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Essay on advertising

Добрышин Матвей
(Суббота 12.00)
To what extent do you think people are influenced by TV advertisement?
In the 21st century, advertising has flooded all the media. Moreover, advertising
surrounds us as soon as we leave the house in the city. However, one of the most popular types
of advertising is TV commercial. Thousands of people spend at least 30 minutes on TV every
day, which is usually enough to watch several advertising inserts. So, it is generally believed that
it has a great impact on people, but is it relevant today? I think so, and I will try to prove it with
a few arguments.
First of all, according to the data from the Internet resource akarussia.ru TV commercial
occupies more than 35 percent of all advertising, and despite the negative dynamics (the share of
mobile advertising is growing due to TV), it will not lose its first place very soon. Secondly, by
analysing the human psyche, one can come to the conclusion that TV commercial, which is an
endless repetition of the same text calling for the purchase of some useless thing, is stored in
memory over time, causing a person to have some confidence in the product in the store. Of
course, there is a downside, in which TV advertising is slowly but surely losing its primacy due
to the development of online advertising. The younger generation is practically not interested in
television, and therefore TV advertising does not have much influence on them. And yet, so far
the situation remains fairly stable.
To sum up, it can be concluded that TV commercial still prevails in the field of
advertising due to the predominance of middle-aged and older people, which are the main and
target audience of TV advertising managers. However, there is a negative trend in the share of
TV advertising in general, which sooner or later will lead to a weakening of the influence of this
type of advertising.
Total: 307 words.