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9th Module Test 8

Module Test 8
1. Match the words
1. total
a. damage
2. bump
b. bruised
3. face
c. a disaster
4. perfectly
d. miracle
5. want to be
e. an accident
6. brain
f. attitude
7. seriously
g. still
8. experience
h. her head
9. survive
i. a film maker
10. positive
j. challenges
2. Choose the correct item
1. The teacher told me don’t leave / not to leave before she spoke to me.
2. The performance starts at 8, won’t it / doesn’t it?
3. After the accident, the police asked / told us if we were hurt.
4. I’ve looked for my book everywhere / anywhere, but I still can’t find it.
5. The band told us they will perform / would perform at the park on
3. Match the sentences to the correct question tags.
1. He is alright,
a) are there?
2. You’re watered the plants,
b) haven’t you?
3. There aren’t enough chairs, c)has it?
4. He called the doctor,
d) didn’t he?
5. You can do this,
e) isn’t he?
6. Let’s go to the art gallery,
f) can’t you?
7. The train hasn’t come yet,
g) shall we?
4. Переведи предложения в косвенную речь
1. “I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.
2. “I take my little sister to school every day,” little Anthony said.
3. “You may take my textbook,” Nonna said.
4. “They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said.
5. “I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.
6. “My sister is ready to go” Helen said.
7. “My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl said.
8. “The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said.
9. “I am not married,” Jimmy said.
10. “I can't read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra said.
5.Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or Ns (Not
Aim for the stars!
Richard Branson is one of England’s most successful businessmen. He
has started more than 360 businesses, built up a personal fortune of more
than 3 billion, and is the 20th richest person in Britain today. Not bad for a
man who still couldn't read at the age of eight, and for whom school wasn't
just a challenge — it was a nightmare.
Richard Branson has dyslexia — a condition which makes it very difficult
to learn to read, write and spell correctly. Doctors say that about 10% of
the population has dyslexia. However, when Richard was young, no one
from his school or family environment realised the sort of problems he was
trying to deal with when it came to reading and writing properly. Back
then, people didn't know that dyslexia was a learning disorder. Everyone
just thought people with dyslexia were not very clever.
Richard was embarrassed by the problems he had with his schooNvork,
and had a very difficult time in school. But he was determined not to Iet his
learning disability prevent him from succeeding in life. So, he concentrated
on his other qualities such as his creativity, as well as his ability to inspire
people and make them enthusiastic about trying their best. And by doing
so, he found great success.
Richard says that dyslexia is a challenge, but it is also a gift. People who
have dyslexia have to deal with many challenges and often experience and
see the world in a different way. He adds that the ability to see things
differently is a great advantage in life.
'My interest in Iife comes from setting myself huge, apparently impossible
challenges and trying to achieve them', he says. Richard shows that we
should all aim for the stars
1 At the age of eight, Richard was having bad dreams about school.
2 Richard’s teachers understood that he had learning difficulties.
3 Richard had to see a special doctor about his learning disorder.
4 Richard has a talent for encouraging others to do well in something.
5 Richard enjoys trying to achieve goals that seem hopeless.