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английский Сибгау 2024

Part III
Active vocabulary
Experience - опыт
Currency - валюта
travel agent – агент бюро путешествий
valid - действительный, имеющий силу
insurance - страховка
illness - болезнь
to travel abroad – путешествовать за границей
hotel –гостиница, отель
beach – пляж
10. luggage – багаж
11. worthwhile - стоящий
1. Read the text
Travelling abroad: general tips
Travelling abroad can be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience. Whether it's
your first time to leave Russia or you are a seasoned traveler, there are a number of
things you need to consider when you are preparing for travel abroad.
Before you travel abroad
Before you travel, familiarize yourself with your destination. Do you require a visa
to travel there? What is the local currency? Is there a time difference between your
destination and Russia? You can obtain all this information from your travel agent
or the embassy of the country concerned in advance. Alternatively, you can also
search for this information online.
Russian citizens require a valid passport in order to travel to every destination.
However, your airline company will probably require you to have a valid passport.
Children who are included on a parent’s passport may continue to travel to some
countries up to their 16th birthday along with that parent, provided the passport is
still valid. There are, however, an increasing number of exceptions and the Passport
Office recommends that parents obtain individual passports for their children.
Whether or not you will require a visa when travelling abroad depends on your
destination. Your travel agent can advise on this.
The nature of adventure trips come with unique risks that you need to be well
protected from. This is why you need a good adventure travel insurance package
before setting off. There is huge potential for illness and injury, which could even
be life threatening.
Generally speaking, international credit cards are the safest way to carry funds when
travelling abroad. In more remote areas, however, you may not be able to use them.
Again, check with your travel agent prior to departure about the best way to carry
funds. It is advisable always to carry a small amount of local currency to pay bus or
taxi fares or make small purchases or telephone calls.
Note: you may encounter difficulties if the name on your credit cards is different to
that on your passport.
Driving abroad
If you intend to drive while abroad, make sure that your driving license is valid and
that you bring it with you. Some countries may require you to hold an International
Driving Permit in addition to your Russian driving license.
Mobile telephone
If you are taking a mobile telephone with you, check in advance that it will work in
the country to which you are travelling. Roaming charges can be very high and this
can make the cost of using your mobile phone abroad very expensive. Contact your
service provider for more information on the costs of making and receiving calls
While you are abroad
It's always advisable when travelling to plan your travels in advance. This will save
considerable time when you get there and will help make your time abroad a positive
experience. Remember to let family and friends in Russia know where you are and
when they can expect to hear from you. This will mean that they can also contact
you in case there is an emergency.
2. Translate the sentences into Russian.
Children who are included on a parent’s passport may continue to travel to
some countries up to their 16th birthday along with that parent, provided the
passport is still valid.
Дети, указанные в паспорте одного из родителей, могут продолжать
путешествовать в некоторые страны до своего 16-летия вместе с этим
родителем, при условии, что паспорт все еще действителен.
International credit cards are the safest way to carry funds when travelling
Международные кредитные карты - самый безопасный способ перевода
средств при поездках за границу.
Travelling abroad can be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience.
Поездка за границу может быть очень полезным занятием.
If you are taking a mobile telephone with you, contact your service provider
for more information on the costs of making and receiving calls abroad.
Если вы берете с собой мобильный телефон, обратитесь к своему
оператору связи за дополнительной информацией о стоимости
совершения и приема звонков за границу.
Some countries require holding an International Driving Permit in addition to
your Russian driving license.
В некоторых странах требуется наличие международного водительского
удостоверения в дополнение к вашим российским водительским правам.
Whether you will require a visa or not when travelling abroad depends on your
Потребуется ли вам виза при выезде за границу или нет, зависит от
пункта назначения.
3. Complete the sentences using the words listed below.
Valid, purchases, adventure, departure, expensive, charge, license, experienced
She opened the case and looked at her purchases made in Thailand.
The ticket is Valid for a month.
We had never charged this kind of holiday before and had no idea what to
There will be no license for installation.
The Booking Office is open 15 minutes before the departure of each train.
To travel first-class seems to be very expensive.
In search of adventure, she bought a ticket to South African Republic.
They didn't allow their children to drive a car as they had no experienced.
Make phrases using the words from the left column and from the right
column. Translate the phrases.
driving license
Worthwhile experience
travel company
local currency
Roaming charges
valid passport
credit card
airline agent
Decide whether the following statements are true [T] or false [F] in
relation to the information in the text. If you feel a statement is false, change it
to make it true. Translate them.
True - The information about the local currency of the country you are going
to, you can obtain from the nearest to you house bank. Информацию о местной
валюте страны, в которую вы направляетесь, вы можете получить в
ближайшем к вам банке.
False - It is necessary for parents to obtain individual passports for their
children in most cases. В большинстве случаев родителям необходимо получить
индивидуальные паспорта для своих детей.
True - You need a good travel insurance package before setting off because
roaming charges can be very high. Перед отправлением вам понадобится
хороший пакет туристической страховки, поскольку плата за роуминг может
быть очень высокой.
False - While international credit cards are widely accepted in many places, it
is still advisable to carry a small amount of local currency for payment in certain
situations. Хотя международные кредитные карты широко принимаются во
многих местах, все же рекомендуется иметь при себе небольшое количество
местной валюты для оплаты в определенных ситуациях.
False - Roaming charges can indeed be high, especially for making and
receiving calls abroad. Плата за роуминг действительно может быть высокой,
особенно при совершении и приеме звонков за границу.
False - It is generally recommended to inform your family and friends about
your whereabouts and approximate return date for safety purposes. В целях
безопасности, как правило, рекомендуется сообщить вашей семье и друзьям о
вашем местонахождении и приблизительной дате возвращения.
6. Study the example and do the following sentences.
Example: She / do / many different jobs. – She has done many different jobs.
He / travel / to many places. - he has traveled so many places.
We / do / a lot of interesting things.- we have done a lot of interesting things.
They / meet / a lot of interesting people. - they have met a lot of interesting
You / be / married five times.- you have been married five times.
Linda is traveling round Europe now, so she has visited
six countries so far.
Jimmy began playing tennis when he was 11 years old and now he has won
the national championship for the fourth time.
7. Read and translate a dialogue.
All the Places I've visited
Tim: Have you ever been to Canada?
Kate: No. I have been to France, Russia... I have never been across the ocean.
Have you?
Tim: Yes, I have been to the USA.
Kate: Did you like it there?
Tim: Yes. Have you ever travelled by boat?
Kate: No, I have not.
Tim: When did you go to Russia?
Kate: Last month.
Tim: My dad is in Canada now.
Kate: Really? What is he doing there?
Tim: He is looking for a good job.
Kate: Why, he has a job here in England.
Tim: Well, he says that the climate in Canada is much better.
Kate: How long has he been in Canada?
Tim: About two weeks. He left on the tenth.
Kate: When is he coming back?
Tim: In a week.
Тим: Вы когда-нибудь были в Канаде?
Кейт: Нет. Я была во Франции, России... Я никогда не была за океаном.
А ты?
Тим: Да, я был в США.
Кейт: Тебе там понравилось?
Тим: Да. Вы когда-нибудь путешествовали на лодке?
Кейт: Нет, у меня нет.
Тим: Когда ты поехал в Россию?
Кейт: В прошлом месяце.
Тим: Мой отец сейчас в Канаде.
Кейт: Правда? Что он там делает?
Тим: Он ищет хорошую работу.
Кейт: Да ведь у него есть работа здесь, в Англии.
Тим: Ну, он говорит, что климат в Канаде намного лучше.
Кейт: Как долго он находится в Канаде?
Тим: Около двух недель. Он ушёл десятого.
Кейт: Когда он вернется?
Тим: Через неделю.
8. Make questions using the words in brackets, start with Have you ever …?
Translate the sentences.
Example: (to be / to Paris?) Have you ever been to Paris?
(play / golf?) Have you ever played golf?
(to be / to Australia?) Have you ever been to Australia?
(lose / your passport?) Have you ever lost your passport?
(sleep / in the park?) Have you ever slept in a park?
(eat / Chinese food?) Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
(to be / to New York?) Have you ever been to New York?
(win / a lot of money?) Have you ever won a lot of money?
(break / your leg?) Have you ever broken your leg?
(run / a marathon?) Have you ever run a marathon?
(speak / to famous people?) Have you ever talked to famous people?
(live / in another town) Have you ever lived in another city?
9. Make sentences of your own with the following words and phrases. Use Past
Simple or Present Perfect. Translate the sentences.
1. I have gone on a shopping trip and bought some new clothes. - Я отправилась
за покупками и купила кое-что из новой одежды.
2. We have decided to go on holiday to the beach for a week. - Мы решили
отправиться в отпуск на пляж на неделю.
3. The tour operator organized an amazing guided tour of the city. - Туроператор
организовал потрясающую экскурсию по городу.
4. We stayed in a double room with a beautiful view of the mountains. - Мы
остановились в двухместном номере с прекрасным видом на горы.
5. Last winter, we went to a ski resort and enjoyed the snowy slopes. - Прошлой
зимой мы ездили на горнолыжный курорт и наслаждались заснеженными
6. During my vacation, I plan to go sightseeing and explore the cultural landmarks
of the city. - Во время моего отпуска я планирую осмотреть
достопримечательностями города.
7. We decided to rent a car to have more flexibility during our trip. - Мы решили
арендовать автомобиль, чтобы иметь больше возможностей во время нашей
8. After a delicious meal at the restaurant, we asked for the bill and paid it. - После
вкусного ужина в ресторане мы попросили счет и оплатили его.
9. We arrived at the hotel and checked-in at the reception desk. - Мы прибыли в
отель и зарегистрировались на стойке регистрации.