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When was Voronezh Medical University founded? What do
you know about its history?
Voronezh N.N.Burdenko State Medical University is one of the oldest medical schools in
Russia. It’s history goes back to 1802- the date of Derpt University foundation, which moved to
Voronezh in 1908. In 1930, it’s medical faculty became an independent medical institute, which
acquired a university status in 2015.
What is the structure of Voronezh Medical University?
Voronezh N. N. Burdenko State Medical University is one of the leading research and
teaching centers with a total number of about 5000 students. More than 800 staff members
including Doctors of Medical Sciences, Candidates of Medical Sciences, professors, associate
professors and lecturers are involved in teaching and scientific work at 78 chairs of the University.
The structure of the University is now presented by 6 faculties and 2 academic institutes.
The main buildings and facilities are the following: 5 training buildings, Dental Clinic,
Pediatrics Clinical Hospital, 5 hostels, well-equipped laboratories, computer classes with access to
Internet, simulation-based training centre, 6 Research Institutes, a library with 700 000 items of
academic and scientific literature, 2 museums. The public catering system includes a canteen
with a 120-seat dining-room. The International Institute of Medical Education and Cooperation
trains specialists for foreign countries. VSMU enrolls foreign students from over 60 countries of
the world.
What does the basic academic curriculum of Voronezh
Medical University consist of?
The curriculum is a blend of both innovative and traditional teaching methods, based on
lectures, computer-assisted learning, practical classes and small-group learning. One of the most
important steps in curriculum development is the introduction of simulation-based medical
teaching and learning. Simulation is an artificial representation of a real world process to achieve
educational goals through practice.
What extracurricular activities can medical students take
part into?
Students can take part in the Student Sports Club, voluntary youth groups and Scientific
Student Society.
Voronezh Medical University bears the name of N.N.
Burdenko. What do you know about this outstanding person?
Nikolay Nilovich Burdenko, a surgeon and a founder of Russian neurosurgery,
was the Surgeon-General of the Red Army, the academician and the first director of the
Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR.
What does a healthy lifestyle mean?
Healthy lifestyle also means being happy as well. In other words, when you are healthy,
you are happy you can work and rest well. If you are ill, nothing seems nice. So it is very
important to relax and avoid stress.
Why eating habits are important for being healthy?
Everybody should try to eat homemade food and avoid fast food. Fast food has a lot of
additives, flavorings and preservatives and they are not good for health. But not all junk food is
harmful for your health, however. Some hamburgers, for example, are very high in nutrients and
low in fat. It is just a question of finding out the proportion of ingredients in food before you
decide to eat it.
What role do vitamins play in our life?
Lack of vitamins known as vitamin deficiency, influences the state of our skin, hair, nails, teeth
and bones. In more serious cases it can cause heavy diseases - spasms, loss of hair and teeth, loss of
vision, hepatic disorders, skin diseases, and many others.
Why is it important to have a regular daily routine?
It is very important to have a regular daily routine, because it helps meet deadlines.
10. What can do harm to your health? What bad habits should
you avoid?
We must understand the harm of bad habits for our health. Smoking, drinking or
taking drugs mean serious illnesses and even death from lung cancer or liver diseases, for
instance. We know that we should not stuff ourselves with fast food, sweets, sausages,
pastry and fat food. Due to medical research, this type of food shortens our life, it leads
to obesity, heart and blood vessels diseases, diabetes, gastric problems and lots of other
serious ailments.
11. What do you usually do on your working day? How does
your typical working day start?
I get up at 6 o’clock and do my morning routine. I usually take a bus. It takes about 20
minutes to get to the university. Our classes start at 8:50 and last till 15:20. We study
Normal Anatomy, Biology, History, Histology, Latin. We work at well-equipped
laboratories with microscopes, preparations and histological resources. We listen to the
lectures in spacious lectures hall. Most of our lectures and practical classes are over at 3
p.m. and I go to the library to get ready for my classes. Then I go home and relax after
working day. On Sundays I also often go out for a run of cycling in the nearest park.
12. How many lectures and classes do you usually have? What
are your favourite classes?
I usually have 3 classes. My favourite class is histology, because we work at wellequipped laboratories with microscopes, preparations and histological resources.
Describe your typical anatomy class. How is it organized?
My anatomy class is well organised. The dissecting room is equipped with cadavers,
skeletal materials and anatomical models so we have proper anatomy study.
14. Are you involved into any extracurricular activities? What
are they?
Yes, I involved into extracurricular activities such as voluntary young group.
Do you usually meet deadlines? Why or why not?
Yes I meet deadlines, because I have a set daily routine.
What do you know about a typical day of an English medical
British medical students have classes and lectures. They usually work in a group, try to
solve medical problems and they have problem based learning. They work with the
patients from the first year of study, they also work with cadavers.
What role does sport play in your student life?
Today, sports are essential for students' overall growth and development. Playing various
sports helps them teach life skills such as teamwork, leadership, accountability, patience, and
self-confidence and prepares them to face life challenges. Students get a chance to work on their
physical and mental abilities to achieve goals in their life.
18. What qualities are necessary to become a good doctor? Do
you think you have enough stamina for a medical career?
Such qualities are good power, willpower, caring about people with disease, empathy.
Yes, I have a stamina. my love of medicine, my willpower, my strong interest in disease
gives me a stamina.
Why empathy is important for doctors nowadays?
Nowadays, doctors know that empathy is very important for doctor-patient
communication and successful treatment.
20. Hippocrates is usually called the 'father of medicine'. What
do you know about him?
Hippocrates was known as an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine. He established
medical schools in Athens and in other towns. He wrote several books and many case histories He
created medicine on the basis of experience. He is often called the Father of Medicine' and some of his
ideas are still important. Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath. It is a collection of
promises, written by Hippocrates, which forms the basis of the medical code of honour.The Oath of
Hippocrates contains many of his basic thoughts and principles.