PEOPLES’ FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY OF RUSSIA INSTITUTE OF LAW Department of Foreing Languages LANGUAGES FOR PEACE AND PARTNERSHIP Students’ International Conference ЯЗЫКИ ВО ИМЯ МИРА И ПАРТНЕРСТВА Материалы международной студенческой конференции Москва Российский университет дружбы народов 2023 УДК 34:81:008:347.78.034(063) ББК 67+81+71 Я41 Я41 У т ве р ж д е н о РИС Ученого совета Российского университета дружбы народов Языки во имя мира и партнерства = Languages for peace and partnership : материалы международной студенческой конференции. – Москва : РУДН, 2023. – 198 c. ISBN 978-5-209-12061-2 В сборник вошли тезисы и доклады студентов юридического института РУДН, российских и зарубежных вузов, представленные на ежегодной студенческой конференции, которую традиционно проводит кафедра иностранных языков юридического института. В 2023 году конференция получила статус международной – в ней приняли участие представители из 7 стран – Белоруссии, Индии, Испании, Китая, России, Турции, Франции. В публикациях освещаются актуальные вопросы коммуникации, права, культуры, языка и перевода в международном сотрудничестве специалистов различного профиля. Целью конференции является равитие компетенций исследовательсой работы и творческого подхода к решению учебных и профессиональных проблем и навыков межкультурной коммуникации. Материалы представлены на английском, французском, испанском, немецком, арабском , китайском и японском языках. УДК 34:81:008:347.78.034(063) ББК 67+81+71 ISBN 978-5-209-12061-2 © Коллектив авторов, 2023 © Российский университет дружбы народов, 2023 Уважаемые коллеги! В настоящий сборник вошли статьи, тезисы выступлений участников ежегодной межвузовской конференции «Languages for Peace and Partnership» (Language. Culture. Translation), которая состоялась 20 апреля 2023г. Конференция проводится в течение ряда лет кафедрой иностранных языков юридического института РУДН. Цель конференции – развивать у студентов научное мышление, навыки исследовательской работы и творческого подхода к решению профессиональных проблем, а также навыки иноязычной профессиональной и межкультурной коммуникации в различных сферах деятельности. В 2023 году в конференции приняли участие докладчики из 17 ВУЗов: РУДН, СГЮА, ВГУЮ РПА, РГУП, МГИМО, БГУ, МГУ, ВлГУ, Технический университет Карадениз (Турция), Университет Цинхуа (Китай), Университет Дели (Индия), Государственный социальногуманитарный университет (г.Коломна), МПГУ, Финансовый Университет при правительстве РФ, Университет Альфонсо X Эль Сабио (Испания), ФГБОУ ВО «Бурятский государственный университет им. Доржи Банзарова», Университет Ниццы — София Антиполис (UNS). Организаторы конференции надеются на дальнейшее активное участие студентов и аспирантов различных направлений подготовки в обсуждении значимости языка, культуры и перевода для развития и укрепления международного сотрудничества специалистов различного профиля. Материалы публикуются в авторской редакции: авторы публикаций несут полную персональную ответственность за соблюдение авторского права, всех прав интеллектуальной собственности. 3 ВУЗЫ - УЧАСТНИКИ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ 1. Белорусский государственный университет (БГУ) 2. Владимирский государственный университет им. А. Г. и Н. Г. Столетовых (ВлГУ) 3. Всероссийский государственный университет юстиции (ВГУЮ РПА) 4. Государственный социально-гуманитарный университет (г.Коломна) 5. Московский государственный институт международных отношений (МГИМО университет) 6. Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова (МГУ) 7. Московский педагогический государственный университет (МПГУ) 8. Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН) 9. Российский государственный университет правосудия 10. Саратовская государственная юридическая академия (СГЮА) 11. ФГБОУ ВО «Бурятский государственный университет им. Доржи Банзарова» 12. Финансовый Университет при правительстве РФ 13. Alfonso X El Sabio University – Университет Альфонсо X Эль Сабио (Испания) 14. Karadeniz Technical University -Технический университет Карадениз (Турция) 15. Tsinghua University - Университет Цинхуа (Китай) 16. University of Delhi - Университет Дели (Индия) 17. Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis - Университет Ниццы-София Антиполис (Франция) 4 CONTENTS AGAFONOVA S. LANGUAGE SKILLS IN NEGOTIATION 15 ALEXANDROVA V. MEDIATION IN RUSSIA AND ENGLAND 16 ALYABEVA E العربية باللغة والتواصل الترجمة ميزات 18 ASLANYAN O. MANIPULATION IN THE FINANCIAL MARKET EXPERIENS OF RUSSIA AND USA 20 AVAGYAN G. EL DESARROLLO DE LA COMPETENCIA DISCURSIVA EN LAS CLASES DE ELE EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA MODA 21 AVANESYAN A. CROSS-CULTURAL MEDIATION STRATEGIES 23 AVYAAN SHARMA, DISCUSSING FEATURES OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN INDIA 25 THE BENEFITS OF REWRITING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF WRITING SKILLS 26 AYSU NUR YILDIRIM, ALI ŞÜKRÜ ÖZBAY THE INVESTIGATION OF GENRESPECIFIC MULTI WORD COMBINATIONS IN AN EAP COURSE: THE CASE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 28 BARRERA M. COMUNICACIÓN INTERCULTURAL EN ESPAÑA 28 BASMA J. THE ROLE OF THE ICT AND TECHNOLOGY ON CLIL IN THE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 30 VIHAAN SINGH AYŞENUR OĞRAŞ, MUSTAFA ZEKI ÇIRAKLI 5 BATANOV A. LEGAL NATURE AND PLACE OF ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONS IN THE CIVIL LAW SYSTEM OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 32 BECESTE TAMTÜRK A CORPUS STUDY OF TOLKIEN'S NARRATIVE STYLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE LORD OF THE RINGS 34 BIRYUKOV I., FATIKHOV D. CLIMATE LITIGATION AS A NEW CATEGORY OF COURT CASES 36 BORISOVA P. THE ROLE OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION 38 BOULICHEVA V. PARTICULARITÉS DE LA TRADUCTION JURIDIQUE 40 BRAGINA K., ŠIŠKOVA N. SHAKESPEREAN PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN MODERN ENGLISH 42 BRÁTCHICOVA M. LOS TEXTOS DE G.GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ COMO RECURSO DIDÁCTICO EN LAS CLASES DE ELE PARA DESARROLLAR LA COMPETENCIA LECTORA DE LOS ADOLESCENTES 43 BUDKINA Y. FRENCH LANGUAGE POLICY ON REGIONAL LANGUAGES 45 CHATAIN V. LA TRADUCCIÓN MÉDICA COMO ASPECTO DEL DESARROLLO DE LAS INSTITUCIONES ESTATALES Y CONDICIÓN PARA LA PRESTACIÓN DE UNA ASISTENCIA SANITARIA DE CALIDAD EN UNA SOCIEDAD DE DERECHOLA INTRODUCCIÓN 47 6 DOMBROVSKAYA V. TECHNOLOGIES MODERNES DE L'INFORMATION AUX COURS DE FRANÇAIS 49 DOROSHENKO D., ALEKSEEV V. LANGUAGE AND LAW 51 ELISTRATOVA E. SYNONYMS IN LEGAL DOCUMENTS 52 EZHKOVA K. TÍTULOS DE PELÍCULAS ESPAÑOLAS: PROBLEMAS DE TRADUCCIÓN 54 GABRIEL DOURADO ROCHA A RUSSIA E A COMUNIDADE DOS PAÍSES DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA (CPLP) 57 GEVORGYAN M. PROBLEMS OF REALIZATION OF THE RIGHTS TO ASYLUM (ON THE TERRITORY OF THE USA) 58 GRISHAEVA I. MERGER DOCTRINE AS A MECHANISM RESTRICTING COPYRIGHT PROTECTION IN THE UNITED STATES 61 GULYAGUINA A. LA UNANIMIDAD DE LOS ENFOQUES PARA COMPRENDER LA MORALIDAD COMO UNA FORMA DE INTEGRACÍON INTERCULTURAL 63 HERNÁNDEZ JIMÉNEZ E. CATALANIZAR O ESPAÑOLIZAR? UNA OPONENCIA SECULAR 65 HİLAL PEKTAŞ WORDS, WORD GROUPS, IDIOMS, AND WORD PATTERNS WIDELY USED IN BOOKS, ARTICLES, AND THESES RELATED TO THE GLOBAL MIGRATION CRISIS (2011-2022) 67 7 HUA JIE, ZHU YOUNG LANGUAGE, LAW AND PROCEDURAL ISSUES IN NERCHINSK TREATY 67 ILIASOVA A. LIBERTE D'EXPRESSION EN FRANCE 68 IMIEVA L. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AS A TYPE OF CONTACT 71 IVANOVA A. LEGAL SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION IN LATIN AMERICA 74 IVANOVA D. EL USO DEL CÓMIC PARA DESSAROLLAR LA COMPETENCIA COMMUNICATIVA Y LA LECTURA FUNCIONAL EN UNA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL 76 KEVSER DILBAZ, ALI ŞÜKRÜ ÖZBAY THE INVESTIGATION OF GENRESPECIFIC MULTI WORD COMBINATIONS IN AN EAP COURSE: THE CASE OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 78 KHRIPUSHINA V. JERGA EN EL LENGUAJE MODERNO JUVENIL 79 KIRILKINA K. CRÉATIVITÉ DANS LA TRADUCTION JURIDIQUE 81 KOLPAKOVA L. SOME ISSUES OF LEGAL ENGINEERING 82 KORCHINSKIY K., TERESHENKO A. FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM IN RUSSIA 84 KOROBOVA A. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE 85 8 KOSTYLEVA U. SELBSTANZEIGE ALS STRAFAUFHEBUNGSGRUND IM STEUERSTRAFRECHT DER BRD 87 KOSTYUK A., KOLOS N. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW: MAIN PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS 89 KOVAL E. THE MEANING OF TERMS SAFETY AND SECURITY IN THE INTERNATIONAL AIR LAW 90 KOZLOV A. FEATURES AND PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATING THE BUY AND SELL CONTRACT FROM ENGLISH INTO RUSSIAN 92 KOZLOVA A. LA CULTURA NATIVA EN LA CLASE DE LENGUA EXTRANJERA: UN COMENTARIO TEÓRICO 94 KSHEVITSKII S. AI AND REFUGEE STATUS DETERMINATION 96 KURBONOVA F. 中国与西方国家法律语言的比较分 析 99 LEMIKHOVA N. 日本の関税法 100 LOFIY E. LANGUAGE OF ADOPTION 102 LOGVINOVICH Ye. TRADITIONAL AND SMART CONTRACTS: COMPARATIVE ASPECT 104 MAKAROVA E. LOS ASPECTOS DE LA COMUNICACIÓN INTERNACIONAL EN LOS PAÍSES HISPANOHABLANTES 105 9 MANÓJINA A. CÓMO GESTIONAR PROYECTOS DE MANERA EFECTIVA EN ESPAÑOL: MEJORES PRÁCTICAS DE GESTIÓN DE PROYECTOS PARA EQUIPOS INTERNACIONALES 107 MARKINA V. 中华人民共和国法律下法人的法律 地位 109 MELKONIAN N. FOREIGN LANGUAGE BORROWINGS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE OF LAW 111 MEZENTSEVA E. DECODING CHINESE SLANG: A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING THE LANGUAGE OF THE YOUTH 113 MIGUNOVA R. DIE VERBREITUNG DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE IN DER WELT 115 MIROSHNICHENKO K. TRANSLATION OF PHRASAL VERBS IN THE LEGAL DISCOURSE OF CORPORATE LAW 117 MOHAMMED AHMED A NEW COMPETENCE FOR TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS, ESPECIALLY IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 118 MOLOSTOVSKAYA M. CAUSAS DE LA MALA PRONUNCIACIÓN DE LOS SONIDOS ESPAÑOLES POR PARTE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES RUSOS 121 MYASOEDOV H. LEGAL NATURE OF THE CONTRACT ON FINANCING WITH THE ASSIGNMENT OF A MONETARY CLAIM (FACTORING) 122 10 NARANJO PÉREZ A. LEY GENERAL DE DERECHOS LINGÜÍSTICOS DE LOS PUEBLOS INDÍGENAS COMO DIRECTRIZ DE LA POLÍTICA ESTATAL 124 NAUMENKO S., NEZNAMOV E. THE LEGAL STATUS OF A COSMONAUT IN INTERNATIONAL LAW 125 OCROMCHEDLISHVILI E., IVANOVA A. EXPRESSIVE MEANS OF AGATHA CHRISTIE IN “JANE IN SEARCH OF A JOB” 127 PERSHIN V., ANIKEVA P. DIFFICULTIES OF TRANSLATION 129 PISARENKO N. LEXICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE CONCEPT “OTHER” IN RUSSIAN AND GERMAN 131 POKROVSKAYA A. LIABILITY OF INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: A SAFE HARBOUR MODEL 134 POLTEVA V. INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMS LAW: THE UNIFIED LEGAL INFRASTRUCTURE 136 PRIMAKOVA N. IN REFERENCE TO THE PROBLEM OF LEGAL LIABILITY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE 139 PRISYAZHNUK I. MAIN DIRECTIONS OF MEASURES FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRIMES INCRIMINATING INCITEMENT TO SUICIDE 141 11 REPINA S. BILDUNGSSYSTEME IN DEN SCHULEN IN RUSSLAND UND DEUTSCHLAND 142 RODRIGUEZ VILLA CH. TRADUCCIÓN MÉDICA, ¿CUÁLES SON LOS ERRORES QUE HAY QUE EVITAR? 144 RUBIO J. THE IMPORTANCE OF LINGUISTIC RIGHTS OF INDIGESOUS PEOPLE IN INTERNATIONAL ENVIROMENTAL LAW IN LATIN AMERICA 147 RUSAKOV V. RECEPTION OF ROMAN LAW IN ENGLAND. THE PECULIARITY OF THE ANGLO-SAXON LEGAL TRADITION 149 SÁVCHENKO A. EL PAPEL DE LOS PAISES LATINOAMERICANOS EN LA PROMOCIÓN DE LA POLÍTICA DEL “PODER BLANDO” EN EL MUNDO 151 SENICHEVA O. PROBLEMS OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: BRIDGING THE GAP 153 SHCHUR A. PROBLEMS IN LEARNING LEGAL ENGLISH 154 SHISHKOVA N., MODERN ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGY BASED ON CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS 158 PECULIARITIES OF THE USE AND TRANSLATION OF LATIN EXPRESSIONS IN LEGAL ENGLISH 159 GUSEVA M. SHMELEV A. 12 SHVAREVA A. ORGANISATION TERRITORIALE DE LA FRANCE 161 SILAKOVA M. N. FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERM LEGAL DESIGN IN ENGLISH AND IN RUSSIAN 162 SOLTANIBAHREHMAND R. LANGUAGE AND LAW: EXPLORING THE COMPLEX RELATIONSHIP 164 DEVELOPING WRITING SKILLS AND CRITICAL THINKING THROUGH CREATIVE POETRY WRITING: AN ACTION RESEARCH AND NARRATIVE INQUIRY 166 TARUN SARKAR CHINA’S LANGUAGE EDUCATION POLICY AND ITS IMPLICATION- AN OVERVIEW 167 TAUSHKANOV G. THE IMPACT OF AI AND NEURAL NETWORKS ON DATA PRIVACY REGULATION IN RUSSIA: CONSENT MANAGEMENT TOOLS 170 TSALLAEVA L., LYTKINA S. ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGY WITH THE PROPER NOUN COMPONENT 173 TSCHAN T. TECHNIKEN ZUR ÜBERSETZUNG VON PHRASEOLOGISMEN 174 TUĞBA ŞAHIN, ALI ŞÜKRÜ ÖZBAY DATA FOUND IN AN EAP COURSE IN THE FIELD OF ARCHITECTURE 176 TURUKIN I. TAXATION OF ASSETS DENOMINATED IN FOREIGN CURRENCY 177 SOLTANIBAHREHMAND S. SÜMEYYE ZEMZEM DAŞPINAR, MUSTAFA ZEKI ÇIRAKLI 13 UCHAYKIN E. LEXICAL SUBSTITUTION AS THE MAIN STRATEGY FOR JOE BIDEN'S PUBLIC SPEECHES TRANSLATION 179 VARTANYAN V. PECULIARIDADES DE LA LENGUA VASCA 182 YAFAROV A. FALSE FRIEND IN LINGUISTICS AND LAW IN ENGLISH 183 YANKOVA N., ZANDRAEVA E. REPRESENTATION OF THE ‘PERMACRISIS’ CONCEPT IN ENGLISH NEOLOGISMS 184 YARTSUN D., ZGODNEV D. 学习汉语的现代技术 186 ZHAMKOCHYAN A. KEY TREND AND DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES IN RUSSIA AND ISRAEL 188 ZHARKOVA A. PROBLEMES DE LA DIFFUSION DE LA LANGUE FRANÇAISE DANS LE MONDE 190 ZHILINSKAYA V. THE INSTITUTE OF INHERITANCE IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS AND THE UK: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 192 KADATSKAYA S.V. THE LIMITATION OF ACTIONS: HISTORY AND REALITY 194 MGELADZE V. DIE ENTWICKLUNG EINER INKLUSIVEN BILDUNG 196 14 AGAFONOVA S. Saratov State Law Academy (Saratov, Russia) LANGUAGE SKILLS IN NEGOTIATION INTRODUCTION Nowadays, negotiations are extremely important in everyday lives. They take place in different spheres such as business, conflict resolution, family disputes, etc. Language is an enormous part of this process and directly affects a result. That is why it is necessary to master language skills and use it properly. RESEARCH GOAL The goal of my research is to explore different types of language skills, outline some ways to use them properly, recall specific traits in different countries, and show how language style can affect negotiation results. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM Language skills help to adapt to different situations and achieve expected goals in negotiation. Negotiators need to pay more attention to the use of language strategies and skills. Especially it is important in cross-cultural negotiations because parties came from different background. It requires negotiators to choose the style of negotiations according to person, context and so on. There are two types of language skills: behavioral and cultural. Behavioral skills include body language, dress, speech, behavior. No need to underestimate these skills as they assist and cooperate with vocal language helping to achieve a desired effect. Understanding body language such as facial expressions, movements or gestures of another party may be one of the ways to gather valuable information. For example, Professor Maurice E. Schweitzer of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania notes that liars sometimes have trouble matching their facial expressions to the emotion they are communicating. To make a good impression, negotiators should also rely on dress code, traditionally it is a formal style of wear, but if we speak about international negotiation, there are some colors or symbols to avoid depending of counterparts’ origin. Negotiators’ speech refers to tone, speed and strength of a voice. These details need to be considered while speaking to loud countries such as Italy, Mexico and so on. Although behavior language can reveal negotiator’s mind, behavior language often does not provide the other party a very real and accurate feeling. (Xiao, Luo, Daly, 2020) Speaking about cultural skills, they include exertion of professional, of diplomatic, of legal language, of military and of literary language. In some countries, for example Japan, etiquette and dignity have great importance. Therefore, it would be useful to focus on diplomatic and literary language. 15 CONCLUSION In summary, language skills and strategies are the keys to successful negotiation. Use of specials techniques will guarantee mutually beneficial agreement. REFERENCES Cohen, R. (2007). Meaning, Interpretation and International Negotiation. Global society, 14, 317-335 Dawson, R. (2008). Secrets of Power negotiating. Chongqing Publishing House Moran, S., Schweitzer, M. (2008) When better is worse: Envy and the use of deception in negotiations, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 1(1), 3-29. Xiao,P., Luo, X., Daly, S. (2020). Language Skills in Business Negotiation from the Perspective of Adaptation. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research, 2, 181-187. ALEXANDROVA V. The All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) MEDIATION IN RUSSIA AND ENGLAND INTRODUCTION Modern social and technological trends in society entail changes in the labor market. The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Skolkovo Moscow School of Management have drawn up an Atlas of New Professions for the next 20 years, which will include the profession of mediator. RESEARCH GOAL Unlike in Great Britain, the bottom-up initiative spread throughout Russia only after the adoption of a special federal law on mediation №193-F3 "On alternative dispute resolution procedure with the participation of a mediator (mediation procedure)", which entered into force on January 1, 2011, and defined mediation as a method of dispute resolution with the assistance of a mediator, based on the voluntary consent of the parties, in order to reach a mutually acceptable solution. It should be noted that, unlike in the UK, where legal acts came into being much later than the mediation procedure, in Russia the normative consolidation was much faster. In addition, in Russia, there is no strict differentiation of mediation according to the spheres of life in which the conflict occurs. 16 The development of mediation in Russia is hampered by the low awareness of this procedure, which prevents the further spread of mediation in Russia and imposes certain peculiarities. Y.V. Gushcheva conducted a survey among citizens of different age groups who do not have a legal education, in order to determine their knowledge of the content of the concept of mediation. «Among those surveyed, 17% of those aged 55 and over were aware of mediation, 38% of those aged 40 to 54, and 64% of those aged 25 to 39» (Gushcheva, 2013). One of the main features of mediation in Russia is its strict legal regulation. ANALYSIS OF MEDIATION PRACTICE IN ENGLAND CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) statistics show that in 2016 ten thousand mediations took place in England and Wales alone, although at the outset there were more mediators than citizens willing to apply. This is largely due to informing citizens about the benefits of mediation. In the UK, in contrast to Russia, it is the sphere of medical mediation that has been developing first of all. For a number of years, many of the former Family Health Service Authorities, abolished in 1996, have been offering unofficial conciliation/mediation services to patients with complaints about their doctors. In the UK, there is a highly developed sphere of mediation that deals with work-place conflict (work-place mediation). «In April, 2011, a law came into force in the UK whereby every British couple contemplating divorce is first asked to resolve the points in dispute through mediation, with parties who do want to go to court having to give reasons for their decision». The case will only go straight to court in situations involving domestic violence or the need to protect the safety of a child. At the same time, the authorities have increased the funding in this sphere - now 25 million pounds is allocated annually for mediation instead of ten million pounds, which has proved to be effective in the future. According to the statistics of the British Ministry of Justice, in the third quarter of 2011, out of 30 400 divorcees, in 16 416 cases they took advantage of the state-funded option to consider mediation, and in 8020 cases mediation was chosen as the solution to the dispute. On a national average, in more than 49% of the cases, when the option of mediation was initially considered, the cases did not proceed to court proceedings. So now about 26% of all divorce cases in the UK are settled completely out of court (Isaenkova, 2013). And these figures have only increased over the years. CONCLUSION Mediation in Russia has had its own specific way, which is reflected in its peculiarities. Having a lot in common with the British model, being at the same time based on the Harvard method and the American mediation model, mediation in Russia has evolved into a different system. 17 REFERENCES Gushcheva, Y. (2013). Conciliation procedure in law: doctrine, practice, technique. D. thesis, 31. Isaenkova, O. (2013). The development of mediation in Russia: problems and prospects. Saratov: Saratov State Academy of Law. Maulitova, K. (2018). Organization of the mediation procedure in the United Kingdom and Russia. Saint-Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University. Mediation in the UK has reduced parties' costs by a factor of 5. URL: . ALYABEVA E )RUDN–University (MOSCOW,RUSSIA جامعة الصداقة بين الشعوب في روسيا )موسكو ،روسيا( FEATURES OF TRANSLATION AND COMMUNICATION IN ARABIC ميزات الترجمة والتواصل باللغة العربية مقدمة. الترجمة من العربية موضوع ساخن للغاية في العالم الحديث .هذا يرجع إلى حقيقة أن اللغة العربية هي انتشارا في العالم ،والتي ال تستخدم فقط في البلدان العربية ،ولكن أيضًا في واحدة من أكثر اللغات ً العديد من البلدان األخرى .باإلضافة إلى ذلك ،اللغة العربية هي لغة القرآن ،وهي ذات أهمية كبيرة لماليين الناس حول العالم وخاصة الترجمة في مجال العالقات الدولية والتجارة واالقتصاد والعلوم والثقافة. للترجمة والتواصل باللغة العربية خصائصها الخاصة المرتبطة بثقافة وتقاليد العالم العربي .من المهم مراعاة مبادئ النظم المعجمية والقواعدية العربية ،وكذلك مراعاة الخصائص والمعايير الثقافية ،حتى ال تخرق القواعد وال تسيء إلى المحاورين العرب. أهداف البحث. أهداف العمل هي: .1دراسة خصائص اللغة العربية التي تؤثر على عملية الترجمة. .2دراسة خصوصيات الثقافة والتقاليد التي يجب مراعاتها عند ترجمة النصوص إلى اللغة العربية. .3نظرة عامة على المشاكل األكثر شيوعًا التي تنشأ عند الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية. ميزات الترجمة العربية. يساعد توافر ترجمات عالية الجودة من العربية على نشر المعرفة حول ثقافة العالم العربي ويزيد من فهم العالقات بين الثقافات. عند الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية يجب األخذ بنظر االعتبار ما يلى: .1األبجدية :تتكون اللغة العربية من 28حرفًا .بعض الحروف لها أشكال مختلفة حسب مكانها في الكلمة. .2اتجاه القراءة :تُكتب اللغة العربية وتُقرأ من اليمين إلى اليسار ،وهو األمر الذي قد يكون صعبًا على المترجم الذي اعتاد القراءة على اليسار. 18 .3القواعد :قواعد اللغة العربية تختلف عن اللغة األوروبية ،لذلك يجب أن يكون المترجم على دراية بمميزاتها. . 4لهجات عديدة :هناك العديد من اللهجات في اللغة العربية تختلف عن بعضها البعض في النطق والمفردات والقواعد .يجب على المترجم اختيار اللهجة المناسبة لكل حالة على حدة. .5المعرفة بالثقافة العربية والتاريخ :يجب أن يكون المترجم على دراية بالثقافة والتاريخ العربي من أجل ترجمة مصطلحات وتعبيرات معينة بشكل صحيح. . 6اإلخالص لألصل :هناك العديد من األشكال النحوية المعقدة في اللغة العربية ،لذلك يجب أن يكون صا في الترجمة من أجل إيصال معنى النص األصلي. المترجم دقيقًا ومخل ً مميزات التواصل باللغة العربية. االتصاالت باللغة العربية لها بعض السمات المتعلقة بثقافة وتقاليد العالم العربي .البعض منها: .1االحترام والشكليات -في العالم العربي ،االحترام والشكليات في االتصال أمران مهمان للغاية ، خاصة عند التواصل مع كبار المسؤولين وكبار المسؤولين .يجب استخدام األلقاب واأللقاب المناسبة ، واالهتمام بالتعبير عن االحترام واالمتنان. صا لإليماءات وتعبيرات .2األهمية الكبيرة لإليماءات وتعبيرات الوجه -تولي الثقافة العربية اهتما ًما خا ً الوجه ،والتي يمكن أن تنقل معلومات وعواطف إضافية. .3األعراف الدينية والثقافية -يرتبط المجتمع العربي ارتبا ً طا وثيقًا بالدين واألعراف الثقافية ،لذا يجب على التواصل االنتباه إلى االمتثال لهذه األعراف واحترامها .في التواصل ،يمكن للمرأة أن تكون أكثر سرية ويجب أن تؤخذ هذه العادات في االعتبار. .4االهتمام بالتفاصيل والعواطف -العرب مهتمون جدًا بالتفاصيل والعواطف في اتصاالتهم ،لذا يمكنهم استخدام الكثير من االستعارات والرموز والرموز لتوضيح وجهة نظرهم. الخالصة. انتشارا في العالم ،وتستخدم للتواصل ولألغراض اليوم ،ال تزال اللغة العربية واحدة من أكثر اللغات ً التعليمية. اللغة العربية لها أهمية خاصة في مجتمعنا متعدد الثقافات ،حيث توجد العديد من اللغات والثقافات المختلفة ،وتسمح للناس من مختلف البلدان والثقافات بفهم أفضل والتواصل مع بعضهم البعض. للترجمة والتواصل باللغة العربية بنجاح ،من المهم أن يكون لديك معرفة جيدة بالقواعد والمفردات ، وكذلك االستعداد لمراعاة الخصائص الثقافية واألخالقية .من الجدير أيضًا أن نأخذ في االعتبار أن األزمنة وفهم بعض الكلمات قد تختلف تبعًا للمنطقة ،لذلك قد تكون هناك حاجة إلى دراسة إضافية لخصائص بيئة لغوية معينة. REFERENCES Finkelberg N.D. Arabic language. Translation theory course. M., 2007. Skanavi A.A. Specifics of Arabic speech etiquette in the field of official business communication: Diss. ... Candidate of philology sciences. – M., 2005. 19 ASLANYAN O. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) MANIPULATION IN THE FINANCIAL MARKET EXPERIENS OF RUSSIA AND THE USA INTRODUCTION The relevance of the article is explained by the developing economic relations and emergence of new opportunities for committing economic crimes. Criminal schemes are constantly being improved and each time it becomes more and more difficult to detect them. For example: a new milestone in the development of economic crime was the emergence of cryptocurrencies that allow to legalize proceeds from crime, to receive bribes in a new way that is quite difficult to track and record. The above examples of economic crimes are not limited. Chapter 22 of the Penal Code presents various types of such crimes, e.g., Art. 185.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Manipulating the financial market, which is especially important in conditions of low liquidity on the Moscow Stock Exchange; Art. 185.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Misuse of insider information. Such crimes are becoming more relevant with the development of the stock market. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of the study is to analyze the legislation of Russia and the United States, which regulates responsibility for a private situation in the field of finance to form proposals for Russian legislation. TOPICAL ISSUES OF MANIPULATING THE SECURITIES MARKET The main question to be answered is: what is the manipulation of the securities market? In the Criminal Code of Russia, the legislator defines it as the deliberate dissemination through the media, including electronic, information and telecommunication networks, of knowingly false information or transactions with financial instruments to get profit or to avoid on a large scale. The manipulator deliberately manages quotes: it makes stocks rise in price or fall in price, knowing in advance when to enter and exit them. The problematic aspect in this definition is the wording of "knowingly false information". This formulation excludes the company forecasts as a means of market manipulation. A striking example of such manipulation can be announcements of possible dividends from Gazprom. Due to such forecasts and announcements, insiders through third parties could provoke people to buy this security, which will contribute to their personal benefit. In the US, the concept of manipulation of the securities market includes several elements: 1 Intentional or willful conduct designed to deceive or defraud investors by controlling or artificially affecting the price of securities. 2 Intentional interference with the free forces of supply and demand. 20 3 Intension to drive the stock's price up or down. Inclusion of these elements in the definition allows a broader interpretation of the concept of manipulation of the securities market. These elements cover, among other things, indirect possibilities for manipulation. CONCLUSION The study suggests a solution to the problem posed. It is necessary to introduce amendments to the Criminal Code of Russia, which would expand the concept of market manipulation and reduce fluctuations in the price of an asset in the financial market. It is essential to include the elements envisaged in the US legislation in order to improve Russian relevant norms. REFERENCES Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law 63-ФЗ (1996, as amended on March 18, 2023). Available at "This is market manipulation": Stoltenberg accused Gazprom. Retrieved March 30, 2023, from Market Manipulation. Office of International Affairs U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Retrieved March 30, 2023, from Stu.pdf AVAGYAN G. La Universidad Estatal de Moscú de M.V. Lomonosov (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) EL DESARROLLO DE LA COMPETENCIA DISCURSIVA EN LAS CLASES DE ELE EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA MODA INTRODUCCIÓN Sin duda alguna, la comunicación se ha convertido en una parte primordial del aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras. Lo que está vinculado con el objetivo de aprender una lengua – realizar una comunicación exitosa con los nativos de otra cultura. Además, saber hablar puede servir como una herramienta para motivarles a los discípulos puesto que entienden claramente las razones de aprender una lengua extranjera. En esta relación resulta lógico mencionar la competencia discursiva, definida por E. N. Solovova (2021) como la habilidad de crear un discurso lógico y coherente. Especialmente, el desarrollo de dicha competencia permite alcanzar los fines comunicativos. 21 OBJETIVOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo esencial de esta investigación radica en justificar la importancia de desarrollar destrezas y habilidades prácticas que necesitará el alumno para comunicarse con el uso de lengua con fines específicos. De ahí que sea relevante subrayar la necesidad de desarrollar la competencia discursiva y ofrecerles a los alumnos la lista de las fórmulas discursivas que facilitarán el proceso de presentar un discurso propio. Para ilustrar lo arriba mencionado, a modo de ejemplo se ha elegido el ámbito de la moda para crear ejercicios prácticos orales. ANÁLISIS DE INVESTIGACIONES PREVIAS En el trabajo de Komarova A. I. (1996) se trata de las lenguas para fines específicos como de una herramienta utilizada para describir un área particular de conocimiento o actividad. Este registro se distingue por una serie de características lingüísticas que deben estar aprendidas en las clases de las lenguas para fines específicos. G. S. Masyutina (2009) en su trabajo habla de cuatro áreas de la lengua española para fines específicos: académico-institucional; para el ejército; servicios; comercial-empresarial. Es la última a la que se puede atribuir las características de la lengua española que se utiliza en el campo de la moda. Se trata de empresas dedicadas al comercio de ropa, famosas casas de moda y diseñadores, desfiles y revistas. Al elaborar los ejercicios, hace falta tener en cuenta las peculiaridades lingüísticas del idioma para que los estudiantes puedan practicarlo y estar preparados para usar la lengua con fines específicos. En el Volumen complementario del MCER (2020) se aborda el tema de las actividades comunicativas, que tienen un enfoque plurilingüal. Están divididas en la comprensión, la expresión, la interacción y la mediación. El texto del documento dispone de los descriptores para cada nivel del dominio de la lengua, así como las estrategias para implementar cada tipo de ejercicio. CONCLUSIONES Resumiendo, esta investigación se centra en la práctica de la expresión oral con el uso de la lengua con fines específicos en el campo de la moda y en las fórmulas discursivas para valorar, expresar opinión, actitud, acuerdo o desacuerdo. Las tareas fueron elaboradas para estudiantes universitarios que estudian español como el idioma principal. El material desarrollado lo pueden utilizar en el curso de español para fines específicos en el campo de la moda con el fin de comunicarse con eficacia en un área especial. BIBLIOGRAFÍA Komarova A. I. (1996). Teoría y práctica del aprendizaje de las lenguas para fines específicos. Masyutina G.S. (2009). Español para fines específicos: tendencias y perspectivas, La universidad estatal de economía de Belarús. 22 Solovova E. N. (2021). Metodología de enseñanza de idiomas extranjeros. Curso básico de conferencias: manual para estudiantes de universidades pedagógicas y maestros, Prosvesheniye. Marco Común Europeo de Referencias para las lenguas: aprendizaje, ensenñanza, evaluación. Volumen complementario. (2020). Consejo de Europa. AVANESYAN A. Saratov State Law Academy (SARATOV, RUSSIA) CROSS-CULTURAL MEDIATION STRATEGIES INTRODUCTION Culture plays a significant role in conflict resolution because it shapes individuals' beliefs, values, and attitudes towards conflict. Different cultural backgrounds have different ways of perceiving and dealing with conflicts, which can lead to misunderstandings and communication breakdowns. As the use of mediation increases, mediators are more likely to be involved in crosscultural mediation. Even the most skilled and experienced mediators will face new challenges in cross-cultural mediation. (Kladko, 2020). RESEARCH GOAL The goal of this research is to analyze challenges of cross-cultural mediation and ways of their overcoming. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM Cross-cultural mediation is the process of resolving conflicts between individuals or groups from different cultural backgrounds. It involves understanding and respecting cultural differences, adapting communication styles, and using strategies to overcome language barriers, stereotypes, and biases. Cross-cultural mediation is important because it promotes understanding and collaboration among people from diverse cultural backgrounds, facilitates effective communication, and helps to build stronger and more inclusive communities. Cross-cultural mediators must take into account cultural differences to resolve conflicts effectively. They need to understand the cultural context of the conflict and adapt their communication style and strategies accordingly to build trust and facilitate effective communication. Failure to do so can lead to further misunderstandings and perpetuate the conflict. Special strategies can help a mediator to prevent the failure (Barkai, 2008): 1. To understand cultural differences: Mediators need to educate themselves about the cultures involved in the conflict, including their values, beliefs, and communication styles. 23 2. To use culturally appropriate communication: Mediators should use communication styles and language that are appropriate for each culture involved in the conflict. This may involve using indirect language or avoiding certain topics that may be considered taboo in some cultures. 3. To respect cultural norms: Mediators should respect cultural norms and power dynamics when designing conflict resolution processes. For example, in some cultures, it may be inappropriate for women to speak out in public, so mediation sessions may need to be conducted in a way that allows all parties to participate. 4. To understand foreign language properly (Olszewska, n.d.): Mediator should also be aware of cultural differences in communication styles and language use, as certain words or phrases may have different meanings in different cultures. It also may be helpful to provide written materials or visual aids to help overcome language barriers, such as diagrams or pictures that illustrate key points or concepts. CONCLUSION In conclusion, by understanding cultural differences, developing cultural awareness, and using effective mediation strategies, mediators can help individuals from different cultures communicate effectively and resolve conflicts successfully. REFERENCES Barkai, John, What's a Cross-Cultural Mediator to Do? A Low-Context Solution for a High-Context Problem (2008). Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 10, pp. 43-89. Kladko S.S. (2020). The concept of the dialogue by t. Dridze as a relevant tool for cross-cultural mediation in international business. Communications. Media. Design, Vol. 5, №3, pp. 112-123. Olszewska, Agnieszka (n.d.). Cross-cultural differences in international succession mediation. Retrieved from URL: 24 AVYAAN SHARMA, VIHAAN SINGH University of Delhi (INDIA) DISCUSSING FEATURES OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN INDIA India is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse countries. This situation determines the specifics of the negotiation process, which is important for foreigners to consider when interacting with partners from India. The purpose of this contribution is to identify key positions related to such specifics. The research material includes academic publications. The results of the analysis outline the following. The style of communication in India is largely influenced by age and position in the hierarchy (Shroff, 2009). Mera also notes the existence of differences in communication styles depending on the sector of the economy (Mehra, 2014). Foreign representatives are not recommended to find out the religiosity of Indian partners, to discuss the problems of religious or caste hatred, as these issues are still sensitive. It is also not advisable to touch on historical issues, especially the history of India's struggle for its independence from Britain since this is a complex issue on which there are different positions in the contemporary Indian society. Indians can be very persistent in terms of clarifying information, writing frequent messages in instant messengers and social networks. It is important for partners who are representatives of other countries to respond to all such messages, it is not recommended to skip them if there is no specific information, it is advisable to write and answer with a request to wait (Metcalf, 2006). However, it is preferable to resolve the issue in a personal meeting and then periodically call and write, seeking the fulfillment of agreements (Kumar,2022). There are also some features of the body language. So, it is considered extremely impolite to cross one’s legs when sitting, pointing at the interlocutor with the shoe toe. If you are asked to pass something, especially at the table, it is better to do it with your right hand. Moreover, it is rather traditional to hold out a business card with both hands, leaning slightly towards the interlocutor. The listed positions seem to be important points for planning the strategy and tactics of communication in the international field with representatives of India. REFERENCES Kumar, P. (2022, February). Implications of Cross-Cultural Communication in Global Business: India-Poland Perspective. In 2 nd International Conference on Innovation in Management & Information Technology (p. 1). 25 Mehra P. (2014). Communication Beyond Boundaries. N. Y., 2014. Kindle Edition. Metcalf L. et al. (2006). Cultural Tendencies in Negotiation: A Comparison of Finland, India, Mexico, Turkey, and the United States. Journal of World Business, № 41. Shroff C. International Business Negotiations in India // The ABA Guide to International Business Negotiations: A Comparison of Cross-Cultural Issues and Successful Approaches / Ed. by Silkenat J., Aresty J., Klosek J. 3rd ed. Chicago, 2009. AYŞENUR OĞRAŞ, MUSTAFA ZEKI ÇIRAKLI Karadeniz Technical University (TURKEY) THE BENEFITS OF REWRITING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF WRITING SKILLS Abstract Turkish students often find it challenging to improve their English writing skills. However, many Turkish students struggle with it due to the discrepancies between Turkish and English. Fundamental differences between Turkish and English and lacking a native sense of language bring about critical barriers, particularly anxiety. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of a creative writing approach in improving the writing skills of non-native speakers of the target language. Specifically, the study aims to compare the effectiveness of a creative writing intervention with a traditional academic writing approach in improving the writing skills of non-native speakers. The study will explore the potential benefits of focusing on creative writing skills for non-native speakers and how creative writing instruction can be tailored to meet the needs of this population. Within the framework of the postromantic theory of education (Çıraklı, 2018), the study drew on the experiences of a reflective learner. The hypothesis was based on the idea that “creative rewriting” can be a powerful way for students to develop their writing skills. Research has shown that when students engage in this type of activity, they can efficiently learn and apply a range of skills, including critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis (Gallagher, 2011). Furthermore, by working with existing texts, students can better understand the conventions and structures that underlie effective writing (Smith & Greene, 2016). From a qualitative perspective, the researchers (the writing student and writing coach) used an ethnographic approach. Hence, data collection was based on the participant’s accounts, including her on-site observations, 26 personal experiences and reflections on the writing activity. The participant’s account is conducted to document the writing practices of the participant as a writer, including her writing process, strategies, and challenges. Added at the end of the study is a focus group interview with the writing coach and other students who have had a similar experience. The study revealed that the participants had developed several key characteristics due to their practice. The findings of this research suggested that rewriting can be a valuable technique for individuals seeking to enhance their creative skills, as it remarkably reduces anxiety. In other words, the “exercise of reproducing existing works” offered a low-pressure environment that encourages experimentation and risktaking, both essential for fostering creativity. Moreover, the practice enabled the learner to develop essential skills such as understanding narrative structure, pacing, and dialogue and to cultivate traits such as attention to detail, observation, and critical analysis. The study concludes that rewriting helped the learner (a) pay more attention to verbal, stylistic and structural details such as word choice, sentence structure, and pacing; (b) gain a better understanding of how stories are constructed and how to build tension and suspense; (c) develop vocabulary use; (d) improve comprehension in critical reading. Particularly when it was integrated with other writing practices, such as brainstorming, outlining, and drafting and a well-rounded writing routine, it remarkably soared writing skills and confidence. Overall, reproducing existing works can provide various benefits for improving creative writing skills. By practising writing techniques, expanding vocabulary, and stimulating creativity, writers can develop their writing ability and enhance their overall creative output. Thus, this method should be considered a valuable tool for writers seeking to improve their craft. Keywords: writing skills, anxiety, postromantic theory, creative rewriting, ethnographic research Acknowledgement: The present paper, including revisions and abridgement, is mainly based on the research carried out as part of the authors’ TUBITAK project application: “The Benefits of Rewriting for Improving Writing Skills: An Ethnographic Account of a Reflective Learner” (April 2023). Supervised by M. Z. Çıraklı, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, 2023. 27 AYSU NUR YILDIRIM ALI ŞÜKRÜ ÖZBAY Karadeniz Technical University (TURKEY) THE INVESTIGATION OF GENRE-SPECIFIC MULTI WORD COMBINATIONS IN AN EAP COURSE: THE CASE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Our presentation will report on the data found in an EAP course in the field of Civil Engineering. We aimed to find the most relevant words and word combinations and their grammatical complements in a discipline-specific EAP corpus designed for research purpose. The data was compiled as part of the course led by my supervisor and named as “FBE 5008 Scientific Article Writing in English" which is composed of a series of 90-minute EAP content with the participation of students in a mid-sized university located in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. The "Sketch Engine" free online corpus tool was used to analyse different lexical and discoursal characteristics found during corpus analysis. Its algorithms examine actual texts containing billions of words to quickly distinguish between language usage that is common and that is uncommon, emergent, or rare. A corpus of Civil Engineering compiled by the researcher was used for comparison. Using a particular corpus and comparing it to the discipline-specific one, we observed the general make up of multi-word combinations, sentence structures, genre-based terminologies and their usage patterns, lexico-grammatical patterns, and other discourse strategies. We observed the linguistic features made throughout this process. The documentation of discipline-specific terminology for the field of Civil Engineering is expected to be useful to prospective students and educators who seek to apply the findings for academic purposes as well as for their own classrooms. Keywords: corpus, EAP, civil engineering, graduate level. BARRERA M. RUDN (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) COMUNICACIÓN INTERCULTURAL EN ESPAÑA INTRODUCCIÓN La comunicación es el proceso por el cual dos o más personas intercambian información entre sí. Es así que la comunicación intercultural es la misma situación con el rasgo específico que aquellas personas han de poseer diferentes matrices culturales (Rizo, 2013). Este tipo de comunicación muchas 28 veces presenta dificultades al haber tantas diferencias en relación a las cuestiones de género, ideologías, clases sociales, entre otros factores. OBJETIVO DE INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la comunicación intercultural en España, específicamente el caso entre marroquíes y españoles, dado que son gran cantidad los inmigrantes marroquíes que habitan España actualmente. LITERATURA/ REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS A lo largo del tiempo se han desarrollado muchos estereotipos negativos en torno a los marroquíes. Los españoles solían asociarlos con el terrorismo islamita, el narcotráfico y la migración irregular, factores que influían en su percepción de los mismos para luego entablar una conversación. Por otro lado, los marroquíes consideraban a España como un país de tránsito hacia otros países europeos con un mayor nivel de desarrollo. Es decir, ambos países mutuamente no tenían las mejores percepciones uno del otro. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, esta realidad ha cambiado y ha logrado mejorar las relaciones entre estos países vecinos.Hoy en día ha cambiado esta imagen del marroquí peligroso por el concepto de inmigrante trabajador que busca el progreso (Affaya, 2005). De igual forma, España ahora es un país de interés para los marroquíes, no solo como vía de tránsito, sino como lugar donde establecerse y buscar un futuro. En relación a la comunicación intercultural, se sostiene que en un principio la comunicación entre españoles y marroquíes era muy escasa y no asertiva en la mayoría de los casos, debido a las percepciones que cada uno tenía del otro. Afortunadamente, ahora se aprecia una comunicación más asertiva y dinámica, donde todos pueden aportar información y enriquecerse de la cultura del otro. La comunicación intercultural está floreciendo y está creando una convivencia más pacífica y respetuosa entre ambos grupos. CONCLUSIÓN En conclusión, los estereotipos culturales influyen en el desarrollo de una comunicación intercultural, dado que generan una predisposición a la conversación, sea negativa o positiva, dependiendo de las creencias sobre la otra persona y su cultura. Afortunadamente entre España y Marruecos, las relaciones interculturales han mejorando, y con ello la comunicación entre los mismos. REFERENCIAS Affaya, N., Guerraoui, D. (2005). L’image de l’Espagne au Maroc. Fundació CIDOB Rizo García, M., (2013). Comunicación e interculturalidad. Reflexiones en torno a una relación insoluble. Global Media Journal México, 10(19), 26-42. 29 BASMA J. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) THE ROLE OF THE ICT AND TECHNOLOGY ON CLIL IN THE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION INTRODUCTION In recent years, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become an increasingly popular approach in foreign language education. The integration of Information and Communication Technology in CLIL has gained significant attention from educators and researchers. (ICT) has also emerged as a valuable tool in language teaching and learning. It includes various digital technologies such as computers, tablets, as well as software and applications that facilitate language learning. The use of ICT in CLIL can provide numerous benefits including enhanced language acquisition, improved cognitive development, and greater engagement with subject content, critical thinking, and intercultural competence; however, integrating ICT in CLIL can further enhance the learning experience by providing students with opportunities for autonomous learning, collaboration, and communication. ICT provides online dictionaries, reading digital texts, watching videos, and participating in online discussions.(Madaminova ,Rustambek 2022). Also authentic materials and resources, it can facilitate collaborative learning and communication, enabling students to interact with peers (Merino, 2020). Technology can support autonomous learning, allowing students to work at their own pace and engage in self-directed learning. It can provide feedback and assessment, enabling teachers to monitor student progress and provide individualized support. (Borucinsky, 2020) LITERATURE REVIEW The use of ICT in CLIL-classes for the Future Teachers Training was explored by Begimbetova et al. (2022). The study test the effectiveness of using ICT tools in CLIL-classes and to propose an educational technology based on blended learning, content and language integrated fundamental computer skills developed on the basis of ICT tools can help students to master new material. The impact of digital technology on CLIL in higher education was examined by Wahab et al. (2023). The systematic review synthesized studies on the impact of digital technology on different aspects of CLIL in the context of English language education. The findings indicated that digital technology can have a positive impact on language use and skills, social collaboration, interaction, and motivation. However, there is a lack of evidence on the correlation between using digital technologies and enhancing content knowledge in CLIL. 30 The effectiveness of English teaching materials based on content and language-integrated learning (CLIL) to increase the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of prospective biology teachers was investigated by Dwi et al. (2022). The study aimed to examine the use of English in the Biology handbook through a learning approach based on CLIL. RESEARCH GOAL The goal is to explore the role of ICT and technology in CLIL in university education, also identifying how ICT can enhance language learning and improve students' engagement, to explore the benefits and challenges of integrating technology in CLIL, and the future implications for language teaching and learning. RESEARCH TASKS What are the main ICT tools used in CLIL classes in university education what are the benefits and challenges? How can the use of ICT in CLIL improve students' language? How does ICT enhance students' engagement with subject content in CLIL classes? What are the implications of ICT and technology in CLIL for language teaching and learning in the university? METHODS Data was collected through a review of relevant literature on ICT and CLIL in university education. The literature search was conducted using databases. The search terms used were "ICT and CLIL," "technology and CLIL," in higher education." The literature review was conducted by analysing the main findings, limitations, and implications of the articles. MAJOR FINDINGS The review of literature revealed that ICT tools such as online language learning platforms, multimedia resources, and digital textbooks are commonly used in CLIL classes in university education. These tools can enhance language learning outcomes by providing students with opportunities for selfdirected learning and personalized feedback. The use of ICT in CLIL can also improve students' engagement with subject content by facilitating active learning and collaborative activities. However, the effectiveness of ICT in CLIL depends on several factors such as teachers' pedagogical knowledge, students' digital literacy, and the availability of technology resources. CONCLUSION The integration of ICT and technology in CLIL can offer numerous benefits to language learners in university education. ICT tools such as online language learning platforms, multimedia resources, and digital textbooks can enhance language learning outcomes and improve students' engagement with subject content. However, the success of ICT integration in CLIL depends on several factors, including teachers' pedagogical knowledge and students' digital literacy. Future research should focus on exploring effective strategies for 31 integrating ICT in CLIL classes and developing appropriate training programs for teachers and students REFERENCES Begimbetova, G., Abdigapbarova, U., Abdulkarimova, G., Pristupa, E., Issabayeva, D., & Kurmangaliyeva, N. (2022, May). Use of ICT in CLILclasses for the Future Teachers Training. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Modern Educational Technology (pp. 98-104). Borucinsky, M., & Jelčić-Čolakovac, J. (2020, June). Promoting Authenticity in the ESP Classroom: The Impact of ICT and Use of Authentic Materials on Reading Comprehension. In 5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings. Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science (pp. 31-44). Madaminova Moxlaroyim Qizi (2022). Benefits and challenges of content and language integrated learning. Ta’lim fidoyilari, 15-08 (1), 86-92. Merino Martín, M. (2020). Cooperative leaning, TBL and ICT under the CLIL umbrella. Vo, T., Truong, D., & Nguyen, P. (2023, March). The impact of digital technology on content and language integrated learning in higher education: a systematic review of literature. In ICTE Conference Proceedings (Vol. 3, pp. 137-147). Wahab, A. D. A., Jufri, A. W., Bachtiar, I., & Nisrina, N. (2023). The effectiveness of english teaching materials based on content and languageintegrated learning (CLIL) to increase the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of prospective biology teachers. Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 18(1), 20-24. BATANOV A. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) LEGAL NATURE AND PLACE OF ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONS IN THE CIVIL LAW SYSTEM OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION INTRODUCTION The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that organizational agreements are often used in Russian business community, contributing to stability and predictability of economic activity of subjects. At present, the legal doctrine and judicial practice have not formed unified approaches to resolve problematic issues of the application of such agreements. Their use in practice involves certain risks, including those caused by the ambiguity of judicial practice in relation to disputes related to the qualification of organizational agreements. 32 RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this article is to scrutinize the legal nature and place of civil legal organizational relations and identify their features and specifics. ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONS In legal science, there is no unambiguous answer to the question of the legal nature and place of organizational relations in the system of civil law. O.A. Krasavchikov was one of the first to speak about organizational relations as a separate type of relations regulated by civil law. The author proposed to distinguish organizational relations as a subject matter of civil law (Krasavchikov, 1985). There are other points of view concerning the role and place of organizational relations in the system of civil law. Some scientists question the existence of organizational relations as a separate type. For example, O.S. Ioffe considered O.A. Krasavchikov's concept erroneous, believing that organization is inherent in every social phenomenon, is inextricably linked with it and cannot be considered as an independent civil law social relation (Ioffe, 1975). S.S. Alekseev describes the organization only as an element of any social relations that arise at the time of their formation and development (Alekseev, 1971). At the same time, it should be noted that there are some specific relations where the main goal is not to achieve a certain economic result, but to focus on the process of organizing such relations, which can be called organized. As O.A. Krasavchikov correctly noted, organizational relations "are aimed at streamlining (normalizing) other social relations and/or actions of their participants, or at constituting social formations." (Krasavchikov, 1985). Organizational relations have a number of features that distinguish them from the general mass of social relations. The particularity of organizational relations stems from the absence of a material object in its content, absence of a counter and clearly expressed authorized and obligated parties (Egorova, 2011). Purely organizational relations are gratuitous. Despite its isolation and independence, organizational relations cannot exist by themselves, separately from other legal relations. The value of organizational relationships is that they are prerequisites for the emergence and/or development of other relationships. The orientation of civil law relations, ultimately, implies the achievement of a certain legal result. The aim of the participants in the organizational relationship is to create the necessary conditions and prerequisites for its most effective achievement. Unlike the English legal doctrine, where the legal status of pre-contractual agreements remains uncertain (Mouzas, S., & Furmston, (2008), in Russian law organizational agreements are recognized as valid and are generally applied in practice at the stage when the parties have not yet reached an agreement on the main contractual properties. 33 As John Arthur (a barrister and member of the Victorian Bar) correctly notes "used sensibly they will assist commercial parties in reaching, and recording, a preliminary consensus, but used badly, or in an haphazard or ill-informed fashion, they can create difficulties" (Arthur, 2013). We believe it is consider civil law organizational relations as an independent type of public relations included in the civil law regulation. CONCLUSION To conclude we can say that organizational relations are an independent group of relations, which is looked at as a subject matter of civil law regulation together with property, corporate and personal non-property relations. Organizational relations are a special type of social relations that are aimed at organizing, forming and developing connections between the subjects of relations. REFERENCES Alekseyev S.S. (1971). The social value of law in Soviet society. Moscow: Jurid. Literature. Egorova M.A. Organizational relationship and organizational transactions in civil law regulation. Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2011. No. 5, 10-21. Ioffe O.S. (1975). Development of a civilistic thought in the USSR (part I). Leningrad: Leningrad University Publishing House. John Arthur (2013). Contract law – avoiding legal risk with preliminary agreements. Available at: Cont ract_Law__Avoiding_risks_with_Preliminary_Agreements_01.05.13.pdf Mouzas, S., & Furmston, M. (2008). From contract to umbrella agreement. The Cambridge Law Journal, 67(1), 37-50. doi: 10.1017/S0008197308000081. Soviet Civil Law: Textbook. (1985). V. I. (Ed) Krasavchikov O.A. Moscow: Higher School. BECESTE TAMTÜRK Karadeniz Technical University (TURKEY) A CORPUS STUDY OF TOLKIEN'S NARRATIVE STYLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE LORD OF THE RINGS The Lord of the Rings books, written by J.R.R. Tolkien, have fascinated readers for years with its setting, races, and mastery of narrative. The trilogy is considered as a literary masterpiece that has influenced not only literature but also art, video games, and other kinds of entertainment. According to earlier studies, Old English, Scandinavian, and other archaic languages had a 34 significant influence on the language Tolkien utilised in his writings. This explains both the rationale for the mark Tolkien left and his command of the language employed in storytelling. Readers are carried to Middle-earth by Tolkien's use of specialist terminology, which includes archaic phrases, neologisms, and fictional language. The vocabulary used differently throughout Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series is studied in this study. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is examined using corpus-based analysis to examine changes in language, style, character development, and storytelling approaches. We demonstrate how Tolkien's style evolved throughout the trilogy by using a range of corpus-linguistic methods and techniques, including the keyword method and the derivation of important n-grams and collocations. The research demonstrates that Tolkien's writing style significantly altered from the first to the last book, with the earlier chapters being more archaic, fantastical, and leisurely paced, and the later chapters being written in a more straightforward and contemporary tone. Along with his writing style, Tolkien appears to have changed how his characters are portrayed significantly over the course of the trilogy, with hobbits in particular changing from being young and impressionable to wise and heroic individuals. Also, corpus analysis demonstrates how Tolkien's use of conversation and narrative varied from the first to the last book, with a different balance between the two. Tolkien's approach in the first book, The Fellowship of the Ring, is distinguished by careful attention to world-building, with a concentration on portraying the different civilizations and landscapes of Middle-earth. The language is formal and archaic, with an emphasis on epic descriptions and majestic ideas. Tolkien's approach grows increasingly sophisticated and character-driven as the book progresses. The Two Towers, the second book in the series, has narrative segments that allow for a more in-depth analysis of the themes and characters. The reader and the characters are better able to interact as a result of Tolkien's use of more direct and personal language, which also allows him to harness language to further create the humour and emotional depth of his work. Tolkien's technique shifts to a more focused tone on the reality of his characters in The Return of the King, the third book in the trilogy, emphasising and referring to psychological realism and introspection. The language throughout the novel becomes simpler and easier to understand, expressing a connection with the people and their struggles. This study provides new insights into Tolkien's aesthetic vision as well as his command of language and narrative, offering a greater knowledge of one of the most lasting works of English language fantasy fiction. Keywords: Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, narrative style, corpus-based, corpus, vocabulary. 35 BIRYUKOV I., FATIKHOV D. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) CLIMATE LITIGATION AS A NEW CATEGORY OF COURT CASES INTRODUCTION Climate change is one of the main challenges of our time, and many legal systems are beginning to implement mechanisms that can help combat it. One such mechanism is climate litigation, which is becoming increasingly popular in various countries around the world. In our work, we will examine different types of climate litigation, the strategies used in climate litigation, as well as some of the largest climate disputes in the world. Finally, the article explores the potential consequences of climate litigation for businesses, politics, and society as a whole. RESEARCH GOAL As the consequences of climate change become more apparent and global decarbonization efforts accelerate, stakeholders including non-governmental organizations, investors, and communities are increasingly turning to legal proceedings as a way to address climate change issues. Given the need for a sharp reduction in air pollution and concerns about inadequate government action on climate, these stakeholders are stepping up their actions and turning to litigation. LITERATURE REVIEW Climate litigation is a form of legal protection related to the issue of climate change and environmental responsibility for its consequences. These disputes can arise between states, private individuals, corporations, organizations, governments, and various associations of individual populations. Climate litigation can be brought for various reasons, including violations of international treaties and agreements, violations of environmental protection laws, and violations of human rights to a clean and healthy environment. Currently, the main issues that are considered in climate litigation are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, increased average temperature, and glacier reduction and melting. The popularity of climate litigation is due to the fact that the global community is now paying great attention to this issue. Over the last 200 years, there has been a significant warming trend (the average temperature has risen by 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels), and temperatures above 2 degrees Celsius will lead to irreversible consequences, particularly for countries at risk of flooding. In addition to rising temperatures, the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a global problem. The volume of climate-related legal proceedings is increasing annually. The 36 number of cases filed worldwide in this category almost tripled between 2017 and 2023. As of the end of 2022, more than 1,800 lawsuits had been filed in 43 countries around the world, but only 193 of them had a positive effect and became a kind of precedent for other cases. The increase in the number of climate-related legal cases has led many countries to make changes to their national legislation, but it remains important that this area is also regulated by international law. The main act regulating the interaction of states in the field of climate is the Paris Agreement, concluded in 2016 in accordance with the "UN Framework Convention on Climate Change". The goal of the abovementioned document is to accumulate the actions of states in: stopping the rise of the average global temperature; reducing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; reducing the level of greenhouse gas emissions; creating a special financial fund to combat climate problems. As previously mentioned, only about 10% of cases have positive outcomes in climate-related disputes. This is due to the fact that the field of climate litigation remains not fully explored and its popularity is only beginning to grow. A major example of a climate-related lawsuit is the Urgenda case against the Netherlands. The Urgenda Foundation is a non-profit association for innovation and sustainable development in the Netherlands, whose goal is to transition to a sustainable ecological society as quickly as possible. The Urgenda Foundation became the first organization in the world to file a lawsuit against a state. The outcome of the case was the confirmation of the decision of the Hague District Court regarding the state's obligation to take necessary actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25%. As a result of this legal case, the Netherlands was only able to fulfill its obligations in part, but it sparked a sharp rise in similar disputes in other European countries. Other major climate-related lawsuits include Notre affaire tous and other vs. France, and a lawsuit against Shell. CONCLUSION Thus, we can conclude that the increasing popularity of climate litigation may have global consequences for business, politics, and society as a whole. Climate-related lawsuits can become a powerful tool in the fight against climate change, but their effectiveness depends on how they are used, what decisions are made as a result, and most importantly, the number of countries that will consider this category of legal cases. REFERENCES Bogolyubov Sergey Alexandrovich (2022). ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, JUDICIAL ACTIVITY, SCIENCE. Justice, 4(2), 39-59. Chen Ning, & Ye Yang (2018). Judicial practice and improving the efficiency of organizing civil proceedings on the protection of public interests in the field of ecology. Issues of territorial development, (1 (41)), 6. 37 Dudin, M. N., Frolova, E. E., Artemeva, Y. A., Bezbakh, V. V., & Kirsanov, A. N. (2016). Problems and perspectives of BRICS countries transfer to “green economy” and low-carbon energy industry. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 6(4), 714-720. Ermakova E.P. (2021). Britage as a Means of Resolution of Disputes about Climate Change. Proceedings of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 15(5), 55-78. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (May 9, 1992). BORISOVA P. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) THE ROLE OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION INTRODUCTION The trend of globalization in the modern world covers almost all spheres of public life. And the field of education is no exception. Language proficiency in the modern world is an integral part of an educated person. The relevance of this topic is due to the need to identify the role of a foreign language in the era of globalization since millions of people are currently learning foreign languages. RESEARCH GOAL The goal of this work is to determine the role of a foreign language in the era of globalization and to assess its impact on society in this period. ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION Every year, knowledge of foreign languages plays an increasingly important social role. Despite the active development of new technologies that allow people to communicate without knowing the language of their interlocutor, the importance of learning foreign languages is only increasing, since, for example, Google translator will not give such an accurate translation as a person who is fluent in the language. There is a huge number of factors that determine the reasons why people study foreign languages. Let's denote some of them: • Educational goals. According to statistics, 31% of Americans surveys show that learning a foreign language was provided by the program of the institution in which they studied. 38 • 23% of respondents explain their motivation for learning a foreign language by a desire to better understand the culture of the country of interest and to be able to communicate freely with people living there. • 14% noted that they study languages to improve the quality of traveling, as there may be emergency situations when they urgently need to ask or explain something. • 10% said that learning foreign languages is required for their career. 27% of respondents missed a career opportunity due to ignorance of a second language. Indeed, in the modern world, larger number of skills and abilities is directly connected with higher appreciation. Such a person will have more opportunities for career growth. • 7% of respondents believe that learning languages is a good practical skill. It is important to note that not only learning foreign languages, but also education in general, helps to develop communication skills, logics, etc. • 15% of respondents pursue other goals. Also, it is important to mention the connection of foreign languages and scientific activities. Most global international conferences in any scientific fields are held in English. In this case, ignorance of English can become a serious obstacle in the career of a scientist. Another point that shows the importance of learning foreign languages is permanent emigration. In the context of globalization, people are constantly moving. Accordingly, in order to feel more comfortable, before moving, a person should increase the level of the language used in the country that is the purpose of the move. Learning a foreign language involves studying the national characteristics of a particular state. This contributes to a better understanding, for example, of jokes that will be incomprehensible if you just translate a phrase in a translator. CONCLUSION Summing up, we can conclude that the role of foreign languages in the era of globalization is quite large. They have a significant impact on society. Statistics show that the demand for foreign language proficiency is growing and that more and more people are spending time learning it. In the modern world, the degree to which a person speaks foreign languages depends on the quality of his life. It starts from the comfort of traveling, and it ends with career prospects. REFERENCES Foreign Language Education Statistics. Preply. The Most Surprising Foreign Language Skills Statistics And Trends In 2023. Gitnux. 39 BOULICHEVA V. RUDN–Université (MOSCOU, RUSSIE) PARTICULARITÉS DE LA TRADUCTION JURIDIQUE INTRODUCTION La traduction juridique est un métier délicat, qui requiert des compétences particulières. Cette profession consiste à traduire des textes juridiques d'une langue à l'autre. Les traducteurs juridiques traitent le contenu de tous les textes liés au droit et à la loi. Il s'agit des traités, des conventions et des accords internationaux, des brevets, des règlements, des articles et des documents scientifiques, mais aussi, bien sûr, des différents codes juridiques (pénal, civil, droit du travail, etc.). Aujourd'hui, la traduction juridique joue un rôle important, car toutes les formes d'échange interculturel entre les pays doivent, d'une manière ou d'une autre, recevoir une certaine forme de réflexion juridique. Le traducteur a une grande responsabilité dans la qualité et l'exactitude du travail qu'il effectue, car la moindre erreur peut entraîner une mauvaise interprétation d'un contrat, un désaccord entre les parties et d'autres conséquences potentiellement fatales. C'est pourquoi il doit disposer d'un éventail de compétences linguistiques et de connaissances dans un domaine particulier, afin de s'assurer que la traduction transmet fidèlement le sens du texte source. BUT Le but de notre travail est de mettre en évidence les principales caractéristiques de la traduction juridique et d'identifier les défis que les traducteurs peuvent rencontrer dans leur travail. ANALYSE DE LA LITTÉRATURE Tout d'abord, compte tenu de l'importance de la traduction juridique, celle-ci doit être aussi précise que possible. Le traducteur doit être extrêmement précis dans sa formulation, ne pas s'écarter de la langue originale et transmettre toutes les nuances du document. Contrairement à la traduction artistique, il n'y a pas de place pour la créativité. En effet, la traduction incorrecte d'un seul mot ou même le choix d'une mauvaise ponctuation peut fausser le sens du texte et avoir de graves conséquences. Deuxièmement, ce type de traduction se caractérise par sa spécificité et une terminologie spécialisée importante. Il nécessite une connaissance approfondie du sujet, tant dans la langue d'origine que dans la langue cible. Une recherche approfondie, notamment sur la terminologie propre au domaine concerné, est donc nécessaire pour garantir une bonne traduction. Une connaissance approfondie du droit et de son vocabulaire est nécessaire pour comprendre les nuances et interpréter correctement les différentes ambiguïtés. Des compétences rédactionnelles sont également nécessaires pour que le traducteur puisse formuler le texte à traduire de la manière la plus claire et la plus correcte possible. 40 Dans cette optique, le traducteur juridique est confronté à de nombreux défis, notamment pour transférer certains concepts d'une langue à l'autre. Les lois sont souvent indissociables du contexte social et politique, qui diffère d'un pays à l'autre et évolue constamment. Il convient donc de noter que la traduction juridique n'est pas seulement une question de langue, mais aussi de culture juridique. Comme le souligne justement François Ost «la langue est vraiment constitutive d’une identité, et la question de l’identité relève d’enjeux politiques et constitutionnels». La traduction «permet de franchir les frontières vers un autre droit et vers une autre langue» et le traducteur devient un passeur de normes et de connaissances juridiques. La difficulté réside également dans le fait qu'il existe des concepts du droit français qui ne peuvent pas être traduits en russe et vice versa. Par exemple, un problème se pose lorsqu'un terme de la langue cible renvoie à deux termes de la langue source. Prenons l'exemple des termes «tribunal» et «court» en français, qui seraient traduits de manière interchangeable par «суд» en russe. Dans ce cas, la question se pose légitimement de savoir comment rendre le plus fidèlement possible le sens du terme juridique et refléter sa spécificité. Des problèmes se posent également en raison des différences entre les systèmes juridiques, lorsqu'un terme renvoie à différentes institutions juridiques. Il existe également des termes qui apparaissent exclusivement dans le droit de la langue source et qui peuvent ne pas avoir d'équivalent dans la langue cible. Pour cette raison, une traduction littérale de cette terminologie sans explication peut ne pas avoir de sens. Des exemples de ces termes sont «langues minoritaires», «service public», «question prioritaire de constitutionnalité», «tribunal des conflits» et d'autres encore. Par conséquent, la traduction juridique n'est pas seulement une activité mécanique de sélection d'un équivalent, mais aussi de transmission du sens. Même si son travail ne consiste pas à adapter le texte aux lois du pays cible, elle doit veiller à ce que le concept soit compris par le lecteur. Il existe également une difficulté technique : certains pays, comme la Suisse, utilisent une langue commune pour formuler les concepts juridiques, tandis que d'autres pays préfèrent un vocabulaire technique. CONCLUSION La traduction juridique est non seulement un outil précieux de diffusion des connaissances juridiques, mais aussi un moyen d'enrichissement linguistique et culturel. Elle impose des exigences élevées au traducteur en raison de sa nature spécifique. La langue et le droit sont étroitement liés et le spécialiste doit en tenir compte dans son travail et transmettre le sens du texte source de la manière la plus précise et la plus correcte possible. 41 REFERENCES Baudoin, M.E. (2014). La traduction juridique, source de droit ou perte de sens ? Sur quelques exemples de notions intraduisibles en russe. URL: Justement traduire - La traduction juridique, source de droit ou perte de sens ? Presses de l’Université Toulouse Capitole ( Gémar, J.C. (2011). Aux sources de la « jurilinguistique » : texte juridique, langues et cultures, Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée, 2011/1 (vol. XVI), p. 10 . Irimia, D. (2016). Pour une nouvelle branche du droit? : la traduction juridique, du droit au langage / Petites affiches. 405e, no. 92, p. 8-12. Ost, F., Bary, N. (2012). La traduction et le multilinguisme , Études, 2012/1 (tome 417), p. 661-662. BRAGINA K., ŠIŠKOVA N. Vladimir State University (VLADIMIR, RUSSIA) SHAKESPEREAN PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN MODERN ENGLISH INTRODUCTION The paper deals with the study of the phraseological units that came into the English language from William Shakespeare’s works and, particularly, with their use in modern English (Fedulenkova, 20191). RESEARCH GOAL The subject of this research is transformation of Shakespearean phraseological units in modern English. The scientific basis of the research is A.V. Kunin’s phraseological theory and his method of phraseological analysis (Kunin, 1996). ANALYSIS OF SHAKESPEARIAN PHRASEOLOGY There are several sources of phraseological units in English language. Some of them came from works of famous British writer William Shakespeare. In modern Idioms dictionary there are more than 100 idioms of Shakespearean origin (Spears, 1991). In modern English Shakespearian phraseological units undergo a variety of changes, namely: a) they are reduced. For example: “at one fell swoop” is reduced to “at one swoop”; b) a new component is added in such PUs, for example: “more honoured in the breach than the observance” is used as “more honoured in the breach than in the observance”; 42 c) components of such PU are changed: “buy golden opinions” is now used as “win golden options”; “cry content to” – “cry content with” in modern English;. d) such units can have more general or concrete meaning; e) Shakespearean PUs are used with changed sequence of words: “as night follows day” now is used as “follow as night the day”. CONCLUSION Summing up the results of the analysis, we can note that Shakespearean phraseological units are transformed in different ways in modern English. This happens due to the needs and rules of the language and its constant change and development. REFERENCES Fedulenkova, T. (2019). Pragmatic functions of modern English phraseology, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 5 (2), 74‒83. Kunin, A.V. (1996). A Course on Phraseology of Modern English. M.: Higher School. 381 p. Spears, R.A. (1991). American Idioms Dictionary. Lincolnwood, Illinois, USA: NTC. 464 p. BRÁTCHICOVA M. Universidad Estatal de Moscú de M. V. Lomonósov (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) LOS TEXTOS DE G.GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ COMO RECURSO DIDÁCTICO EN LAS CLASES DE ELE PARA DESARROLLAR LA COMPETENCIA LECTORA DE LOS ADOLESCENTES INTRODUCCIÓN Hoy en día en las clases de ELE el trabajo con los textos se limita al resumen del argumento e identificación de conflictos predilectos por el profesor, o bien a la resolución de tareas tipo test a base de textos poco vinculados con las realidades socioculturales de los países hispanohablantes. Por consiguiente, se pierde la relevancia práctica de la lectura realizada y, como resultado, la competencia lectora del alumnado ruso resulta ser muy baja (PISA, 2018). Ésta, no obstante, se conforma por destrezas y habilidades lectoras de enfoque práctico y metadisciplinar, cuya importancia es indiscutiblemente trascendente en el entorno educativo y en la sociedad moderna. OBJETIVOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo primordial de la presente investigación es demostrar que los textos del periodista y escritor colombiano G.García Márquez son un instrumento 43 eficiente para desarrollar la competencia lectora de los adolescentes en las clases de ELE. REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS PISA define la competencia lectora como “la capacidad individual para comprender, utilizar y analizar textos escritos con el fin de lograr los objetivos personales, desarrollar los conocimientos y posibilidades y participar plenamente en la sociedad” (PISA, 2018). La conforman asimismo cinco componentes (la comprensión literal, la inferencial, la crítica, la apreciativa y la creadora) que establecen los principios “de lo simple a lo complejo” y “de lo concreto a lo abstracto” como pilares fundamentales del modelo metodológico para su desarrollo. Los requisitos básicos para la selección de textos para el desarrollo de la competencia lectora serán según la esencia de la noción misma la autenticidad de los textos y su diversidad temática y tipológica en cuanto a la forma y estilo funcional al que pertenecen. Los textos de G.García Márquez, por su parte, se suscriben muy bien a los criterios denominados. Para confirmarlo cabe recalcar algunos de sus rasgos característicos que al mismo tiempo explican su potencial didáctico. En primer lugar, resaltan la diversidad y fusión de estilos y géneros y las peculiaridades lingüísticas de los textos, manifestadas en la abundancia de figuras retóricas y estructuras sintácticas cómplices. Como su lectura ya requiere ciertos esfuerzos intelectuales por parte del lector para su comprensión e interpretación, es indudable la posibilidad de fomentar a su base el pensamiento crítico. En segundo lugar, la variedad temática de los escritos del autor comprende problemas socioculturales colombianos y latinoamericanos: la desigualdad social, la corrupción, la violencia política, la guerra civil, el golpismo, el narcotráfico, etc. Por ello, se puede afirmar que los textos de G.García Márquez reflejan la mentalidad tanto colombiana, como latinoamericana, el estilo de vida en la región y su historia. Además, los problemas abordados en los textos del autor corresponden a los intereses y las particularidades psicológicas de un público adolescente. Por ejemplo, siempre se plantea el tema de las relaciones humanas a nivel interpersonal, social o estatal que preocupan e interesan a los adolescentes debido a su edad (Elkonin, 1986). Aparte de eso, su contenido temático permite influir en el sistema de valores del adolescente, incorporando a éste valores de otra cultura, lo cual afecta al lado emocional de la personalidad del alumno. Lo último facilita el proceso de adquisición de conocimientos y competencias según la gradiente de Ribot (Perlman Loch, 2009) e incrementa la motivación. Los textos de G.García Márquez desarrollan también la empatía y la inteligencia emocional de los adolescentes, aumentando su tolerancia frente a la vida, las tradiciones y el modo de pensar de los representantes de otra cultura, lo cual es esencial para la comunicación intercultural. 44 Las competencias enumeradas son, a su vez, importantes para la socialización del adolescente y su activa participación en la sociedad moderna y, por lo tanto, relevantes en el contexto de desarrollo de la competencia lectora del individuo. CONCLUSIONES Resumiendo, se hace muy clara la eficacia y conveniencia de usar los textos de G.García Márquez como herramienta didáctica para facilitar el desarrollo de la competencia lectora de los adolescentes. Asimismo, es necesario implementar un esquema particular del trabajo con los mismos que consiste en la realización consecutiva de las actividades lectoras que forman parte de la competencia lectora para aprovechar íntegramente los beneficios enfatizados en el presente estudio. REFERENCIAS Elkonin, D.V. (1986). Acerca del problema de la periodización del desarrollo psíquico en la edad infantil. Cuba, C. de La Habana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación. Perlman Lorch, M. (2009). Multiple languages, memory, and regression: an examination of Ribot’s Law. Aphasiology. School of Languages, Linguistics and Culture, 23(5), 643-654. doi:10.1080/02687030801931182. Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA. BUDKINA Y. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) FRENCH LANGUAGE POLICY ON REGIONAL LANGUAGES INTRODUCTION France's language policy is interesting in many ways. First of all, it is one of the first Western states that has established and supported a set of measures aimed at unifying language practices on its territory since ancient times. The same cannot be said for the French-speaking neighbouring states such as Switzerland and Belgium, which have sought to promote linguistic pluralism. In this work we will consider the dual position of France towards regional languages. RESEARCH GOAL The aim of this research is to analyze France's legislation on the state language and regional languages. LITERATURE REVIEW In the 21st century, the central republican institutions tolerate peripheral cultural expressions and their demands, as evidenced by the transformation in 45 2001 of the General Delegation for the French language into the General Delegation for the French language and the languages of France. However, regional languages are not fully supported (Harguindeguy, Cole, 2009). Thus, the French Government has not fully ratified the 1960 UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education. In addition, the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, elaborated by the Council of Europe in 1992, is not applied in national legislation (Woehrling, J. M.,2005). Previously, the laws and regulations governing the use of languages in France denied the existence of linguistic minorities in the national territory and anything that could undermine the monopoly of the state in cultural matters. This is evidenced by the reform in 1992 to add Article 2 to the Constitution stating that “the language of the Republic is French” and the adoption of the Toubon law in 1994 to protect the use of languages. Later, however, the French government started to change its attitude towards regional languages gradually. In 2008, for example, the French constitution introduced a provision stating that “regional languages are part of France's cultural heritage”. In May 2021, a law was passed to protect and promote intangible heritage and cultural diversity, which is expressed by regional languages, too (the Molac Law). According to the General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages of France, there are now about twenty regional languages in metropolitan France and more than fifty in foreign countries. However, the practice of using them is declining. The law has shortcomings which continue to discriminate against speakers of regional languages in some areas such as immersive teaching and the use of diacritical marks. CONCLUSION There is still a tendency for French to dominate the regional languages in France. However, the French government now recognizes regional languages as a cultural value and tries to avoid linguistic discrimination against speakers of regional languages. The state needs to take effective measures to maintain linguistic diversity. REFERENCES Constitution of France (October 4, 1958). Convention concernant la lutte contre la discrimination dans le domaine de l'enseignement (1960, as amended on Decembre Mai 22, 1962). Harguindeguy, J. & Cole, A. (2009). La politique linguistique de la France à l'épreuve des revendications ethnoterritoriales. Revue française de science politique, 59, 939-966. 46 Law on the heritage protection of regional languages and their promotion (2021, as amended on Mai 25, 2021).,Loi%20du%2021%20mai%202021%20relative%20%C3%A0%20la%20prote ction%20patrimoniale,r%C3%A9gionales%20et%20%C3%A0%20leur%20pr omotion&text=La%20proposition%20de%20loi%20apporte,enseignement%20 et%20les%20services%20publics The French government is changing its attitude to regional languages. Woehrling, J. M. (2005). The European Charter for regional or minority languages. An analytical comment. Éditions du Conseil de l’Europe. CHATAIN V. L’université Nice-Sophia-Antipolis (NIZA, FRANCIA) LA TRADUCCIÓN MÉDICA COMO ASPECTO DEL DESARROLLO DE LAS INSTITUCIONES ESTATALES Y CONDICIÓN PARA LA PRESTACIÓN DE UNA ASISTENCIA SANITARIA DE CALIDAD EN UNA SOCIEDAD DE DERECHOLA INTRODUCCIÓN INTRODUCCION La traducción médica está reconocida como una de las más demandadas y, al mismo tiempo, el tipo de traducción más complejo, laborioso y exigente. La traducción médica exige que el traductor comprenda perfectamente el texto original, tanto hablado como escrito, y que trabaje meticulosamente con diccionarios y libros de referencia. Aquí no se pueden hacer suposiciones, porque de la exactitud de la traducción dependen el diagnóstico médico, el tratamiento prescrito y, en consecuencia, la vida del paciente. El intérprete médico debe tener una comprensión clara del tema para interpretar correctamente términos, expresiones y definir su significado (Banman, 2017). EL OBJETIVO DE INVESTIGACIÓN La relevancia de la investigación radica en el problema de la calidad de la traducción médica, ya que la creación de una traducción cualificada requiere no sólo conocimientos lingüísticos, sino también temáticos y médicos del traductor, así como la necesidad de "institucionalizar" esta rama de la traducción, otorgándole un estatus estatal. Tal necesidad viene dictada por la situación actual de cambio de la situación lingüística en el mundo, puesto que, gracias a los procesos migratorios, países antes monolingües se transforman en comunidades multilingües. 47 LITERATURA/ REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS Como señala A.A. Atabekova, los servicios públicos de los estados desarrollados tienen que adaptar sus actividades a las nuevas condiciones y desarrollar nuevas estrategias para prestar servicios médicos a los diferentes grupos étnicos (Lutskovskaya, Atabekova, 2019). E.M. Solntsev, analizando los problemas de la traducción médica, distingue problemas de traducción generales (característicos de cualquier par de lenguas) y específicos (causados por la especificidad de determinados pares de lenguas) (Solntsev, 2010). M. Rouleau menciona problemas principales en la traducción de textos médicos en francés e inglés: peculiaridades de uso, incluido el uso metonímico de términos y el uso preferente de ciertas partes de la oración; variabilidad de la terminología; sinonimia terminológica; problemas de traducción de epónimos; falta de coincidencia de afijos en palabras de origen común (Dental francés Dentaite, Aortal - francés Aortique); calidad insuficiente de los diccionarios especializados bilingües y multilingües (Rouleau, 2003). Los intérpretes médicos no sólo son demandados en la práctica médica para la comunicación paciente-médico, sino también en el ámbito de la educación. La globalización de la medicina ha facilitado el intercambio de conocimientos. Muchas universidades ofrecen programas educativos especiales en un idioma extranjero que comprenden la asistencia de intérpretes. Cuando se trabaja en facultades de medicina, los errores de interpretación parecen menos peligrosos. De hecho, sin embargo, es en las facultades de medicina donde se sientan las bases del conocimiento y la formación del futuro médico. El resultado de esta formación depende no sólo del estudiante y del docente, sino también del intérprete como eslabón del proceso de aprendizaje. El material correctamente traducido es más fácil y rápido de entender. Por otro lado, numerosos errores de traducción distraen a los estudiantes del contenido del material y les impiden comprender el tema. Además, en algunos casos, las traducciones erróneas contribuyen a que los estudiantes tengan conocimientos "equivocados", lo que puede dificultar su futura práctica como médicos.Las peculiaridades de un texto médico incluyen también numerosas abreviaturas. Suponen un reto especial a la hora de realizar traducciones médicas (LeeJahnke, 2001). LA CONCLUSIÓN En conclusión, cabe señalar que la actividad práctica de traducción, tanto escrita como oral, requiere un autodesarrollo constante: cada nuevo texto para traducir es un incentivo para estudiar un nuevo campo temático, para familiarizarse con los últimos avances y logros en el campo de la medicina al que pertenece el texto original, para comparar los materiales existentes sobre un tema concreto. Es muy importante que la forma de presentar la información en la traducción sea lo más parecida posible a la de un hablante nativo, 48 incondicionalmente comprensible para el receptor de la traducción e inequívocamente interpretable por él. Asimismo, la traducción en el sector sanitario debe evolucionar continuamente y asumir un enfoque institucionalizado mediante la mejora de la calidad de la asistencia sanitaria y la creación de políticas institucionales basadas en la equidad en el acceso a una asistencia sanitaria integral. REFERENCIAS Banman P. P., Legler A. A., Matveicheva T. V. (2017). Fundamentos teóricos de la traducción especial. Stavropol. Solntsev E.M. (2010). Problemas generales y particulares de la traducción de textos medicos. Vestnik MSLU, 588, p.131-141 Rouleau M. (2003). La terminologie médicale et ses problèmes. Panacea. IV (12) .URL: Lee-Jahnke H. (2001). L'enseignement de la traduction médicale: un double défi? Meta : Journal des traducteurs. 46(1). – P. 145-153. Lutskovskaya L., Atabekova A., Zvereva E. et al. (2019). A pilot study of language and culture mediation in medical interpreting at border-crossing points in Moscow, Russia. Heliyon. 2019; 5(2). DOMBROVSKAYA V. RUDN–Université (MOSCOU, RUSSIE) TECHNOLOGIES MODERNES DE L'INFORMATION AUX COURS DE FRANÇAIS INTRODUCTION L'article traite du problème des technologies de l'information modernes qui peuvent être utilisées dans l'apprentissage du français comme langue étrangère et l'impact des technologies modernes sur le processus éducatif. Une disposition fondamentale de la nouvelle norme éducative sur les langues étrangères est l'utilisation de la culture de l'information des apprenants dans leur apprentissage de toute langue étrangère. Ce sont les technologies de l'information modernes qui nous aident à acquérir des compétences pratiques et des compétences en langue étrangère. L'utilisation et l'application des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication ainsi que des ressources Internet aident tous les participants au processus éducatif à mettre en œuvre leurs approches personnelles et différenciées dans l'apprentissage du français comme langue étrangère. 49 BUT DE LA RECHERCHE Le but de mon travail est d'identifier l'importance des technologies modernes dans l'apprentissage de la langue française, d’étudier les principales tâches pratiques d'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère. ANALYSE DE LA LITTÉRATURE L'informatique dans le système moderne d'enseignement du français permet à l'enseignant de diversifier non seulement les styles et les techniques d'apprentissage, mais aussi de combiner différentes connaissances, compétences et compétences en langage. Par exemple, dans l'apprentissage de l'audition, il est très utile non seulement d'écouter un discours en langue étrangère, mais aussi de reproduire et d'enregistrer ce qu'il a entendu. Les CD-ROM actuellement disponibles en français permettent à l'enseignant de présenter l'information non seulement sous la forme d'un document texte, mais aussi sous la forme d'une image vidéo. Ce type d'activité vocale a un impact positif sur l'intensification de l'activité de la pensée, la comparaison et l'analyse du matériel. Les technologies modernes de l'information appliquées aujourd'hui à l'apprentissage de la langue française ont les principaux objectifs pratiques suivants : la maîtrise de nouveaux moyens linguistiques pour exprimer les pensées et les sentiments; la création de conditions propices au développement de la compétence linguistique et vocale; le développement des compétences socioculturelles; améliorer la compétence en matière de compensation par le biais d'activités de projet reposant sur des ressources Internet; développer une culture de communication et de travail en équipe dans une langue étrangère. L'utilisation des technologies de l'information permet de diversifier le processus d'apprentissage et la connaissance de la matière dans les cours de français. Par exemple, les vidéos qui représentent les réalités de la vie française aident les apprenants à comprendre plus précisément le sujet de l'étude, à assimiler de nouvelles unités lexicales et la grammaire. Les exercices interactifs, organisés par thème (Lexique FLE, TV5 MONDE) aident à apprendre le matériel lexico-grammatical étudié. Le site FEI (France Éducation Internationale) permet de développer les compétences orales en français et se preparer aux examens DELF-DALF. CONCLUSION Le processus d'apprentissage de toute langue étrangère à l'aide des technologie modernes permet de travailler individuellement et en équipe. L'Internet offre une occasion unique à ceux qui apprennent le français d'utiliser du matériel authentique et donne la possibilité de communiquer avec des locuteurs natifs. Les outils multimédia visent à créer les conditions nécessaires à la formation des aptitudes et des compétences en communication. Ils forment une culture communicative dans une langue étrangère. 50 REFERENCES Mangenot, F. (2023). Classification des apports d'Internet à l'apprentissage des langues. (PDF) Classification des apports d'Internet à l'apprentissage des langues ( Valetopoulos, F. (2012). Les compétences en progression : Un défi pour la didactique des langues (PDF) Les compétences en progression : Un défi pour la didactique des langues | Freiderikos VALETOPOULOS - DOROSHENKO D., ALEKSEEV V. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) LANGUAGE AND LAW INTRODUCTION The relationship between language and law has been a topic of interest for many researchers. Language plays a crucial role in the legal system as it is the primary means of communication between legal professionals and their clients. The language used in legal documents must be precise and unambiguous to avoid any misinterpretation. The purpose of this research is to explore the connection between language and law and identify the language aspects that impact the legal system. Additionally, the research aims to provide recommendations for improving the language aspect of the legal system. RESEARCH GOALS 1. To study the relationship between language and law. 2. Determine which linguistic aspects affect the legal system. 3. Develop recommendations for improving the language aspect of the legal system. LITERATURE According to kryk-kastovsky (2013), legal language is characterized by its specialized terminology and complex sentence structures. The use of jargon and technical language can make legal documents difficult to understand for non-experts. Furthermore, legal language is often criticized for being archaic and outdated, which can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. In their study, tiersma and solan (2017) analyzed the language used in american legal opinions and found that judges often use vague and imprecise language, which can lead to inconsistent rulings. They also noted that the use of metaphors in legal language can be misleading and confusing. The challenges of translating legal documents were explored by de groot (2015), who identified the difficulties in translating legal terminology 51 accurately. Legal translators must have a deep understanding of both the source and target languages' legal systems to ensure accurate translations. CONCLUSION In conclusion, language and law are inextricably linked, as language is the primary tool used to create, interpret, and enforce legal systems. Without language, law would be impossible to conceptualize or apply in practice. However, as language is dependent on context, culture, and interpretation, legal language can be particularly prone to vagueness, ambiguity, and misinterpretation. This can lead to unjust and unpredictable outcomes, particularly for those who are marginalized and excluded from legal processes. The use of specialized terminology, jargon, and metaphors also can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. Translating legal documents accurately requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages' legal systems. To improve the language aspect of the legal system, recommendations such as using clear and concise language in legal documents can be implemented. Increasingly, however, lawyers and academics recognize the importance of plain language, inclusive language, and understanding the cultural context when it comes to legal communication. By prioritizing these principles, language and legislation can become more accessible, transparent and fair to all involved. As society continues to evolve and become more diverse, it is imperative that the legal language adapts to meet the needs of all people, not just those who are traditionally empowered by law. REFERENCES de Groot, G.R. (2015). Translation and the Law. In Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies (pp. 151-165). Routledge. Kryk-Kastovsky, B. (2013). Legal language. In The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law (pp. 71-85). Oxford University Press. Tiersma, P.M., & Solan, L.M. (2017). Speaking of Language and Law: Conversations on the Work of Peter Tiersma. Oxford University Press. ELISTRATOVA E. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) SYNONYMS IN LEGAL DOCUMENTS INTRODUCTION Increasing contacts and relations with foreign partners in the fields of economy and law, lead us to the need to translate documents from different languages. In order to avoid negative legal consequences, it is necessary to be aware of certain aspects, for example synonymous terms. While translating legal 52 documents, one will often face many terms that are worth distinguishing from one another. This article focuses on the differences between them. RESEARCH GOAL The problem of synonymy is one of the main problems of translation. The existence of several synonymous terms makes the professionals who use them try to find the difference between each other, resulting in a distortion of their content. At the same time, the use of different terms causes uncertainty whether the professionals using them are talking about the same concept. It leads to misunderstanding and causes endless arguments about similarities. I would like to discuss this problem using three pairs of synonyms: "Warranty" and "Guarantee", "Liability" and "Responsibility", "Cancellation" and "Termination", as well as to try to explain the difference between them. LITERATURE REVIEW The sections of the contracts dealing with guarantees usually contain the English terms "Warranty" and "Guarantee". It becomes necessary to distinguish the two terms, to determine whether there is a difference in their usage. "Warranty" is a promise of the integrity of a product and the maker's responsibility for it. It is more specific. "Guarantee", on the other hand, is a more general term, referring not only to the functioning of a product, but also to a guarantee of quality from the maker. But a closer look at these words reveals an even closer connection: they were originally one and the same. The root of both words is the Old French word garantie, which comes from the verb garantir, meaning "to protect," "to warrant," or "to guarantee." The word has its roots in the Germanic language spoken by the Franks, called Old Low Franconian. In French this language is called Francique - the language of the Franks. This excuses their similarity to each other, but it is still worth considering the context during using them. There are also two other terms that are similar in meaning - "Liability" and "Responsibility". They are translated in the same way - "ответственность" and are often treated as paired synonyms. "Responsibility" is often used in criminal and international law: "state responsibility" - "ответственность государства". While "Liability" is more common in civil law and the term implies material implications. If an organisation is "liable" for something, it may be legally bound to pay the consequences. This is completely different from the word "liability" which does not refer to any legal obligation to pay for them. Furthermore, it is the Anglo-American difficulty of having two different words expressing the concept of responsibility that does not exist in other legal systems. In French, Spanish and Italian, there is only one word for both "Responsibility" and "Liability". Therefore, difficulties may arise due to the translation of documents in English. 53 Last but not least, there is a couple of synonyms that are often found in section titles: "Cancellation", which is translated in 2 ways - "Расторжение" and "Аннулирование"; and "Termination" - "Расторжение соглашения". There is a lot of confusion between termination and cancellation, as they both result in the ending of the agreement by both parties. However, these are completely separate concepts and the legal consequences for each case will be different. A clear distinction will help the subjects achieve the purpose of the transaction and protect their legal rights and interests. According to Black's Law Dictionary, 2022, "termination" is the unconditional and definitive termination of a treaty relationship with a loss of enforceability in the event of default; "cancellation" is ending a contract with an enforceable right due to non-performance or default. CONCLUSION Finally, we can see that the level of language skills is very important. It is not enough to speak English, you need to know all the necessary nuances, including the difference between synonymous terms, to ensure that a false translation does not lead to negative legal consequences. REFERENCES Apolat Legal. Difference between termination of contracts and cancellation of contracts URL: Merriam-Webster Dictionary URL: Radikova T. I., Tretyakova M. V. Difficulties in Translating Legal Terms in the Texts of “General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Sale” (by the Material of English to Russian Translation) 2022. Volume 15. Issue 6. P. 2040-2045 EZHKOVA K. Universidad de Rusia de la Amistad de los Pueblos Patrice Lumumba (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) TÍTULOS DE PELÍCULAS ESPAÑOLAS: PROBLEMAS DE TRADUCCIÓN INTRODUCCIÓN Hace unos 120 años, nada más nacer la cinematografía, surgió en todo el mundo la necesidad de una traducción de calidad de los títulos de las películas. Hoy en día, este problema no ha perdido su actualidad. Las formas de traducir los títulos de las películas se desarrollan rápidamente y son cada vez más populares, debido a que cada año aparecen tecnologías más avanzadas. 54 Además, el número de películas importadas, incluidas las españolas, aumenta cada año. OBJETIVOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo de este estudio es determinar las particularidades de la traducción de títulos cinematográficos del español al ruso y explicar las razones de las diferencias de traducción. REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS Para determinar el estatus linguístico de un título cinematográfico como nombre propio se utiliza el término “filmónimo”. La clasificación de títulos de películas, en la que los títulos se dividen según su relación con el tema, el problema, la trama, los personajes, la localización y sobre esta base se distingue (Lamzina, 1999):1. títulos que representan el tema o problema principal de la obra; 2. títulos que ofrecen una perspectiva narrativa de la obra; 3. títulos personales; 4. títulos que representan el tiempo y el espacio. La siguiente fase del estudio fue un análisis específico que consistió en clasificar los títulos según los métodos y principios de nominación. El principio de nominación se entiende como un modelo nominativo formado sobre la base de la generalización de rasgos e implicado en la formación de nuevos nombres (Lamzina, 1997). La determinación de los principios de nominación en los nombres propios permite establecer los rasgos comunes a los nombres de esta clase. Un análisis de 100 títulos de películas españolas dio como resultado los siguientes grupos de filónimos (enumerados por orden de frecuencia). El primer grupo, el más numeroso, está representado por los filmónimos que se refieren a personajes de películas: 'Elisa K' (Elisa K), 'La reina de España' (Queen of Spain), 'El ciudadano ilustre' (Honorary Citizen), etc. (38% de los títulos). El segundo grupo está formado por títulos que hacen referencia al acontecimiento principal de la película: 'Secuestro' (Kidnapping), 'La cordillera' (Mountain range), etc. (20%). El tercer grupo incluyen los filmónimos que hacen referencia al concepto de "espacio": "Vientos de la Habana" (Winds of Havana), "Tres metros sobre el cielo" (Three meters above the sky), "100 metros" (100 meters) (14%). El cuarto grupo lo integran los títulos de películas que indican la época en que tienen lugar los hechos: "Tres días" (Three days), "El verano de la señora Forbes" (The summer of Mrs Forbes), "14 días con Víctor" (14 days with Victor), etc. (11%). El quinto grupo son títulos metafóricamente relacionados con la idea principal de la película: "A escondidas" (In secret), "Miel de naranjas" (Orange Honey), etc. (13%). El último grupo son los nombres que tienen una combinación de dos o más componentes. Estos títulos son complejos e indican, por ejemplo, un acontecimiento y un personaje: "La niebla y la doncella"; o un acontecimiento y una época: "1898. Los últimos de Filipinas" (1898) (4%). 55 La traducción de nombres propios extranjeros es un problema de traducción bastante complejo. Existen diferentes clasificaciones de estrategias de traducción que pueden aplicarse a los títulos de películas. Se puede mencionar tres métodos principales para trabajar en la traducción de títulos de películas (Balzhinimaeva, 2009):1. Traducción directa de los títulos; 2. Transformación, incluyendo adiciones y omisiones; 3. Sustitución de títulos. Al realizar un análisis comparativo de 100 títulos originales de películas españolas y su traducción al ruso, se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados. La más usada fue la estrategia de transferencia directa del título. Su uso representa el 75% de todos los filmónimos analizados. En concreto, la traducción literal representa el 66%. Esto puede explicarse por el hecho de que esta estrategia permite que la traducción se corresponda lo más exactamente posible al contenido de la película, sin recurrir a transformaciones de traducción. El segundo lugar lo ocupa la traducción transformacional, que representa el 13% de los títulos, de los cuales el 5% son filmonímimos traducidos mediante una transformación por adición. La transformación por omisión representa el 3% del 13%, en esos casos los traductores han omitido algunas unidades léxicas. Y el 5% de la traducción transformacional corresponde a la técnica de la sustitución. La última estrategia más utilizada de todas es la sustitución del nombre completo (12%). Entre los títulos traducidos con éxito que corresponden al contenido de la película figuran: "Insomnia" ("No dormirás" / not to sleep), "The invisible guest" ("Contratiempo" / obstacle), "Men on the edge" ("Una pistola en cada mano" / gun in every hand), "Lost Home" ("Hogar" / hearth), "Cross the line"), "No matarás" (not to kill). CONCLUSIONES Un análisis comparativo de 100 títulos de películas en español en el original mostró una variedad de formas de transmisión de los filmónimos. El estudio reveló que la estrategia más común es la transferencia directa. Esto puede explicarse por el hecho de que las características estructurales de muchos filmonímimos españoles se traducen con bastante facilidad al ruso. Una estrategia menos popular en la traducción de títulos de películas al ruso es la sustitución completa. Esta estrategia se utiliza principalmente en los casos en que el título original contiene información importante para el receptor hispanohablante, pero que no entienden los hablantes nativos de ruso. REFERENCIAS Balzhinimaeva E.J. (2009) Estrategias de traducción de títulos de películas. Ulan-Ude. Lamzina A.V. (1999) Título Introducción a los estudios literarios: Obra literaria: conceptos y términos básicos. M.: Bachillerato: Academia. 56 Lamzina A.V. (1997) El título de una obra literaria Literatura rusa. M.: Bachillerato: Academia. GABRIEL DOURADO ROCHA RUDN–University (MOSCOU, RÚSSIA) A RUSSIA E A COMUNIDADE DOS PAÍSES DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA (CPLP) INTRODUÇÃO Existem registros de divulgação de clássicos da literatura portuguesa, principalmente Luís de Camões, no século XVII e XIX, bem como há fontes que indicam que os trabalhos desse autor despertaram interesse em Lomonosov, Pushkin e outros literatos russos (Tokarev, 2014). Em 1828, o Brasil foi o primeiro país sul-americano com o qual a Rússia formalizou laços diplomáticos. Durante o século XX, ocorreram alguns rompimentos, mas em 1961 as relações foram restabelecidas e se mantiveram até os dias atuais. Durante o fim do século XX, a União Soviética forneceu apoio à independência dos países lusófonos no continente africano. Estes fatores históricos contribuíram para o estudo da língua portuguesa na Rússia. Nos dias de hoje, a atualidade do tema de pesquisa é demonstrada pela intensificação da cooperação entre a Rússia, o Brasil e os demais países lusófonos, o que gera a necessidade de especialistas com conhecimento de ambas as línguas. OBJETIVO DA PESQUISA O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar as perspectivas de cooperação entre a Rússia e a CPLP. ANÁLISE DO PROBLEMA A CPLP foi criada em 17 de julho de 1996 e atualmente é integrada por Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Príncipe, Timor-Leste e Guiné Equatorial. A Rússia já fez contato para receber o estatuto de país observador no âmbito da organização, pedido que, a meu ver, é viável diante do positivo histórico da cooperação entra a Rússia e os povos lusófonos. A língua russa e a portuguesa estão entre as dez línguas mais faladas do planeta e a cooperação entre a Rússia e a CPLP pode gerar bons frutos. Diversas instituições educacionais, como a Universidade Estatal de Linguística de Moscou (MGLU) e a RUDN, podem ter um bom papel nesse processo. Em visita do chefe de Estado brasileiro a Rússia em fevereiro de 2022, foi comunicado que atualmente há cerca de 400 estudantes brasileiros na Rússia. Na MGLU, o ensino de língua portuguesa iniciou em 1963, A primeira responsável por coordenar os estudos da língua portuguesa foi Natalya Yaroslavna Voinova. Desde 1982, o Departamento de Língua Portuguesa foi 57 dirigido pela professora Galina Petrovna Zenenko (6.06.1931 - 28.09.2011). Sua neta, Natália Viktorovna Zenenko, é atualmente uma das intérpretes de língua portuguesa com mais destaque na Rússia. Eventos em comemoração da língua portuguesa já foram realizados em diversas instituições da Rússia, como a MGLU (2022), Instituto Estatal de Relações Internacionais de Moscou (MGIMO, 2017) e Universidade Estatal de Saratov (SGU, 2022). CONCLUSÃO Com a intensificação da cooperação entre a Rússia e os países lusófonos, bem como com a possível concessão do status de país observador no âmbito da CPLP, espera-se que o interesse e conhecimento sobre a língua portuguesa na Rússia aumente, sobretudo em um contexto de globalização e digitalização, o que facilita o estudo da língua portuguesa como idioma estrangeiro. REFERÊNCIAS Tokarev, A.,(2014) Estudos Portugueses na URSS e na Rússia. Sobre estudos portugueses e lusófonos. Moscou: The Whole World, p. 9. TV BRICS. Cultura O dia da língua portuguesa foi comemorado na Rússia. URL: (data da consulta 09.06.22) MGIMO. 43ª Noite de Língua Portuguesa. 15 de maio de 2017. URL: Os alunos comemoraram o Dia da Língua Portuguesa. N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov Universidade Nacional de Pesquisa do Estado de Chernyshevsky. 6 de maio de 2022 15:30. URL: GEVORGYAN M. RUDN – University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) PROBLEMS OF REALIZATION OF THE RIGHTS TO ASYLUM (ON THE TERRITORY OF THE USA) INTRODUCTION Despite the era of globalization and harmonization of the world community, there are countries where basic human rights are violated. As an alternative to helping people whose rights are violated and there is a direct threat to life, some countries provide political asylum. The realities of modern reality indicate that more and more often foreign citizens and stateless persons are exercising their right to political asylum in a particular country. The problems of realizing the right to asylum have become increasingly relevant in recent times. 58 RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this work is to study the issue of the implementation of the right to asylum in the United States. LITERATURE REVIEW The right to asylum appeared relatively recently; in fact, it was enshrined in law only in 1928 at the Havana Convention. That year, for the first time, the world community thought about granting a person the right to political asylum on the territory of another independent state, while guaranteeing security and protection from outside encroachments. Respect for rights is an indispensable condition for preventing numerous asylum seekers (Bratanov, 2019). In the United States, a foreign citizen or stateless person who has arrived in the United States and lives there for no more than one year has the right to political asylum. They must apply for asylum within one year of their arrival in the United States. Exceptions to the deadline can only be in cases where the person justifies the reason why he/she delayed the submission of the application. The reasons include special circumstances, such as illness, difficult political situation in the country, which worsened the applicant’s position and some others. On April 6, 2018, the US Attorney General announced the launch of a zero tolerance policy to combat illegal southern border crossings, both to prevent illegal migration to the States and to reduce asylum applications, which often contained false documents. Under this policy, the Department of Justice detained and deported or prosecuted all adult foreign nationals detained while illegally crossing the border, without exception for asylum seekers or persons with minor children. The zero-tolerance policy was criticized for the separation of children and their parents, and such practices were suspended in June 2018. Amid continued flows of illegal migrants from South America seeking asylum in the United States, in January 2019 Nielsen who was Secretary of Homeland Security announced the implementation of the Migrant Protection Protocols policy, known as the “Stay in Mexico” policy. According to this policy, foreign nationals who illegally crossed the US border and applied for asylum are subject to removal and detention in Mexico until further asylum judgment (Ulybin, 2020). This practice has forced thousands of Mexicans to wait along the border for a decision while they have the opportunity to prove that they are entitled to asylum in the United States. (Ryazantsev, 2021) There are certain grounds to deny political asylum in the United States; they are as follows: - the person has been in the United States for more than one year at the time of applying for political asylum; - a person has great authority in the country, and in this case he has the opportunity to return to his homeland; 59 - there is a court decision concerning a person’s guilt in serious crime (Abashidze, 2018). In the United States, crimes such as murder, rape, rape of minors, robbery with the use of firearms, smuggling of foreigners, human trafficking, fraud, whose damage exceeds ten thousand US dollars, crimes related to narcotic substances, terrorism, illegal gambling are recognized as serious crimes. The mechanism for granting and regulating refugee status is wider than the universal one. This applies to the circle of persons receiving protection and a high degree of their protection. At the same time, it must be understood that migration and asylum seeking are factors driven by specific causes. Thus, the world community should also pay attention to the outflow of the population and treat it as interference in the internal affairs by third states. Contemporary realities show that it was precisely because of such interference and creation of unrest that caused outflow of asylum seekers from Libya, Syria and some other countries. From a legislative point of view, mass movements of people displaced as a result of military conflicts, hostilities and/or persecution are subject to protection in accordance with international law. The current migration situation is also seen as the result of globalization processes characterized by increasing cultural, political and economic interaction (Udina, Stepanova, 2018). Recent developments in the field of unplanned migration have required the European Union to update its asylum legislation, and the recent refugee crisis has contributed to the further development of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) (Stepanova, Meshkova, Sheremetieva, Maštálka, 2018). On the one hand, states, including the United States, are trying to protect their citizens from criminal elements that can cross the border with migrants, but, on the other hand, they do not fully fulfill their international obligations by providing asylum. CONCLUSION Exercising the rights of refugees continues to be a challenge to the international community. A sharp increase in the number of migrants leads to political, economic, and social crises within states and, as a result, to internal unrest. Domestic unrest gives rise to regional and poses a threat to international security. It is necessary to rethink the entire existing international legal framework governing the legal status of such persons and their protection. The current migration crisis, caused by civil wars in various countries, has shown the need to reconsider the tools to resolve this situation. It cannot be resolved at the domestic or regional levels; more global measures must be taken. 60 REFERENCES Abashidze I.A., Chistokhodova I.A., Fedorov M.V. International law: a textbook for post graduate students. Moscow: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR), 2018. Bratanov, V.E. Comparative analysis of the procedures for granting political asylum in Russia and the United States: General and difference. World Science: Problems and Innovations. Penza: Science and Education, 2019, 101104. Ryazantsev S V., Ochirova G.N. Is the fight against illegal immigration effective (Experience of the USA, European Union and Russia)? Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No. 2, 46-63. Stepanova V.V., Meshkova I.N., Sheremetieva O.A., Maštálka J. Refugee Flows at Border Crossing Points: Legal, Social and Language Aspects. Journal of Social Studies Education Research. 2018:9(3), 296-316. Udina N.N., Stepanova V.V. Language of International Migration: Terminology and Concept Analysis. European Research Studies Journal. Volume XXI, Issue 3, 2018, 579-590. Ulybin I.S. Challenges and threats of the contemporary world under migration crisis in the US. Scientific works of the Moscow Humanitarian University. 2020. No. 2, 43-49. GRISHAEVA I. Belarusian State University (MINSK, BELARUS) MERGER DOCTRINE AS A MECHANISM RESTRICTING COPYRIGHT PROTECTION IN THE UNITED STATES INTRODUCTION In the field of law, the concepts of “phenomenon”, “fact”, “idea” and “expression of an idea” are poorly understood. However, oddly enough, it is on these philosophical and legal concepts that doctrines, precedents, and laws are based. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this theoretical and legal study is to reveal the features of such a mechanism restricting copyright protection in the United States as the "merger doctrine", which is based, as we suggest, on the distinction between the above concepts: "phenomenon", "fact", "idea" and "expression of an idea". ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM The result of one of our theoretical and legal studies is the conclusion that “phenomenon” is defined as a thing that we are able to see, contemplate, as well as only abstractly imply, but do not have an opportunity to see or feel. In 61 this case, the definition of fact refers only to the first part of the definition of “phenomenon”. From the suggested definition of “phenomenon” two autonomous conclusions can be drawn: first, that the fact is assumed to exist objectively and is itself objective when perceived by human mind, that is, for each person the fact is seen in the same way; second, “phenomenon” is the fact subjected to interpretation by a person, and the interpretation is a subjective and abstract thing, which means impossibility of “touching” the interpretation in the literal sense of the word. However, it is logical that if the interpretation is built into words, then it can be displayed on paper using written symbols, letters. In American copyright law, there exists a so-called “merger doctrine”. According to this doctrine, copyright protects the expression of an idea, but not the idea as such. Thus, commenting upon one of the American precedents, Hasan stressed that in no case copyright protection extended to any idea or concept regardless of the form in which it was embodied (Hasan, 2013). It is argued that facts are physical objects in objective reality, and ideas are concepts, theories or principles that are abstract and their purpose is to interpret facts. Expressions are the language by which we show facts and ideas to another person. The expression manifests itself in symbols. Language is made up of symbols. Thus, the outcome of a particular case, that is, the court decision, depends on the understanding of what a “fact”, “idea”, “expression” is or, in other words, “objective” and “abstract” in the field of copyright protection. The main conclusion of the US courts regarding the application of the “merger doctrine” is that it is important to define the boundary separating the idea from its expression (form). However, what is an idea? Obviously, this is not a fact. We believe that an idea in the understanding of the “merger doctrine” is a fact that has undergone an interpretation, which can be achieved (or expressed) only in a single way or in a limited number of ways, no matter who “generates” this chain of thoughts. In fact, an idea is an abstraction. However, an expression is a set of features that expresses this abstraction. It can be a verbal expression or a graphic expression (image). And this is precisely the essence of the “merger doctrine”. CONCLUSION Thus, the distinction between “fact”, “idea”, and “expression of an idea” is of special importance in the legal field, as was shown by the example of a “merger doctrine”. REFERENCES Hasan, Russell (2013). Winning the Copyright War: Copyright’s Merger Doctrine and Natural Rights Theory as Solutions to the Problem of Reconciling Copyright and Free Speech Engage. Volume 14, Issue 1, p. 58 – 70. 62 GULYAGUINA A. Universidad de Rusia de la Amistad de los Pueblos (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) LA UNANIMIDAD DE LOS ENFOQUES PARA COMPRENDER LA MORALIDAD COMO UNA FORMA DE INTEGRACÍON INTERCULTURAL INTRODUCCIÓN En la historia universal de la ética se acumula la vasta experiencia de las generaciones anteriores en cuanto a la interpretación de varias categorías filosóficas, incluida la categoría de “la moralidad". Los pensadores de todos los tiempos han planteado el problema de la definición de este concepto en sus trabajos y han tratado de determinar la influencia de este fenómeno en la mecánica de la regulación de las relaciones sociales. Es notable que todos ellos han definido la moralidad no de manera abstracta, sino a través del prisma de otras categorías filosóficas, como, por ejemplo, el conocimiento, el bien común, la ley natural. Hoy en día, a menudo es necesario evaluar diferentes fenómenos políticos y legales desde el punto de vista de moralidad. Es la razón por la cual examinar esta categoría ética es relevante. OBJETIVO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN En consecuencia, el objetivo de mi investigación es descubrir los enfoques de interpretación de la categoría de "moralidad", utilizados por científicos famosos, representantes de diferentes culturas y épocas, así que dar un significado concreto a esta categoría filosófica. REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS Muchos pensadores de diferentes épocas asocian el concepto de "moralidad" con el concepto de "conocimiento". Por ejemplo, según Pitágoras, la moralidad está relacionada con la inteligencia de una persona y sus capacidades mentales: el nivel de moralidad es mayor cuanto mayor es el intelecto (Nersesyants, 2004). Basándose en esa afirmación, el orden político-legal debe ser formado por las personas "mejores" que poseen las cualidades anteriores. Por lo tanto, la moralidad es un rasgo inherente a la aristocracia, que, según Pitágoras, es la "élite moral". Heráclito también evalúa a las personas desde el punto de vista de su comprensión intelectual del ser. La doctrina del filósofo está ligada a la idea del desarrollo universal ("todo fluye, todo cambia"). Y, como Heráclito cree, el hombre también debe desarrollar sus capacidades mentales para adaptarse al tiempo, es decir, ser sabio, razonable y el mejor (Drobnitsky, 2002). Según I. Bentham, la moralidad es creada por todo lo que contribuye a la obtención de la mayor felicidad para el mayor número de personas (Nersesyants, 2004). 63 Según I. Fichte, la interacción moral de las personas es posible con la ayuda de la elaboración de una voluntad común que contribuya al logro del máximo bienestar general (Golikova, Isaeva, 2020). En la opiníon de Fichte, la moralidad se logra a través del consentimiento, el compromiso social, el acuerdo. En la opinión de I. Kant, el hombre tiene una conciencia moral a priori y en su conducta debe guiarse por los dictados de la ley moral, que no está sujeta a la influencia de ninguna circunstancia externa y, por lo tanto, es incondicional (Drobnitsky, 2002). En este sentido, la moralidad es una forma de lograr el bienestar que se extiende a todas las esferas de la vida pública. F. Bacon escribe: "Los hombres ya poseen la comprensión moral por naturaleza, formados bajo la influencia de las leyes naturales como la virtud, el vicio, la justicia, la injusticia, el bien, el mal" (Trunov, 2013). CONCLUSIONES Así, hemos considerado algunos enfoques para interpretar la categoría de moralidad. Como resultado, los pensadores de diferentes tiempos entienden la moralidad de diferentes maneras. Sin embargo, todos ellos piensan en esta categoría como una categoría de universalidad y creen que su aplicación contribuye a la armonización de la vida humana en el mundo. La unidad de enfoques para la evaluación moral de ciertos fenómenos contribuirá al establecimiento de comunicaciones interculturales más fructíferas y exitosas. REFERENCIAS Drobnitsky, O. G. (2002). Filosofía Moral: obras seleccionadas. URL: (fecha de acceso: 13.03.2023) Golikova A., Isaeva B. (2020). Opiniones políticas de Johann Gottlieb Fichte. URL: (fecha de acceso: 13.03.2023) Nersesyants, V.S. (2004). Historia de las enseñanzas políticas y jurídicas: un libro de texto para las universidades. Moscu. Editorial “Norma”. Trunov A. A. (2013). Francis Bacon y una nueva comprensión de las ideas políticas.URL: (fecha de acceso: 15.03.2023) 64 HERNÁNDEZ JIMÉNEZ E. La Univesidad Alfonso X El Sabio (MADRID, ESPAÑA) CATALANIZAR O ESPAÑOLIZAR? UNA OPONENCIA SECULAR INTRODUCCION El modelo lingüístico adoptado en Catalunya es único. Es el más ambicioso a la hora de promover la lengua propia en el sistema educativo. “Lenguaje e identidad” es hoy una de las temáticas de estudio central en diversas disciplinas, especialmente en la Sociología del Lenguaje y en la Psicología Social. Es, también, una problemática de gran actualidad en general, dado que el contacto de lenguas es la situación normal en el mundo actual; basta con recordar que hay unas 6.000 lenguas que se reparten en aproximadamente 200 estados, de modo que la mayoría de los estados actuales son lingüísticamente compuestos, o plurilingües, también en el mundo desarrollado occidental. EL OBJETIVO DE INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo principal de este artículo es proponer algunas reflexiones en torno a la amplia problemática de “lengua e identidad”. LITERATURA/ REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS El llamado nacionalismo catalán se ha ido construyendo con casi los mismos parámetros que los nacionales de estado –territorio, lengua e identidad–, siendo una de las características más definitorias, la lengua, la llamada por Pompeu Fabra lengua ancestral elevada a lengua nacional. En efecto, desde diferentes sectores del nacionalismo catalán, se considera a la lengua como uno de los elementos constitutivos de la nación catalana (Pujol Berché, 2013). Con la industrialización, Cataluña se transforma demográficamente puesto que la gente del campo se dirige hacia las ciudades y van llegando españoles procedentes de otras regiones, sobre todo de Murcia, que lingüísticamente se van integrando en la sociedad catalana (Fernández García, 2012). El catalán, como sucedió en otras construcciones nacionales, pasará de ser lengua ancestral, a lengua nacional de la mano de Pompeu Fabra que permitirá, junto con otros factores, la construcción de una identidad colectiva catalana compartida por casi toda la población de la época (Ninyoles, 1994). Para los sectores populares, tanto urbanos como rurales, los valores propios de Cataluña eran la lengua, la cultura, las tradiciones y las costumbres, Catalanizar se opone a españolizar. El Estado es una «organización política y creación artificial», mientras que la Nación es una «entidad natural con una historia y una cultura en común, con una lengua propia que tiene gran importancia para la creación y la consolidación del sentimiento nacional, con un arte, un derecho» (La política lingüística). A partir de ahí estos conceptos van adquiriendo un fuerte valor 65 simbólico. Vemos pues que el debate en torno a «nación» (nación catalana), con el corolario de lengua catalana e identidad no es nuevo. LA CONCLUSIÓN Para terminar, la cuestión de la lengua catalana ha estado siempre en el centro de la agenda política catalana –considerada signo de identidad y uno de los más queridos bienes, a veces de forma más implícita y otra más explícita. A veces también ha sido instrumentalizada por los políticos, sea cual sea el color, y siempre sale a relucir en las campañas electorales autonómicas y generales. Lengua e identidad es una temática de interés en la vida social en general. La presencia de las diversas lenguas en situación de contacto y las identidades etnolingüísticas resultantes son realidades diarias generales hoy: realidades que a menudo se presentan como problemáticas y conflictivas, a pesar de que los discursos sociales al respecto tratan de mostrarlas como riqueza, capital humano, patrimonio de la humanidad, fuente de originalidad y de creatividad sociales, etc., como se dice en una de las publicaciones de la Comisión Europea, en el contexto de la Unión Europea muy difundida y de gran interés. También es una temática de gran actualidad e interés en un contexto más cercano como es el contexto español y en propio contexto de cualquiera comunidad autónoma que se identifica con los valores propios y autóctonos, como diría yo, autonacionales o étnicos., en el que las lenguas en presencia funcionan como categorías principales de grupalización y de identificación. REFERENCIAS Pujol Berché, M., (2013), Política lingüística: lengua, cultura e identidad, el ejemplo de Cataluña, Amnis URL : Fernández García, A., Petithomme, M. (2012) Introduction. Du nationalisme d’État aux nationalismes espagnols, la réinvention de la « nation » espagnole depuis la transition démocratique. Les nationalismes dans l’Espagnecontemporaine (1975-2011). Compétition politique et identités nationales, Paris, Armand Colin Ninyoles, R (1994), España como país plurilingüe: Líneas de future.¿Un estado, una lengua ? La organización política de la diversidad lingüística. Barcelone, Octaedro, pp. 25-73. La política lingüística en Catalunya: una reflexión comparada. URL: 66 HİLAL PEKTAŞ Karadeniz Technical University (TURKEY) WORDS, WORD GROUPS, IDIOMS, AND WORD PATTERNS WIDELY USED IN BOOKS, ARTICLES, AND THESES RELATED TO THE GLOBAL MIGRATION CRISIS (2011-2022) This research is based on high-frequency English words, word groups, idioms, and word patterns widely used in books, articles, and theses related to the global migration crisis, which emerged due to the economic crisis and wars between 2011 and 2022. Therefore, the study aims to classify these word groups based on content and grammatical frameworks and tabulate the data using common corpus tools, making it available for free use. The resulting lexical data will provide a better understanding of the causes of the global migration problem and bring a new perspective to the mass migration crisis in the context of corpus science. Additionally, the jargon-like word groups used in the context of immigration law of different countries and societies will be analysed to provide a better understanding of the global migration crisis. The study's findings will be compiled into a book and made available for open access. Furthermore, this study will help refugees and immigrants to better understand the linguistic, lexical, and semantic structures of the sources they use to learn about their rights and responsibilities as immigrants in different countries. Legal terms will be identified through corpus-based analyses. HUA JIE, ZHU YOUNG Tsinghua University (CHINA) LANGUAGE, LAW AND PROCEDURAL ISSUES IN NERCHINSK TREATY The Nerchinsk Treaty is the first treaty between China and Russia. It was concluded on August 27 (September 6), 1689 in Nerchinsk. The purpose of this report is to consider the problems that occurred during the conclusion of the first treaty between Russia and China in terms of law and language. The object of the study is the inaccuracies that took place in the treaty text in different languages. The research material covers historiographic documents on the research topic. The results of the analysis allow us to note the following. Copies of the treaty were drawn up in Russian, Manchu and Latin. Under the terms of the treaty, China and Russia determined their borders, the procedure 67 for resolving border disputes, the rules for border trade, etc. For many years, scientists have repeatedly noted that the Nerchinsk Treaty had a number of inaccuracies and was an imperfect document from linguistic and international law angles. The state border under the treaty was extremely indefinite. The language versions differed in the number of articles (there were 6 articles in the texts in Russian and Lithuanian, and 8 in the version in Manchu). The texts in Russian, Manchu and Latin were non-identical. For instance, scholars underlined that in Article I of the treaty, the Russian and Latin versions differ in the interpretation of the territorial issues and borders. When signing the agreement, the Parties did not implement the exchange of maps with the border line between the two states. The terms of the treaty were supposed to be inscribed in three languages on special stones and installed along the RussianChinese border. However, in the Russian version, this clause was left to the discretion of the Chinese side. In general, the above findings of confirm that the inconsistencies in the treaty texts in different languages largely caused subsequent disagreements, which led to the revision of the Nerchinsk Treaty terms by later international agreements. REFERENCES Chen, V. (1966). The Treaty of Nerchinsk. In Sino-Russian relations in the seventeenth century (pp. 86-105). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Frank, V.S. (1947). The Territorial Terms of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689), The Pacific Historical Review 16, 3, 265–270. Obrien, C. (1951). Chapter VI. The Treaty of Nerchinsk. In Russia Under Two Tsars, 1682–1689 (pp. 105-122). Berkeley: University of California Press. ILIASOVA A. Saratov State Law Academy (SARATOV, RUSSIA) LIBERTE D'EXPRESSION EN FRANCE INTRODUCTION La liberté est l’aspiration naturelle et le droit de tout être humain. Dans une société moderne avec un haut niveau de culture juridique, la liberté d'expression fait partie intégrante de notre vie. Les philosophes antiques croient que la liberté est une action pour réaliser leurs intérêts. La parole est la principale source d'expression des objectifs de l'individu, du citoyen et de la société en général. Sans ces mesures, nous n'aurions pas atteint le niveau actuel de développement du monde. Dans le monde moderne, la liberté d'expression est perçue comme une occasion de s'exprimer librement, d'exposer sa position 68 sur une question particulière. Historiquement, la longue formation et le développement des droits de l'homme, y compris le droit à la liberté d'expression, ont été accompagnés d'une confrontation violente et de recherches difficiles de la meilleure façon d’interagir entre les individus et le pouvoir dans une société organisée par l'Etat. À l'heure actuelle, dans la plupart des pays, la liberté d'expression est consacrée comme l'un des principaux fondements de l'ordre constitutionnel. En ce qui concerne la France, il est important de noter que ce principe est consacré dans deux documents historiques: la Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789 et la Constitution de 1946, qui sont incorporées dans la Constitution actuelle. L'inconvénient de ce système est qu'une partie si importante des relations publiques n’est pas réglementée par la Constitution actuelle, mais par les monuments du droit, qui fixent les fondements pertinents à l'époque. Par conséquent, on ne peut pas y apporter les modifications nécessaires pour réglementer des aspects plus modernes. BUT DE LA RECHERCHE L'objectif de l'étude est d'éxaminer l'aspect juridique de la réglementation de la liberté d'expression en France. ANALYSE DE LA LITTERATURE La liberté d'expression est l'un des fondements de la société française. La réglementation juridique du statut des médias est une condition préalable à leur fonctionnement dans une société civilisée. Le statut juridique des médias commence à être régi par les constitutions modernes, en particulier les médias électroniques, qui ont aujourd’hui une influence considérable. En France, la liberté d'expression commence en 1789 avec l'apparition de la Déclaration des droits et libertés de l'homme et du citoyen, dont l'article 11 dispose que : «La libre communication des pensées et des opinions est un des droits les plus précieux de l’homme : tout citoyen peut donc parler, écrire, imprimer librement, sauf à répondre de l’abus de cette liberté, dans les cas déterminés par la loi». La liberté de la presse, comme la liberté d’expression en général, est fondée sur la Déclaration des droits et libertés de l’homme et du citoyen. La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme qualifie la liberté de la presse de "liberté d'expression" (art. 10 de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme). Sur cette base, la loi sur la liberté de la presse a été publiée en 1881. Elle est souvent considérée comme un acte juridique fondamental dans le domaine de la liberté de la presse et de la liberté d'expression en France. La loi a permis d'éviter la censure préalable et a également établi que les journaux ne devraient pas nuire à la réputation de quiconque. Malgré cela, dans tous les cas, les journaux ne peuvent rien dire, car leur liberté d'expression se termine là où commence la liberté des gens. En conséquence, les idées préconçues, la diffamation et autres ne peuvent pas être considérés comme la liberté d'expression. En outre, il existe des lois telles que la loi sur la liberté de 69 communication de 1986, la loi sur la réforme du statut juridique de la presse de 1986, etc. La Révolution française est devenue l’événement le plus important dans l'histoire du journalisme français, car elle a donné une impulsion au développement des médias, qui sont devenus une sorte d'outil d'information. C'est pendant les révolutions bourgeoises que la fonction idéologique du journalisme a supprimé ses débuts informatifs et commerciaux, déterminant le destin futur des médias comme un domaine spécial de l’idéologie. Actuellement, l'article 34 de la Constitution française établit le pluralisme et l'indépendance des médias. Étant donné que la Constitution est le document le plus important pour tout état, on peut conclure que la liberté d'expression est un élément essentiel de la société française moderne. Avec le développement du monde, des sources plus modernes de transmission de l'information ont commencé à apparaître. C’est pourquoi, en 1982, en France on entreprend une nouvelle réforme et on adopte une nouvelle loi sur la radio et la télévision, garantissant la liberté de communication audiovisuelle et confirmant le droit des citoyens à une communication libre et pluraliste, qui est assurée par les conditions de fonctionnement de la radiodiffusion et de la télévision en tant que services publics. La loi sur la liberté de communication et la concentration des médias de 1986 a limité la délivrance d'autorisations de diffusion à une seule personne. La législation française sur la radiodiffusion comprend la loi sur la radiodiffusion gratuite du 30 septembre 1986, modifiée et complétée, la dernière fois en 2000, ainsi que les décrets, ordonnances et autres règlements gouvernementaux régissant les relations dans le système de radiodiffusion en France. Avec l’introduction généralisée d’ Internet dans la vie des utilisateurs, il est devenu nécessaire de réviser un certain nombre de règles régissant la liberté d’expression et d’imposer des restrictions. À cet égard, alors que le cadre juridique de la liberté des médias avec le développement d'Internet, l'état français a dû adapter sa législation relative à la liberté d'expression dans l'espace public et au régime de censure, car Internet semble constituer une menace pour l'état et les citoyens. La première version de la loi sur les 3 avertissements, élaborée à l'initiative du président français Nicolas Sarkozy, par laquelle une personne était déconnectée d'Internet pour violation du droit d'auteur, a été rejetée par le Conseil constitutionnel français parce qu'elle violait la liberté d'expression et de communication garantie par la Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen. Mais il a tout de même été adopté en 2009 après un certain nombre de modifications. Grâce à cette règle, les autorités ont le droit d'écouter complètement le trafic, ainsi que de notifier par courrier électronique ceux qui téléchargent activement des programmes piratés et du contenu multimédia sur les réseaux de partage de fichiers. Cela montre à quel point le système est incomplet, car dans une société démocratique il s'agit de garantir la non-intervention de l'état dans la production et la diffusion de l'information. Néanmoins, il est important de 70 noter que la France recueille des informations sur les cas de violation de la liberté d'expression et s'efforce de protéger cette liberté de la meilleure façon possible. СONCLUSION En conclusion, on peut dire que le droit constitutionnel français consacre les droits et libertés des citoyens d’une manière assez particulière. Il est évident que la liberté d'expression et la liberté des médias ne sont pas absolues. Ni la société ni l’individu ne doivent être pris en otage par ces libertés et leur exercice doit être limité par la loi. Il semble que l’état, pour remplir sa fonction de protection et de garantie des droits et libertés, doit veiller à la fois à garantir la liberté d’expression (y compris l’indépendance de la presse, l’accès à l’information) et à définir les limites de cette liberté afin d’éviter tout abus illicite, c’est-à-dire la violation d’autres droits et intérêts protégés par la loi. Sans frontières appropriées, toute liberté se transforme en chaos. REFERENCES Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 Convention européenne des droits de l'homme Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen. IMIEVA L. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AS A TYPE OF CONTACT INTRODUCTION Contact is a complex and multifaceted process that can simultaneously act as a process of interaction between individuals, as the attitude of people towards each other, as a process of their mutual influence, empathy and mutual understanding. In general, it is one of the most important factors of human life. Along with the concept of " contact " in the past few years in domestic science, the term "communication" has appeared and become widespread, which has firmly entered the conceptual apparatus of social and humanitarian knowledge. L.S. Vygotsky, V.N. Kurbatov, A.A. Leontiev equate these two terms based on the etymological and semantic relationship of these concepts. Based on the original meaning of the Latin term "communicatio", which means "to make common, bind, communicate", supporters of this point of view understand it as the exchange of thoughts and information using various signals. 71 RESEARCH GOAL The article is devoted to the problem of intercultural communication. An analysis of the process of intercultural communication shows that intercultural communication is a type of communication with its own specifics and structure, which depends on many different factors. LITERATURE REVIEW In the process of intercultural communication, each person simultaneously solves two major problems: to strive to preserve their cultural identity and to be included in a foreign culture. There is a close, inextricable link between language and culture. This implies that we are talking about the culture of the people to whom this language belongs. Throughout the course of its historical development, language is directed towards the area of internal culture. Describing the essence of language, scientists use various metaphors to explain the nature of this phenomenon. Naturally, language is used most of all in orientation to one's internal culture. However, for quite some time now, no people can live in cultural isolation, and any language is used to a greater or lesser extent in communicative situations related to external cultures. The term "intercultural communication" has become widespread, which involves the interaction of two or more cultures and overcoming language and cultural barriers. The growing interest in the peculiarities of intercultural communication contributed to the formation of a new scientific field in which the dialogue of cultures is considered as an object of study. The appeal of language to external culture is the result of intercultural communication. The exit of language into the field of external cultures occurs in a number of typical situations: newspapers, magazines, household contacts, special linguistic and cultural literature, etc. Consider examples of intercultural communication: Considering the peculiarities of intercultural communication, the Arab world seems to be interesting for studying. The Arab world combines North Africa and the countries of the Middle East, which communicate mainly in Arabic. Its population reaches more than three hundred million people, which in turn makes it one of the largest geolinguistic centers in the world. Within the Arab world, a special style of communication with its characteristics has developed, whose features must be taken into account when implementing intercultural communication. Arabs pay special attention to issues of personal honor. An oath given by honor is the strongest promise an Arab has that he cannot break. It is also extremely important for the Arabs to assess their affairs by the interlocutor. They expect to be treated with respect, warmly accepting compliments addressed to them. In addition, Arabs consider it is impolite to refuse, and therefore they often try to hide or obscure their refusal. It is extremely important in intercultural communication with 72 representatives of the Arab world to be attentive to freedom on your part. They do not welcome familiarity, and therefore many of the gestures adopted in European society can cause negativity among Arab people. You should not once again pat them on the shoulder or hug them, as this can cause irritation and even aggression. During the dialogue, attention should be paid to the posture, it should not belittle the Arab or make fun of him. Greetings in a number of countries have a national coloring. Handshakes are the main form of greeting. But in some countries, it is not customary to shake hands with women. You should wait until the woman herself gives her hand. Kissing on the cheek is common in France, hugs are common in Latin America. The etiquette of all countries provides for respect for elders. It is the older people who should be the first to start a conversation. When they enter the room, you must stand up. In the process of intercultural communication, it is easy to see that the representatives of different peoples, along with common features in communication, also demonstrate differences. The differences can be so great that they can cause a state of shock. Communicative shock in intercultural communication is a sharp perceived divergence in the norms and traditions of communication between peoples, which manifests itself in conditions of direct intercultural communication and is not understood, surprising, inadequately interpreted or directly rejected by a representative of a different linguacultural community from the standpoint of their own culture. CONCLUSION To sum up, it can be argued that intercultural communication has some differences from the usual within cultural communication. Intercultural communication is a special form of communication between two or more representatives of different cultures, where an exchange of information and cultural values of interacting cultures take place. The process of intercultural communication is a specific form of activity that is not limited only to knowledge of foreign languages, but also requires knowledge of the material and spiritual culture of another people, religion, values, moral attitudes, worldviews, etc. All these factors together determine the behavior of partners for communication. The study of foreign languages and their use as a means of international communication today is impossible without a deep and versatile knowledge of the culture of native speakers, their mentality, national character, lifestyle, vision of the world, customs, traditions. Only the combination of these two types of knowledge - language and culture - ensures effective and fruitful communication. 73 REFERENCES Chagal E.V. (2001). Arab world: ways of knowledge. Intercultural communication and the Arabic language. M: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 288 p. . Grice H.P. (1975). Logic and conversation. Syntax and semantics. -vol. 3: Speech acts. - N.Y.: Academic Press, 415p. Kukhareva E.V. (2012). Arabic language. Linguistics. Moscow. Tarasov E.F. (1996). Intercultural communication - a new ontology for the analysis of linguistic consciousness.Ethnocultural specifics of linguistic consciousness. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, p. 13 IVANOVA A. RUDN University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) LEGAL SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION IN LATIN AMERICA INTRODUCTION Matters related to the functioning of international commercial arbitration in Latin America are more relevant now than ever before: Western markets are now limited for the countries that support the Russian Federation. Due to the impact of sanctions, the continent has become more attractive for investment startups. The International Commercial Arbitration occupies an important place in resolving disputes with a foreign element, the popularity of this institution has increased in recent years. The goal of this research is to study the main legal sources that regulate International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America, analyze their role and characteristics. LITERATURE REVIEW The legal sources of the International Commercial Arbitration include international and national legislation. All aspects of the legal nature and procedure of enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Latin American countries are not strongly limiting the rights of the parties, since all conflicts are properly regulated mainly by international conventions and national legal acts based on these conventions. The purpose of the convention is to serve as an agreement between states that establishes, modifies or terminates their mutual rights and obligations in the field of international relations. The following international conventions regulate the International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America: 74 1. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958); currently made up of 126 Member States. By the end of the 1990s, 14 out of 18 Latin American countries had ratified the New York Convention. Nicaragua was the last to do this – in 2003. The Convention establishes the binding nature of arbitral awards and the procedure for their execution. 2. Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States (Washington, 1965). Earlier many countries denied the provisions of the convention, which prevented the creation of commercial arbitration centers in Latin America to resolve disputes and, accordingly, slowed down the development of arbitration on the continent as a whole. However, by the end of the 20th century, Argentina, Peru and Chile, Colombia and Venezuela had adopted the convention. Because of efforts by the convention, the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) was established. 3. Inter-American Convention on international commercial arbitration (Panama, 1975). The parties to the Convention are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela. The main contribution to the development of arbitration was the establishment of the validity of the arbitration agreement, when almost all national laws did not recognize this effect. The adoption of the Convention guaranteed the binding nature of the arbitral award. 4. Treaty on International Commercial Law (Montevideo, 1889, amended in 1940). A distinctive feature of the convention is the composition of the participants - they only include Latin American countries. The following countries participate in the agreement: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay. This is the first successful and still relevant attempt to unify the norms of international commercial law on key issues at the same geographical and territorial level. CONCLUSION Alternative dispute resolution in Latin America is regulated mainly by international conventions ratified by most countries of the world. However, there is a distinctive act - the Treaty on International Commercial Law of 1889, in which only Latin American countries participate. This shows the specificity of the regulation of International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America. REFERENCES Alcala, J. M., Briones, J. (2007). Arbitration in Latin America: A First Look at the Impact of Legislative Reforms. Law and Business Review of the Americas. №4, 995-1000. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) 75 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States (Washington, 1965) Correa, C.J.B. (2020). International commercial arbitration in Latin America. Comparative legal aspects of legal relations of civil turnover in the modern world, 397-404. Inter-American Convention on international commercial arbitration (Panama, 1975) Treaty on International Commercial Law (Montevideo, 1889) /2007/06/tratado-de-derecho-comercial.html IVANOVA D. MSU Universidad (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) EL USO DEL CÓMIC PARA DESSAROLLAR LA COMPETENCIA COMMUNICATIVA Y LA LECTURA FUNCIONAL EN UNA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL INTRODUCCIÓN En las últimas décadas, el paradigma lingüístico ha sufrido una serie de cambios, entre los cuales el más significativo es el turno de la perspectiva a través de la cual se percibe el lenguaje. Un factor importante que ha influido en el replanteamiento de las funciones del lenguaje y los medios paralingüísticos es el intenso desarrollo de la globalización y la comunicación intercultural, que también justifica un mayor interés en el estudio de la relación entre el lenguaje y la cultura y en la imagen lingüística del mundo. El uso de la información visual se ha fortalecido, lo que también ha llevado a un mayor interés en el estudio de los componentes no verbales del lenguaje. Además, hay una internalización de la educación, lo que aumenta la necesidad de utilizar el lenguaje para resolver problemas prácticos y desarrollar destrezas necesarias para el éxito profesional y personal. De lo anterior se deduce que la relevancia del estudio del cómic como medio para desarrollar la competencia comunicativa y la lectura funcional se debe al hecho de que el cómic combina elementos del arte y la literatura que permiten investigar las características de las culturas diferentes, los signos verbales y no verbales que se complementan entre sí, profundizando así el significado transmitido por ambos componentes. 76 OBEJOTIVO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y utilizar posteriormente las características multifuncionales del cómic como texto policódigo en calidad de recurso didáctico para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa y la lectura funcional en español. ANÁLISIS DEL CÓMIC COMO UN RECURSO DIDÁCTICO Al principio, cabe resaltar que el cómic el tipo más representativo de un texto policódigo, que enfatiza la multifuncionalidad de este tipo de presentación de información. Esta organización de signos verbales y no verbales permite al lector participar en la creación de la historia a través de la habilidad de decodificar un mensaje de texto y el componente gráfico. Lo mñas interesante es que sus elementos están separados entre sí y concetados semánticamente pot un consepto único. Stolyarova (2010) señala que el lenguaje del cómic se caracteriza por su brevedad, concisión, emotividad, expresividad, vivacidad y sencillez. Por ejemplo, se presenta un gran número de interjecciones, onomatopeyas, fraseologismos que dan mayor autenticidad a los cómics, lo que contribuye al desarrollo no solo de la competencia lingüística, sino también de la competencia sociocultural a través de la inmersión en el entorno lingüístico. Se debe agregar que la parte predominante en el cómic pertenece al discurso dialógico, a través del cual se brinda la oportunidad de formar las habilidades productivas y receptivas mediante las cuales se desarrollan las habilidades del habla. A nivel sintáctico se destacan las frases elípticas. Esto se debe a que las réplicas siempre se complementan con imágenes que contribuyen a una comprensión más completa del significado de una viñeta en particular. Por otro lado, entre los componentes paralingüísticos Baranov y Parshin (1989) marcan la variación del tipo y tamaño de letra, de la puntuación, del color del fondo y el significado semántico de la imagen misma. En general, la parte no verbal del cómic apela, en primer lugar, a las emociones de los estudiantes, lo que contribuye a una mejor fijación en la memoria de una idea particular de la viñeta. Al mismo tiempo, contribuye al desarrollo de la capacidad de comprender el significado implícito de un pensamiento transmitido por el autor del cómic, que también forma las habilidades de lectura funcional. CONCLUSIONES En pocas palabras, la integración del cómic en las herramientas pedagógicas aumenta la motivación y el interés de los estudiantes, ya que transforma su comprensión del proceso de aprendizaje, lo que demuestra que aprender un idioma extranjero puede ser divertido y efectivo de muchas maneras. Esto también ayuda a sumergirse en la imagen lingüística del mundo de los hablantes nativos. Para resumir, el cómic es un medio importante para enseñar un idioma extranjero, dado que es una forma de transmitir y percibir 77 información peculiar, contribuye a la formación de la competencia comunicativa y lectura funcional y revela las habilidades creativas de los estudiantes. REFERENCIAS Baranov, A., Parshin, P. (1989). El potencial de influencia de la variación en el campo de la metagrafemia. El Problema de la eficiencia de la comunicación del habla. Moscú, INION Publ., pp. 41-115. Stolyarova, L. (2010). Análisis de los elementos estructurales del cómic. Las noticias de la Universidad estatal de Tula. Ciencias humanitarias. Lingüística y estudios literarios, 1, 5. KEVSER DILBAZ, ALI ŞÜKRÜ ÖZBAY Karadeniz Technical University (TURKEY) THE INVESTIGATION OF GENRE-SPECIFIC MULTI WORD COMBINATIONS IN AN EAP COURSE: THE CASE OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Abstract Our presentation will report on the data found in an EAP course in the field of Mechanical Engineering. We attempt to find the most relevant words and word combinations and their grammatical complements in a discipline-specific EAP corpus designed for research purpose. The data was compiled as part of the course led by my supervisor and named as“FBE 5008 Scientific Article Writing in English" which is composed of a series of 90-minute EAP content with the participation of students in a mid-sized university located in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. The free online corpus tool "AntConc 4.0.7", which is used to analyse various lexical and discoursal features encountered during corpus analysis. A researcher-built discipline-specific Mechanical Engineering corpus was compiled for comparison. Using a specific corpus (MecCorp) and comparing it to the discipline-specific, we observed and compared multi-word combinations, sentence structures, genrebased terminologies, and their usage patterns, lexico-grammatical patterns and various discourse strategies that were used in EAP corpora. We carefully observed and recorded the linguistic discoveries produced during this process to document the field-specific terminology. The documentation of discipline specific terminology for the field of Mechanical Engineering is expected to provide positive outcomes for prospective students and teachers who aim to employ the findings for themselves or in their own classrooms. Keywords: corpus, EAP, mechanical engineering, graduate level 78 KHRIPUSHINA V. Universidad Rusa de la Amistad de los Pueblos Patrice Lumumba (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) JERGA EN EL LENGUAJE MODERNO JUVENIL INTRODUCCIÓN Ноу en día las personas de todas las edades usan la jerga en su lenguaje. La jerga como fenómeno linguístico es un material interesante para el investigador. Debe estudiarse también como un fenómeno sociocultural ya que hoy la penetración de la jerga en el habla va más allá de la moda y las consecuencias de tal expansión pueden ser significativas para el destino de la lengua española. OBJETIVOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar la jerga en el habla de los jóvenes españoles modernos, identificando las palabras más utilizadas en la vida cotidiana de los jóvenes y razones para usar la jerga. REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS La existencia de una lengua juvenil especial como una variedad del dialecto social es característica de todas las lenguas desarrolladas. La base para la aparición de la jerga juvenil en cualquier idioma es el deseo de las generaciones emergentes de distinguirse del mundo de los adultos, el deseo de hablar su propio idioma. También es importante destacar el aspecto de la protesta, «que se implica una violación consciente de las convenciones del mundo de los adultos, el apetito de ser diferentes, no como la generación de padres, y expresar esta actitud por medio del lenguaje» (Ehmann,2005). Los medios lingüísticos de la jerga juvenil sirven para nombrar objetos y fenómenos conocidos y son usados por los jóvenes para afirmar su individualidad; por otra parte, la jerga juvenil también determina la pertenencia a un determinado grupo social. En la lingüística española se utilizan varios términos para consolidar a este fenómeno: «jerga juvenil», «argot juvenil» y «el cheli». Este último término es el más utilizado y refleja la originalidad nacional de este fenómeno en relación con la realidad lingüística y cultural española. La base del vocabulario de Cheli fue el léxico del argo madrileño. O. V. Fedosova señala que "las palabras «heredadas» son, por ejemplo: pelas (neutr. «dinero»), talego (neutr. «billete de mil pesetas» (billete de mil pesos)), tela (neutr. «mucho»), chollo (neutr. «oportunidad»), chungo (neutr. «situacion dificil»), borde (neutr. «intractable», «difícil de comunicar»), pardillo (neutr. «persona sin experiencia»), pijadas (neutr. «caprichos», «tonterias»)" (Fedosova, 2008). También en la jerga española hay una parte de vocabulario que se usa con una entonación despectiva en relación con los fenómenos y objetos tradicionalmente significativos en la sociedad: son los padres 79 («retablos», «viejos»), la casa («haza», «сueva»), la muerte («diñarla», «palmara», «espicharla»), el dinero («tela», «pasta»), etc. (Denisova, 2023). Tales palabras demuestran la intención del hablante de disminuir la importancia social del tema del discurso. Así, por ejemplo, tales palabras jergales como «ancestros», «viejos» (para nombrar a los padres) o profe (profesor) no significan que se trate de malos padres o un profesor malo, pero muestran el deseo del hablante de menospreciar el estatus social de estas personas ante los ojos del oyente. «Dado que el inglés ocupa el primer lugar entre los idiomas extranjeros estudiados en España, el habla de los jóvenes españoles está saturada de anglicismos», señala A. P. Denisova en su estudio «El español hablado de hoy y sus jergas. Diccionario de la lengua» (2023). Algunos préstamos podrían considerarse necesarios, ya que son palabras para las cuales no hay correspondencias léxicas en español: el videoclip, freaky, tunera. (Merzlicina, 2014). Así, por ejemplo, «freaky» proviene del inglés «freak» y se usa para nominar a personas que tienen pasatiempos, gustos o ropa inusuales. Así, el verbo «flipar (se)» y sus derivados «flipante», «flipe», «flipado» provienen del inglés «flip» (golpear, girar, tirar, agitar) y se han generalizado en España entre los jóvenes como sinónimo de la jerga para el verbo «alucinar» y este significado no se ha tomado del inglés normativo, sino de la jerga juvenil, donde «flip» significa «perder el control». Uno de los significados del verbo «flipar» es «me flipan las motos» (me gustan las motos). En español hay una gran cantidad de palabras de argot diferentes. Hoy sólo hemos abordado una pequeña parte del amplio abanico de cuestiones relacionadas con el argot juvenil. CONCLUSIONES Ноу en día en España no hay consenso sobre el papel de la jerga en la cultura lingüística. Muchos periodistas, lingüistas, profesores y personas mayores anotan «la pobreza, la estupidez y las limitaciónes» de este idioma, mientras que otras personas tienen una opinión diferente. Sin embargo, es indudable y objetivo el hecho de la influencia de la jerga en el español moderno y el creciente interés en él. REFERENCIAS Denisova A.P. (2023). El español hablado de hoy y sus jergas. Diccionario de la lengua. Moscú.Editorial URSS. Ehmann.H. (2005). El léxico completamente corregido de la lengua juvenil. Múnich. Fedosova O.V. (2008) La lengua de la juventud española contemporánea. Ciencias filológicas, 2 (26). P. 62-67. Merzlikina O.V. (2014). Сaracterización estructural-semántica de la jerga juvenil española. Boletín de la Universidad estatal de Chelyabinsk, 7 (336). Filología. Artología. Vol. 89. P. 113-118. URL: 80 (fecha de acceso: 12.03.2023) KIRILKINA K. RUDN–Université (MOSCOU, RUSSIE) CRÉATIVITÉ DANS LA TRADUCTION JURIDIQUE INTRODUCTION Au cours des dix dernières années, les résultats de la recherche sur la créativité ont été utilisés pour comprendre le processus de traduction de différents textes. Ainsi, le phénomène de la créativité est largement utilisé dans les recherches sur la traduction. Certains chercheurs parlent d’un tournant créatif dans cette recherche. La notion de créativité dans la traduction implique le traitement ou l'adaptation du matériel de la langue source aux normes de communication de la culture cible. Au niveau le plus simple, le traducteur convertit par définition le texte source en texte cible et crée quelque chose de nouveau qui n'existait pas. Il existe l'impossibilité d'équivalence exacte entre les langues et les cultures qui signifie que le texte cible ne transmettra jamais la même chose que le texte source. Au niveau plus complexe, puisque le traducteur n’est pas l'auteur du texte source, le texte cible reflète les caractéristiques d'interprétation personnelles du traducteur. BUT DE LA RECHERCHE Le but de cet article est d’étudier les problèmes de la créativité des traducteurs juridiques, les liens entre la créativité du traducteur et l’évaluation du discours juridique, la conscience des différences interculturelles du discours juridique. ANALYSE DE LA LITTÉRATURE En désignant la traduction comme une activité menée par un spécialiste et poursuivant un objectif donné dans certaines conditions Lavault-Olléon cite Kussmaul qui reconnaît que la créativité dans la traduction est une procédure de résolution de problèmes dirigée par la gestion de l'information et des connaissances. Certains chercheurs utilisent la notion de créativité pour désigner les procédures de résolution de problèmes; ils considèrent la traduction comme créative, mais ils soutiennent également que les connaissances sur les processus de créativité sont encore limitées et qu'il reste encore beaucoup à apprendre. Pour les autres la créativité linguistique précède la normalisation linguistique en matière de traduction et le traducteur devient créateur. Ils supposent que le traducteur a recours à la créativité lorsque les procédures standards ne donnent pas le résultat voulu, et la créativité est la sortie de 81 l'impasse. Pourtant, il existe des preuves que les réponses créatives diminuent avec l'augmentation des connaissances et de l'expérience du sujet. Il est possible de trouver les exemples prouvant que même les avocats professionnels qui traduisent les textes juridiques eux-mêmes peuvent commettre des erreurs dans la traduction des textes juridiques n’ayant pas de formation du traducteur juridique. CONCLUSION La créativité jouera un rôle toujours de plus en plus important dans une traduction. Le traducteur disposera toujours d’une certaine marge de manœuvre dans son travail, il trouvera des formulations adaptées dans la langue cible. Pour certains projets juridiques ou institutionnels il est important de requérir aux traductions littérales respectant des spécificités du texte source. RÉFÉRENCES Anon (CNTRL). Créativité : Définition de CRÉATIVITÉ [En ligne]. Disponible sur : < > (consulté le 30 mars 2023) Lavault-Olléon, E. (2011). L’ergonomie, nouveau paradigme pour la traductologie ( ILCEA, no 14, 2011. (consulté le 02 avril 2023) Morr, K. (2019). Qu’est-ce que la créativité ? Le guide ultime pour comprendre cette aptitude indispensable. In : 99designs [En ligne]. 2019. Disponible sur : < > (consulté le 27 mars 2023) KOLPAKOVA L. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) SOME ISSUES OF LEGAL ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION This study is devoted to an understudied phenomenon – legal engineering. Legal engineering is connected with both law and sociology, being interdisciplinary in nature. Today, the question of the definition of this concept is being discussed in many research papers, since legal engineering is connected with the essence of social engineering and is interpreted by scholars through a variety of definitions and characteristics. The study is relevant, as it will reveal the existing approaches to the definition of legal engineering and systematize the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the issue under study. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of the study is to identify and generalize the definitions of the concept of legal engineering that exist in scientific works. 82 LITERATURE REVIEW The very concept of engineering has many meanings: it originated in the field of sociology, and it has penetrated into many other scientific fields. Today, social engineering is being successfully implemented in political science, information security, and law. Social engineering in a broad sense is the legally based use of a set of social, legal, and political technologies to achieve various kinds of tasks of state and legal regulation, on the one hand, and social regulation, on the other hand. Legal engineering as a derivative concept has several meanings. For example, one of the founders of the concept of legal engineering, richard suskind, defines it as a step-by-step activity combining legal and technical knowledge and based on universal technologization and computerization (susskind, 2008). But golovkin r.b. and sokolova a.v. in a joint study define legal engineering as "a special type of activity of collective and individual subjects reflected and enshrined in law, associated with scientific and technical, engineering and technical and legal support for the creation and functioning of various technical, technical and social, social, including legal objects ensuring the implementation of the functions of the state, its sustainable development and effective provision of the vital activity of society as a whole». (golovkin, sokolova, 2016) chervonyuk v.i. defines legal engineering as a set of knowledge used in the work of various law firms and productions, as well as in the management of legal behavior of participants in relations regulated by law. (chervonyuk, 2009) the third definition, which is found on the internet, is written by jake link. According to his point of view, a lawyer-engineer is «a person at the nexus of technology, law, and operations, who is able to build and optimize legal solutions, products, services, and processes» (link, n.d.). In other words, according to his logics, legal engineering is a technological activity for the development of digital tools and processes that improve the provision of legal services and optimize the work of a law firm. CONCLUSION Nowadays there is no unified approach to understanding the essence of the phenomenon of legal engineering. In the research we have presented 3 main approaches to the definition of the concept of legal engineering: as an activity for scientific, technical, and legal support of functioning of the objects that ensure the vital activity of the state; as a set of knowledge used by lawyers in their work and in the processes of managing the legal behavior of participants in relations; as a technological activity for digital optimization of the work of law firms. REFERENCES Chervonyuk V.I. (2009). Legal technologies ("Legal engineering"), or applied jurisprudence: methodological and didactic-methodological problems of introduction into the system of university training of jurists. Legal technique, №3, 189-194. 83 Golovkin R.B., Sokolova A.V. (2016). Engineering in law and engineering of law. Bulletin of the Vladimir Law Institute, № 3(40), 151-152. Jake Link The Legal Engineer: Building the Future of Law (n.d.). Susskind R., (2008). The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the nature of legal services, Oxford: Oxford University Press. KORCHINSKIY K., TERESHENKO A. The All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM IN RUSSIA INTRODUCTION Today, for our country, the task of combating terrorism is more relevant than ever. There is a real threat that terrorist activity may become one of the methods for implementing the strategy of "intensifying tension", that is the achievement of terrorists’ goals by certain political forces. RESEARCH GOAL The main purpose of the work is to study and analyze the manifestation of terrorism in Russia as a specific socio-political phenomenon, its causes and consequences, consider types of terrorism as well as the methods of combating terrorism in Russia. ANALYSIS Terrorism is a method by which an organized group seeks to achieve its declared goals mainly through the systematic use of violence. The concepts of "terrorism" and "terrorist" appeared at the end of the 18th century. According to one French dictionary, the Jacobins often used this concept orally and in writing in relation to themselves - and always with a positive connotation. However, already during the Great French Revolution, the word "terrorist" began to carry an offensive meaning, turning into a synonym for "criminal". Subsequently, the term received a more expanded interpretation and began to mean any system of government based on fear. Then, until very recently, the word "terrorism" was used very widely and meant the whole spectrum of various shades of violence. There are many types of terrorism and terrorist activities. Terrorism can be classified on the following grounds: 1. By purposefulness – the main and most famous of them are political, nationalist, religious, criminal, digital (cyber) 84 terrorism. 2. According to the number of persons involved, terror can be solitary, i.e. implemented by individuals seeking to find the support of the population by their actions, or collective, when any organizations are behind terrorist actions. 3. By scale, terrorism can be internal (such as the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, in the United States) and international (Islamic radical groups). The legislative framework for countering terrorism in Russia is determined by the law "On Countering Terrorism", adopted by the State Duma in 2006. The main powers to counter terrorism in Russia belong to the Federal Security Service, which can involve the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to fight terrorists, which gives it the opportunity to control the airspace and aircraft seized by terrorists. According to the decision of the President of Russia, the military can be involved in attacks on terrorist bases abroad, which is now happening in Syria. The Director of the Federal Security Service heads the National Anti-Terrorist committee. CONCLUSION In conclusion, I would like to specify that at this stage Russia needs even greater protection from terrorism. Now, at such turbulent time for our country, the external threat is growing, because the aggressor states are financing terrorism to destabilize and weaken our state. REFERENCES Federal Law "On Counteracting Terrorism" Federal Law N 35-ФЗ (2006, as amended on March 6, 2006) National Anti-terrorism Committee KOROBOVA A. Belarusian State University (MINSK, BELARUS) COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION The novelty of the research lies in the fact that a modern doctrine of the community participation in criminal proceedings requires its improvement. The topicality of the problem is explained by a current democratic crisis in a judicial system. The paper discusses modern forms of community involvement in criminal proceedings applied in different countries. 85 RESEARCH GOAL The aims of the study are to determine the value of community participation in criminal proceedings and analyse the experience of foreign countries on the issue in question. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM A democratic doctrine comprises representation of the community in all three branches of government. However, in judicial systems, the representation of the community’s interests is minimized. According to the contemporary leading conception, community participation in criminal adjudication is reduced to contributing to systemic laws, policies and priorities. On the other hand, individual cases are considered without public participation with the exception of the rare case of lay adjudication. Such approach results in democratic crisis in judicial systems. Opening up a judicial procedure to communal contestation can facilitate a more productive exchange of views on proper administration of criminal justice. Otherwise, we will not realize the true meaning of justice and the most suitable ways to respond to socially dangerous acts. If we exercise community participation in the judicial practice in addition to contribution provided by state actors, we can experience a chance to expand the doctrine, moving toward public criminal adjudication, which is more responsive to the multidimensional demands of the popular will. Lay adjudication can be described as involvement of lay citizens to decide if the person is guilty or innocent and to impose a sentence if the accused is found guilty. It can be found in a legal system where lay arbitrators share the power of making a judgement with a judge or a panel of judges, or where lay adjudicators make a decision on their own. The first approach appears in the form of the mixed court, where the participating citizens are addressed ‘lay assessors’. This is a sign of the Continental Law system of criminal adjudication. The second method means the trial by jury. It is a prevailing model of criminal adjudication in Common Law countries (Kovalev, 2015). The model of lay adjudication is common in many countries. However, some countries practice atypical forms of community participations. For example, in Japan, a unique form of community involvement is the Prosecution Review Commission. It is made up of eleven laypersons selected at random from voter registration records. There are 165 commissions in Japan administrative units. Each commission reviews non-charge decisions made by professional prosecutors and determines which cases to reinvestigate or charge (Miyazawa, 2014). In addition, Prosecution Review Commissions provide prosecutors with general proposals and recommendations for improving their policies and practices. Let us consider the model of public participation in the Iranian criminal procedure. Article 66 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Iran provides for 86 non-governmental organizations, whose charters contain the issues aimed at protecting children, the sick and mentally disabled, the environment, natural resources, cultural heritage etc., the right to file a lawsuit on the fact of the committed crimes in the above-mentioned areas and participate in all stages of the trial. CONCLUSION Social interest is a favored trait of law and it should be reflected in administration of criminal justice. The foreign experience proves that other forms of community participation in addition to lay adjudication can successfully exist in criminal procedure. We would like to emphasize the right of non-governmental organizations to take part in criminal procedure in accordance with their objectives, as it is, in our opinion, the closest in the cultural and historical context form of community participation in criminal procedure for post-soviet countries. REFERENCES Amendments to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Code of Criminal Procedure — Part 1. Iran Human Rights Documentation Center. Kovalev, N. (2015). Selection of Jurors and Lay Assessors in Comparative Perspective: Eurasian Context. Russian Law Journal, 2(2), 9. Miyazawa, S. (2014). Citizen Participation in Criminal Trials in Japan: The Saiban-in System and Victim Participation in Japan in International Perspectives. International Journal of Law Crime and Justice, 42(2), 71–82. KOSTYLEVA U. RUDN (MOSKAU, RUSSLAND) SELBSTANZEIGE ALS STRAFAUFHEBUNGSGRUND IM STEUERSTRAFRECHT DER BRD EINLEITUNG Es steht außer der Frage, dass in vielen Rechtsordnungen Steuern, die von der Bevölkerung erhoben werden, die Haupteinnahmequelle des Staates sind. Dabei ist der Gesetzgeber gezwungen, nach Lösungen zu suchen, die es ermöglichen, einzelne Steuerprobleme zu lösen, darunter die Steuerhinterziehung. Selbstanzeige scheint eine Möglichkeit zu sein, dieses Problem zu lösen (Wenzler, 2010). 87 ZIEL DER FORSCHUNG Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die rechtlichen Grundlagen für die Funktionsweise eines Mechanismus wie die steuerliche Selbstanzeige in BRD und dessen Auswirkungen auf das deutsche Steuersystem zu untersuchen. LITERATURÜBERSICHT Als Basis meiner Studie habe ich folgende Quellen analysiert: rechtliche Normen (Abgabenordnung, 2002), Studienführer, wissenschaftliche Artikel und elektronische Ressourcen. ANALYSE DES PROBLEMS UND SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG Gemäß § 371 Abgabenordnung (AO), kann die Bestrafung durch eine steuerliche Selbstanzeige wegen einer Steuerhinterziehung vermieden werden. Steuerliche Selbstanzeige stellt eine Erklärung an die Finanzbehörde dar, dass die in der Steuererklärung angegebenen Daten falsch oder unvollständig sind, was zu einer Verringerung der gezahlten Steuern geführt hat (Rechtliche Normen, 2002). Es sei betont, um die Straffreiheit zu erlangen, muss man wirksame Selbstanzeigen machen. Dies impliziert Bedingungen wie: vollständige, wahre, umfassende und möglichst genaue Korrekturen; keiner Bekanntgabe einer Prüfungsanordnung; Bereitschaft und Fähigkeit, zuvor unbezahlte Steuern und Hinterziehungszinsen nachzuzahlen; Einhaltung der Verjährungsfristen (Steuerdelikt, (n.d.). Einerseits ist eine solche Haftungsminderung eine wirksame Einrichtung, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu erhöhen, dass der Steuerzahler verdeckte Steuerabzüge in den Staatshaushalt einfließen lässt; andererseits führt das recht komplizierte Verfahren zur Antragstellung häufig dazu, dass Steuersünder wegen Verstößen gegen zahlreiche gesetzliche Vorschriften dennoch zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden (Erbe, 2008). Auf diese Weise verdient dieses Problem große Aufmerksamkeit, da ein solcher Mechanismus zur Bekämpfung der Steuerhinterziehung nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch in anderen Ländern, beispielsweise in Russland, angewendet werden kann. QUELLENVERZEICHNIS Erbe, I. (2008). Selbstanzeige befreit von der Haftung. Partner Verlag. Rechtliche Normen. (2002). Abgerufen von Steuerdelikt. (n.d.). APA Stil. Wenzler, T. (2010). Die Selbstanzeige. Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden. 88 KOSTYUK A., KOLOS N. Belarusian State University (MINSK, BELARUS) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW: MAIN PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS INTRODUCTION The relevance of the work is explained by the need to study the doctrine of the concept of “artificial intelligence” and the survey of its legal status. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of the study is to identify the main approaches determining the status of artificial intelligence and analyze the current problems concerning the discussed topic. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM There are two approaches to determine the legal status of artificial intelligence (hereinafter – AI). The first considers AI as an object, and the second – as a subject. The study of the first approach proves it to be quite simple and understandable, because it justifies the idea that AI is equated to an object and is a subject to the legal norms governing the civil turnover of objects or make AI equal to the position of an animal for whose actions a person is responsible (Shilkina, 2023). The second approach substantiates the idea that AI can be a subject of legal relations. The approach is based on the idea of applying the concept of fiction of a legal person to AI (Winkler, 2018) and the appearance of an “electronic person”. If AI is recognized as a subject of law (as a legal person), this leads to a number of problems that are of special interest. The first problem is the issue of responsibility. Regarding a legal person, there is a real person behind the decisions, which indicates the person’s fictitious autonomy. At the same time, AI can be more autonomous compared to a legal person. If a legal person commits an offense, in most cases an individual is brought to responsibility. In case of AI, the questions are “How to bring AI to justice if harm is caused to the life and health of an individual?” “Who should be held accountable: an AI creator or the one who exploited it?” Another problem connected with recognizing AI as a subject of law is the breach of established business practices. In addition, another ambiguous issue is the definition of legal personality depending on the type of AI. AI can include both the simplest computer programs for performing plain mathematical calculations, and much more complex algorithms capable of creating objects with a greater degree of 89 autonomy or carrying out any actions. For example, Midjourney is an AI-based system, which can create images based on user’s prompts. It is enough for the user to write a text, and the program will generate an image. Another example is ChatGPT, a chat-bot with AI that can answer questions in a dialog format, search for information similar to search engines, write short stories and develop simple program codes. Because of the changes in the legal status of some individuals that happened in the past, depending on gender, race, age (Corrales, 2018) and the emergence of legal person, it is possible to assume that in the near future AI status can become even more disputable, at the same time requiring serious changes in the established legal relations. CONCLUSION Thus, the question of the AI legal status is a fairly new phenomenon in the legal field. The doctrine contains two opposing points of view regarding the AI status. We must admit that if AI is recognized as a subject, there is a possibility of such negative consequences as a violation of the usual business turnover rules. Moreover, it can cause serious moral and ethical disputes in society. We consider that the widespread introduction and use of AI in human life requires a more detailed doctrinal study and a search for an option to regulate the AI status. REFERENCES Corrales, M., Fenwick, M. (2018). Robotics, AI and the Future of Law. Fukuoka City, Japan: Kyushu University. Shilkina, E. (2023). Problems of legal personality of artificial intelligence. Russian Language and Linguistics, 7 (454), 220-224. Winkler, A. (2018). We the Corporations: How American Business Won Their Civil Rights. New York: Liverlight Publ. KOVAL E. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) THE MEANING OF TERMS SAFETY AND SECURITY IN THE INTERNATIONAL AIR LAW INTRODUCTION The concepts of safety and security are the basis of the principle of ensuring the safety of international air navigation, which are the origin of the content of all international treaties in the field of international air navigation law, primarily of a universal nature. They are closely connected with the activities of states to ensure the safe use of airspace and the protection of civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference. 90 RESEARCH GOAL The target of the work is to analyze the issues connected with comparative analysis of terms in the field of international air navigation. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: 1. to consider the concept and essence of safety in IAL; 2. to consider the concept and essence of security in IAL; 3. to compare the definitions and importance of the terms. ANALYSIS OF THE MEANING OF THE DEFINITIONS Whereas in the english text of the convention on international civil aviation, 1944, both terms are used, in the text of the same convention in russian only the concept of «безопасность» is used. The term safety in international air law is used in cases where: - establish the structure of the airspace and a separation system that ensures a safe distance between aircraft in flight, other aircraft (for example, missiles and projectiles), and other material objects (for example, rock fragments that have risen into the airspace as a result of blasting); - determine the airworthiness standards of aircraft, technical requirements for the safety of the operation of airfields, rules for the preparation and admission of crews to control aircraft; - approve the rules for aircraft flights and air traffic control, as well as control over compliance with the procedure for the use of airspace. In the field of ensuring social aviation security, the term «security» is used in cases when: - approve regulations aimed at preventing acts of unlawful interference in aviation activities (for example, hijacking and hijacking of aircraft); - determine the procedure for preventing and suppressing the use of aircraft for illegal purposes (for example, transportation of narcotic substances and weapons, air terrorism). CONCLUSION The doctrine of international law at the universal level distinguishes two different terms to define the legal regime and the application of international legal acts. They are safety and security. In russian there is one term «безопасность». The modality of the terms safety and security as well as their contexts of usage are completely different. Thus, it is impossible to use them interchangeably. Consequently, in the situations of russian-english translation it is necessary to use an appropriate term in a concrete context and not to be misled by the russian term. REFERENCES Allot P. (1999). The concept of international law. European Journal of International Law. No. 10. P. 31-50. Bull J.W., Gordon A., Watson J.E.M., Maron M. (2016). Seeking convergence on the key concepts in ‘no net loss’ policy. J. Appl. Ecol. 53. P. 1686–1693. 91 Meyer H. (2000). The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Biotechnology and Development Monitor. No. 43. P. 2-7. Myers N. (1988). Threatened biotas: Hotspots in tropical forests. // Environmentalist. Vol. 8, P. 1–20. Sands P.H. (2015). The History and Origin of International Environmental Law. // European Journal of International Environmental Law. No. 10. KOZLOV A. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) FEATURES AND PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATING THE BUY AND SELL CONTRACT FROM ENGLISH INTO RUSSIAN INTRODUCTION Peculiarities of the contract of sale, not once puzzled the lawyers of different countries, hence the interest in the study of this issue. Moreover, there are several legal concepts and terms that may not have direct equivalents in the Russian language, and translators need to employ legal expertise to find suitable translations and ensure that the translated text accurately reflects the intent of the original document. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this study is to identify the main provisions that apply to the drafting of these contracts. It is the specifics of design and work with them. ANALYSIS Giving definitions, we note, Contract of Sale is an agreement between two or more parties, whereby one party agrees to sell goods or services to the other party for an agreed upon price. 1. Specific Legal Terminology: Sales contracts contain a lot of specific legal terminology such as "warranties," "conditions precedent," and "representations." The meaning of these terms may differ between legal systems, and therefore a precise translation is necessary to avoid any misunderstandings. 2. Tense Implications: Certain verb tenses can have significant legal implications, for example, "shall," "will," "may," and "should" all have specific legal meanings. Failure to use the correct tense can result in confusion, misunderstandings and potentially impact the legality of the contract. 3. Geographic Terminology: Sales contracts may contain geographical references or terms related to a specific country or region, such as currency or shipping laws, that require careful translation to be accurately conveyed. 4. Cultural Nuances: A sales contract may contain idiomatic expressions or colloquialisms that have a specific meaning within a particular culture, which 92 may not have an equivalent in another language. Ensuring that the meaning and context of these expressions are conveyed accurately is crucial to avoid any ambiguity in the contract. 5. Business Language: Sales contracts may contain language specific to the industry or sector. For example, a sales agreement between a software company and a client needs specialized terminology from the technology sector that may be unfamiliar to a translator from another field of expertise. At the same time, when translating the contract of sale, the translator may encounter the following difficulties (Osmakova 2022). 1. Lack of Equivalent Terminology: The main problem faced by Russian translators is the lack of equivalent technical terminology in Russian. This happens because Russian is a non-Latin language with a different alphabet, and some terminologies are not present in the Russian language, making it harder to find proper equivalents. 2. Language Complexity: Technical jargon can be extremely complex and sophisticated, even for native speakers. Russian translators may face difficulty translating intricate technical terms as they need a high degree of familiarity with the terminology, operations, and technological nuances of the industry concerned. 3. Cultural Nuances: Technical terms and documents are culturally influenced, and they can be challenging to translate without excellent cognitive knowledge of the culture. Translators must be well versed in the practices and customs of the industry to avoid any misunderstandings and wrongly translating the documents. 4. Multiple Meanings of Words: Technical terminology in Buy and Sell contracts may have varying meanings or interpretations that are contextdependent, which makes it difficult to identify the intended signification of the text in Russian. 5. Legal Requirements: Finally, Buy and Sell contracts may have specific legal requirements that vary between countries. Translators must ensure that they are familiar with the legal requirements of the country specified in the contract and the terms' correct translation to avoid any confusion or misinterpretations (Shchetinin 2017). CONCLUSION The need to accurately convey the meaning and nuances of the text when translating a sales contract is vital to ensure that the contract's meaning, obligations, and legal risks are clearly understood by both parties. The translator must have expertise in legal language, contract law, cultural and business knowledge to execute such translations with accuracy. It seems to me that only a lawyer with a lot of knowledge can do this. 93 REFERENCES: Osmakova A.V. (2022). Contract of sale in modern trade turnover. International Journal of the Humanities and Natural Sciences, №10-3, 152154. Shchetinin A. M. (2017). Legal regulation of the contract of retail sale in foreign countries. Problems of Science and Education. №6 (7). KOZLOVA A. Universidad Estatal de Moscú de M. V. Lomonósov (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) LA CULTURA NATIVA EN LA CLASE DE LENGUA EXTRANJERA: UN COMENTARIO TEÓRICO LAS METAS DEL TRABAJO Sin duda alguna el componente cultural en la educación lingüística posee una gran importancia. Existen muchos materiales teóricos y prácticos para la enseñanza de las culturas de los idiomas estudiados, pero la cultura nativa rara vez apareció en las clases. Es evidente que para una comunicación intercultural de igualdad es necesario tanto la comprensión de las peculiaridades culturales del interlocutor como la capacidad de ser un portador consciente de su propia cultura. Esto significa que un especialista con conocimiento de un idioma extranjero debe estar listo no solo para adaptarse e imitar, sino también para representar y defender los intereses nacionales, para transmitir al mundo exterior el valor de la lengua y la cultura nativas. En este sentido, se hace relevante la presencia de la cultura rusa en la clase de la lengua extranjera. ANÁLISIS DEL MATERIAL El análisis de los manuales modernos sobre lengua extranjera, en particular el español, indica que el enfoque comunicativo sigue siendo el dominante mundial en el paradigma linguadidáctico. En el marco del enfoque a menudo se excluyen las tareas de traducción al ruso, ya que la lengua y cultura nativos se consideran solo como una fuente de interferencia lingüística. E. I. Passov critica la educación basada en competencias pragmáticas y formula el objetivo de la enseñanza verdaderamente comunicativa de lenguas extranjeras como "el desarrollo de la individualidad en el diálogo de las culturas para su preparación para tal diálogo en la vida" (Passov, 2010). En la linguadidáctica existen varios enfoques culturalmente orientados para la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, que encarnan la idea de enseñar la lengua a través de la cultura y la cultura a 94 través de la lengua (según la fórmula de E. I. Passov): 1) estudios del país y la lengua; 2) linguoculturológico; 3) sociocultural; 4) multicultural; 5) intercultural. Nos interesa principalmente el enfoque multicultural y sus interpretaciones en Rusia y en el extranjero. El Consejo de Europa desarrolla la idea de una base comunicativa única del individuo, que abarca todos los idiomas y culturas funcionalmente relevantes. De acuerdo con este concepto, la persona es capaz de crear su propia identidad cultural y lingüística, que se basa en la experiencia de comunicarse con representantes de diferentes culturas y etnias, obtenida durante el aprendizaje (Council of Europe, 2020). La interpretación nacional de la cuestión del multiculturalismo también hace hincapié en el reconocimiento del pluralismo cultural mundial, pero considera importante preservar la cultura nacional y la individualidad. M. A. Absatova define la competencia multicultiral como la característica personal que combine los valores, capacidades y rasgos, que se manifiestan en una actitud abierta hacia otras culturas, en aceptación mutua de le identidad cultural, pero en la conservación de su cultura nativa (Absatova, 2009). Los lingüistas rusos están convencidos de que la preservación de la diversidad étnica en el contexto de la globalización activa y la integración sociocultural es necesaria. Las culturas nativas y estudiadas se encuentran en un estado interdependiente que le permite comprender otra cultura a través del prisma de la nativa, así como repensar la suya, confiando en la otra. Se señala que es precisamente este contenido especial de la educación lo que hace posible la implementación del "diálogo de culturas" (término de M. M. Bakhtin) (Tareva, 2020). CONCLUSIONES Debido al uso generalizado de la lengua nacional y la política lingüística como instrumento de poder blando del estado, el especialista con conocimiento de idiomas extranjeros se enfrenta a la difícil tarea de evitar los intentos de dominación cultural para establecer una comunicación intercultural equitativa e igualitaria. La capacidad de percibir las diferencias entre las culturas como la norma de su interacción se convierte en fundamental, para construir un diálogo de culturas desde una posición igualitaria, teniendo en cuenta las características no solo de otra persona, sino también de su propia cultura. Es obvia la necesidad de elaborar el material práctico para la implementación de la cultura nativa en las clases de lenguas extranjeras. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS Absatova M. A. (2009). Fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos formación de competencia multicultural de los estudiantes de secundaria : autorreferencia para el grado académico de doctor en Ciencias pedagógicas. Almaty. Council of Europe. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Companion Volume. Strasbourg. 2020. URL: (consultado el 20.07.2022) 95 Educación intercultural en la Universidad: estrategias y prácticas lingüísticas: monografía colectiva / OTV. Editor E. G. Tareva. M. (2020).; SPB. : NéstorHistoria. 272 p.` Passov E. I., Kuzovleva N. E. (2010). Fundamentos de la teoría comunicativa y la tecnología de la educación en idiomas extranjeros: un manual metodológico para los profesores de ruso como lengua extranjera. M.: Idioma Ruso. Cursos. 568 p. KSHEVITSKII S. RUDN-University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) AI AND REFUGEE STATUS DETERMINATION INTRODUCTION This article observes promising directions in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in international law, in particular, in refugee status determination procedures. RESEARCH GOAL This article looks into the question of how AI can be used in refugee status determination procedures under UNHCR's Mandate. ANALYSIS OF THE GROUNDS AND POSSIBILITIES OF USING AI IN REFUGEE STATUS DETERMINATION PROCEDURES Currently, AI systems, although out of their infancy, have not yet become widespread in many areas of human intellectual activity, including in the field of jurisprudence. Since 2018, AI has been gradually introduced by international organizations, in particular, the UN, European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), UNESCO, etc. As stated in 2018 by UN Secretary General António Guterres, United Nations stands ready to be a universal platform for discussion on the use of AI for the benefit of all mankind, also in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One of the basic regulatory documents in this area is the European Ethical Charter on the use of artificial intelligence in judicial systems. This Charter enshrines the definition of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - A set of scientific methods, theories and techniques whose aim is to reproduce, by a machine, the cognitive abilities of human beings. Current developments seek to have machines perform complex tasks previously carried out by humans. The Charter also reflects five basic ethical principles of using AI in the legal field, such as: 96 1. Principle of respect for fundamental rights: ensure that the design and implementation of artificial intelligence tools and services are compatible with fundamental rights. 2. Principle of non-discrimination: Specifically prevent the development or intensification of any discrimination between individuals or groups of individuals. 3. Principle of quality and security: With regard to the processing of judicial decisions and data, use certified sources and intangible data with models conceived in a multi-disciplinary manner, in a secure technological environment. 4. Principle of transparency, impartiality and fairness: Make data processing methods accessible and understandable, authorise external audits. 5. Principle of being “under user control”: Preclude a prescriptive approach and ensure that users are informed actors and in control of their choices. One of the promising directions of using AI in the field of international law is its application in matters related to the determination of refugee status since the determination of this status is often very controversial. Thereby, the range of possible AI applications seems to be much wider than indicated in the Descriptions of Activities on AI UNHCR posted on the websites of the UN Refugee Agency and The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights). Currently, these UN structures consider AI primarily as a means of obtaining Predictive Analytics on various issues of interest, in particular when it comes to statistical information. However, the use of AI seems appropriate in a wider range. Refugee status in international law may be granted to a person seeking asylum on the basis of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, as well as the Additional Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967. The procedural issues of determining refugee status are clearly regulated at the UN level. The stages that must be completed before a decision is made on whether there are sufficient grounds in the asylum-seeker's documents to grant him or her such a status are specified in detail. However, statistics show that the state authorities of most countries periodically make decisions on refusal to grant refugee status, which are later challenged in courts, including the European Court of Human Rights. At the same time, there is no statistical data on whether refugee status was granted to persons who did not actually meet the requirements for obtaining such status, for example, on the basis of deliberately unreliable data or documents provided. At the same time, it can be assumed that a certain percentage of people have received and still use refugee status illegally or unreasonably deliberately misleading decision makers. 97 Obviously, one of the reasons for not making fully informed decisions is caused by the so-called human factor. Often, when submitting information about themselves, asylum seekers provide contradictory information, or information that is very difficult or impossible to verify. Such questions usually arise if persons refer to their long-standing or allegedly recently arisen religious or political beliefs, changed sexual orientation and other factors giving grounds to seek asylum. To evaluate this kind of information, in addition to AI, it is advisable to conduct a survey of such persons on a lie detector while, of course, observing ethical standards. At the same time, the use of AI in such surveys is also possible in two ways: 1. AI formulates and suggests questions for the polygraph examiner. 2. The analysis and processing of the reliability of the applicant's answers is carried out directly by the AI. CONCLUSION The issues considered, although they affect problematic aspects of activities related to the determination of refugee status, are of a much broader nature and can be applied to a much broader range of legal, procedural and judicial tasks. The issue of using AI may be relevant in cases where there are so-called special opinions of individuals, when making collective decisions. In this regard, it is advisable to evaluate by artificial intelligence ambiguous decisions on which a dissenting opinion has been rendered. At the same time, many issues, such as the legitimacy of using the data obtained by using AI in legal procedures, require elaboration and amendments to existing regulatory legal acts. REFERENCES Supporting global cooperation on artificial intelligence CEPEJ Tools on cyberjustice and artificial intelligence AI and the Rule of Law: Capacity Building for Judicial Systems 9968079c7e4e9b5c4723d618ce8eb90f99290851e4848c1430002f984c654779f fe7b235597fb6959d99dc8ef3610dfc76149346087477053c65704c69596f1b74 049047421174863f6a UN AI Actions EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR THE EFFICIENCY OF JUSTICE (CEPEJ) European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Systems and their environment 98 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Description of Activities on AI Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Description of Activities on AI Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees Procedural Standards for Refugee Status Determination Under UNHCR's Mandate 库尔博诺娃·法兰吉斯 KURBONOVA F. 俄罗斯人民友谊大学 RUDN (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) 中国与西方国家法律语言的比较分析 СРАВНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ ПРАВОВОГО ЯЗЫКА В КИТАЕ И ЗАПАДНЫХ СТРАНАХ INTRODUCTION 序文 现代世界日益全球化,各国和各地区的法律制度相互紧密联系。然而, 文化、语言和法律上的差异会使法律制度之间的沟通变得困难。本文将对 中国和西方国家的法律语言进行比较分析,包括翻译问题和文化差异。 RESEARCH GOAL 研究目的 这项工作的目的是分析中国和西方国家的法律语言,找出与法律文件翻 译和法律制度之间沟通相关的主要差异和问题。在研究过程中,将考虑 中国和西方国家使用的主要法律文件和术语,以及将它们翻译成各种语 言。 SUBJECT RESEARCH 主题分析 中国和西方国家的法律制度在文化、历史和传统方面各有特点和差异。 首先,汉语没有复数形式和不变格的动词,这使得它比西方语言经济得 多。其次,汉语没有名词的复数形式,这会导致翻译成西方语言时的困 难。 然而,中国和西方国家的法律语言还有其他区别。 比较分析的主要问题之一是法律术语和概念的翻译。例如中文术语“法律 ”和“法规”翻译成英文都可以翻译为“law”,但是在中国法律体系中有不同 的含义。另外,中国有大量的繁体字,可以根据上下文有多种含义。 (Чжан Фалянь, 2021) 99 与翻译有关的另一个问题是不同语言的一些法律术语缺乏直接类似物。 例如,中文中的“关系”一词通常在英文中被翻译为“relation”,但这个概 念在中国文化和社会的背景下具有更广泛的含义。 此外,中国和西方国家的文化差异也对法律语言产生影响。例如,在西 方国家,法律往往旨在保护个人权利和自由,而在中国,公共秩序和稳 定是一个重要的优先事项。因此,某些法律术语和概念在中国和西方国 家可能具有不同的含义。(Пронина, 2012) 同样值得注意的是,中国采取了一种不同于西方标准的特殊法律语言风 格。例如,在中国,法律法规的编写方式可以比西方国家更为正式和复 杂。这可能会在翻译和理解法律文件方面造成额外的困难。 CONCLUSION 结论 对中国和西方国家法律语言的分析表明,在翻译和文化差异方面还存在 着重大差异和问题。这些问题会使法律制度之间的沟通变得困难,并给 国际交易和合作造成困难。为了在法律制度之间进行成功的交流,必须考 虑到文化和语言的特点,并采取考虑到这些差异的办法,以避免错误和误解 。(Ши Лэй, 2019) REFERENCES 参考文献 Пронина М.А. (2012). Правовая культура в России, Китае и Великобритании: Понятие, содержание, взаимодействие.Трибуна молодого учёного. V.№ 1. стр. 222–226. – ISSN 2078-8495. Чжан Фалянь. (2021). Юридический язык и правовая культура в Китае и на западе. Чжан Фалянь. М.: Наука, 541 с. – ISBN 978-5-02-039880-1. Ши Лэй, Чжао Чжицян (2019). К вопросу о взаимодействии языка и права с юрислингвистической точки зрения. Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. № 6. С. 97–105. – ISSN 20728379. LEMIKHOVA N. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) 日本の関税法 INTRODUCTION 初め 日本の通関サービスは、世界で最も高度に発達した通関サービスの 1 つです。日本税関は、世界税関機構の創設者の 1 つであり、税関行政 の分野における革新的なアプローチに関連する多くの国際プロジェク トに参加しています。したがって、日本の通関は、その発展の歴史、 組織、世界と自国での成功の観点から興味深い研究対象です。 100 RESEARCH GOAL 研究の目的 日本の関税法、その特徴を学ぶ SUBJECT RESEARCH 研究対象 関税構造は、それ自体の 3 つの主要な使命を定義しています。 − 安全で安心な社会の創造への参加。 − 適切かつ公正な方法による関税および税金の徴収。 − 貿易手続きの更なる円滑化 1. セキュリティ ポリシー。 日本の税関は、水際対策を積極的に実施しています。密輸やテロと戦 うために、最新の検査機器が配備され、テラヘルツ波とバイオセンサ ーを使用した高度な技術機器の開発に努力が払われてきました。知的 財産権を保護するために、保護される権利の範囲を拡大するための法 改正が開始されています。 2. 収益の徴収。 税関は、国民経済の増進と公的資金の充当を確保するため、一貫した 公正な税の徴収を確立し、実施しています。 3. サービス利用者の利便性。 日本の税関では、リスク管理体制に基づいた通関手続きを行っていま す。一定の基準を満たした輸入業者、輸出業者、倉庫業者に対して、 通関手続きの簡素化が導入されました。 情報技術の利用をさらに促進するために、税関は、関連機関と協力し て、ワンストップショップシステムを運用する最新のクリアリングハ ウスを設置しました。 日本の法律に従い、日本および外国の個人および法人に属する物品お よび私物は、日本に出入国する際に税関検査を受ける必要があります 。個人は旅客税関で税関検査を簡単に通過します。 個人の通関管理の規則は、「緑」と「赤」の通廊システムを確立しま す。荷物を持っていない、または関税を徴収せずに通過できるものだ けを持っている乗客は、「緑の」回廊を通過することができます。 「 緑の」回廊を旅行する人の荷物には、日本への輸入が禁止または制限 されている商品が含まれていてはなりません。 国内で購入した消費税非課税商品を日本から輸出する場合は、購入時 に購入者が店頭で受け取った「物品輸出確認書」を税関に提出する必 要があります。税関職員は、購入した免税品の提示を求める場合があ ります。 101 CONCLUSION 結論 日本の通関サービスは、世界で最も高度に発達した通関サービスの 1 つです。これは、世界税関機構の方針を定める上で重要な役割を果た し、税関管理の分野における技術開発の旗艦と言えます。特筆すべき は、日本の税関当局が国際貢献だけでなく、税関の発展において開発 途上国への支援に取り組んでいるということです。 REFERENCES 文献一 Всемирная торговая организация. Положения – Официальный сайт министерства финансов Японии URL: – Таможенное законодательство, касающееся таможенной службы Японии URL: Таможенные правила Японии URL: LOFIY E. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) LANGUAGE OF ADOPTION INTRODUCTION Language is constantly evolving. Such factors as historical, social and cultural background have influence on people’s attitude to some words. There are a lot of terms that are no longer perceived by the society as it was ages ago. The same situation concerns some legal terms used in the UK Adoption Law. RESEARCH GOAL The research goal of this article is to study Adoption legislation in England and Wales and to find out if outdated terms still exist there. ANALYSIS OF LANGUAGE OF ADOPTION Law consists of words. Therefore, lawyers should be careful using some words and phrases while not only drafting legislation but also speaking in courts and communicating with clients. Nowadays, the concept of “political correctness” has a great importance. This term refers to language that seems intended to give the least amount of offense, especially when describing groups identified by external markers (Roper, 2023). One of the spheres where people need to use phrases delicately is adoption. Activists started to voice concerns about certain notions at the end of the last century. The paper of social worker Marietta Spencer “The terminology of adoption” written in 1979 contributed greatly to changes in adoption language. For instance, she spoke out against the term “natural parent” because it seems that the adoptive parent is somehow unnatural or even artificial. However today we still can find such 102 phrase in Adoption and Children Act 2002. Despite that, the UK government uses the notion “birth parents” which is more neutral and appropriate on the section “Child adoption” at their official website. There is another point of view. Supporters of the legal definition claim, “Adoption practice works on the premise that, in order to “save” the child, one must first destroy its mother” (Wellfare, 2016). Another example is the expression “freed for adoption.” According to the legislation it means that a child is legally available for adoption as the courts have agreed that this is only feasible option for their future care (Clapton, 2018). Nevertheless, some people may understand this phrase as that a child left without parents and he or she forever will stay away from their birth mother and father. Next ambiguous term is “permanence” which is originally refers to permanent family for a child. On the other hand, for some laypeople it might indicate that it is hoped that this will be the last of the child’s moves in care until they are 18 years old (Clapton, 2018). At the public initiative level among social service professionals and adoptive parents other analogues are discussed for set phrases used in this area. For example, instead of “abandoned” or “left with the agency” it is more correctly to use “delegating an agency to find permanent parents for a child”. It is better to change “relinquish” or “surrender” to “transferring parenting to others who are ready for this long-term task.” CONCLUSION In conclusion, the problem of adoption is very sensitive. Hence, lawyers should be aware of emotional tone of the words used. It is essential to carefully find the proper terms. REFERENCES Andrews, E. (1996). Cultural Sensitivity and Political Correctness: The Linguistic Problem of Naming. American Speech. Durham: Duke University Press. Clapton, G. (2018). Language is never neutral: A critical analysis of the language surrounding adoption in the UK. Adoption & Fostering. SAGE Publications Ltd. Gov.UK (nd). Child adoption. Mossman, M.J. (1995). Use of Non-Discriminatory Language in Law. International Legal Practitioner. Origins Canada (nd). The language of adoption. Roper, C. (2023). Political correctness. Encyclopedia Britannica. Spencer, M.E. (1979). The Terminology of Adoption. Child Welfare. Child Welfare League of America. 103 Wellfare, D. (2016). A Sanctioned Evil. Submission to the NSW Australia Parliamentary Inquiry into Past Adoption Practices. Sydney: Cilento Publishing. LOGVINOVICH Ye. Belarusian State University (MINSK, BELARUS) TRADITIONAL AND SMART CONTRACTS: COMPARATIVE ASPECT INTRODUCTION The relevance of the work is explained by the need for an in-depth analysis of the doctrine and legal norms governing smart contracts, as well as the world practice of its application. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of the research is to determine the advantages and point out the disadvantages in the use of a smart contract in relation to a contract concluded in the traditional form. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM The civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus distinguishes two main forms of concluding transactions: oral and written (article 159 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus). Moreover, based on the provisions of civil law, the electronic form is considered a subspecies of the written form of the transaction. Contracts are concluded in any form provided for transactions, unless a specific form is enacted by civil law for contracts of this type. Despite the fact that the above provisions of civil law are successfully functioning, there is a debate about a smart contract as a new form of contracting. According to the current civil legislation, a smart contract is not a subspecies of a simple written form of a transaction, as it does not meet the criteria for an electronic form of a transaction. In the Republic of Belarus, currently, the use of a smart contract for any contracts is possible only for certain entities, including residents of the High Technology Park, users of the identification system (Logvinovich, 2022, p. 58). What innovations does a smart contract bring to contractual relations? With the use of a smart contract, contractual relations acquire the following features: security (inaccessibility to external influence of third parties), transparency, speed, immutability, decentralization (with the exception of smart contracts built on private blockchains) (Levi & Lipton, 2018). Not all these features are characterized in the professional literature as beneficial, while we believe that the majority of the mentioned characteristics is able to make contractual relations more effective. 104 Therefore, when concluding an agreement via a smart contract, the parties need to keep in mind: - the lack of regulation of a smart contract as a form of transaction (which means that for contracts where a written form is required, the conditions must be duplicated in a written form; the exception is the abovementioned entities), - the smart contract specifications described above. CONCLUSION Thus, a smart contract is the latest phenomenon in the legal field worldwide. It is difficult to unambiguously assess its impact on contractual relations, at the same time, it can clearly give a new impetus to their development. In our opinion, the lack of the smart contract legislative regulation as a form of transaction aggravates its further advance. To choose between a smart contract or a traditional contract, one should thoroughly evaluate all pros and cons described above, as well as correlate them with the goals and objectives of the transaction. REFERENCES Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, Law of the Republic of Belarus N 2183 (1996, as amended on January 3, 2023). Levi, S. & Lipton, A. (2018). An Introduction to Smart Contracts and Their Potential and Inherent Limitations. APA Style. smartcontractsandtheirpotentialand.pdf Logvinovich, Ye. (2022). Prospects for the implementation of a smart contract in the field of intellectual property. Intellektual'naya sobstvennost' v Belarusi (Intellectual property in Belarus), 5, 57-62. (in Russ.). MAKAROVA E. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) LOS ASPECTOS DE LA COMUNICACIÓN INTERNACIONAL EN LOS PAÍSES HISPANOHABLANTES LA INTRODUCCIÓN El conocimiento del idioma extranjero siempre era herramienta importante y favorable para la comunicación internacional, sin embargo no es única que se necesita saber para facilitar el proceso de integración de cultura de otro país. Actualmente las relaciones entre Rusia y países latinoamericanos están conectados por la economía y la experiencia histórica de los estados y España es uno de los países de la Unión Europea que tiene relaciones comerciales con Rusia en las esferas diferentes. También en los estados hispanohablantes está 105 muy desarrollado el turismo, muchos rusos viven y tienen alguna inmobiliaria en las ciudades costeras, lo que indica la necesidad de aprender la lengua y las tradiciones locales. EL OBJETIVO DE INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo de este artículo es determinar las diferencias interculturales y lingüísticas que existen en los países en questión. LITERATURA/ REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS La comunicación intercultural es un contacto de visiones del mundo en las que los socios a menudo desconocen sus diferencias. Naturalmente, hay muchas diferencias entre los rusos y los hispanohablantes que se pueden distinguir en varios grupos: verbal, comunicativo y antroponímico. En el discurso cotidiano, los españoles usan la forma "tú" frecuentemente, incluso con un extraño o la gente mayor. Por ejemplo, en la universidad rusa los estudiantes siempre tratan al profesor usando la forma "usted"y en español se puede utilizar los modelos informales e incluso llamarlo al profesor por su nombre (Firsova, 2000). La situación comunicativa de «cumplido» es muy diferente para los españoles y los rusos (Zvereva, 2002). Los españoles tienen una tradición de expresar admiración por la aparición de una mujer atractiva desconocida. Los piropos pueden parecer groseros a los rusos. En situaciones comunicativas, los saludos y despedidas se caracterizan por el uso de besos y abrazos por parte de los españoles, incluso se los dan a las personas desconocidas. Los españoles, además, debido a su temperamento, a menudo acompañan sus frases con los gestos (Firsova, 2000). Las diferencias antroponímicas también tienen lugar: en la familia rusa, más a menudo los padres e hijos tienen el mismo apellido. En España cada miembro de la familia suele tener su propio apellido. El apellido del niño será el apellido del padre y el apellido de la madre. Los españoles pueden tener nombres masculinos con el segundo componente María (José María, Jesús María) y nombres femeninos, con el primer componente María y el segundo componente que es un nombre masculino (María José, María Jesús). Tales ejemplos son absolutamente imposibles según la tradición rusa (Rylov, 2006). LA CONCLUSIÓN En resumen, querría decir que la comunicación internacional es un mecanismo de integración cultural entre países con idiomas y costumbres diferentes, por eso en el mundo moderno es importante saber los aspectos singulares del país anfitrión para conocer las ciudades y pueblos, tener acceso a todos los servicios y encontrar nuevas amistades. REFERENCIAS Firsova N.M. (2000). Variabilidad lingüística y especificidad nacionalcultural de la comunicación del habla en español. Moscú. 61-72. 106 Rylov Y.A.(2006) Nombres propios en las lenguas europeas. Antroponimia románica y rusa. Moscú. 14-15. Zvereva. E.V. (2002). Sobre el término cumplido en español y ruso. Lingüística ,3, р.40-47. MANÓJINA A. Universidad de Finanzas adscrita al Gobierno de la Federación de Rusia (Moscú, Rusia) CÓMO GESTIONAR PROYECTOS DE MANERA EFECTIVA EN ESPAÑOL: MEJORES PRÁCTICAS DE GESTIÓN DE PROYECTOS PARA EQUIPOS INTERNACIONALES INTRODUCCIÓN La gestión de proyectos en equipos internacionales puede ser una tarea difícil, especialmente si los miembros del equipo hablan diferentes idiomas. El español es uno de los idiomas más comunes en el mundo y la capacidad de comunicarse eficazmente en español puede ayudar al gerente de proyecto a gestionar equipos internacionales con mayor eficacia. OBJETIVOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el papel que juega la capacitación lingüística para el gerente de proyecto, las características de la comunicación en español y compartir las mejores prácticas para la gestión de equipos internacionales en español. También se analizan las herramientas y recursos que pueden ayudar en el trabajo con colegas y clientes de habla hispana. ANÁLISIS DEL PROBLEMA Uno de los factores clave para el éxito de un proyecto internacional es la capacitación lingüística del gerente de proyecto. Si bien el conocimiento del idioma español no es obligatorio para trabajar en equipos internacionales, puede facilitar significativamente el proceso de gestión de proyectos (Global Business Culture, 2021). Hay muchos cursos y recursos en línea que puedan ayudar a aprender español (FluentU, n.d.). Algunos de ellos son: • Duolingo - un curso en línea gratuito de español que se puede usar en cualquier dispositivo. • Rosetta Stone - un curso en línea de español de pago que ofrece aprendizaje inmersivo. • Babbel - un curso en línea de español de pago que se enfoca en habilidades prácticas de conversación. Cuando se trabaja en equipos internacionales en español, es importante tener en cuenta las características de la comunicación en este idioma. Por ejemplo, 107 los hablantes de español a menudo usan gestos e entonación para transmitir emociones, y esto puede resultar poco familiar para los que no son hablantes nativos de español. Además, el español tiene algunas características gramaticales y léxicas únicas que puedan causar dificultades. Por ejemplo, el español tiene diferentes formas de tratamiento según el nivel de cortesía y familiaridad entre los interlocutores (BBC Mundo, 2022). Cabe mencionar también las dificultades que puedan causar las diferencias en pronunciación de los hispanohablantes de diferentes países (Business Insider España, 2020). Es importante tener esto en cuenta al comunicarse con colegas de habla hispana. También es importante tener en cuenta las diferencias culturales y de etiqueta empresarial entre los países de habla hispana. Por ejemplo, España y América Latina tienen sus propias peculiaridades en la cultura empresarial, y es necesario comprender estas diferencias para la gestión exitosa de un proyecto internacional. CONCLUSIÓN En conclusión, la gestión de proyectos en español no difiere mucho de la gestión de proyectos en otros idiomas, pero es importante tener en cuenta las peculiaridades lingüísticas y culturales de los países de habla hispana. Se recomienda utilizar herramientas de comunicación estándar y establecer reuniones regulares para una gestión efectiva de proyectos internacionales. REFERENCIAS BBC Mundo (2022). Cómo saludar en español sin meter la pata. de acceso: 15.03.2023) Business Insider España (2020). Las 9 palabras españolas más complicadas de pronunciar para los extranjeros. de acceso: 15.03.2023) FluentU (n.d.). Spanish Business Vocabulary: Words and Phrases You Need to Know. de acceso: 17.03.2023) Global Business Culture (2021). Doing Business in Spain. de acceso: 16.03.2023) 108 马尔金娜·维多利亚 MARKINA V. 俄罗斯人民友谊大学 RUDN (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) 中华人民共和国法律下法人的法律地位 INTRODUCTION 序文 民事诉讼法形成的基础是中国传统思想和借鉴国外的法律经验。现在在 中国,有专门研究和解决犯罪(刑事案件),解决侵犯个人人权案件 (民事案件)的机构。中国法律制度的复杂性在于特别行政区的存在, 因此香港的司法制度以英国法律为基础,而澳门的司法制度以葡萄牙法 律为基础。2021 年 1 月 1 日,《中华人民共和国民法典》生效。该法典 包含民法的一般规范、财产法、合同法、家庭法、继承法和侵权法的规 范,由 1260 条款组成。 RESEARCH GOAL 研究目的 本研究的目的是研究《中华人民共和国民法典》的基本原则,中国法律 实体的地位,以及考虑中国法律实体命名的一般规则。 SUBJECT RESEARCH 主题分析 第一章所载的《中华人民共和国民法》的基本原则是:对民事法律关系 主体权利的法律保护和不容他人侵犯的原则(第三条)、民事法律关系 参与者的平等原则(第四条)、自愿原则(第五条)、公正原则(第六 条)、诚信原则(第七条)、尊重社会利益和法治原则(第八条)、环 境保护原则(第九条)和依法解决民事纠纷的原则(第十条)。在中 国,所有自然人从出生到死亡都具有完全的民事法律行为能力。 (Гражданский кодекс…, 2020.) 《 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 民 法 典 》 第 三 章 载 有 法 人 的 概 念 (Малышева, Трощинский, 2022)、权利和义务、法人清算情形。根据《中华人民共和 国民法典》第五十七条,法人是具有民事法律行为能力和民事行为能 力,依法享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织。《中华人民共和国民法 典》第五十八条载有法人注册必须遵守的一般规定,它必须有自己的名 称、组织结构、所在地、财产或者资金。根据《企业名称登记管理条 例》、《企业名称登记管理实施办法》()以及有关所需材料的规定,企业 名称不应包含其他名称。子公司的名称必须以其主要企业的名称开头。 该名称应使用与国家样本相对应的汉字。不允许使用中文的罗马字母和 阿拉伯数字。 公司名称不应包括以下内容和象形文字: (一)诋毁国家和社会公共利益的; 109 (二)误导、造成一般人误解的; (三)载有外国和国际组织名称的; (四)载有政党、军事组织、群众组织、社会团体名称和军事单位数量 的; (五)载有中文的罗马字母(外文常用名称除外)、数字; (六)其他立法、行政规定禁止的。 根 据 2020 年 1 月 1 日 生 效 的 《 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 外 商 投 资 法 》 («Чжунхуа ... вайшан тоуцзы фа») 的规定,《中华人民共和国公司法》 («Чжунхуа ... гунсы фа») 和《中华人民共和国合营企业法》 («Чжунхуа ... хэхо цие фа»). 的规定适用于外商投资企业的组织和法律形式。对于具有外国投资的经 济实体,您可以选择以下形式之一:有限责任公司,股份有限责任公司 或合资企业。注册有限责任公司的程序相当简单,内部组织结构相当灵 活。这种组织和法律形式的缺点是不可能公开发行股票,以及公司在吸 引融资方面的有限可能性。 将股份有限责任公司与有限责任公司进行比较可以看出,注册股份公司 的程序更加严格,股东可以自由转让其股份,并且在一定条件下,股份 公司可以进行股份配售。 合资企业分为普通合伙企业和有限合伙企业。如果与公司相比,合资企 业更容易成立和清算,此类企业缴纳个人所得税而不是企业所得税,合 伙人通常对义务承担无限责任(有限合伙人除外)。 此外,外国公司可以在中国设立分公司或代表处。分公司不具备法人资 格,创建它的公司对其义务负责。代表处有权进行接触活动,但不能从 事商业活动。 外国投资者的法人资格证明或身份证,须经该组织所在国主管部门公 证,并移交中国领事馆认证。如果外国人来华投资兴办企业,所出示的 身份证件是外国公民在中国的居留证件,则该证件无需公证。 CONCLUSION 结论 因此,《中华人民共和国民法典》包含了民法的一般规范(个人和法人 的法律地位、代表权、交易权、时效期限等),《中华人民共和国民法 典》还包含了一些创新。其中包括:新权利的出现–居住权,这使得房主 有可能将住宅中的紧急或无限期居住权授予另一个人;以抵押财产为代 价清偿债权人债权的规则的变化;保护个人权利的详细规则(对自己姓 名和姓氏的权利,生命权,人身完整和健康权,名誉和荣誉权,隐私 权);新型命名合同的出现(例如,保理和合伙协议);离婚程序的变 化。高度重视企业名称,必须遵守《名称登记管理规定》、《名称登记 管理实施办法》。 110 REFERENCES 参考文献 Гражданский кодекс Китайской Народной Республики / отв. ред. Трощинский П.В. М.: Синосфера, 2020. Малышева Н.И., Трощинский П.В.(2022). Право Китайской Народной Республики: теоретико-правовой аспект: учеб. пособие. СПб.: Изд-во С.Петерб. ун-та. Особенности гражданского судопроизводства в Китайской Народной Республике ( «Чжунхуа жэньминь гунхэго вайшан тоуцзы фа» (《中华人民共和国外商 投 资 法 》 , «Закон КНР об иностранных инвестициях») Законодательство_об_иностранных_инвестициях_КНР-1595511119.pdf «Чжунхуа жэньминь гунхэго гунсы фа» (《中华人民共和国公司法》, «Закон КНР о компаниях») Закон о компаниях Китая (2018) 公司法 Портал законов Китая - CJO ( «Чжунхуа жэньминь гунхэго хэхо цие фа» (《中华人民共和国合伙企业 法 》 , «Закон КНР о совместных предприятиях») Закон КНР «О совместных кооперационных предприятиях китайского и иностранного капитала» (в редакции 2017 г.) | MELKONIAN N. RUDN University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) FOREIGN LANGUAGE BORROWINGS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE OF LAW INTRODUCTION At the present stage of development of the Russian language, the process of language borrowing in the field of law plays a significant role. Foreign borrowings in the Russian language of law are the result of the process of evolution of law as a whole, globalization and integration of the country into the global space. The process of borrowing in a foreign language is largely a consequence of the growth of the legal culture of the population at the present stage of development of society, the expansion of contacts and the strengthening of cooperation in the field of law-making, law enforcement and law enforcement, and to a large extent it is a consequence of changes in the field of international law. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this research is to study the sources of some foreign words used in legal terminology. 111 LITERATURE REVIEW French borrowings, both direct and indirect, have become common legal terms in Russian: «аванс», «департамент», «дискредитация», «жюри», «индексация», «конгресс», «конституция», «парламент», «паспорт», «президент», «репрезентативный», «губернатор», «мэр» etc. A significant part of French borrowings relate to various areas of law: «абонент», «аванс», «акциз», «капитал», «кадастр», «лотерея», «тариф», «франшиза», «форсмажор» – civil law; «аккредитация», «атташе», «декларация», «дипломат», «коммюнике» – international law; «комитет», «федерация», «суверенитет» – constitutional right; «браконьер», «мародерство», «мисдиминор», «фелония», «шпионаж», «шантаж» – criminal law; «апеллянт», «арбитраж», «процедура», «экспертиза» – to the sphere of justice. The German language has become another source of borrowing into the Russian language of law. German borrowings include legal terms denoting concepts in the field of criminal and civil proceedings: «банкрот», «рента», «трассирование», «штраф», «полиция», etc. There are many British-American borrowings in Russian legal terminology related to the period of development of economic, financial, trade relations, the emergence of information technologies: «лизинг», «траст», «клиринг», «чек», «хакер», «брокер», «дилер», «франчайзинг», «ноу-хау», «роялти», etc. The source of borrowings into the Russian language of law are also covers legal terms that are classified as a special category and denote the legal realities of other countries. Legal realities include such terms as «ордонанс» – a legislative act, the gendarmerie in France; «бургомистр» – the head of the city government in some European countries; «омбудсмен» – Commissioner for Human Rights; «легислатура» – in the UK and in many US states the name of the legislative bodies; «барристер» – in England and Wales a lawyer who has the right to appear in the highest courts; «коронер» – in England and the United States, an investigator whose special function is to investigate cases of violent death; «атторней» – a lawyer, prosecutor in England and the USA. CONCLUSION Foreign borrowings make it possible to designate complex legal phenomena in one word, thereby simplifying legal texts and making it easier to understand and perceive the meaning of a legal issue, document, decision, article, etc., which is called the principle of language economy. Moreover, the terms of foreign origin for the most part do not have Russian synonyms, which makes them indispensable in the scientific style. The use of foreign language terms, which are really required to explain any new legal concepts, aims to solve linguistic problems in the field of professional communication in the context of the need to transfer information. 112 REFERENCES Gorbatenko O.G., Gorbatenko R.G.( 2013). Linguistic and Judicial Aspects in the Context of Translating Documents, Vestnik RUDN, Legal science. No.1. Kostromicheva M. V. (2007). Legal Linguistics: On the Correlation Between Language and Law, Central Russian Bulletin of Social Sciences. V. No. 3., pp. 57-61. Law Dictionary ABBYY Lingvo: online dictionary. Lykova N. N. (2009) French Borrowings in Russian Legal Terminology. Ozyumenko V.I., Chilingaryan K.P. (2015). Polysemy of English Legal Lexis and the Problems of Translation, Vestnik RUDN, series Linguistics V. No. 2. Rawdon Wyatt. (2006). Check your English vocabulary: Law. Third Edition. A&C Black, London . Rivlin G., Understanding the Law, Fifth edition, Oxford: O›Academ (2009), p.401. Semenova E. V. (2016) Internationalisms in English Legal Terminology. MEZENTSEVA E. RUDN-University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) DECODING CHINESE SLANG: A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING THE LANGUAGE OF THE YOUTH INTODUCTION Slang has always been an integral part of any language. Not only it helps fit in with a group, but also bind with them and avoid misunderstanding. Learning Chinese can’t do without slang: while looking for the best and easiest way of comprehending the language, people miss out such a significant language tool, as well as an opportunity to be on the same page with youngsters, pick up lexis from the dialogs, TV-shows, films and pop-music. After all, nowadays the ability of speaking fluently equals to the ability of keeping in touch with constantly changing trends. RESEARCH GOAL The goal of the research is to examine Chinese slang and determine its impact on the daily life as well as its importance in the modern world. 113 LITERATURE REVIEW China is a culturally diverse country full of constantly modernizing vocabulary structures. There are many ways of how slang words can arise: transcription, semi-calculation, and translation (Kovalenko). It is not a secret that the adaptation of a foreign-language word to Chinese reality is becoming more and more common. Great variety of such borrowings turned out to be slang spread among adolescents. A new word can have the same sound, however with some modification according to the phonetic features of the language into which the word is taken. The example of the Anglicisms can be the following phrase: 爱 老虎油 [ài lǎohǔ yóu], which sounds like “I love you”. However, when it comes to translation, every separate hieroglyph has different meaning ("love", "old", "tiger", "oil") and everyone clearly understands that these four words have nothing to do with each other. Another examples is: 不可 [bùkě] - can be used while talking about books. Also, it is worth mentioning that the more technological advances are developing, the more Internet slang is becoming prevalent. There is a whole list of different combinations of numbers that accelerate typing process. For example, 谢谢 [xièxie], which means “thank you”, sounds with the number set 44 [sì sì], and 666 [liùliùliù] is not the devil number as someone can think, but means “cool”, as it comes from 溜溜 溜 [liùliùliu] - highest level of appreciation of your action. (Chinese Internet slang, 2022). The more 6s there are, the greater praise or admiration is. In order to end the dialogue Chinese prefer writing just 88 – [bā bā] which stands for "bye bye" in English. The number 233 evokes the sound of laughter. Pinyin [èr sān sān] is remarkably close to the word lol (laughing out loud) and resembles “ha-ha-ha”. It comes from a Chinese online forum called “猫扑(mвo pы)” which full of emoji and stickers. Abbreviations gained popularity through the Net as well and became crucial in online communication. “GG” is a great example because it is shortened from “good games” and mainly used while playing the computer games. In digital reality one of the commonly used abbreviation is "yyds" [yǒng yuǎn de shйn 永远的神], which means "forever god". This slang phrase tend to replace adjectives such as "beautiful or "great" and can be used, for example, in the situation when a person succeed in the job or did something really nice. The expression 爱谁谁 (ài shuí shuí) means "do whatever you want" or "whatever you desire." It can be comparable to the English expression "who cares?!" and mainly used in Beijing as it comes from there. CONCLUSION Without any doubt, Chinese slang words will make you sound like a native speaker and help to gain respect among youngsters. Discovering such phrases when learning language can be also useful in order to be able to distinguish them from just new words you are unfamiliar with. Slang immerses non-native 114 speakers in the atmosphere of genuine dialogue, allowing to get closer to others and giving the discourse a powerful emotional significance. REFERENCES Kovalenko O.A. (n.d.). SPECIFIC FEATURES OF MODERN CHINESE YOUTH SLANG. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. DOI: 10.24411/2520-69902019-10476 Chinese Internet slang. (2022, August). Retrieved from Wikipedia: MIGUNOVA R. MGIMO (MOSKAU, RUSSLAND) DIE VERBREITUNG DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE IN DER WELT EINLEITUNG Deutschland ist die größte Volkswirtschaft in der Europäischen Union, und sein Einfluss reicht über die EU hinaus. Deutsch ist eine wichtige Sprache in vielen Branchen auf der ganzen Welt, und das Erlernen der Sprache kann für Ihre Karriereaussichten und Ihr Verständnis der deutschen Kultur von Vorteil sein. Die deutsche Kultur hat einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Welt, und viele Menschen fühlen sich von ihr angezogen. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine große Anzahl deutschsprachiger Einwanderer in Ländern auf der ganzen Welt, die zur Verbreitung der Sprache beitragen. ZIEL DER FORSCHUNG Sprache ist bekanntlich ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Politik. Deutschland widmet der Verbreitung der deutschen Sprache besondere Aufmerksamkeit, und die aktuelle Bildungs- und Kulturpolitik zielt darauf ab, diesem wichtigen Thema mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, Faktoren zu identifizieren, die die Entwicklung und Verbreitung der deutschen Sprache beeinflussen. LITERATURÜBERSICHT Als Grundlage für meine Studie habe ich die folgenden Quellen analysiert. Auf eine große Anzahl von Quellen konnte ich mich nicht verlassen, da ich nur Artikel aus drei verschiedenen Sprachen verwendet habe, aber ich habe sie als Grundlage meiner Analyse verwendet. Die Studie von Demidova (Quellenverzeichnis) war umfassend und deckte alle wesentlichen Aspekte meiner Analyse ab. Ich habe auch auf die beiden Autoren Ammon und Dillon als zwei unabhängige Forscher verwiesen (Quellenverzeichnis). ANALYSE DES PROBLEMS UND SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG Interessanterweise ist Deutschland seit langem an der Verbreitung seiner Sprache interessiert, da sie ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Außen- und 115 Innenpolitik sowie der Entwicklung wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Beziehungen ist (Demidova, 2018). Auch heute spielt Deutschland als größte Volkswirtschaft des Kontinents eine führende Rolle in der Industrie, Kultur und Wissenschaft (Dillon, 2012). Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hatte Deutschland mit negativen Folgen in Form eines schlechten Rufs zu kämpfen (Demidova, 2018). In jüngerer Zeit jedoch führte der Fall der Berliner Mauer im Jahr 1989 zu einem Anstieg des Erlernens der deutschen Sprache und des Interesses an der deutschen Kultur in Osteuropa. Darüber hinaus gibt es weltweit zahlreiche deutschsprachige Einwanderer, die durch ihre Präsenz zur Förderung der Sprache beitragen. Darüber hinaus hat die Bundesregierung weltweit zahlreiche Goethe-Institute gegründet, die Sprachkurse, kulturelle Veranstaltungen und Austauschprogramme in deutscher Sprache anbieten. Um mehr Fachkräfte anzuziehen, wird die deutsche Sprache durch Sprache Austauschprogramme gefördert, von denen einige vollständig von der Regierung finanziert werden. Teilnehmer aus aller Welt kommen zusammen, um das Sprechen miteinander zu üben, was nicht nur die Sprachkenntnisse verbessert, sondern auch den interkulturellen Dialog und die Zusammenarbeit fördert (Ammon, (n.d.). Es gibt mehrere Länder, in denen Deutsch neben einer oder zwei weiteren Sprachen Amtssprache ist, etwa in der Schweiz und Luxemburg. In diesen Ländern kann das Erlernen der deutschen Sprache besonders hilfreich für die Kommunikation und Integration sein (Ammon, (n.d.). Deutsch gehört zu den zehn meistgesprochenen Sprachen der Welt und ist die meistgesprochene Sprache der Europäischen Union. Dies ist auf eine Reihe von Faktoren zurückzuführen, wie z. B. den wirtschaftlichen und politischen Einfluss, die Popularität der deutschen Kultur und Literatur, die große Zahl deutschsprachiger Einwanderer in anderen Ländern, historische Ereignisse wie Kriege und Einwanderung, Sprachaustausch-Programme, die Popularität deutscher Musik und Filme und die Förderung der Sprache durch die Bundesregierung. QUELLENVERZEICHNIS Ammon, U. (n.d.). Die Stellung der deutschen Sprache in der Welt von Heute Archiv. Abgerufen am 12. März 2023, von Demidova, E. E. (2018). Продвижение немецкого языка в мире. Abgerufen am 12. März 2023, von wer Dillon, S. (2012, April 13). German in a Multicultural World. The New York Times. Abgerufen am 12. März 2023, von ural-world.html 116 MIROSHNICHENKO K. RUDN (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) TRANSLATION OF PHRASAL VERBS IN THE LEGAL DISCOURSE OF CORPORATE LAW INTRODUCTION Phrasal verbs are a unique phenomenon, taking a particular place in the English language lexical system. They are unique because of the fact that, in spite of changes which phrasal verbs were subject to in the language evolution process, they preserve their own idiomatic nature. A phrasal verb means the combination of verb with adverb and/or preposition composing a semantic unity. Phrasal verb is a difficult unit, composed of two words (verb and adverb or verb and preposition), but sometimes of three and more words. RESEARCH GOAL The aim of the work is to analyze the translation of phrasal verbs used in corporate law, as well as to identify the features of the translation of verbs in legal texts. LITERATURE REVIEW It is necessary to consider the meaning of phrasal verbs in context. The first phrase is «You’ve seen the press release we put out in 2005 during the run-up to the Act». What does «the run-up to the Act» mean? According to the dictionary this phrasal verb means «to increase a debt by spending more». However, in this context we should translate it as the period of time just before an important event. The same meaning we will find when we talk about elections (Lexical Club, 2023). The second phrase for research is «Partnership cannot satisfy the debt». In this case we take into account that satisfaction or release is a document stating that a consumer has paid the full amount of debt that was owed to a creditor under a court judgment (Murphy, 2022). Also, with the noun «dept» there are other phrasal verbs which are widespread. For instance, we can use «pay off the debt», it means to pay back money that you owe. There are plenty of verbs which you can come across, e,g, settle the debt, pay down the debt. Further we examine the phrase «A corporation may be forced into bankruptcy». It means that a creditor can file a bankruptcy petition with the court (Justia, 2022). There are two ways to be forced into bankruptcy: voluntary and involuntary. The first one is when the company filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition, and the second one is when creditors literally force a company into bankruptcy (Eisenbach, 2012). The next phrase is «Creditors can go after owner’s personal bank account». The phrase «go after bank account» presupposes the situation when a 117 department of government seize your bank account to recover amounts owed and, other creditors are awarded access to your bank account. Considering the statement «If a corporation runs out of funds, the owners are usually not liable» we should point out that it is explained through such verbs as to finish, use, or sell all of something so that there is none left. Thus, it means to stop the cycle of running out funds (Ramsey Solutions, 2022). Another phrase for analysis is «The life of corporation does not expire upon the death of its stockholders». It conveys the following idea: the action of the company doesn’t depend on the death of its stockholders. CONCLUSION In conclusion it should be said that the translation of phrasal verbs causes difficulties. Consequently, while giving a representative translation it is necessary to take into account the legal context, as well as the branch of law. Despite the fact that the phrasal verb in most cases has one meaning, it can vary depending on the nature of the legal text. REFERENCES Lexical Club. Phrase of the day: in the run-up to. Murphy C. (2022, 8 April). Satisfaction and Release. Investopedia. Justia. Involuntary Bankruptcy. Eisenbach B. (2012, 24 May). Forced Into Bankruptcy: The Involuntary Bankruptcy Process. Ramsey Solutions. What to Do if you’re running out of money. MOHAMMED AHMED RUDN-University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) A NEW COMPETENCE FOR TEACHERS AND TRANSLATORS, ESPECIALLY IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS INTRODUCTION Technology has positively and directly affected all fields, especially translation. It has contributed to making the earth a better place to live. At the same time, many tools and methods have been produced that help teach or complete translation more effectively and accurately, by saving effort, time and money. by using many search engines such as encyclopaedias, electronic 118 dictionaries, corpora and many other useful tools as mentioned by Dan Zhou (2021:1720). RESEARCH GOAL In this short research, we will discuss the positive role of technology in teaching translation in general and translation in particular. And its impact in terms of facilitating the process of teaching translation by providing tools and means that help in teaching translation, by achieving a good translation with minimal effort. HISTORICAL REVIEWS TECHNOLOGY HAS ADDED A NEW COMPETENCE TO BE LEARNED BY TRANSLATORS AND TEACHERS There are five sub-competences known so far in translation. And they are: bilingual sub competence, extra – linguistic sub competence, translation subcompetence and instrumental sub-Competence as mentioned by PACTE Group (2005:609-619). Translators, as multicultural mediators, can produce a good translation if the translation is done collaboratively in a specific society and circumstance. As mentioned by Wei Cheng (2021:46) she said “in the age of digitalization communication, translators are working more with screens than with papers “This indicates that technology has become an important factor in the translation and education process. Because people are dealing with screens more than paper. DIGITAL COMPETENCE IS NECESSARY FOR TRANSLATORS AND TEACHERS Digital competence helps facilitate the process of translation and the process of teaching translation, especially if it is a remote education. Where after using digital tools to complete and teach the translation process. Especially in emergency and exceptional cases. When it is impossible to teach translation directly face to face, so technology is used in order to complete it. Besides the current world has produced a new requirement, which is technology, and a person who is able to use technology in an effective way helps to accomplish the work in a better and positive way for the benefit of that person, regardless of being a translator or a teacher or someone else, as mentioned by Jimenez and Crespo (2013:96). THE CONTRIBUTION OF TECHNOLOGY TO THE PROMOTION OF TEACHING AND TRANSLATION The importance and effectiveness of digital tools has become invaluable. Since these tools have become the main engine in the process of teaching or translation. As it works to reduce cost and time and ease of use and delivery to the recipient. Especially in cases of emergency or exceptional circumstances, because of which the teacher cannot meet with the students face to face. And the effect is positive and beneficial by technology and its tools. As the teacher easily explains to the students many things that were difficult to understand 119 without a visual explanation. And it has become easy in the process of finding terms and words that help the translator in translation. Also, these digital tools are characterized by the appropriate price and ease of access, despite the great benefit they give according to Starr, C. (1969). CONCLUSION Technology and its digital tools have added many advantages and ease to our lives in general, and to the educational process and translation in particular. Where technology has become one of the basics used by the translator and the teacher in order to succeed in the required task. Especially in emergencies and exceptional circumstances when the teacher or translator cannot be present directly with others. As technology has affected directly. And learning these digital tools has become an important and necessary requirement in the modern era. where through technology it is possible to solve these exceptional situations, such as reduce effort and spending etc. And transfer knowledge in the simplest way. Therefore, technology must be taught to teachers and translators and make it basic competence due to its importance in the modern era. which lies in teaching and translating texts with minimal effort, cost and with ease. REFERENCES Cheng, W. (2021). Translator Competence Revisited in the Scenario of Digital Genre. Journal of Translation Studies, 1(1), 45-58. Jiménez-Crespo, M.A. (2013). Translation and Web Localization. NY, Routledge. PACTE. Results of the validation of the PACTE translation competence model: Translation problems and translation competence[A]. In Alvstad, C., Hi1d, A. & Tiselius, E. (eds). Methods and Strategies of Process Research: Integrative Approaches in Translation Studies[C]. Amsterdam: John Benjamin’s. Starr, C. (1969). Social benefit versus technological risk: what is our society willing to pay for safety?. Science, 165(3899), 1232-1238. Zhou, D. (2021). Research on Project Task-driven MTI Teaching Mode Based on PACTE. In 2021 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education, 1720-1724. 120 MOLOSTOVSKAYA M. Universidad de Finanzas adscrita al Gobierno de la Federación de Rusia (MOSCÚ,RUSIA) CAUSAS DE LA MALA PRONUNCIACIÓN DE LOS SONIDOS ESPAÑOLES POR PARTE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES RUSOS INTRODUCCIÓN Este tema es relevante en nuestro tiempo, ya que a menudo hay confusión y problemas con la comprensión y la ortografía de las palabras, la pronunciación, en los extranjeros que aprenden español como lengua extranjera. OBJETIVOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo de este trabajo es demostrar la fonética de las diferencias en el idioma español y en ruso, realizar un análisis comparativo. ANÁLISIS DEL PROBLEMA DE PRONUNCIACIÓN DE LOS SONIDOS ESPAÑOLES El alfabeto de la lengua rusa pertenece al grupo lingüístico eslavo oriental, el español forma parte del grupo de las lenguas romances. El primer nivel del lenguaje es el fonético. La fonética, es aquella rama de la lingüística que estudia los sonidos en tanto lo que son, sonidos reales y audibles, su producción mediante los aparatos fonadores y articulatorios, su transmisión por el aire, la naturaleza de las ondas sonoras. Entonces, comencemos la consideración del nivel fonético con los sonidos vocales. En el idioma ruso, se distinguen 6 vocales [и], [э]; [ы], [а]; [у], [о]. En español, se distinguen 5 vocales, que, a diferencia de las vocales del idioma ruso, no se reducen y se pronuncian de la misma manera en posición de percusión o sin estrés (Tirado, 2002). Aún reconociendo que la lengua rusa posee una cantidad de sonidos considerablemente superior a la del español, hay ciertos puntos en los que, a pesar de todo, se dan algunas interferencias. En ruso, no hay sonido [θ] correspondiente a la letra z, o combinaciones de letras ce, ci, por lo que algunos lo reemplazan con [s] o [f] (casa – caza, cocer – coser, cierra – sierra) (Zuev, 2019). En español, la letra "H" es una de las que causa los más grandes problemas. Es la única letra del alfabeto español que no tiene sonido. Se pronuncia solo cuando está precedida por la letra "C", formando en este caso el sonido "CH (che)". Pero, cuando camina sola, es completamente muda, por lo que al pronunciar las palabras, es como si no existiera. Por ejemplo, haber, hambre, hoja. Cuando se escribe, sirve para distinguir palabras que suenan igual coloquialmente pero tienen significados diferentes, como «hojear» (перелистывать), «ojear» (взглянуть), «hola» (привет) y «ola» (волна) o «hala» (тянет) y «ala» (крыло). (Akhrenov, 2022) 121 En ruso además no existe la diferencia entre la r vibrante simple y la r vibrante múltiple como en las palabras” pero-perro”. El punto de articulación de la única r que existe en ruso se encuentra entre las dos del español por lo cual los estudiantes rusos suelen tener muchos problemas para distinguirlas. Especial atención es preciso prestar a los fonemas /b/, /v/ ya que en ruso el fonema bilabial y el labiodental son fonemas independientes mientras que en español [b] y [b], oclusiva y fricativa respectivamente son variantes de un mismo fonema bilabial /b/ (tuvo – tubo, vello – bello, vaca – baca) (Sancho Insausti, 2002). CONCLUSIÓN El componente fonético de cada idioma es único. Al aprender un idioma extranjero, es obligatorio aprender fonética, ya que en cada idioma hay sonidos que no existen en la lengua materna. Mediante el estudio de la fonética de la lengua se puede lograr una pronunciación perfecta. REFERENCIAS Akhrenov, A. V., Camacho Chavarria, M. D. (2022). Reglas para escribir la letra "h" muda en español. Problemas de lingüística y comunicación intercultural: Colección de artículos científicos. Moscú, Universidad Estatal Regional de Moscú, 5-15. Zuev, M. B. (2019). El español y el ruso (similitudes y diferencias). Direcciones innovadoras y prioritarias en la enseñanza de las disciplinas humanísticas en las universidades técnicas : Actas de la VI Conferencia Internacional Científico-Práctica, Korolev, 56-61. Sancho Insausti, I, Castillo Sedano, B. (2002). Dificultades de los estudiantes rusos durante el proceso de aprendizaje de E/LE. 61-75. Tirado, R.G., Herrador del Pino, M. (2002). La enseñanza del español a rusohablantes. El español, lengua del mestizaje y la interculturalidad. 415-423. MYASOEDOV H. Belarusian State University (MINSK, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS) LEGAL NATURE OF THE CONTRACT ON FINANCING WITH THE ASSIGNMENT OF A MONETARY CLAIM (FACTORING) INTRODUCTION The relevance of the paper can be explained by the necessity to perfect the regulation of the factoring contract. The process is closely connected with the legal nature of the contract. 122 RESEARCH GOAL The aim of the research is to study domestic and foreign approaches to the legal nature of factoring. The definitions adopted in Belarus, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the USA have been analyzed to meet this end. ANALYSIS OF THE LEGAL NATURE OF FACTORING The legal definition adopted in Belarus is as follows. Factoring is a contract that provides an obligation of the client (creditor, supplier) to assign a monetary claim to the factor and an obligation of the factor to take part in monetary legal relations between the client and the debtor by providing the client with payment (The Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, 1998). According to the Russian legislation, a factoring contract establishes the obligation of the client to assign a monetary claim against the debtor to the factor as well as obligation of the factor to perform at least two of the following actions: to provide the client with cash in the form of loan or prepayment; to maintain the client’s ledgers; to inforce the debts; to exercise the rights arising from contracts on ensuring exercise of debtor’s obligations (The Civil Code of the Russian Federation Part 2, 1996). In the UK, factoring is understood as purchase of debts for the purpose of financing or for other similar purposes (Salinger on Factoring, 2006). In accordance with the US legislation, the factor provides the client with the following services: purchases all client’s debts; maintains the client’s ledgers; collects payments from the debtors and provides protection against “bad debts” (Salinger on Factoring, 2006). Financing provided by the factor to the client is always less than the amount of the debt collected from the client’s debtor. Loan contract possesses similar implications. A lender receives more money from the borrower than the sum of money lent by the lender to the borrower. CONCLUSION Contract on financing with the assignment of a monetary claim (factoring) and the Loan contract have similar legal nature. REFERENCES The Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, Law N 218-З (1998, as amended on July 18, 2022). The Civil Code of the Russian Federation Part 2, Federal Law N 14-ФЗ (1996, as amended on July 8, 2021). https: // Ruddy, N. (2006). Salinger on Factoring. S. Mills, N. Davidson. London: Sweet and Maxwell. 123 NARANJO PÉREZ A. La Univesidad Alfonso X El Sabio. (MADRID, ESAÑA) LEY GENERAL DE DERECHOS LINGÜÍSTICOS DE LOS PUEBLOS INDÍGENAS COMO DIRECTRIZ DE LA POLÍTICA ESTATAL INTRODUCCIÓN Las políticas que los Estados-nación, y sus mayorías sociales, aplicadas a sus minorías étnicas y lingüísticas, se han convertido en una piedra de toque para evaluar la calidad de la democracia, el compromiso pluricultural y la construcción de Estados modernos en casi cualquier parte del mundo. Por lo tanto, las políticas educativas y lingüísticas para las minorías ya no pueden considerarse componentes marginales de la política estatal que pueden tratarse fuera del ámbito de las relaciones de poder dominantes y del Estado. Al menos en América, esos aspectos representa el caso probablemente más centralizado, global y vertical de construcción de un Estado-nación. EL OBJETIVO DE INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo principal de este artículo es estudiar la base jurídica de la coexistencia lingüística de los pueblos en las tierras del actual Estado Mexicano. LITERATURA/ REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS Es derecho de todo mexicano comunicarse en la lengua de la que sea hablante, sin restricciones en el ámbito público o privado, en forma oral o escrita, en todas sus actividades sociales, económicas, políticas, culturales, religiosas y cualesquiera otras (Ley General). Las perspectivas futuras de la educación indígena bilingüe e intercultural en México son difíciles de prever. La economía neoliberal y la integración norteamericana a través del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN) han erosionado en gran medida la subsistencia agrícola en México como base territorial para la supervivencia indígena (Vazquez Carranza, 2009). 3,4 millones de campesinos, muchos de ellos indígenas, se vieron obligados a emigrar a otras zonas de México a Estados Unidos. Aunque muchos emigrantes mantienen estrechos vínculos con sus comunidades de origen, la base territorial, la densidad del hábitat ancestral y otros componentes fundamentales para la reproducción cultural y lingüística están en peligro (Rainer, 2008). Dadas las actuales relaciones asimétricas de conflicto entre el español (y el inglés en EE.UU.) y las lenguas indígenas, la rápida reducción de hablantes monolingües de lenguas indígenas y el grave debilitamiento de la transmisión intergeneracional de la lengua materna pueden servir como indicadores de que el creciente bilingüismo puede ser sólo transitorio en el actual proceso de cambio lingüístico. Las perspectivas de mantenimiento dependerán del 124 creciente número de organizaciones indígenas e iniciativas de base, de una aceptación más profunda del pluriculturalismo por parte de la sociedad dominante y de cambios significativos en el modelo económico para restablecer la sostenibilidad social y económica en los territorios indígenas. Sin embargo, se necesita más investigación basada en enfoques científicos que permitan la comparación nacional e internacional. LA CONCLUSIÓN En última instancia, los cambios dependerán de las fuerzas y movimientos políticos, tanto dentro de la sociedad subordinada como de la sociedad dominante, que sean capaces y estén dispuestos a incorporar innovaciones importantes en la construcción de un nuevo Estado-nación mexicano pluricultural y plurilingüe. Podemos concluir que el proceso para lograr el ejercicio pleno de derechos indígenas en México apenas ha iniciado. Aún hay aspectos importantes que urgen ser cubrir no sólo para la protección y mantenimiento de las lenguas sino también para el bienestar de los pueblos indígenas. REFERENCIAS Pujol Berché, M., (2013). Política lingüística: lengua, cultura e identidad, el ejemplo de Cataluña, Amnis URL : Fernández García, A., Petithomme, M. (2012) Introduction. Du nationalisme d’État aux nationalismes espagnols, la réinvention de la « nation » espagnole depuis la transition démocratique. Les nationalismes dans l’Espagnecontemporaine (1975-2011). Compétition politique et identités nationales, Paris, Armand Colin Ninyoles, R (1994). España como país plurilingüe: Líneas de future.¿Un estado, una lengua ? La organización política de la diversidad lingüística. Barcelone, Octaedro, pp. 25-73. La política lingüística en Catalunya: una reflexión comparada. URL: NAUMENKO S., NEZNAMOV E. The All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) THE LEGAL STATUS OF A COSMONAUT IN INTERNATIONAL LAW INTRODUCTION In the modern world, when mankind is already capable of exploring outer space, the status of astronauts in the system of international law is a 125 particularly urgent problem. The legal status of people exploring space is distinguished by the presence of special rights and obligations, which will be discussed in this scientific work. RESEARCH GOAL To study the concept of a cosmonaut and analyze their rights and obligations. ANALYSIS OF THE TERM COSMONAUT AND ITS LEGAL STATUS It is believed that word «astronaut» appeared in a fantasy novel written by Percy Greg in 1880. In 1929 the word was used as a scientific definition in an article by the British Astronomical Association. The word «cosmonaut» in 1935 was proposed by a scientist - Ari Sternfeld. Both words have Greek roots. «Cosmonaut» from the language of Pythagoras literally translates as «universal navigator», and «astronaut» - «star navigator». In the separation of these two words, it was not etymology that played a role, but politics. So in the Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, in the Russian version of the document, the envoys of mankind in outer space are called cosmonauts, and in the English version astronauts. Both versions of the document have the same legal force. From which we can conclude that the concept of a cosmonaut and an astronaut are identical for international law. To determine the legal status of cosmonauts, consider both their rights and obligations. To begin with, let us consider a Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. This agreement specifies the obligation of mutual assistance of astronauts of different states to each other. The participating states, in their turn, are obliged to help cosmonauts in distress on the territory of a Contracting Party or on the high seas. Cosmonauts who make such an emergency landing must be kept safe and returned promptly to the State in whose registry their spacecraft is entered. A similar obligation for states is provided for in the Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space. The ISS Crew Code of Conduct establishes special rules of conduct both during the flight and at the stage of pre-flight and post-flight activities. Following this document, astronauts aboard the ISS must comply with the instructions and annexes, as well as follow the orders of the commander. Also, they take measures to conserve and preserve the property to which they have access for the implementation of relevant activities. The behavior of an ISS crew member should in no way indicate that a person is using his position to obtain material or any other personal benefit, or indicate coercion of another person for the same purpose. Decree of the Government of Russia dated May 10, 2017 No. 551 establishes the rights and obligations of a cosmonaut. Thus, they are entitled to free medical care both during the flight and during training, for housing, and also 126 have access to technical and scientific documentation relating to manned space objects. In addition, persons approved to the crew have the right to receive complete and reliable information about the flight, as well as to express their proposals for improving the activities carried out after the flight. In addition to the above rights, the Decree provides for some obligations, namely to undergo medical examinations, as well as to warn specialists about any deterioration in health, to carry out flight preparation programs, as well as the flights themselves, to comply with internal labor regulations, as well as a code of professional ethics. CONCLUSION In conclusion, we would like to note the importance of the status of a cosmonaut in our time, when international law is undergoing serious changes. It is necessary that the cosmonautics industry develop scientifically, and the status of space researchers in the legal system be protected by both scientists and the legislator. REFERENCES Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space. UN. General Assembly (27.04.1968). Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space. UN. General Assembly (27.01.1963). On Approval of the Code of Professional Ethics for Cosmonauts of the Russian Federation, Order of the State Corporation "Roscosmos" № 299 (23.10.2019). On Approval of the Regulations on Cosmonauts of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 551 (10.05.2017). OCROMCHEDLISHVILI E., IVANOVA A. Vladimir State University (VLADIMIR, RUSSIA) EXPRESSIVE MEANS OF AGATHA CHRISTIE IN “JANE IN SEARCH OF A JOB” INTRODUCTION The paper is dedicated to the linguistic analysis of the story “Jane in Search of a Job” written by Agatha Christie, one of the most outstanding English writers. The paper is based on the theory of Phraseology (Kunin, 1996) Stylistics (Fedulenkova,2015). 127 RESEARCH GOAL The object of research is the text of the detective. The subject of research is stylistic devices and their function in composition of the text (Fedulenkova, T. 2019).. The purpose of the research consists in finding examples of phraseological units and means of expressiveness with the help of which the author conveys the message and content of her work. The paper employs such research methods as the method of stylistic analysis and the method of phraseological abstraction. GLIMPSES OF TEXTUAL ANALYSIS The detective contains many epithets, for example, a parlous condition – the critical situation in which the character found herself at the beginning of the story, because of failures in finding a job. The epithet keen-eyed man (observant man) is based on the phraseological unit a keen eye, that is based on a metonymic transfer. Emotional break of a statement, or aposiopesis, is a technique that shows a sudden stop in speech, making it incomplete: It seemed unlikely that she would be able to do so tomorrow. That is unless… . It is used in this context to emphasize the hopelessness of Jane’s situation. Using the metaphor the vigor of healthy youth, the author emphasizes the youth, beauty, freshness and energy of the heroine. The girl’s despair, caused by unsuccessful attempts to find a job, is conveyed by an anaphora coupled with a parallel construction: There were the gentlemen ... There were ladies ... There was .... There are various idioms in the story that convey the state of the characters, their attitude to what is happening or the general situation. In the sentence But young women whose exchequers are in a parlous condition cannot be choosers the phrase cannot be choosers resembles part of the phraseology beggars can’t be choosers. The phraseological unit draw a deep breath conveys the excitement of the character. Another unit make a wry face means ‘to make a sour face’ and is used in an informal setting, giving expressiveness to speech. CONCLUSION A set of stylistic techniques is used in the story, the most effective of which are metaphor, epithets, anaphora, aposiopesis and parallel constructions. The author skilfully uses stylistic means — both lexical and syntactic — in order to convey the message of his story to the reader. REFERENCES Kunin, A. V. (1996). A course of phraseology of modern English Phraseology. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola. Fedulenkova, T. (2009). Phraseological Abstraction. In Tatiana Fedulenkova (ed.). Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Approaches to Phraseology: ESSE9, Aarhus, 22–26 August 2008. Arkhangelsk: SOLTI; Aarhus: Universitas Arhusiensis, 42–54. 128 Fedulenkova, T. (2015). On the Instantial Use of Phraseological Units. Stylistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse by Anita Naciscione, 2010, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, viii +292 pp., 978 9-027-21176-7. Hb, €95.00. In European Journal of English Studies, vol. 19, no2, 234–242. Fedulenkova, T. (2019). Pragmatic functions of modern English phraseology, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 5 (2), 74‒83. PERSHIN V., ANIKEVA P. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) DIFFICULTIES OF TRANSLATION INTRODUCTION Nowadays, when global communication has become extremely active and important, translation is an integral part of our lives. Every day we are faced with the situations where we need to translate the texts from one language into another. One of the most common areas of the translation is from English into Russian. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this article is to consider the main difficulties that translators face when translating from English into Russian. This paper discusses various aspects of translation and discusses the most common mistakes that translators make in their work. Some recommendations will also be given to help improve the quality of the translation. This article will be useful for both beginners and experienced translators, as well as those who are interested in linguistics and interlingual communication. The article is sure to be useful for both beginners and experienced translators, as well as for those who are interested in linguistics and cross-lingual communication. LITERATURE REVIEW Multiple meanings of English words.One of the most characteristic features of the English language is its polysemy (polysemy). Many words have more than one lexical meaning, which means they can be used in completely different situations. Hence, there are quite a lot of translation mistakes based on the multiple meanings of English words: “I saw my Honey today”. – «Я пилил мой мёд сегодня» (правильно: «Сегодня я виделся с моей милой»). “Phone seller”. – «Позвони продавцу» (правильно: «Продавец телефонов»). “I’ll be back”. – «Я буду спиной» (правильно: «Я вернусь»). 129 So the Terminator in the movie of the same name promised to return, not to become the back. After all, you must agree, that would sound extremely silly and incomprehensible. Literal translation of idioms. We use idioms or phrases to make our speech more expressive and figurative. Idioms and expressions are a rather extensive and complex topic, to which a whole series of articles on the phraseology of the English language is devoted. Some manage to literally translate phraseological expressions, which leads to a complete confusion. Some of these examples are given below: “Watch out!” – «Посмотри снаружи!» (correct version: «Берегись!») “Ladybird” – «Птица женского пола» (correct version: «Божья коровка»; «Возлюбленная» (poetic). “I fell in love”. – «Я упал в любовь» (correct version: «Я влюбился»). “She is bold today!” – «Она сегодня лысая!» It is unlikely that any adequate author would have described a heroine changing her hair so radically. Rather, he was referring to the courage and determination she displayed in a certain situation (to be bold — «набираться смелости», «дерзать»). In addition to the above-mentioned reasons, one of the biggest sources of errors can be attributed to the program Google Translate. Homophones. Homophones are words that are the same in sound but have different spelling and meaning: write – писать right - правильно, правый For the untrained ear, even incomplete homophones can be a problem: beside - возле, около besides - кроме того, помимо The absence of a similar concept in Russian - a descriptive translation There are words in every language of the world that cannot be found in any other. Perhaps, in time, some such words will take a place in the alternative vocabulary, but until then, translators will be forced to use descriptive translation: earworm - песня или мелодия, которая навязчиво засела в голове ear - ухо, ушной worm - червь CONCLUSION In addition to the examples mentioned above, there are a number of other factors that present difficulties in translation, namely: accents, difficulties in understanding fast speech by ear, certain slang, and so on. Based on the foregoing it can be concluded that there are many different tricks and difficulties that translators have to face. 130 It should be noted that the article reflects those points that can be put on paper and which, in our opinion, are fundamental for the work of a translator. REFERENCES Arnold I. V. Stylistics. (2002). Modern English.Flint. Edition 5, revised and extended. Komissarov V. N.(1999). General Theory of Translation : Problems of Translation Studies as Illuminated by Foreign Scholars. Moscow : Cheraw, 136 с. Mitchell P.D., Marugina N.I. (2015). The problem of translation of Russian and English terms (from the experience of the Translation Center of the FSU) Bulletin of Tomsk State University. № 394. Р. 53-58. Semenova M.Y.(2009). Fundamentals of text translation. Rostov-n/D: Phoenix, 352 p . PISARENKO N. MPSU (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) LEXICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE CONCEPT “OTHER” IN RUSSIAN AND GERMAN INTRODUCTION The publication is devoted to the study of lexical units representing the concept of other in Russian and German, their invariant and variant implementations are described. At the end of the 20th century, the Russian lexeme inoj became a neologism, which aroused the interest of language researchers. THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY to identify the root of the lexeme inoj and its etymological meaning, as well as to track the semantic evolution of the lexeme inoj in Russian linguistic culture, its comparison with the corresponding lexemes of German linguistic culture. LITERATURE REVIEW In the process of this study, we rely on the works on lexical semantics by D.N. Shmelev (Shmelev, 1973), Yu.D. Apresyan (Apresyan, 1995), I.A. Sternin (Sternin, 2015), according to the word formation of E.A. Zemskaya (Zemskaya, 2008), to the work of V.I. Karasik (Karasik, 2018) and L.A. Nefedova (Nefedova, 2002), which examines the reflection of the norm and deviations from it in the linguistic consciousness. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM The Russian word inoj was inherited by the Old Slavonic language from IndoEuropean, in particular, from ancient Indian, where it meant - one, himself. Further, moving from one linguistic culture to another, i.e. from the donor 131 language to the recipient language, the configuration of the word was transformed under the influence of the established phonetic and graphic specificity of the adopted languages: in ancient Greek - οἰνός, in English - one, in Latin it is represented as ūnus, in Old German - ein. In all languages that emerged from Proto-Indo-European (Slavic, Romance, Germanic, Armenian, etc. groups) there is an alternation of vowels with the help of ablaut, and therefore the vowel o was replaced in the unit oɪ̯ nos by e, which led to its transformation into eɪ̯ nos. In the Old Slavonic language, graphically it looked like jьnъ/inъ (ьnъ/инъ) and, according to D.K. Adams and O. Guyer, had similarities with the form oɪ̯ nos, where the root -in- (oɪ̯ -) is a pronoun (Adams, Mallory, 2006). In the Old Slavonic language the word was rethought and received, in addition to the meaning “one, himself”, also the meaning “another, different, other” (Krylov, 2005). In German, unlike Russian, there is no universal lexical unit that immediately includes all the above-described meanings. To convey various semantic shades, a number of lexemes are used, namely: 1) to convey the meaning of another, the lexical unit anderer is used; 2) itself is represented by the lexical units selbst, selber, allein; 3) a certain is expressed using the combination ein gewisser. The lexeme ein is also used as an indefinite article and an indefinite pronoun someone, something, somebody, anything, anyone, something, corresponding to the meaning of the indefinite personal pronoun man. In some cases, it may pass the numeric value one. At the end of the 20th century, the lexeme “inoj” became a neologism, and this was facilitated by the emergence in 1990 in the United States of a youth subculture called “otherkin” - others. In German, the lexical unit otherkin, borrowed from English, is also used to refer to this subculture. In Russian, there are two options for reading it: azerkin (ozerkin) in the meaning of another, other, belonging to a different genus, a foreigner. Others are those who believe that their physical forms do not define or fully encompass their mental state, personality, psychology and spiritual nature. Representatives of this movement declare that they are only biologically people, and in everything else they position themselves as not people. Everyone who joins them is convinced that he/she is a creature/living object of mythology, fantasy, poetic legend and strictly follows the chosen image ( Otherkin communities in European countries often replace the root morpheme other- with a concretizing one (dragon-, etc.), and also use the suffix -kin, which emphasizes belonging to a certain genus, i.e. “he is ours” (for example: he is our dragon), a non-kin construction is also used (not our). Also, the lexeme other is often used as a filmonym. So, in 2015, director A. Yakumchuk filmed a Russian science fiction television series called “Others”, which aroused increased interest among the audience. 132 The intriguing title and mystical plot predetermined the popularity of the film. A completely different story can be seen in the melodrama “Telba” (Other) by the Uzbek director Ayub Shahabiddinov, where the main character appears as a poor guy in love, whom everyone considers other and even an idiot, as he tries to defend his feelings for a girl from a rich family. The film clearly traces the meaning of the word other - not like that, not the same, alien, which leads to a tragic end. The study of the formation and development of the semantics of the lexeme other helped to reveal that the other can be different - from mythological to alien (enemy) or neighbor (one's own). This gives us the opportunity to say that there is a contradictory (excluding each other) opposition of another one's own and another - someone else's. Also in the course of the study, we found that the semantics of the lexeme other is constantly expanding. REFERENCES Adams D. Q., Mallory J. P. (2006). The Oxford Introduction To Proto-IndoEuropean And Indo-European World. University Press. Apresyan Yu.D. (1995). Leksicheskaya semantika: Izbrannye trudy v 2 t. T. 1 Lexical semantics: Selected works in 2 volumes. Vol. 1. School “Languages of Russian Culture”. Zemskaya E.A. (2011). Sovremennyj russkij yazyk. Slovoobrazovanie: ucheb. Posobie.Modern Russian language. Word formation: textbook. Allowance. 3rd ed., Rev. and additional. Flinta: Nauka. Karasik V.I. (2018). Cennosti v yazykovom soznanii // Lingvokul'turnye cennosti v yazykovom soznanii i kommunikativnoj praktike: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii [Values in Linguistic Consciousness. Linguistic and Cultural Values in Linguistic Consciousness and Communicative Practice: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference]. Tianjin, 3–11. Krylov G.A. (2005). Etimologicheskij slovar' russkogo yazyka [Etymological dictionary of the Russian language]. Polygraph services. Nefedova, L.A. (2002). Yavlenie deviacii v leksike sovremennogo nemeckogo yazyka. Dis. d-ra. filol. nauk [The phenomenon of deviation in the vocabulary of the modern German language. Dis. dr. philol.]. Sternin, I.A. (2015). Leksicheskoe znachenie slova v rechi [Lexical meaning of the word in speech]. 2nd ed., erased.Direct-Media, 2015. Shmelev D.N. (1973). Problemy semanticheskogo analiza leksiki [Problems of semantic analysis of vocabulary]. Moscow: Nauka. 133 POKROVSKAYA A. RUDN-University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) LIABILITY OF INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: A SAFE HARBOUR MODEL THE RESEARCH WAS CARRIED OUT WITH THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE GRANT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION # NSH-3270.2022.2 «EVOLUTION OR REVOLUTION OF CIVIL ROCEEDINGS: DIGITALIZATION THROUGH THE PRISM OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” INTRODUCTION Internet intermediaries, such as internet service providers (ISPs), social media platforms, digital e-commerce platforms, messaging applications, transmit information online and assist individuals and companies in finding, sharing and accessing content and transactions. Online platforms provide users with immediate access to massive amounts of data and content directly from developers. At the same time, in recent years there have been growing concerns about the 'harmful effects of online content', such as hate speech, deliberate misrepresentation, fake news, and content that infringes to some extent on the copyrights of owners or developers. Platforms such as Telegram and WhatsApp are increasingly under pressure to identify and remove illegal (and, in some cases, legitimate but controversial) content, and to combat online copyright infringement. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this paper is to analyze how different countries deal with the issue of liability of internet intermediaries in the digital age in relation to copyright infringement. A key question for this study is who is responsible for malicious or misleading content in relation to, for example, Airbnb rentals, Facebook postings, dating profiles, content and products on YouTube or eBay. Who might be infringing third-party copyrights here - the user, the platform, or someone else? LITERATURE REVIEW The works by Stalla-Bourdillon, S. (2010), López Romero, T. (2006), Bhatnagar, H., & Mishra, V. V. (2009), Samuelson, P. (2021) are devoted to the problems of ISP’s liability regimes in the USA for online copyright infringements. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998, which provides a safe harbour from copyright liability for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the US, is further analysed by the authors. There has also been some research into this issue from the Australian legislative side. For instance, Leonard, P. (2010) discusses the application of copyright law to 134 internet service providers (ISPs) and internet users in Australia. Eivazi, K. (2012) also examines the issue of ISP liability, highlighting the uncertainties in this area of law and arguing that existing copyright laws governing ISP liability in Australia are inadequate and in need of legislative reform. In a study conducted by Curto, N.E. (2020) examines European Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights; it is argued that failure to harmonise the Directive with existing laws in non-EU countries would negatively impact ISPs. CONCLUSION The safe harbour model is far from perfect and has been the subject of fierce debate among stakeholders and legal groups pursuing cases in courts, including the courts in the United States. The research shows that turning platforms to 'Internet policing' can have significant negative consequences for the growth of national platforms and digital ecosystems, for small local firms seeking to host content on large international platforms, and for citizens' freedom of expression. Safe harbour policies allow platforms and marketplaces to be more effective in working with smaller companies interested in ecommerce; for example, platforms can accept innovative and free speechprotected content without fear of legal consequences. There are various models and experiences around the world that can be used to develop internet intermediary law, balancing the desire for innovation, freedom of expression and protection against harmful content and copyright infringement. REFERENCES Bhatnagar, H., & Mishra, V. V. (2009). ISP Liability for Third Party Copyright Infringement: A Comparative Analysis for Setting International Standard Norms. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 50(1), 59–83. Curto, N. E. (2020). Eu Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market and Isp Liability: What’s Next at International Level? Journal of Law, Technology & the Internet, 11(1), 84–110. Eivazi, K. (2012). Is termination of internet users’ accounts by an ISP a proportionate response to copyright infringement? Computer Law & Security Review, 28(4), 458–467. Leonard, P. (2010). Safe Harbors in Choppy Waters Building a Sensible Approach to Liability of Internet Intermediaries in Australia. Journal of International Entertainment & Media Law, 3(2), 221–262. López Romero, T. (2006). Internet Service Providers’ Liability for Online Copyright Infringement: The Us Approach. Vniversitas, 112, 193–214. Lovejoy, N. (2013). Standards for Determining When Isps Have Fallen out of Section 512(A). Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, 27(1), 257–278. Samuelson, P. (2021). Pushing Back on Stricter Copyright Isp Liability Rules. Michigan Telecommunications & Technology Law Review, 27(2), 299–343. 135 Stalla-Bourdillon, S. (2010). The flip side of ISP’s liability regimes: The ambiguous protection of fundamental rights and liberties in private digital spaces. Computer Law & Security Review, 26(5), 492–501. POLTEVA V. RUDN-University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMS LAW: THE UNIFIED LEGAL INFRASTRUCTURE INTRODUCTION Nowadays the vast majority of countries are endeavouring to build up and enhance international relationships in various fields. Lots of governments organize meetings specifying definite dates and venues and authorize their official representatives to act on behalf of them in order to discuss actual issues and to settle serious disputes. As a result of numerous multilateral negotiations, they obtain particular benefits, draft and enter into different agreements and conventions that are further ratified and taken into account while carrying out the corresponding transboundary activities. Besides the international legislation, there are special codes constituting the legal basis of different integration associations performance. They are considered as core elements of supranational law that affects the activity of free trade areas, customs unions, common markets, economic and monetary unions and political unions. Countries tend to form and enter into integration associations in order to gain mutual economic growth and support as well as to expand and strengthen their political influence on the world stage. Besides the aforementioned international and supranational levels, each country has its own corpus juris that must be observed by all private individuals and legal entities functioning within this territory. It sets specific requirements creating the legal framework of national law. RESEARCH GOAL The most essential purpose of this research is to scrutinize international customs law and its legal infrastructure. Thereto, one more aim is to amplify and confirm the above-cited concepts by particular examples to deal with them in more details. ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMS LAW AND ITS UNIFIED LEGAL INFRASTRUCTURE International law is a diversified system consisting of various branches and sub-branches. Thereof, in modern realities international customs law tends to excel among others due to its relevance and widespread presence. It is a 136 complex of principles and rules influencing the relationships between international law subjects in the sphere of customs regulation. International customs relations are the combination of relations arising in connection with governmental customs border and customs union border crossing of goods and vehicles and interactions between public authorities and private individuals or legal entities carrying out such transboundary movements. International customs law is directly based on the unified legal infrastructure. Such infrastructure is comprised of law subjects and law sources. They play a crucial role in law elaboration, implementation and application. International law subjects are special structures being legally capable. To be more precise, they bear legal rights and duties or participate in legal relationships. The following law subjects are usually distinguished: 1) Governments. They practice national and supranational rule-making and lobby draft laws through international organizations for consideration. 2) International organizations. They practice international rule-making in accordance with their Charters, current situation and government proposals. The most influential international customs organizations are the World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Customs Organization (WCO). 3) Operators / actors (private individuals and legal entities). They are the parties to legal relationships with limited legal capacity due to the lack of lawmaking expertise. International law sources are outward tools of rules and regulations. They determine the rules and order that must be overall observed. The following law sources are usually distinguished: 1) Fundamental law sources: • International treaties. They are agreements between two or more international law subjects setting, changing or terminating their mutual rights and responsibilies. For instance, the main customs international treaties are The Revised Kyoto Convention, The Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks (Nairobi Convention), The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), The International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS Convention), The Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention). • International customs. They are non-fixed international law subjects agreements setting, changing or terminating their mutual rights and responsibilies. • International law generally accepted principles. They are international law peremptory norms adopted and recognized by the international community of States. They are not subject to violation or deviation. 137 2) Subsidiary law sources: • International organization decisions. They are documented declarations of intention of member-states in a competent authority in accordance with procedure rules and Charter provisions. • International judicial precedents. They are court decisions in the specific international cases being legally valid. • International doctrines. They are the scientific papers of highlyqualified specialists. CONCLUSION International customs law is a body of laws regulating international customs relationships. It is strategically important to maintain them because they influence external and internal economy of countries. Customs taxes replenishing national budgets very much contribute to country welfare and living standard. The unified legal infrastructure is a mechanism providing the international customs law existence and performance. Law subjects interact with each other. Law sources are applied in such interactions, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes or litigations. REFERENCES World Trade Organization . World Customs Organization. World Trade Organization. The WTO and World Customs Organization. Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide. Электронный фонд правовых и нормативно-технических документов «Консорциум Кодекс» . Справочно-правовая система «Контур.Норматив». Электронный фонд правовых и нормативно-технических документов «Консорциум Кодекс» // Международная конвенция об упрощении и гармонизации таможенных процедур от 18 мая 1973 года. Электронный фонд правовых и нормативно-технических документов «Консорциум Кодекс» // Международная Конвенция о взаимном административном содействии в предотвращении, расследовании и пресечении таможенных правонарушений. Справочно-правовая система «Контур.Норматив» // Генеральное соглашение по тарифам и торговле. Электронный фонд правовых и нормативно-технических документов «Консорциум Кодекс». Международная Конвенция о гармонизированной 138 системе описания и кодирования товаров. Электронный фонд правовых и нормативно-технических документов «Консорциум Кодекс».Таможенная Конвенция о международной перевозке грузов с применением книжки МДП (Конвенция МДП). PRIMAKOVA N. Belarusian State University (MINSK, BELARUS) IN REFERENCE TO THE PROBLEM OF LEGAL LIABILITY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE INTRODUCTION The environment knows no borders. However, despite the deterioration of the environment around the world, preventing and compensating for environmental damage is complex and limited on a national, regional, and global scale. These limitations hinder the development of international environmental law. Thus, the topicality of the research is grounded by the constant infliction of environmental damage, which worsens the ecological situation. RESEARCH GOAL The research is aimed at analyzing the problem of liability for environmental damage in international environmental law and evaluating its governing legal mechanisms. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM States all over the world are becoming more and more aware of cross-border environmental damage, especially in light of how sensitive the public is to any kind of environmental pollution or deterioration. Prior to anything else, it is crucial to define environmental damage in terms of international environmental law. In this context, causing substantial environmental harm, such as contamination of the land, water, or air, is referred to as international environmental damage. On the other hand, international environmental legislation aims to safeguard and conserve the environment worldwide. Due to this, an agreement on the term “environmental damage” in international environmental law is thought to be a requirement for the environment preservation. However, despite the efforts to define “environmental damage” in international environmental law, its concept is not quite clear. It has become diversified in international environmental treaties and agreements, thus affecting international responsibility of states on environmental issues. All these make 139 the definition and reparation of damage difficult, as the classical rules of responsibility are inappropriate for their application in international environmental law. As far as international law does not contain global principles, criteria or methods for determining compensation of environmental damage, there is a need for a new liability regime. According to Khalatbari & Poorhashemi (2019), the development of international responsibility law demonstrates the creation of so-called “environmental” responsibilities, which depart from the traditional civil liability regime. Additionally, the classical tools of liability seem to be inadequate in the environmental sphere, for example, when one State responds to the violation of a treaty obligation by another State by suspending, totally or partly, the application of the treaty. This type of reaction is hardly possible for environmental treaties. The exception concerning humanitarian treaties and stated in Art. 60, para 5 of 1969 Vienna Convention, shall apply to environmental conventions (Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969). More generally, countermeasures can be effective if states do have a mutual interest in the compliance with the treaty (Maljean-Dubois, 2018). Furthermore, the possibility to hold a State accountable for breaching a global commitment to safeguard the environment and bring the potential legal dispute to court has been rare in practice. States are reluctant to apply these mechanisms because they are too weighty, frequently unpredictable, and of a politically damaging use in the environmental area. Such a mindset is based on a number of factors. They are related to the frequently ambiguous nature of the obligations in this area, the specific features of environmental damage, and the fact that s non-compliance with such obligations is most often associated with difficulties or even inability to comply with them due to technical or financial considerations, rather than by any ill intent on the part of the State. It is actually more logical to provide technical or financial support to the “failed” State in order to enable it to comply with its obligations. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it should be recognized that the legal framework governing culpability for environmental damage is imperfect. Firstly, there is not yet an accepted definition of “environmental damage” on a global scale. Secondly, there are issues of holding states accountable for damage, which can be solved by strengthening international protection of the human right to a healthy environment, implementing soft liability and expanding classical liability. REFERENCES Khalatbari, Y., & Poorhashemi, A. (2019). “Environmental Damage”: Challenges and opportunities in International Environmental Law. CIFILE Journal of International Law, 1(1), 22–28. 140 Maljean-Dubois, S. (2018). International Litigation and State Liability for Environmental Damages: Recent evolutions and perspectives. ResearchGate. _and_State_Liability_for_Environmental_Damages_Recent_evolutions_and_p erspectives. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, opened for signature 23 May 1969, 1155 UNTS 331 (entered into force 27 January 1980). PRISYAZHNUK I. Belarusian State University (MINSK, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS) MAIN DIRECTIONS OF MEASURES FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRIMES INCRIMINATING INCITEMENT TO SUICIDE INTRODUCTION One of the structural elements of a private investigation is a set of preventive measures. The group of crimes that provoke suicide is no exception, including such crimes as incitement to suicide – article 145 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus (hereinafter referred to as the criminal code), inducement to suicide – article 146 of the criminal code and propaganda of suicide – article 34 – 1 of the criminal code. However, the specificity of these crimes, which lies in their highly latent nature, makes it difficult to develop special preventive measures that would be effective. RESEARCH GOAL Accordingly, the objective of the study is to develop preventive measures to apply in practice. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM According to the statistics, the largest number of crimes of this category (up to 70%) is committed within the framework of family and domestic relations. This allows asserting the possible effectiveness of the application of measures aimed at preventing domestic crimes, among them – physical, sexual, emotional abuse, alcoholism and others. One should not forget about the measures related to ensuring information security. First, it is important to withstand the propaganda of internet pages that promote suicide by identifying them by special markers - photographs, phrases, hashtags (for example, #bluekit; #quietdom; #javgre), as well as by the content they contain. Neural networks – self-learning search programs based on image comparison technologies, speech recognition, identification of fake accounts and cross-platform collaborations, support the mechanism that can combat such internet pages; all these can help to implement the measure of insuring the information security. The undoubted advantage of the neural 141 network is the ability to self-learn, which means in the long term a faster and more effective elimination of materials that promote suicide. This is especially important, given that criminal activity does not stand still and is constantly improving its methods. Interestingly, google developed a successful program “creatorsforchange”, which uses youtube to counter extremism. The point of the program is that it redirects new terrorists’ videos to anti-terrorism ones that could influence their intentions. We believe that a similar program, in interaction with a neural network, could in the same way redirect people interested in suicidal internet materials to the pages with life-affirming information. Prior to the development of such programs within the framework of the area of prevention, it is also possible to create associations of criminal prosecution authorities and internet users to identify internet sites, communities and groups in social networks that specialize in dissemination of illegal content. Considering that the main target audience of “death groups” are minors, various social events (activities, lectures, seminars, etc.) Held by law enforcement agencies together with teachers and child psychologists are of particular importance. Essential are the measures related to the work with the convicted for committing crimes that incite suicide, as well as with the victim in the event of a failed suicide attempt. CONCLUSION Thus, we can conditionally single out the following main areas of actions to prevent crimes that provoke suicide. They are the measures: - associated with the influence on the factors of illegal behavior that can determine suicide; - related to ensuring information security; - connected with reforming the behavior of the offender and the victim. REFERENCES The Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus (n.d). REPINA S. MGIMO (MOSKAU, RUSSLAND) BILDUNGSSYSTEME IN DEN SCHULEN IN RUSSLAND UND DEUTSCHLAND EINLEITUNG Diese Publikation widmet sich der Bewertung des Bildungssystems in russischen und deutschen Schulen. In letzter Zeit war die Berücksichtigung 142 dieses Themas für Eltern wichtig, die daran denken, ihre Kinder in eine bestimmte Schule in einem bestimmten Land zu schicken. ZIEL DER FORSCHUNG Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Bildungssysteme in den Schulen in Russland und Deutschland zu analysieren. Auch zu verstehen, welches Bildungssystem für Schüler bequemer ist, in welchem schulischen Bildungssysteme es mehr Möglichkeiten für Schüler gibt, nachdem sie die Schule verlassen haben. LITERATURÜBERSICHT Als Basis meiner Studie habe ich verschiedene Quellen analysiert. Einige davon möchte ich näher beschreiben. Dank dieser Quelle: Edelstein B. (2013), habe ich erfahren, dass es in Deutschland ein mehrstufiges Bildungssystem gibt. Und aus dieser Quelle: Russisch – online lernen und üben. (n.d.), lernte ich mehr Feinheiten üben das System der russischen Schulen kennen. ANALYSE DES PROBLEMS UND SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG Nachdem ich mehrere Quellen gelesen hatte, wurde mir klar, dass sich das Schulsystem in Deutschland stark von dem System in Russland unterscheidet. Die Schüler in Deutschland können nicht 11 Jahre studieren, sondern 13 („Make it in Germany. (n.d.)“ und „Schüttler-Hansper M. (2018)“). Auch nach der Grundschule gibt es eine Aufteilung der Schüler. Aufs Gymnasium gehen diejenigen, die eine höhere Bildung erreichen wollen, sowie diejenigen, die gute Noten haben. Schüler mit durchschnittlichen schulischen Leistungen werden auf eine richtige Schule geschickt, wo die Möglichkeit besteht, eine zweijährige Sonderausbildung zu absolvieren, die dann ein Studium an Universitäten ermöglicht. Der Rest der leistungsschwachen Kinder geht in die Grundschule, wo sie direkt nach der Schule auf Arbeiterjobs vorbereitet werden. Im Vergleich zum deutschen System ist in Russland alles viel einfacher. Anhand der folgenden Quelle: „Russisch – online lernen und üben. (n.d.) Das Schulsystem in Russland“ können Sie sich dessen sicher sein. In Russland beginnt die Sekundarschule in der 5. Klasse. Die einzige Zeit, in der ein Schüler eine sehr wichtige Entscheidung trifft, ist am Ende der 9. Klasse, wenn er oder sie die Wahl hat, aufs College zu gehen oder zwei weitere Jahre zur Schule zu gehen. Nach 11 Jahren Studium treten die Studenten in der Regel in die Universitäten ein und gehen nach dem College zur Arbeit. Nach Durchführung einer Studie können wir folgende Schlussfolgerung ziehen die Bildungssysteme in den Schulen in Russland und Deutschland unterscheiden sich stark voneinander. Sowohl russische als auch deutsche Schulen haben ihre eigenen Merkmale, die für Eltern bei der Wahl einer Schule für ihr Kind eine Schlüsselrolle spielen, daher hängt alles ausschließlich von den Vorlieben der Eltern ab: ob sie wollen, dass ihr Kind eine höhere Bildung erhält oder nicht, ob sie es tun, wird das Kind unmittelbar nach dem Abschluss arbeiten, ob ihr Kind ins Ausland gehen wird und so 143 weiter. Es steht fest: Das Schulsystem in Deutschland ist streng, bietet aber den Schülern und damit auch den Eltern mehr Möglichkeiten während und nach der Schule. QUELLENVERZEICHNIS Edelstein B. (2013). Das Bildungssystem in Deutschland. Make it in Germany. (n.d.). Deutschlands Schulsystem. Russisch – online lernen und üben. (n.d.) Das Schulsystem in Russland. Schüttler-Hansper M. (2018). So funktioniert das deutsche Schulsystem. RODRIGUEZ VILLA CH. L’université Nice-Sophia-Antipolis (NIZA, FRANCIA) TRADUCCIÓN MÉDICA, ¿CUÁLES SON LOS ERRORES QUE HAY QUE EVITAR? INTRODUCCION Ningún campo de la ciencia ha experimentado tantas revoluciones y avances en las últimas décadas como la medicina. Por un lado, la investigación avanza a pasos agigantados en campos tan variados como la cardiología, la genética, la comprensión del envejecimiento o los tratamientos farmacológicos, gracias a una formación excelente y al trabajo de equipos de investigación internacionales. Por otra parte, los frutos de esta investigación se difunden cada vez más rápidamente a la sociedad y a los médicos y pacientes de todo el mundo. Esta aceleración es posible gracias a las tecnologías de la información, pero también a los esfuerzos de traducción médica que hacen que estos avances estén disponibles en todo el mundo y permiten compartir los conocimientos en la comunidad científica internacional. EL OBJETIVO DE INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo del estudio es identificar los principales errors que pueden surgir las traducciones en el ámbito médico LITERATURA/ REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS Basándose en nuestra propia experiencia después de realizar 6 años de estudios en Medicina, nos gustaría resumir algunos errores que pueden provocar las consecuencias inprevistas y muy lamentables. 144 1.Equivocarse con las abreviaturas y los acrónimos. Todos los textos médicos son muy técnicos. El traductor médico se enfrenta al reto de traducir con precisión las abreviaturas y siglas, muy frecuentes en medicina. Debe ser cuidadoso para encontrar su significado real, teniendo en cuenta el contexto. Una misma abreviatura o acrónimo puede tener varios significados. El ejemplo más evidente es IVG: puede significar "Interruption Volontaire de Grossesse" o "Insuffisance Ventriculaire Gauche". Un error de traducción de este tipo podría alterar por completo la opinión de los médicos y conducir a un error de diagnóstico o de tratamiento, ¡hasta el punto de degradar el estado de salud de los pacientes! No estar al tanto a la jerga médica (Rouleau, 2003). El mundo de la medicina evoluciona constantemente debido a los avances y descubrimientos en investigación, ensayos terapéuticos, etc. Como consecuencia, aparecen neologismos y sinónimos en el lenguaje médico. La terminología médica es muy especializada y fluctúa en función de los avances médicos. Por eso es necesario estar atento a este sector para conocer los términos más recientes (publicaciones médicas, por ejemplo) y utilizar diccionarios médicos y glosarios especializados debidamente actualizados. Confiar la traduccion a un médico (Le défi, 2023). Un médico sigue siendo un médico, que domina su campo, pero sin conocimientos lingüísticos. Sería un error pensar que puede proporcionar una traducción médica tan eficaz como la realizada por un experto en traducción especializada. Traducir es una verdadera profesión y hay que conocer los códigos y las trampas. En particular, hay que dominar perfectamente la lengua de llegada y la lengua de partida. Pero eso no exluye la posibilidad de recurrir a un médico para que revise y corrija los textos traducidos en determinadas situaciones. Este paso ofrece una garantía adicional de la calidad de la traducción y de su conformidad con la terminología del sector médico en cuestión. Recurrir a un traductor no especializado en el ámbito medico. Un buen traductor bilingüe no es necesariamente la persona adecuada para realizar una traducción médica. Un traductor especializado debe haber completado una formación relacionada con su especialidad, ya sea en el ámbito médico, jurídico o financiero. También puede haber ocupado un puesto en uno de estos sectores antes de formarse como traductor. Confíar en la traducción automática. Aunque resulte obvio, conviene recordar que la traducción automática (como la de Google) tiene sus límites. Puede ayudar a comprender el significado aproximado de un texto general, pero en ningún caso puede utilizarse como herramienta fiable para la traducción médica. Y esto es cierto en muchos otros campos. No seguir una metodología de traducción médica (Les défis, 2023). Es importante que el traductor médico siga escrupulosamente las distintas fases: 145 Descodificación. Se trata de comprender el sentido general del texto antes de traducirlo. El traductor se documenta sobre el tema, ya sea anatómico, patológico, fisiológico o farmacológico. Realiza una investigación terminológica para determinar el significado de términos específicos. Puede realizar una investigación avanzada en libros especializados. Identifica las trampas semánticas (falsos amigos). Transcodificación. El traductor entra en la fase de traducción propiamente dicha. Previamente, debe determinar las particularidades del texto de partida: el destinatario, el nivel lingüístico y el estilo (informativo, exhortativo). A continuación, el traductor se propone realizar una traducción médica lo más fiel posible. Edición. El objetivo es producir un documento "bien escrito" que se ajuste al texto fuente original, pero haciendo hincapié en la claridad, la lógica, el estilo y la elegancia de la redacción. Cada etapa garantiza la calidad y la precisión de una traducción médica. LA CONCLUSIÓN En conclusión, cabe señalar que el traductor médico debe tener conocimientos lingüísticos y médicos para traducir con precisión la terminología técnica, farmacéutica y científica de un texto médico. Esta es la forma más segura de evitar errores de traducción que podrían dar lugar a errores médicos potencialmente graves. La traducción humana no puede ser sustituida (al menos de momento) por la traducción automática. Recurrir a un traductor profesional experto en traducción médica sigue siendo una apuesta segura. Cuando se trata de traducción médica, no se toleran errores. Lo que está en juego es vital para los pacientes. No puede haber aproximaciones ni en la terminología ni en la elección del traductor médico. REFERENCIAS Les défis de la traduction médicale dans le cadre d'une urgence sanitaire mondiale. URL: (fecha de acceso: 07.04.2023) Le défi de la traduction de notes médicales. URL: (fecha de acceso: 07.04.2023) Rouleau M. (2003). La terminologie médicale et ses problèmes. Panacea. IV (12). URL: 146 RUBIO J. RUDN University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) THE IMPORTANCE OF LINGUISTIC RIGHTS OF INDIGESOUS PEOPLE IN INTERNATIONAL ENVIROMENTAL LAW IN LATIN AMERICA INTRODUCTION Language for indigenous peoples, in addition to being a symbol of identity and belonging to an ethnic group, is also a tool for the transfer of traditional knowledge and ethical values, language being the main pillar for the very survival of these indigenous peoples. This is how through the transfer of language between generations of the individuals that make up said indigenous communities, it can ensure the continuity of their traditions and knowledge and prevent their disappearance (Anaya, J. 2019). There are three main problems that arise from the disappearance of these indigenous communities, one of them is that the elimination of the language and traditions of the indigenous communities leads to the elimination of the use of said dialects and the possibility of obtaining ancestral knowledge to help to control environmental crises. Another problem at present is that access to information in the language of each indigenous community to know the rights and duties they have is very limited and most of the time these groups do not know their rights, duties, and existing mechanisms to request the exercise of their rights before the State and the forms of participation to be part of the creation of public policies. However, protection mechanisms have currently been created at the international and national levels to preserve these dialects so that people can transfer knowledge of the ancestors of indigenous communities and forms of access to information and the mechanisms available to request their rights when are unfairly denied. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this work is to analyse the agreements and treaties in the field of the use of Indigenous languages of Communities in Latin America to protect and preserve the environment and avoid the environmental crisis and the importance of the translation of the international and national laws to the indigenous communities and make it possible for them to know their rights, duties, and participation mechanism. LITERATURE REVIEW In accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1976, in Article 25 all citizens have the right to participate in the conduct of public affairs either directly or through representatives, to vote and be elected, and to have access to conditions of equality in the public functions of their 147 country and in Article 27 it is established that all linguistic minorities have the right to profess their own language. Also, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of 2007, in Article 15 said that communities have the right to cultural diversity and the need for said diversity to be reflected in education and public information, adopt measures that allow the consultation and cooperation of States and indigenous peoples to combat prejudice and eliminate discrimination, uniting indigenous peoples and other sectors of society. Article 16 establishes that indigenous peoples have the right to access all nonindigenous information media without discrimination and Article 19 establishes the right of indigenous communities to consult and cooperate with national institutions to take legislative measures that affect them in addition to the need for the State to obtain free prior and informed consent. CONCLUSION The knowledge of the rights and duties of indigenous communities through inclusive language have been of great relevance so that they can protect the ancestral lands in which they have lived and are not displaced by the megaprojects that the States usually carry out without any type of consultation or participation. of the affected indigenous communities that inhabit the territories that the States have for exploitation, creating countless damages to the environment and eliminating the identity, culture and means of subsistence of the communities, such as the territory on which the indigenous communities depend for their survival. In addition to the fact that it has currently been shown that thanks to indigenous communities and their ancestral knowledge they have been able to protect 80% of the biodiversity of the territories they inhabit, and the United Nations and the World Bank have concluded that the Ancestral knowledge and experiences can be used to adapt, mitigate, and reduce the risks of climate change and natural disasters (2022). REFERENCES Berraondo, M. (2007). Pueblos indígenas y derechos humanos. Ramírez Velázquez, César Augusto. (2007). Las comunidades indígenas como usuarios de la información. Investigación bibliotecológica, 21(43), 209-230. Recuperado en 31 de marzo de 2023, de 00200009&lng=es&tlng=es IACHR, (2019) Situation of the Human Rights of the indigenous and Tribunal Peoples of the Pan-Amazon Region. How indigenous knowledge can help prevent environmental crises: Indigenous Peoples: 148 Indigenous languages: Knowledge and hope: UN, (1976) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. ILO Convention 169 on indigenous and tribal peoples of 1989. UN, (2007) United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. RUSAKOV V. The All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) RECEPTION OF ROMAN LAW IN ENGLAND. THE PECULIARITY OF THE ANGLO-SAXON LEGAL TRADITION INTRODUCTION It's no secret that Roman law occupies a key place in the history of mankind. This is the only law existing nowadays which has had its own way of formation and development: from simple rules of custom to complex contractual relations. It is difficult not to agree with F. Engels who explained the reason for the reception of Roman law in Western countries as follows: "Roman law is such a classic legal expression of the living conditions and conflicts of a society dominated by private property that all later legislation could not make any significant improvements to it." But is it so? Couldn’t England, the former "Mistress of the seas", improve the legislation and bring it to a new level of world jurisprudence? RESEARCH GOAL The main purpose of my work is to answer the question if there was a reception of Roman law in English law. LITERATURE REVIEW To date, it has almost become commonplace to believe that Roman law has bypassed England, but is this so? A small part of the "brightest minds" of our time believe that Roman law played a key role in the development of English law, it gave the basis on which it rests to this day. But still the rest, the majority, dare to assert that England has passed its own path of formation and development of law. They argue that there is no real preservation of Roman institutions of law in the Anglo-Saxon countries after the fall of the Roman Empire, the influence of Roman law manifested itself only through canonical law and in the legislation of the English monarchs; the reception of Roman law was short-lived in content; the received Roman law in England was a low law. Professor I.A. Pokrovsky wrote in his works that the formation of the Roman law school in England arose in the XII century, and it was compiled by the 149 glossator Vacarius (Vacarius). In the XIII century, the rapidly growing influence of Roman law caused strong opposition, especially on the part of the local nobility; nevertheless, teaching Roman law continued. Roman law also "exerted a powerful influence on the development of legal doctrines in England in the critical epoch of the XII and XIII centuries, when the foundation of common law was being laid." The principles of Roman law were reflected in the famous legal treatises of Glenville (about 1190) and Bracton (about 1256), which were of great importance in the courts (Pokrovsky, 1999). Since the XIII century, the English aristocracy appeared a distrust of Roman law. During the period of centralization and strengthening of royal power, two systems of courts were formed. In the XII century Henry II carried out judicial reform and introduced the institution of royal traveling judges. At the same time, local customs were the regulatory basis for dispute resolution and prosecution. Then the practice of recording decisions in litigation scrolls, and later in yearbooks, gradually developed the practice of referring to previous decisions when considering similar cases. Thus, judicial precedent becomes the main source of English law. So, back in the Middle Ages in England there was a special way of law development on the basis of judicial precedents. The study of law, first of all, involved acquaintance with and systematization of precedents. Therefore, the norms of Roman law could not take root and exist in this new legal system. A typical example of the uniqueness of reception in England is the work of Bracton "On the laws and customs of England" (XIII century). It clearly describes the common law, and focuses on the rules that were enacted by the decisions of the royal courts. As only in some situations general provisions of Roman law were applied, it could help formulate a more precise wording of legal norms (Bracton, 1272 – 1307). CONCLUSION To sum up, I would like to argue once again that Roman law was familiar to English lawyers at that time, but still, it did not determine the development of law in England. A special attitude to Roman law in England is associated with long-acting factors: the relative geographical isolation of the country, traditions that were formed by its economy as well as its political and cultural development. That is why the limited reception of Roman law in England could be accounted for by such key factors as conservatism of the ruling classes, an extremely cautious approach to the norms of common law, an exceptionally practical approach to the study of law as well as the great role of judicial practice in law-making. Thus, it becomes obvious that not only the economic and social base plays a key role in the formation of a legal system in a particular state and in a specific period of time. That's what we see some differentiation of ways of reception of Roman law and law development in England and in Europe. 150 REFERENCES Bracton, H. (1272 – 1307). On the laws and customs of England. Translated with Remsions and Notes by Samuel E. Thorn. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1968-1977. Pokrovsky, I. (1999). History of Roman law. Publishing and trading house «Summer garden». SÁVCHENKO A. RUDN-University (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) EL PAPEL DE LOS PAISES LATINOAMERICANOS EN LA PROMOCIÓN DE LA POLÍTICA DEL “PODER BLANDO” EN EL MUNDO LA INTRODUCCIÓN La imagen de un país en la palestra internacional juega, sin duda alguna, un papel clave, pero no podemos dejar al lado un factor tan importante como la percepción del país por parte de otras naciones. Por eso las autoridades de cada Estado están en una busqueda permanente para encontrar algunas estrategias para mejorar su imagen y causar una buena impresión o ocultar algunos detalles que, en cambio, pueden arruinar el prestigio del país. Las técnicas del “poder blando”, o suave, es una de tales opciones. EL OBJETIVO DE INVESTIGACIÓN El propósito de este artículo es investigar el fenómeno del “poder blando” desde el punto de vista de la política actual española y examinar las características de una posible ayuda por la parte de los países latinoamericanos para promover y fortalecer este “poder”. También vamos a ver lo que significa el término “El poder blando” y la consideración de este fenómeno en España. LITERATURA/ REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRAFICAS En el diccionario de Real Academia Española no existe una definición de la expresión “poder blando”. Sin embargo, si introducimos en el buscador del diccionario de Cambridge el término “soft power”, lo podemos traducir como “el uso de la influencia cultural y económica del país para persuadir a otros países a hacer algo en vez del uso del poder militar” (Cambrige Dictionary, 2023). Según la opinión del Noya en los países posmodernos el “poder suave” incluye los siguientes elementos: cultura, lengua, democracia, ayuda y cooperación (Torres, 2012). Se trata de la aplicación de tales métodos que ayudan a mejorar la imagen del país y hacerla más atractiva en cuanto a los ámbitos culturares, políticos y otros. Hablando más preciso, debido a los nuevos problemas en el mundo tales como la lucha con la pobreza, la polución del medio ambiente, el terrorismo, la 151 construcción de sociedad única europea, España buscaba algunas soluciones para superarlos (Kardanova, 2015). En esta situación el “poder blando” adquiría un sentido fundamental. La difusión del lenguaje, del turismo, de la cultura crearon y siguen creando una visión del país muy colorido, memorable que difiere España entre otros Estados. Pero no podemos olvidar que fuera de España vive mucha gente hispanohablante sin la cual no habría tanta influencia por parte de todo el conjunto de factores y conceptos que radican en el fenomeno de la Hispanidad. Lo mas importante es que los países latinoamericanos promoviéndose sus intereses en el área de diversión (en particular en el ámbito de la música, arte, literatura, cine y etc.) y al mismo tiempo en el área de economía en relaciones con los países cercanos, ayuden a crear una imagen positiva de España también. Como ya se mencionó, el “poder blando” incluye el elemento de ayuda y cooperación. Por ejemplo, cuando Felipe VI era el Príncipe, él asistía las tomas de posesión de los presidentes latinoamericanos lo que significaba que cada país y su política tenían mucha importancia para España, o a pesar de las diferencias políticas estaba presente en la inauguracion del presidente de Brasil J. de Bolsonario (Malamud, Olivié, Escribano, 2020). Tales, por la primera vista, cosas innecesarias creían una buena impresión en el mundo y además atraían la atención de los ciudadanos de los países latinoamericanos. LA CONCLUSIÓN De este modo, cabe señalar que para España es muy relevante mantener el vínculo con Latinoamérica porque la última aporta su parte importante en la percepción de España en el mundo. España tiene una potencia grande que está en pleno desarrollo no solo por adoptar las nuevas tendencias del mundo cambiante que construyen la visión del país moderno sino también transmitiendo tradiciones poco conocidas y diplomacia pública. REFERENCIAS Cambrige dictionary (la fecha de consulta 19.03.23). Kardanova, M. L. (2015). Recursos de formación del “Poder blando” de la España moderna. Lecturas universitarias. Materiales de las lecturas científicas y metódicas de PGLU, 11, 84-91. Malamud, C., Olivié, I., Escribano, G. (2020). Informe Elcano, 29. 41-43. Torres, J.L. (2012). El poder blando de la marca-país: del marketing a la diplomacia pública. Redmarka UIMA, 8, 133-148. 152 SENICHEVA O. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) PROBLEMS OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: BRIDGING THE GAP INTRODUCTION In today's globalized world, intercultural communication has become an essential skill. Whether it's in business, education, or personal relationships, understanding and navigating cultural differences is crucial for success. The relevance of this topic is due to the necessary unhindered exchange of information and ideas between people from different cultures. This includes understanding and adapting to cultural norms and values, as well as recognizing and overcoming barriers to effective communication. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this work is to identify the main problems of intercultural communication and determine the role of the latter in people's lives. ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION One of the biggest challenges of intercultural communication is overcoming stereotypes and biases. Stereotypes are preconceived notions about a particular group of people, often based on limited or inaccurate information. These stereotypes can lead to misunderstandings and negative attitudes towards others, and can create barriers to effective communication. Overcoming stereotypes requires an open mind and a willingness to learn about and understand other cultures. Another key aspect of intercultural communication is adapting to cultural differences in communication styles. Different cultures have different norms and expectations around communication, such as the use of direct versus indirect language, the amount of eye contact, and the use of nonverbal cues. Understanding and adapting to these differences can help avoid misunderstandings and build stronger relationships. A third challenge of intercultural communication is navigating cultural differences in values and beliefs. Different cultures may have different values around family, religion, education, and other important aspects of life. Understanding and respecting these differences can help build trust and avoid conflicts. Despite these challenges, intercultural communication can be a rewarding and enriching experience. By learning about and engaging with other cultures, we can broaden our perspectives and gain new insights into the world around us. We can also build stronger relationships with people from different backgrounds, and work together more effectively to achieve common goals. 153 CONCLUSION In conclusion, intercultural communication is an essential skill for success in today's globalized world. It requires us to overcome stereotypes and biases, adapt to cultural differences in communication styles, and navigate differences in values and beliefs. By doing so, we can build stronger relationships with people from different backgrounds, and work together more effectively to achieve our goals. REFERENCES Duglina, E. A. (2016). Stereotypes as a problem of intercultural communication. Collection of materials of the All-Russian student scientificpractical conference. Moscow: RUDN University. Eleulova K. R. (2016). Modern problems of intercultural communication. Collection of materials of the All-Russian student scientific-practical conference 2016.Moscow: RUDN University. Merinova S. Yu. (2016) Actual problems of intercultural communication. Collection of materials of the All-Russian student scientific-practical conference 2016. Moscow: RUDN University. SHCHUR A. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) PROBLEMS IN LEARNING LEGAL ENGLISH INTRODUCTION Today, a professional lawyer cannot exist without knowing English. However, it is quite common to see situations where learning it becomes a real challenge, especially when legal terminology is included in the simple English syllabus. In this regard, I find it necessary to draw attention in my article to the possible difficulties that arise on the way to becoming a professional. RESEARCH GOAL The aim of the study is to analyse the current process of learning legal English and the knowledge gained through qualified teachers and to compare the terminology of different legal systems. LITERATURE REVIEW This article is based on the publications of such authors as Azizova S. M., Alontseva N. V., Eremeeva G. R., Baranov A. R., Mefodieva M. A., Kuznetsova S. V., Gramm D. V. The above-mentioned authors provide clear definitions of the aims and prospects of learning English in Russia, as well as a number of recommendations for its improvement. 154 CONCLUSION In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that as the demand for legal English increases, so does the need for professional teachers. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the professional to be responsible for his or her own professionalism, so knowledge of the above features is essential in the first place for a lawyer who has decided to develop his or her professional English. Increasing globalisation, stronger economic ties and more opportunities for those professionals who know English well have led to a corresponding demand for legal English. However, this is a temporary phenomenon and the development of skills that will help professionals to become competitive must take place on a permanent, regular basis. When deciding to learn legal English, one should bear in mind that there are two main groups of features that may cause certain difficulties for an untrained person. The first one is the peculiarities of vocabulary, grammar and structure of English legal sentences; the second one is the difference between the Russian legal system and the legal systems of the countries of the studied language. That's why I think it's reasonable to point out a number of problems and corresponding recommendations that can arise in the process of learning this section of English. Firstly, it is advisable to start studying legal English when the level of general English, including grammar, is at least intermediate, i.e. when a student can construct a sentence competently and is generally able to adequately express his or her thoughts in English. Secondly, a sufficiently solid knowledge of Russian law is required, since legal English is studied in a comparative manner, i.e. different legal systems are compared in the process of study. In this regard, it is advisable to study Legal English in parallel with studying law at university, for example, and it is desirable to start not from the first semester of studying law in Russian, but at least from the second semester. Thirdly, the English legal vocabulary is difficult even for native English speakers, as it includes Latinisms, French and Anglo-Saxon words and phrases, professional jargon and formal expressions, clichés, and thus presents enough of a challenge for English and general law students. Often the students of legal English have to analyse not only the legal term but also a whole layer of vocabulary related to any sphere of law, correlating it to those notions and terms that are used in the Russian reality, which forces them to study a large amount of material on the topic and which is certainly time-consuming. Take, for example, the word "contract". It is common knowledge that variants of translation of this term are "agreement, contract". And it is not possible to translate "gift contract" into English using the word "contract" because it includes "consideration". Hence, "contract of gift" in English would be "deed 155 of gift". It is worth noting the fact that mistakes made in legal documents can have disastrous consequences, including significant material losses. Fourthly, it should be remembered that although both the US and the UK are common (case law), there are differences in both terms and systems. For example, in the UK there is no division of courts into state and federal courts. The US and the UK use different classifications of crimes according to severity. The division of crimes into felonies (serious crimes), misdemeanors (minor crimes) and infractions (administrative offences, which in some states are classified as civil offences) adopted in the US existed in the UK until 1967, i.e. until the Criminal Law Act was passed; a different classification of crimes is now used in the UK. "Plaintiff" in American English and in Scotland is "plaintiff", while in England and Wales it is "claimant". Foundation documents are called differently: "Articles of Association" in British English is "Articles of Association"; "Charter" is characteristic of American English, etc. Fifthly, it is necessary to devote sufficient time to independent work in the course of studies, search for additional material on the studied topics, compare features of legal reality of the Anglo-American and Russian systems of law, analyze statutory acts and precedents, etc. It is also worth mentioning the need to keep track of recent trends and changes in both English and legal systems. For example, we should note some blurring of clear boundaries between "barrister" and "solicitor", the emergence of the Supreme Court in England and Wales, etc. At the same time the main task of teaching foreign languages in Russia at present is to teach language as a real and complete means of communication. This also applies to English for special purposes (legal language). For example, the communicative competence of a lawyer can be defined as "the ability of a specialist to communicate in the process of performing various legal actions and solving legal tasks on the basis of specially formed knowledge and skills" (Алонцева Н.В., 2007). The study of legal English should not be limited to reading and translation of legal texts. Professional-oriented teaching of English implies active interaction of all participants in the educational process, in which "there is a mutually useful general exchange of information in a foreign language, acquisition of skills of communicative interaction to solve professional tasks" (Еремеева Г. Р., Баранова А. Р., Мефодьева М. А, 2016). It is important to remind about the necessity to learn general English in parallel with legal English because lawyers in international companies communicate not only among themselves and not only on legal topics. One should not forget about friendliness, friendliness, smiling, cultural specificities of the countries of the languages studied as well as business etiquette. For example, a reply to a text message or an e-mail is obligatory, as is the lack of categorical language, which is typical for the Russian language. 156 Attention should also be paid to the fact that the Legal English course teaches students exactly legal English and not law, i.e. the focus is on learning legal terms, English grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, etc. It should be borne in mind that there is no requirement for a legal English teacher to have a legal education, i.e. a teacher is entitled to teach legal English with the qualification to teach general English. Of course, it would be very effective for legal English to be taught by a linguist and a lawyer in the same person, but such teachers are very few. Some specialists suggest a pedagogical tandem of two teachers, one of whom is a specialist in teaching English and the other a professional in law, as a way of solving this problem, although we think this idea is extremely difficult to put into practice. In conclusion, I would like to note that the goal of any professional education is for a future professional, including a lawyer, to achieve a high level of professional competence, and if students have sufficient motivation and capacity to learn legal English, then, in my opinion, they should do everything in their power to ensure that by learning legal English they will indeed become high level professionals. REFERENCES Азизова С. М. (2016). Особенности профессионально ориентированного обучения английскому языку студентов юридического профиля. Педагогический журнал. № 4. С. 251–260. Алонцева Н. В. (2007). Обучение студентов-юристов учебнопрофессиональной коммуникации на английском языке. Вестник РУДН. Серия: Вопросы образования: языки и специальность. № 1. С. 64–67. Еремеева Г. Р., Баранова А. Р., Мефодьева М. А. (2016). Профессионально ориентированное обучение английскому языку студентов неязыковых специальностей. Казанский педагогический журнал. Т. 2. № 2. С. 339–342. Кузнецова С. В., Грамма Д. В. (2015). Некоторые вопросы обучения профессионально ориентированному английскому языку. Инновационная наука. № 12. С. 229–230. 157 SHISHKOVA N., GUSEVA M. Vladimir State University (VLADIMIR, RUSSIA) MODERN ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGY BASED ON CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS INTRODUCTION The research deals with a variety of English phraseological units connected with customs and traditions. The linguistic background of the paper is formed on the basis of Alexander V. Kunin’s ideas in the field of phraseological theory the effective method of phraseological analysis that was proposed by the scholar Kunin, A.V. (1996). as well as on some innovative trends in the phraseological studies (Fedulenkova, 2019). RESEARCH GOAL The object of study is phraseological units based on British customs and traditions, which were extracted out of to the modern idioms dictionary Cowie, A.P., Mackin, R. and McCaig, I.R. (2000). The research goal consists in grouping phraseological units under study according to a set of peculiar features in their etymology. (Fedulenkova, 2014). THE ITEMS OF THE ANALYSIS Our analysis of the layer of English phraseology under study is associated with different spheres of life of the British and shows their multiplicity and variety in English culture. Phraseological units can reflect national culture through their prototypes that are able to reveal specific information on the source of their origin: a) customs: dance attendance (on) – follow someone seeking his/her attention, according to an old custom, at the wedding party, the bride had to dance with any guest who invited her to dance; beating of bounds – to define the boundaries of a parish by making a procession around them and hitting the ground with rods; b) traditions: different locutions related to the phrase cup of tea, such as an old cup of tea – an old lady; an unpleasant cup of tea – a gloomy man; to be one’s cup of tea – according with one’s liking or taste; c) beliefs: have kissed the Blarney stone – to be a flatterer, according to the legend reading that part of the Blarney stone gives the gift of eloquence to the one who kissed it; devil’s dozen – thirteen, damn dozen, associated with medieval beliefs about the number of witches at the Sabbath. d) holidays: All Fool Day – day of joke deceptions, when it is customary to make fun of each other; August Bank Holiday – a holiday celebrated for two days in England four times a year, etc. 158 CONCLUSION Thus, the analysis enable us to group the PUs investigated into a number of clusters according to their origin specificities. The analysis confirms the hypothesis that those phraseological units present a relevant stock of knowledge about people’s history and culture – the language bearer, which is considered to be of great value for the current development of English phraseology and is sure to be of effective use in cross-cultural communication. REFERENCES Cowie, A.P., Mackin, R. and McCaig, I.R. (2000). Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fedulenkova, T. (2014) Usual functions of English phraseological unit. In Slowo. Tekst. Czas XII. Frazeologia w systemach jezykow slowianskich. Tom 2. Szczecin, Greifswald. Fedulenkova, T. (2019). Isomorphism and allomorphism of English, German and Swedish phraseological units based on metaphor, Studia Germanica, Romanica et Comparatistica, vol. 15, 3(45), 126‒134. Kunin, A.V. (1996). A course of modern English Phraseology. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola. SHMELEV A. RUDN-University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) PECULIARITIES OF THE USE AND TRANSLATION OF LATIN EXPRESSIONS IN LEGAL ENGLISH INTRODUCTION The use of Latin phrases and sentences in legal English has a long-standing tradition that dates to the times of the Roman Empire. Today, many legal terms and expressions continue to be used in various legal contexts, while others have taken a more specialized meaning within specific branches of law. Many Latin phrases are still used today in several legal documents, including contracts, court rulings, or statutes. However, while Latin may be a common language for professionals within the legal industry, litigation specialists, such as in-house legal teams or law firms, it may not be so straightforward for those who are not familiar with its peculiarities. RESEARCH GOAL The translation of Latin legal phrases poses several challenges for legal translators, such as the differences between the origin and target languages, or the complexity of the concepts involved. In this article, I have tried to highlight the main problems a translator may encounter. 159 LITERATURE REVIEW One of the most important aspects to consider when translating Latin legal phrases is the context of the text. Latin terms can have specific meanings depending on the subject matter they relate to, making it necessary for legal translators to be familiar with the corresponding legal terminology. Also, the use of Latin terms is sometimes a reflection of the procedure, rule, or principle being used in the originating country. Thus, when translating from one legal system to another, it is important to ensure that the translation is accurate and appropriate in the intended jurisdiction. Legal Latin phrases also have a highly specialized language, with specific terms having distinct meanings. For instance, "ipso facto" is a Latin expression that means automatically or by itself, while "per se" refers to something being considered inherently or intrinsically. These expressions are commonly used in legal English, but their precise meaning can differ depending on the context. As such, legal translators must take care to translate these phrases in a manner that reflects the intended meaning in the target language. Another challenge of translating Latin legal phrases is that they may not have a direct equivalent in the target language. For example, the legal term "habeas corpus," which is widely used and recognized in the legal profession, is a Latin phrase that refers to a legal action to release a person who is being unlawfully detained (Emanuel S. 1999). Such terms offer a significant challenge to translators since other languages may not have a direct equivalent leading to a need to adequately explain legal terminology as used in specific legal systems. Third peculiarity of the use and translation of Latin phrases and sentences in legal English is that they often have a specific meaning that is different from their literal translation. For example, the phrase "stare decisis" is used in English legal language to refer to the doctrine of precedent, which means that courts should follow the decisions of higher courts in similar cases (Sneha Solanki,2023) The literal translation of "stare decisis" is "to stand by the thing decided," but its legal meaning is much more specific. To better understand the use and translation of Latin phrases and sentences in legal English, it is important to consult reliable sources. One such source is Black's Law Dictionary, which is widely recognized as the definitive legal dictionary in the United States. The dictionary provides definitions and explanations of Latin phrases and sentences commonly used in legal language. Other sources include legal textbooks, academic articles, and legal documents themselves. CONCLUSION Translating Latin legal phrases can be a challenging experience for legal translators, requiring specialized knowledge of the legal terminology and concepts in both the original and target languages. Legal translators must consider the context, terminology, and meaning of the phrase or sentence they are translating, ensuring that the translated legal document mirrors the original 160 meaning accurately. As such, utilizing specialized legal dictionaries or partnering with legal experts is necessary. REFERENCES Bryan A. Garner (2019). Black's Law Dictionary, 11th edition. St. Paul, MN: Thomson Reuters. Emanuel S. (1999). PJ. Latin for Lawyers. Larchmont, NY: Emanuel Pub. Corp. Sneha Solanki (2023). The doctrine of stare decisis. SHVAREVA A. RUDN-Université (MOSCOU, RUSSIE) ORGANISATION TERRITORIALE DE LA FRANCE INTRODUCTION La France est divisée en communes, cantons, arrondissements, départements et régions. La Constitution française les proclame collectivités territoriales, entités sociopolitiques comprenant la population et les autorités. La division administrative et territoriale de la France semble assez complexe en raison des niveaux d'unités et de la présence non seulement de territoires continentaux, mais aussi d'outre-mer, qui ont également leur propre division. BUT DE LA RECHERCHE Examiner et analyser les unités administratives et territoriales de la France. ANALYSE DE LA LITTÉRATURE La région est le haut niveau de la division territoriale de la France. Depuis le 1er janvier 2016, à la suite de la réforme territoriale, leur nombre est de 18, dont 13 en métropole (partie européenne de la France et les îles les plus proches de l'océan Atlantique, de La Manche et de la Méditerranée) et 5 dans les territoires d'outre-mer (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, Réunion et Mayotte). Avant cette réforme, le nombre total de régions était de 27. Chaque région est divisée en départements – la principale unité administrative et territoriale de la France. En métropole ils sont 96 et 5 autres sont dans les territoires d'outre-mer, un dans chaque arrondissement. Le chef-lieu du département est la préfecture, la ville où se trouve le perfect. Les départements sont constitués de circonscriptions, pour un total de 342 pour l'ensemble des départements. Les circonscriptions sont divisés en unités encore plus petites – les cantons. Un canton s'étend sur plusieurs communes: selon les dernières statistiques il y en a 34955 sur l'ensemble de la France. 161 Dans les territoires d'outre-mer, il existe des communautés d'outre-mer introduites après la réforme de 2003, dont 5: Polynésie française, Saint-Pierreet-Miquelon, Wallis-et-Futuna, Saint-Martin et Saint-Barthélemy. La Nouvelle-Calédonie a un statut particulier, avec sa division et une large autonomie. Les autres territoires d'outre-mer comprennent Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF) et Île de Clipperton. Il existe collectivités à statut particulier, dont le statut est mentionné à l'article 72 de la Constitution – Corse, Métropole de Lyon, Ville de Paris et Collectivité européenne d'Alsace. CONCLUSION La division territoriale de la France composée de plusieurs niveaux est complexe. La décentralisation existe depuis 1982, mais les dernières réformes indiquent le contraire. Il y a aussi un certain nombre de revendications d'autres États sur les territoires d'outre-mer. RÉFÉRENCES Bezes P., Le Lidec P. (2010). L’hybridation du modèle territorial français: RGPP et réorganisations de l’Etat territorial. Revue française d’administration publique. №136. P. 919-942. Marcou G. (2012). Changements et permanences dans le système français d'administration territoriale. Revue française d'administration publique. №141. 2012. Marcou G. (2016). Le système français d'administration territoriale après la Réforme. Annuaire des Collectivités Locales. P. 55–67. SILAKOVA M. N. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERM LEGAL DESIGN IN ENGLISH AND IN RUSSIAN INTRODUCTION The appearance of any new phenomenon is accompanied by the emergence of special terminology. The emergence of the Internet network and computerization became the beginning for global transformations. The rapid development of technology favored the formation of visual rotation and the development of the oculocentrism trend. There is more information, and less time to perceive it. Therefore, visualization has become one of the main ways of transmitting information, which helps to effectively assimilate data. Visualization is the presentation of information in the form of a system convenient for visual perception and analysis. 162 One of the forms of visualization in the legal environment is legal design. This phenomenon is gaining popularity significantly. There are disputes in the legal community regarding the use of the term "legal design". RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this article is to identify the features of the development of the term legal design in English and in Russian. ANALYSIS OF LEGAL DESIGN TERM For the first time, the term legal design was used by Margaret Hagan, a lecturer at Stanford Law School, in 2016. In her book, she defines legal design as the application of human-centered design to the world of law, to make legal systems and services more human-centered, usable, and satisfying (Margaret Hagan, 2020). In the early 2020s, the number of scientific publications is growing rapidly. The term is becoming widely known. So, the Legal Design Alliance communities define legal design as not only referring to the legislative system, but also including doctrine, jurisprudence, decisions, social norms, contractual provisions, policies. The topic of legal design is considered in these publications in the context of the concept of proactive law and preventive justice. In Russia, legal design began to gain popularity in 2021. This phenomenon is rapidly developing in legal practice, but there is little scientific research on this topic in Russian. The term has not yet been fixed in existing publications. Many researchers use English word-combination in their articles and write legal design (Pivtsaikin, 2023). Others try to make their texts as clear as possible for the Russian-speaking reader and use the term "юридический дизайн". However, this translation is not accurate according to some scientists and practitioners. In Russian, the word design is associated with visual aesthetics, beauty. In English, design means "project", "construction". The English language connects design not with the external visual embodiment of any idea, but with the constructive, product development from the inside, the creation of a certain system. In Russian the term legal design is most correctly translated by means of conveying the idea of "designer of legal products". However, this term is difficult to understand, so in the Russian language, new visualization techniques are defined by transliteration, or replaced with a more convenient and understandable analogue (Moscow Digital School. 2022). In addition, the word legal, due to its consonance with the Russian word for legality, distorts the perception of the described object. CONCLUSION The terminology of legal product design is little studied in Russian science. It is possible that due to the tendency to get rid of borrowed terms, the legal community will exclude the term legal design and thoroughly replace it with a Russian-language analogue. 163 REFERENCES Hagan, M. Law by design.URL: Moscow Digital School. The Legal Design Alliance. Yankovskiy R.M. (2019). Legal Design: New Challenges and New Opportunities. Zakon, №5. pp. 76—86. SOLTANIBAHREHMAND R. SOLTANIBAHREHMAND S. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) LANGUAGE AND LAW: EXPLORING THE COMPLEX RELATIONSHIP INTRODUCTION Language and law are two intertwined and essential elements of human society. Language is the primary means of communication and a vital tool for conveying information, while law is the regulatory framework that governs societal norms and behavior. The relationship between language and law is complex, as language plays a fundamental role in the interpretation and application of legal rules and regulations (Friedland, 2018). This essay aims to explore the relationship between language and law by examining the ways in which language influences legal systems, the challenges that arise from this relationship, and the potential solutions to address these challenges. RESEARCH GOALS The research goals of this essay are as follows: To examine the role of language in the interpretation and application of legal rules and regulations. To explore the challenges that arise from the complex relationship between language and law. To identify potential solutions to address these challenges and improve the effectiveness of legal systems. LITERATURE REVIEW Language plays a crucial role in the interpretation and application of legal rules and regulations. Legal language is often complex, technical, and laden with jargon, making it difficult for laypeople to understand. Legal professionals must possess specialized knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of legal language and effectively apply it in their work. Furthermore, language is essential in determining the intent and meaning of legal documents, such as contracts, statutes, and court rulings. The 164 interpretation of legal language is crucial to ensure the fair and just application of the law. The complex relationship between language and law presents several challenges. One significant challenge is the potential for ambiguity in legal language, leading to confusion and misinterpretation. Ambiguity arises when legal language is vague or open to multiple interpretations, making it difficult to discern the precise meaning of legal rules and regulations. This ambiguity can lead to inconsistencies in legal decisions and undermine the fairness and effectiveness of legal systems (Mason, 2018). Another challenge is the potential for language barriers to impede access to justice. Language barriers can make it difficult for individuals who do not speak the language of the legal system to understand their legal rights and obligations. This can result in individuals being unable to access the legal system effectively and, as a result, being disadvantaged in legal proceedings (Heffer & Lin, 2019). To address these challenges, legal systems must prioritize the use of plain language and strive to make legal documents more accessible to the general public. This can be achieved by using simple, clear language, avoiding jargon, and providing explanations of legal terms and concepts. Legal professionals must also prioritize their efforts to ensure that individuals who do not speak the language of the legal system have access to language services, such as interpreters and translation services (Friedland, 2018). CONCLUSION In conclusion, the relationship between language and law is complex and presents several challenges. Language plays a vital role in the interpretation and application of legal rules and regulations, but it can also lead to ambiguity and language barriers that impede access to justice. To improve the effectiveness of legal systems, legal professionals must prioritize the use of plain language and ensure that language services are available to those who need them. By doing so, legal systems can promote fairness, equity, and access to justice for all members of society. REFERENCES Friedland, S. (2018). Language and the law. In The Routledge Handbook of Language and Law (pp. 1-14). Routledge. Heffer, C., & Lin, A. (Eds.). (2019). Language and Law: A Resource Book for Students. Routledge. Mason, D. (2018). Language and Law: An Overview. In The Routledge Handbook of Language and Law (pp. 15-29). Routledge. 165 SÜMEYYE ZEMZEM DAŞPINAR, MUSTAFA ZEKI ÇIRAKLI Karadeniz Technical University (TURKEY) DEVELOPING WRITING SKILLS AND CRITICAL THINKING THROUGH CREATIVE POETRY WRITING: AN ACTION RESEARCH AND NARRATIVE INQUIRY Abstract Poetry is the most challenging et flexible genrey, as its power does not merely arise from strict and prescribed rules. A poetic speaker conveys his/her feelings and thoughts in a way that may distort harmony within itself regardless of specific generic, structural, systematic or semantic rules. “Regarding the production of figure and style in poetry, discordance, divergence, inconsistency and distortion, are as efficient techniques as accordance, convergence, harmony and conformity” (Çıraklı, 2023). So, poetry writing provides learners with a free and relaxed experiential space, reducing anxiety. As long as the writing skills environment reduces anxiety to a critical level, the learners can be more creative. This is because a poem’s “symbolic and semiotic (Lacan) space” is so “fluid” and “evading” that the student can have a more intimate and genuine experience. In fact, poetry can tolerate any linguistic or stylistic inappropriateness, and any deviation may turn out to be an innovation. There is no mistake nor misspelling, or misuse in poetry. Anything the poet utters in a poem is an art and creation, providing that the peace sounds like a poem. Such a creative medium presents an individual with freedom and creativity at the highest level. The concept of “experientiality”, therefore, is central to this study. This study aims to integrate “action research” and “narrative inquiry” that can guide the participant who wants to write poems in line with the feedback from the writing coach. The study explores the effect of poetry writing in improving writing skills through creative poetry writing in Turkish and English. The language of our work is English, and the poems to be studied and produced will be 50% in the mother tongue (Turkish) and 50% in a foreign language (English). A writing coach accompanied the learner, who evaluated, re-evaluated, and reflected on her experience during the process. Here are the questions related to this project: 1. How is the poetry writing process carried out using action research and qualitative narrative inquiry? 2. How to develop writing skills, critical thinking and literary comprehension by integrating creative poetry writing? The study argues that anxiety is the central and sole challenge in any learning medium and setting. Once we can achieve reducing anxiety, we can enhance the potential for learners’ creativity. Poetry, at an elementary level and as gameplay, is a genre which does not require complying with restrictive or 166 prescriptive rules and may welcome any mistake, misuse or misspelling as stylistic elements. Learners can feel more relaxed in the poetic space, therefore, more creative in poetry writing, which improves their vocabulary development, literary critical skills and writing skills. The study showed that writing poetry offers particular strategies and techniques for individual learners to reduce anxiety, increase motivation, and set out learner autonomy. Through a low-pressure environment, the learner experiences spontaneity, overflow, fun, gameplaying, interaction, meaningfulness, construction and deconstruction at a time. The gist idea of the technique is that poetry creates its linguistic rules, semantic relations and cultural codes, which inspires creativity. The action research process covered rounds and sessions of writing, and suggestive feedback from the writing coach helped improve the participant’s reflections. The study concluded that creative poetry writing with a writing coach enabled the learner to (a) increase mindfulness about how poetry and poetic language work; (b) increase awareness of sound and sense in poetry and any literary verbal text; (c) remarkably develop verbal apparatus and expand the user’s vocabulary range; (d) learn critical terms, particularly metaphor, with ease; (e) develop a sense of the arts. Keywords: writing skills, critical thinking, anxiety, postromantic theory, creative poetry writing Acknowledgement The project and the researcher were supported and funded by TUBITAK, Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council. The present paper, including revisions and discussions, is mainly based on the research report carried out as part of the authors’ project: “Developing Writing Skills and Critical Thinking through Creative Poetry Writing: A Narrative Inquiry and Action Research”. Supervised by M. Z. Çıraklı, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkiye, 2023. TARUN SARKAR RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) CHINA’S LANGUAGE EDUCATION POLICY AND ITS IMPLICATION- AN OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION With globalization, English has become an international language to communicate among countries and cultures. It has emerged as a lingua franca for business as well as for academic and research purposes. In recent decades, the growing number of research and publications of English for Specific 167 Purposes in the Asia Pacific region is one of the biggest proofs in this regard (Basturkmen, 2022). China, as one of the important countries in this region, always maintained a leading position with the highest number of publications in English language research. This success is the outcome of several language learning policies adopted by the Chinese govt. in the last few decades. Therefore, this essay endeavors to provide an overview of the policies adopted by the Chinese govt. and some practical implications for Chinese English learners. ENGLISH EDUCATION IN CHINA PROJECT 985 AND PROJECT 211 To improve its academic competence and promote internationalism, the Chinese govt. in the last few decades has invested heavily in research establishments, especially in higher educational institutions. Project 211 and Project 985 is an example of such initiatives. Project 211 was initiated by China’s Ministry of Education in 1995 with the goal to improve and strengthen around 100 key universities and colleges all over China. And Project 985 was launched by the then president Jiang Zemin on May 4, 1998, with the goal of creating world-class Universities of global repute from inside China. Currently, 39 universities have been included in this list. PROMOTION OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSE (EAP) Realizing the fact that the English language is indispensable for academic research (Liddicoat, 2016), the Chinese government has promoted English for Academic Purpose (EAP) to all Project 985 universities. This has encouraged and created the academic and psychological foundation among Chinese scholars and researchers to share their research outcomes in English through participation in international conferences, publication of research articles, and collaboration with universities of repute from developed countries. NATIVE SPEAKERISM IN ENGLISH EDUCATION POLICY China has followed the native speakerism approach for the majority of its history in the pursuit of the best outcomes related to English learning. This is evident in their major policy decisions regarding English teacher recruitment in reputed higher education institutions (Zhou, Y. & Ding, Y, 2020). However, due to the scarcity of qualified English teacher recruiters in the Chinese ESL market, smaller cities often hire under-qualified native speakers or non-native English speakers on business or tourist visas bypassing the government watchdog organizations. REFORMS IN NATIONAL LEVEL ENGLISH EXAMS (CET) The College English Test, popularly known as CET is a national-level EFL test in China that examines whether the English proficiency level of undergraduate and postgraduate level learners meet the requirement as specified in the National College English Teaching Syllabuses (NCETS). This test has existed for 26 years and underwent several reforms. Although it tests the 168 reading, writing, and listening skills of the test takers, it does have a speaking assessment component that is held twice a year, and students with more than 550 points in CET 4 or 485 points in CET 6 are eligible to appear for it. The Chinese government in the last few years has brought several major reforms in its national-level English proficiency tests to increase its validity and acceptability worldwide among higher education institutions. TEXTBOOKS REFORM The Chinese government has also introduced content-based English education in elementary, middle and high schools and at university levels as a part of English textbook reforms. Several social, economic and political themes of glocal importance have been introduced in university English textbooks. Special funds have been allocated to the top-ranking Universities to form small committees of ten to twelve experienced teachers to develop textbooks based on themes that can promote awareness about Chinese culture and English language learning among Chinese English learners at the same time. Topics like ‘ Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind'; 'Antiterrorism'; 'Chinese culture and heritage' therefore have found a place in university textbooks. Teachers are also advised to practice Project Based Language Learning (PBLL) to create deeper engagement and interaction with the contents and develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities (Wang. S, 2020). CONCLUSION In spite of all these efforts by the Chinese government and years of English learning, it has been found that there is a general reticence among Chinese learners to study English (Sang, Y., & Hiver, P. 2021). Following are some critical observations in this regard. Firstly, the need for and use of the English language in Chinese society is limited. To get into any industry in China one does not need English skills as mandatory. Although some companies ask for CET 4 certification while recruitment, in day-to-day work, or for promotion, they hardly require to use English. Obsession with native-like perfection is the second reason that hinders many Chinese English learners from studying English. In some Chinese schools and universities, English teachers often set a very high requirement to achieve a native-like accent, pronunciation, and fluency which in an EFL context is very difficult to achieve. English instead of being a tool of communication often emerges as an emblem of social status in Chinese society and anyone who can’t reach close to that standard often feels reluctant about learning English. Lastly, in the exam-based education system in China, English learners put more effort into grammar and vocabulary learning, reading, and writing compared to listening and speaking skills as they are not integrated into most exams. Although, there are several other reasons but above mentioned are the prominent ones. To 169 conclude, in order to overcome these challenges and promote a healthy English learning environment further research-based modification is required across levels of education. REFERENCES Basturkmen, H. (2022). Current trends in ESP research in the Asia Pacific region. World Englishes, 41, 512–522. Liddicoat, A. J. (2016). Language planning in universities: Teaching, research and administration. Current Issues in Language Planning, 17(3–4), 231–241. Sang, Y., & Hiver, P. (2021). Using a language socialization framework to explore chinese students’ L2 reticence in english language learning. Linguistics and Education,61, 100904. j.linged.2021.100904 Wang, S, (2020). Project-based Language Learning in China: A Literature Review Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 6672 doi: Zhou, Y., & Ding, Y. (2020). The project of “Chinese culture going global” and its implications for college English teaching in china. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 10(10), 1273-1278. TAUSHKANOV G. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) THE IMPACT OF AI AND NEURAL NETWORKS ON DATA PRIVACY REGULATION IN RUSSIA: CONSENT MANAGEMENT TOOLS INTRODUCTION The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and neural networks in various sectors is transforming industries and offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and economic growth. However, this rapid advancement has also raised data privacy concerns worldwide. Russia, a country at the forefront of AI development, faces the challenge of balancing the vast potential of AI with the need for robust data privacy regulations and mechanisms. This article delves into privacy regulations in Russia, the challenges related to data privacy, potential solutions, consent management tools, and international examples and citations in the field of data privacy. PRIVACY REGULATIONS IN RUSSIA Privacy regulations in Russia are primarily governed by Federal Law No. 152FZ, "On Personal Data." This law establishes the rights and responsibilities of data operators and data subjects, outlining general principles for processing 170 and protecting personal data. However, the law has been criticized for inadequately addressing the challenges posed by AI and neural networks. Limitations include unclear provisions on automated decision-making, insufficient cross-border data transfer regulations, and a lack of guidance on privacy-enhancing technologies. Consequently, there's a growing consensus that Russia must update and strengthen its privacy regulations to tackle challenges arising from AI and neural networks effectively. CHALLENGES FOR DATA PRIVACY AI and neural networks often require extensive data volumes, including sensitive personal information, for training and optimization (Fei-Fei et al., 2006). This necessitates careful handling and protection of collected data. Key challenges for data privacy in Russia include: 1. Data Collection: The demand for significant quantities of data to train, optimize, and validate AI models raises concerns about the extent of data collection, the efficacy of consent mechanisms, and the security measures implemented to safeguard sensitive data. 2. Data Anonymization: Ensuring the anonymity of personal data in the context of neural networks is challenging due to the risk of re-identification through advanced data analysis. A structured approach to data anonymization must be incorporated, considering the legal requirements and responsibilities associated with data protection. 3. Cross-Border Data Transfers and Legal Implications: AI systems often rely on international resources, necessitating an understanding of the legal framework governing cross-border data transfers to ensure compliance while fostering international cooperation and innovation. 4. Data Breaches: As the use of neural networks expands, the risk of data breaches increases. Ensuring that organizations using AI technologies have robust security measures in place is vital to protect sensitive information and maintain public trust. CONSENT MANAGEMENT TOOLS Consent management tools play a crucial role in ensuring that personal data is collected and processed in accordance with privacy regulations (Tene et al., 2018). These tools help organizations obtain and manage user consent, allowing individuals to control how their data is used. Some key features of effective consent management tools include: 1 Transparent Consent Requests: Providing clear, concise, and easy-tounderstand consent requests helps individuals make informed decisions about their data. Consent management tools should facilitate the design and implementation of such requests. 2 Consent Tracking and Record-Keeping: Robust record-keeping mechanisms enable organizations to maintain an audit trail of user consent, demonstrating 171 compliance with privacy regulations and enhancing trust between data subjects and data operators. 3 Granular Consent Options: Offering granular consent options allows users to choose specific data processing activities they consent to, providing greater control over their personal information. 4 Easy Consent Withdrawal: Consent management tools should make it simple for users to withdraw their consent, ensuring that individuals can easily change their preferences regarding data usage. 5 Integration with Other Systems: Effective consent management tools should integrate seamlessly with an organization's existing systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) or data management platforms (DMP), to streamline consent management processes. TOOLS TO MONITOR AND MANAGE INDIVIDUALS’ DATA. Numerous specific tools and resources exist in different countries, enabling individuals to oversee and control their personal information effectively. For instance: 1 United States: • DataCoup: DataCoup is a personal data marketplace that allows users to aggregate and sell their own data, enabling them to maintain control over their information and profit from its use ( • DeleteMe: DeleteMe is a subscription-based service that helps users remove their personal information from various data broker websites, improving privacy and reducing the risk of identity theft ( 2 European Union: GDPR: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection law that grants individuals in the EU the right to access, correct, and delete their personal data. MyData is a non-profit organization based in Finland that aims to empower individuals by providing tools and frameworks for managing their personal data. MyData operates under the principles of the human-centric personal data management, emphasizing transparency, control, and interoperability ( 3 United Kingdom: is a UK-based platform that enables users to collect, store, and manage their personal data from various sources, such as social media, financial accounts, and health records. The platform also allows users to share their data with third parties securely. These examples demonstrate that there are several instruments and tools available in different countries overseas to help individuals monitor, manage, and control their personal data. However, the availability and effectiveness of these tools may vary depending on the specific country, jurisdiction, and local data protection laws. As per the latest news, Russian citizens will soon be able to manage their privacy data using government-provided tools on the website ( ). 172 CONCLUSION As AI and neural networks continue to advance, addressing data privacy concerns is of paramount importance. Russia must adapt and strengthen its privacy regulations, invest in consent management tools, and collaborate with international counterparts to develop a cohesive approach to data privacy in the context of AI and neural networks. By doing so, Russia can harness the potential of AI technologies while safeguarding the privacy and security of its citizens' data. REFERENCES Fei-Fei, L., Fergus, R., & Perona, P. (2006). One-shot learning of object categories. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28(4), 594–611. Omer Tene & Jules Polonetsky (2018). Taming The Golem: Challenges of Ethical Algorithmic Decision-Making, 19 N.C. J.L. & Tech. 125, P.125-173. TSALLAEVA L., LYTKINA S. Vladimir State University (VLADIMIR, RUSSIA) ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGY WITH THE PROPER NOUN COMPONENT INTRODUCTION The paper deals with the study of English phraseological units that are related to names in their origin. RESEARCH GOAL The object of study is phraseological units with the component proper nouns, which are widely used in modern English and represent national culture, history, religion and the realities of the surrounding world. The target of the research consists in finding examples of such units, their classification and illustration the ways and types of their formation. The theoretical base of the study is A. Kunin’s phraseological conception (Kunin, 1996) and his disciples’ ideas of phraseological analysis and description (Fedulenkova, 2016, 2021). RESULTS OF THE STRUCTURAL AND SEMANTIC ANALYSIS Many phraseological units are related to English proper names. The most commonly used proper names are found in the Bible, literature, history, and everyday life, thus they fully reflect cultural identity. Among mostly used common phraseological units are as follows: The phraseological unit “Uncle Tom” gets its semantic according to the plot of the famous novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It 173 acquires meaning of a humble, submissive, long-suffering negro servant (who is the main character of the book). Many phraseological units with names related to love are found in English, e.g. such as Jill and Jack, because they are traditional names for a couple in love: all shall be well, Jack shall have Jill – it refers to a happy end of a book. Besides there are idioms with Biblical names as well: as old as Methuselah meaning that something is extremely old. Anthroponomical names can be separated into another group as they have real historical semantic, e.g.: Jack the Ripper, Jack Straw’s Castle, Queen Anne’s dead, etc. An essential group is formed with the names of literature and folklore characters. It is widely known that idioms are getting used by people with the help of authors who create new phraseological unites or spread less common ones: Alice Band from “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll; Dame Parlet from J. Choser in his “Canterbury Tales”; Mark Tapley from “Martin Chuzzlewit” by Charles Dickens. CONCLUSION Thus, it is evident that many phraseological units with the proper noun component do not have idiomatic equivalents in the Russian language, which indicates their national and cultural identity. The semantic basis in such units is not usually clear that is why it is essential to know English history, culture or literature works to understand their meaning and message. REFERENCES Fedulenkova, T. (2016). Isomorphic models in somatic phraseology based on synecdoche in English, German and Swedish, Language and Culture, 2(34), 6‒14. Fedulenkova, T. (2021). Teaching Types of Semantic Transference in Business English Terms, 15th ESSE Conference Programme and Book of Abstracts, Universitè de Lyon, Lyon, France, 100‒101. Kunin, A. V. (1996). A course of phraseology of modern English Phraseology. Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola. TSCHAN T. RUDN (MOSKAU, RUSSLAND) TECHNIKEN ZUR ÜBERSETZUNG VON PHRASEOLOGISMEN EINLEITUNG Die Besonderheit von Phraseologismen besteht darin, dass sie stabile Ausdrücke sind, weil Wörter in der phraseologischen Konstruktion nicht durch andere ersetzt werden können, ohne Bedeutung zu verlieren. Das Problem der 174 phraseologischen Übersetzung ist ungelöst, weil es sehr schwierig ist, in einer fremden Sprache und in einer fremden Kultur alle Schattierungen der Semantik einer Phraseologie zu vermitteln, und ihren nationalen Geschmack stilistischer und kulturhistorischer Besonderheiten nicht zu verlieren. Es gibt auch keine standardisierte Übersetzung für diese Fälle. ZIEL DER FORSCHUNG Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die Besonderheiten und Techniken der Übersetzung von Phraseologismen in der russisch-deutschen Kommunikation zu untersuchen. LITERATURÜBERSICHT Als Basis dieser Studie hat die Autorin folgende Quellen analysiert: Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Übersetzung von Phraseologismen und mögliche Lösungen für dieses Problem (Pochueva, 2020). Die Rolle von Phraseologismen in unserer Rede (Usseinu, 2011). ANALYSE DES PROBLEMS UND SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG Man muss betonen, dass die phraseologische Übersetzung gleichzeitig auf lexikalischer, grammatischer und semantischer Ebene Basis hat. Die Übersetzung enthält Äquivalente und Analogien. Die Autorin hat erfahren, dass eine ziemlich große Menge von phraseologischen Einheiten der deutschen Sprache vollständige Äquivalente in der russischen Sprache finden kann, zum Beispiel wie Hund und Katze leben – «жить как кошка с собакой»; besoffen wie ein Schwein – «напиться как свинья», ein Hasenherz haben – «иметь заячье сердце» (Soldatkina & Korschunova, 2021). Die Haupttechniken für die vollständige Transformation deutscher Phraseologismen sind: 1) wörtliche Übersetzung 2) Generalisierung 3) Ersetzungsannahme. Wörtliche Übersetzung ist die berühmteste Methode. Bei der wörtlichen Übersetzung ist es notwendig, die syntaktische Struktur der Ausdrücke genau zu reproduzieren. Zum Beispiel «der Rest des Lebens» — «остаток жизни»; «ein neues Leben beginnen» — «начинать новую жизнь» Die Generalisierung ist die nächste Technik. Generalisierung ist eine logische Methode, die Verallgemeinerung, den Übergang vom Privaten zum Allgemeinen vorsieht, die Unterordnung privater Phänomene zu einem allgemeinen Prinzip (Das neueste philosophische Wörterbuch, Diese Technik wird häufig bei der Übersetzung verwendet, um den nationalen Geschmack zu übertragen. Beispiele für dieser Technik sind folgende: «Auf der Schattenseite des Lebens stehen», die wörtliche Übersetzung – «быть на теневой стороне жизни», aber wir müssen uns der Bedeutung des Ausdrucks zuwenden. Die Bedeutung hängt der Gegenüberstellung von Licht und Dunkelheit mit, wobei Licht etwas Gutes, Wohlhabendes, Sorgloses bedeutet. 175 Dunkelheit ist das Gegenteil. Deshalb übersetzt man den Ausdruck «Auf der Schattenseite des Lebens stehen» oft als «быть лишенным жизненных благ». Ebenso ist Ersetzungsannahme eine der gebräuchlichsten Methoden der Übersetzung. Die Umwandlung von phraseologischen Ausdrücken führt oft zu einer inkrementellen Bedeutung, die die Grundlage für die Erstellung eines künstlerischen Bildes ist (Vuchkovich, 2014). Zum Beispiel «Leben in die Bude bringen» («скрасить жизнь») in der russischen Version hat einen größerer Anwendungsbereich - zum Beispiel, um ein Gespräch, eine Situation usw. zu versüßen. Die Autorin ist der Meinung, dass Phraseologismen in jeder Sprache vorhanden sind, dass sie auch das kulturelle Erbe und die Mentalität einer bestimmten Nationalität widerbeeinflussen. Unsere Rede ist sehr emotional und farbig wenn wir Phraseologismen verwenden. Daher ist eine gute Übersetzung wichtig. QUELLENVERZEICHNIS Das neueste philosophische Wörterbuch. (n.d.). APA Stil.https:// Pochueva N. (2020). Schwierigkeiten bei der Übersetzung von Phraseologismen und mögliche Lösungen für dieses Problem. International scientific review, 52-56. Soldatkina R., Korshunova N. (2021). Techniken der Übersetzung deutscher Phraseologismen in die russische Sprache am Beispiel von Zoomorphismen. Probleme der romanisch-deutschen Philologie, Pädagogik und Methodik des Fremdsprachenunterrichts, 59-67. Usseinu T. (2011). Die Rolle von Phraseologismen in unserer Rede. Die eurasische wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, 87-90. Vuchkovich K. (2014). Funktionen des Empfangs des Ersatzes der Komponente der Phraseologie und ihre Reflexion in der Übersetzung. Linguistik und interkulturelle Kommunikation, 158-160. TUĞBA ŞAHIN, ALI ŞÜKRÜ ÖZBAY Karadeniz Technical University (TURKEY) DATA FOUND IN AN EAP COURSE IN THE FIELD OF ARCHITECTURE Abstract My presentation will report on the data found in an EAP course in the field of Architecture. We aimed to find the most relevant words and word combinations and their grammatical complements in a discipline-specific EAP corpus designed for research purpose. The data was compiled as part of the 176 course led by my supervisor and named as “FBE 5008 Scientific Article Writing in English" which is composed of a series of 90-minute EAP content with the participation of students in a mid-sized university located in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. The "AntConc 4.1.4" free online corpus tool is used to analyse different lexical and discoursal characteristics identified during corpus analysis. For comparison, a corpus of architectural examples from a particular field were created by the researcher. We noticed and contrasted multi-word combinations, sentence structures, genre-based terminologies, and their usage patterns, lexico-grammatical patterns and some other discourse strategies that were utilized in EAP corpora using a specific corpus and comparing it to the discipline specific. The researchers systematically observed and recorded the language realizations made throughout this procedure in order to document the particular terminology. For prospective students and educators who wish to use the findings for themselves or in their own courses, the documenting of discipline-specific vocabulary for the area of architecture is created. TURUKIN I. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) TAXATION OF ASSETS DENOMINATED IN FOREIGN CURRENCY INTRODUCTION The relevance of the article is explained by the sensitive at all times issue of tax regulation. When taxing assets are denominated in foreign currency, investor can manipulate with the tax base using the exchange rate difference. This issue is relevant in relation to shares, Eurobonds of corporate issuers or ETFs. Today, the possibility of canceling payment of tax on currency revaluation on corporate Eurobonds is being considered. Such a measure was proposed by the National Association of Stock Market Participants (hereinafter referred to as NAUFOR) in a letter to the Ministry of Finance, which suggested some changes to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation as a measure to stimulate the activities of private investors. So far, only the issue of corporate Eurobonds has been in the focus. However, the problem is much greater. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this study is to analyze the current tax legislation of the Russian Federation in order to identify gaps in currency transactions taxation in the financial market. 177 АNALYSIS OF TAXATION OF CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS Currency revaluation can occur in several cases including from the sale of a foreign exchange asset at a changing rate and from the income in the form of dividends or coupons. Let us analyze the case in more detail. An individual who has purchased dollars at a rate of 70 rubles per dollar buys shares for 100 dollars. Suppose that when selling shares, the dollar rose to 80 rubles per dollar but the value of assets did not increase. In this case, the tax agent, since he is responsible for transactions with securities, settles the exchange rate difference. However, there is also a downside to this shortcoming. The exchange rate revaluation of dollar assets is evaluated both in profit and loss. Let us analyze another situation: a person purchases $100 at the rate of 50 rubles per dollar. His expenses amount to 5,000 rubles. The rate rises to 60 rubles per dollar and the person buys securities for the same $100. Securities rise in price by 10 dollars, and the rate returns to 50 rubles per dollar. He sells securities. Thus, the following tax base is formed: 10 dollars for securities - 500 rubles. The mathematical logic for this transaction is as follows: a person purchased securities at 60 rubles per dollar (it is this purchase price of securities that matters), thus, 6000 – 1000 = 5000 (100 dollars at the rate of 50 rubles per dollar). It results in 500 + (-1000) = 500 rubles, which is a negative tax base, provided that the investor earned 10 dollars (500 rubles) with an initial investment of 5000. In brokerage reports, this looks simpler: a person spent 6,000 rubles on the purchase of securities and received 5,500 rubles on the sale. Therefore, he lost. The main problem is that the broker takes into account the dollar exchange rate at the time of the purchase of the security but not the price at which the currency was purchased. This problem is present not only in Russia, but also in other countries. The United States can be taken as an example. In this country, the currency for paying taxes is exclusively the dollar, while there are exceptions for a number of business units whose functional currency is not the dollar. This problem can be avoided in several cases. If an investor purchases an ETF and that fund reinvests the proceeds, then there will be no tax implications for the investor as the ultimate owner. If these are shares bought for the purpose of resale, then it is possible to wait until the investor owns these securities for 3 years and after that it is possible to claim a relief. If these are bonds, shares or ETFs that pay coupons or dividends, then it is possible to initially purchase them on the IIA and after receiving a deduction from the entire income - on the IIA. CONCLUSION In conclusion, we would like to suggest solution to the above problem. We suggest introducing a clause concerning netting of tax bases from operations 178 with currency and securities in Art. 214.1 of the Tax Code. Another option is to cancel accounting for currency revaluation, as NAUFOR proposes in terms of government Eurobonds. REFERENCES Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law 146-ФЗ (1998, as amended on June 6, 2021). Letter of the Department of Tax Policy of the Ministry of Finance of Russia оn taxation of income of individuals received from operations with securities No. 03-04-09/109862 dated November 11, 2022. Brokers assigned taxes. URL: Foreign Currency and Currency Exchange Rates. URL: Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange. URL: UCHAYKIN E. GSGU (KOLOMNA, RUSSIA) LEXICAL SUBSTITUTION AS THE MAIN STRATEGY FOR JOE BIDEN'S PUBLIC SPEECHES TRANSLATION INTRODUCTION The paper is devoted to the peculiarities of the use of lexical substitution in the translation of political speeches on the example of Joe Biden's speeches. The speeches of various public figures, especially in the political sphere, have always been of crucial importance in the modern world. Due to the growth of intercultural communication and dynamic political situation, such texts are aimed mostly at a foreign audience, and their number is increasing. All these factors and constantly changing conditions create the basis for this research in the field of translation. AIM OF THE STUDY The aim of the paper is to examine the use of a significant number of phraseological units and idioms in Joe Biden's speeches. The paper analyzes lexical substitution as a fundamental transformation, which is used by translators to overcome difficulties associated with the transfer of the abovementioned lexical units in the texts of public political speeches. 179 LITERATURE REVIEW The theoretical issues of the research are based on such works as "Theory of Translation" (V.N. Komissarov, 1990), "Methodologyof Political Linguistics" (E.V.Budaev, 2010), "Modern Political Linguistics" (E.V.Budaev, 2006), "Political Communication" (A.P. Chudinov, 2006). These scientists have generated scientific and practical results of the research on this problem. PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION Politicians use a large number of expressive means in their speeches to attract the attention of the audience. The language transmission of these elements can cause certain difficulties. We focused our study on the most common lexical means that are used in political speeches. Namely, this is the use of idioms and phraseological units. The speech of US President Joe Biden is characterized by the use of various idioms and phraseological units related to the history and culture of the American society. To achieve the most effective and adequate translation, the translator needs to conduct a detailed, linguistic and stylistic analysis. For example, in one of Joe Biden’s speeches, the President used the following idiom: «You know, this is what in our business we call a busman’s holiday. – Вы знаете, это то, что в нашем бизнесе мы называем испорченным отпуском» (Remarks by President Biden at a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser. ( In the current example, the US president used the “busman's holiday idiom”. The most effective way to translate this phrase is to use lexical substitution. Based on the definition given in the dictionary of English idioms "busman's holiday" means "a spoiled holiday or a day off spent at ordinary work". Thus, lexical substitution allows you to maintain stability in the language of translation, and at the same time conveys the syntactic meaning. At the same speech, the US President used another idiomatic expression: «The poor have a shot – у бедных есть шанс» (Remarks by President Biden on the Administration’s Efforts to Tackle Inflation. According to the definition in the dictionary of idioms of the English language, the expression “to have a shot”means "to make an attempt, to try". It follows from this that lexical substitution allows you to convey the meaning of the utterance without violating the stylistic features of political communication. In another speech dedicated to the fundraising of the Democratic National Committee, Joe Biden uses a rather interesting phraseology from the translation point of view: «This is a different breed of cat – Это совершенно 180 другой тип людей» (Remarks by President Biden at a Democratic National Committee Reception. Based on the definition in the Russian-English dictionary of phraseological units, the expression “breed of cat” means "type; kind; class". In this example, we completely change the expression using lexical substitution. Since there is no analog similar in meaning in the Russian language, and a translation calque will cause misunderstanding with Russian-speaking readers, we use a lexical replacement that allows us to convey the meaning of the statement. As noted earlier, the US President is known by the abundant use of idiomatic expressions: «The NRA thought us tooth and nail - НРА боролась с нами всеми возможными способами» (Remarks by President Biden at a Rally for the Democratic Party. The expression “fight tooth and nail” means a fierce battle with someone. In this passage, we again use lexical substitution in order to convey the syntactic meaning and preserve the linguistic-stylistic aspect characteristic of political discourse and journalistic style. During a closed-door meeting with the press, Joe Biden described his attitude to the main topic of the conference, using the following expression: «And I know I'm a cockeyed optimist.–И я знаю, что я закоренелый оптимист» (Remarks by President Biden in Press Gaggle. The word “cockeyed” literally translates as “cross-eyed”, meaning “reckless, absurd”. However, there is no similar expression in Russian, so we use lexical substitution to make the phrase more natural in the languageof translation. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the political discourse of the English language is saturated with a variety of lexical means that are used to bring the point of view to the addressee, to arouse the interest in the issues under discussion, involvement in the resolution. Thus, it can be concluded that lexical substitution is the most effective translation transformation when translating idioms and phraseological expressions on the example of Joe Biden's political speeches. REFERENCES Budaev E.V.(2006) "Modern politicallinguistics". Budaev E.V.(2010)"Methodology of political linguistics". Chudinov A.P.(2006) "Political communication" . KomissarovV.N.(1990)"Theoryof Translation". 181 Osetrova E.E.,Yakovleva M.A. (2017). English. Elections. Election. Textbook on socio-politicaltranslation. Moscow: MGIMO , 188 p. VARTANYAN V. RUDN (MOSCÚ, RUSIA) PECULIARIDADES DE LA LENGUA VASCA LA INTRODUCCIÓN El español es la lengua oficial de España, pero existe otra región lingüística en la que se habla euskera junto con el español. El pueblo vasco es autóctono del norte de España y el sur de Francia. El euskera pertenece a las lenguas aisladas, es decir, no está relacionado con ninguna otra lengua en el ámbito mundial. Este artículo examinará las características del euskera que hacen que esta lengua sea única e interesante. EL OBJETIVO DE INVESTIGACIÓN El objetivo de este estudio es investigar la singularidad del idioma vasco. LITERATURA/ REVISIÓN DE FUENTES BIBLIOGRÁFICAS La lengua vasca es el signo más claro de la identidad cultural vasca. Su fenómeno lingüístico es el orgullo del pueblo vasco, ya que su lengua es el único idioma reliquia que ha sobrevivido en el suroeste de Europa desde la época prerromana. El euskera es una lengua no-indoeuropea. La antigüedad mínima del euskera está datada en 7.000 años e ya que euskera es una de las lenguas más antiguas de Europa y no tiene vínculos lingüísticos evidentes con otras lenguas, es una lengua aislada y, por tanto, posee una gramática y un vocabulario únicos (Fernández-Ulloa, 2005). El euskera, como cualquier otra lengua, tiene sintaxis y morfología, pero la gramática del euskera es mucho más compleja y flexible que la del castellano. Por ejemplo, en euskera existe un rico sistema plural, que no tiene equivalente en español. Además, el euskera tiene un sistema de evidencialidad que permite expresar no sólo lo que el hablante sabe, sino también cómo conoce la información en cuestión, por ejemplo, de oídas, por observación o por experiencia personal. También una de las características del euskera es su caso ergativo. Esto significa que el sujeto de un verbo en el caso absoluto se utiliza sólo cuando es el agente de la acción, y en otros casos en los que el sujeto es el paciente o el instrumento de la acción, se utiliza en el caso ergativo. Por ejemplo, en euskera, " me rompí el brazo" se traduciría como "mi mano me rompió el brazo". 182 Asimismo, en euskera existe un gran número de declinaciones y conjugaciones gramaticales. Además, el euskera cuenta con un rico sistema de sufijos y prefijos, que modifican el significado de una palabra. LA CONCLUSIÓN En conjunto, la lengua y la cultura vascas son objetos de estudio únicos e interesantes. Los vascos han conservado su identidad lingüística y cultural desde la antigüedad, gracias al terreno montañoso en el que los romanos sólo pudieron penetrar en la provincia de Álava, lo que permitió a los vascos evitar la romanización y preservar su identidad nacional. Ahora, bajo la gran influencia del español, el euskera no es sólo una lengua, sino también parte de la cultura nacional, que sigue viva y creciendo en la actualidad (Fernández Sánchez, 2016). REFERENCIAS Fernández-Ulloa.T.,(2005). La Educación Bilingüe en el País Vasco: Problemas y Retos. Recuperado de URL: Fernández Sánchez, M. (2016). Específica cultural nacional del panorama de la lengua vasca en el mundo. Recuperado de URL: YAFAROV A. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) FALSE FRIEND IN LINGUISTICS AND LAW IN ENGLISH INTRODUCTION In modern translation practice, people often face various translation problems such as, the translator's false friends. Many translators, regardless of the choice of language, notice that words in a foreign language are very similar to their native language. Moreover, there are many types of translator's false friends that differ in many things such as dialect features, emotional coloring, grammatical coloring, and others. Without knowing the meaning of the phrase or the exact translation of the word, future translators make an actual mistake, which in turn leads to a distortion of speech. This is especially dangerous in legal translation. To understand the importance of this problem, the author believes that the problem of translator's false friends is relevant for both Law and linguistics. This is all because these two disciplines are interconnected. The purpose of the study is to inform future translators about this problem and explain a few simple rules that will help them to avoid it. 183 LITERATURE REVIEW 1) Akulenko.V. Russian-English dictionary of "false friends of the translator". Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. 2) Krasnov K. V. English-Russian dictionary of "false friends of the translator" :E.RA, 2004 3) English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary of deceptive words ("false friends") Pakhotin A. I. explanatory dictionary of deceptive words ("false friends") Kareva Publisher, 2011. CONCLUSION Based on the previously described information, it can be concluded that translator's false friends are considered as an actual problem for translators, which can seriously interfere with the practice of translation. However, if you follow some tips and have a base of words that directly relate to the translator's false friends, you can avoid a lot of mistakes and translation problems. REFERENCES XVIII International competition of scientific research and creative works of students "Start in science" - Students' file archive «» K.V.Krasnov (n/d). English-Russian dictionary of false friends of the translator YANKOVA N., ZANDRAEVA E. Banzarov Buryat State University (ULAN-UDE, RUSSIA) REPRESENTATION OF THE ‘PERMACRISIS’ CONCEPT IN ENGLISH NEOLOGISMS INTRODUCTION This study is devoted to the analysis of neologism synonyms representing the concept of " Permacrisis " in modern English. The concept has become the word of the year, which the compilers of the Collins English Dictionary explain as "an extended period of instability and insecurity." The relevance of this study is explained by the rapid globalization of world problems. LITERATURE REVIEW: ANALYSIS OF NEOLOGISMS British dictionary English language Collins English Dictionary named word of 2022 " Permacrisis " , a term educated from words permanent and crisis. According to the Collins English Dictionary, Permacrisis - is an extended period of instability and insecurity, one resulting from a series of catastrophic 184 events. The editors explained that this word, like several other terms, refers to a crisis that brings together political instability, the conflict in Ukraine, climate change and rising cost of living (Collins Dictionary, 2023). The word of the year for 2022 is a term that perfectly encapsulates the dizzying sensation of jumping from one unprecedented event to another as we grimly wonder what new horrors might be around the corner. Collins defines it as “a long period of instability and insecurity (Sharimatmadari,2022). The current Permacrisis has also been responsible for some of the other words on this year's shortlist , which isn't surprising given its all-consuming nature. Among other contenders for the title of the word of the year were the following expressions and concepts: The term " Partygate " refers to the partying scandal of former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The prime minister held them during the coronavirus pandemic , which caused a public outcry. According to the Collins English Dictionary, Partygate is a political scandal over social gatherings held in British government offices during 2020 and 2021 in defiance of the publichealth restrictions that prevailed at the time. Carolean era began with the accession of King Charles following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on September 8, 2022. The word Carolean comes from the name Charles. The name used for the eras of various monarchs is usually derived from their given names. According to the Collins English Dictionary, Carolean - of or relating to Charles III of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or his reign. Thus, the adjective ‘Carolean’ denotes everything connected with the name of the new king Charles III (Zykina ,2022). The next new word is a continuation of the energy crisis, which has resulted in an increase in energy prices, which has also manifested itself in heating bills. And all this against the backdrop of falling wages and massive price increases. ‘Warm bank’ is the name of the special safe and warm rooms that began to open in the UK ahead of winter 2022. Very poor people who are not able to heat their own homes can spend time there for free in the event of a sudden cold snap. In the Collins English Dictionary, we find next definition given tokens : Warm bank - is a heated building where people who cannot afford to heat their own homes may go. The situation in Ukraine has caused an energy shock, one of the proposed solutions for which are heat banks. The lexical analogy here is related to another indicator of economic crisis, the food bank. The next neologism is the lexeme Lawfare defined by Collins English Dictionary as – ‘the strategic use of legal proceedings to intimate or hinder an opponent’, application of legal mechanisms against the opponent. The labor market has also changed. There is a shift away from the culture that defined the world of work before the pandemic. ‘Vibe shift’ - significant 185 change dominant trends in culture. According to the Collins English Dictionary, Vibe shift - is a significant change in a prevailing cultural atmosphere or trend. This has led to an epidemic of so-called quiet layoffs, which, according to Collins, involve ‘no more work than under the contract’ (Sharimatmadari , 2022). Just recently, the FIFA World Cup in Qatar took place, during which everyone was wary of the principle of sports laundering. ‘Sportswashing’ - the sponsorship or promotion of sporting events in order to enhance a tarnished reputation or distract attention from a controversial activity, promotion sports activities to distract attention from controversial activities . At the same time, we are told to stay calm and join our four-legged friends which, as Collins explains, is the act of lying on our stomach with our legs outstretched , until all these problems are gone. This last word, which claimed to be the word of the year, sounds like ‘ Splooting’. According to the Collins English Dictionary, Splooting is the act of lying flat on the stomach with the legs stretched out. CONCLUSION The neologisms used in this work really reflect the current situation in the world, in all areas of politics, economics, etc. This period is characterized by instability, which is certainly reflected in the vocabulary of the language. These lexemes verbalize the psycho-emotional state of people, they are a reflection of the reality in which the linguistic personality is immersed. REFERENCES Collins English Dictionary. URL: Sharimatmadari D . A year of ' permacrisis ' URL: Zykina T. The Collins Dictionary named " permacrisis " as the word of the year. RL: 亚尔聪·丹尼尔 YARTSUN D., 兹戈德涅夫·德米特里 ZGODNEV D. 俄罗斯人民友谊大学 RUDN (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) MODERN TECHNOLOGY USED FOR LEARNING CHINESE 学习汉语的现代技术 INTRODUCTION 前言 中文是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一,以其复杂的象形文字和语调而闻 名。学习中文对学生来说是一个挑战,特别是对那些无法接触到他们的 186 本土环境的学生来说。然而,随着现代技术的发展,学习过程经历了一 场革命。科技使学生有可能更容易地学习汉语。在本文中,我们将讨论 一下用于学习中文的现代技术,它们的优势和问题。 RESEARCH GOAL 研究目的 这项工作的目的是概述语言学习中使用的各种技术,如在线平台,人工 智能和在线辅导。此外,文章的目的是强调学生在使用技术学习语言时 可能面临的潜在问题,以及在技术与人际互动之间保持平衡的重要性, 以培养有效的中文交流技能。 SUBJECT RESEARCH 主题分析 学习外语最常见的方式是在线平台,每年在学生中越来越受欢迎,并且 有许多网站和应用程序可用于学习中文。例如,Duolingo,一个流行的 语言学习应用程序,提供包括词汇、语法和句子结构的汉语课程。另一 个流行的应用程序,Rosetta Stone,使用语音识别和视觉学习工具而提供 交互式中文课程。 人工智能技术也被引入到汉语学习中,在提高学习汉语的方面显示出可 喜的成果。基于人工智能的语言学习工具,如 Lingvist,使用机器学习算 法为学生个性化学习过程。它分析了学生的长处和短处,并为他们提供 个性化的学习内容,以配合他们的学习速度和喜好。 在线辅导在想要更个性化学习体验的学生中越来越受欢迎。在线学习平 台,如,让学生与中文为母语的人交流,他们可以进行个别课程 。这使学生能够与母语人士一起练习他们的口语和听力技能,并获得即 时反馈。 尽管现代技术已经彻底改变了学习汉语的方式,但学生仍然面临一些挑 战。(Девтерова, 2009) 首先,缺乏人际交往会阻碍学生发展沟通技巧的 能力。其次,基于技术的语言学习材料中使用的语言的真实性可能与现 实生活中使用的语言不同。(Новохатская, 2019) 最后,学生可能会过度 依赖技术,这可能会影响他们在没有技术的情况下学习的能力。 CONCLUSION 结论 总之,应该指出的是,现代技术为学生提供了通过在线平台,虚拟现实 ,人工智能和在线辅导掌握中文的众多机会。然而,重要的是要记住与 学习基于技术的语言相关的潜在问题和限制。因此,要培养学生有效的 中文沟通技巧,必须在科技与人与人之间取得平衡。 REFERENCES 参考文献 Девтерова З.Р. (2009). Современные технологии обучения иностранному языку в вузе. Вестник Майкопского государственного технологического университета. № 3. 187 Новохатская О.Э.(2019). Современные технологии обучения иностранным языкам . Педагогика и просвещение. № 2. URL: URL: ZHAMKOCHYAN A. RUDN–University (MOSCOW, RUSSIA) KEY TREND AND DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OF PUBLIC AUTHORITIES IN RUSSIA AND ISRAEL INTRODUCTION The entire history of mankind is connected with the organization of public authority and its implementation. Public authorities were constantly looking for the forms designed to ensure its stable development in the conditions of the constant struggle of various social interests. RESEARCH GOAL The purpose of this work is to study the key trends and development issues of public authority in Russia and Israel. LITERATURE REVIEW The evolution of public power in Russia took place within the framework of the traditional state and traditional society (from autocracy to representative authority). The constitutional amendments of 2020 consolidated the unity of the system of bodies of these three levels. The three-level division of public power means that, considering the federal organization of state power and independence (at least in the context of the constitutional provision), all bodies exercising power are united by one strategic task - ensuring the interests of the people. (Kozhevnikov O. A., 2022). The constitutional and legal reform of 2020 in the Russian Federation has made significant adjustments to the organization and activities of not only the highest bodies of state power. It consolidated the interaction of state authorities and local self-government, which together form a single system of public authority and interact in order to most effectively solve problems in the interests of the population. Currently, there are several problematic aspects related to the procedure for forming the highest bodies of state power and local self-government and the degree of participation of citizens in it (for example, citizens do not participate in the direct formation of the Federation Council, the heads of municipalities are not elected by the population) (Naumkina, 2022). 188 Establishment of independent local self-government bodies as the basis of the constitutional system, separation of local self-government bodies from the system of state authorities, as well as recognition of the guarantee of local selfgovernment, shall create conditions for further development of democracy at the local level. However, as law enforcement practice has shown, local governments, while formally maintaining their independence, cannot operate effectively without the assistance and material and financial support from public authorities, in particular, public authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The constitutional consolidation of the unity of the public power system shall entail not only subsequent changes in federal legislation, which, in principle, is already happening, but also further reform of public power and the system of bodies exercising it. Quite interesting is Israel's experience in the public authorities’ formation. According to its state structure, Israel is a parliamentary democracy with independent systems of legislative, executive and judicial powers. The principle of separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers does not deny their interconnectedness and mutual limitation. The government acts based on the confidence of the Knesset. Independence of the judicial system is guaranteed by law (Siushkin, 2020). Israel belongs to the countries with a multi-party system without a dominant party; the prime minister is the key figure in the entire state mechanism of the country; the local self-government system contributes to further democratization of Israeli society. The system of local governments is as follows: municipalities in cities; local councils in urban-type settlements and large rural settlements; regional councils uniting small settlements. The competence of local self-government bodies includes rendering public services to residents (water supply, road repair, garbage disposal, etc.), as well as improvement and development of the settlement. Thus, an analysis of the provisions of Israel's public authority indicates that in recent times this country has become a kind of laboratory and testing ground for innovations and developments in the modern science of constitutional law. CONCLUSION Constructive interaction between the state and society is an important part of the state policy to provide support to the citizens of the country. It is very important that public and state authorities work as a whole, coordinating their steps with each other. Also of great importance is the factor of legality and transparency of actions of state authorities; there must be no place for corruption, bribery, theft of confidential information, etc. The key element in public administration is the state interest; it is in the name of this interest that state and public authorities should work for the benefit of all countries. 189 REFERENCES Dekhkanov N.B. (2019.) Formation of public authority - strategic base of providing the stable development of the society. Global science. Development and novelty. Collection of scientific papers of the Xth International Scientific Conference, 55-57. Kozhevnikov, O.A. (2022). Public authority, a unified system of public authority, state and municipal authorities in the constitutional and legal doctrine and modern normative reality. Scientific Bulletin of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Vol. 28, No. 3 (86), 251-256. Mamontova E.V., Gulievych A.Y. (2018). Gift protocol in communicative practices of public authority: international experience. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. No. 1, 89-94. Naumkina, V.V. (2022). Public authority and a unified system of public authority in the Russian Federation. Law and legality: issues of theory and practice. Abakan: Publishing house of Katanov Khakass State University, 4-5. Nisnevich Yu.A. (2019). The Authority of the Modern State: The Phenomenon of Corruption. World Journal of Social Science Research Scholink Inc. Vol.6, No. 2, 150-175. Siushkin, A.E. (2020). Parliamentary republic as a form of government: clarification of concept and features. Modern scientist, No. 6. ZHARKOVA A. Saratov State Law Academy (SARATOV, RUSSIA) PROBLEMES DE LA DIFFUSION DE LA LANGUE FRANÇAISE DANS LE MONDE INTRODUCTION L'article est consacré à l'analyse de la situation actuelle sur la diffusion de la langue française au niveau de la communauté mondiale. La pertinence de ce sujet est confirmée par le renforcement du statut de la langue française dans le monde, ainsi que sa diffusion dans l’éducation internationale. Aujourd'hui, la langue française est utilisée dans près de 50 pays du monde. BUT DE LA RECHERCHE Le but de ce travail est d'analyser la situation réelle de la diffusion de la langue française au niveau de la communauté mondiale, ce qui permettra d'identifier les problèmes existants dans ce domaine et les moyens de les résoudre. ANALYSE Les problèmes de la diffusion de la langue française dans le monde ont été discutés dans les œuvres de Babina V.V. ("Problèmes modernes de la 190 Francophonie dans le contexte de la politique linguistique de la France"), Hapilina E.V. ("Le rôle de la Francophonie dans la mondialisation") et d’autres. En résumé, les défis suivants peuvent être relevés : Premièrement, il y a moins de francophones dans le monde que de locuteurs d’autres grandes langues, et leur nombre augmente plus lentement. Aujourd’hui, le français se classe au 10e rang pour le nombre de personnes qui l’utilisent comme première langue. Cet indicateur ne peut être amélioré artificiellement (si l'on ne tient pas compte des méthodes de stimulation naturelle, c'est-à-dire démographique), donc, la diffusion de la langue française dans le monde est directement liée à ceux qui l’utilisent comme deuxième langue étrangère. Deuxièmement, le problème de la diffusion de la langue française peut être considéré comme la nécessité de son unification comme moyen de communication, ce qui nécessite une décision de soutenir une seule variante linguistique pour faciliter l'apprentissage. Ainsi, en France, il existe de nombreuses variantes locales de prononciation et d’orthographe des mots, intonation, ce qui rend le territoire unique, ce qui est contraire aux normes du français classique. Troisièmement, très souvent, le français peut entrer en conflit ou fusionner étroitement avec une autre langue dans un contexte territorial. Citons par exemple la Belgique ou le Luxembourg, où le flamand et le luxembourg sont les langues officielles avec le français, ainsi que la province canadienne du Québec, où l’anglais américain joue un rôle important. Ainsi, la tendance à l'apparition de ce qu’on appelle « Frenchlish » (principalement dans l'environnement Internet, dans la communication non officielle) a fait naître l'hypothèse d'une disparition progressive de la langue française hors de la France, puisqu'il subit une grave menace de dissolution linguistique. CONCLUSION Considérant que l'une des tâches essentielles de la France dans le domaine culturel est la préservation de la région francophone en tant qu'espace géoculturel et de la langue française en tant que moyen de communication internationale, résoudre le problème de la diffusion de la langue française est tout à fait pertinent. Compte tenu de l'expérience de préservation et de diffusion de la langue française en Europe et en Amérique du Nord par la coopération dans le domaine scientifique, artistique et politique, il est nécessaire de développer cette coopération avec des États d'autres régions (par exemple, en Afrique) et d'élargir les liens existants grâce à la création de fonds et de services spécialisés. Leur activité devrait consister principalement à organiser des conférences, des expositions, des cours de langue ou des lectures d'auteurs en 191 français à l'étranger, ce qui aura un impact positif sur l'intérêt mondial pour la culture (y compris la langue) de la France. REFERENCES Бабина В.В. (2018). Современные проблемы Франкофонии в контексте языковой политики Франции. Актуальные вопросы филологической науки XXI века: сборник статей VII Международной научной конференции молодых ученых. – Часть I. Современные лингвистические исследования. С. 46 – 50. Солнцев Е.М. (2015). Французский язык в современном мире. Языковая ситуация в Европе начала XXI века. 2015. С. 134-145. Хапилина Е.В. (2009). Роль Франкофонии в условиях глобализации // Полилингвальность и транскультурные практики. №2. С. 156-159. ZHILINSKAYA V. Belarusian State University (MINSK, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS) THE INSTITUTE OF INHERITANCE IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS AND THE UK: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The institute of inheritance is a significant part of civil law in most modern states and legal systems. Romano-Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Muslim systems have both similar and different features relating to inheritance laws. The topicality of the institute of inheritance for society is due to its importance for the interests of almost every citizen. RESEARCH GOAL The aim of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the laws regulating inheritance in the Republic of Belarus and the United Kingdom. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM First, a distinctive feature of the inheritance law of Great Britain and the Republic of Belarus lies in various sources: judicial precedent and the lack of uniform legislation in the UK compared to the system of legislative acts, the main of which is the Civil Code, as well as the presence of uniform legislation in the Republic of Belarus. The legislative acts in the UK regulating inheritance relations are the Act “On Wills” 1837, the Act “On the Administration of Inheritances” 1925, the Act “On Property Tax” and others. In the Republic of Belarus, the institute of inheritance is regulated by two main sources: the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus (Chapter 69, section VI and the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 18.07.2004 No. 305-Z “On Notaries and notarial activities”. 192 The grounds for inheritance in the Republic of Belarus and the UK are similar: by will and by law. Though inheritance by will is a priority in both states, the requirements to the will imposed by the legislator in these countries are different. Thus, according to UK law, a will shall be drawn up in writing by a person 18 years of age or older (except in cases provided for by law) who are in their right mind and aware of the content of the document; the will shall be approved by a court decision to give it legal force. In the Republic of Belarus, the article 1040 of the Civil Code includes certain requirements to the will concerning testator’s legal capacity and making the will by testator in person. The legislation of the United Kingdom introduces a provision for making joint and mutual wills. Being made by spouses or partners such wills provide for the transfer of inherited property to the surviving party. Among the advantages of such wills is the ability to allocate the marital share of the inheritance in advance (Elizarov, 2013). One of the disadvantages of a joint will is the uncertainty about which will – joint or individual will have greater force. In the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus there is no article providing for joint and mutual wills. In the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the UK, wills by law also have their own distinctive features. In case of a will by law, the English legislation includes a concept of statutory inheritance, which means transferring part of the property to the surviving spouse. In addition, the value of a small-authorized capital is constantly changing. There is no concept of statutory inheritance in the Republic of Belarus. On the other hand, article 1064 of the Civil Code provides for a similar procedure – a mandatory share in the inheritance. The circle of persons entitled to the share includes minors or disabled children, disabled spouses and parents. In addition, unlike the share of the statutory inheritance in England, the size of the mandatory share in the Republic of Belarus is at least half of the share of the hereditary property that would be due to them when inherited by law. In some countries, e.g., the UK, Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Germany, etc., heirs pay an inheritance tax. The tax rate in the UK is 40% and can be reduced depending on the availability of certain benefits for the heir. In our opinion, the inheritance tax is an infringement of the rights of heirs, as well as non-compliance with the will of the testator. There is no inheritance tax in the Republic of Belarus. CONCLUSION Thus, having compared the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the UK in the field of inheritance, we have indicated certain peculiarities, which in our opinion, can have both positive and negative effect. 193 In view of the above, it seems necessary to consider the option of including in the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus the possibility of drawing up a joint (mutual) will by spouses, since: 1) It will reduce the number of disputes over hereditary property; 2) The introduction of a new form of will indicates the improvement of the institution of inheritance to the realities of the present time and will become an advanced legislative practice for the Republic of Belarus, thanks to which it will be possible to eliminate existing gaps in legislation. REFERENCES Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus (1998, as amended on July 18, 2022). k9800218. Elizarov, S.V. (2013). On the question of some provisions of English inheritance law. Legality, 6, 4-9. KADATSKAYA S.V. Russian State University of Justice THE LIMITATION OF ACTIONS: HISTORY AND REALITY The research deals with the historical development of the fundamental institution of the limitation of actions in civil law. The interpretation of this institute in understanding of classicists and civil lawyers of the present time is given. The objectives of the research are: - to study the formation and purpose of the limitation of actions in civil law at different historical stages; - to trace the evolution of understanding of the concept of the limitation of actions based on the research studies of present and past scientists in the civil law field; - to bring out the problems about the definition of the limitation of actions, which were found by researchers. The research methods are historical method, method of analysis and synthesis, comparative method and comparative-historical method. The historical method and comparative-historical method have been applied in order to determine when the concept of limitation was first introduced and how the influence of past reforms has survived to the present day. The comparative method has been used to analyze the definition of the limitation of actions in the understanding of past and modern scholars. The method of analysis and synthesis has been used to derive a general characterization of the limitation of actions based on the opinions of researchers. 194 The main conclusions are: - the opinions of scientists on the definition of concept of the limitation are different; - some civil scientists consider that the definition of the limitation of actions does not need to be changed. The fact that the legislator has not fully defined the concept of limitation does not prevent the implementation of justice and the use of the institute in practice. - other scientists say that it is necessary to fix the main features of the limitation of actions in the Civil Code in order to avoid misunderstandings of the definition. So, they argue that it is necessary to specify that the limitation period is established for claims both to protect one's rights and others, that protection can be carried out both for rights and interests, that the limitation period is capable of both generating and terminating rights and obligations. Such scientists are currently Karhalev D.N. (2019), Osokina G.L.(2020), Gribanov V.P. (n/d). As for our opinion, it seems necessary to separate two concepts of "right to defense" and "right to sue", which has been expressed by both scientists of the past and the present. The right to defense is an absolute right which cannot be withdrawn from the subject due to the lapse of time. But the right to sue, may be terminated in accordance with law, due to the lack of desire on the part of the subject to protect his right through the court. The further perspective of the definition of the concept of the limitation of actinons depends on the legislator's decisions, but the question of the necessity to consider this issue is still relevant. References Karkhalev D.N. Term of limitation in civil law // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2019. № 2. - С. 79 - 83; Osokina, G.L. To a question on concept of limitation of actions / G.L. Osokina // Bulletin of Issue № 7(41)'2020 - 9 - Tomsk State University. Law. 2012. № 3 (5). - С. 84 - 87; Gribanov V.P. Exercise and protection of civil rights // [Electronic access]: (access date: 07.03.2023). 195 MGELADZE V. RUDN (MOSKAU, RUSSLAND) DIE ENTWICKLUNG EINER INKLUSIVEN BILDUNG 1 EINLEITUNG Heutzutage ist es eines der weltweit am meisten diskutierten Probleme, Menschen mit Behinderungen die Chancengleichheit zu gewähren. Nach Angaben der UNO ist eine Milliarde Menschen mit Behinderungen die größte Minderheitengruppe der Welt, die etwa 15% der Weltbevölkerung ausmacht. Deshalb gehören sie zur Gefährdungskategorien (United Nations, (n.d.). Es bleibt ohne Frage, dass es für solche Kategorie ein großes Problem ist, eigene Rechte zu verteidigen und Interessen zu vertreten. 2 ZIEL DER FORSCHUNG Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die Entwicklung einer inklusiven Bildung im 21. Jahrhundert zu untersuchen. 3 ANALYSE DES PROBLEMS Aus Sicht der Autorin ist es nützlich, mit dem Begriff „die Bildung“ zu beginnen. Die Bildung ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil im Leben jeden Menschen. An dieser Stelle muss man besonders betonen, dass Bildung die Sozialisierung von Individuen in der Gesellschaft fördert. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass eine solche Ausbildung für Menschen mit Behinderungen nicht immer verfügbar ist, da das allgemeine Bildungsprogramm am häufigsten auf die Ausbildung von Personen ausgerichtet ist, für die keine zusätzlichen spezialisierten Bedingungen erforderlich sind. Inklusive Bildung ist ein ziemlich neues Phänomen für unsere Gesellschaft, die Entstehung dieses Begriffs stammt aus den frühen 1990er Jahren. Man muss betonen, dass das Wesen solcher Bildung darin besteht, ungeachtet der psychologischen, physischen und mentalen Möglichkeiten allen Menschen gleiche Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten für eine gute Ausbildung zu bieten. Das Konzept der inklusiven Bildung beinhaltet auch die Notwendigkeit, qualitativ hochwertige Bildung bereitzustellen, die an eine bestimmte Kategorie von Personen und ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse angepasst würde. Zum Beispiel, in der Russischen Föderation für den Zeitraum bis Mitte der 1990er Jahre hat die Zahl der Studentinnen und Studenten mit eingeschränkten gesundheitlichen Möglichkeiten nur 0,08% 196 (7 Millionen 18-jährigen Menschen) erreicht. Die Autorin meint, dass der Hauptanstoß für die Entwicklung der inklusiven Bildung solche Gründe wie die Globalisierung, die Beleuchtung dieses Themas in sozialen Netzwerken und die Tätigkeit internationaler Organisationen waren. Es steht außer Zweifel, dass die Globalisierung die Ausbildung aktiv beeinflusst hat, indem sie die Beteiligung der Staaten am internationalen Bildungsaustausch und -transformation sicherstellt. Durch soziale Netzwerke gelingt es den Menschen, wichtige Informationen zu vermitteln, eine Beobachtung und neue Ideen zu teilen. Zum Beispiel, der Junge Matthew Walter wandte sich über soziale Medien an Nike, um spezielle Laufschuhe zu erstellen, da er aufgrund einer Lähmung seine Schnürsenkel nicht selbst binden kann (Health, (n.d.). Als Reaktion auf diesen Aufruf veröffentlichte Nike seine ersten Laufschuhe mit Reißverschluss. Man muss hervorheben, dass internationale Organisationen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Bereitstellung von inklusiver Bildung gespielt haben. Die UNO sollten als die globalste Organisation betrachtet werden, da unter ihrer Schirmherrschaft die 17 Nachhaltigkeitsziele angenommen wurden und verschiedene internationale Organisationen arbeiten. Man darf auch nicht unerwähnt lassen, dass darauf hingewiesen sei, dass im Rahmen der 17 Ziele der Bildung besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wird, die dem vierten Ziel "Qualitätsbildung" gewidmet ist. Ziel 4. 5 legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Notwendigkeit, für schutzbedürftige Bevölkerungsgruppen, einschließlich Menschen mit Behinderungen, einen gleichberechtigten Zugang zu allgemeiner und beruflicher Bildung auf allen Ebenen zu gewährleisten (Rechtliche Normen, 2015). Außerdem fördert und fordert die UNESCO als Sonderorganisation der Vereinten Nationen die wirksame Umsetzung der Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen von 2006 (Rechtliche Normen, 2006). 4 SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG Die Autorin kommt zum Schluss, dass die Bildung in der heutigen Welt ein ziemlich verletzlicher Bereich ist, wie UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres in seinem Bericht zum Bildungstransformationsgipfel 2022 bestätigte: «Aber wir wissen auch, dass wir die Bildung transformieren müssen» (United Nations, (n.d.). Heutzutage besuchen rund 244 Millionen Kinder keine Bildungseinrichtung, was die Erreichung von Ziel 4 stark untergräbt. Es ist fraglos, weil die Weltgemeinschaft bis 197 2030 noch sieben Jahre Zeit hat, ob es realisierbar ist, diese Indikatoren zu korrigieren und zu verbessern. Inklusive Bildung ist eine Möglichkeit für Menschen mit Behinderungen, aktiver Teil der Gesellschaft zu sein und sich nicht nur in eine bestimmte soziale Gruppe integriert zu fühlen. LITERATURVERZEICHNIS Health. (n.d.). APA Stil. Rechtliche Normen. (2006). Abgerufen von ml Rechtliche Normen. (2015). United Nations. (n.d.). APA Stil. United Nations. (n.d.). APA Stil. 198 НАУЧНОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ ЯЗЫКИ ВО ИМЯ МИРА И ПАРТНЕРСТВА НА ИНОСТРАННЫХ ЯЗЫКАХ Издание подготовлено в авторской редакции Технический редактор Е.В. Авдеева Дизайн обложки М.В. Рогова Подписано в печать 16.04.2023. Формат 60х84/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс. Усл. печ. л. 11,63. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ 600. Российский университет дружбы народов 115419, ГСП-1, г. Москва, ул. Орджоникидзе, д. 3 Типография РУДН 115419, ГСП-1, г. Москва, ул. Орджоникидзе, д. 3. Тел.: 8 (495) 955-08-74. Е-mail: [email protected]