The Hedge Knight George R. R. Martin Bear the sigil Bridle Chain-mail Chalice Cracked leather beə ðə sigil ˈbraɪdl ʧeɪn-meɪl ˈʧælɪs krækt ˈlɛðə Cruel dent dig Fair maid Fierce Fill out the frame Forge Frown generous Gorget Greaves Grip Gusty wind Hauberk Helm Hempen Knot Lance Lean Morrow Nodle cause Not all the way through Palfrey Pommel Praise Purse Razor Rope Rust Saddle Scabbard Scoop up Shaggy Shambling Shield Slope Soak to the bones Stag krʊəl dɛnt dɪg feə meɪd fɪəs fɪl aʊt ðə freɪm fɔːʤ fraʊn ˈʤɛnərəs ˈgɔːʤɪt griːvz grɪp ˈgʌsti wɪnd ˈhɔːbɜːk hɛlm ˈhɛmpən Knot lɑːns liːn ˈmɒrəʊ ˈnəʊbl kɔːz nɒt ɔːl ðə weɪ θruː ˈpɔːlfri ˈpʌml preɪz pɜːs ˈreɪzə rəʊp rʌst ˈsædl ˈskæbəd skuːp ʌp ˈʃægi ˈʃæmblɪŋ ʃiːld sləʊp səʊk tuː ðə bəʊnz stæg Нести знамя Уздечка кольчуга Чаша, кубок Потрескавшаяся кожа Жестокий, суровый вмятина копать Прекрасная дева свирепый Наладить, укреплять хмуриться щедрый Горжет Поножи рукоять Порывистый ветер Хауберк, кольчуга Шлем Снасти Узел копье скудный Утро, завтра Правое дело Целиком, полностью Верховая лошадь Рукоять Похвала, хвалить Сумка, кошелек Бритва, лезвие Веревка ржавчина Седло ножны собрать лохматый неуклюжий Щит склон Промокнуть до костей Олень Stallion Stripped of ˈstæljən strɪpt ɒv Swift Sword belt Take service with swɪft sɔːd bɛlt teɪk ˈsɜːvɪs wɪð temple Tend (to) Tie up Waist Whetstone Worldly wealth ˈtɛmpl tɛnd taɪ ʌp weɪst ˈwɛtstəʊn ˈwɜːldli wɛlθ Wrap ræp жеребец Лишенный, избавленный Быстрый Пояс для меча Обслуживать, служить висок Ухаживать связать Талия, пояс Точильный камень Материальные богатства Завернуть This part is told of a young squire of 16 or 17 years named Dunk. He was a saggy, shambling boy, hugely tall for his age and very strong. The hedge knight whom he was serving died and Dunk was alone now with the old man's weapon, armor an horses. He didn't have any idea what to do because the only thing he knew was how to be a hedge knight. Anyways, he scooped up all what he had, counted the contents of the cloth purse and headed to the tourney at Ashford Meadow. Ankle Brazen bustle change the price of eggs Cloak Daub-and-timber Dismount Emerge fistful fling in to fork Gait greasy ˈæŋkl ˈbreɪzn ˈbʌsl ʧeɪnʤ ðə praɪs ʌv ɛgz grim have a cast I will have none of that insolence Intent joust lamb lean close Lurch make the word an obscenity not near as ... as most grɪm hæv ə kɑːst aɪ wɪl hæv nʌn ɒv ðæt ˈɪnsələns ɪnˈtɛnt ʤaʊst Læm liːn kləʊs lɜːʧ meɪk ðə wɜːd ən ɒbˈsiːnɪti oat Pass out Pasty-faced Pease point a finger at Pounder smth Prentice Puddle roasted sallow sandy brown hair snore Sore Spill squirm out Stableboy stagger to one's feet əʊt pɑːs aʊt ˈpæsti-feɪst piːz pɔɪnt ə ˈfɪŋgər æt ˈpaʊndə smth ˈprɛntɪs ˈpʌdəl ˈrəʊstɪd ˈsæləʊ ˈsændi braʊn heə snɔː sɔː spɪl skwɜːm aʊt ˈsteɪbl bɔɪ ˈstægə tuː wʌnz fiːt kləʊk dɔːb-ænd-ˈtɪmbə ˌdɪsˈmaʊnt ɪˈmɜːʤ ˈfɪstfʊl flɪŋ ɪn tuː fɔːk geɪt ˈgriːzi nɒt nɪər æz ... æz məʊst Лодыжка Наглый Торопиться Что-то изменить/ повлиять на что-то Плащ Спешиться Возникать горсть Броситься в Развилка\разветвл. походка жирный, сальный, грязный угрюмый Иметь форму Я этого не потерплю дерзость поглощенный Рыцарский поединок баранина наклониться пошатнуться Непристойно выразиться не такой ... как большинство Овес отключиться бледный горох Указать пальцем на Обдумать что-л. подмастерье лужица зажаренный болезненный Каштановые волосы храпеть огорченный Проливать выползать конюх Шататься на ногах stern stout swagger about tankard tilt To flush To vault to stɜːn staʊt ˈswægər əˈbaʊt ˈtæŋkəd tɪlt tuː flʌʃ tuː vɔːlt tuː tremble Whey-faced Whicker wrinkle up one's fave ˈtrɛmbl ˈwɪkə ˈrɪŋkl ʌp wʌnz feɪv строгий коренастый похваляться Пивная кружка наклонить покраснеть спуститься на / спрыгнуть на дрожать бледный ржание Сморщить лицо Dunk saw warm yellow light spilling from windows of the inn which was beside a stream and headed to there. As he dismounted he saw a weird bold, pasty-faced boy of nearly 8 or 9 years. He was a stableboy and a son of the Innkeeper. He was brazen and didn't want to tend to his horses. At the inn Dunk ate a lot of delicious and hot food because he hadn't eaten like that for a long time. There also was a strange lordling of a sallow cast snoring into a pool of spilled wine. When he woke up he said some strange words that he saw Dunk in his dream and that he had better to stay away from him. When the food was eaten Dunk followed to the stables. He saw there the stableboy mounted on Dunk's warhorse and was wearing the old man's armor. Dunk frowned and scolded him. The stableboy asked him to take him with Dunk but he refused. While Dunk was leaving he felt the stableboy watching his back. A tall drink of water Bane Bend beseech breeches Brook chased cloak crimson beɪn bend bɪˈsiːʧ ˈbriːʧɪz brʊk ʧeɪst kləʊk ˈkrɪmzn devour Dine on smth Do not look much a ... don dragonfly drill earthenware enroll dɪˈvaʊə daɪn ɒn erect gaudy gauntlet hobble in a way lay claim to smth merchant mockery nightingale Outskirts preside over smth prick puppeteer relentless reluctant sellsword shelter Silent scorn ɪˈrekt ˈgɔːdi ˈgɔːntlɪt hɒbl ɪn ə weɪ leɪ kleɪm tuː ˈmɜːʧənt ˈmɒkəri ˈnaɪtɪŋgeɪl ˈaʊtskɜːts prɪˈzaɪd prɪk pʌpɪˈtɪə rɪˈlɛntlɪs rɪˈlʌktənt sɛl sɔːd ˈʃɛltə ˈsaɪlənt skɔːn sling smith spring up stringy stumpy stunted sucking pig slɪŋ smɪθ sprɪŋ ʌp ˈstrɪŋi ˈstʌmpɪ ˈstʌntɪd ˈsʌkɪŋ pɪg dɒn ˈdrægənflaɪ drɪl ˈɜːθ(ə)nweə ɪnˈrəʊl верзила Проклятие, отрава изгиб умолять бриджи ручей чеканный плащ Бордовый, малиновый пожирать Ужинать чем-л. Не выглядеть как ... надевать стрекоза Обучать, тренировать Глиняная посуда зачислять, регистрировать возводить аляповатый рукавица стреножить в некотором смысле Претендовать на торговец насмешка соловей окраина председательствовать колоть кукольник неустанный неохотный Наемник Жилье, приют молчаливое презрение повесить кузнец возникать волокнистый приземистый чахлый Молочный поросенок suffer threadbare threescore to wash head to heels ˈsʌfə ˈθrɛdbeə ˈθriːˈskɔː tə wɒʃ hɛd tə hiːlz withered wrought ˈwɪðəd rɔːt Терпеть, страдать потрепанный 60 мыться с головы до пят Высохший, жухлый кованный Dunk arrived in Ashford Meadow and all the was already covered threescore brightly coloured pavilions of other knights. Dunk knew pretty well whom belonged every sigil. There was big amount of famous knights but Dunk also knew that among those pavilions was no place for him. So he headed to the edge of the meadow where he found a good spot near the brook. It was his shelter now. He tended his horses, washed himself head to heels and beat his clothes to knock out the worst of the dirt. After that he set out for the tourney grounds where was a lot of merchants but he needed only an armorer. He found the proper one at the far end of the row of stalls. That asked him to pay 6 hundred for the armor he needed, but Dunk had only two silver stags and beseeched him to wait for tomorrow than after tourney he gives him the rest. The smith wished him good luck ablaze with torchlight əˈbleɪz wɪð ˈtɔːʧlaɪt archer battlement blare of trumpet blurt out boast bring someone to do smth brisk trot chew over ˈɑːʧə ˈbætlmənt bleər əv ˈtrʌmpɪt blɜːt aʊt bəʊst brɪŋ ˈsʌmwʌn tə dʊ smth crenellated curl up ˈkrenɪleɪtɪd kɜːl ʌp defeated deign dub fabled Forfeit to dɪˈfiːtɪd deɪn dʌb ˈfeɪb(ə)ld] ˈfɔːfɪt gaze glower impertinent in an instant in one's stead Infestation intent on doing like as not geɪz ˈgləʊə ɪmˈpɜːtɪnənt ɪn æn ˈɪnstənt ɪn wʌnz stɛd ɪnfesˈteɪʃn livery lofty viewing stand ˈlɪvərɪ ˈlɒfti ˈvjuːɪŋ stænd men-at-arms mock prowess puissant save for set apart from sleep off night's revels mɒk ˈpraʊɪs ˈpjuːɪsnt seɪv fɔː sɛt əˈpɑːt frɒm sliːp ɒf naɪts ˈrɛvlz sneak sober start for the door stubborn ʧuː ˈəʊvə sniːk ˈsəʊbə ˈstʌbən Пылать светом факелов лучник крепостная стена рев трубы выпалить, ляпнуть хвастовство Заставить сделать что-л Быстрая рысь обсасывать, разжевывать зубчатый свернуться калачиком побежденный соизволить окрестить, назвать легендарный утратить, лишиться в пользу кого-то пристально глядеть сердито смотреть наглый в одно мгновение Вместо кого-то нашествие Намереваться делать Вполне; так это или нет Окраска, наряд высокий смотровой стенд вооруженные люди издеваться доблесть могущественный за исключением отделить от Отсыпаться от ночных пирушек подлец трезвый, здравый Пойти к двери упрямый thatched roof vanquish vouch for someone with all might wretch θæʧt ruːf ˈvæŋkwɪʃ reʧ Соломенная крыша побеждать, покорять ручаться изо всех сил негодяй As Dunk returned to his shelter he found there the stable boy from the local inn. His name was Egg and he begged Dunk to let him stay and be his squire. Dunk said yes and in the next morning he moved off to the town and brought him to stay at that place all day. Firstly Dunk visited the Lord Ashford's castle. He searched for a master of tourney to enroll his name in the lists. When he found him that said that he was used to prove that he was a knight, that is why he had to talk to one of the competitors of tourney who had probably known Ser Arlan of Pennytree whom Dunk had been serving as a squire. One more thing happened at the castle. Dunk met a prince of Seven Kingdoms, one of Targaryens, that meant that this House also took part at that tourney. Afterwards he went to the town where he sold one of his horses Sweetfoot. He received for it 750 silver stags. At his way back he met the puppet girl and Dunk fancied her very much. array arrogance be hardly winded be rotten to the core əˈreɪ ˈærəgəns bi ˈhɑːdli ˈwɪndɪd bi ˈrɒtn tə ðə kɔː bruised chivalry drag along equal of smth feeble foe fright in a heartbeat lightning bolt lithe pug noze unseat vulnerable yield wound bruːzd ˈʃɪvəlrɪ dræg əˈlɒŋ ˈiːkwəl fiːbl fəʊ fraɪt ɪn ɑ ˈhɑːtbiːt ˈlaɪtnɪŋ bəʊlt laɪð pʌg nəʊz ʌnˈsiːt vʌln(ə)rəb(ə)l jiːld wuːnd выстраивать высокомерие Почти не запыхаться быть гнилым до мозга костей избитый рыцарство Тащить с собой Равный чему-л. хилый враг, противник испуг в одно мгновение удар молнии гибкий , стройный курносый нос Ссадить, сместить уязвимый уступать рана At the training field Dunk met lordlings Steffon and Raymun of house Fossoway battling with each other. That Steffon offered Dunk to try him but he refused. Raymun was younger cousin of Steffon and he said that latter was rotten to the core because he battered his foes before the tourney so that they were weak and exhausted. Dunk headed to the smith and bought the armor and brought it to his camp. It was plain but proper and would serve long enough. After that he with Egg went to the meadow to talk with that knight who might be remember the old man but he didn't recognized neither Ser Arlan's shield nor Dunk himself. Dunk came to the castle but without Egg for he was afraid of something. The master of tourney was not at his place but at a great hall of the castle, so he went there. He eavesdropped by an accident curious conversation of princes and Lord Ashford about sons of one of the princes. One of them noticed Dunk. While talking with them the elder brother recognized Ser Arland's sigil, thus Dunk became an access to tourney. He found Egg nearby the puppeteers, he was watching the show. After the show they came to the puppet girl named Tanselle and asked her to paint Dunk's shield. His sigil would be an elm tree, brown on crimson, with the falling star at the top of it. beat into surrender biːt ˈɪntə səˈrɛndə bestowed by someone burst into splinters against smth carnage gilded glancing blow humbling ironshod hoof irritated look anything but ... bɪˈstəʊd bɜːst ˈɪntə ˈsplɪntəz əˈgɛnst peerless rueful snap like twigs testament to smth to grow still tumult wheel about ˈpɪəlɪs ˈruːf(ə)l snæp laɪk twɪgz ˈtɛstəmənt tə grəʊ stɪl ˈtjuːmʌlt wiːl əˈbaʊt ˈkɑːnɪʤ ˈgɪldɪd ˈglɑːnsɪŋ bləʊ ˈhʌmblɪŋ ˈaɪənʃɒd huːf ˈɪrɪteɪtɪd Избить до капитуляции Дарованный разлететься в щепки о что-то бойня позолоченный скользящий удар уничижительный Подкованное копыто раздраженный Выглядеть как угодно, но не ... Несравненный грустный, печальный Ломаться как веточки Свидетельство чего-л. Стать неподвижным буйство Крутиться вокруг да около Next morning began the tourney. The first jousting was among 5 champions who had been chosen by the Fair Maid of the tourney, Lord Ashford's daughter, and the challengers. The horns were blowing and the crowd was roaring. Ten noble knights on ten great warhorses were on the field now, wheeling about each other, trying to unhorse their foes. After that splendid tilt had ended was a lot of other good battles but the last one was a real carnage. Heralds announced one more champion. He seemed familiar to Dunk and it was Aerion Targaryen, the princeling, whom Dunk met at the castle day before. Prince viciously killed the horse of his foe as they battled. He struck his foe's horse right in its throat and falling it broke that knight's leg. That very evening this princeling did one more terrible thing. He assaulted the puppeteers with his guard and broke Tanselle's finger because on their show the wooden dragon had been vanquished. Dunk trying to defend her, beat Aerion and broke his tooth. At that Aerion became truly rage and required his guard to kill Dunk. At that moment Egg stepped forward and made him stop because he actually was his brother, one of Targaryens. anvil appalled be doomed to hell наковальня шокированный Быть обреченным на ад dɪˈsiːv deceive обманывать dɪsˈtɪŋgwɪʃ Distinguish различать gɪv ə ˈwɪəri ʃrʌg give a weary shrug устало пожать плечами ˈrævənəs ravenous Прожорливый, голодный rɪˈdiːm redeem искупать, выкупать rɪˈlaɪ ɒn ˈsʌmwʌn rely on someone Полагаться на кого-то ˈrʌmɪʤ rummage рыться ʃiːθ sheath ножны tə baʊ ˈstɪfli to bow stiffly Чопорно поклониться tə həv ˈlɪtl tə fɪə to have little to fear Нечего бояться когоˈsʌmwʌn someone л. wɪns wince вздрагивать rɒθ wroth гнев Dunk was put in a castle cell for he had stricken blood of dragon. He was awaiting the court. In the evening Egg came to visit him and brought him apologies. He was in a good suit of silk which fitted him very well. It was seen now he was a highborn person. Then he said to Dunk that his uncle Baeron wants to see him. ˈænvɪl əˈpɔːld bi duːmd tə hɛl Baelor Targaryen told him that his brother Maekar was set against Dunk and he wants him to be punished. He might lose his hand and foot. But he had another way: "A trail of seven" but for that he had to find more 6 knights who was ready to fight for him. From the side of accusation were famous knights from Kingsguard. But Dunk had now only one - Staffon Fossoway, latter had promised to find others. As Dunk was inside Fossoway pavilion there came Egg with his elder brother Daeron, he was that strange drunk lad from the local inn. He said that he had really seen Dunk in his dream. He killed there a huge dragon and Daeron thought that omen was about him but now he was afraid it was about Aerion. After that Dunk went at that place where was puppeteers' wagon but he didn't find it there. Otherwise he met the smith who had sold him his armor. The smith said the puppeteers went back to Dorn to hide from the dragon's rage. But Tanselle had left his shield which she had beautifully painted. bruise clench teeth coil into fists desperate futile Groan hindquarters in bargain lash out light suffused the sky синяк Стиснуть зубы свернуться в кулаки отчаянный тщетный стон задние конечности В придачу ударить Небо наполнилось светом məˈrəʊs morose угрюмый, мрачный ˈpɒnjəd poniard кинжал prɪˈveɪl prevail преобладать ˈriːkɔɪl Recoil отступать stʌmbl stumble спотыкаться teɪk liːv əv ˈsɛnsɪz take leave of senses Лишиться рассудка twiːk wʌnz nəʊz tweak one's nose Ущипнуть за нос raɪð Writhe Корчиться Next morning was "a trail of seven". For Dunk fought 3 brave knights, one of them was that who broke his leg at previous tourney, he wanted to revenge Aerion. Staffon Fossoway betrayed Dunk and fought for accusers so they had to knight Raymun. Prince Daeron became the last fighter. The side of accusers had war lances with sharp steel tips while Dunk and the others had only tourney lances which were made to be broken. That made the battle far more dangerous for them. Dunks foe was Aerion and his lance smashed into Dunk, cracked his shield and made him wound. He stayed at his seat but in a heartbeat Aerion barreled into him at full gallop. At that he fell on the ground. The prince struck Dunk in his head with the spiked morningstar. But after that He found the strength to knock Aerion down and beat him with his shield. Then he made him to yield, at that the fight ended. Dunk was almost unconscious but he inquired Raymun and found out that one of the knights died and another one was gravely wounded. One more terrible thing happened: Prince Daeron entered the pavilion, he could hardly stay at his feet. When him helped to lift his helm away everybody saw that he was with only half a skull. His Brother had smashed him with his male and the blow was too strong. The heir to the Iron Throne was dead. Egg's father allowed him to join Dunk and be his squire. That is how ends the first story about Ser Duncan The Tall and his squire Egg. bruːz klɛnʧ tiːθ kɔɪl ˈɪntə fɪsts ˈdespərɪt ˈfjuːtaɪl grəʊn ˈhaɪndkwɔːtəz ɪn ˈbɑːgɪn læʃ aʊt laɪt səˈfjuːzd ðə skaɪ