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Конспект Music 5-6 кл

1. Организационный момент:
Teacher: The topic of our lesson is something, that makes our life more bright and interesting.
– What do you think of it? What makes our life more bright and interesting? It is connected with art.
Answers: I’m sure, music gives a light of pleasure and excitement, helps me overcome difficulties.
Teacher: So our today’s topic is “Music in our life”.
2. Сообщение целей и задач урока:
Today we gonna speak about your favourite music styles, repeat the adjectives, fill in the missing gaps in the song.
3. Речевая зарядка
Teacher: Look at the board, please, and read the motto of our lesson (“Without music, life would be a mistake”)
Do you agree with this quotation?
P1: It goes without saying I do, because we can’t imagine our life without music.
P2: I think life without music would be boring!
P3: In my opinion, life without music isn’t interesting at all.
P4: Really, the life would be a mistake if we didn’t hear music, because music helps us in everyday life.
Teacher: You are right. But what is music? Specialists explain that music is not only a combination of pleasant
sounds. It is an art, which reflects life. There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago,
and some are modern. And what music styles of music do you know?
Classical Jazz soul music Pop Folk
blues Rock heavy metal Rap Country hip-hop Punk
Chamber ˈtʃeɪmbər камерная
4. Активизация лексики в речи.
Teacher: There are different kinds of music, but tastes differ, you know. I want to know what music styles you
prefer? But before let’s revise different emotional adjectives which can describe music styles.
beautiful, touching, serious, cheerful, relaxing, sad, simple, traditional, healing, emotional, exciting, catchy,
soothing, pleasant, romantic, energetic, melancholic, cool, passionate, breathtaking, great, powerful, perfect,
brilliant, sentimental, annoying
Красивый, трогательный, серьезный, веселый, расслабляющий, грустный, простой, традиционный,
исцеляющий, эмоциональный, волнующий, запоминающийся, успокаивающий, приятный, романтичный,
энергичный, меланхоличный, холодный, страстный, захватывающий дух, великий, могущественный,
совершенный, блестящий, сентиментальный, раздражающий.
Teacher: As for me, I’m mad about rock music, because it’s breathtaking, energetic and powerful. What about you?
Student: Using songs to study English improves memory and pronunciation, and makes learning more fun.People
like using English songs to practice English skill because it's easy and enjoy.
6. Аудирование
Teacher: Now I will give you sheets of papers with the song «Teenager in love». Watch, listen and complete the
6. Домашнее задание.
Teacher: At home express your attitude to music according to the plan, please. Use the adjectives, say about style
and how this song influenced you.
What does music mean to you?
“Music is one of, if not the most important aspect of my life.”
“Music is a way to express yourself and your feelings.
“Music is a source of inspiration and expression.”
What kind of music do you prefer listening to?
What is your favorite singer/band?
Some information about her/him/it (nationality, type of music, number of people, interesting facts)
What do you feel when you listen to his/her/its songs?
Name the most famous/favorite song and put on/play it.