Загрузил Iskandar Botirov

письмо от Бена

Thanks for your mail yestarday, Ben!
With regart to you request, our company makes and sells safety officer on Nord Oil Platform.
I would like to conifrm that i have new emergency escape equipment for sale. As you are aware, Safety World is Europe's largest manufacturer of oil safety equipment.
This is to let you know that Safety World won the International Safety Award last year.
Could you please send information about safety needs on Nord. Do let me know if you have any questions. I attach photos of equipment in action.
Kind regards, Pete Norman. The Manager of Safaty World.
Many thanks for your mail.
As you may know there was a serios fire on an oil platform last year. There were many casualties because of poor escape equipment. I want fire and emergency escape equipment such as heat shields, heat-resistant ropes, ladders, enough for crew of 230.
Could you please to send catalogue for these items.