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The 7th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications 12-14 September 2013, Berlin, Germany Study of Multiple-Stage Continuous-Discrete Port Overload Systems A.M. Prokhorenkov1, R.A. Istratov, V.M. Sharapov, A.S. Sovlukov.

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Study of Multiple-Stage Continuous-Discrete Port Overload Systems
Conference Paper · September 2013
DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS.2013.6663043
4 authors, including:
Valeriy Sharapov
A.s. Sovlukov
Cherkasy State Technological University
Institute of Control Sciences
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The 7th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications
12-14 September 2013, Berlin, Germany
Study of Multiple-Stage Continuous-Discrete
Port Overload Systems
A.M. Prokhorenkov1, R.A. Istratov1, V.M. Sharapov2, A.S. Sovlukov1,3
Murmansk State Technical University
13, Sportivnaya str., Murmansk, 183010, Russia
Phone/Fax: + 7 815 223-1600, E-mail: prohorenkovam@mstu.edu.ru
Cherkassy Stat Technological University,
460, Shevchenko Blvd, Cherkassy, 18006, Ukraine
Phone: + 38 0472 73-0211, E-mail: v_sharapov@rambler.ru
Institute of Control Sciences
65, Profsoyuznaya str., Moscow, 117997, Russia
Phone: +7 495 334-8830, E-mail: sovlas@ipu.ru
Abstract— Overload processes in a transport unit as
objects for modeling are considered. Problems of optimal
control for different overload variants are possible to be
solved by this way. Random character of processes taking
place in infra-structures of a transport unit gives ability to
consider their models as probabilistic ones and to relate
them to the queuing models.
Keywords—transport unit; overload; graph; model
Modern development stage of transportation abilities
is characterized by growing demands for a deliver time of
loads, quality of deliver, and decrease of expenses on
transport/storage operations. Transport units are central
parts in a system of transportation. Deliver of loads is
started and ended in these units, as well as overload
processes from one kind of transport means to the other.
Existed transport abilities of the port Murmansk
(Russia) will be increased by 24.0 billion tons due to the
construction of the coal terminal “Lavna” at the left coast
of Kolsky bay. Free economic area of a port type on the
base of complex development of Murmansk transport unit
will be also a development point.
In spite of the beginning of exploitation of new port
overload complexes needs of Russia in overload abilities
is not fully satisfied by domestic ports; it is done less than
seventy percents under processing of foreign freights. So
the right direction for operation efficiency increase of
transport units is control optimization of overload
processes in a port, of its infrastructure based on
application of modern information and computer
Features of overload port processes are their
continuous development caused by changes of needs for
processing of different loads and permanently changeable
environment within a port and in regions serviced by it. It
causes the need to maximally formalize ways of decision
making for both dispatcher control of overload processes
and under their modernization and reorganization.
Transport complex of Murmansk area is presented by
enterprizes and organizations of railway, sea, automotive
and air transport. In addition to the existing transport
complex it is planned the development of Murmansk
transport unit foreseeing construction of overload
complexes and development of transport infrastructure at
the eastern and western coasts of Kolsky bay. Special
attention is paid to the construction of railway
infrastructure. The basis for the development of
Murmansk transport unit is unique geographic position of
terminals within the port of Murmansk city that is located
at the coast of Kolsky bay:
- the port has free way into open ocean with relatively
low ship navigation and is located closely to international
sea routes;
- the port is non-freezed, deep-sea, storm-protected, allthe-year-round different from many other world ports that
are potential competitors for Murmansk transport unit;
- the port is economically independent from other
contries because of the no necessity to use their aquatory;
- proximity of the zone to european and american
- ability to use international transport corridors Northern
Sea Route, Geat Siberian Way and North-South;
- free, non-processed areas on the western coast of
Kolsky bay where construction of new terminals and
berths is planned;
- processing of Stockman gas-condensate deposits in
Barenz sea together with gas tranportation into the
township Teriberka where construction of the plant for
production of liquefied natural gas is planned and also
construction of port-hub in the bay Teriberka for
operations with ships for gas trasportation;
- reliable transport communications of the port Murmansk
with undustrially-developed regions of Russia.
As applied to overload processes in a port,
presentation of the model of a studied object as a graph
and its analog – matrix model gives ability to look at the
problem for optimization of different variants for
overload in a transport unit from different points of view
[1, 2, 3].
Let’s compose graph-model of a transport unit. In any
transport unit such subsystems exist like berths,
terminals, and load fronts of railroad and car road. In
order to compose graph-model these subsystems are
presented as points for loading/unloading with nodes of
the graph: K = {K1, K2,…, KN} (N = 1 … 17) and a set
of edges E = {E12, E21, …, E17, E71} – a direction of
load transportation. Graph-model V(K, E) of overload
processes in Murmansk transport unit is shown in Fig. 1
where are the following designations: K1, К7, К10 –
points of railroad; К2 – К5 – terminals of the western
coast; К8 – terminal in Teriberka; К11 – К16, К18 –
terminals in the eastern coast; К6, К17 – areas for
autocars; К9 – airport.
Graph V is oriented as all the edges have directivity.
According to graph theory it can be presented as matrix
of displacement M=||mij|| where i – rows representing
nodes of the graph, and j – columns (one on each edge).
Matrix elements mij are determined so:
1, if edge comes out i-th node;
mij = - 1, if edge comes in j-th node;
0, if edge doesn’t come in and out a node
Matrix M is presented in Table (it is not shown here).
Rows of the matrix designate directions of load
transportation in a transport unit. A set E is variant of
overload processes for which some definite and final
location of a load is known. A quantity of coming ships,
wagons in the port and time of their arrival is known
while availability of free overload machines, storage
facilities is random. For each time moment t probability
of each state of the system in the future depends only on
its state in a present time. States of the system are
connected by relations (transitions from i-th state to the jth state).
Each transition is characterized by transition
probability Pij. Probability Pij shows how often after
coming into i-th state takes place then transition into j-th
state. So presence of a load flow in one of graph nodes
can be considered as a state of the control system.
Displacement of load flow from one point into the pthe
one is presented as the change of a state of the system
that is this load displacement from Ki to Kj is on the
graph. Probability of i-th state of the system is designated
as Pi , conditional transition probability from i-th state to
j-th state – as pij (
1 ). Such chain is controlled
i q
Markov chain [4]. Then probability of j-th state of the
system may be calculated by the formula
Pj = pijPi , i, j = 1, N ,
Transition probabilities pij may be presented by the
matrix of transition probabilities:
Figure 1. Graph-model for overload processes in a transport unit
р 21
p2 N
p2 N
р N1
pN 2
p NN
where pij – probability of the transition per one step from
i-th state to j-th state; pii – probability of the system delay
in the i-th state.
Matrix П is square transition matrix; transition
probabilities from i-th state to j-th state per one step of
the process are its elements. Static state of the system
describes probability of the state {Pk} (k = 1, N) while
dynamic state is a set of probabilities of all the transitions
Basic quality items of transport production should be
taken into account under solution of optimization
problem. As basic qualitative characteristics of transport
production may be considered: degree of meeting
demands in volume of loads (item Кv); degree of
regularity in load transportation (item Кr); coefficient
related to the velocity of load delivery (item Кs); keeping
degree of transported loads (item Кk).
The items listed above have values from 0 to 1 and
are calculated separately for different kinds of transport
and loads. Each item has big value separately but
systematization and integration of all these items give an
item that allows to receive complex quality estimate of
transportation [3, 5]. Such item К0 is called “wheel of
quality” for transport maintenance of load owners and is
calculated so:
К0 = αvКv + αrКr + αsКs + αkКk ,
where αv, αr, αs, αk – rating coefficients that correspond to
Кv, Кr, Кs, Кk and take into account consumer estimates
of separate items of transport production and their mutual
influence. These coefficients are received by the method
of expert estimates. Graphic image of “wheel of quality”
is shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2. “Wheel of quality” of transport maintenance
In order to model the suggested graph-model for
overload processes within Murmansk transport unit,
program Mathlab-based Simulink is suggested to be used.
Simulink is interactive environment for modeling and
analysis of various dynamic processes via unit-diagrams
that may be combined into composite units. It gives
ability to use hierarchical presentation for the structure of
a model thus providing simplified view on components
and subsystems.
Subsystems of other points of loading/unloading are
presented in the paper. They are realized similarly. As
input and output signals In1 and Out1 are served
accordingly; if the unit takes part in an overload process
then In1 = 1 and Out1; this value is set by switching the
key at the unit.
For modeling of control system abilities of MATLAB
– programs Stateflow are used. Stateflow is the tool for
numerical modeling of systems characterized by complex
So called Stateflow diagrams – graphical
presentations are created using Stateflow programs where
states and transitions form base design units of a system.
Stateflow produces units that are introduced into a model
via means of Simulink. A set of Stateflow units within a
model present Stateflow-machine that operates jointly
with Simulink-model. Mutually single-valued conformity
exists between a model via means of Simulink and
Stateflow-machine. Basic non-graphical components of
such diagrams are event and action, basic graphical
components are state and transition. In order to present a
graph its nodes are set using elements of Connective
Junction while connections between them are realized via
connection lines. Unit “State” is an important constituent
for graph modeling. It describes a regime of eventscontrolled system via lectures.
Figure 3. Graph-model of overload processes in a transport unit
Figure 4. Model of a control system for load flow displacement
done via means of Simulink
Model of overload processes in a transport unit is
presented in Fig. 3. It consists of three submodels done as
separate units Way 1, Way 2 и Way 3 (elements of
Subsystem). Using keys it is possible to choose a needed
way for overloads processes. Total expenses on overload
processes taking into account transit coefficient are
received in summarizing units.
Model of a control system for load flow displacement
of fertilizers done via means of Simulink is presented in
Fig. 4, Stateflow diagram is shown in Fig. 5. A way is
formed via feeding of 0 or 1 into a corresponding input of
the unit Chart: Rt_1... Rt_7. Routes for a control system
of load flow displacement of fertilizers is set so:
track – storage 1
track – storage 2
track – storage 3
track – ship
storage 1 – ship
storage 2 – ship
storage 3 – ship
a signal goes in series after coming into the unit but it
goes through all the inner states – decomposition AND
(Fig. 7)). The state “way_to” contains data on load flow
displacement of fertilizers from tracks to any place of
destination (storages 1,2,3 and a ship).
Figure 7. Decomposition of Prog state
Figure 5. Stateflow diagram
There is possible also to have separate inputs for the
set of wind speed and environment temperature. Matrix
of response functions for a control system of load flow
displacement of fertilizers is lead out into the window
Matrix and the report on an error – into the window Error
(“0“in the normal regime, “1” at the appearance of an
Error appears in the case of activation more than two
ways (Fig. 6) and in the case of exceeding by temperature
and wind speed their corresponding check values (20 m/s
and -30 ºС).
The state “way_from” contains data on load flow
displacement of fertilizers from storages to a ship. This
state has decomposition OR that is inner states are done
in series.
Designed model gives ability to determine faultlessly
passable ways of multi-contour signal graph, and also to
model behavior of a control system for several ways.
Considered approaches for the design of mathematical
model of a transport unit as a graph (of model and its
analog – matrix model) give ability to solve the problem
of optimization of different overload processes. Using the
Simulink-based designed model it is possible to estimate
expenses on overload processes by various transport
means and methods. From this point of view it is possible
to optimize an overload process by economic criterion
that is total complex expenses for overload of a load flow.
Figure 6. Response on the choice of three ways simultaneously
In the diagram operating state of the system Prog
consists of two mutually-separated states: “way_to” and
“way_from”. They are executed in pseudo-parallel (really
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