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Эссе по английскому языку:
«Дискриминация по возрасту и ее решения»
студентка группы ХТб-23-2
Сычева Алиса Вадимовна
Тюмень, 2024 г.
Age discrimination
Age discrimination is a negative attitude, unfair treatment or unequal treatment of
people based on their age. This means that people may be predominantly or undercounted, excluded, or restricted in access to certain opportunities, services, or resources
because of their age. Age discrimination can manifest itself in various areas of life,
including employment, education, health, housing and public services. It can affect both
young people and the elderly.
It is important to note that age discrimination is a violation of human rights and
contradicts the principles of equality and justice. All people, regardless of their age, have
the right to equal opportunities and equal treatment.
In 2016, researchers at the University of California at Irvine conducted a new study
that convincingly proved that older people really have difficulty finding employment. The
organizers of the study sent out 40,000 resumes for thousands of real vacancies. Three
identical resumes were sent to each vacancy, differing only by the specified age of the
applicant: in one case, the resume was attributed to a young specialist, in another to a
middle—aged man, and in the third to an elderly man. The results are shown in the
My goal is to study age discrimination.
To achieve my goal, I must complete the following tasks:
 To reveal the concept and essence of this type of discrimination
 To investigate the causes of its appearance
 To study the anti-discrimination policy
 To propose solutions to this problem
Age discrimination can have various causes, which may be related to prejudice,
stereotypes and lack of information. I think there are several reasons for age
 Stereotypes and prejudices
One of the main causes of age discrimination is stereotypes and prejudices that
exist in society. Some people may have outdated ideas about age and related abilities and
skills. For example, young people may think that older people are incapable of new
technologies, and employers may think that older workers are less productive.
 Cultural and social factors
Cultural and social factors can also play a role in age discrimination. Some cultures
may value youth and consider it more valuable, while older people may be stigmatized
or excluded from public life. Social norms and expectations can also influence how
people relate to different age groups.
 Lack of information
Lack of information about age groups and their abilities can lead to discrimination.
Some people may not have sufficient information about age-related changes and needs,
which can lead to misconceptions and discrimination. For example, employers may not
be aware of the benefits of hiring older workers, such as experience and reliability.
Age discrimination can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a
whole. Here are some of them:
 Limitation of possibilities
Age discrimination can lead to limited opportunities for people of a certain age.
For example, older people may be denied access to certain jobs or educational
opportunities because of their age. This can lead to a deterioration of their economic
situation and social isolation.
 Violation of rights
Age discrimination violates people's rights to equality and justice. Many countries
have laws prohibiting age discrimination, and violating these laws can have legal
consequences for discriminators.
 Psychological consequences
Age discrimination can have serious psychological consequences for people who
are discriminated against. They may feel inferior, unimportant, and rejected. This can
lead to deterioration of their self-esteem, depression and other psychological problems.
Various countries have laws and regulations that prohibit age discrimination and
protect the rights of people of all age groups. These laws and policies are aimed at
preventing the negative effects of discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities for all.
Examples of legislation and policies against age discrimination:
1. The Civil Rights Act in the United States prohibits age discrimination in
employment, education, housing, and other areas.[2]
2. In the European Union, there is a Directive on Equality in the field of work,
which prohibits discrimination based on age in employment, working conditions and
3. In Russia, age discrimination is prohibited by the Federal Law on Consumer
Protection and the Labor Code.[3]
Age discrimination is a serious problem that requires active measures to overcome
it. I suggest several ways to solve this problem:
 Education and information
One of the key ways to overcome age discrimination is education and public
awareness. It is necessary to conduct information campaigns that will help people
understand that age discrimination is wrong and unacceptable. This may include lectures,
seminars, webinars and dissemination of information materials.
 Legislation and legal protection
It is important to have laws and policies that prohibit age discrimination and
provide legal protection for victims. The State should take measures to create laws that
guarantee equal rights and opportunities for all, regardless of age. It is also necessary to
ensure the accessibility and effectiveness of legal protection mechanisms for those who
have been victims of discrimination.
 Diversity and Inclusion Promotion
Organizations and employers should actively promote diversity and inclusion. This
means creating a work environment that welcomes and values age differences, and
provides equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of their age. Developing
policies that support diversity and inclusion, as well as conducting anti-discrimination
training programs, can be useful tools in this process.
 Social interaction and support
Social interaction and support also play an important role in overcoming age
discrimination. It is necessary to create communities that welcome and respect people of
all ages. This can be achieved through the organization of events, clubs, support groups
and other forms of social activity that bring people of different generations together and
promote mutual understanding and respect.
Overcoming age discrimination requires the joint efforts of society, the State and
organizations. It is important to realize that everyone has the right to equal opportunities
and respect, regardless of their age.
Age discrimination is a serious problem that can lead to negative consequences for
people of different age groups. It manifests itself in various areas of life, such as
employment, education and access to services. Legislation and protection against age
discrimination play an important role in combating this problem. However, in order to
completely overcome age discrimination, it is necessary to change public consciousness
and instill respect and equality for people regardless of their age.
Список литературы
1. https://otradnenskoesp.ru/informatsiya-tszn/diskriminatsiya-povozrastu?ysclid=ltvqoh26zw449484107
2. https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/civil-rights-act
3. https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_34683/
4. https://translated.turbopages.org/proxy_u/en-ru.ru.d167fed0-65f71ced6e053c59-74722d776562/https/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_Directive_2000
5. https://www.frbsf.org/research-and-insights/publications/economicletter/2017/02/age-discrimination-and-hiring-older-workers/