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LT 100 adjectives

Angry – злой
The customer became angry when his order was delivered late.
Aggressive — агрессивный
The aggressive driver swerved dangerously between lanes,
causing other drivers to be wary.
Grumpy — угрюмый, недовольный
My boss is always grumpy in the morning until he has his coffee.
Furious — яростный
The teacher was furious when she discovered that her students
had cheated on the exam.
Mad — злой
He was mad at his friend for canceling their plans at the last
Worried — встревоженный
She couldn't sleep because she was worried about her upcoming
job interview.
Anxious — тревожный
The anxious student chewed on his pen while waiting for the test
Nervous — нервный
The nervous speaker stumbled over her words during the
Uneasy — беспокойный
He felt uneasy walking alone through the dark and unfamiliar
Tense — напряжённый
The atmosphere in the room grew tense as the opposing sides
engaged in a heated argument.
Cautious — осторожный
The hiker took cautious steps on the slippery trail to avoid any
Careful — осторожный (в физическом смысле)
She handled the delicate vase with careful precision, afraid to drop it.
Alert — бдительный, внимательный
The security guard remained alert, keeping an eye out for any
suspicious activity.
Guarded — внимательный, осторожный, защищающийся
He responded to personal questions with a guarded tone, not
revealing too much about himself.
Calculated — расчётливый
The chess player made a calculated move, anticipating his opponent's
Pleased — довольный
She was pleased with the positive feedback she received on her
Satisfied — довольный
After completing the project, he felt satisfied with the results of his
hard work.
Content — удовлетворённый
Sitting by the fireplace with a good book, she felt content and at peace.
Happy, on cloud nine — счастливый
They were happy to finally reunite with their long-lost relatives.
Cheerful — радостный
The children's laughter filled the room, creating a cheerful
Sad – грустный
He felt sad after hearing the news of his friend's passing.
Miserable — несчастный
She was feeling miserable after losing her job and ending a
long-term relationship.
Frustrated — расстроенный
The student became frustrated when he couldn't solve a
difficult math problem.
Upset — расстроенный
She was upset when her favorite team lost the championship
Distraught — обезумевший
The mother was distraught when she couldn't find her
missing child.
Mean — грубый
He had a mean-spirited sense of humor, often making fun of
Rude — грубый
The waiter was rude to the customers, ignoring their requests
and speaking disrespectfully.
Hurtful — грубый, обидный
Her words were hurtful and left a deep emotional impact on
her friend.
Offensive — оскорбительный
The comedian's jokes were offensive and crossed the line of
acceptable humor.
Disrespectful — неуважительный
The student was repeatedly disrespectful to his teacher,
disregarding authority and rules.
Pretty — красивый
She wore a pretty floral dress to the party, catching
everyone's attention.
Stunning — сногшибательный
The bride looked stunning in her elegant wedding gown.
Gorgeous — великолепный
The sunset over the ocean painted a gorgeous palette of
vibrant colors.
Charming — очаровательный
The charming gentleman complimented her with a warm
smile and polite conversation.
Attractive — привлекательный
His confident demeanor and good looks made him quite
attractive to others.
Ugly — некрасивый, уродливый
The old, torn-down building was an eyesore, with its ugly,
crumbling facade.
Unattractive — непривлекательный
She considered herself unattractive, often feeling self-conscious
in social situations.
Unsightly — неприглядный
The garbage dump created an unsightly mess, polluting the
surrounding environment.
Hideous — отвратительный
The monster in the movie was portrayed as a hideous creature
with sharp fangs and grotesque features.
Grotesque — нелепый, абсурдный
The artist created a painting that depicted a grotesque, distorted
figure, challenging traditional notions of beauty.
Fake — ненастоящий, противный
The counterfeit designer handbag was clearly fake, with poorly
stitched seams and low-quality materials.
Artificial — ненастоящий, искусственный
The synthetic flowers looked artificial, lacking the natural beauty
and scent of real flowers.
Phony — фальшивый
He put on a phony smile, pretending to be happy when he was
actually feeling down.
Faux — искусственный
She wore a faux fur coat to stay warm without using real animal
Insincere — неискренный
His compliments felt insincere, lacking genuine warmth and
Scared — испуганный
The little girl was scared of the dark and refused to sleep without
a nightlight.
Horrified — в ужасе
They were horrified when they witnessed the gruesome accident
on the highway.
Alarmed — встревоженный
The sudden loud noise alarmed the birds, causing them to fly
away in a frenzy.
Terrified — испуганный
The haunted house tour left her terrified, screaming and clinging
to her friend's arm.
Fearful — боязливый
The fearful dog cowered in the corner, trembling with anxiety.
Important — важный
The meeting with the company's CEO was an important event for
the employees.
Significant — важный
The discovery of a new species in the rainforest was a significant
scientific breakthrough.
Meaningful — значимый
The heartfelt letter she received from her best friend was
incredibly meaningful to her.
Special — особенный
They celebrated their anniversary with a special dinner at their
favorite restaurant.
Exceptional — исключительный
The talented musician delivered an exceptional performance that
left the audience in awe.
Arrogant — высокомерный
The arrogant businessman dismissed the ideas of his colleagues,
believing his own to be superior.
Smug — высокомерный, самодовольный
He wore a smug expression after winning the competition,
feeling self-satisfied and superior.
Conceited — тщеславный
The conceited model couldn't stop talking about her own beauty
and success.
Egotistical — эгоистичный
The egotistical actor demanded special treatment and constantly
sought attention.
Vain — тщеславный
She spent hours in front of the mirror, constantly worried about
her appearance, showing her vanity.
Thin — тонкий, худой
The thin model walked down the runway, showcasing the latest
fashion designs.
Slim — худой
She maintained a slim figure by following a strict exercise and
diet regimen.
Slender — худощавый
The ballerina had a slender physique, with long, graceful limbs.
Lean — подтянутый
He had a lean, muscular physique from years of regular exercise
and healthy eating.
Scrawny — тощий
The scrawny stray cat looked malnourished and weak.
Thick — толстый
The thick fog obscured visibility, making it difficult to see more
than a few meters ahead.
Bulky — громоздкий
The old television set was bulky and took up too much space in
the living room.
Plump — полненький, пухленький
The baker's specialty was plump, fluffy pastries that melted in
your mouth.
Stocky — коренастый
The rugby player had a stocky build, with strong, compact
Heavyset — полный
She had a heavyset frame, with a solid build and larger body size.
Tired — уставший
After a long day at work, he felt tired and ready to relax.
Exhausted — уставший
The marathon runner crossed the finish line, completely
exhausted and in need of rest.
Drained — измотанный
The emotionally draining argument left her feeling mentally and
physically drained.
Fatigued — уставший, истощённый
The long hours of studying for exams left the students fatigued
and in need of a break.
Beat — уставший
The construction worker worked tirelessly all day, feeling beat by
the evening.
Annoyed — раздражённый
He was annoyed by the constant interruptions during his
Offended — оскорблённый
She was deeply offended by the insensitive comments made by
her coworker.
Disgusted — испытывающий отвращение
The spoiled food in the refrigerator emitted a strong odor, leaving
them disgusted.
Hurt — раненый, оскорблённый, задетый
His hurt feelings were evident when he refused to speak to his
friend after their argument.
Bitter — горько, ужасно, больно
She felt bitter after being betrayed by her closest friend, unable
to trust easily again.
Good — хорошо
The chocolate cake tasted good, with its rich and indulgent flavor.
Excellent — отлично
He received an excellent grade on his final exam, reflecting his
hard work and dedication.
Amazing — прекрасно
The acrobatic performance was amazing, leaving the audience in
awe of their skill and precision.
Terrific — невероятно
The team made a terrific comeback in the game, securing a lastminute victory.
Outstanding — выдающийся
The student's outstanding academic achievements earned her a
scholarship to a prestigious university.
Massive — большие
The massive elephant towered over the other animals in the
safari park.
Gigantic — гигантские
The construction project involved moving gigantic steel beams to
build the skyscraper.
Oversized — большое (в отношении одежды)
She struggled to find clothes that fit because of her oversized
Substantial — значительное, весомое
The company made a substantial investment in research and
development to improve their products.
Major — крупное, важное
The project faced major challenges, requiring a significant
amount of time and resources.
Small — маленький
They lived in a small apartment in the city, with limited space for
Compact — компактный
The compact car was ideal for navigating through narrow city
streets and finding parking.
Portable — переносной
The portable music player allowed him to listen to his favorite
songs on the go.
Insignificant — незначительный
The small mistake he made in his presentation seemed
insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
Minor — неважный
The team made minor adjustments to their strategy to improve
their chances of winning.
Plain — пустой, простой
The plain white walls in the room lacked any decorative elements
or color.
Simple — простой
She preferred a simple, minimalist lifestyle, free from
unnecessary clutter.
Ordinary — простой
The ordinary-looking book turned out to be a captivating story
that touched the readers' hearts.
Average — среднестатистический
His test scores were average, neither outstanding nor poor.
Basic — простой, стандартный
The basic ingredients for the recipe included flour, eggs, and milk.