Загрузил Adilet Usenov

Task for practical report

Task for practical report by discipline Modern Methods Management of Efficiency
Determining the structure of the project of analysis of efficiency of organization
Part 1.
You are the top-manager of an organization and owner, and Board of Directors order
you to make the analysis of efficiency its activity. As result, you need proposing
directions of changing activity of your company, which involves any kinds of
development with the development of all accompanying documentation for
submission to the owners of the organization to obtain financing.
1. To analyze the process of implementing the existing strategy of the
Customer Lifetime Value 2.0 – Wide options for customers, Focusing on satisfaction
and loyalty level. Actions creating an ECO system, increasing the reliability level
by developing IT specialists, Making better of cashback bonuses.
ESG using the trade in services to minimize the technology garbage.
Creating a new workplaces and projects.
Digitalization of current services
2. Determine the most promising directions of changing of organization’s
activity considering the realities of the current economic situation.
ESG – is the top strategic goal from long term view, which has to be implement on
regular basis through the quick goals. (Using Kaydzen Method)
3. Provide a justification for the need to implement a promising direction with a
detailed description.
Small steps to make own products more ecological, implementing R&D processes
to identify the old assets, which affects negatively to the ecology.
4. Describe the main characteristics of the changes of organization’ activity and
its structure, which should be implemented.
Creating a special project team, where responsibles have to understand the main
causes of this problem and its great results when it will be ready.
5. Give a brief description of the main stages of the future strategy of changes.
1) Creating a special team
2) Looking for a team member, with leaders
Giving a special knowledge and fixing the small steps to achieve our goal
Working with resistance
Starting to realizing this project
Regular reports and creating KPIs to motivate our team
6. Give an approximate assessment of the necessary financial investments and
potential efficiency.
1) March 2021 MTS placed social bonds for 4.5 billion rubles. Funds from the
issue were directed to finance a project to connect to fixed
Increasing the quantity and quality of our customers.
Environmental protection
Payments for negative environmental impact 0.41 0.42 0.34
Preparation of environmental documentation (development of draft standards
waste generation and limits on their disposal, obtaining permits
documentation, etc.)
3.75 4.83 6.32
Disposal of municipal solid waste to landfill 9.75 13.79 25.2
Recycling of paper and paper waste 0.02 0.05 —
Disposal of mercury-containing lamps 0.20 0.24 0.21
Cartridge disposal
Disposal of computer equipment and IT equipment 0.01 - 0.07
Battery disposal
Installation of automatic systems for regulating the level of energy consumption
(motion sensors, etc.)
Installation of renewable energy sources n/a 0.83 1.66
Conducting supervisory certification audits of environmental systems
Training of employees as part of the implementation of environmental management
Part 2.
The analytical report presented by you on the possible directions of changes of the
organization's activity found support from owner. In this regard you need to start
preparing for the development of a project of strategy of changes. In the process of
preparation of project, you need to do
1. To identify financial and non-financial indicators of the company's business
performance in the selected industry.
Environmental protection
Payments for negative environmental impact 0.41 0.42 0.34
Preparation of environmental documentation (development of draft standards
waste generation and limits on their disposal, obtaining permits
documentation, etc.)
3.75 4.83 6.32
Disposal of municipal solid waste to landfill 9.75 13.79 25.2
Recycling of paper and paper waste 0.02 0.05 —
Disposal of mercury-containing lamps 0.20 0.24 0.21
Cartridge disposal
Disposal of computer equipment and IT equipment 0.01 - 0.07
Battery disposal
Installation of automatic systems for regulating the level of energy consumption
(motion sensors, etc.)
Installation of renewable energy sources n/a 0.83 1.66
Conducting supervisory certification audits of environmental systems
Training of employees as part of the implementation of environmental management
2. Determine the key performance indicators of a particular division of the company
in the selected industry, analyze their compliance with the realities of the current
state of the industry and the country's economy.
Today this indicators garbage recycling is on the positive mood, cause literally 5
years ago, it was on the lowest level.
3. Identify the key success factors of the company in the chosen industry, analyze
their compliance with the realities of the current state of the industry and the
country's economy.
4. Determine the strategic and tactical goals of the company of the chosen industry,
analyze their compliance with the realities of the current state of the industry and the
country's economy.
5. Build a "tree of goals" of the company of the chosen industry with a
decomposition into sub-goals of at least 1-2 levels and connect them to the KPIs.
Minimizing costs, creating tele stations which use less energy etc