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B)1 I been working
2 just made
3 more expensive
4 carefully as
5 the most
A )1 bank (It's a place. The others are forms of payment.)
2 mortgage (It's a noun. The others are all verbs.)
3 hungry (The other adjectives are all strong adjectives.)
4 awful (It has a negative meaning. The other three have a positive meaning
5 travel (It's a verb. The other words are nouns.)
6 helmet (You wear it. The other three are vehicles.
7 railway station (It's related to rail travel. The other words are all related to road
B )1 filthy 2 tax 3 rush hour 4 lend 5 platform
6 inherit 7 boarding pass / card 8 tiny
C) 1 off 2 out 3 for 4 back S by
A 1)a 2)b 3)c 4)a 5)b
B) fortunate-lucky
charity- an organization,which collects money to help people who are poor, sick…
volunteer-somebody who offers or agrees to do something without being forced or
orphanage-an institution where children without parents live and are looked after
deposit-a percentage of the price of something you are buying which you pay in
annoyed-made angry
adopted- taken by a family and looked after as if they were their own children
useful-having a practical use
definitely-certainly, without doubt
A- 1b 2c 3b 4c 5a
B- 1)£7,500 2)3 years 3)£261.45 4)8. 1/2%
5)22nd March
-can you talk different things you can do with money
Today I want to tell you about what can be done with money, but more precisely so
that I do with it and where I would spend it. First of all, I would buy shares in a
bank or put money at interest. Secondly, I would open my company and do charity
work. For example, I would open a shelter for homeless animals and care for us.
Animals really need the help of people and I believe that this will be one of the
best investments, since I like to do good deeds and help those in need. In principle,
I would like to say that this is my childhood dream - to open my own shelter for
homeless animals and help them. Thirdly, I would invest in my health and the
health of my relatives, since now good medicine is expensive enough and it will be
a very reasonable investment. Fourth, I should invest in my self-development and
realization of my goals. For example, training in any courses or studying at a
foreign school in another country, where I can practice and improve my skills
daily. In the future, when I would improve my skills in a foreign language, I would
like to travel around the world and visit various countries. Feel the atmosphere of
every new place for me, of course try the traditional dishes of this country and visit
the most popular and famous sights. I would also invest money and make a film
about my travels and about my life. I think it would be interesting to see. I would
show from and to, as it really is. And in general, making my film was my dream
from childhood and I would be insanely glad if I realized it. On this I think I will
finish .That's all.
Специальный текст :
Newspapers have always been an important information source for people. Their
main goal is to inform us about current events, although it depends on a type of
newspaper. Some newspapers simply entertain.
Newspapers were especially valuable during the wars, when people couldn’t wait
to know how their sons, husbands and other relatives were. They could always read
in local newspapers about current situation at the battlefield and about those who
have heroically died there. If their relative’s name wasn’t in a newspaper, then they
were relieved.
Nowadays newspapers have changed a lot. First of all, they are rarely black-andwhite, as they used to be. Modern newspapers are bright, attention grabbing and
colourful. Secondly, the content isn’t only about politics. Of course, there are still
lots of political news in the modern editions but this information is blended with
some other entertaining content, such as current timetable at the nearest cinemas or
theatres, some funny anecdotes, crosswords and lots of advertising.
There are different types of the newspapers. Depending on your interests you can
choose what you want to read about. For example, there are newspapers with only
sport news and articles, there are others with only arts and cultural information,
there are ones about financial and economic news in the world and many other
types. Newspapers can also serve for educating, especially if you’re learning a
foreign language. In that case, there is a wide choice of newspapers in English,
French, Spanish and other languages.
One of the most important problems in the world of newspapers is the decrease of
their necessity. People have started reading more online, so there is no need in
papered news anymore. Luckily, there are still lots of people who want to feel a
real newspaper in their hands and to read it daily.
Перевод :
Газеты всегда являлись важным информационным источником для людей.
Их основная цель – информировать нас о происходящих событиях, хотя это
зависит от вида газеты. Некоторые газеты просто для развлечения.
Газеты были особенно ценны во время войн, когда людям не терпелось
узнать как их сыновья, мужья и другие родственники. Они могли всегда
прочесть в местных газетах о текущих событиях на поле битвы и о тех, кто
героически погиб там. Если имени их родственника там не было, тогда они
Сегодняшние газеты очень изменились. Во-первых, они изредка чернобелые, какими были раньше. Современные газеты яркие, привлекающие
внимание и красочные. Во-вторых, содержание не только про политику.
Конечно же, в современных изданиях все ещё есть много политических
новостей, но они смешаны с некоторым другим развлекательным
содержанием, таким как расписание в ближайших кинотеатрах и театрах,
несколько веселых кроссвордов, анекдоты и много рекламы.
Есть различные виды газет. В зависимости от интересов, Вы можете
выбирать, о чем читать. Например, есть газеты только со спортивными
новостями и заметками, есть другие только с информацией об искусстве и
культуре, есть те, которые о финансовых и экономических новостях в мире и
многие другие виды. Газеты также могут служить для образования, особенно
если Вы изучаете иностранный язык. В таком случае, существует широкий
выбор газет на английском, французском, испанском и других языках.
Одной из важнейших проблем в мире газет является спад необходимости в
них. Люди стали читать больше онлайн, и поэтому нет больше надобности в
бумажных новостях. К счастью, все ещё есть много людей, которые хотят
ощущать настоящую газету в руках и читать ее ежедневно.