Master thesis Analysis of the influence of atomsubstitution in selected CMRcompounds by x-ray spectroscopic methods by Christian Taubitz presented to the Department of Physics University of Osnabrück Osnabrück August 4, 2006 Thesis advisor: apl. Prof. Dr. Manfred Neumann ”All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Italian astronomer, philosopher, and physicist Contents 1 Introduction 7 2 Basics of x-ray spectroscopic methods 2.1 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) . . . 2.1.1 Characteristics of the XPS-Spectra . . Chemical shift . . . . . . . . Spin orbit coupling . . . . . . Multiplet splitting . . . . . . Satellites . . . . . . . . . . . Auger electrons . . . . . . . . Inelastic background . . . . . 2.1.2 XPS in theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three-step model . . . . . . . One-step model . . . . . . . . 2.2 X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy(XAS) . . . . . 2.3 Experimental equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Photoelectron spectrometer PHI 5600ci 2.3.2 Bessy k storage ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The CMR-effect 11 11 16 16 18 18 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 28 28 30 33 4 Preparation of Sr2 FeReO6 37 4.1 XPS measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 5 The Spinel Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 5.1 XPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Cu 2p and 3s core level spectra 5.1.2 Cr 2p core level spectra . . . . 5.1.3 Fe 2p core level spectra . . . . . 5.1.4 S 2p core level spectra . . . . . 5.2 XAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 47 47 49 50 54 55 6 CONTENTS 5.2.1 5.2.2 Cr 2p XAS spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Fe 2p XAS spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 6 Conclusion and outlook 67 7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 71 8 Acknowledgement / Danksagung 75 Chapter 1 Introduction Compounds that show a huge change in the electrical resistance induced by an applied magnetic field are called CMR (colossal magneto resistance)compounds. The fact that the CMR-effect changes the electrical resistance in an amount of several 100% or 1000% and was also reported at room temperature, makes the colossal resistance very interesting for industrial applications. The discovery of this effect in many different materials like manganites, double perovskites or spinels led to intense studies in order to understand the electronic and magnetic properties of these materials. But in spite of all investigations the origin of the CMR-effect is still in question and not understood thoroughly. A few years ago colossal resistance was found in the double perovskite Sr2 FeMoO6 [48][49]. This material is of special interest due to a high Curie temperature (∼ 420K) and a rather large magneto resistance effect already present at room temperature. Recently in Sr2 CrReO6 , which is a double perovskite with an even higher Curie temperature (∼ 635K), a CMR-effect was reported [43]. In order to get more information about the properties of these compounds during this work a Sr2 FeReO6 double perovskite was produced. Here XPS measurements of the first in Osnabrück produced samples are presented and discussed with regard to the sample quality. Spinels are of high interest as well, since they show a CMR-effect despite their complete different characteristics compared to double perovskites or 7 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION manganites. Because of this the colossal resistance has to be explained in a different way. A few years ago a CMR-effect close to room temperature was reported in the spinel chalcogenide Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 [22]. In these compounds not only the origin of the magneto resistance also the valence state of the ions is still in discussion. Two models developed by Goodenough [25] and Lotgering [24] give different descriptions of the valences. In this work the spinels Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 with x=0.2 and x=0.6 are investigated by different x-ray spectroscopic methods. The results are discussed with attention to the valence state of the ions in the compounds. The work has the following structure: • In Chapter 2 the reader is briefly introduced into the experimental techniques used, namely x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). In addition the used experimental equipment is described. • Chapter 3 contains a brief description of the CMR-effect. Two models are introduced in order to explain the CMR-effect. • XPS measurements of four Sr2 FeReO6 samples, produced under different conditions, are presented in Chapter 4. After a brief description of the sample production, the O 1s and Re 4f core level spectra are discussed with attention to the quality of the samples. The H2 flow, under which the samples are reduced, is found to have a big influence on the sample quality. • The next Chapter 5 deals with an investigation of the spinel chalcogenide Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 (x=0.2, 0.6) by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The measurements are compared to configuration-interaction calculations [30] and discussed with regard to the valence state of the ions. To determine the ion valency also multiplet calculations are performed. The results seem to confirm the Lotgering valency model [24]. In addition recently presented XAS measurements of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 [31] are compared to our 8 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION measurements. The line shapes of the spectra are found to differ from our measurements. Possible reasons for this are discussed. • Finally, in Chapter 6 and 7 in english and german the main results achieved in the present work are summed up and an outlook is given. These chapters are followed by my acknowledgment and a list containing the bibliographic references. 9 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 10 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Chapter 2 Basics of x-ray spectroscopic methods In this chapter the experimental methods used in this work are reviewed. At first the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is described. Than a brief introduction in the x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is given. Finally the used experimental equipment is presented. 2.1 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) If an atom is irradiated with light, it is possible that electrons, the so called photoelectrons, are emitted. This photoelectric effect was discovered and described in 1887 by Hertz [1] and Hallwachs [2]. Later in 1905 Albert Einstein explained this process with his quantum light hypothesis [3]. His thesis no longer describes light as a wave, but as a flow of particles, the photons, which hold a specific quantised amount of energy proportional to the Planck constant h and the frequency ν. For this work Albert Einstein was awarded with the Nobel price in 1921. 11 CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS _ D S hν + p ψ ϑ e- , Ekin Figure 2.1: Principle of XPS (adapted from [5][32]). According to the quantum light hypothesis the maximum kinetic energy of an emitted electron is given by Ekin = hν − Φsolid . (2.1) Here hν denotes the energy of the exciting photon and Φsolid the work function of the solid. This material-specific function describes the energy an electron needs to leave the atom. But the equation (2.1) only describes the photoemission process for valence electrons close to or at the Fermi level. Stronger bonded core level electrons also have to overcome their binding energy in order to leave the atom, which leads to Ekin = hν − EB,ef f − Φsolid (2.2) where EB,ef f is the effective binding energy of the emitted electron. Rewriting this equation EB,ef f = hν − Ekin − Φsolid 12 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück (2.3) CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS reveals that it is possible to determine the binding energy of an emitted electron by measuring its kinetic energy, if the photon energy and work function is known. Since the reference of the binding energy is by definition the Fermi energy EF the spectra must be calibrated by Φsolid . But the work function Φsolid is a specific characteristic of the material, usually unknown and difficult to measure. Therefore conductive samples are connected to the spectrometer. Thus, the Fermi levels adjust and the spectrometer can be considered as an electron supplier or vice versa. In this case the kinetic energy Ekin of the photoelectron is modified by the electric field arising from the difference of the work functions of the solid and the spectrometer ∆Φ = Φsolid − Φspectrometer (2.4) 0 and the measured kinetic energy Ekin is given by 0 Ekin = Ekin + ∆Φ = Ekin + (Φsolid − Φspectrometer ) = (hν − EB − Φsolid ) + (Φsolid − Φspectrometer ) 0 ⇒ Ekin = hν − EB − Φspectrometer Φsolid vanishes and the binding energy of an emitted electron can be determined by the following equation. 0 EB = hν − Ekin − Φspectrometer (2.5) The work function of the spectrometer Φspectrometer is usually well known. As shown in the Figures below the connection of a sample to the spectrometer can lead to two different situations. Depending on whether Φspectrometer or Φsolid is higher the spectrometer or the sample limits the measurable binding energy EBmax . 13 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS 1 .C a s e : T h e s p e c tr o m e te r lim its ! 0 h v E = > . E S p ec m ax . 2 .C a s e : T h e s a m p le lim its ! S o lid 0 m ax h v m in k in ] = 0 E . . S p ec . S o lid m ax k in S o lid E m in k in h v . S p ec E F m ax E B F m ax B d e e p e s t v is ib le c o re -le v e l! d e e p e s t v is ib le c o re -le v e l ! in v is ib le , s in c e th e w o rk fu n c tio n o f th e s o lid lim its ! in v is ib le , s in c e th e w o rk fu n c tio n o f th e s p e c tro m e te r lim its ! S a m p le . B S o lid E < S p ec E h v h v . m ax h v E = > k in [ E B > S p e c tr o m e te r S a m p le S p e c tr o m e te r Figure 2.2: The Fermi level adjustment of sample and spectrometer. In practice the electrons are excited by X-rays or UV-radiation. In the first case the method is called X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), if UV-radiation is used it is called Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UPS). 14 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS h v (U P S ) C B V B h v (X P S ) c o re le v e ls Figure 2.3: Principle of XPS and UPS. Although this method is based upon the photoelectric process, the intensities in a photoelectric spectrum can not be explained completely by this. Various effects beside the photoelectric process highly affect the measured spectra. Some of them just modify the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons, like the Chemical shift or the Spin-orbit coupling, others compete with the photoelectric process by emitting additional electrons, like Satellites or the Auger-effect. All this effects have to be completely understood in order to get correct information. This seems to be a disadvantage, but the various side effects in the PES are the big advantage of this method. Since they are highly influenced by the chemical environment and the valence state of an atom, they reveal a lot of information about the chemical and electronic structure of the measured material. 15 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS In addition the peak intensities correspond to the elements contained in the sample, therefore this method can also give information about the stoichiometry of the sample. In contrast to other x-ray spectroscopic methods the XPS gives the total density of states(tDOS). 2.1.1 Characteristics of the XPS-Spectra In the following a short summery of the basic side effects appearing in a photoelectric spectrum is given. Chemical shift Although valence electrons are involved in chemical bondings, core level electrons are affected by them. Due to a change of the electric environment, the electric potential changes and with it the binding energy of the core level electrons. For instance, if in a bonding the valence electrons of an atom migrate, like for the Fe atom in FeO, the core electrons feel a stronger Coulomb interaction with the nucleus. Therefore Fe 2p electrons in FeO have a higher binding energy than in pure Fe (Figure 2.4 ). The magnitude of the energy shift depends on the type of binding and the neighboring atoms. By comparing the binding energy shift of core level electrons, the so called Chemical shift, with reference measurements, one gets information about the bonding and the chemical environment of an atom in a sample. The theoretical approach of the Chemical shift is very difficult, because the influence of several factors can not be determined and calculated correctly. In general the equation 2.5 is modified in order to describe the changes of the effective binding energy in a chemical bonding. EB,ef f = EB (atom) + ∆(Echem + EM ad ) (2.6) ∆Echem = KqA denotes the chemical shift in atom A relating to a reference. qA describes the valency difference to the reference and K the interaction of 16 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS valence level electrons with the core level electrons. The latter is an empirical parameter. The Madelung term ∆EM ad considers the influence of the other atoms in a molecule or bulk. It is the sum of the effective charge qB divided by the distance rAB of every surrounding atom B to the atom A where A 6= B. With this the effective binding energy can be described as EB,ef f = EB (atom) + KqA + X ( B6=A qB ) rAB (2.7) It has to be mentioned that in equation 2.7 only electrostatic considerations are taken into account. 2p3/2 :707.0 eV Intensity (arb. units) 2p1/2 :720.3 eV Fe metal 709.5 eV 723.3 eV satellite satellite FeO 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 Binding Energy (eV) Figure 2.4: Chemical shift of the Fe 2p XPS lines of FeO. The Spin orbit coupling and the satellites will be explained in the following (adapted from [21]). 17 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS Spin orbit coupling To describe the way an electron is bound to an atom quantum numbers are used. The main quantum number n [n = 1, 2, ...] for example denotes the atomic shell where the electron is located. The angular momentum of the electron is given by l [l = 0, 1, 2, ..., n − 1] and the spin by s [s = 21 , − 12 ]. Instead of l=0,1,2... the angular momentum is often expressed with s,p,d. The total angular momentum j is the sum of l and s [here j = l ± 12 ]. To describe the state of an electron in an atom the expression nlj is used. For instance, 2p 3 denotes an electron in the second atomic shell with an angular 2 momentum of l=1 and the spin s=+ 21 , which results in j= 32 . The electron 2p 1 is located at the same atomic shell and has the same angular momentum 2 as 2p 3 . The only difference is the coupling of its angular momentum l and 2 its spin s. Here s=− 12 , which results in j= 12 . This coupling is called the Spin orbit coupling. Within an atom it results in states with different binding energies. Therefore every core level line in PES is a doublet like for example the Cr 2p lines (Figure 2.5) or the Fe 2p lines (Figure 2.4). Only for levels with l=0 there is a singulet because j can not be negative. The relative intensities of the two levels of a doublet are given by: I(l+ 1 ) 2 I(l− 1 ) 2 = l+1 l (2.8) For instance, for the d levels (l=2) the relative intensities are I5/2 /I3/2 =3/2. The doublet splitting increases with increasing atomic number for fixed main quantum number n and total angular momentum j. Multiplet splitting If core level electrons are emitted out of systems with unpaired electrons in the valence levels, multiplet (exchange) splitting of the core level lines can occur. In contrast to the spin orbit coupling this splitting originates from a spin to spin coupling. In case of transition-metal compounds for example the spin s=1/2 of a 3s core hole created during the photoemission can couple parallel or antiparallel to the total spin of the valence electrons (S). The two 18 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS types of coupling release a different amount of energy that is absorbed by the emitted electron. This causes a spitting of the core line and the exchange splitting (∆Es ) can be written according to the van Vleck theorem [8] : ∆Es = 2S + 1 2 G (3s, 3d) 2l + 1 (2.9) G2 (3s, 3d) is the Slater exchange integral and l the orbital quantum number (l=2). The binding energy of the state with (S+1/2) is lower than the binding energy corresponding to (S-1/2). This creates a doublet in the spectrum and the intensity ratio of the two peaks is given by: IS+1/2 S+1 = IS−1/2 S (2.10) In 1970 it was found that there are measurements for which the van Vleck theorem was not fulfilled. The multiplet intensities ratio was higher than that predicted by the equation 2.10 and the value of the splitting was about two times smaller than expected [9][10]. This discrepancy has been associated to intra-atomic ”near-degeneracy” correlation effects [11]. Nonetheless the above equations can be used as a valuable ”diagnostic” tool for the analysis of the magnetic ground state. Nowadays the treatment of the 3s multiplet splitting is based upon full multiplet calculations [12]. The multiplet splitting is even more complicated for the other core levels (l 6= 0), because in addition spin orbit splitting occurs in the spectra. The Figure 2.5 shows the Cr 2p lines with both splitting types. 19 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS spin orbit coupling multiplet splitting Intenstiy (arb. units) Cr 2p3/2 Cr 2p-XPS 610 600 Cr 2p1/2 590 580 Binding energy (eV) 570 Figure 2.5: Spin orbit coupling and multiplet splitting of the Cr 2p lines (of the Spinel Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 ). Satellites A photoelectron that is emitted during a photoelectric process can interact with the (N-1 electron) excited state of the atom. This leads to additional lines, the so called satellites, beside the main lines in the spectra (Figure 2.4). Satellites are separated in two classes, the extrinsic and the intrinsic satellites. The first are due to inter-atomic excitations, the second occur because of intra-atomic relaxations. During a photoemission process it is possible that a second electron is excited. The necessary energy is supplied from the kinetic energy of the primary photoelectron. Because of the energy loss the primary electron will appear with a higher binding energy (lower kinetic energy) on the spectrum. If the second electron is transferred to a higher energy orbit, this line is called shake-up satellite, if it is completely removed, it is called shake-off satellite [13]. 20 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS In transition metals yet another type of satellite, the charge transfer satellite, can occur. A transfer of one electron from the ligand 2p (L) to the metal 3d shell is involved in the origin of this satellite: 3dn L → 3dn+1 L−1 . This extrinsic charge transfer process requires the energy (∆): ∆ = E(3dn+1 L−1 ) − E(3dn L) (2.11) Auger electrons If a photoelectron has been emitted from the sample the remaining hole is filled with an electron of a higher energy level. This process releases energy, which is either radiated in the form of a photon or absorbed by an electron. This so called Auger electron is excited into the continuum and appears at low kinetic energies that means high binding energies in the spectrum [7]. e- Φ eEVacuum EFermi EVacuum Φ Φ EFermi hv 1. Excitation and emission of a photoelectron by radiation. 2. The hole is filled by an electron of a higher level and the released energy leads to the emission of an auger electron. 3. The final state Figure 2.6: Principle of the emission of an Auger electron. 21 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück EVacuum EFermi CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS The labelling of Auger electrons is based upon the shell the first photoelectron is emitted, the shell the filling electron falls down from and the shell from which the Auger electron is excited. For instance, an Auger electron is called KL1 L23 when an electron of the K shell (1s level) was removed, an electron of the L1 (2s) level recombines with the hole in the K shell and the resultant photon excites an electron of the L23 (2p1/2 or 2p3/2 ) level. Inelastic background Photoelectrons excited during a photoemission process and moving through the sample to the surface of the solid can be scattered either elastic or inelastic. In the first case the electron energy remains the same. But inelastic scattered electrons lose energy and appear at lower kinetic energy in the spectra. Because of this there is a redistribution of the intensities in the spectra. The intensities of inelastic scattered electrons is called inelastic background. The higher the binding energies the more these intensities overlay the spectrum. 2.1.2 XPS in theory In theory the photoemission process can be approached full quantum mechanically. Two wave functions Ψi and Ψf describe a system comprising N electrons. They correspond to the initial and final state of the system before and after the photoemission, respectively. The transition probability dominates the photocurrent intensity and fulfills Fermi’s Golden rule, ω ∼ |hΨf |H ∗ |Ψi i|2 δ(Ef − Ei − hv) (2.12) Here it is assumed that the perturbation H ∗ to the N-1 electron system is small. The δ function ensures the energy conservation. The interaction Hamiltonian H ∗ can be expressed by the following equation. H∗ = e2 e · A · P − eΦ + |A|2 mc 2mc2 22 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück (2.13) CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS e is the charge and m the mass of an electron. As usual c denotes the speed of light. A and Φ refer to the vector and the scalar potential of the incident radiation. Finally P is the momentum operator of the electron. Different kinds of approximations are done to describe the photoemission process easier, but several important effects are not taken into account by them [21]. Three-step model Based upon the theories of Berglund and Spicer [14], in this model the photoemission process is described as consisting of three separated steps: 1. The local excitation of an electron by absorbing a photon. 2. The propagation of the photoelectron through the sample to the surface. During their movement some of the excited photoelectrons lose energy mainly due to electron-electron interaction if high energies are used. For low energies this scattering process is dominated by electronphonon interaction. Here the so called mean free path λ is a very important parameter. It reflects the mean distance between two inelastic impacts of an electron propagating through the sample [15]. λ(E) = E Eplas βln(γE) (2.14) β and γ are parameters, E denotes the energy of the excited electron and finally Eplas the plasmon energy of a free electron gas. In the soft x-ray energy range (∼ 100 − 1000 eV) the mean free path may be approximated by λ ∝ E p , p ranging from 0.6 to 0.8 [16]. 3. The penetration of the photoelectron through the surface and the emission of those electrons into the vacuum which have enough kinetic energy normal to the surface to overcome the potential barrier. The other electrons are reflected back. 23 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS One-step model Although the three-step model is very descriptive and illustrative, it turned out not to be a good approach for computational simulation of PES spectra. Here models, which consider the whole photoemission process as a single step, are much more useful. Many different so called one-step models have been developed, most recently a relativistic one-step approach [17]. If one uses characteristic crystal potentials as input data one-step models are an appropriate tool for the simulation of XPS spectra [18]. 2.2 X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy(XAS) In contrast to XPS in the x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) an electron is not emitted out of the sample but excited into an unoccupied state of the conduction band (Figure 2.7). Thus, this method probes the partial density of states (pDOS) of the empty states in the conduction band. XAS is site specific because each element has individual excitation energies. The required energy Eexc for the excitation is given by: Eexc = hν = Ef inal + EB,ef f (2.15) Here EB,ef f is the effective binding energy of the electron before the excitation. Ef inal is the energy of the final state in the conduction band. 24 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS C B V B h v (X A S ) c o re le v e ls Figure 2.7: Principle of XAS. Due to dipole selection rules only specific transitions are allowed. Thus in XAS only excitations which change the angular momentum quantum number l of the electron by one occur in the process (∆l = ±1). In addition the spin s has to be conserved (∆s = 0), while the z-component of the orbital momentum m can also change by one (∆m = ±1, 0). In particular for left hand circularly polarized light it has to be ∆m = +1 and for right hand circularly polarized light ∆m = −1. A tunable source, e.g. the radiation of a synchrotron, is necessary to determine different states in the conduction band. The transition intensity can only be determined indirectly. One way is to measure the transmission or reflection of the radiation and calculate the absorption. But this is only possible for thin samples. For metals it is possible to measure the drain current from the sample which is proportional to the XAS signal. This method is called total electron yield (TEY). In case of insulators one can measure the intensity of radiant recombination (PFY- or TFY-mode). 25 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS The XAS can be divided into two spectral regions. One is the so called near edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) which reflects excitations of the photoelectron into the unoccupied states. The other one is the extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) where the photoelectron is excited into the continuum and scatters with the environment. The superposition of this scattering leads to characteristic features in the XAS. This region is usually at photon energies well above the corresponding NEXAFS threshold. For a better comparison of the spectra we made a background correction of the XAS measurements in this work. Therefore we subtracted an exponential background and a step-function from the measured data. A reason for the exponential background can be the monochromator, which is influenced by the incoming radiation and its wavelength. The step-function is subtracted in order to subtract the transitions into continuum states [55]. A step-function aligned at the maxima of the L3 and L2 edges with relative heights of 2 : 1, which is the expected intensity ratio for transitions into the two continua, was used. To get a better result the function was smoothed. In Figure 2.8 an example is given. On the top of the Figure the original measured XAS Fe 2p core level spectrum of the spinel Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 together with the exponential background is shown. In the middle one can see the spectrum from which the background was subtracted together with the step-function. Finally this step-function is subtracted from the spectrum as well and the resulting spectrum is shown at the bottom of Figure 2.8. 26 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Intensity (arb. units) CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 exponential background 730 720 710 700 Photon energy (eV) Intensity (arb. units) Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 step-function 730 720 710 700 Photon energy (eV) Intensity (arb. units) Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 730 720 710 700 Photon energy (eV) Figure 2.8: Background correction of the XAS Fe 2p core level measurement of Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . 27 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS 2.3 2.3.1 Experimental equipment Photoelectron spectrometer PHI 5600ci The XPS measurements presented in this work were performed with a PHI 5600ci multitechnique spectrometer produced by the Perkin Elmer Coorperation [19]. Figure 2.9: The PHI 5600ci multitechnique spectrometer [20]. In order to make in situ experiments a preparation chamber was added to the spectrometer. This was done by the fine mechanical workshop of the department of physics. The chamber is equipped with a diamond file and a pincer to rasp or to cleave the sample in vacuum. Thereby it is possible to perform measurements on very clean surfaces, which is essential for the rather surface sensitive XPS. In addition the surface of a sample can be cleaned in the mainchamber by sputtering with an ion gun. Argon ions are accelerated with a maximal voltage of 4kV and hit the surface of the sample. But not every sample can be cleaned this way. Whereas metallic compounds can be sputtered successfully, other samples like oxides can be damaged by the ions. 28 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS To prevent the sample from being contaminated during a measurement and the photoelectrons from being scattered by gas-molecules on their way from the sample to the analyser, UHV (Ultra High Vacuum) is needed. This is achieved by the use of several types of vacuum-pumps. Rotation pumps can reach up to a pressure in that turbomolecular pumps can work. With these the pressure is about 1 × 10−8 mbar. An ion getter pump and a titanium sublimation pump can then be activated to achieve an even better pressure of about 1 × 10−9 mbar. In this condition XPS-measurements can be performed for hours without taking care of sample-contamination or scattering processes of the photoelectrons. The PHI 5600ci is equipped with two x-ray sources. One is a dual Mg/Al x-ray anode and the other one a monochromatised Al anode. The radiation energies of the dual anode are 1486.6 eV for the Al Kα with a half-width of 0.85 eV and 1253.6 eV for the Mg Kα with a 0.7 eV half-width. The Kα radiation is caused by a transition of an electron from the L shell to a hole in the K shell, which was created because of a photoemission process. The x-rays of the dual anode are unmonochromatised in contrast to the radiation of the single Al anode. This source is usually used for measurements. Based upon the Bragg equation nλ = 2d · sin(θ) the Al Kα is monochromatised by a quartz crystal to a half-width of 0.3 eV. In order to analyse the excited photoelectrons an 11 inches hemispherical analyser is used, in which at first the electrons are focused by a lens system. After that their kinetic energy is reduced to a certain pass energy Ep to ensure a constant absolute resolution for the hole spectrum. In the so called constant analyser transition (CAT) mode only electrons with an energy Ep ± ∆E may pass the analyser, ∆E denotes the absolute energy resolution. Reducing the pass energy leads to a higher energy resolution of the recorded spectra but a smaller overall intensity of the XPS signal. 29 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS 2.3.2 Bessy k storage ring Synchrotron radiation is necessary to perform measurements like XAS, that need high intensities and a tunable energy. This radiation occurs when charged particles, e.g. electrons, travel close to the speed of light and are deflected by a magnet. Such magnets are the so called bending magnets which force the charged particles on the circular path of the storage ring. Wigglers and undulators are deflecting magnets as well, though they do not change the direction of the particle beam. These magnets just make the particles oscillate so that they are radiating. Since synchrotron radiation is always emitted in the forward direction, beamlines are arranged tangential with respect to the storage ring. Due to the high intensity and weak divergence of the synchrotron radiation measurements with a high resolution are possible. Figure 2.10: Bessy storage ring and facility. 30 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS The XAS measurements in this thesis were performed at Bessy k in Berlin. We worked at the Russian-German Beamline PM-RD-BL, which provides radiation energies between 100 - 1500 eV. The spectrometer description and its specifications are available on the internet [36]. The measurements where done with linear polarized light at room temperature. The total electron yield (TEY) was measured. Figure 2.11: Left: Beamlines at Bessy k. Right: The Russian-German Beamline PM-RD-BL. 31 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 2. BASICS OF X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS 32 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Chapter 3 The CMR-effect The so called magneto resistance (MR) is the change in the electrical resistance of a conductor by an applied magnetic field (H). The MR is determined by the following equation. MR = − R(H) − R(0) R(0) In nonmagnetic conductors the MR is relatively small and due to the Lorentz force that a magnetic field exerts on moving electrons. But magnetic materials often show a large MR, sometimes even in low magnetic fields. The large spin polarisation of the electrons giving rise to additional contributions could be the reason for this. There are many different kinds of MR effects [39], but the so called Colossal magneto resistance (CMR) effect is the biggest one. It can reach up to several 100% or 1000%. In 1993 the effect was discovered in manganese perovskites [52]. It has been associated with half metallic (HM) ferromagnetism (FM) and was explained with a so called double-exchange interaction. It is shown in Figure 3.1 for La1−x Cax MnO3 . In this compound the presents of two Mn valences (Mn3+ /Mn4+ ) is assumed. Because of the Hund coupling only in a ferromagnetic state an (itinerant) electron can move from one Mn3+ -ion to empty states of the Mn4+ -ion. In an not ferromagnetic state the jump-process needs too much energy. An applied magnetic field can enhance a ferromagnetic state and therefore change the electrical resistance. 33 CHAPTER 3. THE CMR-EFFECT Mn 3+ O 2− e− Mn 4+ Mn e− 1− 4+ O 4+ O Mn Mn 2− 3+ O 2− e− Mn Mn 4+ Mn 4+ Mn 4+ e− O 1− Mn 4+ 3+ ferromagnetic paramagnetic Figure 3.1: Schematic plot of the double-exchange interaction in La1−x Cax MnO3 adapted from [21]. Left panel: ferromagnetic spin state, right panel: canted spin structure. Besides the double exchange model there are also other effects (e.g. magnonphonon interaction [53]) that are assumed to be involved in the CMR behavior. Nevertheless many facts like the remarkable rich phase diagram of these compounds or the metal to insulator transition have yet not been understood thoroughly. During the last years huge MR effects have been reported also for other types of materials like double perovskites (e.g. Sr2 FeMoO6 [48] [49]) or the magnetic chalcogenides Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 [47][46]. Especially for the latter compounds the origin of the CMR-effect is very interesting. Since these compounds have complete different characteristics compared to manganites, the CMR-effect can not be explained in the same way. For example in Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 the ions occupy both tetrahedral and octahedral site, whereas in manganites they only occupy octahedral sites. Because of this the double exchange model has to be modified for the chalcogenide. Palmer and Greaves proposed the so called triple-exchange model [50]. An illustration is given in Figure 3.2. The Fe2+ ions have six 3d electrons. The sixth electron is 34 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 3. THE CMR-EFFECT located in the eg band with the spin antiparallel to the spins of the other five electrons, but parallel to the Cr moments, which define the direction of the magnetization. The single electron in the spin-up eg band hops with an exchange mechanism, similar to the double exchange, via a p orbital of the sulphur to Cr. This leads to an intermediated Cr2+ state. From there it proceeds via the second S to the Fe3+ ion, changing its valence to Fe2+ . Figure 3.2: Illustration of the triple-exchange between Fe2+ and Fe3+ via S and Cr (adapted from [51]). The mobile electrons and the empty states, into which they are hopping, are circled. Recently it was assumed that in Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 the conductivity is due to triple-exchange mechanisms for the concentration range x<0.5 and doubleexchange mechanisms for x≥0.5 [51]. Since our measurements of the spinel with x=0.6 did not show two Cr valences, which are essential for doubleexchange, this has to be further investigated. In addition many facts concerning the temperature and pressure depending behavior of these compounds are still not understood [51]. 35 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 3. THE CMR-EFFECT 36 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Chapter 4 Preparation of Sr2FeReO6 A lot of transition metal oxides have attracted much attention due to their rich phase diagrams and transport properties since the discovery of colossal magneto resistance at room temperature by Kobayashi et al. [40]. Especially ordered double perovskites like Sr2 FeMoO6 (SFMO) have been studied a lot (e.g. [38], [39]). These compounds have the general structure A2 BB’O6 . The B and the B’ sites are usually occupied by transition metals (e.g. Fe and Mo), which are in the center of an oxygen octahedron. In a perfectly ordered double perovskite the BO6 and the B’O6 octahedrons are alternating [41] (Figure 4.1). SFMO is ferrimagnetic because the magnetic moments of iron and molybdenum are antiparallel and the magnetic moment of iron is much larger than the magnetic moment of molybdenum. The compound is in a half metallic antiferromagnetic state with a Curie temperature of about 400K [42]. 37 CHAPTER 4. PREPARATION OF SR2 FEREO6 Fe Oxygen octahedron Mo Figure 4.1: Ordered double perovskite structure of Sr2 FeMoO6 . Sr-ions are not illustrated. A few years ago a double perovskite with an even higher Curie temperature was presented [43]. By choosing Cr for the B and Re for the B’ site an CMR-compound was created (Sr2 CrReO6 ) with TC = 635K and the characteristics of a metallic ferromagnet. In order to investigate the property change of these two compounds we decided to create a double perovskite with Fe at the B and Re at the B’ site (Sr2 FeReO6 (SFRO)). Four samples were produced in the crystal growth facility of the University of Osnabrück. Dr. R. Pankrath is acknowledged for preparing the samples. To get an idea of the conductivity and magnetic behavior of the compounds we used a multimeter and a magnet. 38 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 4. PREPARATION OF SR2 FEREO6 The first produced sample showed a high resistance and seemed to be not magnetic. The second sample was produced the same way, but afterwards it was reduced in H2 . This was done to lower the amount of oxygen in the sample. The resistance of this sample decreased indicating an improve in the crystal structure, but, like for the first sample, a magnetic behavior could not be seen. The third sample was reduced again, but with a small H2 gas flow. The gas flow was only about 1.5 l/h. There seemed to be no change in the resistance, but a small magnetic behavior could be found. The same was present for the last sample, which was produced with a reduction gas flow of only 1 l/h. In the following XPS measurements of these four samples are presented and discussed with attention to the quality of the compounds. 4.1 XPS measurements In Figure 4.2 XPS O 1s core level spectra of the four prepared samples are shown. As one can see the O 1s lines of the first two samples show two valences. This could indicate a second phase in the crystal and therefore a deficit in the crystal structure. The spectra of the third sample shows one broad O 1s line indicating a better structure. The O 1s line of the fourth sample is the best defined one, which could indicate an even better structure. 39 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Intensity (arg. units) CHAPTER 4. PREPARATION OF SR2 FEREO6 SFRO_1.sample 536 534 532 530 528 526 Intensity (arb. units) Binding energy (eV) SFRO_2.sample 536 534 532 530 528 526 Intensity (arb. units) Binding energy (eV) SFRO_3.sample 534 532 530 528 Binding energy (eV) Intensity (arb. units) 536 526 SFRO4.sample 536 534 532 530 528 526 Binding energy (eV) Figure 4.2: The XPS O 1s core level spectra of different produced Sr2 FeReO6 samples. 40 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 4. PREPARATION OF SR2 FEREO6 Figure 4.3 shows XPS Re 4f core level spectra of the prepared samples. The spectra exhibit a doublet structure due to the spin orbit coupling. The first sample shows two broaden lines indicating most of the Re in a 6+ valence state. The Re 4f line of the second samples is showing many peaks. This can be due to many different Re valences present in the compound. The spectra of the third sample exhibits 3 peaks. This indicates that a mixed Re valence state (Re5+ /Re6+ ) is present. Since the second peak of the Re5+ doublet and the first peak of the Re6+ doublet overlap only 3 peaks are present. The fourth sample shows two peaks again, but in addition a shoulder at lower binding energies indicating a small amount of Re5+ or Re4+ valences besides Re6+ -ions. 41 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Intensity (arb. units) CHAPTER 4. PREPARATION OF SR2 FEREO6 SFRO_1.sample Intensity (arb. units) 54 50 48 46 44 42 40 48 46 44 42 40 48 46 44 42 40 48 46 44 42 40 Binding energy (eV) SFRO_2.sample Intensity (arb. units) 54 52 50 Binding energy (eV) SFRO_3.sample 54 Intensity (arb.units) 52 52 50 Binding energy (eV) SFRO_4.sample 54 52 50 Binding energy (eV) Figure 4.3: The XPS Re 4f core level spectra of different produced Sr2 FeReO6 samples. 42 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 4. PREPARATION OF SR2 FEREO6 In conclusion one can say that the structure of the samples seem to improve by a small H2 reduction. While a high gas flow leads to a lot of additional valences of O and Re, this does not occur for a small gas flow. The sample that was reduced with 1.5 l/h is very interesting since the Re shows clearly two valences. Since in Sr2 FeMoO6 the Mo ion is present also in two valences, which makes double exchange possible, this could indicate a well ordered double perovskite structure [21][39]. In the near future XRD measurements will be done to get more information about the structure and quality of the samples. 43 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 4. PREPARATION OF SR2 FEREO6 44 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Chapter 5 The Spinel Fe1−xCuxCr2S4 Compounds with the structure ACr2 X4 crystallize in the normal spinel closepacked fcc lattice [Fd3m], in which the A-ions occupy tetrahedral and the B-ions octahedral sites (Figure 5.1). These crystals are simply called spinels. The chalcogenide Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 is a spinel where the A-ions are a mixture of Fe and Cu. Figure 5.1: The spinel crystal structure. 45 CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 Recently a colossal magnetoresistance effect(CMR) was reported in Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 close to room temperature [22]. This renewed an remarkable interest in these compounds, since other mechanisms, besides double exchange and electron-phonon interactions, seem to be responsible for the CMR-effect. Because of complete different characteristics compared to manganites (first reported CMR-compounds) in spinels the CMR-effect can not be explained in the same way. But not only the magnetoresistance effect, also the valency of the spinel atoms is still in question. Goodenough [25] developed a model in which the A-site −2 is divalent [A2+ B3+ 2 S4 ]. But in a different model Lotgering [23, 24] claims the A-site to be monovalent and the B-site to be in a mixed valence state [A1+ B3+ B4+ S−2 4 ]. For the Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 system the situation becomes even more complicated, since there are several possibilities for the substitution of Cu by Fe, depending on whether Cu is monovalent or divalent. Various possibilities where discussed by several authors [26, 27, 28]. Recently it was suggested that for low substitution of Cu (x=0.0, 0.1) Fe is in a ferrous (Fe2+ ) charge state whereas for higher substitution of Cu (x=0.3, 0.5) the charge state of Fe is ferric (Fe3+ ) (x=0.0, 0.1) [29]. In the following XPS and XAS measurements of Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 (x=0.2, 0.6) are presented and compared to other measurements and calculations. The results are discussed with special attention to the valence state of Fe and Cu. The single crystals where grown by chemical transport reaction. Dr. V. Tsurkan is acknowledged for providing the spinels. 46 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 5.1 5.1.1 XPS Cu 2p and 3s core level spectra Figure 5.2 shows the Cu 2p XPS spectra of Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 (x=0.2, 0.6). The spectra exhibit a doublet structure due to the spin orbit coupling (2p3/2 , 2p1/2 ). The line at about 980 eV is the Cr L3 M23 M45 Auger peak. Compared to other Cu 2p spectra [32] (Figure 5.3) the measurements closely resemble spectra of Cu2 O and CuFeO2 , in which Cu ions are present as Cu1+ . This fact is a strong indication for Cu being in a monovalent charge state, since satellite structures like in CuO, containing Cu2+ ions, are not present. Nevertheless there are Cu compounds like CuSe and CuS with Cu in a divalent charge state that do not show shake-up satellites. 2p3/2 Intensity (arb. units) Cu 2p-XPS Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 2p1/2 Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 960 950 940 930 Binding energy (eV) Figure 5.2: The XPS Cu 2p spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . 47 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 Figure 5.3: XPS Cu 2p spectra adapted from [32]. To check the Cu valence in the investigated compounds in addition Cu 3s spectra were measured. In Figure 5.4 the Cu 3s spectra are presented. It is known that a spectral splitting of the 3s XPS core-level spectra can occur for transition metals due to an exchange coupling between the 3s hole created during the photoemission process and the 3d electron. Since the 3s splitting is related to the total spin of the 3d electrons [35] from its value one can obtain information about the valency of the Cu ions. There is no exchange splitting of the Cu 3s level of the investigated compounds. This fact confirms a 3d10 electronic configuration for the Cu1+ ions. 48 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 Intensity (arb. units) Cu 3s-XPS Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 135 130 125 120 115 110 Binding energy (eV) Figure 5.4: The XPS Cu 3s spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . 5.1.2 Cr 2p core level spectra In Figure 5.5 Cr 2p XPS core level spectra are presented. In these spectra, additional to the spin orbit splitting (2p3/2 , 2p1/2 ), an exchange splitting of the Cr 2p3/2 line occurs. The value of this splitting can be used to determine the valence state of the Cr-ions [32]. The splitting of the Cr 2p3/2 line is about 1 eV± 0.1 eV, which is an indication for trivalent Cr-ions. 49 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 2p3/2 Cr 2p-XPS Intensity (arb. units) 2p1/2 Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 595 590 585 580 575 570 Binding energy (eV) Figure 5.5: The XPS Cr 2p spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . Since the splitting is not well resolved, neutron diffraction measurements of the Cr magnetic moment could help to confirm the valence state of the Cr-ions. 5.1.3 Fe 2p core level spectra Figure 5.6 shows Fe 2p XPS core level spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 together with spectra of other Fe compounds adapted from [32]. The spectra exhibit a doublet structure due to the spin orbit coupling (2p3/2 , 2p1/2 ). An comparison of the Fe 2p lines reveal that the position and satellite structure of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 resemble them of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 and FeCr2 S4 . In FeCr2 S4 the valence state of Fe is assumed to be divalent, whereas in Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 the Fe ions should be trivalent. The fact that both spectra resemble each other was explained with charge transfer effects. During the photoemission process a charge transfer from one S2− to a Fe3+ ion takes place and therefore most of the Fe ions are excited in Fe2+ (S− ) 50 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 states [32]. Because of the preservation of charge neutrality and according to the valence model of Lotgering in Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 a mixed Fe valence state should be present. The Fe2+ /Fe3+ ration is assumed to be 3/1 [24]. This fact and the occurrence of charge transfer effects agree with the XPS Fe 2p spectrum of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 showing divalent Fe ions. Intensity (arb. units) 2p3/2 2p1/2 Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 Fe05Cu05Cr2S4 Fe 2p-XPS 740 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 Binding energy (eV) Figure 5.6: The XPS Fe 2p spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 together with spectra of (a) Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 , (b) FeCr2 S4 and (c) Fe2 O3 adapted from [32]. 51 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 In Figure 5.7 XPS Fe 2p spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 , Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 are presented. As one can see the latter one has significant differences compared to the other two spectra. This can be due to a contaminated surface, a small amount of Fe in the compound or little differences in the sample quality. But if one again considers the Lotgering model another explanation reveals. According to this model for x > 0.5 holes in the S valence band are predicted. This can reduce the charge transfer process and cause less Fe ions to be measured in a Fe2+ S− state, but in a Fe3+ charge state. This would lead to lines measured at higher binding energies as seen in the spectra of Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . The satellite structures at both Fe 2p lines seem to broaden while the intensity of the main lines, especially the 2p3/2 , seem to decrease. In addition also in the other two spectra this special tendency occurs. Compared to the spectrum of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 the Fe 2p lines of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 seem to broaden, the satellites increase and the 2p3/2 line has less intensity than the 2p1/2 line. In contrast to this, the 2p3/2 line in Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 has more intensity than the 2p1/2 line. In Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 all Fe ions are predicted to be trivalent, whereas in Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 only 20% of the ions at the A-site are assumed to be Fe3+ . Therefore a bigger amount of measured trivalent Fe ions in Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 , despite charge transfer effects, is likely. 52 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 Intensity (arb. units) Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 2p3/2 2p1/2 Fe05Cu05Cr2S4 Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 740 Fe2p-XPS 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 Binding energy (eV) Figure 5.7: XPS Fe 2p spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 , Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . In order to confirm the valence state of the Fe ions and for a better understanding of the line shape of the spectra, further measurement of these and other Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 compounds are needed. 53 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 5.1.4 S 2p core level spectra Here XPS S 2p core level spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 , Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 are presented (Figure 5.8). Again spin orbit splitting occurs. The intensity of the 2p3/2 line is normalised. As one can see compared to the other two spectra for Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 the intensity of the 2p1/2 line is a bit increased and broadened. Like for the Fe spectra this can be due to a contaminated surface of the sample or little differences in the sample quality. But holes in the valence band of S lead to a bigger 2p1/2 peak [32] and according to Lotgering in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 a small amount of ligand holes (about 5%) should occur. This would be in good agreement with the XPS Fe 2p core level discussion. 2p3/2 Intensity (arb. units) S 2p-XPS 2p1/2 Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 Fe05Cu05Cr2S4 166 164 162 160 Binding energy (eV) 158 Figure 5.8: The XPS S 2p spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 , Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . 54 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 5.2 XAS 5.2.1 Cr 2p XAS spectra The Cr 2p lines of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 were measured at the same binding energies and look very similar (Figure 5.9). Due to the spin orbit coupling a doublet structure occurs (L2 , L3 ). An exponential background and a step-function were subtracted from the spectra as described in chapter 2.2. There is a small shoulder at the Cr L3 edge of Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 and the L2 edge shows a higher intensity. This could be due to the low resolution, charge transfer effects or a difference in the quality of the compounds. Recently Cr 2p XAS spectra of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 measured at 50K were presented. The Cr-ions were determined to be trivalent as well [31]. There are significant differences in the shape of these lines compared to our measurements. A possible reason for this could be the low measuring temperature, which is further discussed in the next section. L3 Intensity (arb. units) Cr 2p-XAS L2 Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 595 590 585 580 575 570 565 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.9: The XAS Cr 2p core level spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . 55 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 An atomic multiplet calculation of Cr3+ is shown in Figure 5.10. The calculations were performed using the TT-multiplet program [44] [45]. Core-hole intrinsic lifetime broadening was set to 0.3 eV for both edges and a Gaussian broadening (0.4 eV) was applied to account for experimental resolution. Octahedral sites with an crystal field of 1.5 eV were assumed according to Aniruddha Dep et al. [31]. There are some significant differences between the Cr 2p spectra and the calculation, especially at the L2 edge. These can be due to the fact that many side effects, like charge transfer, are not included in the calculation. Nevertheless the line shape of the Cr 2p spectra resemble the calculation, which could be an indication for trivalent Cr ions. Cr 2p-XAS & Calculation L3 Intensity (arb. units) Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 3+ Cr _calculation (10Dq=1.5eV, [Oh]) L2 595 590 585 580 575 570 565 570 565 Photon energy (eV) L3 Intensity (arb. units) Cr 2p-XAS & Calculation 595 Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 3+ Cr _calculation (10Dq=1.5eV, [Oh]) L2 590 585 580 575 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.10: The XAS Cr 2p core level measurements and an atomic multiplet Cr3+ calculation. 56 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 5.2.2 Fe 2p XAS spectra Figure 5.11 shows the measured Fe 2p spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . The spectra exhibit a doublet structure due to the spin orbit coupling (L2 , L3 ). An exponential background and a step-function were subtracted from the spectra as described in chapter 2.2. As one can see the Fe 2p lines look very different which indicates that the two compounds differ in the Fe valence state. In addition the shoulder at higher photon energies of the L3 edge of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 corresponds to the main peak of the Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 L3 edge. Similarly the little peak at lower photon energies beside the L3 edge of Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 corresponds to the main peak of the Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 L3 edge. At the L2 edge a correspondence of the lines can be seen as well. This could be an indication for charge transfer effects or a mixed valence state of the Fe-ions. Figure 5.11: The XAS Fe 2p core level spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . 57 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 For a better understanding of the Fe 2p line shape and the Fe valence state we look at XAS core level Fe 2p measurements and configuration-interaction calculations of FeO (Fe2+ ) and Fe2 O3 (Fe3+ ). As shown in Figure 5.12 the XAS measurements of FeO (from [54]) and Fe2 O3 (from [33]) look very similar to our measurements. Especially the latter one is surprisingly equal to the Fe 2p spectra of Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . In Figure 5.13 both spectra are plotted. The integrals of the two measurements were normalised. L3 Intensity (arb. units) Fe 2p-XAS L2 FeO Fe2O3 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.12: XAS Fe 2p core level measurements of FeO (from [54]) and Fe2 O3 (from [33]). 58 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 L3 Intensity (arb. units) Fe 2p-XAS Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 Fe2O3 L2 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.13: The measured XAS Fe 2p core level spectra of Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 and Fe2 O3 (from [33]). The integrals of both measurements are normalised. The fact that the Fe-ions in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 occupy tetrahedral sites whereas they occupy octahedral sites in Fe2 O3 makes the agreement of both measurements even more astonishing. But if one looks at atomic multiplet calculations of Fe3+ XAS spectra for different crystal fields, one can see that for low crystal fields there is almost no change in the shape of the Fe 2p lines calculated for tetrahedral or octahedral sites (Figure 5.14). Since for Fe2 O3 a crystal field of 10Dq=0.88eV has been determined [30] and for Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 10Dq=0.5eV was assumed [31], a low crystal field is very likely for this compounds. The calculations were performed using the TTmultiplet program [44] [45]. Core-hole intrinsic lifetime broadening was set to 0.1 eV for both edges and a Gaussian broadening (0.4 eV) was applied to account for experimental resolution. The line shape of the calculation differs from the measurements due to the fact that many side effects like charge transfer effects were not included in the calculations. 59 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Intensity (arb. units) CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 3+ Fe _calculation (10Dq=1,11eV, [Oh] ) 3+ Fe _calculation (10Dq=1,11eV, [Td] ) 730 720 710 700 Photon energy (eV) Intensity (arb. units) 3+ Fe _calculation (10Dq=0.88eV, [Oh] ) 3+ Fe _calculation (10Dq=0.88eV, [Td] ) 730 720 710 700 Intensity (arb. units) Photon energy (eV) 3+ Fe _calculation (10Dq=0.5eV, [Oh] ) 3+ Fe _calculation (10Dq=0.5eV, [Td] ) 730 720 710 700 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.14: Atomic multiplet calculations of an Fe3+ XAS spectrum for different crystal fields, tetrahedral and octahedral sites. 60 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 If charge transfer effects are included in the Fe3+ XAS calculation, it is in good agreement with the measurement. The Figure 5.15 shows the XAS Fe2p measurements of Fe2 O3 and Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 together with a configurationinteraction calculation done by Crocombette et al. [30]. The integrals of all spectra were normalised. L3 Intensity (arb. units) Fe2p-XAS & Calculation 735 Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 Fe2O3 3+ Fe _Calculation (J.P.Crocombette et al.) L2 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.15: XAS Fe 2p core level measurements of Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 and Fe2 O3 (from [33]) together with a configuration-interaction calculation (adapted from [30]). The integrals of all spectra are normalised. All this indicates the Fe-ions in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 to be in a 3+ valence state, which is in good agreement with the Lotgering valency model [24]. In addition one can say that charge transfer effects act on the shape of the Fe2p XAS spectra in the same way as they do in Fe2 O3 . If we now compare the Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and FeO Fe 2p XAS spectra, we see a general correlation as well. But there are some significant differences like the shoulder at the L3 edge, which is narrower in the FeO spectrum. Fe2+ calculations, also done by Crocombette et al., show a narrow shoulder on the L3 edge as well (Figure 5.16). 61 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 Intensity (arb. units) Fe2p-XAS & Calculation L3 L2 Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 FeO 2+ Fe _Calculation 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.16: The measured XAS Fe 2p core level spectra of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and FeO (adapted from [54]) together with a configuration-interaction calculation (adapted from [30]). The integrals of the spectra are normalised. The similar line shape of the spectra could indicate, that the Fe-ions in Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 are in a 2+ valence state. But the broad shoulder at the L3 edge can not be explained by Fe2+ ions alone, since only a narrow shoulder appears in the spectrum of FeO and the calculation of Crocombette et al. [30]. The valency model of Lotgering [24] can give a possible interpretation of the big shoulder to higher photon energies at the Fe 2p L3 peak of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 . According to the model for x<0.5 the Fe-ions are predicted to be in a mixed valence state. In Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 20% of the ions at the A-site are assumed to be Fe3+ whereas 60% should be Fe2+ . Figure 5.17 shows the XAS spectra together with an atomic multiplet calculation mixing Fe2+ and Fe3+ spectra in a ratio of 3 to 1. Additional the Fe3+ calculation was increased by a factor 5/4 due to the higher amount of unoccupied states in the d band. The calculations were done with the TT-multiplet program [44] [45]. Core-hole 62 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 intrinsic lifetime broadening was set to 0.1 eV for the L3 edges and 0.5 eV for the L2 edges. Additional an Gaussian broadening (0.4 eV) was applied to account for experimental resolution. The Fano-parameter was set to 25 for the L3 and to 999 for the L2 edge to simulate a Doniach Sunjic line shape. The calculation resembles the spectra, but there are some significant differences, especially at the L2 edge. These can be due to the fact that many side effects, like charge transfer, are not included in the calculations. Intensity (arb. units) Fe 2p & Calculation Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 Calcultion 730 725 720 715 710 705 700 695 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.17: The measured XAS Fe 2p core level spectrum of Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 and an atomic multiplet calculation of a Fe2+ /Fe3+ mixed valence state in the ratio of 3/1. The integrals of the spectra are normalised. Nevertheless the calculation indicates that it is possible to have a mixed Fe valence state in the spinel according to the Lodgering model. Further investigations of this compound and differently doped Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 spinels are needed to reveal the valency of Fe. Recently an XAS Fe 2p spectrum of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 that was measured at 50K by using circularly polarized synchrotron radiation was presented [31]. 63 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 In this work the charge state of Fe-ions was determined to be trivalent. Figure 5.18 shows the XAS Fe 2p spectra of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 (sum of both spin directions), Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 . The position of the Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 XAS lines were adjusted to the lines of Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . All the integrals were normalised. As one can see the first two spectra, both assumed to show trivalent Fe-ions, resemble each other, but there are peaks at lower binding energies beside the L3 and L2 edges of Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 that are not measured for Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 . As mentioned before also the Cr-peaks of these two compounds show differences. This can be due to the low measuring temperature, which has an significant influence on the chalcogenide spinels. For example Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 with x=0.0 and 0.5 showed semiconducting behaviors at T>Tc and TTc , whereas metallic features were observed in the finite temperature range below Tc [28]. For Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 the Curie temperature is Tc =348K [32]. If we assume a similar Curie temperature for Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 it is possible that our XAS measurements, done at room temperature, show the metallic state of the spinels. Whereas the measurements of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 , done at 50K, show the semiconducting state of the spinels. Further investigations at different temperatures could clarify this fact. 64 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 L3 Intensity (arb. units) Fe2p-XAS L2 Fe05Cu05Cr2S4 Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.18: Measured XAS Fe 2p core level spectra of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 (adapted from [31]), Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 . The integrals of the spectra are normalised. If one compares the Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 XAS spectrum with the Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 spectrum, a second possible interpretation becomes apparent. The Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 spectrum shows a shoulder to higher photon energy that does not occur in the Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 Fe 2p spectrum but in the Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 spectrum. In addition the distances between the L3 edges of the Fe 2p and Cr 2p spectra reveal that the Fe 2p L-edges of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 are more likely at photon energies corresponding to Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 (Figure 5.19). This indicates that most of the Fe-ions in Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 were measured in a divalent charge state. As mentioned before XPS measurements of this compound also showed Fe2+ -ions [32]. 65 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 5. THE SPINEL FE1−X CUX CR2 S4 L3 Intensity (arb. units) Fe 2p-XAS L2 Fe05Cu05Cr2S4 Fe04Cu06Cr2S4 Fe08Cu02Cr2S4 735 730 725 720 715 710 705 Photon energy (eV) Figure 5.19: Measured XAS Fe 2p core level spectra of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 (adapted from [31]), Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 . Their relative positions are determined by their distances from the Cr 2p spectra. The integrals of the spectra are normalised. Nevertheless the Fe-ions were assumed to be trivalent giving large charge transfer effects as an explanation for the measuring of divalent Fe-ions [32]. The preservation of charge neutrality, magnetic measurements [50] and investigations with Mößbauer spectroscopy [24][29] confirm this. In Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 most of the Fe-ions are measured in a trivalent charge state, which could be due to an decrease in the charge transfer. The higher temperature, at which the sample was measured, or ligand holes, that occur in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 according to Lotgering, can be responsible for this. 66 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Chapter 6 Conclusion and outlook The aim of the present work was to investigate the influence of the substitution of different atoms in selected CMR compounds. These materials have attracted much interest due to their magnetic behavior and applicability in spintronic devices, magnetic sensors or other magneto electronic applications. Two complementary x-ray spectroscopic methods and computer calculations have been applied. The results of the spectroscopic study led to the following conclusions: The double perovskite Sr2FeReO6 During the present work four samples of the double perovskite Sr2 FeReO6 were produced in the crystal growth facility of the University of Osnabrück. The O 1s and Re 4f XPS core level spectra of the samples were investigated with attention to their quality. The H2 flow, under which the samples are reduced, is found to have a big influence on the sample quality. While the reduction with a big gas flow leads to a lot of additional valences of O and Re, a small gas flow ≤ 1.5 l/h does not show many different valences indicating a better structure. The sample that was reduced with 1.5 l/h is very interesting since the Re shows clearly two valences. Since in Sr2 FeMoO6 the Mo ion is present also in two valences, which makes double exchange possible, this could indicate a well ordered double perovskite structure. 67 CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK The spinel chalcogenide Fe1−xCuxCr2S4 The spinels Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 (x=0.2, 0.6) were investigated by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and compared to other measurements and calculations. The results seem to confirm the Lotgering valency model [24]. For both samples the XPS data indicate Cu to have a 3d10 electronic configuration and Cr to be trivalent. The XPS Fe 2p core level spectra of the two samples reveal most of the Fe ions in Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 to be divalent, while in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 predominantly Fe3+ ions seem to occur. In addition the investigation of the Fe and S XPS spectra reveals the possibility of ligand holes in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . The XAS measurements are in good agreement with the XPS data. The XAS Cr 2p core level spectra indicate Cr to be trivalent in both samples. The Fe spectra show Fe3+ ions in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 , while in Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 Fe seems to be in a mixed valence state according to Lotgering. In addition recently presented XAS measurements of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 [31] were compared to our measurements. Significant differences were found in the line shapes. A reason for this could be the fact, that our measurements were done at room temperature, while Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 was measured at 50K. Therefore it is possible that our measurements show the metallic state of the spinels, while the investigations of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 show the semiconducting state. This could lead to differences in the spectra. It is also possible that, maybe because of the low measuring temperature, in Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 charge transfer effects increased. Thus the Fe ions were not measured completely in a trivalent charge state, as assumed by Aniruddha et al. [31], but most of them in a divalent state. The similar line shape and position of the XAS Fe 2p spectra of Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 and Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 confirm this. The higher measuring temperature or the possible presence of ligand holes could inhibit charge transfer in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 . Therefore these measurements show Fe to be trivalent. The charge transfer effects could also lead to the differences in the Cr spectra. 68 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK Outlook Further productions of Sr2 FeReO6 samples under different conditions combined with XRD measurements are highly desirable, in order to get a Sr2 FeReO6 double perovskite with a well ordered structure. To clarify the valence state of the ions in the spinel chalcogenide Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 additional investigations of compounds with different Cu concentrations are necessary. Besides XPS and XAS also magentic measurements and Mößbauer spectroscopic studies can help to reveal the ion valences. 69 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK 70 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Chapter 7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Substitution verschiedener Atome in ausgewählten CMR-Materialien. Diese Materialien sind aufgrund ihres magnetischen Verhaltens und möglicher industrieller Anwendung von hohem wissenschaftlichen Interesse. Zwei komplementäre röntgenspektroskopische Verfahren und Computerrechnungen wurden zur Untersuchung verwendet. Das Doppel-Perowskit Sr2FeReO6 Im Laufe der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 4 Proben des Doppel-Perowskits Sr2 FeReO6 in der Kristallogie der Universität Osnabrück hergestellt. Die O 1s und Re 4f XPS Linien wurden gemessen und im Hinblick auf die Qualität der Proben untersucht. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass der H2 -Fluss, unter dem die Proben reduziert wurden, großen Einfluss auf die Probenqualität hat. Während ein großer Gasfluss zu vielen zusätzlichen O und Re Valenzen führte, geschah dies nicht bei einem geringen Fluss ≤ 1.5 l/h. Die Probe, die unter einem H2 -Fluss von 1.5 l/h reduziert wurde, ist besonders interessant, da das Re deutlich zwei Valenzen zu zeigen scheint. Dies kann auf eine gut geordnete Doppel-Perowskit Struktur hindeuten, da in Sr2 FeMoO6 das Mo auch in zwei Valenzen vorliegt, was den Doppelaustausch möglich macht. 71 CHAPTER 7. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG UND AUSBLICK Die Spinelle Fe1−xCuxCr2S4 Die Spinelle Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 (x=0.2, 0.6) wurden mit Hilfe der Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS) und der Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie (XAS) untersucht. Vergleiche mit anderen Messungen und Rechnungen scheinen das Valenzmodel von Lotgering [24] zu bestätigen. Bei beiden Proben deuten die XPS Daten darauf hin, dass Cu in der elektronische Konfiguration 3d10 vorliegt und Cr dreiwertig ist. Die XPS Fe 2p Linien zeigen hauptsächlich zweiwertiges Fe in Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 , während in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 überwiegend Fe3+ vorhanden zu sein scheint. Untersuchungen der Fe und S XPS Spektren deuten außerdem auf mögliche Löcher im S Valenzband von Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 hin. Die XAS Messungen stimmen gut mit den XPS Daten überein. In beiden Proben deuten die Cr 2p XAS Linien auf dreiwertiges Cr hin. Die Fe Spektren zeigen Fe3+ in Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 und einen gemischten Valenzzustand in Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 übereinstimmend mit dem Lotgering-model. Vergleiche dieser Messungen mit kürzlich veröffentlichten XAS Messungen des Spinells Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 [31] zeigen deutliche Unterschiede im Kurvenverlauf. Die Tatsache, dass die Spinelle Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 und Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 bei Raumtemperatur gemessen wurden, während die Messung von Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 bei 50 K stattfand, könnte der Grund dafür sein. Es ist möglich, dass aufgrund der Temperaturunterschiede bei ersteren beiden Proben ein metallischer Zustand, bei der letzten Probe jedoch ein halbleitender Zustand vorlag. Dies könnte zu den Unterschieden in den Spektren geführt haben. Es ist auch denkbar, dass, vielleicht aufgrund der niedrigen Temperatur, in Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 die Ladungsaustauscheffekte zugenommen haben. Demzufolge wären die Fe Ione nicht, wie von Aniruddha et al. [31] vermutet, im dreiwertigen Ladungszustand gemessen worden, sondern die meisten von ihnen als Fe2+ . Die Ähnlichkeit der Form und Position der Fe 2p XAS Linien von Fe0.5 Cu0.5 Cr2 S4 und Fe0.8 Cu0.2 Cr2 S4 scheint dies zu bestätigen. Die höhere Messtemperatur oder das mögliche Vorhandensein von Löchern im S Valenzband könnten Ladungsaustausch im Fe0.4 Cu0.6 Cr2 S4 unterbunden haben. Dies würde erklären warum die Fe 2p Linien bei dieser Probe dreiw- 72 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 7. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG UND AUSBLICK ertiges Fe zeigen. Auch die Unterschiede in den Cr Spektren könnten damit erklärt werden. Ausblick Die Produktion weiterer Sr2 FeReO6 Proben unter unterschiedlichen Bedingungen kombiniert mit XRD Messungen ist wünschenswert, um einen DoppelPerowskit mit gut geordneter Struktur herzustellen. Um die Valenzzustände der Ionen in den Spinellen Fe1−x Cux Cr2 S4 aufzudecken, sind weitere Untersuchungen von Verbindungen mit anderen Cu Konzentrationen nötig. Neben XPS und XAS könnten auch magnetische Messungen und Mößbauer spektroskopische Untersuchungen helfen, die Valenzen der Ionen zu bestimmen. 73 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück CHAPTER 7. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG UND AUSBLICK 74 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Chapter 8 Acknowledgement / Danksagung Diese Masterarbeit entstand in der Arbeitsgruppe Elektronenspektroskopie der Universität Osnabrück. Als erstes möchte ich apl. Prof. Dr. Manfred Neumann danken. Dafür, dass er mir diese Arbeit ermöglicht hat und sich immer für Fragen und wissenschaftliche Diskussionen Zeit genommen hat. Seine Tür stand mir bei Problemen immer offen. Ich will auch Michael Räckers ganz herzlich danken. Er hat meine Arbeit hervorragend betreut. Ohne ihn wäre diese Arbeit zu großen Teilen nicht möglich gewesen. Dr. V. Tsurkan will ich für die Bereitstellung der Spinelle danken. Dr. R. Pankrath bin ich für die Herstellung der Sr2 FeReO6 Proben zu dank verpflichtet. Darüber hinaus will ich mich bei der gesamten Arbeitsgruppe Elektronenspektroskopie bedanken. Ich habe die familiäre Arbeitsatmosphäre sehr genossen und mich bei den gelegentlichen Rollenspiel Abenteuern köstlich amüsiert. Gedankt sei: Werner Dudas, Karsten Küpper, Stefan Bartkowski, Michael Räkers, Georg Hofmann und Manuel Prinz. Viele von ihnen zähle ich längst zu meinen besten Freunden. Meinen restlichen Kommilitonen und dem Sekretariat will ich für die gute 75 CHAPTER 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT / DANKSAGUNG und freundliche Stimmung im Fachbereich und die problemlose Verwaltung danken. Schließlich geht großer Dank an meine Familie und meine Freunde. Die Unterstützung meiner Eltern und Brüder war mir ein ständiger Begleiter auf meinem Werdegang, und die Zeit mit meinen Freunden hat mir immer neue Kraft gegeben. 76 (p) 2006, Christian Taubitz, University of Osnabrück Bibliography [1] H. Hertz, ”Über den Einfluss des ultravioletten Lichtes auf die elektrische Entladung”, Wiedemannsche Annalen, vol. 31, pp. 983−1000, 1887. [2] W. Hallwachs, ”Über den Einfluss des Lichtes auf elektrostatisch geladene Koerper”, Wiedemannsche Annalen, vol. 33, pp. 301−312, 1888. [3] A. 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