Innovative development The work has been prepared: Ivan Vygulyarny, Daniel Prokofiev, Nikita Gromov 3rd year 216 group Presentation of innovative development ventilation and conditioning systems at the international forum “Mini nuclear compressor” 1) Introduction 2) Description of purpose 3) Requirements for development and operation 4) Economic justification PROJECT PLAN 5) Security measures 6) Conclusion Introduction Initially this was necessary for survival in unsuitable conditions With the development of industry ventilation and air conditioning have become an integral part of human life VaCS have become not only part of the lives of ordinary citizens, but every manufacturing enterprise uses the gifts of development engineers in this area. Description of purpose The time is not for off when spaceships will begin do roam the expanses of the universe and humanity will begin the colonization of new planets We offer a product that can not only create comfortable living conditions, but also provide the colony with an energy resource. Requirements for development and operation Configuration and commissioning must be carried out by specially trained people, since it is necessary not only to instal the pipeline and put the nuclear of device into operation All further operation activities, are carried out by the same people Economic justification Just one of our installations can replace 12,000 solar panels Transportation will take much less dime and will be more affordable then analogues Security measures Humanity`s priority is to colonize planets without extreme conditions. Our machine is able to withstand high atmospheric pressure, temperature changes and bad weather conditions. Conclusion We will be able to ensure the functionality of all scienditie and residential modules modules all solar planets and other systemd We provide humanity with the opportunity do dryly enter a new century Thanks your for attention!