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Stress, management and prevention

Educational institution «Francisk Skorina Gomel State University»
Faculty of History and Intercultural Communications
Department of History and Intercultural Communications
Specialty «Linguistic support of intercultural communications (international
Essay on
“Stress, management and prevention”
Prepared by the student
of 1st course (gr. LS-13)
c.p.s, Y.E.Akulich
Gomel, 2022
Stress, management and prevention
Stress is a disease of the century. Life has never been faster and jobs have
never been more stressful than they are today. People have to perform more and
more work under difficult and more stressful conditions. Many people suffer
from stress and the illnesses it can cause, and more people are recognizing that
stress is a natural reaction of a person’s body to pressure, either from the outside
world or from the inner world of emotions and physical organs. We
can’t avoid stress. And we can’t help ourselves, or others, until we know more
about it. Not all stress is bad and perhaps if we understood it better we could make
the most of it.
Stress can affect all aspects of your life, including your emotions, behaviors,
thinking ability, and physical health. No part of the body is immune. But, because
people handle stress differently, symptoms of stress can vary. Symptoms can be
vague and may be the same as those caused by medical conditions. So it is
important to discuss them with your doctor. You may experience any of the
following symptoms of stress.
Some frightening facts and figures related to stress
According to the World Health Organization, more than 264 million people
suffer from chronic stress and depression all over the world. Furthermore, this
chronic stress is a leading cause of suicidal tendencies in people of all ages,
especially youngsters.
As stated by the Pew Research Center, stress and anxiety are showing a
sharp rise in American teenagers. More than 70 percent of teenagers in the US feel
that stress, anxiety, and depression are common and major problems in their peer
groups. In addition, 61 percent of teens in the US admit that they feel a lot of stress
and pressure to score good academic grades.
I would like to give some recommendations how to cope with stress and be
healthy. First of all,
Do not bury your emotions. Share your feelings. Unresolved emotions can
resurface as nightmares or physical illness. Talk to a trusted friend. Spend time
with positive people who enhance your life.
If you find that a relationship makes you stressed, end it. If that isn't
possible, remember that you may not be in control their behavior, but you are in
control of how you react to it.
Give compliments freely and smile often. You'll be amazed how the mood
around you will change and how in turn you will feel better.
Meditation can be an excellent way to control your body's response to stress.
Don't forget that yoga and aromatherapy are helpful in combating stress. Scented
candles, soft music and a hot bath are great ways to relax after a hard day.
Identify the sources of stress in your life. Learn how to say “no” – Know
your limits and stick to them. Whether in your personal or professional life, refuse
to accept added responsibilities.
Avoid people who stress you out – If someone consistently causes stress in
your life, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the
relationship entirely.
Focus on the positive. When stress is getting you down, take a moment to
reflect on all the things you appreciate in your life, including your own positive
qualities and gifts. This simple strategy can help you keep things in perspective.
Train yourself to minimize negative thinking and prioritize tasks so you aren't
stressing about the small stuff. Remember that even smiling, whether you mean it
or not, will help relieve stress.
Keep your sense of humor. This includes the ability to laugh at yourself. The
act of laughing helps your body fight stress in a number of ways.
Daunting deadlines, unrealistic targets, and making ends meet at work are
common contributors to stress in professionals all across the world. According to
research by Everest College, 83 percent of employees working in the US suffer
from work stress every day. Plus, 80 percent of the workers in the US experience
stress at work due to ineffective workplace communication.
As stated above, a lot of students start to feel stressed because of homework,
their course, or schoolwork. In addition to these, there is constant pressure on them
from the side of teachers and parents to perform exceptionally well. Such a burden
of expectations, not letting students choose their passions, and painting failures in a
bad light can make students anxious, afraid of not being able to meet the
expectations, and horribly stressed.
Improving time management skills
Inefficient time management is a cause of stress and anxiety in many people.
People tend to feel stressed when they are not able to meet deadlines or are not
able to maintain a healthy work-life balance. But by honing time management
skills, an individual can make the most of his day and complete all the tasks in an
efficient manner. It usually happens that people pick up on stress when they have
whiled away their precious time and try to finish the task in the last leg of the
stipulated time. However, successful time management enables people to finish
before time and to have sufficient time to maintain a healthy balance between
professional and personal life. Also, for students who often wonder how to write an
essay fast without stressing, time management is the key.
Keeping surroundings green
People can deal with their stress a lot better if they surround themselves with
plants. Hence, a walk to a lush green garden or keeping an indoor plant on the
office desk or study table can be a great way to bust stress. This claim is backed by
enough pieces of research that have tried to explore the correlation between plants
and reduction in stress. It is interesting to note that as per a study featured in the
Journal of Physiological Anthropology, keeping indoor plants can reduce
physiological and psychological stress and anxiety in a significant way. Hence, this
shall serve as one of the most inexpensive, easy, and of course, eco-friendly ways
of dealing with stress.
The cognitive development of a child is as essential as his academic
development. If every little mind keeps getting exposed to high levels of academic
stress right from childhood, his emotional and mental well-being is likely to suffer
immensely. This will one day make the world turn into a community of mentally
and emotionally troubled beings who will also be indifferent towards each other.
They will not only suffer because of their own emotional and mental instability but
they’ll also suffer because of social disconnection. To prevent such dreary things
from happening, it is crucial for educational institutions to start paying more
attention to the emotional and mental development of the children during their
formative years. This will help little kids turn into adults who are not only
professionally successful but also mentally and emotionally strong.
Stress is an integral part of life. It is not possible to get rid of it completely
but if one keeps his stress levels managed, he can prevent stress from having
adverse impacts on his health and well-being. Along with this, parents and teachers
should direct their efforts to help children with stress management. This will help
them ensure that academic stress doesn’t get to inhibit the emotional and mental
development of young minds.