Приветствие Председателя заседания, гостей и участников Деловой игры, представление спикера, его страны и государственной/об щественной структуры/организа ции, которую он представляет Honorable It is an honor and a delegates, great pleasure to be Chairperson, and here this morning, dear guests! with all of you. Обоснование актуальности вопросов, поднимаемых в рамках Деловой игры, связь с темой позиции. Раскрытие вопроса из повестки заседания What is our point of The difficult situation that view? And what interests has formed in … is do we pursue? certainly a serious problem and a subject of heated discussions for the whole global community, including our country – we can’t stand aside. Обоснование участия в саммите БРИКС и интереса к сотрудничеству в своей сфере. Общий вывод, заключительные слова. To sum up, I would say that (country) supports solving the … problem. We hope that the government of … will think about these notes and in the near future take current peaceful appropriate actions for stabilizing the situation inside the country. Thank you attention. Dear Chairperson and delegates! Honorable Chairperson! Honorable delegates! Dear As a representative of ( country) I state that the situation in …. continues to be a severe threat. An escalating threat to global wellbeing/economic development/moral code Why are we here today? What questions disturb us today? Why are we concerned so much about this problem? The delegation of Today, we gather to try to (country) is greatly find a solution for a honored and deeply problem that worries us. grateful for the opportunity to address More than that, politically motivated sanctions negatively affected the possibility of understanding each other’s positions, as many channels of such communication were cut off. (Country) expresses support to …, and we are ready to cooperate and lend a hand to this country. We believe that they should contribute to the solution of these fundamental problems. In turn, the (nationality) delegation is But frankly speaking, we are not optimistic about this situation. for your In conclusion, we once again urge the parties to resume efforts to resolve outstanding issues through ….. Thank you attention. for your We are expecting informed decisions from all countries and hope countries of all continents will grow and Colleagues! Distinguished presidium and delegates, this assembly concerned with the present situation in …. The delegation of (Country) is pleased to welcome you. We want to express our opinion on this agenda. ready to become an active member of the Conference of donors and investors in ….. The subject of today’s meeting is… And we would like to express our position over the situation in ….. Good morning The delegation of Our delegation is glad to honorable (Country) is proud to see you here, and we delegates and welcome you here. want to express our point Chairperson. of view on this agenda. Good afternoon honorable delegates and the Chair! The delegation of (Country) is pleased to welcome the international community and support the efforts of …. to solve the situation in …. Nowadays the problem of … is very important because it concerns almost every state in the world. Let me begin with a brief history of the problem of … The current situation is unacceptable. The (nationality) delegation is deeply concerned about the events in … and grateful for the opportunity to resolve this important issue among the leading states of the world. Our country clearly states that… develop in peace. Thank you for your attention. We are open to questions. We are here today to achieve the primary goal of BRICS- to unite our strength to…... We aspire to similar goals and we face the common challenges of this century with equal determination to safeguard the best future for coming generations. This is why we are against (Country) encourages imposing economic other countries to help sanctions on …. Is worth … reach….. remembering that … is our permanent strategic partner, and the deterioration of relations will not bring us any good. …-… relations have always been stable and should remain so in the future. We will continue cooperation with the countries of …. and the international community in order to come to a peaceful and diplomatic settlement of the situation in …. Thank you for your attention, our delegation is open to questions. Thank you for your attention. Our country is open to questions. We pursue our independent policy. We respect our sovereignty and International law. That is why we call on countries to make decisions according to their own point of view. Dear colleagues There is no doubt that nowadays, international relations are in a transfer period. Russia is for mutual cooperation between countries. However, such a crisis … has caused controversies. The situation in … is the cause of constant concern of the international community. The (nationality) Let's start by saying that In addition, we would like government expresses our delegation is to stress that … must itself strong concern about concerned about … solve their problems, and …, and calls on all our task is to help, but not parties to resolve this interfere in its domestic problem peacefully. politics. In order to find the only correct way out of this situation, we need to work on all the key elements, namely …. (country) adheres to its own diplomatic principles for international relations. We also took into account the historical and contemporary factors of this question. The delegation of (country) emphasizes that it is necessary to build relations on a multi-polar basis. It is necessary to stop the violation of …. And it is necessary to find the most acceptable way to resolve the problem. Nevertheless, we also consider it important that …. We recognize the need for a political resolution of the situation through dialogue with … We should also note that the position of the (nationality) government is …. Our task is to prevent the spread of such separatist sentiments in other countries. We respect the contribution of … to observe what is happening in …. (примерные аспекты): 1) экология: наличие национальных, региональных экологических проблем, их связь с климатическими изменениями, обоснование необходимости их решения, апелляция к международным конвенциям по защите окружающей среды и их реальное соблюдение, описание 3 государственных программ решения экологических вопросов, результат/ отсутствие результатов действия этих программ, инициативы страны по сокращению выброса парниковых газов, производственные технологии и методы мониторинга и анализа содержания парниковых газов в атмосфере, методы адаптации экономики стран БРИКС к изменениям в энергосекторе и др. 2) культура и туризм: представление культурного имиджа страны на мировой арене (объекты Юнеско, практики, ремесела, традиции, архитектурные сооружения), представление культурных и национальных особенностей проживающих в стране народов, описание сложностей / предрассудков, связанных с ложными представлениями о народе, стране. Разработка и представление методов повышения интереса к стране со стороны местных и иностранных туристов (в том числе разработка туристических маршрутов, интерактивных экскурсий, трендов в соцсетях, участие в международных форумах и программах культурного обмена, и др.) описание системы общего среднего образования, всеобщая доступность школьного образования/ ограничения в получении образования, система высшего образования: востребованные специальности, технологии и стандарты обучения, международные обмены студентов и преподавателей, развитие системы взаимного признания дипломов о высшем образовании странучастниц БРИКС. Программы молодежного парламентаризма, развития молодых лидеров и обмена опытом в рамках молодежных форумов стран БРИКС. 3) медиапространство: доступность сети Интернет, характер контента (основные СМИ, их цели и приоритеты) , влияние Интернета на формирование нравственных ценностей молодого поколения, наличие/отсутствие и необходимость цензуры. Медиа как средство информационной войны, создания фейков, манипуляции общественным мнением и запугивания в сети Интернет. Методы борьбы с проблемами безопасности в Интернете и способы построения нового мирового порядка при участии всех стран БРИКС.