(!)rqoNEEn ORDERNO. ARP-141-0 STEREOTURNTABLE PL-AAF MODEL PL€8F COMESIN SIX VERSIONSDISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS: Typ . . . . vohagc Remarka KU 12OVonly U.S,A.model KC 1 2 0 Vo n l y C€nadamodel 220V and 24OV {Switchabls} Europemodel HB 220V and 240V (Slyitchablel U.K. model s 110V, 120V, 220V and 240V (Switchabte) Generalexport model s/G 1lOV, 12OV,22OV and 240V Switchabte U.S.militarymodel This is the servicemanualfor modelPL-88F/KU.For servicing of KC,HE,HB.S and S/G types, pleaerefer to the additional servicemanualon page45, For the circuit& mechanism description,pleasereferto the PL€8F servicemanual(ARP-I113). Ce manueld'instruction se refdreau modede r6ghge,en frangais. Estemanualde serviciotrata del metodo de ajusteescritoen espafrol. CONTENTS 1.SPECTF|CAT|O . .N . .S .. 2 . F R O N TP A N E LF A C I L I T I E .S. . . . . , . . . . . . . 3. DISASSEMBLY 4. EXPLODED VIEWS. 5. PACKTNG . . .. .. . 6 . P . C .B O A R D S C O N N E C T I ODNI A G R A M. . . . . 7 . S C H E M A T IDCT A G R A M .......... 8 . E L E C T R I C APLA R T S . . .........20 9. ADJUSTMENTS . . .. .. . nEolnce 2 3 5 6 13 14 17 23 ...........30 AJUSTE. ............37 A D D I T I O N A LS ER V I C EM A N U A . _ (For KC,HE.HB,S,S/c types) 1 . S P E C | F | C A T | O. N . .S. . . ........45 2 . C O N T R A SO T F MISCELLANEOU PS A R T S. . . 4 7 3 . E L E C T R f C APLA R T SL | S T ....... 47 4. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (KC,HE,HB,S,ST / GY P E S ) ....... 49 5 . P . C .B O A R DA S S E M B L Y . ...... . 52 PIGINEEFI ELECTFICINIC CGIFIPCIFIATION a r, Mesu.o r-chome, Mesu.o-ku, Tokyo.r53. Japan PIG'NEEFI ELECTFIC'NIC:3 lNC. 1s25 E. Domnguez Sc., Long Beach, Catifo.na 9OA1O U.S.A. llJaAl PIONEEFI ELECTFICINIc N.v. Keerbe.gtea.' 1,2740 E}evenen, Etetsium [EUFIclPEI Pf ONEEFI ELECTFTCINIC€1 ALJSlFtALlA PTY. Ltll, 17A-1e4 Boundar'y Fosd, B.aes cle, Victo.is 3195, Austnata FFO AUG. 1982 P r i n t e di n , a p a n 1. SPECIFICATIONS Motor and Turntable Accessory mechanisms Direct-drive DriveSystem O u a r t zP L LH a l lm o t o r Motor......... TurntablePlatter.....280mm diam. aluminumalloy die-cast 33-1/3and z[5rPm Speeds * o RMS) L e s s t h a n O . 0 1 2 V{ W W o w a n d F l u t t e r. . . . . . . . (WRMS) 0.025o/o i 0 . 0 3 5 %W T D P e a k( D l N ) Valuesmarkedwith an "*" designatethe wow and flutter for motor, and do not includethe cartridgeor tonearm load. Morethan78 dB (DIN-B) Signal-to-Noise-Ratio {with PioneercartridgemodelPC-41MC) Auto lead-in,auto return, auto cut, repeat Arm elevation,programsearchPlay Index play, manualplay, manuallocation Skip, auto disc sizeselector Deck synchro, recorddetection Built-inanti-skating Tonearm type, Straightpipearm Static-balance Type . .. . .. . . . . ..'. 208 mm Arm Length Effective .2O.2mm Overhang PC-41M C Specifications Type ......... S t y l u s. . . . . . . . . outPutVortas" F o r c e. . . . . . . . . Tracking FrequencyResponse Load Recommended . . . . .M o v i n gc o i lt y p e . 0 . 3x 0 . 7 m i l d i a m o n(dP N - 4 1 M C ) ii kH;.50;;;;;;;;;;i*1il'-l 1 . 7g t o 2 ' 3 9 ( p r o p e r 2 g ) 10to 35,000Hz """" 50 ko Miscellaneous A C 1 2 0V , 6 0 H z P o w e rR e q u i r e m e n t s P o w e rC o n s u m p t i o n . . . . . . . . .2 1 W . . 4 2 0 ( W )x 9 8 { H ) x 3 3 5 ( D ) m m Dimensions (D)in. 1 6 - 1 1 (2W ) x 3 - 3 / a( H ) x 1 3 - 1 1 4 . . . . . . . 1 0 . 3k g / 2 2 1 b1 1 o z Weight Accessories E PA d a p t o r D e c ks y n c h r oc o r d . . . . . . . . . . . O p e r a t i n gI n s t r u c t i o n s ........1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 NOTE: Specifications and design subject to possible modification notice, due to improvements. without 2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES o poweR switch Pressthis switch to turn the power on and off. Depressed( ) position: Power is switched ON. Released( r )position: Power is switched OFF. When the POWERswitch is set to ON, the following switchesareset automatically. ARM ELEVATION switch- UP. MANUAL ARM SET/CUT s w i t c h - + O F F , R E P E A Ts w i t c h- + O F F , S P E E Ds e l e c t o r switch -+ 33 @ o e c r s YN cH R o sw i tch /i n d i cator This switch is usedwhen a tape deck has beenconnectedto this unit usingthe accessory cord. Depressed( ) position: For operationswhich are synchronized with the tape deck. Released( I )position: For operationswhich are not svnchronized with the tape deck. switch @ naaruuAlARM SET/CUT r Pressthis switchfor manualplay. o Pressthis switch to stop manualplay. @ SPeeOselectorswitch This is pressedso that the speedindicatorlights in line with the rated speedof the recordwhich is to be played. "(33)" lights: For playing33-1/3rpmrecords. "(45)" lights: For playing45 rpm records. @ SflP swatch r When this switch is pressedduring play, the play of the current track is suspendedand the stylus starts playing the next track. o When the switch is pressedduring programmedplay, the play of the current track is suspendedand the stylus moves on to the next track programmedand startsplayingthat track. @ STOPswitch/ARMLOCATEswitch/ indicator( ) ) o Pressto stop auto play. r Presswhen movingthe tonearmtowardthe right (in the directionof the outsideof the record)duringmanualplay. o Pressthis switchto release the programfunction. o O START switch/ARMLOCATEswitch/ indicator( < ) o Pressto start automaticor programmedplay, r Presswhen moving the tonearm toward the left (in the directionof the insideof the record)during manualplay. o When the switch is pressedduring actual play {whether automatic,programmedor index),a returnis madeto the first track (or the first programmedtrack with programmed play) and play begins(re-startfunction). @ operulclosEswitch r This is pressedto open and close the door and to bring out and retractthe slide base. o lt is also pressedto stop auto play. @ lruOexSCANswitch/indicator Pressfor indexplay.The indicatorflashesduringplay.When pressedagain(the indicatorgoes off), index play is released and the normal auto play or programmedplay mode is established. switch/indicator(UPl @ anrta ELEVATION r Pressthis switch to start manualplay. o Use the switch to suspendrecord play temporarily. ' Usethe switchwhen changingthe tracksduring manual play. "UP" indicatorlights The tonearmrises(the stylus movesaway from the record). "UP" indicatorgoes off The tonearmdescends(the stylus is loweredonto the record). @ nePeef switch/indicator Pressthis switch so that the indicatorlightsfor repeatplay. @ pnocnAM SEARGHswitches o Pressthese switches in the desiredsequencefrom [1] through [8] when programmingthe order in which the tracksareto be played.The tracksare programmedin the order in which the switcheswere pressed,and auto play, repeatplay or index play is performed. The numbers[1] through [8] indicatethe order of the tracks on the record (for instance,the [2] switch correspondswith the secondtrack). The programmedplay function is releasedwhen play endsor play is suspended. Programmedplay is releasedwhen the stop switch is pressed.Pressthis switch when you havemadea mistake in the programming. @ eP adaptor/EP adaptor holder Slide the EP adaptorover the plattershaft when the record you want to play does not havea "middle". Keep the adaptoron the holderwhen it is not in use. NOTE: Make sure that you use the EP adaptor which is supplied with this unit. Using any other adaptor may invite contact with the stylus with the rcsult that the stylus may be damaged. @ Speed indicators (3|,451 Theseindicatethe platterspeed. "(33) lights: Platteris rotatingat 33-1/3 rpm. "(45)" lights: Platteris rotatingat 45 rpm. @ Ouartz Lock indicator This lightswhen the platteris rotatingat its 3X|-113 or 45 rpm speed. @ Bonnet @ stide base @ Platter @ nuUUermat NOTE: Always use the rubber mat which is supplied with this unit. Using a different rubber mat will change the stylus height and may cause malfunctions. @ Platter shaft @ Tonearm @ Headshell @ Cartridge (PC-41MCl @ Sensitivity selector switch Set to the position that correspondsto the type of record. This switch is normallyset to the "NORM,, position. 3. DISASSEMBLY Escutcheoncover Turntable platter Tonearmbase asembly Slide basecover assembly Powercord assembly Powertransformer asembly 4. EXPLODED VIEWS ' NO?ES: o Parts without part number cannot be supplied. c The A mark found, on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. o For your Parts Stoch Control, the fast mouing items are indicated with the marhs**and*. ** 1ENERALLYMovEs FAITERTHAN* This classification shall be adiusted by each distributor because it depends on model number, temperature, humidity, etc. 4.1 TONEARM PartsList Mark No. i * * * * * * ** * * o Part No. Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. XWX-O8S PXT484 PXV-OOI PNX-391 ZMK4OHlOOFBT Coil assembly C o i lu n i t EV sheetunit Tonearmbase Screw 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. PBH-326 ZMD40HO60FBT PXB-271 YS4OFBT WB4OFMC EV spring Screw Magnetassembly Washer Flat washer 41. 42. 43, 44. 45. pBA-b37 pDE-172 pNC-245 yEbOS ppZ3OpOgOFMC Cartridgemountingscrew Connectorassembly(gp) plate Washer Screw 1 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. PBE-019 PNX-392 PBH-327 PEB-185 YE30S PU springwasher Adjustingcam Spring Belt Washer 46. 47. 4. 49. 50. pBA-139 NC5OFMC PMZ2OPO4OFMC pED-024 ZMKSOH1OOFBT Screw Nut Screw Cushion Screw 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. PNX-396 PNX-395 PNX-394 PSH-OO7 PNW-392 Gear(C) Gear(B) Gear(A) Slideswitch Motor pulley 51. PNR-533 Weight 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PXM-118 PPZ30P50FMC PBK-057 PNX-398 PEO-O22 Motor Screw Platespring Leadin ratch Cushion 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. PNX-397 PSH-004 XWXO84 PNX-399 PNX400 Drivingplate Slideswitch LED assembly Sensorholder(A) Sensorholder(B) 31, XWX-083 Phototransistorassembly 33. U, PNX-376 35. PNP-254 Sensorcase SensorP.C.board Mark No. ** * t Part No, 36. pCXOsg 37. NJL11O2EH 38. PBH-32S 39. pLB-lbl 40. pLB-1S2 101. 1O2. 103. 104. 1OS. Description Transistor LED Spring Adjustingscrew Nut ptateA unit Hotder Baseassembly E "fft-40 I le-;N 3e | $-tu t-S-g+ ,b [-.st 2 I -l I I Io ,--l I-nu -Q-27 4.2 MOTOR th I 16); 4-d PartsList Mark No. Part No. Description ; PXT.473 PWM-I15 PSZ3OPOSOFMC PSZ3OPOSOFMC PEC-030 Rotor unit Control assembly Screw Screw Wire clamp 2. 3. 4. 5. 50. 51. 52. Base unit Heat sink Stopper l+ s--€ I 4 . 3 E X T ER IOR PartsList Mark No. Part No. 1 . PNA.17O 2 . XWR-O4O 3 . PSH{O7 4 " PNX.425 t* Description PNX-437 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PNX-436 PBA-126 XWX-126 PEB-2O7 PXB-291 Gear(F) Screw PU assembly 1 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. PED€23 PNX.435 YE255 PNX-440 PNX.378 Rubber cushion Slider Washer Pulley Front door 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. PNX-438 PBK.O58 PBH.342 PNX-387 Door holder (L) Spring Spring P knob **21 . *t 22. 23. 24. 25. PSG.O37 PSF-018 XWM.134 PNX.389 PBH-339 Pushswitch Microswitch Control assembly Power switch lever Spring 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. PEB-2O4 PNR-175 PXM-121 PNX449 PEB-184 Rubber mat assembly Turntable platter Motor Motor pulley ** * * ** 3 1 . PNX.43O 32. wA41 D065D025 33. YE3OS u . PNX429 35. wA31D054D025 Gear ( E) Flat washer Washer Gear (D) 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Y E2OS PE8-206 PXB.265 GL.gPG12 G L-gPR12 Washer Belt Slide base cover assembly LED LED 4 1 . XWX-086 42. PNY-026 Speed indicator assembly Cover (KU Type) Cover (KC,H E,HB,S.S/G) PNX441 43. PAC-I15 44. XWX.O87 4 s . PXM-122 46. 47. 44. 49. 50. Flat washer Slide knob Sensibility selector assembly Motor assembly PEB-234 PEB.212 Damper rubber (C) (KU) Damper rubber (A) (KC,HE,HB,S,S/G) PBA.141 PEB-208 PBH.336 PBA-140 Screw (B) Damper rubber Spring (B) Screw (A) Part No. 53. 54. PNX-424 55. PNX-434 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Cushion Escutcheon cover assembly Rubber cushion No. 51. PNX-442 52. PTXO32 Bonnet Power supply assembly Slide switch Lamp cover Driving lever lack o. ** ** Mark PNX-433 PNX432 PNX-431 PNC-251 PNX-428 61. 62. 63. P N X . 2 3 1 64; PNX-426 65. PNC-253 Lr Dolcrifiion 45 adaptor Powertransformerassembly { 120v) Shaft Roller Lock leverroller Lock lever Lock plate Loweringrack Sliderail Slide rail rack Steelball 4@ Steelball 60 Gear Retainer Rail cover 66. 67' 68. 69. 70. PDF.178 PDE-l97 PEC-048 PEC-051 XWX-129 Powercord assembly PU cord Strain relief (Powercord) Strain relief (PU cord) A RegulatorlC assembly 71. 72. 73. 74 75. XWX-130 PEC-082 PNX-406 PXB-278 PNX-403 B BegulatorlC assembly Stopper Operationpanel Rollerangleassembly Front panel(C) 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. PNX-407 PNX-388 PNX-386 PNX-413 PWX-O69 Panelholder SPknob DS knob Lens(Al Functionassembly 8 1. 82. 83. 44. 85. PNX-410 PNX-414 PNX412 PBH-328 PAD-l01 EV knob Lens( B) Selectorknob Knob spring O/C knob unit 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. PAD.102 PAD-103 PAD-104 PNX-450 PPZ3OPO60FZK Start knob unit Stop knob unit Skip knob unit Wireguide Screw 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. PDE-151 PPZ3@080FMC tPz30P100FMC wA30F100M100 lD230P080FMC (2P) Connectorassembly Screw Screw Flat washer Screw 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. PPZ26PO50FZK rPZ30P160FMC PBA-125 PBA-088 lPz3oP080FMc Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw ** No. Part No, Description No. 101. 102. 108. 1U. 105. PMA40P060FMC rD23oP060FMC PDZ3oP060FZK PDZ3oPo5oFMC lDZ30PO80FMC Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw 121. PNX468 122. PMA30P080FMC 123. PE8-235 P E B . 231 Wire hold Screw Damperrubber(D) (KU) Damperrubber(B) (KC,HE,HB,S.S/G) 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. PEB-213 XWX-125 PSH{09 PNX439 P Y Y - I1 5 Damperrubber (B) Jack assembly Slideswitch Door holder{R) Door holderassembly 201. 202. 203. 2U. 205. Stopper Angle assembly Gearbase Roller catch Float base 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. PMZ30P150FMC PBA-138 WA41D065D025 PDZ30P060FMC Screw Screw Flat washer Screw 206. 207. 208. Baseunit Wire Cover 116. 117. 118. 119. 12O. PDZ30P080FMC WH30FMC PEB-211 PBA-126 PDF-166 Screw Washer Rubber Screw GND leadunit Part No, Description 1 2 3 A _30 98 B '49 e2 I rrebr ,!+ C 7 44 rie I to e I ree 3 ff4-zz ru2---a-97 24 t'If 25 109 ,"1 t8 D b-go \gz l- '' ffi"_ \ 92 l- 92 I q ,rr-6 F ,tr.k I 47 2 .\ (a)l \-. l+o v/ 1 ((oc er* A I I 47 4 6 5 33 --33 /r+ A 63 62 1 \"9 /'z B 2=;- 'l ? I 72 I' 1 r 7) o 44 92 ree -t04 C r16| 'lo 92 ffit20 t05 Motor Ass'y (8 page) t04 Tonearm (6 page) 84 \ so\6 v ,,46 Y r23-g A I I 47 I 3" k 85 @zl t: | \ l-o 87 lS-* 79 I 82 3*J 8392 D roo-@E--on g o-50 I 47 4 5 6 12r 5. PACKING o{s 6 r-) B - 2,10 PartsLlst M-k l,lo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Prt No. Derripltion No. Pr.l No, Dartiplion PNX{42 PRe-220 PHHO't6 PHA-I46 PHA-147 45 adaptor Op€ratinginstructions Packingcale P.otector lF) Protector (Rl 11. 12, 'l3. PMB40P160FMC lPz30P120FMC PRW-@8 PBA-141 PNX.474 Scraw Scrsw Note paper{6daptor) ScrelY(B) (Al SDacer PNX451 PNX.452 PRWO96 |PZ40P250FMC PRN{I5 Ton6arm holder Spacar Not6 pap€r Screw Note paper '|6. 17. PDE-157 Tsoe deck connectioncord 14. 15. lrl 6. P.C.BOARDS CONNECTIONDIAGRAM II 3 I REGULATOR lC Ass'y (B) (xwx- I eo) PHOTO TRANSISTOR Ass'y (xwx -oa3) LED Ass'y (XWX-Oa4) H-qfu A 420t,?o2 a2a3,?o4 sE302a sRlo6D-Lc "'"'{d, 6*. ^l 6 Q* cot L P.C. BOARD Ass'y ( x w x-o e s ) :jry"' NO(RESET) c1 lo t?? g W2OZ fr*' o i3?tll" lA2otl l$' J ?83?sg" o '*or# o oro{,ro2 2scr8i5 rcro3 sA6t09 NC(UP) I __' I CI 04 i,tSSzlOOrB D{Ot,lo? wLoz oro3 ts?473 4t{tr* w203 220 | Bl yr: ss:DowN TONEARM MOTOR SENSIBILITY SELECTOR (xwx- oe7) *{/*=l ."J: !f! Ass'y .*5J::" CONTROL "i%;jj. (xwM- r34) LOAOING MOTOR ---) D n {--r 47o' F+ Hcrs: #o*-o 6l I I I .?3S"tS"%no ,+IiJ.+,it rt-j"".i: :' o ? JACK Ass'y (xwx- | 2s) , , ,lt -,:i--.'l ,.::i e . o l- - -l .m, if #'ii'-Jr;1: "?ii # l[-rJ:gi:i. :?r- i lffiunr.o 1 |c2 NJM29OIN 1C3,6 NJM4558O ot 9PC455EC q-Cl2 o.e" o{}4 324 4?Ol PU P.C. BOARD Ass'y (XwX- | 26) ---a I nzass, ffff Ass'y 2 3 + Rat 2rA I II 4 REGULATOR lC Ass'y(B) REGULATOR lC Ass'y(A) (xwx- | 30) lG-=;41 5 TRANSFORMER 6 As s'y lxwx- rzs) ul ____JFlt 'lll lf POWER .- .".11'' II r;rcror | l--G@;- I rcro2 0 I | 'iaioi- | NJM78'{.a NJM 78iIOsA POWER SUPPLY (xwR -o4o) ll I ctoT o.or GIF croo j 5 tezz!-- o' I cro3 II I I TRz3 C* Rtor r80 t?*l (!""--..,.*-.H raes(F-- o'3' tR2g lF- ,f\ h"r qo2 orct,1o2 esctSt5 rctos BA6iO9 tcto4 MgSrrootB 0ror,to2wt.oz 0{03 ,rs2473 J.\ br 0 i AC | 20V 60Hz 56:POwER tc2 {l Q2 oz !lo" ( rc2 NJM2gO{N | 1C3,6 NJM4558O or IPC455ECH t d Hl I gg :.,"nqtr* t :n: I '*f*t'o'. ? t , H rael m* l|:.;,li ; :[-1: J J ol*l , c, ,. ]lrJ:'L r gt,r ."*- l'-'l'x'l', I ' I' r F;t;-. F-l. I I Utl^."1t l.- o.:g;x *6',,, : ?rrt.^l|:-]l ,I :i[Iis'f ii'"l1-:F I I l: 'u,*;"'A* I "3frg1 t-,Jl*l - 4iT .'---l or NI 'l l. T f*l :t.,+rl .t Il n 6 ?'I I | i ,' I'-l * Ill ; *a r, B&".t i?tsr, ilt ri 'J s? 17.3 ARM MOVE ill ]}u I t'-i", l.d" F-+-"3,,*{ i^."1**f I ry]Iff"lf'"i L I I 'K.N}'rJP' :l'"1: I ' 'l l" ? I :f "l:Il * l #$fl8 -I?. .+'i ", 16 a€ ??'fl lerl /ro L{ l.{ El I |ti Tl I l" R54 ror I / MoroR / srop A qre taAt rol, L/ 'u I /2 &'slxf* ? t l* T{7r ;JbJ'"i 1T l: ?l E lr ,I /*hll l^,{t lbj'l +r wf lI a o"l" ?? lt ll l ' F Ra2 22t H ad a4 2SCr959 09 4 5 6 R3t r---nF llt 7 I CONTROL Ass'y (PWM- 122) #* 3:i / / ;;:-' .f,ti l'tt' t:fl fffwtl I I I ,s . F-1. ol lo . 1 . ,, ' ,1 "1 " ,lo ro.e.l "ll.r_ "[4_:l l" ' HB I I g;. o&J ll |."*mt68r "------;- ho ll ----fts Fl l'I ll , --!i*ra *t "-----: . t A t | '"' | | I I a li-E--;Jlno $:ffi {*r o o o 5.rs Rxz4o ? | ^t--'|t::- I | -, 9f, Ef' 'bi:- ' I l"l {3 r Ess-.""ar,ttf.fl ":ef ,0.% L I i-F o.il1," fl-t",o -lt{ e- oo, " I "#1?;#d-1t1II : flfR'1..1'"1 r I -.f I | | lt r tl/r erF , r r " o l// ". r6.a( tsJ l.€ cr 33p *iDf" x'TA! . I t lr" t"ro'iffi" p o ? rcr pa2@7 u,"l 4lol' *:: *r, i33Ft''Sg 6ri6 rC4 TO625O3p | ^b/t6 06; I '' ' " ' lr, l" i ,'^t ^ or Qr 2scr8r5 o I i I o40r GL-9PRr2 0402,403 GL-gPGr2 SPEED INDICATOR Ass'y (xwx -oa6) JX8; rquanDri'LocK)s, .@i FUNCTION R'\ r.rr xr I rf|tl ( Pwx - o6e) 'oi rhP- q Ass'y C I l" l F l f lol lol I l . ll " l r 'qEf"q ff*m*=*,b$;,, I Ilk'll*:. l-el Bi Rr 200 +m"il+mFj"i.H i--.ii#li%* r----{i*+ R2 200 Hr{.< Rl 200 o--{lH R4 75 r*[51 33r loJ xaI I l"l l"l l*Hs tffiffiffi BH"wrm,Htffi"nN -d{r e^ i9.-.lfi i9..lHl i9^lkll :Jl *- rui *qipTilq*f -l L:J ,Tg 4/t6 - lT-ll - f?-l ";1i f?-l - + [1] ffijf' Q3O{r 3O4 2SA874F 6 2SA854 O3oltu 3Oa DAN2OIF D3O9! 32O GL- 9 PR.I2 oa2t,322 GL- 9NGI 2 7 L, MAttUAL s3r7 ARM SET 5316 .o{ l?;il l*--1--l l llE (sYNcHRo) l*;1]J l:^- I D 2 3 7. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM A RJ PC BOARDAss'y xwx- i26 oo,---; l;-E NJMo-;;;-------;;;;;, I u*x scrua. ""r:::-,";;. PCP I via Na _Of1 OFFS€I 2 tct PD6ot3 lcz NJMz9OIN 1C3,6 NJM455AO or PPC4358C lC4 MAa4O668 d 'C4O66BP rc3 NJM4556O tc7 M53207P ot 2sciat5 O2.3,5,6,8 2SC245A d 2SCl8t3 04 2SCt959 q 2SAiO48 2SArOr5 2 S C r 8 15 iS24Z5 d 0l!6 rsr555 Q7 04N20{F RO3.6EA 07, I Dro ot rswlTcHll{G ( START-ON ) 09 06: BANO SERVO I | AOJ P C P- O r 2 22O L---..i PHOrOrFAlSrSr& rcx- o59 CARTR I06E IN B R€LAY PSR-OO4 _ SENSIBILITY SELECTOR Ass'y xwx - o87 5{l P5X-@A AC P@ER COm Art IX LEAO N.L t R€TURN c&1 A r- rcWEF I&S'OFff PJX-O!2 _ _Ard, /fi I I rc20r aA520E M O T O RD R I V E R - r$^881,tssB SAo"t COIL PC BOARO Ass'y |l r **l **L Q20t* 2Q4 | _ P|{OTO TRAiISISTOR As} XWX-O83 L:a:'"-I"- 1 2 3 XwX -O85 4 6 5 roie6€) sl. cLosE PSH-@7 I r c I O P E N) 52 OP€N P5H - O@ t( FUNCTTON Ass'y l - - -s -! 6 . 1 r 7 I I srre RESISTORS Indicated in !t. v.W, ,r. W r5% rolerance uniss otherwr* nored k k M. Mrl. (F). ,1%. (G), '2%, (K)..10% { t ! , ! ) .' 2 0 % r o t e r a n c e 2 CAPACITORS (!F)lvolrage (V) !nless orh€rwr* lndic.td In cpacLty p. pF lndrcatton w,thNl vollage rs sOV except el6lrolylrc pWX -069 : Psc-oao . Ps6-o39 noled capacl 3 VOLTAGE DC vottage (Vial Il no ]npur rgnal 4 OTHERS pornl A ^Adjuslrng The A mark lound on some component parts Indrcates rhe rm portancFoJ the safetv lactor ol the part Therelore when ret)lacrng be ar€ to use parts ol rdenr ca desrqnalron 4 markd cap&rlors and resrslors have parls numbers SWITCHES ON - OFF ON _OFF SI CLOSE 52 OPEN 53 54 s5 RESET UP DOWN s6 POWER ON _ OFF ON _ OFF ON - OFF ON -glE sSoi PRoGRAM STARCH i S3O2 PROGRAM SEARCH 2 ON . gll ON . qII PROGRAM SEARCH 3 ON S3O4 PROGRAM SEArcH 4 s3o5 PROGRAM SEARCH s s3o6 PROGRAM SEARCH 6 S3O7 PROGRAM SEARCH 7 ON _ OFF ON - QI! ON - gII ON _ OFF S3O8 PROGRAM SEARCHS S3O9 INOEX S3IO START s3o3 s3r 1 . sloP S3I2 OPEN / CLOSE S3I3 REPEIT s3r4 sKrP S3I5 ARM ON . OFF ON - OF F ELEVATION SPEEo S3I7 MANUAL 33 ARM SET S3IA OECX S4OI SENS EILITY ON.Otr ON _ OFF ON _ OFF ON _ OFF SCAN 5316 gI! SYNCBRO ON - OFF -45tpn t/3rpm ON OFF ON OFF SELECTOR HtGH N O R t r 4_ LOW s lra 1B o 03Ol! 3O8 o3O9r 320 o32t,322 OAN2OiF GL.9PRI2 GL-9NGI2 MOTOR CONTROL Ass,y PWM - r22_ JACK Ass'y I xwx-,t25 I O€CX SYNCHRO NO tRESIl rc2 MOT O RI V sl ffisET P S H -@ 7 g:ll PsH-@' h:1":H rc20r MOTOR 8A6208 vF2or,zoz DRIvER [?9t-s&B9itss8 vP&! Erc ssa pcp-o55 clNcEL LEvtL PcP -orf, roJ & I | | lcf rcz | PAzoo7 PA200a ol i3: f3:83"" 2sct8t5 2sc945 or 01 {s2473 BoARO Ass'y XWX-O85 040{ GL- gPRr2 NOTE: The indicated semiconductors a only. Other alternatiue semicond are listed in the parts list. 4 5 6 BI 7 I ExternalAppearanceof Transistorsand lCs 2SA1015 2SC945 2SC1815 2SC1959 BA6208 2SA854 8A6109 [d otherwrs notd k, kt] Itl)..20% roterance nl6r otherwr* epl erftlrolylrc noted capacl Lot No ans Indrcares the rm :lore wtren rep acrnq, )FF }FF )FF M53207P M88lo66B M8840698 TC4069BP M8840018 TErcOl BP TErc66BP NJM2gO1N )FF )FF fl )FF )FF }FF IFF IFF IFF IFF fF 'l 'l'l '1,'[', il a PA2O(E r0+ilil++#/ --{ )FF tFF PA2007 PDl003 TD52503P 45rpm "AU PHl01R PH101S n'rlnJ € A 0{+il++Mfl Y -{ il U c NJM4556D NJM4558D pPGrls58C NJMOT2D 2SA874F .in44 M++/ - Type No Indcr 2SC2458 2SA1o48 tr'.*"S n,.2\ftfluot tro ililli ililtl ilillt .llUII C UB NJM7818A NJM78MO5A Nr- Jq rvceNof\r>l \ffi/-Lo'No l/\iU :ED ICATOR Assl x -086 ,JJII PD6013 l: ndicated semiconductors are representatiue ones Other alternatiue semiconductors may be used and ted in the parts list. lz lI f I B I 8. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST NOTES: o When ordering resistors, first conuert resistanceualuesinto code form as shown in the following examples. Ex. 1 When there are 2 effectiue digits (any d.igit apart from 0), such as 560 ohm and 47k ohm (toleranceis shown by J=5%,and K=10%). 560a 56 x 101 561 . .. . . RD%PS Eil[iltl] J 47ka 4 7 3 . . . . . R D % P SE n A F j J 47 x 10' 0.5a 0R5.. . . . . R N 2 H @ , ! E 6K ro 0r0 .. . . .. asrP [lEto r Ex. 2 When there are 3 effectiue resistor:u). 5.62he 562 x I0l digits (such u in high precision metal film 5 6 2 1. . . . R N % S R t r @ m E r c The [, marh found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. c For your Parts Stoch Control, the fast mouing items are indicated with the and * marhs ** ** GENERALLY MOVES FASTER THAN * This clasification shall be adjtsted by each distributor because it depends on model number, temperature, humid,ity, etc: Miscellaneous Parts Mark P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY Mark Partilo. Symbol& Deccription PWM-I15 XWM.134 XWX-126 XWX-125 PWX€69 Motor control assembly Control assembly PU assembly Jack assembly Function assembly XWX.(83 XWX.()84 XWX085 Photo transistorassembly LED assembly Coil assembly Powersupply assembly RegulatorlC assemblyA a A xwRo4o xwx-129 A xwx-130 xwx.o86 XWX-G7 * * ** ** A ** * * * T * * * Part l{o. Symbol & Description PSH€04 PSHOOT PSH{09 psF-ol8 PSG-037 Slideswitch Slideswitch Slideswitch Microswitch Pushswitch NJL11O2EH GL-gPR12 GL.9PG12 PCX-059 LED LED LED Photo transistor MOTORS OTHERS Mrk ** ** ** A * A Symbol & Description PDE.171 POE-172 PDE-151 Connectorassembly(4P) Connectorasembly (8Pl Connectorassembly(2Pl CONTROL ASSEMBLY (xwM-134) CAPACITORS Mark RegulatorlC assemblyB Speedindicatorassembly Sensibilityselectorassembly SWITCHES, SEMICONDUCTORS Mark Part I\b. Part No. Symbol & Description c E A 1 0 0 M1 6 L cEA 100M25L cEA 220M 10L C E A R 4 7 M5 O N P CEA R47M sOL Cl C9 C2 C13 C4 C E A 2 R 2 MS O N P CKDYF 153250 CKDYF 3332 50 coMA223K 50 Cl1 C6 C5 C12 RESISTORS NOTE:When ordering resistors, conuert the resistance ualue into code form, and then rewrite the part no. as before. Mark * Part No. Symbol & Description PCP-O72 RGSD8X472J RGSD4X472J RGSD4X333J R D / c P MU U U J VRI 47k Semi-fixed R68 R57 R56 R 1 - R 4 , R 6 - R 1 3 ,R 1 5 - R 2 1 ,R 2 3 R32,R34-R55, R59,R81-R85, R87 R86 BD'J4VM1O3J SEMICONDUCTORS P.rt No, Symbol & Descriptbn PXM-122 P X M -1I 8 PXM-I21 PTX{32 PDF-I7g Motor assembly(Phono) Motor (Tonearm) Motor (Slidebase) Powertransformerassembly(120V) Powercord assembly Mark ** ** ** ** Part No. Symbol & Description PD6013 N J M 2 9 ON1 NJM4558D (pPc4558Cl M884066B (TC4066BP) rcl tc2 l c 3 ,t c 6 tc4 Mark Part No. ** ** ** NJM4556D M53207P 2SC1815 (2SC2458) 2SC245A ( 2 S C 1 851) ** ** ** 2SC1959 2SA1048 (2SA1015) 2SC1815-Y *t * 152473 ( 1 S 15 5 5 1 DAN 201F RD 3 . 6 E B K M F C lO OTl * * * Symbol & Description lc5 tc7 o1 o4 a7 09 Mark * * D1_D6 D7, D8 D10 osc Part Nlo. Symbol & Description LALO3KH22OK L1 Part No. Symbol & Description CEA 47OM25L CKDYF 102250 cl4 cl5, Cl6 ** ** ** ** * *. * Mark * * Symbol & Description PCP-074 PCP-012 RDZcVM562J RD'I4PM NtrtrJ VR2, VR3 Semi-fixed6.8k VR4 Semi-fixed10k R72 R 6 1 - R 6 8 .R 7 0 .R 7 1 ,R 7 3 SEMICONDUCTOR, OTHER Mark ** ** Part No. Symbol & Description NJMOT2D PSR-004 PDF-165 lc8 Relay GNDwire JACK ASSEMBLY{XWX-I25) Mark Part No. Symbol & Description PKN-O01 Jack * * PCP-066 PCP-052 RNI/4PR363G RD%PS3R9J RDTaPM trtrtrJ VRI Semi-fixed47k VR2 Semi-fixed47k R3 R10 R l , R 2 , R 5 - R 9 ,R 1 1 - R 1 7 Part No, Symbol & Description PA2007 PA200B PD1003 TD62503P 2SC181s-cR (2SC945-P) rcl tc2 tc3 152473 tu o1 D1 Part No, Symbol & Description PSS-003 PCXOs7 PDE.164 PDE.165 Crystal Holeelement Connector4P Connector5P FUNCTION ASSEMBLY (PWX-069} SWITCHES Mark * * ** * * Part No, Symbol & Description PSG_038 PSGO4o PSG-039 s301-s315 s 3 1 6S , 317 s318 RESISTORS NOTE:When ordering resisfors, conuert the resistance ualue into code form, and. then rewrite the part no. as before. Mark MOTOR CONTROLASSEMBLY(PWM-I15) Part No. Symbol & Description RD74PM trD!J RGSD4X 333J R 3 0 1R , 304-R307 R303 SEMICONDUCTORS CAPACITORS Mark Symbol & Description OTHERS NOTE:When ordering resiators, conuert the resistance ualue into code form, and then rewrite the part no. 6 before. Part No. Part No. SEMICONDUCTORS Mark RESISTORS Mark c12 c27, C2A,C30 c29 cl4,C16 RESISTORS CAPACITORS - C E A 1 O 1 M1 O L CEA OlOMsOL CEA 33OM1OL cszA R22M 35 NOTE:When ordering resistors, conuert the resistance ualue into code form, and then rewrite the part no. as before. PU ASSEMBLY (XWX-126) Mark Symbol & Description a2,o,3,05, 06, 08 OTHER Mark Part No. Part No. Symbol & Description ccDcH 330J 50 c o M A 1 2 3 K5 0 coPA 473J 50 CKDYF 1032 50 CKDYF 203250 cl c5 c8 c2,c4,cl 0,c23 CKDYF104216 ccDcH 560J50 CEA R47M sOL C E A 1 O O M1 6 L CEA lOOM35L c6, c7 c3 c 9 ,c l 5 c24 c18-C22 c 1 1 , C 1 3 ,C 2 5 , C 2 6 Mark ** * * i Part No, Symbol & Description 2SA874F-R (2SA854-cR) DAN2O1F GL9PR12 GL-9NG12 0301-0304 D301-D308 D309-D320 D321,D322 OTHERS Mark OTHERS Part No. Symbol & Description PNX.446 PNX454 PNX.455 PDE.185 PDE-186 L E D h o l d e r( B ) LED holder(C) LED holder(D) Connectorassembly(1OP) (6P) Connectorassembly PHOTO TRANSISTORASSEMBLY (XWX-083) Mark ** Part No, Symbol & Description PH101 0,201-a2@- Mark * * Partl{o, Symbol & Description PEL-051 PNY-OOg PDE.188 PDE-213 Lamp Lamp holder Connector assembly (3P) Connector assembly (5P) REGULATORIC ASSEMBLYA (XWX-129) Mark ** Part No. Symbol & Description NJMTB1BA PDE.190 Connector assembly (6P) rc101 LED ASSEMBLY(xwx-084) REGULATORIC ASSEMBLY B (XWX-130} Mark Mark * * Part No, Symbol & Description RGS}TX391J SE3O2A SR106D-LC R205 D201,D202 D203,D2U COIL ASSEMBLY (XWX-085) ** * * ** ** Part No, Symbol & DescriptSon C E A l R O Ms O L PCPOs5 PCP{73 PDZ4PM D!!J c201 vR201, VR202 Semi-fixed 4.7k VR2O3 Semi-fixed 220 R201-R204 8A'6208 M8840698 (TC4069BPl tc201 tc202 POWERSUPPLYASSEMBLY (XWR-O4O} CAPACITORS Mark l\ PartNo. Symbol & Description PCLO4O cEA 471M 50L c E A 4 7 1 M2 5 L c E A 1 R o M5 0 L CKDYF 10/.250 C101 0.01pF C102 Cl03 Cl04,C105,C110 C106 C K D Y F1 0 3 2 5 0 cEA 100N1 25L C E A l O O M1 6 L c107,c111,C112 c10B c109 RESISTORS NOTE:When ordering resistors, conuert the resistance ualue into code form, and then rewite the part no. as before. Mark Part No, Symbol & Description RS2PF 18 1J RN7aPB4R70F RDI/APM tr!trJ R1 0 1 R102 B 1 0 3 - R1 1 0 SEMICONDUCTORS Maft Part No. *r ** 846109 MB840018 (TC4001BP) ** 2SC1815-Y * WLO2 * 152473 ee Symbol & Description rc103 tc104 0 1 0 1, 0 1 0 2 D101,D102 D3 Symbol & Description NJM78MOsA 1cl02 SPEEDINDICATORASSEMBLY (XWX-086) Mark NOTE:When ordering resistors, conuert the resistance ualue into code form, and then rewrite the part no. os before. Mark Part No. Part l{o, Symbol & Deseription RD%PM 122J RD%PM271J R404 R405 SENSIBILITY SELECTORASSEMBLY(XWX-087) NOTE:When ordering resistors, convert the resistance ualue into code form, and then rewite the part no. as before. Mark * * Part No. Symbol & Description PSH-008 R D / 4 P MI N I J PDE.187 s401 R401-R403 (4p) Connector assembly 9. ADJUSTMENTS Dummy Play Mode Setting The PL-88F can be set to a dummy play mode (in "loading out" mode) by the following method. L. Remove the bonnet, and set to "loading out', mode. 2. Switch the power off. 3. Disconnect the CN3 connector on the control ass'y, and short pin (1) to pin (2). 4. Then switch the power on, thereby putting the turntable into play mode. Notes: 1. When using this setting (bonnet remoued, attd, loding out mode) for track selection operations and adjustments, mahe sure that the toneann cartridge section is protected from extraneous lEht. 2. When cheching add.ress-related, operations (including operatione during track selection snd. play), do not manipulate the tonearm by hand. If the tonearm has to be operated,, use the operation heys, 3. Do not operate the OPEN/CLOSE key. 4. Always make sure that the power is off when connecting or disconnecting the connectors. Adjustments Different methods af,e usd to adjust the stylus lowering position for track 1 and the other tracks for automatic play operation in the PL-88F. The lowering position for track 1 is adjusted according to "Stylus Lowering Position Adjustment", while the lowering position for other tracks is adjusted according to "Adjustment of Stylus Lowering Position between Tracks". 9.1 STYLUS LOWERING POSITION ADJUST- M EN T 1. Press the OPEN/CLOSE key, pull the slide base out forward, place a 30cm record on the turntable platter, and set the correct rpm by the speed selector. 2. Press the START key to start play. Check the direction and degree of stylus displacement at this time. (Estimate the approximate distance in mm that the stylus lands from the lead-in groove ). 3. Depending on the direction and degree of displacement, adjust the adjustment screw indicated in Flg. 9.1 with a small screwdriver. * T\:rn the screw clockwise (a.sseen from above) if the stylus lowers outsile the lead-in groove. * Turn the screw counter clockwise (as seen from above) if the stylus lowers iruide the lead-in gxoove. * One half turn of the screw corresponds to a shift of about 9mm in the lowering position. 4. When using the PLS-2001S test record, adjust the screw to obtain a count in the 305 to 317 range for lowering onto a 30cm record. And if the GGF-021 test record is used, adjust to a count between 6 and 30 for a 30cm record. Notes: * R emoualo f t he b o nnet simplifie s adj ustment operat io ns. In this ca*, ad.juetmentscan be performed. from the top of the escutcheoncouer, * Do not incline the turntable ouer too far, nor apply excessiuepressure to the d,justrnent screw during the djustment operation. 9.2 ADJUSTMENT OF STYLUS LOWERING POSITION BETWEEN TRACKS Use this adjustment method when the stylus fails to lower correctly into position between tracks during normal programmed play (when the sensitivity switch is in the NORM position and an ordinary record is being usd). This position should also be adjusted after stylus replacements. 1. Pressthe OPEN/CLOSE key, pull the slide base out forwards, place a 30cm record on the tr:rntable platter, and set the correct rpm by the speed selector. 2. Press the START key and proceed in progmmmed play mode (excluding the first track from the program). Estimate the direction and degree of displacement in the lowering position at this time. 3. Press the OPEN/CLOSE key and pull the slide base out. The press the manual play switch and move the tonearm forward. Adjustment hole " ,a(r"y2se plate) ,/ urntable Screwdriver Fig.9.1 Stylus LoweringPositionAdiustment Fig.9.2 Adjustmentof Stylus LoweringPosition BetweenTracks 4. Depending on the degtee of displacement, adjust the adjustment screw in the head shell (see Fig. 9.2) with a small screwdriver. o T\rrn the adjustment screw clockwise if the stylus lowers in the track on the outside of the prograrnmed track. o Turn the adjustment screw counter clockwise if the stylus lowers inside the programmed track. o One full turn of the screw conesponds to a shift of 0.2mm in the lowering position. 5. hoceed with programmed play again (excluding the first track from the program) and check that the stylus lowers correctly between tracks. 6. When adjusting with the GGF-021 test record, set the sensitivity switch to the HIGH position, and then adjust the screw to obtain the lkHz output signal for three to four seconds when the stylus is lowered in front of the second track of the GGF-021record. 7. After completing the adjustment, proceed with programmed play, and check that the lkHz output slgnal is obtained for three to four seconds for tracks after the first track, and that the lkHz is also obtained for tracks after the sixth track. Note: If the conect lowering position cannat be obtained by this adjustment methd, or if the stylut lowering operation is unstedy, proceed with the "Horizontal DD offet adjustment" and. then repeat the aboue djustment. 9.3 HORIZONTAL DD OFFSET ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove the bonnet, press the OPEN/CLOSE key, and pull the slide base forward. 2. Press the manual key for lead-in of the tonearm, and press the arm elevation key to put the tonearm in the UP position. 3. Connect a DC voltmeter between the humped jumpers JP43 and JP44 (see Fig. 9.3). 4. Adjust VRl to obtain a meter reading of t50mV max. 5. Then press the arm elevation key to lower the tonearm and check that the tonearm descent is perpendicular. Fig. 9,3 HorizontalDD OffsetAdjustment RED WHT BLU Disconnectleadwires with solderingiron 9.4 BAND SENSOR OFFSET ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove the bonnet and P1 and P2 lead wires indicated in Fig.9.4 (using a soldering iron to disconnect the lead wires). 2. Using a small screwdriver, turn VR2 and VR3 fully clockwise as seen from above. 3. Connect a DC voltmeter between P2 and PB (TP terminals) of CN8, and adjust VR4 to obtain a meter reading of t0.1V max. Fig. 9.4 Band SensorOffset Adjustment Nofes.' * VRz ard VR7 are the band sensorgain djustment controls. Always djust the band, eensor gain after completing the band sensoroff*t adjustment. * Reold,er the Pl and P2 lead wires back into position after completing the band.sensoroffet adjustment. 9.5 BAND SENSORGAIN ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove the bonnet, press the OPEN/CLOSE key, and pull the slide base out forwards. 2.Place the GGF-021 test record on the turntable platter, press the manual key, and bring the tonearm into position. 3. Shade the record surface from strong illumination sources by using the record jacket or other suitable shade. 4. Position the tonearm for "locate out" operation (shift of the tonearm outwards) between the eighth and tenth tracks ofthe testrecord. Perform this step by using the STOP and START keys. 5. Connect an oscilloscope to observe the voltage differences between P2(+) and PB (TP terminals) of CN8. 6. The waveforms shown in Fig. 9.5 should be obtained in the inter-track sections between tracks 8 and 9, and 10. 7. Adjust VR 2 and VRB (see Fig.9.4) to obatin a waveform peak-to-peakvoltage of.2.6 t 0.2Vp-p, and an average value in the sound track portion of t0.1V. 9.6ADDRESS SENSOR ADJUSTMENT Referring to the time charts described in the servicemanual (ARP-143), adjust as follows. 1. Remove the bonnet, press the OPEN/CLOSE key, and pull the slide base out forwards. 2. Place a record on the tumtable platter, and press the START key for lead-in of the tonearm. 3. Use an oscilloscope to observe the waveforms of the voltage changes between P12(+) and GND (address A sensor), and between P13 (+) and GND (addressB sensor)of IC1. 4. Adjttst VR201 to obtain the waveform shown in Fig. 9.8, for address A sensor, and adjust V&2O2 to obtain the same kind of waveform for address B sensor. Note: To ad.juat VR2OL and VR202, first switch the PL-88F power off, disconnect CN3, short Pl ard P2, pull the slid.e base out by hand (to the position where the VR can be turned, through the adjustment hole), and then switch the power bach on. Wheneuer the tonearm is to be moued, always use the operation keys. Do not tnoue it by hand. 5. After the adjwtment is completed, connect P12 and P13 of IC1 to a dualdisplay oscilloscope, and proceed with lead-in of the tonearm from the spindle to the outer edge (start operation or manual tonearm setting). 2. 6 t 0 . 2 V Tonearm locateout Fig. 9.5 Oscilloscope WaveformDisplay ov f@,^, ;i+* f@,* Fig. 9.6 BandSensorGainAdjustment Adjustment hole Switch the power off and pull the slide baseout. Fig. 9.7 AddressSensorAdjustment tc1P12 lcl Pl3 a, b,c, d= I 2msec Fig. 9.8 Oscilloscope Waveform Finalwaveform v R 2 0| vRzoz / rum N r/ \s,t", Fig. 9.9 WaveformAdjustment 25 6. Check that the P13 waveform is ahead of the P12 as indicated in Fig. 9.8, and that a, b, c, and d in this diagram are all greater than l2msec. The tonearm must always move from the spindle towards the outer edge of the record. If it moves towards the center of the record, the P12 waveform should be atread of the P13 waveform. Leadwire l C l p i n Adjustment control Address A sensorc N 2 P 1 6 P12 vR202 AddressB sensor cN2 P14 Pl3 VR201 9.7 HORIZONTAL DD CANCEL ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove the bonnet, press the START key, and switch the power off when the tonearm comes close to the lowering position for 30cm records. The tonearm remains elevated in this case. 2. Connect an oscillator to P9 and P10 in the socket side of the CN 2 connector, connect an oscilloscope to P11 and P12, and short P10 to P11. 3. Generate a 10Vp-p 45OHz sine wave signal in the oscillator, and check that a 450H2 sine wave slgral is displayed in the oscillocope. 4. Adjust VR203 to obtain a 120mVp-p (t10mV) waveform signal in the oscillocope. 5. Move the tonearm slowly by hand towards the center of the record. As the tonearm is moved towards the center from the 30cm lowering position, the waveform amplitude is gradually decreased, reaching a minimum at a point a little before the spindle. Moving the tonearm any further inwards results in the amplitude increasing Eatn. 6. Set the tonearm in the position where minimum amplitude was achieved, and readjust VR203 to obtain an amplitude of less than 2OmVp-p (approx). (SeeFig. 9.11). 9.8 STYLUS HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 1. Remove the bonnet and switch the power on. Press the OPEN/CLOSE key and pull the slide base out forwards. 2.Place a record on the tr:rntable platter and press the MANUAL button to move the tonearm forward. 3. While holding the tonearm in the left hand, adjust the adjustment screw with a wrench (1.5mm) passed through the adjustment hole as shown in Fig. 9.12. 4. Adjust the stylus tip to a height 5 to ?mm above the record. Fig. 9.10 HorizontalDD CancelAdiustment n / \ n V / \ n---f\ / 30cmlowerins Position | 12omV Final point 20mV max. Fig. 9.11 AdjustmentWaveform Wrench(1.5mm) Height adjustmentscrew Fig. 9.12 StylusTip adjustmentScrew 26 9.9 MOTOR OPERATION POINT ADJUSTMENT 1. Open the slide base as described in "Dummy Play Mode Setting", and run the motor at 33-1/ 3rpm. 2. Connect the buffer amplifier shown in Fig.9.14 to the 3P connector from the motor base plate, and connect the output to a oscilloscope (making the lead wire length less than 10cm to reduce the effects of extraneous electrical noise). 3. With a waveform like that shown in Fig. 9.15 in the synchroscope, vary the gain to adjust the peak-to-peak distance in the sawtooth waveform to five divisions. 4. Then adjust VRl to obtain an a:b ratio of 3:2 in Frg. 9.15 (taking every precaution to eliminate unwanted noise). 5. After completing the 33-U3rpm adjustment, repeat the process for 45rpm. Always adjust the 33-U3rpm speed before the 45rpm speed. And even if only the 33-U3 rpm speed initially needs adjustment, also adjust the 45rpm speed after the 33-1/3rpm adjustment. Adjust VR2 for 45rpm. After completing the 45rpm adjustment, check the 33-1/3rpm speed. D Motor 3P connect Slidebasecover Fig. 9-13 Motor OperationPoint Adjustment F i g .9 . 1 4 B u f f e rA m p l i f i e r IS m s e c ( 3 3 ) l3.3msec(45) Fig. 9.15 AdjustmentWaveform s",ewdriver Itil__ \ , lli \ry0 l \l I I tot AI \ \\- q>-vR1 C-vnz F i g .9 . 1 6 A d j u s t m e n P t oint ?7 (GGF.O2l) 9 . 1 O T E S TR E C O R D S @ t Frequenry 700H2 t Count 1 I Count Lch; English Rch; Spanish Count Lch; English Rch;Spanish Unrecorded tracK Music Lch; English Rch; Spanish @ @il @ .J", I Forward feed Courit @ o oll 1 Unrecorded Count track Lch; English Lch; English Rch; Spanish o @ @tl @ Rch; Spanish + Portion to be detectd Count Lch; English Rch; Spanish Unrecorded Count 3kHz track Lch; English Rch;Spanish as an interval between music t rcts i fi RECORDCONTENTS(SIDE B} Side Band Recording contents Size (@mm) Recording Recording l€v6l time (cm/secl (sec) Pitcfl (mml Speed (rpml Remarks 29atO.2 - 2a7 0.1 3 3 1 / 3 Count301- 55 287 - 173.3 4.0 3 3 1 / 3 M u s i c( 1 ) 1 7 3 . 3 t 0 . 2- 1 6 3 0.1 3 3 1 / 3 C o u n t1 7 1 - 5 0 1 6 3- 1 4 0 4.O 3 3 1 / 3 Music(2) 1 4 0 r 0 . 2- 1 3 3 1.0 45 Returncount 1 3 3- 1 0 7 1.0 45 Count 1 - ' 1 2 Lead-out 107-e6 1l 4.O 45 Frequency 7 O OH z 1 30cmstylusloweringpositioncount 2 Forward feed 3 17cm stylus lowering position count 4 Forward feed (D track Unrecorded 5 6 * ..4 O Lch; English Rch; Spanish RECORDCONTENTS(SIDE A) Side Band Recording contents 30cm stylus lowering position count Size (@mm) Recording Recording lsv6l time (cm/secl (secl 298tO.2 - 287 99 Pitch (mml 0.1 1 Stereo music (1) 2 Frequency3,000 Hz (horizontal) 3 Stereo music l2l 25cm stylus lowering position count 287 - 258.5 Speed (rpml Count301 - 55 3 3 1 / 3 Lch; English Rch;Spanish 33 1/3 258.5!02 - 257.5 257.5 - 257.3 0.5 0.1 257.3 - 249 331/3 247.1!O.2- 239 0.1 Count251 - 50 3 3 1 1 3 Lch; English Rch;Spanish Stereo music (3) - cocentricity 239 - 226 331/3 5 U n r e c o r d e dt r a c k ( c o c e n t r i c i t y ) 225 33 1/3 o F r e q u e n c y3 1 5 H z ( h o r i z o n t a l ) 224 - 216 7 U nrecorded track (cocentricity) 216 - 2OG 8 0.1 3 31 1 3 331/s 3.54 0.1 33 1/3 F r e q u e n c y1 , 0 0 0 H z ( r i g h t c h a n n e l ) 2O1.2 - 196.4 3.54 0.1 33113 Frequency1,000Hz (horizontal) 1 9 6 . 4- 1 8 5 . 8 5.0 0 . 1 33 1 t 3 o Frequency 3,000 Hz (horizontal) 10 Stereo music (4) 't'l 5.42 206 - 2O'1.2 Frequency 1,0O0Hz (left channel) 17cm stylus lowering position Turn the rec o r d i n g l e v e lt o m i n . ( o n et u r n ) 331/3 4 6 Remarks Turn the re- 1 8 5 . 8 t 0 . 2- 1 8 4 . 8 144.4 - 184.6 0.5 3 3 1 / 3 cordinglevelto o.1 m i n . ( o n et u r n ) 1 8 4 . 6- 17 5 . 3 33 1 1 3 173.3t0.2 - 163 u-l C o u n t1 7 1 - 5 C 3 3 1 / 3 Lch; English Rch;Spanish 0.1 331/3 Frequency3,00O Hz (horizontal) r 6 1 145 Unrecorded track 145 - 14O Unrecorded track 14OxO.2- 133 1.0 45 1 3 3- 1 0 7 1.0 45 107- e6ll 4.O 45 5.0 12 0.1 33 1/3 13 Returncount 14 Lead-out Note: Sizesgiuen in this list are general ualuea (but limits must be ouserued where giuen). Tle inner/outer circumference 0,5mm pitch for concentricity in band 5 must lie within t0.05. C o u n t1 - 1 2 Frequency 7 O OH z Lch; English Rch; Spanish 29 9. REGLAGE Ajustement de Mode de Lecture Fictive Le PL-88F peut 6tre mis en mode de lecture fictive (en mode "loading out") de la manidre suivante. 1. Enlever le capot et mettre en mode "loading out". 2. Couper le courant. 3. D6brancher la fiche CNB sur le assembl6e de contr6le et mettre un cavalier de I'ergot 1 d l'ergol,2. 4. Puis, mettre sous tension, mettant ainsi le tournedisquesen mode de lecture. Remarques: 1. Pour utiliser ce systdme (capot enleud, mode "loadingout") dans les opdrations de s<ilection de sillon et de rdglage, s'assurer que la section de cartouche de bras de pick-up est protdgi de toute lumidre extdrieure. 2. Pour udrifier les opirations relatiues d l'adrexe (y compris les opdrations pendant la sdlection de sillon et la lecture) ne pas manipuler le bras de pick-up ri la main. Se seruir des cl6s d'opdration. 3. Ne pas toucher d la cld OPEN/CLOSE. 4. Toujours s'assurer que l'alimentation est coupde pour brancher ou ddbrancher les fiches. R69lages Diff6rentes m6thodes sont utilis6es pour r6gler la position d'abaissement de l'aiguille pour le premier sillon ou pour les autres sillons dans les op6rations automatiques de lecture du PL-88F. La position d'abaissement pour le premier sillon est r6gl6e selon "R6glage de I'emplacement d'abaissement de l'aiguille", tandis que le ftglage pour les autres sillons se fait selon "R6glage de I'emplacement d'abaissement de I'aiguille entre les pistes". 9.1 REGLAGE DE L'EMPLACEMENT D ' A B A I S S E M E N TD E L ' A I G U I L L E 1. Presserla cl6 OPEN/CLOSE, tirer la basecoulissante vers I'avant, mettre un disque sur le plateau et positionner le s6lecteur de vitesse sur le nb. de tpm. correct. " a/ F i g .9 - 1 30 2. Presserla cl6 START pour commencer lalecture. V6rifier la direction et le degr6 de d6placement de I'aiguille i ce moment. (Estimer la distance en mm. de l'6loignement de I'aiguille du premier sillon.) 3. Selon la direction et le degr6 de d6placement, r6gler la vis de r6glage avec un petit tournevis comme il est indiqu6 Fig. 9-1. * Tourner la vis vers la droite (en regardant du dessus) si I'aiguille s'abaisse i I'int6rieur du premier sillon. x Toumer la vis vers la gauche (en regardant du dessus) si l'aiguille s'abaisse d I'ext6rieur du premier sillon. x Un demi tour de la vis correspond i un d6placement de la position d'abaissementde 9mm environ. 4. Lorsque le disque d'essai PLS-2001S est utilis6, r6gler la vis pour obtenir une lecture entre 305 et 317 pour l'abaissement sur un disque de 30 cm. Pour le disque d'essai GGF-021, r6gler pour obtenir une lecture entre 3 et 30 pour un disque de 30cm. Remarques: * Enleuer le capot de cas, le rdglage d blason. * Ne pas incliner pas appuyer trop dant l'opdration. facilite l'opdration de rdglage. Dans s'opire par le haut, sous le couvercle le tourne-disques exag6r6ment, ne fortement sur la uis de rdglage pen- 9.2 REGLAGE DE L'EMPLACEMENT D'ABAISS E M E N TD E L ' A I G U I L L E E N T R E L E S PISTES Se servir de cette m6thode de r6glage lorsque I'aiguille ne descend pas correctement en position entre les pistes au cours d'une lecture de programme normal (lorsque le commutateur de sensibilit6 est en position NORMAL et qu'an disque ordinaire est utilisd.) Cette position dewait 6galement 6tre ftgl6e aprds remplacement de I'aiguille. Orifice de riglage ldanslaPlaque de base). R 6 g l a gdee l ' e m p l a c e m e nd t' a b a i s s e m ednet | ' ai g ui ll e Fig.9-2 Rdglage de l'emplacement d'abaissement de l ' a i g u i l l ee n t r el e sp i s t e s 1. Presserla cl6 OPEN/CLOSE, tirer la basecoulissante vers I'avant, placer un disque de 30cm sur le plateau et positionner le s6lecteur de vitesse sur le nombre de tpm. correct. 2. Presser la cl6 START et continuer en mode de lecture de programme ( i I'exclusion du premier sillon du progumrme). Estimer la direction et le degr6 de d6placement i ce moment. 3. Presser la cl6 OPEN/CLOSE et tirer la base coulissante vers l'avant. Puis presser la cl6 MANUAL et d6placer le bras de pick-up vers I'avant. 4. Selon le degr6 de d6placement, r6gler la vis de r6glage dans la coquille de t6te d I'aide d'un petit tournevis. (Voir Fig. 9-2) o Tourner la vis de r6glage vers la droite si I'aiguille s'abaisse d I'ext6rieur des sillons programm6s. o Tourner la vis de r6glage vers la gauche si l'aiguille s'abaisse i I'int6rieur des sillons programm6s. o Un tour complet de la vis correspond i un d6placement de 0,2mm de la position d'abaissement. 5. Recommencer la lecture d'un programme (i I'exclusion des premiers sillons du programme), et v6rifier que I'aiguilles s'abaisse conectement entre les pistes. 6. Lorsque le disque d'essai GGF-021 est utilis6, positionner le commutateur de sensibilit6 sur la position HIGH, puis r6gler la vis pour obtenir un signal de sortie de lkHz pendant B ou 4 secondes, temps n6cessaire pour que I'aiguille s'abaisse sur la deuxidme piste du disque GGF- 4. R6gler VRl pour obtenir une lecture de voltmdtre DC de t50mV ma:<imum. 5. Puis, presser la cl6 d'6l6vation de bras de pick-up et v6rifier qu'il descend perpendiculairement. 9.4 REGLAGE D'ECART DE SONDE DE BANDE 1. Enlever le capot et les fils de plomb PL et P2 indiqu6s dans Ia Fig. 9-4 (au moyen d'un fer i souder pour les d6tacher). 2. Au moyen d'un petit tournevis tourner VR2 et VR3 compldtement vers la droite (en regardant du dessus). 3. Brancher un voltmdtre DC entre P2 et PB (bornes TP) de CN8, and r6gler VR4 pour obtenir une lecture maximum de t0.1V. Remarques: * VR2 et VRS sont les rdglages de contr6le du gain des sondes de bandes. Rdgler toujours le gain de la sonde de bandes aprds auoir terrnind le rdglage d'dcart de sonde de bandes. * Resoud,er les fils de PI et P2 dans leur position aprAs auoir effectud le rdglage de d,dcalagede sond.e d.e bande. o21. 7. Aprds avoir termin6 le r6glage, continuer la lecture du programme et v6rifier que la sortie de Ll<llz est bien obtenue pendant B ou 4 secondespour les pistes qui suivent la premidre piste, et que lkHz est 6galement obtenu aprds la sixidme piste. Fig. 9-3 Remarque: Si une position d'abaissement ne pouuait pas €tre obtenue au moyen de cette mdthode, ou si l'abaissement de I'aiguille nbst pas assuri, continuer au moyen d,u "Rdglage d'6cart DD horizontal" puis renouveler le rdglage cidessus. 9.3 NECUCC R6glage d'6cartDD horizontal D d b r a n c h e rl e s f i l d e p l o m b d l'aide d'un fer d souder D'ECANT DD HORIZONTAL 1. Enlever le capot, presserla cl6 OPEN/CLOSE et tirer la base coulissante vers I'avant. 2. Presser la cl6 manuelle de conduite du bras de pick-up, presser la cl6 d'6l6vation du bras de pick-up pour le mettre en position haute. 3. Brancher un voltmdtre DC entre les coupleurs bossusn $ et JP 44 (Voir Fig. 9-B) Fig. 9-4 R6glaged'6cart de sonde de bande 31 9.5 REGLAGE DE GAIN DE SONDE DE BANDES 1. Enlever le capot, presser la cl6 OPEN/CLOSE et tirer la basecoulissantevers I'avant. 2.Placer le disque d'essai GGF-021 sur le plateau, presser la cl6 MANUAL et mettre le bras de pick-up en position. 3. Emp6cher tout forte illumination d'atteindre le disque en le prot6geant au moyen de l'enveloppe du disque, par exemple. 4. Positionner le bras pour op6ration de recherche (d6placement du bras vers I'ext6rieur) entre les huitidme et dixidme pistes du disque d'essai. Arriver d ce r6sultat au moyen des cl6s STOP et START. 5. Brancher un oscilloscope pour observer les diff6rences de voltage entre P2 (+) et P3 (bornes TP) de CNS. 6. La forme ondulatoire montr6e dans la Fig. 9-5 doit 6tre obtenue dans les sections entre les pistes 8 et 9, et 10. 7. R6gler VR2 et VR3 (Voir Fig. 9-4) pour obtenir une forme ondulatoire avec un voltage de 2,6 tO,2Vp-p de sommet i sommet, ainsi qu'une valeur moyenne de t0,1V dans les portions de pistes sonores. 9.6 REGLAGE DE SONDE ADRESSEE Tout en se r6f6rant au tableau du temps du manuel de service (ARP-143), r6gler de la fagon d6crite ci-dessous. 1. Enlever le capot, presserla cl6 OPEN/CLOSE et tirer la basecoulissantevers l'avant. 2. Placer un disque sur le plateau et presser la cl6 START pour conduite du bras de pick-up. 3. Se servir d'un oscilloscope pour observer la forme ondulatoire des changements de voltage entre P12 (+) et GND (Sonde A adress6e),et entre P13 (+) et GND (Sonde B adress6e)de IC1. 4. R6gler VR201 pour obtenir la forme ondulatoire montr6e dans Ia Fig. 9-8 pour la sonde A adress6e.R6gler VP"2O2 pour obtenir la m6me forme ondulatoire pour la sonde B adress6e. Remarque: Pour r6gler VR201 et VR202, commencer par couper Ie courant du PL-88F. ddbrancher CNS. court-circuiter Pl et P2, tirer la base coulissante d la main (en une position telle que les VR puissent 6tre tournds d trauers les trous de r6glage), puis remettre le courant. Chaque fois que le bras de pich-up d.oit 6tre ddplacd, se seruir des cl6s de commandes. Ne pas le ddplacer d la main. 2,6!0,2V R e c h e r c h ev e r s l ' e x t d r i e u r d u b r a sd e p i c k - u p Entre lespistes Indication de forme ondulatoire de l'oscilloscope Fig. 9-5 ov vR2@ n tL\-ov --"-.\.\ u"t fZ\ @ Fig. 9-6 f@u"s ;nn*- *.A--{-@,^, R 6 g l a g ed e g a i n d e s o n d e d e b a n d e Orif ice de 169lage Orif ice de 169lage * C o u p e r l e c o u r a n t e t t i r e r l a b a s ec o u l i s s a n t ea u d e h o r s . Fig. 9-7 R 6 g l a g ed e s o n d e d ' a d r e s s e tc't P12 tc1 P13 a . v . c . d ) 12 m s e c . Fig.9-8 F o r m e o n d u l a t o i r ed e I ' o s c i l l o s c o p e 5. Une fois le r6glagetermin6, brancher P12 et P13 de ICl d un oscilloscope d double voyant et poursuivre la conduite du bras du pivot central vers I'ext6rieur (op6ration de d6part ou positionnement manuel du bras de pick-up). 6. V6rifier que la forme ondulatoire de P13 est en avant sut celle de PL2 comme il est indiqu6 sur la Fig. 9-8, et que a, b, c et d du diagramme sont plus grands que 12 msec. Le bras de pick-up doit toujours se d6placer du pivot central vers I'ext6rieur du disque. S'il se d6place vers le centre du disque, la forme ondulatoire de P12 doit devancercelle de P13. Fil de plomb Ergot rc1 Contr6le de 16glage Sonde A adress6e cN2 P16 P12 vR202 Sonde B adressde cN2 P14 P13 VB201 9.7 REGLAGE D'ANNULEMENT DD HORIZONTAL 1. Enlever le capot, presserla cl6 START et couper le courant lorsque le bras va s'abaisserpour un disque de 30cm. Le bras doit rester en position haute dans ce cas. 2. Brancher un oscillateur sur P9 et P10 du c6t6 prise de la bome CN2, brancher un oscilloscope sur P11 et P72, court-circuiter P10 et P11. un signal ondulatoire sinusoidal de Produire 3. 10Vp-p 450H2, et s'assuretqu'un signal d'onde sinusoidale de 450H2 apparait sur l'oscilloscope. 4. R6gler VR203 pour obtenir un signalondulatoire de 120mVp-p (t1OmV) sur l'oscilloscope. 5. D6placer doucement le bras de pick-up vers le centre. En m6me temps que le bras est d6plac6 d la main vers le centre en partant du point d'abaissement de 30cm, la forme ondulatoire est graduellement diminu6e, atteignant un minimum i un point non loin du pivot central. D6placer le bras plus loin vers I'int6rieur fait accoroitre I'amplitude i nouveau. 6. Positionner le bras i I'endroit de minimum d'amplitude et r6gler i nouveau VR203 pour obtenir une amplitude inf6rieure i 20mVp-p (approximativement). (Voir Fig. 9-11) 9.8 REGLAGE DE HAUTEUR DE L'AIGUILLE 1. Enlever le capot et mettre sous tension. Presser la cl6 OPEN/CLOSE et tirer la base coulissante vers I'avant. 2. Placer un disque sur le plateau du tourne-disques et presserla cl6 MANUAL pour faire avancer le bras de pick-up vers l'avant. Forme ondulatoire fi nale VR2OI ,q1\ / vR202 \\v ./ mm Fig.9-9 \ \ ... u"'o' \)y vR202 R d g l a g ed e f o r m e o n d u l a t o i r e DtD h o r i z o n t a l F i g . 9 - 1 0 R 6 g l a gde' a n n u l e m e n P o s i t i o n d ' a b a i s s e m e n st u r 3 0 c m Point final 20mV max. F i g .9 - 11 R 6 g l a gdee f o r m e o n d u l a t o i r e Cld (1,5mm) Vis de rdglagede hauteur F i g . 9 - 1 2 V i s d e 1 6 9 l a gdee b o u t d ' a i g u i l l e 33 3. Tout en tenant le bras de pick-up de la main gauche, r6gler la vis de r6glage avec une cl6 (1,5mm) pass6e i travers l'orifice de r6glage comme indiqu6 Fig. 9-12. 4. R6gler I'aiguille i une hauteur de 5 i 7mm au-dessusdu disque. 9 . 9 R E G L A G E D U P O I N T D ' O P E R A T I O ND U MOTEUR 1. Ouvrir la base coulissante ainsi qu'il est d6crit dans "AJUSTMENT DE MODE DE LECTURE FICTM" et faire toumer le moteur e 33-1/3 tpm. 2. Brancher I'amplificateur tampon montrr5 en Fig. 9-14 sur la borne 3P i la base de la plaque de moteur, et brancher la bome 3P d la base de la plaque de moteur, et brancher la sortie i un oscilloscope (en limitant la longeur du fil de branchement d moins de 10cm pour r6duire l'effet des bruits 6lectriques ext6rieurs). 3. Avec une forme ondulatoire telle que celle de la Fig. 9-15 du synchroscope, changer le gain pour amener la distance sommet i sommet d 5 divisions. 4. Puis r6gler VR1 pour obtenir un rapport a:b de 3:2 dans la Fig. 9-15 (en prenant toute pr6caution pour 6liminer les bruits ind6sirables). 5. Aprds avoir termin6 le r6glagepour 33-1/3 tpm, recommencer l'op6ration pour 45 tpm. R6gler toujours 33-Ug tpm avant 45 tpm. Et m6me si la vitesse 33-Ug a seule besoin d'6tre r6gl6e, r6gler 6galement la vitesse de 45 tpm. R6gler VR2 pour 45 tpm aprds avoir 16916la vitesse 45 tpm, v6rifier la vitesse33-1/3 tpm. B r a n c h e m e n t3 P Baseflottante Couverture de la base coulissante R6glage du point d'opdrationdu moteur Fig. 9-13 Branchement Fig.9-14 Amplificateurtampon SDIV F i g .9 - 1 5 R d g l a gdee f o r m e o n d u l a t o i r e II I'f-Tournevis |\Y \11 fr \|----I '- - - - - - . } ^ | l | / / h " L - - r - \l ll li $)-vnt t r_vR2 \l 1l Fis.e-1; ,1,n,,o. r6srage 34 9.10 DTSOUES D'ESSA!(ccF-021) @ I Fr6quence 700H2 ttt ? compte t Canal de gauche; Anglais Canal de droite; Espagnol Musique pisienon I Compte Canalde gauche;Anglais enreoistrde I canal de droite; Espagnol ruusique Canal de gauche; Anglais Canal de droite; Espagnol @ @tl @ @ o @ll @ rt ilt | 3kHz I 31sHz I I P i s t en o n en registrde Compte Canal de gauche; Anglais Canal de droite; Espagnol I rrr,lrior" st6r6o Musique Compte M u s i q u e st6r6o Canal de gauche; Anglais stdreo Canal de droite; EspCgnol Compte C a n a l d e g a u c h e ;A n g l a i s Canal de droite; Espagnol Plage d d6tecter p i s t e sm u s i c a l e s . comme intervale entre deux {r M E T T E R ED U D T S O U E( C 6 t 6B ) cot6 @ ro € Bande MatiCre enregistr5e 1 Compte de position d'abaissement de l ' a i g u i l l es u r 3 0 c m . 2 Alimentation vers l'avant. 3 C o m p t e d e p o s i t i o n d ' a b a i s s e m e n td e l ' a i g u i l l es u r 1 7 c m . 4 Alimentation vers l'avant. Dimension lomml Niveaud'en- Temps d'en- Haut€ur Vitess€ rogistr€ment roglstrem€nt de son (tpml (cm/secl (soc) (mm) Remarques Compte de 298!0.5-287 0,1 33 1/3 287-173,3 4,O 331/3 M u s i q u e( 1) 173,3tO,2-163 0,1 331/3 Comptede 1 7 1a 5 0 163-140 4,O 3 31 1 3 Musique (2) 140t0,2-133 1,0 45 133-107 1,0 45 Compte de 'l it 12 1o7-e613 4,O 45 Fr6quence 700H2 301e 55 o Pistenon enregistr6e. 5 compte de retour. o Conduite vers l'extdrieur. * * C a n a l d e g a u c h e ;A n g l a i s Canal de droite; Espagnol M E T I E R E SD U D I S O U E( C 6 t 6A ) c616 Bande I MatiCre enregistr6e Compte de position d'abaissement d e l ' a i g u i l l ed 3 0 c m . M u s i q u es t d r 6 o ( 1 ) 2 F r d q u e n c e3 , 0 O O H z( h o r i z o n t a l) . 2 Musiquestdr6o(2) Dimension (4rmm) Niveaud'en- Tempad'en- Hauteur Vitosse registrement registroment de son (tpml (cm/secl (mml (secl 298!0,2-287 99 331/3 0.1 2A7-258.5 0,5 o,1 331/3 257.3-249 247,'l!0,2-239 Musiquestdrdo (3) -concentricit6. 239-226 € € o P i s t e n o n e n r e g i s t r 6 e( c o n c e n t r i c i t d ) . b F r d q u e n c e3 1 5 H z ( h o r i z o n t a l ) . 224-216 7 P i s t e n o n e n r e g i s t r 6 e( c o n c e n t r i c i t 6 ) . 216-206 8 F r 6 q u e n c e 1 , O O O H z( c a n a l d e g a u c h e ) . F r 6 q u e n c e1 , 0 0 0 H 2 ( c a n a l d e d r o i t e ) . F r d q u e n c e 1 , O O O H z( h o r i z o n t a l ) . 206-201 ,2 201,2-196,4 196,4-185,8 9 F r d q u e n c e3 , 0 0 0 H 2 ( h o r i z o n t a l ) . 185,8r0,2 -184,8 184,8-184,6 10 Musiquest6r6o (4). 1U,6-175,3 1l P o s i t i o n d ' a b a i s s e m e n td e I ' a i q u i l l e d 17cm. 173,3!O,2 -163 F r 6 q u e n c e3 , 0 0 0 H 2 ( h o r i z o n t a l) . 161-145 P i s t en o n e n r e g i s t r d e . Piste non enregistrde. B a i s s e rl e n i v e a u d'enregistrement au minimum (1 tour). 331/3 0.1 33 113 4 5 Compte de 301 a 55 Canal de gauche; Anglais Canal de droite; Espagnol 33 1/3 258,5tQ,2 -257,5 257,5-257,3 Compte de position d'abaissement d e l ' a i g u i l l ed 2 5 c m . Remarques Compte de 251 d 50 Canal de gauche; Anglais Canal de droite; Espagnol 331/3 331/3 225 5,42 0,1 33 1/3 33 1/3 3,54 3,54 5,0 331/3 331t3 33 1/3 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,5 0,1 33 1/3 B a i s s e rl e n i v e a u d'enregistrement au minimum (1 tour). 33 1/3 Compte de 171d 50 Canal de gauche; Anglais Canal de droite; Espagnol 0,1 331/3 0,1 331/3 145-140 0,1 33 1/3 1 4 0j 0 . 2 - 1 3 3 1,0 45 compte de retour. 133-107 1,0 45 Compte de 't d12 Conduite vers l'ext6rieur. 107-e613 4,O 45 Fr6quence TOOHz 5,0 12 l3 '14 * Canal de gauche; Anglais Canal de droite; Espagnol Remarques: Les mesures donn6es dans cette liste sont des ualeurs g'ndrales (mais les limites doiuent 6tre obserudes quand elles sont donndes.) La circonf6rence int(irieure'extdrieure de 0,5mm niueau de son pour concentricitd d.e la bande S doit se trouuer dans +0.05. 36 9. AJUSTE Establecimientodel Modo Ficticio de Roproducci6n Se puede establecer el modo ficticio de reproducci6n (en el modo de "disposici6n de colocaci6n del disco") mediante el m6todo siguiente. l-. Extraer la cubierta y establecer el modo de "disposici6n de colocaci6n del disco". 2. Desconectarla alimentaci6n. 3. Desconectar el conector CN3 del conjunto de control y cortocircuitar entre las patillas (1) v Q). 4. Despu6s conectar la alimentaci6n, poniendo el girael giradiscos en el modo de reproducci6n. Nota: 1. Cuando se utilice este modo (cubierta sacada y disposici6n d,e colocaci6n del disco) para operaciones de selecci6n de pista y ajustes, asegurarse de que la secci6n de la cdpsula del brazo fonocaptor estd protegida contra Ia luz extrafia. 2. Al comprobar las operaciones relatiuas a la direcci6n (que incluyan operaciones durante la selecci6n de pista y reproducci6n), NO tocar con la mano el brazo fonocaptor. Cuando haya que utilizar el brazo fonocaptor, usar las teclas de operaci6n. 3. NO utilizar la tecla abertura/cierre OPEN/CLOSE. 4. Asegurarse siempre de que la alimOntaci6n estd desconectada cuando se conecten o desconecten los desconectores. Ajustes Se utilizan diferentes m6todos para ajustar la posici6n de descenso de la aguja para pista 1 para las otras pistas para operaci6n de reproducci6n autom6tica del PL-88F. La posici6n de descenso para pista 1 se ajusta de acuerdo a n'Ajuste de la Posici6n de Descenso de la Aguja", mientras que la posici6n de descenso para otras pistas se ajusta de acuerdo a "Ajuste de la Posici6n de Descenso de la Aguja entre Pistas". 9.1 AJUSTE DE LA POSICION DE DESCENSO DE LA AGUJA 1. Presionar la tecla de abertura/ciene OPEN/ CLOSE, tirar hacia afuera de la base deslizable, colocar un disco de 30cm sobre el plato y poner las rpm conectas mediante el selector de velocidad. 2. Presionar la tecla de inicio START para comenzat la reproducci6n. Comprobar al mismo tiempo la direcci6n y el grado de desplazamiento de la aguja. (Estimar la distancia aproximada que hay en mm desde la aguja hasta el surco inicial del disco). 3. Dependiendo de la direcci6n y el grado de desplazamiento ajustar el tornillo de ajuste indi cado en la Figura 9-1 con un pequeflo destorniIlador. * Girar el tornillo hacia la derecha (visto desde arriba) si la aguja desciende hacia el exterior del surco inicial del disco. * Girar el tornillo hacia la izquierda (visto desde arriba) si la aguja desciende hacia el interior del surco inicial del disco. x Una media vuelta del tomillo corresponde a un desplazamiento de aproximadamente de 9mm en la posici6n de descenso. 4. Cuando se utilice el disco de prueba PLS-2001S, ajustar el tornillo para obtener un valor comprendido entre 305 a 3L7 de descensosobre un disco de 30cm. Y si se utiliza el disco de prueba GGF-021, ajustar a un valor comprendido entre 6 y 30 para un disco de 30cm. Nota: * La extracci6n de la cubierta simplifica las operaciones de ajuste. En este caso, se pueden realizar los ajustes desde Ia parte superior de Ia cubierta ornarnental. * No inclinar demasiado el giradiscos ni aplicar excesiva presiSn al ajustar el tornillo durante la operaci6n de ajuste. Orificio de Ajuste ((en en la placade base) . //./ Trasera Tornillo de ajuste Fig 9-2 Fig. 9-1 Ajustede la posici6nde descenso de la Aguja Ajustede la Posici6nde Descenso de la Aguja entre Pistas 9.2 AJUSTE DE LA POSICIoN DE DESCENSO DE LA AGUJA ENTRE PISTAS Utilizar este m6todo de ajuste cuando la aguja no desciende conectamente a la posici6n entre las pistas durante reproducci6n programada normal (cuando el conmutador de sensibilidad est6 en la posici6n normal NORM y se est6 utilizando un disco ordinario). Esta posici6n tambi6n se debe ajustar cadavez que se sustituya la aguja. 1. Presionar la tecla de abertura/cierre OPEN/ CLOSE, tirar hacia afuera de la base deslizable, colocar un disco de 30cm sobre el plato y ajustar las rpm correctas mediante el selector de velocidad. 2. Presionar la tecla de inicio START y pasar al modo de reproducci6n programada (excluyendo la primera pista del programa). Estimar la direcci6n y el grado de desplazamiento al mismo tiempo en la posici6n de descenso. 3. Presionar la tecla de apertura/cierre OPEN/ CLOSE y tirar hacia afuera de la base deslizable. Despu6s presionar la tecla de reproducci6n manual y mover el brazo fonocaptor hacia el disco. 4. Dependiendo del grado de desplazamiento, ajustar el tornillo de ajuste del casco de la c6psula (consultar Figura 9-2) con un pequeflo destornillador. o Girar el tornillo de ajuste hacia la derecha si la aguja desciende en la pista hacia el exterior de la pista programada. r Girar el tornillo de ajuste hacia la izquierda si la aguja desciende hacia el interior de la pista programada. o Una vuelta completa del tornillo corresponde a un desplazamiento de 0,2mm en la posici6n de descenso. 5. Proceder otra vez con reproducci6n programada (excluyendo la pista primera del progmma) y comprobar que la aguja desciende conectamente entre las pistas. 6. Al ajustarse con el disco de prueba GGF-021, poner el conmutador de sensibilidad en la posici6n alta HIGH y despu6sajustar el tomillo para obtener la sefral de salida de lkHz durante tres o cuatro segundospara pistas despu6sde la pista primera y esa misma sefral de lkHz se obtiene tambi6n para pistas despu6s de la pista sexta. 7. Despu6s de sinalizar el ajuste, activar la reproducci6n programada y comprobar si se obtiene seflal de solida de lkHz durante tres o cuetro segundo en pistas posteriores a la primera y tambi6n. a la sexta. Nofo; Si no se puede obtener la posici6n de descenso correcta mediante este mdtodo de ajuste, o si la posici6n de descenso de la aguja no es permanente, efectuar el "ajuste de equilibrio Horizontal DD". 9.3 AJUSTE DE EOUILIBRIO HORIZONTAL DD 1. Sacar la cubierta, presionar la tecla de abertura/ cierre OPEN/CLOSE y tirar hacia afuera de la basedeslizable. 2. Presionar la tecla manual para llevar el brazo fonocaptor al disco y presionar la tecla de elevaci6n del brazo para poner el brazo fonocaptor en la posici6n UP. 3. Conectar un voltfmetro de CC entre los puentes salientes JP43 y JP44 (consultar Figura 9-3). 4. Ajustar VR1 para obtener una lectura en el medidor de t50mV m6ximos. 5. Despu6s presionar la tecla de elevaci6n del brazo para bajar el brazo fonocaptor y comprobar que el descenso del mismo es perpendicular. 9.4 AJUSTE DE EOUILIBRIO DEL SENSOR DE BANDA 1. Sacar la cubierta y los hilos conductores P1 y P2 indicados en la Figura 9-4 (utilizando un soldador para desconectar los conductores). 2.Uttlizando un pequefro destornillador, girar VR2 y VRg completamente hacia la derecha visto desde ariba. 3. Conectar un voltfmetro de CC entre P2 y P3 (terminales de TP) de CN8 y ajustar VR4 para obtener una lectura en el medidor de t0.1V m6ximo. Nota: * VR2 y VRS son los controles de ajuste de ganancia del sensor d,e band,a. Ajustar siempre la ganancia del sensor de banda despuds de completar el ajuste de equilibrio del sensor de banda. * Voluer a soldar en la misma posici6n los hilos conductores Pl y P2 despu6s de completar eI ajuste de equilibrio del sensor de banda. i'\ r-.r h \V t F i g .9 - 3 3A JP43 r-'r /rroo r/t l'J-o l D A j u s t ed e E q u i l i b r i oH o r i z o n t aD 9.5 AJUSTE DE GANANCIA DEL SENSOR DE BANDA 1. Sacar la cubierta, presionar la tecla de abertura/ cierre OPEN/CLOSE y tirar hacia afuera de la basedeslizable. 2. Colocar el disco de prueba GGF-021 sobre el plato, presionar la tecla manual y poner en posici6n el brazo fonocaptor. 3. Proteger la superficie del disco contra fuentes de iluminaci6n fuertes utilizando la funda del disco u otro protector adecuado. 4. Colocar el brazo fonocaptor para operaci6n de "posicionado afuera" (desplaz*niento hacia afuera del brazo fonocaptor) entre las pistas octava y d6cima del disco de prueba. Realizar este paso utilizando las teclas de parada STOP e inicio START. 5. Conectar un osciloscopio para observar las diferencias de tensi6n entre P2 (+) y P3 (terminales de TP) de CN8. 6. En les seccionesentre pistas entre las pistas 8 y 9 y 10 se deben obtner las formas de onda mostradasen ia Figura 9-5. 7. Ajustar VR2 y VRB (consultar Figura g-4) para obtener una tensi6n de pico a pico de forma de onda de 2,6!O,2Vp-p y un valor medio de la porci6n de pista de sonido de tg,1Y. 9.6 AJUSTE DEL SENSOR DE DIRECCIoN Refiri6ndose a los gr6ficos de tiempo descritos en eI manual de seruicio (ARP-143), ajustar del modo siguiente. 1. Sacar la cubierta, presionar la tecla de abertura/ cierre OPEN/CLOSE y tirar hacia afuera de la basedeslizable. 2. Colocar un disco sobre el plato y presionar la tecla de inicio START para llevar el brazo fonocaptor al disco. 3. Usar un osciloscopio para observar las forrnas de ondas de los cambios de tensi6n entre P12 (+) y GND (sensor A de direcci6n) y entre P13 (+) y GND (sensorB de direcci6n) de IC1. 4. Ajustar VR201 para obtener la forma de onda mostrada en la Figura 9-8 para sensor A de direcci6n y ajustar VP"202 para obtener el mismo tipo de forma de onda para sensor B de direcci6n. Nota: Para ajustar VR201 y VR202 primero desconectar la alimentaci6n de PL-88F, desconectar CN3, cortocircuitar Pl y P2, tirar con la mano hacia afuera de la base deslizable (hasta la posici6n donde se pueda girar el VR atrauds del orificio de ajuste) y despu6s uoluer a conectar la alimentaci6n. Cuando quiera que se uaya a mouer el brazo fonocaptor, usar siempre las teclas de operaci6n. No mouerlo con la mano. Desconectar los hilos conductores con un soldador F i g .9 - 4 Ajustede Equilibriodel Sensorde Banda Brazo fonocaptor posicionado afuera Entre pistas F i g . 9 - 5 V i s u a l i z a c i 6dne F o r m ad e O n d ad e O s c i l o s c o p i o vaz f@ f@vas ---t'-\ A'' *Y*ou u^" f6n Fig. 9-6 *^1J| A \* n ou-+'v* J"r6"^, Ajustede Gananciadel Sensorde Banda Orificio de ajuste Orificiode aiuste * Desconectar la alimentaci6n y tirar hacia afuera de l a b a s ed e s l i z a b l e . Fig. 9-7 Ajustedel Sensorde Direcci6n tc1 P12 lc1 P13 a, b, c, d ) Fig. 9-8 l2msec Formade Ondade Osciloscopio 39 5. Despu6s de completar el ajuste, conectar P1-2 y P13 de IC1 a un osciloscopio de visualizaci6n doble y llevar eI brazo fonocaptor al disco desde el eje central al borde exterior (operaci6n de inicio o colocaci6n del brazo fonocaptor manual). 6. Comprobar que la foma de onda P13 est6 delante de P12 tal como se indica en la Figura 9-8 y que a, b, c y d de este diagrama son todos de m6s de 12msecSe debe mover siempre el brazo fonocaptor desde el eje central hacia el borde exterior del disco. Si se mueve hacia el centro del disco, la forma de onda P12 debe estar delante de forma de onda P13. Hillo conductor Patilla tc1 Control de ajuste Senor A de direcci6n cN2 Pl6 P12 vR202 SensorB de direcci6n cN2 P14 P13 VR201 9.7 AJUSTE DE ANULACION HORIZONTAL DD 1. Sacar la cubierta, presionar la tecla de inicio START y desconectar la alimentaei6n cuando el brazo fonocaptor se acerque a la posici6n de descenso de la aguja para discos de 30cm. En este caso el brazo fonocaptorpermanece elevado. 2. Conectar un oscilador a P9 y P10 en el lado de enchufe del conector CN2, conectar un osciloscopio a P11 y P72 y cortocircuitar entre P10 y P11. 3. Generar una sefral de onda sinusoidal de 10Vp-p 450H2 en el oscilador y comprobar que se visualiza en el osciloscopio una seflal de onda sinusoidal de 450H2. 4. Ajustar VR203 para obtener una sefralde forma de onda de 120mVp-p (t10mV) en el osciloscopio. 5. Mover suavemente con la mano el brazo fonocaptor hacia el centro del disco. Al moverse el brazo fonocaptor hacia el centro del disco desde los 30cm de posici6n de descenso, la amplitud de la forma de onda disminuye gradualmente, alcanzando un mfnimo en un punto un poco antes del eje central. Al mover el brazo fonocaptor algo m6s hacia adentro resulta que vuelve a aumentar la amplitud. 6. Poner el brazo fonocaptor en la posici6n donde se alcanzaba una mfnima amplitud y reajustar VR203 para obtener una amplitud de menos de 2 OmVp-p ( aproximadamente ). ( Consultar Figura 9-11). 40 Forma de Onda Final ' \ s vn;u Vl33l s/ Fig. 9-9 rendimiento m Ajustede Formade Onda CN2 (enchufe) F i g . 9 - 1 0 A j u s t ed e A n u l a c i 6 nH o r i z o n t aD l D Posici6n de descenso en discos de 30cm 2OmVmax. F i g .9 - 1 1 Punto final F o r m ad e O n d ad e A j u s t e 9.8 AJUSTE DE LA ALTURA DE LA AGUJA 1. Sacar la cubierta y conectar la alimentaci6n. Presionar la tecla de abertura/cierre OPEN/ CLOSE y tirar hacia afuera de la base deslizable. 2. Colocar un disco sobre el plato y presionar la tecla manual MANUAL para mover hacia el disco el brazo fonocaptor. 3. A la vez que se sostiene con la mano izquierda el brazo fonocaptor, ajustar el tornillo de ajuste con una llave (1,5mm) pas6ndola a trav6s del orificio de ajuste tal y como se muestra en la Figura 9-12. 4. Ajustar la punta de la aguja a una altura de 5 a 7mm sobre el disco. 9.9 AJUSTE DEL PUNTO DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DEL MOTOR 1. Sacar la base deslizable como se describe en "Establecimiento del Modo Ficticio de Reproducci6n" y poner el motor en 33-1/3 rpm. 2. Conectar el amplificador separador mostrador en la Figura 9-L4 al conector 3P desde la placa de base del motor y conectar la salida a un osciloscopio (reduciendo la longitud del hilo conductor a menos de 10cm para reducir los efectos de ruidos el6ctricos extraflos). 3. Con una forma de onda como Ia que se muestra en la Figura 9-15 en el sincroscopio, varfar la ganancia para ajustar la distancia de pico a pico a cinco divisiones en la forma de onda de dientes de sierra. 4. Despu6s ajustar VRl para obtener una relaci6n a:b de 3:2 en la Figura 9-15 (tomando todas las precaucionespara eliminar ruido no deseado). 5. Despu6s de completar el ajuste de 33-1/3 rpm, repetir el proceso para 45 rpm. Ajustar siempre la velocidad de 33-U3 rpm antes de la de 45 rpm. Y aun cuando s6lo se necesite ajustar inicialmente la velocidad de 33-Ug rpm, ajustar tambi6n la de 45 rpm despu6sde haber ajustado la de 33-U3 rpm. Ajustar VR2 para 45 rpm una vez completado el ajuste de 45 rpm, comprobar la velocidad de 33-1/3. tl fl-- o""ornillador Llave (1,Smm) Brazo fonocaptor T o r n i l l o d e a j u s t ed e l a a l t u r a Fig. 9-'l2 Tornillo de Ajustede la Puntade la Aguja Cubierta de base deslizable F i g .9 - 1 3 A j u s t ed e l P u n t od e F u n c i o n a m i e n tdoe l M o t o r F i g .9 - 1 4 Amplificadorseparador r\y \li tl \|_ / / (- h oL; 1l \1ll $)-vnt C-vR2 \l \l Fig. 9-16 Puntosde ajuste o,2 F i g .9 - 1 5 F o r m ad e O n d ad e A j u s t e 9 . 1 0 D I S C O SD E P R U E B A( G G F - 0 2 1 ) tttt t t wtrisica V a l o r | | | Canalizq.; Ingl6s P i s t as i n Frecuencia I Canalder.; Espafiol de 700H2 | grabar Valor Canalizq.; Ingl6s Canal der.; Espafrol r'A\ \-/ @ @ @ Cara A I Surco Final TOOHz ,.,,)1," I grabar 3kHz Valor Canal izq.; Ingl6s Canal der.; Espafiol Valor Canalizq.; lngl6s Canalder.; Espafiol Valor t Canalizq.; Ingl6s C a n a ld e r . ; E s p a f i o l Misica o A l.) @ o @ lo, ttt t'rl t lr r I I l3t<Hzl .t..inl | | ;;; lMrsica | estereo I I rtttl I | M r i s i c ae n estereo M0sica estereo V"to' Canal Canal der.; Espaffol P a r t e a d e t e c t a r s ec o m o i n t e r v a l o e n t r e c a n c i o n e . . { - lE]: C O N T E N I D OD E L D I S C O( C A R A B ) Cara Gontenido grabado Banda 1 V a l o r d e p o s i c i 6 n d e d e s c e n s od e l a a g u j a e n d i s c o sd e 3 0 c m . Avance. 3 V a l o r d e p o s i c i 6 n d e d e s c e n s od e l a a g u , ae n d i s c o s d e 1 7 c m . 4 Avance. @ 6 a P i s t as i n g r a b a r . Nivel de grabaci6n (cm/ segundos) Tiempo de grabaci6n (sagundosl Paso (mml Velocidad (rpm) Observaciones 298tO,5-287 0,1 331/3 Valor 301-55 287-173,3 4,O 33 1/3 M i s i c a ( 1l 173,3!O,2-163 0,1 33113 Valor 17 1 - 5 0 16 3 - 1 4 0 4,O 331/3 14 0 1 0 . 2 - 13 3 1,0 45 I amano (Omm) 5 o Valor de retorno. 133-107 1,O 45 Valor 't -12 Surco Final. 1o7-e613 4,O 45 Frecuencia de 700H2 * AD Mfsica (21 Canalizq.; Ingl6s Canal der.; Espafrol C O N T E N I D OD E L D I S C O( C A R A A ) Cara Banda Contonido grabado Valor de oosici6n de descensode la a g u j a e n d i s c o sd e 3 o c m . Tamafro (4mm) Nivel de grabaci6n (cm/ segundosl 298!0.2-287 Tiempo de grabaci6n tsegundos) 99 Paso (mml o,1 Veloci dad (rpml Obsorvaciones Valor 301 - 55 Canalizq.; Ingl6s Canalder.; Espafiol 33 1t3 1 M r i s i c ae n e s t 6 r e o ( 1 ) 287-258,5 331/3 258,5tO,2 -257,5 257,5-257,3 Girar el nivel de grabaci6n a la posici6n mfnima(MlN) (1 vuelta). 2 F r e c u e n c i ad e 3 , 0 0 0 H 2 ( h o r i z o n t a l ) . 3 M 0 s i c a e n e s t 6 r e o( 2 1 . 257.3-249 V a l o r d e p o s i c i 6 n d e d e s c e n s od e l a a g u j a e n d i s c o sd e 2 5 c m . 247,1tO,2 -239 M0sicaen est6reo(3)-concentricidad. 239-226 331/3 225 33113 0,5 0,1 331/3 33113 0,1 Valor 251 - 5O Canalizq.; Ingl6s Canalder.; Espafrol 33 1t3 4 € () G 5 P i s t as i n g r a b a r ( c o n c e n t r i c i d a d ) b F r e c u e n c i ad e 3 1 5 H 2 ( h o r i z o n t a l ) . 224-216 7 P i s t as i n g r a b a r ( c o n c e n t r i c i d a d ) . 216-2OG 8 0,1 331t3 331t3 F r e c u e n c i ad e 1 , O 0 O H z{ c a n a l i z q . ) 206-201 ,2 3,54 0,1 33113 F r e c u e n c i ad e 1 , O O O H z( c a n a l d e r . l 201,2-196,4 196,4- 185,8 3,54 0,1 331/3 5,0 0,1 331/3 F r e c u e n c i ad e 1 . 0 O 0 H z ( h o r i z o n t a l ) . F r e c u e n c i ad e 3 , 0 0 0 H 2 ( h o r i z o n t a l ) . 185,8r0,2 -144,8 1U,8-184,6 10 Mdsicaen est6reo(4). 1U,6-17s,3 't1 P o s i c i 6 n d e d e s c e n s od e l a a g u j a e n d i s c o sd e 1 7 c m . 173,3!O,2 -163 F r e c u e n c i ad e 3 , 0 0 0 H 2 ( h o r i z o n t a ll . 161-145 P i s t as i n g r a b a r . P i s t as i n g r a b a r . I 5.42 0,5 o,1 33113 Girar el nivel de grabaci6n a la posici6n mfnima(MlN) (1 vuelta). 33 1/3 Valor 171 - 50 Canalizq.; lngl6s Canalder.; Espafiol o.1 331/3 0,1 331/3 145-140 0,1 331/3 14OiO,2 - 133 1,0 45 13 3 - 1 0 7 1.0 45 Valor 1-',t2 107-96+l 4,O 45 F r e c u e n c i ad e 70OHz 5,0 12 13 Valor de retorno. 't4 Surco Final * Canalizq.;Ingl6s Canalder.; Espaffol Nota: Los tamafios que se dan en esta lista son ualores generales (pero se deben tener en cuenta los limites donde se den). El paso de 0,5mm de circunferencia interior/exterior para concentricidad en banda 5 debe caer dentro de +0,05. 43 (v)rrloNEEn STEREOTURNTABLE PLr88F-c.HE,HB,s,s/c 1. SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 HE TYPE Motor and Turntable Accessory mechanisms DriveSystem Direct-drive Auto lead-in,auto return,auto cut, repeat Motor......... O u a r t zP L LH a l lm o t o r Arm elevation,programsearchplay TurntablP e l a t t e r . . . . . 2 8 0m m d i a m .a l u m i n u ma l l o y d i e - c a s t Indexplay, manualplay, manuallocation Speeds 33-'l/3 and 45 rpm Skip, auto disc size selector WowandFlutter........ L e s s t h a n * 0 . 0 1 2 o / o ( W R M S ) Deck synchro, recorddetection (WRMS) 0.025o/o Built-inanti-skating 1 0 . 0 3 5 %W T D P e a k( D t N ) Valuesmarkedwith an "*" designatethe wow and flutter for Miscellaneous motor.and do not includethe cartridgeor tonearmload. PowerRequirements AC22O/24O V - (switchable), Signal-to-Noise-Ratio Morethan78 dB (DlN-B) 50, 60 Hz (with PioneercartridgemodelPC-4lMC) PoweC r onsumption . . . . . . . . . 2 1W Dimensions ..420 (W)x 98 (Hlx 335(D)mm Tonearm 1 6 - 1 / 2( W ) x 3 - 3 / 4 ( H ) x 1 3 - 1 1 4( D ) i n . T y p e. . . . . . . . . . S t a t i c - b a l a ntcyep e ,S t r a i g hpt i p ea r m Weight . . . . . . 1 0 . 3k g l 2 2 l b 1 1 o z Effective Arm Length .... 208 mm Overhang .2O.2mm Accessories PC-41MC Specifications Type ......... Stylus......... OutputVoltage . . . . .M o v i n gc o i lt y p e . 0 . 3 x 0 . 7m i l d i a m o n(dP N - 4 1 M C ) 2.5 mV (1 kHz,50 mm/s Peakvelocity,LAT) Tracking F o r c e. . . . . . . . . . 1 . 7g t o 2 . 3g ( p r o p e2r g ) FrequencyResponse 10to 35,000Hz R e c o m m e n d eLdo a d ........50k4 E PA d a p t o r D e c ks y n c h r oc o r d . . . . . . . . . . . O p e r a t i n gI n s t r u c t i o n s . . . . . , . .1 ....................1 ...... . . . . . . . . . . .1 . NOTE: Specifications and design subject to possible modification notice, due to improvements. without 1.2 HB, S, S/G TYPES Motor and Turntable Accessory mechanisms Direct-drive DriveSystem l otor Motor......... O u a r t zP L LH a l m T u r n t a b lP e l a t t e .r. . . . 2 8 0 m m d i a m .a l u m i n u ma l l o y d i e - c a s t 33-1/3and45 rpm Speeds WowandFlutter........ L e s s t h a *n0 . 0 1 2 o / o ( W R M S ) (WRMS) 0.025o/o 1 0 . 0 3 5 7W 0 T D P e a k( D l N ) Valuesmarkedwith an "*" designatethe wow and flutterfor motor,and do not includethe cartridgeor tonearmload. Morethan78 dB (DlN-B) Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (with PioneercartridgemodelPC-41 MC) Auto lead-in,auto return,auto cut, repeat Arm elevation,programsearchplay Indexplay,manualplay, manuallocation Skip, auto disc sizeselector Decksynchro,recorddetection Built-inanti-skating Tonearm T y p e. . . . . . . . . . S t a t i c - b a l a ntcyep e ,S t r a i g hpt i p ea r m .... 208 mm Arm Length Effective .2O.2mm Overhang PC-41MC Specifications Miscellaneous P o w e rR e q u i r e m e n t s . ... AC22O/240V-(switchable), HBmodel 5 0 , 6 0H z AC 110/120/220/240V S,S/G models powerconsumption .... 1'*lt:l:0.':':::'t:ii'l Accessories E PA d a p t o r D e c ks y n c h r oc o r d . . . . . . . . . . . O p e r a t i n gI n s t r u c t i o n s . . . . M o v i n gc o i lt y p e . 0 . 3 x 0 . 7 m id| i a m o n d ( P N - 4 1 M C ) 2.5 mV NOTE: (1 kHz,50 mm/s Peakvelocity,LAT) Specifications 1 . 7g t o 2 . 3 g ( p r o p e r 2 g ) T r a c k i nFg o r c e. . . . . . . . . . notice, due to 10to 35,000Hz FrequencyResponse . . . . . . . . 5 0k a R e c o m m e n d eLdo a d Type.......... Sty|us......... OutputVoltage . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 and design subject to possible modification improvements. without 2. CONTRAST OF MISCELLANEOUSPARTS NOTES: o Parts without part number cannot be supplied. o The I mark found on some component parts indicatee the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be surc to u* parts of identical designation. o For your Parte Stock Control, the fast mouing items are indicated with the marhs** and* . ** GENERALLY MOVES FASTER THAN * This classification shall be adjueted by each dietributor becau* it depends on model number, temperaturc, humid,ity, etc. Part No, Mark A A** A* A* A* A A** Symbol & Descript3on Control assembly Jack assembly RegulatorlC assemblyA RegulatorlC assemblyB PU assembly Powersupplyassembly Microswitch Tonearmassembly Wireholder Powertransformerassembly(120V) Powertransformerassembly|€2OV,24OVl Powertransformerasembly (11oV, 120V, 220V, 240Vl' Powercord assembly PU cord assembly KU typo KC typo HE Type HB Type XWM-134 XWX-125 XWM-O98 XWX.102 XWX.O94 XWX-095 XWX.1O1 XWR.O22 PSF-018 PPD.636 PED.5O7 XWM{98 XWM-102 XWM.O98 XWM.102 XWX.O94 XWXO95 XWX.1O1 xwx-129 XWX-130 XWX.126 XWR-O4O PSF-018 PPD€36 PED-507 xwx-094 XWX-095 XWX.1O1 xwR-031 xwR.o31 PSF-020 PSF-020 '::::' '::'::' 'll 'll::' li' PTX.O3O S Type S/G Type XWM-098 XWM-102 XWX-o94 XWX.O95 XWX-101 XWR-022 PSF-O2O PPD€36 XWM€98 XWM.102 XWX.O!'4 XWXO95 XWX.101 XWR{22 PSF-O2O PPO636 PTX.O31 PTX.O31 PTX-O3O POF-178 PDX{16 PDF.178 PDX.O15 PDF.170 PDX.O15 PDF.171 PDX{15 PDF-147 PDX-015 PDF.147 PDX-015 Connectorassembly(2P) PU leadwire PU leadwire Line voltageselector Operatinginstructions PDE.151 PDA-O22 PDA.O23 POE-151 PDA.O22 PDA.O23 PRB.22O PRB-223 PDE-198 PDA.O22 PDA.O23 PSB-002 PRD-084 PDE.198 POA-O22 PDA.O23 PSB-002 PRB-221 PDE.151 PDA.O22 PDA.O23 PSB-007 PRB.221 PDE.151 PDA.O22 PDA.O23 PSBOOT PRB-221 Packingcase Note paper Cover Damperrubber(C) Damperrubber (A) Damperrubber(D) Damperrubber{B} PHH.O16 PHH.O1 7 PNY.O26 PEB.234 PNX-441 P HH - 0 1 5 PRW.Og5 PNX-441 PHH.Ol5 PRW.O95 PNX441 PHH.O15 PHH-019 PRW-095 PRW-@5 PNX441 PNX441 Jei)tz PEB.212 PEB-212 PEB.212 PEB.213 pLe-ir s pLa-iis pLe-ir'e pia-ir3 PE8.235 PEB-212 ' Jack assembly (XWX'|2il > Jack assembly (XWX-|02) Regulator lc assemblyA (XWX-I29 > Begulator tC as*mbly A UWX-094) Regulator lC asembly B (XWX.I3O) > Ref utator lC assembly B (XWX-098) Three as*mblieg are mentioned above have different numbers, however, the component pans are same. 3. ELECTRICALPARTS LIST 3.1 POWERSUPPLYASSEMBLY(XWR-022) REstsroRs sEMtcoNDUcroRs, CAPACITORS Mark Mark A Part l{o. Symbol & Description PCL_O4O cEA 471M 50L c E A 4 7 1 M2 5 L c E A 1 R 0 M5 0 L CKDYF 104250 ctot C102 C1o3 c 1 0 4 ,c 1 0 5 C106 CKDYF 1032 50 c E A 1 0 0 M2 5 L C107 C108 P.rt No. * rr 8A6019 t WL02 RS2PFB 181J Symbol & Dercription rc103 D 1 0 1 ,0 1 0 2 R101 OTHERS Mark Part No. Symbol & Description PEL-051 PNY-0O9 PDE-188 PDE-189 Lamp Lamp holder (3P) Connectorassembly (4P) Connectorassembly 47 (XWX.lOl) 3.2 PU ASSEMBLY 3.4 CONTROLASSEMBLY(XWM.Og8I CAPACITORS CAPACITORS Mark Prt No, Symbol & Dorcription CEA 47OM25L CKDYF 102260 c14 c 1 5 ,C l 6 Mark RESISTORS NOTE:When ordering resistort, conuert the reeistance value into code form, and, then rewrite the part no. os before, Mark * * Part No. Symbol & Dorcription PCPO74 PCP-012 VR2, VR3 Semi-fixed 68k VR4 Semi-fixed 1 0 k RDlrVM 562J RDTTPMtrtrtrJ R72 R61-R68, R70, R71 PartNo. Symbol& Dercription cEA 100M 16L cEA 100M25L cEA 220M 10L CEA R47M 50 NP CEA R47MsOL Cl C9 C2 C13 C4 C E A 2 R 2 Ms O N P CKDYF 153250 CKDYF 3332 50 coMA 223K 50 Cl1 C6 C5 C12 RESISTORS SEMICONDUCTOR, OTHERS Mark ** ** Part l{o. Symbol & Dercription NJMOT2D PSR-004 PDF-l65 rc8 NOTE: When ordering rcsistorc, conuert the resistance value into cod,e form, and then rewrite the part no. as before. Mark * Relay GND wire 3.3 POWERSUPPLY ASSEMBLY(XWR-(B1} CAPACITORS Mark l\ Part No, Syntol & De$ription PCLO4l CEA 471M sOL CEA 471M 25L CEA 10(Iv125L CEA l ROf'I50L cl01 cl02 c103 cloB c 1 @ ,c 1 0 5 C K D Y F 1 0 3 25 0 cKDYF 104260 c107 c106 RESISTOR Mark Part ilo. Symbol & Dorcription PCP-O72 RGSD8X472J RGSD4X472J RGSD4X333J RD74PMtrtrtrJ VRI Semi-fixed47k R58 R57 R56 R1-R4. R6-R13, R15-R21,R23R32, R34-R55, R59, R81-R84 SEMICONDUCTORS Mark ir t* i* ** T* r* ii Part No. Symbol& De$ription R S 2 P F1 8 1 J R101 ** Symbol & Description r* *r Part ilo. Symbol & Dercription PD6013 NJM2golN NJM45580 (pPC4558C) M8840668 ffc40668P) tc1 tc2 tc3, rc6 - tc4 NJM4556D M53207P 2sc1815 (2SC2458) 2SC2458 (2SC18151 tc5 tc7 o1 2sc1959 2SA1048 (2SA1015) 04 o7 02, 03, 05, 05, 08 SEMICONDUCTORS Mark Part l{o. ** 846109 * wL02 tc103 Dl01,Dl02 * tsz+zg A A ** ** ** D1-D6 (1S1555) LAMP, FUSE,OTHER Mark PartNo. Symbo! & Dercript'nn PEL-(FI PEAO44 PEKO37 PNY.O@ PDE.188 PDE-l89 Lamp Fuse 1A Fuse 50OmA Lamp holder Connectorassembly(3P) Connectorassembly(4P) B * * * DAN2O1F RD3.6EB KMFC1OO1T D7, D8 D10 osc OTHER Mark Part llo, Symbol & Dorciption LALO3KH22OK Ll, L2 4A 213 4. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (TC,HE,HB,S. S/G TYPES} A B REGULATOR lC Asdy( B xwx-os C D 1 ]4s 2 3 5 ES} g1 6 NOTE: The indicated semiconductors are representative ones only. Other alternatiue semiconductors may be used and are listed in the parts list. SwITCHING ( START-ON I lf{.luorm I Et sToP 1, RESISTORS. lndicated in sI, y.W, 'hW,!5'h tolerance unless otherwise noted k j ktl M; MlI, (Fl; r'l%, {G); t2%. lKl ..10%, (wt); i20% tolerance NO I OPEN ' 52 r OPEN PSH - oo9 -4 2. CAPACITORS: Indicated in capacity (pF)/volrage {V} unless otherwi* nored p; pF. Indication withrut vollage is sOV except electrolytic capacr tor. ltc 3. VOLTAGE I_], O C v o l r a g e( V ) a t n o i n p u l s i g n a l 4, OTHERS: poinl. @ , Ad,usring y'fi mark found on some component parls indicates the im The port"nct-of the safety factor of lhe part. Theretore, when reprrrng, be sure to us€ parts of identical designation. I marked capacilors and resislors have parts numbers. B O30t^, 3Og O3O9{320 --dJziSii ,o*t#,, OAN2OIF GL- 9PRI2 GL-9NGI2 JACK Ass'y r xwx-{o2 L DECK SYNCHRO NO(RESIr 53: R€SCT PSH-@t s4:uP PSH- OO.l (oowN, s5: oowN PSH - OO4 tor{€ aRM MO'OR Pxit - r 18 I 8A62OE DRTVER vR2ot,2o2: €ND sarsER AoJ PcP-o55 tc!' xwx-oss- I | aoJ u"-'#l:h.'-€vEL ,rroTt?"t - zSCr8t5 zSC945 0? {s2473 I SPEED INDICATORAss! xwx - 086 4 5 6 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT FOR KC TYPE REGULATOR ,. lC Ass'y(B) 4\ xwx -o95 AC POW€R CORO Ass'y "*r-a LAMP 8V 55mA PEL -O5I rctos 8A6ro!) MOTORORIVER SUPPLY Ass'y XWR -O22 POU/ER SUPPLY CIRCUIT AC PO$ER CGO ArJy POF-t47 or PDF-t4B POWER SUPPLY A xwn - ozz POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT FOR HB TYPE REGULATOR l C A s s ' y( A ) n xwx - o94 1!\ l-cror ru"]-m76ieaI I I REGULATOR AC ryER CORD Ars'y Pff-t7l ,fi LI I LAMP 8v 55mA I 5. P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY 5.1 PU ASSEMBLY(XWX-101) 5.2 POWERSUPPLY ASSEMBLY {XWR-022) =2 5.3 POWERSUPPLYASSEMBLY(XWR-031} 5.4 CONTROLASSEMBLY(XWM-098) tcf tc4 -_ ,' og 03 oe 02 04 e5 tc7 . A [5] r x * +r- -5.t_ 14 | El_"-r. - t "l l. kl -. "3- oi? .:1l Cy rY l"ll r r f :1,,1:.I l* | I :l i3llgtr ot ?$'8,5 *,1*l*"..,,*, rE,.Bl lft.S t'''t,-1"'lJ, l.;'l' l"'i"l'r-l l , ,'tr14 Fttst.+#. .t*-iiHl ilffi.u?diflYmp t.-:1; i ,r,r {,* liltH, fl"]:l LJI , S, ,'^ * F o - r eI: a l ' l l'l lrl 1 I t .rr .,j""tiirC ft I 1'l!4g|llI l.ls,#iil tt[*l"H #!l-tdJ :r---+'ri.'iiii'r,.:t l'[4 53