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Instability in Thoracolumbar Trauma
Is a New Definition Warranted?
Salman Abbasi Fard, MD, Jesse Skoch, MD, Mauricio J. Avila, MD, Apar S. Patel, MD, MPH,
Kamran V. Sattarov, MD, Christina M. Walter, MS, and Ali A. Baaj, MD
Study Design: Review of the articles.
Objective: The objective of this study was to review all articles
related to spinal instability to determine a consensus statement
for a contemporary, practical definition applicable to thoracolumbar injuries.
Summary of Background Data: Traumatic fractures of the
thoracolumbar spine are common. These injuries can result in
neurological deficits, disability, deformity, pain, and represent a
great economic burden to society. The determination of spinal
instability is an important task for spine surgeons, as treatment
strategies rely heavily on this assessment. However, a clinically
applicable definition of spinal stability remains elusive.
Materials and Methods: A review of the Medline database between 1930 and 2014 was performed limited to papers in English. Spinal instability, thoracolumbar, and spinal stability were
used as search terms. Case reports were excluded. We reviewed
listed references from pertinent search results and located relevant manuscripts from these lists as well.
Results: The search produced a total of 694 published articles.
Twenty-five articles were eligible after abstract screening and
underwent full review. A definition for spinal instability was
described in only 4 of them. Definitions were primarily based on
biomechanical and classification studies. No definitive parameters were outlined to define stability.
Conclusions: Thirty-six years after White and Panjabi’s original
definition of instability, and many classification schemes later, there
remains no practical and meaningful definition for spinal instability
in thoracolumbar trauma. Surgeon expertise and experience remains an important factor in stability determination. We propose
that, at an initial assessment, a distinction should be made between
immediate and delayed instability. This designation should better
guide surgeons in decision making and patient counseling.
Key Words: thoracolumbar, spinal instability, spinal stability,
review articles
(J Spinal Disord Tech 2015;00:000–000)
Received for publication January 12, 2015; accepted July 16, 2015.
From the Division of Neurosurgery, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Reprints: Ali A. Baaj, MD, Division of Neurosurgery, The University
of Arizona, 1501 N Campbell Ave., Tucson 85724, AZ (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Copyright r 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
J Spinal Disord Tech
Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2015
raumatic thoracolumbar spine fractures are common,
and these injuries can result in transient or permanent
neurological deficits. Even in the absence of deficits, injuries to the thoracolumbar spine can be associated with
long-term pain and disability and are a major economic
burden to society.1,2
The thoracolumbar region (T10–L2) is the transition point between the more rigid thoracic spine and the
more flexible lumbar spine and, as a result, is predisposed
to unique fracture patterns and neurological deficits. The
determination of spinal instability especially in this area,
is important for spine surgeons, as treatment strategies
rely heavily on this assessment. White and Panjabi3 have
described spinal instability as “the loss of the ability of the
spine under physiological loads to maintain relationships
between vertebrae in such a way that there is neither
damage nor subsequent irritation to the spinal cord or
nerve roots, in addition, there is no development of incapacitating deformity or pain due to structural changes.”
However, a clinically applicable method of determining
spinal stability or instability remains elusive. Therefore,
optimal management for some injuries remain controversial. For example, it is agreed that surgical treatment of most fracture dislocations with neurological
compromise is warranted. However, predicting the stability of burst fractures in intact patients poses a much
greater challenge.
The objective of this study was to review all articles
related to spinal instability to determine a consensus
statement for a meaningful and practical definition of
spinal instability applicable to thoracolumbar injuries.
Furthermore, we propose that spinal instability should be
redefined and viewed as either immediate or delayed.
There are fractures that are immediately unstable, and
others that potentially could lead to delayed instability.
This identification could allow better decision making and
patient counseling.
A review of the literature using the Medline database (National Library of Medicine), between 1930 and
September 2014 was performed. The following search
strategy was used: “spinal” (All Fields) AND
“instability” (All Fields) AND traumatic (All Fields)
AND thoracolumbar (All Fields) AND “wounds and
injuries” (MeSH Terms) OR “wounds” (All Fields) AND
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J Spinal Disord Tech
Fard et al
“injuries” (All Fields) OR “wounds and injuries” (All
Fields) OR “injury” (All Fields). We reviewed listed references from pertinent search results and located relevant
manuscripts from these lists as well. Abstracts were reviewed and articles related to definitions of spinal instability and stability in the thoracolumbar area were
included. Only articles written in the English language
were included. Case reports were excluded.
Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2015
proposed mechanisms of injury (5 articles),4,8,9,13,15 or
based on biomechanical data (1 article).20 The majority of
these classification systems were introduced in an attempt
to aid treatment decision making (11 articles). One classification system introduced was based on radiologic criteria and neurological presentation (TLICS).19 Explicit
definitions of instability were introduced in 5 articles.3,10–12,16 These results are summarized in Table 1.
The review produced a total of 694 published articles. Twenty-five articles were eligible after abstract
screening and underwent full review (Table 1). The oldest
article was from 1930, and the most recently published
from 2014. In 12 of the 25 articles, the authors designed a
new classification system. These systems are typically
based on either anatomic structures (5 articles),5,7,14,21
Defining instability after traumatic thoracolumbar
fractures is one of the most challenging and controversial
areas in spine surgery. It is often difficult to determine
whether an injury is stable or unstable. Current concepts
of instability are primarily a product of biomechanical
studies that are not easily applicable to available clinical
data.23 The crux of the matter is that utilizing these
TABLE 1. Summary of Articles Related to the Definition of Thoracolumbar Spinal Instability
Ferguson et
Stokes et al12
Magerl et al15
Sharma et al17
Vaccaro et al19
Wang et al20
Baaj et al21
Introduced a classification system based on mechanism of injury—5 groups
(compression, flexion-distraction, extension, shear, and rotational
injuries)—without definition of stability
Seven types of fractures listed and emphasized 3 prominent injury categories:
simple wedge compression fracture, comminuted fracture, and fracture
The major determinant of stability was integrity of interspinous ligament
Introduced the 2 column concept of stability—the integrity of the posterior
bony elements and the posterior ligaments and ligamentum flavum, are the
major determinant of stability
Defined spinal instability as the inability of the spine under physiologic loads
to maintain relationships between vertebrae such that there is neither acute
nor subsequent neurological injury, deformity, or pain
Introduced the 3 column concept for spinal instability–4 groups (compression,
burst, seat belt, and fracture dislocation)—based on mechanisms of injury
Thoracolumbar spinal injuries are classified on the basis of the mechanical
mode of failure of the vertebral bodies. The fractures are presented in 7
Defined spinal stability based on the 3 column model
The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons defined segmental instability
as an abnormal response to applied loads, characterized by activity in the
motion segment beyond normal constraints
Segmental definition of instability—authors introduced segmental instability
according radiologic landmarks in only lumbar degenerative diseases
The fractures are divided into compression injuries, seat belt injuries, fracture
dislocations, and burst fractures
Introduced classification of fractures graded according to the degree of
comminution of the body, apposition of the fracture fragments, and
Introduced classification based on mechanistic and morphologic criteria—3
groups (A compression, B distraction, C axial torque)—based on
mechanisms and morphology of fractures—ligamentous injury not
Anatomic definition of stability. Instability is defined as the inability to limit
excessive spinal displacement. General definition for whole spine based on
Defines the efficacy of posterior ligaments on lumbar stability
Spinal instability occurs because of lesion of the central axial spinal pillar
TLICS classification system based on morphology, neurological involvement,
and PLC
Load sharing classification—no definition of stability or instability
Radiographic classification for thoracolumbar fractures anatomically based
on axial zones
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Classification (mechanism)
Anatomic and radiologic
No definition
Anatomic and clinical classification
Biomechanical definition
Clinical classification and
definition (mechanism)
Mechanistic classification
Definition in lumbar spine
Biomechanical definition
Clinical classification (mechanism)
Clinical classification (anatomic)
AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur
Osteosynthesefragen) Clinical
Classification (mechanism)
Biomechanical definition—lumbar
Clinical classification (anatomic)
Clinical classification
In vitro biomechanical
Anatomic, clinical classification
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J Spinal Disord Tech
Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2015
definitions would require the application of loads that
would be unsafe if indeed the spine was unstable. We are
therefore left with classification systems that attempt to
predict instability indirectly.
There have been multiple descriptive and mechanistic classification systems for thoracolumbar injuries.4–41 These systems have evolved with an increased
understanding of spinal biomechanics and advances in
clinical imaging. Various classification systems have been
developed that more or less incorporate the concept of
stability. To be of clinical utility, the information conveyed in a classification system should aid the physician in
guiding treatment. Despite numerous new classification
systems for spinal injuries, a clinically applicable and
meaningful definition for spinal instability in thoracolumbar trauma remains elusive.
In addition to the definition posited by White and
Panjabi in 1978,5 Denis,8 previously introduced the 3
column concept of the spine in 1983. According to Denis,
radiographic failure of the middle column was key in
defining the spinal instability. The American Academy of
Orthopedic Surgeons defined segmental instability in
1985, as an abnormal response to applied loads, characterized by activity in the motion segment beyond normal
Vaccaro et al19 in 2005, introduced the thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score system
(TLICS) as a practical algorithm for the description and
treatment of traumatic thoracolumbar fractures. This
classification system provided a simple and reproducible
severity scoring system that can be used as a guideline to
orient the clinical decision making between conservative
and surgical management. It takes into account the
mechanism of injury (as inferred by radiographic characteristics), neurological status, and the integrity of the
posterior ligamentous complex. Use of this system will
still result in many scenarios where patients will be placed
in an indeterminate category that calls upon a surgeon’s
judgment.19,24 It is these types of cases in particular where
we believe a better working definition of spinal instability
can aid in both treatment decision making and communication to the patient. These are typically patients who
have a burst fracture with minimal or no posterior element disruption and are neurologically intact. Patients
with comminuted burst fractures deserve special attention, even if initially classified as nonoperative according
to the TLICS algorithm. Patients with bony Chance
fractures without misalignment and patients with progressive kyphotic deformity after conservative management of compression fracture are the other aspects related
to instability that are not addressed in the TLICS classification.
This review has highlighted the following facts: (1)
there are several thoracolumbar classification systems
that suggest instability and surgical criteria, but (2) there
remains no practical, contemporary definition of spinal
instability. Furthermore, instability does not always
equate with need for surgery and vice versa. We propose
that traumatic fractures should not be viewed simply as
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Instability in Thoracolumbar Trauma
TABLE 2. Examples of Common Fractures Causing Immediate
or Potentially Delayed Instability
Immediately instability
Fracture dislocation
Burst with complete disruption of posterior elements and kyphosis
Ligamentous Chance-type fracture with malalignment
Delayed instability
Compression fracture
Burst fracture with minimal or no posterior element disruption or
Bony Chance-type fracture without malalignment
Delayed instability present in the form of prolonged pain, pseudoarthrosis, or
deformity progression.
“stable” or “unstable”; rather they should be viewed as
having the potential for “immediate” or “delayed” instability. For example, a fracture dislocation with neurological compromise should be viewed as an immediately
unstable injury. Whereas a mild burst fracture in an intact
patient should be regarded as not immediately unstable
but rather having the potential for delayed instability.
Similarly, a compression fracture typically is not immediately unstable but rather could cause delayed instability.
Delayed instability, in these instances, could mean delayed healing, prolonged pain, or progression to deformity for example. Adopting these concepts and this
language could better guide both surgical decision making
and patient counseling (Table 2).
More than 3 decades after White and Punjabi’s
original definition of instability, and many classification
schemes later, there remains no clinically practical definition for spinal instability in thoracolumbar trauma. As
a result, surgeon expertise and experience remains the
most important factor in stability determination in many
cases. To better make surgical decisions, and counsel
patients, we propose making a distinction between fractures that lead to “immediate” versus “delayed” instability. Significant fractures, especially those with neural
element injury, are typically immediately unstable,
whereas more mild fractures could result in delayed instability.
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