathered in the streets to sing and
dance the night away.
Overall, my holiday experience in Russia was truly unforgettable. The rich cultural
traditions, stunning decorations, and warm hospitality of the Russian people made
my visit a magical and memorable one. I can't wait to return and experience more
of the holiday magic that Russia has to offer.
Text 2.
I love holidays because they are always full of fun and excitement.
One of my favorite holidays is New Year's Eve. In Russia, we celebrate it with
grand fireworks displays, delicious food, and festive parties with family and
friends. We also have a tradition of exchanging gifts and making wishes for the
upcoming year.
Another holiday I enjoy is Maslenitsa, also known as Pancake Week. During this
week-long celebration, we eat lots of pancakes, participate in outdoor activities like
sledding and snowball fights, and burn a straw effigy to say goodbye to winter.
Easter is another important holiday in Russia, where we attend church services,
decorate eggs, and enjoy a traditional Easter meal with our loved ones.
I also look forward to Victory Day, which honors the Soviet Union's victory over
Nazi Germany in World War II. We attend parades, lay flowers at war memorials,
and honor the veterans who fought for our country.
Overall, holidays in Russia are always filled with joy, traditions, and time spent
with loved ones. I can't wait for the next celebration to come around!
Exercise 2. Imagine that you and your friend are doing a school project “Holidays
in Russia”. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a
voice message to your friend.
In 2.5 minutes be ready to:
 explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing
them and noting the differences;
 mention the advantages (1–2) of two kinds of holidays;
 mention the disadvantages (1–2) of the two kinds of holidays;
 express your opinion on the subject of the project – which kind of holidays
presented in the pictures you prefer and why.
Exercise 3. You have received an email message from your English-speaking penfriend Cathleen:
Write a letter to Cathleen.
In your letter
— answer her questions
— ask 3 questions about the pumpkin.
Write 100−140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Fun holidays
... Today my family went to the supermarket and bought a huge bag of sweets
and other treats to be ready for tomorrow's trick or-treaters, because tomorrow is
Halloween! What fun holidays and festivals do you have in Russia? Which one
of them is your favourite and why? How do you and your family spend it?
By the way, our pumpkin turned into a Jack-o-Lantern was voted the best in the