Зошит 1 СЕРТИФІКАЦІЙНА РОБОТА З АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ Час виконання – 150 хвилин Робота має чотири частини. Частина «Розуміння мови на слух (аудіювання)» містить 16 завдань, частина «Читання» – 22 завдання, частина «Використання мови» – 20 завдань. Відповіді на ці завдання Ви маєте позначити в бланку А. Частина «Письмо» містить завдання, відповідь на яке Ви маєте записати в бланку Б. Результат виконання всіх завдань буде використано під час прийому до закладів вищої освіти. Результат виконання завдань 1–16 частини «Розуміння мови на слух (аудіювання)», 17–32 частини «Читання», 39–43, 49–53 частини «Використання мови» та частини «Письмо» буде зараховано як результат державної підсумкової атестації для випускників, які вивчали англійську мову на рівні стандарту. Результат виконання всіх завдань буде зараховано як результат державної підсумкової атестації для випускників, які вивчали англійську мову на профільному рівні. Інструкція щодо роботи в зошиті 1. Правила виконання зазначено перед завданнями кожної нової форми. 2. Відповідайте лише після того, як Ви уважно прочитали та зрозуміли завдання. 3. За необхідності використовуйте як чернетку вільні від тексту місця в зошиті. 4. Дайте відповіді на всі завдання. Інструкція щодо виконання частини «Розуміння мови на слух (аудіювання)» 1. Кожне завдання частини «Розуміння мови на слух (аудіювання)» містить інструкцію, звукозапис тексту, запитання або твердження до тексту та варіанти відповіді. 2. Перед виконанням уважно прочитайте та прослухайте інструкцію щодо виконання цих завдань. 3. Перед кожним новим завданням Ви почуєте звуковий сигнал. Для ознайомлення з питанням Ви матимете достатньо часу. 4. Звукозаписи текстів Ви прослухаєте двічі. Інструкція щодо заповнення бланків відповідей 1. У бланк А записуйте лише правильні, на Вашу думку, відповіді. 2. Відповіді вписуйте чітко, згідно з вимогами інструкції до кожної форми завдань. 3. Неправильно позначені, підчищені відповіді в бланку А буде зараховано як помилкові. 4. Якщо Ви позначили в бланку А свою відповідь неправильно, можете виправити її, замалювавши попередню позначку та поставивши нову, як показано на зразку: 5. 6. Відповідь на завдання частини «Письмо» акуратно запишіть у бланк Б. Ваш результат залежатиме від загальної кількості правильних відповідей, записаних у бланку А, та якості виконання завдання в бланку Б. Ознайомившись з інструкціями, перевірте якість друку зошита та кількість сторінок. Їх має бути 16. Позначте номер Вашого зошита у відповідному місці бланка А так: Зичимо Вам успіху! © Український центр оцінювання якості освіти, 2020 ɑɚɫɬɢɧɚ©ɊɈɁɍɆȱɇɇəɆɈȼɂɇȺɋɅɍɏ ȺɍȾȱɘȼȺɇɇə ª Listening 7DVN /LVWHQWRWKHVSHDNHUV)RUTXHVWLRQV ± FKRRVHWKHFRUUHFWDQVZHU $%RU& :ULWH \RXUDQVZHUVRQWKHVHSDUDWHDQVZHUVKHHW<RXZLOOOLVWHQWRHDFKUHFRUGLQJWZLFH Which means of transport is the speaker going to take? A 2 C B C B C Which pet is the girl going to have? A 3 B What sport does the speaker go in for? A 2 4 What should students be paid for? A B C academic progress regular attendance good behaviour 5 :KHQZLOOWKHPDQVHHWKHÀDW" A B C in the evening on the same day in the morning on Saturday in the afternoon on Friday :KDWFRXOGWRXULVWVEH¿QHGIRU" A having oversized plastic luggage B having noisy wheeled luggage C KDYLQJEDQQHGVWX൵LQWKHLUOXJJDJH 7DVN /LVWHQWRWKHWH[W)RUVWDWHPHQWV ± FKRRVH7LIWKHVWDWHPHQWLVWUXHDFFRUGLQJWRWKH WH[W)LILWLVIDOVH:ULWH\RXUDQVZHUVRQWKHVHSDUDWHDQVZHUVKHHW<RXZLOOOLVWHQWRWKH WH[WWZLFH T 7 The bookshop is ranked among top ten in the world. 8 The building was initially constructed for tango dancers. 9 A broadcasting company bought the building in the 1920s. Theatre performances are still staged in the bookstore building. The bookshop customers may have a snack in here. 3 ) 7DVN /LVWHQWRWKHWH[W)RUTXHVWLRQV ± FKRRVHWKHFRUUHFWDQVZHU $%RU& :ULWH\RXU DQVZHUVRQWKHVHSDUDWHDQVZHUVKHHW<RXZLOOOLVWHQWRWKHWH[WWZLFH Which of the following is TRUE about Alina? A B C She has taken the Zollipop idea from a journal. She experimented with peanut butter and jelly. She has created a healthy food product. What did the research include? A turning to health specialists B hiring marketing consultants C R൵HULQJIUHHVDPSOHVWRVWRUHV How did Alina’s family contribute to the project? A Mother started an advertising campaign. B )DWKHUERXJKWWKHQHFHVVDU\HTXLSPHQW C Alina’s sister gave the name to the candy. What is the role of Alina’s friends in the project? A B C They help sell the samples of Zollipops. They advise her on the range of tastes. They spread information about the product. What is TRUE about Zollipops? A They melt in hot environments. B 7KH\SRVVHVVXQVWDEOHÀDYRXU C They come in various shapes. 4 ɑɚɫɬɢɧɚ©ɑɂɌȺɇɇəª 5HDGLQJ 7DVN 5HDGWKHWH[WVEHORZ0DWFKFKRLFHV $±+ WR ± 7KHUHDUHWKUHHFKRLFHV\RXGRQRW QHHGWRXVH:ULWH\RXUDQVZHUVRQWKHVHSDUDWHDQVZHUVKHHW :KLFKDGYHUWLVHPHQWLVDERXWBBBBBBBB" Gallery workshop. Unusual colours, distinctive texture, attractive designs and woollen knitwear. Printed and painted textiles, linen, veils and pillows on sale (also by order). Mon.-Fri. 12.00-18.00 5 $ % & ' ( ) * + transport services ¿QDQFLDOVHUYLFHV shopping facilities a theatrical performance a sports competition a leisure centre a railway excursion a numismatic exhibition 7DVN 5HDGWKHWH[WEHORZ)RUTXHVWLRQV ± FKRRVHWKHFRUUHFWDQVZHU $%&RU' :ULWH \RXUDQVZHUVRQWKHVHSDUDWHDQVZHUVKHHW $:RPDQ:KR6DYHG+XQGUHGVRI$QLPDOV “I remember working non-stop and I didn’t even have $100 in my account. I lived on veggie QRRGOHV´VDLG&DLWOLQ&LPLQLZKRKRXVHVDERXWDQLPDOVRIGL൵HUHQWVSHFLHV³,MXVWFRXOGQ¶W stop. I didn’t stop. I just spent all the money on the rescue farm and surprisingly our team KDYHEHFRPHVHOIVX൶FLHQWDVDUHVFXHWKDQNVWRDOORIWKHJRRGSHRSOHWKDWVXSSRUWXV,W¶V phenomenal.” Cimini, who spent childhood summers taking horseback riding lessons, and later worked for animal rescues and wildlife rehabilitation projects, has always loved animals. But aside from house pets like cats, dogs, pigs and a horse she owned, she had no real experience with them. “You know you live in the country when your neighbours give you three chickens for a housewarming present,” says Caitlin, laughing. “Those hens were the loves of my life.” Then one day, they went missing, and she felt so upset and helpless. A week later, one of the hens returned. “I was so happy I literally fell on the ground. That’s when I clearly understood what I should do. I started taking in more and more unwanted animals.” Caitlin fostered puppies and kittens from animal shelters, rescued piglets advertised as food, and connected with local rescue organizations to learn how she could help with their new arrivals. One day in September 2010, Caitlin Cimini rescued a wild mustang. Without a plan in mind, Caitlin bought it from the federal government’s Bureau of Land Management for $125. It was a decision that changed her life forever. Any romance of such an adoption was challenged by WKHUHDOLW\RIWUDLQLQJDZLOGKRUVH³6KHZDVDUHDOWHVWIRUPH´VDLG&LPLQL³,KDGP\¿QJHUV DQGULEVLQMXUHG,ZLOODGPLW,UHJUHWWHGWKHDGRSWLRQDW¿UVW,GRQ¶WWKLQN,IXOO\XQGHUVWRRG KRZZLOGVKHZDV,IHOWVRGHIHDWHGEHFDXVHVKHZDVVRGL൶FXOW´ But Cimini kept working with the horse she named Halona, which means “beautiful choice.” +DORQDLVQRZWKHPRVWD൵HFWLRQDWHDQLPDORQWKHIDUPWKDWKRXVHVFKLFNHQVVKHHSDQGRWKHU VSHFLHV$QGWKDW¶VTXLWHDWUDQVIRUPDWLRQZKHQ\RXFRQVLGHUWKHKRUVHZDVHPRWLRQDOO\KXUW when Cimini rescued her. +DORQDLV¿QHQRZEXWWKHKDUGZRUNFRQWLQXHVIRU&DLWOLQDQGKHUKXVEDQGZKRUHVFXHRWKHU animals. The Ciminis invest every penny they receive into their farm. The couple’s Can-Do attitude led them to GoFundMe, where they raised money to expand their rescue ranch with a 16-acre addition. ³&DLWOLQLVGRLQJLQFUHGLEOHVHOÀHVVZRUNZLWKDQLPDOVLQQHHGVKH¶VEHHQFKRVHQDVODWHVW GoFundMe Hero and received a grant,” said Rob Solomon, GoFundMe director. “As a fellow animal lover, I’ve been inspired to see how Caitlin has used GoFundMe to further her mission of giving abandoned animals the second chance they deserve.” Caitlin said she couldn’t stop crying when she found out about the GoFundMe recognition and saw donations to her project rise. “It means more than I can ever say,” said Caitlin Cimini, who said expenses include $4,000 each month just for feed. “I tell people that if you like what DQRQSUR¿WGRHVJLYHWKHP7KH\KDYHQRLGHDKRZIDUFDQJR´ 6 22 Why did Cimini have to live on veggie noodles? $ % & ' She was too busy with animals to cook. She saved money to help animals. She had her bank account frozen. She got unemployed and penniless. 23 What did Caitlin do before 2010? A % & ' She gave horseback riding lessons to kids. She kept pigs for food on her farm. She started an animal rescue homestead. She explored wildlife in the neighbourhood. 24 What led Caitlin to realise her mission? A % & ' fostering puppies buying kittens rescuing piglets losing chickens 25 How did she become a mustang owner? A % & ' She got it on an impulse. It was her lifetime dream. She planned to start a ranch. It was a good investment. What is TRUE about Caitlin Cimini? A % & ' She raised money by selling 16 acres of land. 6KHZDVJLYHQ¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWE\GoFundMe. She was employed by GoFundMe to adopt animals. She gained recognition for training wild horses. 7 7DVN 5HDGWKHWH[WVEHORZ0DWFKFKRLFHV $±+ WR ± 7KHUHDUHWZRFKRLFHV\RXGRQRW QHHGWRXVH:ULWH\RXUDQVZHUVRQWKHVHSDUDWHDQVZHUVKHHW 27 6FULSSV&ROOHJH The highly ranked progressive women’s college knows how to keep that old school touch alive with their tradition of afternoon tea. Every Wednesday afternoon Scripps holds afternoon tea in the beautiful Seal Court. Surrounded by a fountain and mosaic murals, the Scripps students can relax, chat, and even have one-on-one discussions with professors while sipping on some tea. 28 2DN+LOOV&ROOHJH The Oak Hills tradition follows that after a classmate’s engagement, the groom-to-be is thrown E\KLVFODVVPDWHVLQWRWKHFDPSXVODNH)ULHQGVRIWKH¿DQFpFDUU\KLPIURPKLVGRUPWRWKH GRFNDQGDVNKLPWZRTXHVWLRQV³Do you love her?” and “Is she worth it?”. Say “yes” to both and your friends will most lovingly throw you into the cold Minnesota lake. 29 :DVKLQJWRQ8QLYHUVLW\LQ6W/RXLV Walk In Lay Down, usually referred to as WILD, is a concert in the Brookings Quad every fall and spring. The tradition gets its name from the fact that students dragged sofas and couches LQWRWKHTXDG VTXDUH VRWKH\FRXOGOLVWHQLQFRPIRUW7KHFRQFHUWXVXDOO\IHDWXUHVORFDOEDQGV as well as one or two nationally known groups or artists. The Say “Hi´7UDGLWLRQUHTXLUHVDOO students to say hello to students and faculty that they meet on campus on this day. 6PLWK&ROOHJH Whether you are going to come to the college for a lecture, to visit the award-winning Smith College Museum of Art, take a campus tour, stop in at one of the libraries, attend a performance or simply stroll the grounds to enjoy the beauty of Smith’s botanic gardens, come on Mountain Day DQG \RX¶OO ¿QG D FDPSXV ¿OOHG ZLWK HQHUJ\ DQG HQWKXVLDVP 6LQFH WKH ZRPHQ¶V college in Northampton, Massachusetts has taken part in a strange but lovely tradition called Mountain Day. On a beautiful autumn day, Smith College’s president rings the college bells to give students an unexpected but welcomed break from classes so that they can hike up the mountain and pick apples. 8 %XFNQHOO8QLYHUVLW\ 6WDUWLQJZLWK1HZ6WXGHQW2ULHQWDWLRQ\RXU¿UVWGD\VDW%XFNQHOOLPPHUVH\RXLQVFKRODUVKLS learning and tradition what it means to become a member of the campus community. For H[DPSOH GXULQJ WKH ¿UVW ZHHN RI WKHLU VHFRQG VHPHVWHU ¿UVW\HDU VWXGHQWV VHUHQDGH WKH SUHVLGHQWRIWKHXQLYHUVLW\'XULQJWKHLU¿UVWDQGODVWZHHNVRQFDPSXVVWXGHQWVJDWKHULQD circle in the college campus overlooking the hills at sunset for a class candle-lighting ceremony. 5ROOLQV&ROOHJH Fox Day is an annual tradition established by Rollins’ 10th president, Hugh McKean, in 1956. Each spring, on a day “too pretty to have class,” the president cancels all classes, providing XQGHUJUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVZLWKDVXUSULVHGD\R൵$VWDWXHRIWKH5ROOLQVIR[LVSODFHGRQ7DUV 3OD]DHDUO\LQWKHPRUQLQJ$IUHHSDQFDNHEUHDNIDVWLVR൵HUHGDQGIXQDFWLYLWLHVDUHSODQQHG throughout the day. $FFRUGLQJWRWKHWUDGLWLRQRIZKLFKFROOHJHRUXQLYHUVLW\GRVWXGHQWVBBBBBBBBBB" $ climb to the top of the hill and gather fruit % attend a performance in the local museum & play a trick on a man who has decided to marry ' help themselves to a morning meal at no cost ( sing songs to the head of their institution ) invite a popular singer for a fox hunt * enjoy live music in the campus yard twice a year + meet once a week for pleasant informal socializing 9 7DVN 5HDGWKHWH[WEHORZ&KRRVHIURP $±+ WKHRQHZKLFKEHVW¿WVHDFKVSDFH ± 7KHUH DUHWZRFKRLFHV\RXGRQRWQHHGWRXVH:ULWH\RXUDQVZHUVRQWKHVHSDUDWHDQVZHUVKHHW 5DWWOHVQDNH5HPRYHUV When Heather Ramirez of Auburn, California, went to the dentist recently with her husband Len, __________. She and her husband are professional snake removers. They were there to catch and return to the wild a rattlesnake __________. Studies show these snakes generally only bite people __________. Keeping your distance prevents bites, which are serious but not usually fatal with today’s medicines. A rattlesnake can even give a loud warning that says, “I am here, stay away” with the rattles located at the tip of its tail. ³:H¿QGUDWWOHVQDNHVHYHU\ZKHUH´VD\V5DPLUH]³,QKRXVHVLQ\DUGVDQGZRRGSLOHVXQGHU decks.” She says BBBBBBBBBB±LW¶VWKHRWKHUZD\DURXQG³7KHVHDQLPDOVZHUHKHUH¿UVW and we humans came in and built houses. We are living in their territory.” Many people are frightened when they see a rattler and call for help right away. When the Ramirez’ phone rings, the couple drops whatever they are doing and rushes to work, __________. The team is good at catching snakes __________. A tool that looks like long spaghetti tongs allows them to handle snakes without harming them. Heather Ramirez and her husband relocate more than a thousand snakes a year, letting them go far away from human activity. A that had slithered indoors B that the snakes aren’t invading human homes C that the snake cannot reach them to bite ' she wasn’t there to have her teeth cleaned E never touching a snake with their hands ) that has gone into hiding * often leaving a meal half-eaten on the table + who are trying to catch or kill them 10 ɑɚɫɬɢɧɚ©ȼɂɄɈɊɂɋɌȺɇɇəɆɈȼɂª 8VHRI(QJOLVK 7DVN 5HDGWKHWH[WVEHORZ)RUTXHVWLRQ ± FKRRVHWKHFRUUHFWDQVZHU $%&RU' :ULWH \RXUDQVZHUVRQWKHVHSDUDWHDQVZHUVKHHW :KDW,VWKH:HDWKHU/LNHLQ$XVWUDOLD" Australia has temperate weather for most of the year but the climate can vary __________ the size of our continent. The northern states __________ have warm weather much of the time, with the southern states __________ cooler winters. Australia is also one of the driest continents on earth with a(n) __________ annual rainfall of less than 600 millimetres. __________ all countries in the southern hemisphere, Australia has seasons that are opposite to those in the northern hemisphere. December to February is summer; March to May is autumn; June to August is winter; and September to November is spring. 39 A due to B together with C apart from ' except for A partially B typically ɋ totally ' widely A expecting B experiencing C spending ' forecasting 42 A seasonal B oceanic ɋ heavy ' average 43 A Like B Including ɋ Similar ' Corresponding 11 0RWKHU%HDUV$UHQ¶W$IUDLGRI7RXULVWV Noisy ecotourists may unexpectedly _________ brown bears in the wild. Human visitors to remote natural areas often _________ with animal behaviour, sometimes with disastrous results. However, researchers studying brown bears in Canada found that while adult males _________ the tourists, the presence of people didn’t bother mothers and cubs, who seemed to use the noise of buses as a _________ that dangerous males had left the area. Even when males had left the area altogether, females didn’t appear until the tourists did. Mother bears evidently take advantage of the opportunity to dine without the _________ of males attacking their cubs. 44 A improve B EHQH¿W C serve ' raise 45 A interfere B involve ɋ mix ' interrupt A faced B blocked C ignored ' avoided 47 A note B sign ɋ mark ' symbol 48 A panic B warning ɋ threat ' alarm 12 7DVN 5HDGWKHWH[WVEHORZ)RUTXHVWLRQV ± FKRRVHWKHFRUUHFWDQVZHU $%&RU' :ULWH \RXUDQVZHUVRQWKHVHSDUDWHDQVZHUVKHHW 6OHHSLQJZLWKD3KRQHLQ<RXU%HG,VWKH:RUVW,GHD(YHU This might just be the _________ thing you’ll read today. Recent Twitter public service has drawn attention to falling _________ with your cell phone in bed with you. While it may be convenient to sleep with your phone under your pillow, or to charge your phone next to you while you BBBBBBBBBDUHVW\RX¶GEHWWHUQRW,WPD\FDXVHD¿UH When you keep your phone under your pillow, it causes the already hot batteries to heat up further and BBBBBBBBBOHDGWR\RXUFHOOSKRQHFDWFKLQJ¿UH<RXUSKRQHKDVWKHSRWHQWLDO to burn you if you _________ it anywhere in your bed. 49 A scary B scarier C scariest ' much scarier A asleep B sleepy C sleep ' sleeping A have had B had C are having ' will have 52 A must B should C could ' need 53 A has left B leave C were leaving ' were left 13 %RWWOHQRVH'ROSKLQ Bottlenose dolphins send messages to one BBBBBBBBBBLQGL൵HUHQWZD\V7KH\VTXHDN and whistle and use body language. Dolphins also produce BBBBBBBBBB IUHTXHQF\ clicks, which act as a sonar system telling __________ the shape, size, speed, distance, and location of the object. They also have a sharp sense of hearing. Scientists believe that the sounds travel through the __________ lower jaw to its inner ear and then __________ to the brain for analysis. 54 A another B other C the other ' others 55 A high B heighten C highly ' height A their B they C them ' themselves 57 A dolphin B dolphins’ C dolphin’s ' dolphins 58 A are transmitted B is transmitted C transmitted ' transmits 14 ɑɚɫɬɢɧɚ©ɉɂɋɖɆɈª Writing You’ve got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she writes that his/her parents are worried about the lack of exercise in your friend’s life. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which tell him/her • whether you do sport or not and why • what sports are popular with your friends and where they do them and JLYHVRPHSLHFHVRIDGYLFHRQKRZWRNHHS¿W Write a letter of at least 150 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 15 Ʉɿɧɟɰɶɡɨɲɢɬɚ 16