Р.В. Резник, Т.А. Сорокина, И.В. Резник A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ИСТОРИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Учебное пособие Рекомендовано Учебно-методическим объединением по лингвистическому образованию Министерства образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов и аспирантов лингвистических вузов и факультетов Москва Издательство «Флинта» Издательство «Наука» 2001 УДК 802.0 ББК 8J.2 Англ Р 34, Резник Р.В., Сорокина Т.А., Резник И.В. A History of the English Language. История английского языка: Учебное пособие. — М.: Флинта: Наука, 2001. — 496 с. ISBN 5-89349-176-9 (Флинта) ISBN 5-02-022584-3 (Наука) Первая часть пособия — краткий лекционный курс; вторая — хрестоматия: содержит подборку текстов, включающих образцы древнеанглийского, среднеанглийского и новоанглийского периодов, с вопросами и заданиями к ним; третья — словарь к текстам и краткий справочник по их анализу и переводу. Приложение включает вопросы для повторения и самоконтроля. Для студентов и аспирантов лингвистических вузов и факультетов, а также всех, интересующихся историей английского языка. Учебное издание Резник Р.В., Сорокина Т.А., Резник Й.В. A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ИСТОРИЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Изготовление оригинал-макета ООО "ВЕНЗИ" Подписано в печать 23.07.2001. Формат 60x88/16 Гарнитура Тайме. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 31,0. Уч.-изд. л. 28,4 Тираж 5000 экз. Изд. № 322. Заказ 1503 ИД №04826 от 24.05.2001г. ООО "Флинта", 117342, г. Москва, ул. Бутлерова, д. 17-Б, комн. 332 Тел/факс 336-03-11; тел. 334-82-65, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ЛР № 020297 от 23.06.1997 г. Издательство "Наука", 117864, ГСП-7, Москва В-485, ул. Профсоюзная, д. 90 Отпечатано с готовых диапозитивов во ФГУП ИПК "Ульяновский Дом печати". 432980, г. Ульяновск, ул. Гончарова, 14 ISBN 5-89349-176-9 (Флинта) ISBN 5-02-022584-3 (Наука) © издательство, ','Флинта", 2001 ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Оглавление Предисловие Часть 1. Лекции 1 Введение. Общая характеристика германских языков 2 Древнеанглийский период. Общая характеристика 3 Среднеанглийский период. Общая характеристика , 4 Новоанглийский период. Общая характеристика 5 Фонетика древнеанглийского периода 6 Грамматика древнеанглийского периода. Система имени 7 Грамматика древнеанглийского периода. Система глагола \ 8 Изменения в фонетической системе в среднеанглийский и новоанглийский периоды 9 Изменения в системе имени в среднеанглийский и новоанглийский периоды 10 Изменения в системе глагола в среднеанглийский и новоанглийский периоды 11. Словарный состав английского языка 12 Этимологические слои современногого английского языка Часть 2. Семинары 1. Вводный семинар. Германские языки 2. Основные характеристики германских языков. Грамматика 3. Обзор периодов в истории английского языка. Общая характеристика древнеанглийского периода 4. Фонетика древнеанглийского периода. Гласные 5. Фонетика древнеанглийского периода. Согласные.' з стр. 3 7 13 15 33 48 63 77 89 107 126 145 157 173 190 203 205 208 211 217 220 Имя 7. Грамматика древнеанглийского периода. Глагол 8. Древнеанглийский период. Обсуждение .... 9. Общая характеристика среднеанглийского периода 10. Фонетика среднеанглийского периода. Гласные 11. Фонетика среднеанглийского периода. Согласные 12. Грамматика среднеанглийского периода. Имя : 13. Грамматика среднеанглийского периода. Глагол 14. Среднеанглийский период. Обсуждение .... 15. Общая характеристика новоанглийского периода 16. Фонетика новоанглийского периода. Гласные 17. Фонетика новоанглийского периода. Согласные 18. Грамматика новоанглийского периода. Имя 19. Грамматика новоанглийского периода. Глагол : 20. Словарный состав английского языка 21. Слои словарного состава языка 22. Современные правильные и неправильные формы имени и глагола Часть 3. Ключи Семинары 3 и 6. Путешествие Охтхере Семинары 4, 5 и 7. Хроники Семинары 9, 10 и 12. Чосер Семинары 11 и 13. Тревиза Семинары 15, 16 и 18. Шекспир, "Гамлет" Семинар 20. Шекспир, Сонет Семинар 21. Диккенс Часть 4. Глоссарий Часть 5. Краткое изложение лекций Лекции1-12 '" 4 2 2 1 2 2 6 228 231 240 241 244 247 248 251 261 263 267 271 272 274 277 281 283 301 316 338 359 396 405 419 477 479 TABLE OF CONTENTS pages Оглавление 3 Table of Contents '. 5 Предисловие 7 Foreword 10 Part 1. Lectures 13 1 Introductory. General Characteristics of Germanic Languages 15 2 Old English. General Characteristics 33 3 Middle English. General Characteristics 48 4 New English. General Characteristics 63 5 Old English phonetics 77 6 Old English grammar. The nominal system 89 7 Old English grammar. The verbal system 107 8 Changes in the phonetic system in Middle and New English 126 9 Changes in the nominal system in Middle and New English 145 10 Changes in the verbal system in Middle and New English 157 11 English vocabulary 173 12 Ethymological strata in Modern English 190 Part 2. Seminars 203 1. Introductory. Germanic languages 205 2. Chief characteristics of Germanic languages. Grammar 208 3. Survey of the periods in the history of English. General characteristics of the Old English period 211 4. Old English phonetics. Vowels 217 5. Old English phonetics. Consonants 220 6. Old English grammar. Noun 221 7. Old English grammar. Verb 226 5 8. 9. Old English. Discussion 228 General characteristics of the Middle English period • 231 10. Middle English phonetics. Vowels 240 11. Middle English phonetics. Consonants 241 12. Middle English grammar. Noun 244 13. Middle English grammar. Verb 247 14. Middle English. Discussion 248 15. General characteristics of the New English period 251 16. New English phonetics. Vowels 261 17,. New English phonetics. Consonants 263 18. New English grammar. Noun 267 19. New English grammar. Verb 271 20. English wordstock 272 21. Vocabulary layers 274 22. Modern regular and irregular noun and verb forms 277 Part 3. Keys 281 Key to Seminars 3 & 6. Ohthere's account of his first voyage 283 Key to Seminars 4,5 & 7. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 301 Key to Seminars 9, 10 & 12. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales ....316 Key to Seminars 11 & 13. Trevisa, About thelanguages of the inhabitants 338 Key to Seminars 15, 16 & 18. Shakespeare, Hamlet ; 359 Key to Seminar 20. Shakespeare, Sonnet 396 Key to Seminar 21. Dickens, David Copperfield .... 405 Part 4. Glossary 419 Part 5. Summary 477 Лекции1-12 479 6 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Предлагаемый учебный комплекс предназначен для студентов и аспирантов-филологов, а также всех лиц, интересующихся вопросами исторического развития языка и желающих расширить свои знания о нем. В состав комплекса входит курс лекций, задания к семинарам, ключи, словарь и краткое капсульнбе изложение лекций. Объем материала (12 лекций и 22 семинаров) рассчитан на прохождение курса в течение 2 семестров, согласно новой программе подготовки специалистов на филологических факультетах институтов и университетов. Весь комплекс отличает стройность построения по единому плану. Это относится как к лекциям, так и к семинарским занятиям, где работа проводится по едидой логической схеме, от простого к сложному и от общего к частному, с постепенным углублением и конкретизацией знаний по каждому периоду исторического развития языка. Четкость и прозрачность структуры подачи материала и его анализа позволяет студенту уделить больше внимания содержательной стороне курса. Лекции (Часть 1) сопровождаются большим количеством таблиц и примеров, делающих теоретические положения более наглядными и запоминающимися. Схемы и таблицы, кроме того, могут использоваться впоследствии в ходе выполнения практических, заданий на семинарских занятиях. Материалы для проведения семинаров (Часть '2) содержат теоретические вопросы для обсуждения в классе' и практические задания. Непременным компонентом каждого семинара (за исключением вводного) является анализ аутентичного текста соответствующего исторического 7 периода с точки зрения его фонетических, грамматических и этимологических особенностей. Семинары разбиты на блоки, соответствующие периодам истории английского языка. Первые семинары каждого блока содержат модель анализа текста; для последующих семинаров предусмотрена возможность самостоятельной работы с проверкой сделанного анализа по ключам, приведенным после семинаров (Часть 3). Заключительный семинар каждого блока содержит текст для анализа без ключей, который предлагается провести и оформить в соответствии с изученной моделью и представить в качестве составной части итоговой письменной работы, позволяющей провести оценку усвоения материала. В книге приводится словарь (Часть 4), содержащий необходимые сведения структурного и этимологического характера в отношении всех языковых единиц, содержащихся в текстах семинаров, и позволяющий студенту проводить их анализ и выполнять другие практические задания семинаров. После лекций приводится их краткое капсульное изложение на русском языке с отсылкой на соответствующие разделы той или иной лекции (Часть 5). Подобная отсылка возможна благодаря четкой и достаточно дробной рубрикации текста лекций. Этот раздел предназначен для быстрого напоминания основных тем курса, удобства поиска соответствующей темы, а также может использоваться для предварительного ознакомления с изучаемой проблематикой лиц, чьи практические знания языка несколько затрудняют для них адекватную работу с английским текстом. Выбор русского языка в качестве языка для изложения капсульного изложения предмета объясняется стремлением сделать курс более доступным, расширить круг лиц, которые могли бы пользоваться предлагаемым пособием, и упростить их работу. От имеющихся изданий подобного рода учебный комплекс, помимо прочего, отличают: 8 — самодостаточность, не требующая привлечения других источников для усвоения определенного программой материала; — четкость и компактность изложения материала; — ясная структура и модульная система его подачи; — детальная рубрикация, позволяющая осуществлять перекрестную отсылку и быстрый поиск нужной информации; — возможность использования лицами с разным уровнем владения английским языком; — наличие большого объема материала для семинарских занятий с подробной разработкой плана их проведения, теоретическими, практическими и текстовыми заданиями; — ключи к заданиям по анализу текстов различных периодов, позволяющие использовать их для самоконтроля; — задания для самостоятельной работы, дающие возможность студентам творчески осмыслить материал и провести небольшую работу исследовательского характера, оформленную в виде письменной итоговой курсовой или экзаменационной работы; — тщательно выверенный глоссарий, содержащий словарные единицы разных периодов английского языка; — наличие в конце каждой лекции небольшой статьи познавательного характера, тематически связанной с предметом данной лекции и делающей изучение материала не только полезным, но и приятным. Авторы ч FOREWORD Trie, present study manual is intended for philology students Eind post-graduates, as well as all those interested in the problems of historical development of the language and wishing to extend their knowledge of it. T^.manual consists of a set of lectures, seminars including materials for recapitulation, keys, tasks for independent work arid control of retention, as well as a glossary. The scope and volume of the material (12 lectures and 22 seminars) is calculated for a course of studies during 2 semesters, according to the new program of training specialists at philology faculties and departments of universities. Th,e whole complex follows a clearly defined plan. This, refers both to the lectures and seminars, where all activity is to be conducted according to. a uniform pattern, from simple to difficult and from general to particular, with gradual complication and deepening of knowledge on each period of the historical development of the language. The clear and. welldefined structure of the material presentation and analysis allows! the sjxident to pay more attention to the informative content of the; course, The lectures (Part 1) are accompanied by many tables and, language, examples making the theoretical notions more visual and easy to remember. Besides that, the schemes and tables can be used later when fulfilling practical tasks for the seminars. The'materials for conducting seminars (Part 2) contain theoretical' problems for discussion in class and practical tasks. An indispensable.component of each seminar, (except for the introductory one) is the analysis of an authentic text of the appropriate historical period from the point of view of its phonetic, grammar and etymological features. The' seminars are divided into units corresponding to the periods in the history of the English language, The first seminars 10 of each unit contain a text analysis pattern; the subsequent seminars provide for the possibility of independent work to be checked using the keys.(Part 3). The final seminar of each unit contains a text for analysis with no keys; a written analysis of this text is to form a part of the course paper permitting to evaluate the comprehension and mastering of the material. The manual includes a glossary (Part 4) containing the necessary structural and etymological data concerning all language units to be found in the texts of the seminars and permitting the student to conduct their analysis and perform other practical tasks. There is also a brief capsule summary of the lectures given in Russian with reference to the appropriate sections of the full text of the lectures (Part 5). Such reference is possible due to clear and sufficiently detailed subdivision of the text of the lectures according to subject headings. This section is intended as a reminder of the principal topics of the course, allowing a convenient method of search for an appropriate issue, and can also be used for preliminary acquaintance with the studied problems of those whose practical knowledge of the language is yet not fully adequate for free work with the English text. The choice of Russian as the language for the summary of the subject is explained by the desire to make the course easier and more readily accessible to a larger group of readers. The manual differs from other similar publications in the following: — self-sufficiency requiring no additional sources for mastering the material stipulated by the programme; —; clear and concise recital of the material; — transparent structure and modular system of its presentation; — detailed division into subsections permitting crossreference and fast finding of the necessary information; I! — possibility of use by thos e with a different level of knowledge of English; — extensive material for seminars with an in-depth plan, theoretical, practical and text analysis tasks; — keys to the analysis of the texts of different periods allowing their use for self-control; — tasks for independent work giving the students a possibility to creatively interpret the material and to conduct a limited research with the results to be presented as a written course or exam paper; — carefully checked-out glossary containing vocabulary entries of different periods of the English language; — presence of a brief article at the end of each lecture giving some interesting facts connected with the topic of the lecture and making the study of the material not only useful, but also pleasant. Authors Tart 1, Lectures "Learning makes life more rewarding and enjoyable; ...the worst thing of all is ignorance." King Alfred the Great Mappe Monde from a MS of the 9th century at the Strasburg library - one of the oldest existing maps of the world List of Lectures pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Introductory. General Characteristics of Germanic Languages Old English. General Characteristics Middle English. General Characteristics New English. General Characteristics Old English phonetics Old English grammar. The nominal system Old English grammar. The verbal system Changes in the phonetic system in Middle and New English Changes in the nominal system in Middle and New English Changes in the verbal system in Middle and New English English vocabulary Ethymological strata in Modern English 15 33 48 63 77 89 107 126 145 157 173 190 LECTURE 1. INTRODUCTORY. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GERMANIC LANGUAGES "The Germans themselves I should regard as aboriginal, and not mixed at all with other races... For who would leave Asia, or Africa or Italy for Germany, with its wild country, its inclement skies, its sullen manners and aspect, unless indeed it were his home? ...The name Germany, on the other hand, they say is modern and newly introduced, from the fact that the tribes whichfirstcrossed the Rhine and drove out the Gauls, and are now called Tungrians, were then called Germans. Thus what was the name of a tribe, and not of a race, gradually prevailed, till all called themselves by this self-invented name of Germans, which the conquerors had first employed to inspire terror." Tacitus, Germania List of principal questions: 1. 2. 3. The aim of the study Of the subject Inner and outer history of the language Chief characteristics of the Germanic languages 3.1. Phonetics 3.2. Grammar 3.3. Alphabet \5 PART i. LECTURES 1. The aim of the study of the subject It is well known that language, whether it is English, Russian or any other, is a historical phenomenon. As such it does not stay unchanged for any considerable period of time, or for any time at all, but it inconstantly changing throughout its history. The changes affect all the spheres of the language: grammar and vocabulary, phonetics and spelling. The changes that any language undergoes are gradual and very slow but pronounced enough if you compare the stages of its development within a century or even half a century. You can imagine that with the passage of time the difference between different stages of the development of the language grows and you will easily deduce that if you speak of such a language as English the history of which embraces over fifteen centuries you will have to analyze and explain a great number of linguistic data characterizing the language at different stages of its history. The aims set before a student of the history of the English language are as follows: 1. 2. to speak of the characteristics of the language at the earlier stages of its development; to trace the language from the Old English period up to modern times; 3. to explain the principal features in the development of modern language historically. To achieve those aims a student will have to know the theoretical basis of the subject and to work with the text to apply the theoretical knowledge to the practical analysis of English texts at different periods of the language development. While speaking about the importance of theoretical courses we may quoting Simeon Potter's words: 16 1. INTRODUCTORY. GERMANIC LANGUAGES "We cannot know too much about the language we speak every day of our lives... knowledge is power. The power of rightly chosen words is very great, whether these words are intended to inform, to entertain or to move." Simeon Potter, Our language Thus the main purpose of studying the history of the English language is to account for the present-day stage of the language to enable a student of English to read books and speak the language with understanding and due knowledge of the intricate and complicates "mechanism" they use. We said that the history of any language is an unbroken chain of changes more or less rapid. But though the linguistic tradition is unbroken it is impossible to study the language of over 15 centuries long without subdividing it into smaller periods. Thus the history of the English language is generally subdivided conventionally into Old English (5 th —11 th century), Middle English (11th—15"' century) and New English (15th century—till now). 2. Inner and outer history of the language We are going to speak about the inner and the outer history of the English language. The outer history of the language is the events in the life (history) of the people speaking this language affecting the language, i.e. the history of the people reflected in their language. The inner history .of the language is the description of the changes in the language itself, its grammar, phonetics, vocabulary or spelling. It is well known that the English language belongs to the Germanic subdivision of the Indo-European family of languages. The direct and indirect evidence that we have concerning old Germanic tribes and dialects is approx-imatelv-.twenty centuries 17 PART I. LECTURES old. We know that at the beginning of AD Germanic tribes occupied vast territories in western, central and northern Europe. The tribes and the dialects they spoke at the time were generally very much alike, but the degree of similarity varied. It is common to speak about the East Germanic group of dialects — mainly spoken in central Europe — Gothic, Vandalic, Burgundian; North Germanic group of dialects — Old Norwegian, Old Danish, Old Swedish, Old Icelandic; and the West Germanic group of dialects — the dialects of Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians and others, originally spoken in western Europe. The first knowledge of these tribes comes from the Greek and Roman authors which, together with archeological data, allows to obtain information on the structure of their society, habits, customs and languages. The principal East Germanic language is Gothic. At the beginning of our era the Goths lived on a territory from the Vistula to the shores of the Black Sea. The knowledge of Gothic we have now is almost wholly due to a translation of the Gospels and other parts of the New Testament made by Ulfilas, a missionary who christianized the Gothic tribes. Except for some runic inscriptions in Scandinavia it is the earliest record of a Germanic language we possess. For a time the Goths played a prominent part in European history, making extensive conquests in Italy and Spain. In these districts, however, their language soon gave place to Latin, and even elsewhere it seems not to have maintained a very tenacious existence. Gothic survived longest in the Crimea, where vestiges of it were noted down in the sixteenth century. North Germanic is found in Scandinavia and Denmark. Runic inscriptions from the third century preserve our earliest traces of the language. In its earlier form the common Scandinavian language is conveniently spoken of as Old Norse. From about the eleventh century on, dialectal differences become noticeable. The Scandinavian languages fall into two groups: ix /. INTRODUCTORY. GERMANIC LANGUAGES Map 1-1. Germanic tribes in Europe PART 1. LECTURES an eastern group including Swedish and Danish, and a western group including Norwegian and Icelandic. Of the early Scandinavian languages Old Icelandic is much the most important. Iceland was colonized by settlers from Norway about A.D. 874 and preserved a body of early heroic literature unsurpassed among the Germanic peoples. Among the more important monuments are the Elder or Poetic Edda, a collection of poems that probably date from the tenth or eleventh century, the Younger or Prose Edda compiled by Snorri Sturluson (1178— 1241), and about forty sagas, or prose epics, in which the lives and exploits of various traditional figures are related. West Germanic is of chief interest to us as the group to which English belongs. It is divided into two branches, High and Low German, by the operation of a Second (or High German) SoundShift analogous to that described below as Grimm's Law. This change, by which West Germanic p, t, k, d, etc. were changed into other sounds, occurred about A.D. 600 in the southern or mountainous part of the Germanic area, but did not take place in the lowlands to the north. Accordingly in early times we distinguish as Low German tongues Old Saxon, Old Low Franconian, Old Frisian, and Old English. The last two are closely related and constitute a special or Anglo-Frisian subgroup. Old Saxon has become the essential constituent of modern Low German or Plattdeutsch; Old Low Franconian, with some mixture of Frisian and Saxon elements, is the basis of modern Dutch in Holland and Flemish in northern Belgium; and Frisian survives in the Dutch province of Friesland, in a small part of Schleswig, in the islands along the coast, etc. High German comprises a number of dialects and is divided chronologically into Old High German (before 1100), Middle High German (1100—1500), and Modern High German (since 1500). High German, especially as spoken in the midlands and used in the imperial chancery, was popularized by Luther's 20 1. INTRODUCTORY. GERMANIC LANGUAGES translation of the Bible into it (1522—1532), and since the sixteenth century has gradually established itself as the literary language of Germany. 3. Chief characteristics of the Germanic languages The barbarian tribes — Goths, Vandals, Lombards, Franks, Frisians, Teutons, Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Scandinavians — lived on the fringes of the Roman Empire. All these spoke Germanic languages, which had distinctive characteristics of structure and pronunciation which are reflected in its descendants. 3.1. Phonetics One of the most important common features of all Germanic languages is its strong dynamic stress falling on the first root syllable. The fixed stress emphasised the syllable bearing the most important semantic element and to a certain degree later contributed to the reduction of unstressed syllables, changing the grammatical system of the languages. The most important feature of the system of Germanic vowels is the so-called Ablaut, or gradation, which is a spontaneous, positionally independent alteration of vowels inhabited by the Germanic languages from the Common IndoEuropean period. This ancient phenomenon consisted in alteration of vowels in the root, suffix or ending depending on the grammatical form or meaning of the word. There are two types of Ablaut: quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative Ablaut is the alteration of different vowels, mainly the vowels [e] / [a] or [e] / [o] 21 PART I. LECTURES Old Icelandic Old High German Cf.: Russian Latin bera (to give birth) — barn (baby) stelan (to steal) — stal (stole) бреду (I stroll, I wade) — брОД (ford, wade) tego (to cover, to cloth) — toga (clothes) Quantitative Ablaut means the change in length of qualitatively one and the same vowel: normal, lengthened and reduced. A classic example of the Indo-European Ablaut is the declension of the Greek word "pater" (father): [e:] [e] [—\ pater pater patros (nominative case, lengthened stage) (vocative case, normal stage) (genitive case, reduced stage) Ablaut in Germanic languages is a further development of Indo-European alterations. Here we often find cases with both the quantitative and qualitative ablaut. It should be also mentioned that in the zero stage before sonorants an extra-short vowel [u] was added: quantitative ablaut Goth1 qiman (to come) — qums (the arrival) qualitative ablaut OHG stelan (to steal) — stal (stole) quantitative+quaUtative ablaut OE . findan (tofind)— fand (found, — fundan (found, past tense) past part.) Ablaut as a kind of an internal flexion functioned in Old Gemnanic languages both in form- and word-building, but it was the most extensive and systematic in the conjugation of strong verbs. 1 We shall use the following abbreviations Gk - Greek Goth - Gothic Lat - Latin OE - Old English OHG - Old High German 22 for the names of the languages: Old - Old Icelandic OSc - Old Scandinavian OSx - Old Saxon Rus - Russian Snsk - Sanskrit /.INTRODUCTORY. GERMANIC LANGUAGES Another phenomenon common for all Germanic languages was the tendency of phonetic assimilation of the root vowel to the vowel of the ending, the so-called -Umlaut, or mutation. There were several types of mutation, but the most important one was palatal mutation, or i-Umlaut, when under the influence of the sounds [i] or.{j] in the suffix or ending the root vowels became more front and more closed. This process must have taken place in the 5lh,—6lh centuries, and-can-be,.illustrated by comparing words from the language of the 'Qothic bible (4lh century) showing no palatal mutation with corresponding words in other Germanic languages of a later period.!) Goth harjis OE here (annyy, Goth domjan OE deman (deem); Goth kuni OE cynn (шк Traces of this tendency can be" seen both in word-building and form-building as a kind of an internal flexion: OHG gast (guest) — gestl (guests) man (man) — mennisco (human) Speaking about Germanic caiisonans, we should first of all speak of the correspondence between Indo-European and Germanic languages which was,presented as- a system of interconnected facts by the German linguist Jacob Grimm in 1822. This phenomenon is called the First Consonant Shift, or Grimm's law. The table below shows-a scheme of Grimm's law with the examples from Germanic and other Indo-European languages.. However, there are-some, instances where Grimm's law seems not to apply. These cases were explained by a Dutch linguist Karl Ver.ner, and the seeming exceptions from Grimm's law have come to be known as Venter's law. 23 PART 1. LECTURES 7Ш(? /-/. Grimm's law 1 Indo-European Germanic voiceless stops voiceless fricatives f p h p tк Lat Lat Gk 2 0£ Gtff/? <9#G voiced stops b d g Rus Lat Gk 3 pater tres kardia voiceless stops p tк OE Goth O/c/ болото duo egon voiced aspirated stops' bh dh gh pol (pool) twai (two) ek (I) voiced non-aspirated stops bdg __ Snsk Lat Snsk bhratar OE frater, Rus брат madhu OE Rus мед *Snsk songha omphe (voice) Gk fseder (father) preis (three) herza (heart) Old brodor medu (mead) syngva (sing) Verner's law explains the changes in the Germanic voiceless fricatives f p h resulting from the first consonant shift and the voiceless fricatives depending upon the position of the stress in the original Indo-European word, namely: 'Note that the correspondencies in the third group are less clear, for aspirated, stops can be found only in Sanskrit, the other Indo-European languages having either voiceless fricatives or voiced stops, and the [gh] sound in Sanskrit is only reconstructed. 24 Л INTRODUCTORY. GERMANIC LANGUAGES Table 1-2. Verner's law Indo-European Germanic p t к s b d/d g z/r Gk Gk G& Sn.yfe hepta pater dekas ayas Goth OSc Gof/г Goth sibun (seven) fadir, OE faeder tigus (ten, a dozen) aiz, O#G er (bronze) According to Verner's law, the above change occurred if the consonant in question was found after an unstressed vowel. It is especially evident in the forms of Germanic strong verbs, except the Gothic ones, which allows to conclude that at some time the stress in the first two verbal stems fell on the root, and in the last two — on the suffix: OE OSx Goth teon tiohan tiuhan teah toh tauh Ш30П OE Old Goth ceosan kiosa kiusan ceas kaus kaus curon k0rom kusum tugun tauhum to3en (to tug) gitogan tauhans coren (to choose) k0renn kusans 3.2. Grammar One of the main processes in the development of the Germanic morphological system was the change in the word structure. The common Indo-European notional word consisted of three elements: the root, expressing the lexical meaning, the inflexion or ending, showing the grammatical form, and the socalled stem-forming suffix, a formal indicator of the stem type. However, in Germanic languages the stem-forming suffix fuses 25 PART I. LECTURES with the ending and is often no longer visible, thus making the word structure a two-element one. Nevertheless, it should be taken into account when explaining the differences in the categorial forms of words originally having different stemforming suffixes. It should also be mentioned that Germanic languages belonged to the synthetic type of form-building, which means that they expressed the grammatical meanings by changing the forms of the word itself, not resorting to any auxiliary words. The Germanic nouns had a well-developed case system with 1 1 four cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative) and two number forms (singular and.plural). They also had the category of gender (feminine, masculine and neuter). The means of formbuilding were the endings added to the root/stem of the noun. The Germanic adjectives had two types of declension, conventionally called strong and weak. Most adjectives could be declined both in accordance with the strong and weak type. Agreeing with the noun in gender,' case and noun, the adjective by its type of declension expressed the idea of definiteness (weak declension) or indefiniteness (strong declension), the meaning which was later to become expressed by a grammatical class of words unknown in Common Germanic — the article. The adjective also had degrees of comparison, the forms of which were im most instances formed with the help of suffixes -iz/oz and -ist/-ost, but their©эдегеalso, instances of suppletivism, i.e. use of different roots for different forms — a means common for many Indo-European languages: Goth leitils—minniza—minnists (little—less—least) Rus хороший—лучше—7лучший 'Some languages had elements of the instrumental and vocative cases. 26 /. INTRODUCTORY. GERMANIC LANGUAGES The Germanic verbs are divided into two principal groups: strong and weak verbs, depending on the way they formed their past tense forms. The past tense (or preterite) of strong verbs was formed with the help of Ablaut, qualitative or quantitative. Depending upon the phonetic root structure, the exact manifestation of Ablaut could be somewhat different, and accordingly strong verbs were further subdivided into classes. Weak verbs expressed preterite with the help of the dental suffix -d/-t. They also had stem-forming suffixes, depending on which they fell into separate classes. There was also a small group of highly frequent suppletive verbs forming their forms from different roots, the same as in other Indo-European languages: im (/I/am) Rus есть was (/I/ was) был The Germanic verb had a well-developed system of categories, including the category of person (first, second, third), number (singular and plural)1, tense (past and present, the latter also used for expressing future actions), mood (indicative, imperative and optative) and vr : ?e (only in Gothic—active and mediopassive). The categprial forms employed synthetic means of form-building. Goth ЗЛ Alphabet Although the people of the Germanic tribes were mostly illiterate, some of the Germanic nations had their own mode of writing, with a distinctive alphabet called runic, each letter of which was called a rune. We know that runes were used to record early stages of Gothic, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, 'And in Gothic also dual. 27 PART 1. LECTURES Frisian, Frankish and various tribal tongues of central Germania, and they may also have supplied other Germanic languages without leaving any evidence surviving till today. "On archaeological grounds the earliest estant runes are dated to the second century AD. The script continued in use in some regions throughout the Middle Ages and into early modern times. The early runes were not written, but incised—runic script was designed for inscribing, at first on wood, which explains many of its characteristics. Since runes were designed for incising in wood, the letter forms, in their earliest stage, eschew curves, which are hard to cut in such a grainy material. Letters were made up of vertical strokes, cut at right angles to the grain, and of slanting strokes which stood distinct from it. Horizontal strokes, which would mingle with the grain and be hard to distinguish, were avoided. Even the earliest examples of the script show there were variations in some letter forms, so it is not possible to give a standard pattern for the Germanic runic alphabet. The rune-row below is one of the most generally accepted variants: futharkg whni j p e r s t bemlngd о The earliest known runic alphabet had twenty-four letters arranged in a peculiar order, which, from the values of its first letters, is known as the futhark. In early times texts could be written not only from left to right, but from right to left equally well. Some texts could even be written with alternate lines in opposite directions. Even in left-to-right texts an individual letter could be reversed at whim, and occasionally a letter might be inverted. There was no distinction between capital and lowercase letters. 28 1. INTRODUCTORY. GERMANIC LANGUAGES The Roman equivalents for the Germanic runes given above are only approximate, for the sounds of Early Germanic did not coincide with those of Modern English. We do not know where and when runes were invented. The obvious similarities with the Roman alphabet brought early scholars to the belief that the script first appeared among Germanic peoples living close to the Roman empire, and that the runes were an adaptation of the more prestigeous alphabet. Early finds of rune-inscribed objects in eastern Europe (Pietroassa in Rumania, Dahmsdorf in central Germany and Kowel in the Ukraine) suggest that runes may have been invented by Goths on the Danube or beside the Vistula. This is further supported by the similarity of occasional runes to letters of one or other of the Greek alphabets. However, continued discovery of early runic texts in various regions of Europe do not allow to consider the matter of the origin of runes conclusively proven. Be it as it may, wherever and whenever they were created, runes soon spread over the Germanic world, and by 500 AD they are found not only in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, but also in Poland, Russia and Hungary, recording different Germanic languages and being cut, stamped, inlaid or impressed on metal, bone, wood and stone. Runes were used for many centuries and in many lands, gradually changing in their passage through time and space. In England the script died out, superseded by Roman, somewhere in the eleventh century; in Germany and the Low Countries — rather sooner. In Scandinavia and its colonies, however, runes continued well into the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, the later runic inscriptions are of comparatively little interest, for there is plenty of other evidence for the state of the language they record, whereas the early inscriptions are of great importance to the linguist, for they record material for which there is otherwise little or no evidence. 29 PART 1. LECTURES Thus we may summarize the above discussion stating that the principal features common to all the languages of the Germanic language area were: (i) fixation of the main stress on the initial syllable of the word; (ii) the first, or Germanic sound shift affecting the Indo-European voiceless and voiced stops and the spirant [s]; (iii) certain vowel changes; (iv) reduction in the number of cases as compared to Common Indo-European; (v) full development of the weak declension of the adjective with a particular categorial meaning; (vi) development of a dental preterite and appearance of the strong/weak verb distinction; (vii) a peculiar alphabet. Some more facts ... The British Britain, as far as we can trace men in our island, was first inhabited by cave-men, who have left no history at all. In the course of ages they passed away before the Iberians, or Ivernians, who came from the east and bore a striking resemblance to the Basques. It may be that some Mongolian tribe, wandering west, drawn by the instinct which has driven most race-migrations westward, sent offshoots north and south — one to brave the dangers of the sea and inhabit Britain and Ireland, one to cross the Pyrenees and remain sheltered in their deep ravines. These sturdy voyagers were short and dark, harshfeatured and long-headed, worshipping the powers of Nature with mysterious and cruel rites of human sacrifice, holding beliefs in totems and ancestor-worship. When the stronger and more civilised Celt came he drove before him these little dark men, he enslaved their survivors and wedded their women, and in his turn fell into slavery to the cruel Druidic religion of his subjects. To these Iberians, and to the Celtic dread of them, we probably owe all the stories of dwaifs, goblins, elves and earth30 1. INTRODUCTORY. GERMANIC J^NGUAGES gnomes; and if we examine carefully the descriptions of the abodes of these beings we shall find them not inconsistent with the earth-dwellings, caves, circle huts, or even with the burial mounds of the Iberian race. The race that followed the Iberians, and drove them out or subdued them, was the proud Aryan Celtic race. Of different tribes, Gaels, Brythons and Belgcv, they were all one in spirit and one in physical feature. Tall, blue-eyed, with fair or red hair, they owerpowered the diminutive Iberians in every way. Their civilisation was of a much higher type than that of the Iberians; their weapons, their war-chariots, their mode of life are all so closely similar to that of the Greeks of Homer that a theory has been advanced and ably defended that when on the continent the Celts — Gaelic or Gaulish tribes from the north of Europe — had been invaded by the Homeric Greeks. It is to the Celts that we owe a debt of imperishable culture and civilisation. To them belongs our passion for the past, the ardent patriotism, the longing for spiritual beauty, so different from the Saxon materialism. The Celt, however, had his day of supremacy and passed; the Roman crushed his power of initiative and made him helpless and dependent, and the Teuton — whether as Saxon, Angle, Frisian or Jute — dwelt in his homes and ruled his former lands. The Teuton was a hardier, more sturdy man than the Celt; he was by choice a warrior and a sailor, a wanderer to other lands. To him physical cowardice was the inforgivable sin, next to treachery to his chieftain. A quiet death-bed was the worst end to a man's life, in the Anglo-Saxon's creed: it was «a cow's death», to be avoided by everything in one's power, the only worthy finish to a warrior's life being a death in fight. Perhaps there was little of spiritual insight in the minds of these Angles and Saxons, little love of beauty; little care for the amenities of life; but they had a sturdy loyalty, an uprightness, a brave disregard of death in the cause of duty, which we can still recognise in modern Englishmen. When the English, or Anglo-Saxons, as we generally call them, had settled down in England, united their warring tribes and developed a somewhat centralised givernment, their whole national existence was imperilled by the incursions of the Danes, 31 PART I. LECTURES or Northmen, Vikings from Norway and Iceland, whose fame and the dread of whom went before them. They were related to the nations they came to harry and plunder, but their spirit was different from that of the conquered Teutonic tribes. The rapturous fight with the elements in which the Northman lived and moved and had his being, gave him a strain of ruthless cruelty unlike anything in the more peaceful Anglo-Saxon character. There was also a power of bold and daring action, of reckless valour, of rapid conception and execution, which contrasted strongly with the slower and more placid temperament of the Anglo-Saxon, and to this strain modern Englishment probably owe the power of initiative, the love of adventure and the daring action which have made England the greatest colonising nation on the earth. These were far from the last men of many nations that were brought to England by war, trade, love of adventure or religion and with whom the English came into contact during their long and colourful history, all of them leaving their trace. With all these different elements amalgamated in one, it is no wonder that the present-day English nation, its nature and beliefs represented in its language are a unique phenomenon worthy of careful and detailed study. after M.I. Ebbutt LECTURE 2. OLD ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS "The greatest Englishman that ever lived was King Alfred." - Winston Churchill "Alfred found learning dead and he restored it, Education neglected and he revived it, The laws powerless and he gave them force, The church debased and he raised it, The land ravaged by afearfid enemy from which he delivered it - Alfred's name will live as long as mankind shall respect the past" (Inscription on the base of the statue of King Alfred in Wantage, Oxfordshire, his place of birth) List of principal questions: 1. Outer history 1.1. Principal written records 1.2. Dialectal classification 1.2.1. The dialects in Old English 1.2.2. Old English written records 2. Inner history 2.1. Phonetics 2.2. Spelling 2.3. Grammar 2.4. Vocabulary 33 PART 1. LECTURES 1. Outer history As we have already said, the forefathers of the English nation belonged to the western subdivision of old Germanic tribes, and the dialects they spoke later lay the foundation of the English national language. The history of the English language begins in the fifth century AD. when the ruthless and barbaric Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians, who up to that time had lived in western Europe between the Elbe and the Rhine, started their invasion of the British Isles. At the time of the invasion Britain was inhabited by the sor called "romanised Celts", that is, Celts who had lived under the Roman rule for over four centuries and who had acquired Roman culture and ways of life and whose language had undergone certain changes mainly in the form of borrowings from the Latin language. The Celtic tribes, whose languages, the same as Germanic, also belonged to the Indo-European family, were at one time among its most numerous representatives. At the beginning of our era the Celts could be found on the territories of the present-day Spain, Great Britain, western Germany and northern Italy. Before that they had been known to reach even Greece and Asia Minor. But under the steady attacks of Italic and Germanic tribes the Celts had to retreat, so that in the areas where they were once dominant they have left but the scantiest trace of their presence. The Celts who first came to Britain gradually spread to Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Their languages are represented in modern times by Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx. A later wave of Celtic tribes, having occupied for some centuries the central part of England, were in turn driven westwards by Germanic imvaders, and their modern language representatives are Welsh, Cornish and Breton. 34 2. OLD ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS The Romans invaded Britannia as it was then called in 55— 54 ВС when the troops of Julius Caesar and others conquered the isles. No centralised government was formed, instead there existed petty principalities under the control of local landlords. In 407 AD, with the departure of the last Roman emissary Constantine hostilities among the native tribes in England began anew. To normalise the situation the local chieftains appealed to influential Germanic tribes who lived on the continent inviting them to come to their assistance, and in 449 the Germanic troops Jed by Hengest and Horsa landed in Britain. The Roman occupation of England left little mark on its future. Most of what the Romans did perished after they left, so it is with the Germanic tribes that the history of England truly begins. The invaders, or Barbarians, as they were generally called, who came to the Isles were representatives of a by far inferior civilisation than the Romans. A bulk of the invaders came from the most backward and primitive of the Germanic tribes. They were an agricultural rather than a pastoral people. Their tribal organisation was rapidly disintegrating. The invaders came to Britain in hosts consisting not only of warriors, but also including labourers, women and children. They plundered the country, took possession of almost all the fertile land there and partly exterminated, and partly drove away the native population to the less inhabited mountainous parts of the country — Cornwall, Wales, Scotland. The rest of the natives became slaves to the conquerors. .In view of the historical facts mentioned above it is quite clear why the language of the invaders underwent so few changes under the influence of the Celtic tongue as almost no normal intercourse between the invaded and the invaders was possible, the latter being very few and far below socially. It should be noted that nowadays the remnants of the Celtic group of languages face the threat of complete disappearance, 35 PART 1. LECTURES unable to survive in the competition with English. Cornish became extinct already in the 18th century, Manx — after the second world war. Scottish Gaelic is spoken only in the Highlands by about 75 thousand people, Irish — by half a million, the figures showing a steady declining tendency, and the absolute majority of those speaking these languages are bilingual, English being no less familiar to them than their former native tongue. Although in recent years a certain revival of nationalist sentiments helped to somewhat arrest the decline, many linguists fear the inevitable disappearance of the whole branch of the IndoEuropean family of languages. We have very little indirect evidence about the beginning of the Old English period — 5th—7lh centuries. The first written records were dated as far back as the beginning of the 8th century, that is why the 5th—7th centuries are generally referred to as "the pre-written period" of the English language. 1.1. Principal written records of the Old English period The principal written records that came to us through the centuries date from as far back as the 8th century. They were written with the help of the so-called "Runic Alphabet". This was an alphabet of some 26 letters, the shape of which is quite peculiar. ['fuGark], or ['fuGork] We have already said that it is assumed the Runic alphabet was composed by Germanic scribes in the II—III centuries AD. and their angular shape is due to the material those inscriptions were made on — wood, stone, bone — and the technique of 36 2. OLD ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS "writing" — the letters were not written but carved on those hard materials. The word "rune" meant "mystery", and those letters were originally considered to be magic signs known to very few people, mainly monks, and not understood by the vast majority of the illiterate population. Among the first Old English runic inscriptions we generally mention two: the inscription on the socalled "Franks' casket" — a small box made of whalebone containing a poem about it1, and the inscription on the "Ruthwell cross" — a religious poem engraved on a stone cross found in Scotland. Rune P h t> F < X N 1* 1 * t Anglo-Saxon Name Meaning feoh cattle, wealth bison (aurochs) thorn god/mouth journey/riding torch gift joy hail necessity/trouble ice year [unknown] [unknown] sun Tiw (name of a god) birch horse man water/sea Ing (name of a hero) land/estate day oak ash bow f u P ur 0 OS r с rad cen born gfj] giefu w h n i j P wyn X h»gl nied is gear peor eolh sigel tiw/tir beorc M s t b e M 1 ng oe d epel daeg a ac У yr t и r m eoh man lagu ing a;sc 'See a picture of the Franks' casket in Pan 2 — Seminars. 37 PART 1. LECTURES Map 2-1. Germanic settlement in England Source: Vie Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 199S 38 2. OLD ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS th In the 7 century the Christian faith was introduced and with it there came many Latin-speaking monks who brought with them their own Latin alphabet. The Latin alphabet was used by the majority of the people who could read and write. It ousted the Runic alphabet. But the Latin alphabet could not denote all the sounds in the English language, for example, the sounds [w], [0]. For that purpose some runes were preserved — w, p, F*, or some Latin letters were slightly altered — б to denote the sounds [0], [6] together with the rune p. This alphabet that is a combination of the Latin alphabet with runes and some other innovations is called "insular writing", i.e. the alphabet typical of the Isles. The majority of Old English records are written in this insular alphabet. The spelling in these early records is on the whole phonetic and reasonably consistent, so that it is possible to learn much about the early pronunciation. 1.2. Dialectal classification of Old English written records 1.2.1. The dialects in Old English As we have already said, the onset of invasion by the members of the four principal Germanic tribes: Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians — began about the middle of the fourth century and their conquest of England was completed within the next century and a half. By about AD 600 they established their separate kingdoms, the principal among them being: - those formed by the Angles: Northumbria (north of the river Humber), Mercia (in the centre of England) and East Anglia — central eastern part of the country; - those formed by the Saxons — mainly to the south of the river Thames: Wessex, Sussex and Essex; - the one formed by the Jutes — Kent. 39 PART 1. LECTURES Only the Frisians did not form a separate kingdom, but intermarried with the population belonging to different tribes. The prevailing importance of these seven kingdoms gave to the next two centuries the title of Heptarchy. Gradually three of the seven — Wessex, Mercia and Northumbria — began to establish some sort of domination over their smaller neighbours. It was an important step towards the achieving the eventual unity of England. Another vital factor contributing to the unity was the appearance of Christianity in England in AD 597, and afterwards the spread of Christianity and changes of the supremacy of this or that kingdom follow almost the same course. The Old English dialects are generally named after the names of the kingdoms on the territory of which the given dialect was spoken — the Northumbrian dialect, the Mercian dialect, the Wessex dialect, etc. Though the differences between the three types were later to assume considerable importance, they were at first slight, and records of the 8th and 9th centuries reveal that Englisc, as it was collectively called, had by that time emerged as an independent, language. The virtually complete geographical separation of England from the Continent was a factor favouring the further development of those characteristic features that already distinguished English from its parent Germanic language. Among the principal Old English dialects the most important for us is the Wessex dialect, as the majority of Old English written records that we have can be traced back to that dialect. But the prominence of the Wessex dialect is also based on other extralinguistic criteria. As is known, efforts to unite England failed for a very long period of time, because as soon as one kingdom became great it was in the interests of the rest to pull it down. Some historians say that the reason for that was the lack of the strongest possible motive towards any union, namely, the presence of a foreign foe. 40 2. OLD ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Such enemy appeared in the second half of the 8lh century, when the Northmen, particularly the Danes, began their devastating raids on the isles. At the beginning of the 9th century, when the Danish invaders destroyed in turn the dynasties of Northumbria, Mercia and East Anglia, Wessex was left as the sole survivor, and its leaders became the leaders of the emerging nation. The most famous of all English kings, Alfred of Wessex, which would later come to be called Alfred the Great, came to the throne in 871 and is reputed to have been one of the best kings ever to rule mankind. He successfully fought with the Danes who by that time had conquered most of Eastern England and were moving southwards towards Wessex. Alfred managed to stop the Danes, although temporarily, and in 878 signed a treaty with the Danish king dividing England between them. But Alfred's true greatness lay not in his military, but peacetime activity. He set aside a half of the revenue to be spent on educational needs, established schools where the sons of the nobility could be taught to read and write, brought in foreign scholars and craftsmen, restored monasteries and convents, published a collection of laws and enforced them. He also mastered Latin and translated many books into Anglo-Saxon and ordered the compilation of the first history book, the AngloSaxon Chronicle, which was continued for more than two centuries after his death. All this allows to say that even had Alfred never fought a battle, he would still deserve a place among the greatest rulers of history. King Alfred formulated his aims as follows: "Desire for and possession of earthly power never pleased me overmuch, and I did not unduly desire this earthly rule... I desired to live worthily as long as I lived, and to leave after my life, to the men who should come after me, the memory of me in good works." 41 PART 1. LECTURES Map 2-2. Old English dialects 2. OLD ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS However, after the death of Alfred the Great in 901 the supremacy of Wessex gradually began to decline, and for a time, from 1017 till 1042, the throne was occupied by Danish kings. 1.2.2. Old English written records Old English written records which are rather numerous are generally classified either in accordance with the alphabet used or in accordance with the dialect of the scribe who wrote the record. If we speak about the first criterion — the alphabet (runic or insular) -— the first group is rather scarcely represented (Frank's casket, Ruthwell cross), the other group having many written records. But generally the records are classified in accordance with their dialect: Northumbrian (Franks' casket, Ruthwell cross, Caedmon's hymns), Mercian (translation of the Psalter), Kentish (psalms), West Saxon (The Anglo-Saxon chronicle, the translation of a philosophical treatise Cura Pastoralis, King Alfred's Orosius — a book on history). There were also many translations from other dialects, an example of which is Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People (731 AD). Bede, a learned monk at Jarrow, is said to have assimilated all the learning of his time. He wrote on language, science and chronology and composed numerous commentaries on the Old and New Testament. With the rise of Wessex to the dominant position among the Old English kingdoms in the 9th and. 10"1 centuries, and thanks to the powerful influence of their learned King Alfred, the West Saxon dialect became the chief vehicle of literature. All the works of literary importance that have survived, both prose and poetry, are written in West Saxon, with only occasional traces of other dialects, and in this sense it may be regarded as typical of the Old English period. 43 PART 1. LECTURES 2. Inner history During the period the language was developing very slowly. 2.1. Phonetics The phonetics of the Old English period was characterised by a system of dynamic stress. The fixed stress fell on the first root syllable: agane (gone); 3eseon (see); 3aderian (gather) The vowels had the following characteristic features: a) The quantity and the quality of the vowel depended upon its position in the word. Under stress any vowel could be found, but in unstressed position there were no diphthongs or long monophthongs, but only short vowels [a], [ej, [i], [o], [u]. b) The length of the stressed vowels (monophthongs and diphthongs) was phonemic, which means that there could be two words differing only in the length of the vowel: metan (to mete, to measure) — metan (to meet) pin (pin) — pin (pain) god (god) — god (good) ful (full) — ful (foul) c) there was an exact parallelism of long and short vowels: Short: а о е u i se у ea eo Long: а о ё п Т з ё у ё а ё о The consonants were few. Some of the modern sounds were non-existent (Ц], [3], Щ №])• The quality of the consonant very much depended on its position in the word, especially the resonance (voiced and voiceless sounds: hlaf [f] (loaf) — hlaford [v] (lord, "bread-keep and articulation (palatal and velar sounds: climban [k] (to climb) — cild [k'] (child)), etc. 44 2. OLD ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 2.2. Spelling The Old English spelling was mainly phonetic, i.e. each letter as a rule denoted one sound in every environment. Note should be taken that the letters f, s, J), 5 could denote voiced consonants in intervocal positions or voiceless otherwise; the letter с was used to denote the sound [k] (palatal or velar); the letter у denoted the sound [y] (similar to German [u] in the word "GemUt" or Russian [ю] in the word "бюро"). The letter 3 could denote three different sounds: 0] — before or after front vowels [ae], [e], [i] : 3iefan (give), зёаг (year), dx^ (day) [y] — after back vowels Fal, fol, lul and consonants П1 and M: da3as (days), fo^ian (follow) [g] — before consonants and before back vowels [a], [o], [u]: 30d (good), 3leo (glee) 2.3. Grammar Old English was a synthetic language (the lexical and grammatical notions of the word were contained in one unit). It was highly inflected, with many various affixes. The principal grammatical means were suffixation, vowel interchange and supplition. Suffixation: Ic Сёре (1 keep) — pU Cepst (you keep) — he Серб (he keeps) Vowel interchange: WrTtan (to write) — Ic wrat (I wrote) Supplition: 3Ш1 (to go) — eode (went) 45 PART I. LECTURES beon (to be) — Ic eom (I am) bu eart (you are) he is (he is) There was no fixed word-order in Old English, the order of the words in the sentence being relatively free. 2.4. Vocabulary Almost all of it was composed of native words, there were very few borrowings. Borrowings were mainly from Latin: a) The forefathers of English, when on the Continent, had contacts with the Roman empire and borrowed words connected mainly with trade: ciese (cheese), win (wine), aeppel (apple) b) They borrowed Latin words from the Romanized Celts: strast (street), weall (wall), myln (mill) c) Some borrowings were due to the introduction of Christianity: biscop (bishop), deofol (devil), munic (monk) New words appeared as a result of two processes: a) word derivation: ' fisc+ere = fiscere (fish —fisher) wulle+en = wyllen (wool — woolen) claene+s+ian = claensian (clean — to cleanse) b) word composition: sunne + dae3 • = Sunnandas3 (sun + day = Sunday) mona + dae3 = M5nandae3 (moon + day = Monday). 46 2. OLD ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Some more facts.... Origin of Modern Alphabet The Northumbrian Alcuin of York (735—804) was the creator of the modern alphabet. He was an English scholar who, while head of the cathedral school of York, wrote a history of England. Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, emperor of the Franks, invited him to start a palace school at Aachen. Charlemagne belonged to the famous dynasty of Carolingians. He was a patron of letters and culture, and during his reign there began a period of literary and artistic activity upsurge. This period of intellectual advance, in which Alcuin played a leading role, was called the Carolingian Renaissance. Alcuin introduced English scholastic methods to Charlemagne's empire and wrote poignant love lyrics, but his farthest-reaching contribution was to normalise the empire's writing. When Alcuin arrived at Aachen, scribes at one end of the empire could not read the writing of scribes at the other end. Ironically, Charlemagne, who was probably illiterate himself, understood the importance of clear communication and recordkeeping better than his own scribes. Drawing from English and Irish models, especially the Insular pointed hand, Alcuin created the Carolingian minuscule hand, a highly readable script that was used by scribes throughout the empire. This hand became the model for the lowercase letters of the I5'h-century Italian Humanistic and Chancery Cursive hands (the uppercase, letters were modeled after I"- and 2'"'-centuiy Roman inscriptions in stone, such as the Trajan Column). These hands in turn became the models for the Roman and Italic typefaces introduced by Aldus Manutius (1449—1515), which are the basis for most modern typefaces. After D.F.B. Reed. LECTURE 3. MIDDLE ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS n n . ,. , "Never before has such terror appeared in Britain as we have now sufferedfroma pagan race, nor was it thought that such an inroad from the sea could be made. Behold, the church ofSt Cuthbert spattered with the blood of the priests of God, despoiled of all its ornaments; a place more venerable than all in Britain is given as prey to pagan people." Alcuin, AD 793 "It is not correct to paint the, Scandinavians in either black or white; like most people they were grey... They were no mean, destructive people: rather people of wide vision who were to make a considerable contribution to European wholeness once they had become Christian and had settled down to become the nations which we know to-day." . D.M. Wilson, AD 1993 (Viking ship prow decoration, Thames and Hudson archives) List of principal questions: 1. Outer history 1.1. Scandinavian Invasion 1.2. Norman Conquest 2. 1.3. Formation of the English national language Inner history 2.1. Phonetics 2.2. Grammar 2.3. Word-stock 48 3. MIDDLE ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Outer history 1.1. Scandinavian Invasion The end of the Old English period and the beginning of Middle English is marked by two outstanding political events — the Scandinavian invasion and the Norman conquest. It is impossible to state the exact date of the Scandinavian invasion as it was a long process embracing over two centuries, the first inroads of the Scandinavian Vikings having began as far back as the end of the 8th century. Various Scandinavian adventurers at the head of their troops came to England wave after wave, although the English offered the invaders a stubborn resistance. At first the invaders fought with the natives, robbed and plundered the country, but later they began to settle on the lands they had managed to conquer. The part of England which suffered more from the invasion was the North-Eastern part of the country. From that part the invaders trying to conquer the whole of the country gradually proceeded to the South-West. The kingdom that was the strongest among many existing in Britain at that time and that could consequently withstand the invasion more successfully than any other was the Wessex kingdom, especially under the rule of King Alfred the Great. King Alfred the Great was so powerful and successful in his struggle against the invaders that hostilities ceased for a time and a peace treaty was concluded — the Treaty of Wedmore, in accordance with which the territory of the country was subdivided into two parts: the south-western part remained English under the rule of King Alfred and the north-eastern part was to be Scandinavian. That part was referred to as Danela3U or Danelaw, i.e. the territory which was under the rule of Scandinavians, or "Danes". 49 PART I. LECTURES The Scandinavians in England remained very strong through centuries, and at the beginning of the 1 lIh century, namely in the period between 1016 and 1042 the whole of England came under the Scandinavian rule — the conquest was completed and the Danish king was seated on the English throne. Although in 1042 England was back under English power, the English king who came to the throne — Edward the Confessor — was to be the last English king for more than three centuries. The Scandinavian invasion and the subsequent settlement of the Scandinavian on the territory of England, the constant contacts and intermixture of the English and the Scandinavians brought about many changes in different spheres of the English language: word-stock, grammar and phonetics. The influence of Scandinavian dialects was especially felt in the North and East parts of England, where mass settlement of the invaders and intermarriages with the local population were especially common. The relative ease of the mutual penetration of the languages was conditioned by the circumstances of the AngloScandinavian contacts, i.e.: a) There existed no political or social barriers between the English and the Scandinavians, the latter not having formed the ruling class of the society but living on an equal footing with the English; b) There were no cultural barriers between the two people as they were approximately the same in their culture, habits and customs due to their common origin, both of the nations being Germanic. c) The language difference was not so strong as to make their mutual understanding impossible, as their speech developed from the same source — Common Germanic, and the words composing the basic word-stock of both the languages were the same, and the grammar systems similar in essence. 3. MIDDLE ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Map 3-1. Viking attacks on England Source: DM. Wilson Tile Vikings and their origin, 1993 51 PART 1. LECTURES 1.2. Norman Conquest The Norman Conquest began in 1066. The Normans were by origin a Scandinavian tribe who two centuries back began their inroads on the Northern part of France and finally occupied the territory on both shores of the Seine. The French King Charles the Simple ceded to the Normans the territory occupied by them, which came to be called Normandy. The Normans adopted the French language and culture, and when they came to Britain they brought with them the French language. In 1066 King Edward the Confessor died, and the Norman Duke William, profiting by the weakness of King Harold who succeeded King Edward on the English throne, invaded England. He assembled an army, landed in England and in a battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066 managed to defeat Harold and proclaimed himself King of England. The Norman conquest had far-reaching consequences for the English people and the English language. The English nobility perished through different reasons and was replaced by the Norman barons. The new king William confiscated the estates of the Anglo-Saxons nobility and distributed them among the Norman barons. The Norman conquerors continued pouring into England thousands after thousands, years and years after the conquest, and during the reign of King William over 200,000 Frenchmen settled in England and occupied all positions of prominence in the country, be it in court, Parliament, Church or school. The heritage of the Norman Conquest was manifold. It united England to Western Europe, opening the gates to European culture and institutions, theology, philosophy and science. The Conquest in effect meant a social revolution in England. The lands of the Saxon aristocracy were divided up among the 52 3. MIDDLE ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Normans, who by 1087 composed almost 10% of the total population. Each landlord, in return for his land, had to take an oath of allegiance to the king and provide him with military services if and when required. The Saxon machinery of government was immensely reinforced, with a Norman monarch and his officials as effective centralised controllers. Royal power was spread to provinces, royal justice was much more impartially done. The Normans created a strong medieval monarchy which was gradually to complete the unification of England. The 13th century witnessed the appearance of the first Parliament, or a council of barons, which later was changed to a national Parliament, representing the nobility, clergy, knights of the shires and major cities. The Norman conquerors, though Germanic by origin, were French by their language, habits and customs. They were a people and a class that stood aloof from the conquered English, whose habits and customs they despised and whose language they could not understand. They spoke French and addressed people in French. They taught their children French — the only language they could speak, which is noticed by many writers and scholars. And for more than two centuries after the conquest the English country was ruled by French-speaking Kings and nobility, and the French language was the state language of the country. The Norman Conquest put an end to the West Saxon literary language. But eventually after a prolonged struggle the English language got ascendance over French and again became the state language of the country. The victorious and defeated peoples continued to speak their own languages. The language spoken and written by the English continued to develop in accordance with tendencies already active before the conquest. The English language emerged after the straggle, but it came in a different position. Its vocabulary was enriched by a great 53 PART 1. LECTURES number of French words and its grammatical structure underwent material changes. They generally mention-the following decisive steps in the way upward of the English language after the Norman conquest: a) 1258 — Proclamation of King Henry III was published besides French also in English; b) 1362 — the English language became the language of Parliament, courts of law; later, at the end of the century — the language of teaching; c) the rule of King Henry IV (1399—1413) — the first king after the conquest whose native tongue was English. The end of the 14th century also saw the first "English" translation of the Bible, and Chaucer was writing his "English" masterpieces. The new merchant class and the spread of lay learning were building a national civilisation, and by the end of the century French had probably died out as a spoken language. 1.3. Formation of the English national language We can speak about the English national language as a language understood and mainly used throughout the country beginning with late Middle English — Early New English. They generally say that the end of the Middle English period and the beginning of New English is marked by the following events in the life of the English people: 1. The end of the war between the White and the Red Rose — 1485 and the establishment of an absolute monarchy on the British soil with Henry Tudor as the first absolute monarch — the political expression of the English nation. The War of the Roses (1455—1485) was the most important event of the .15* century which marked the decay of feudalism and the birth of a new social order. It signified the rise of an 54 3. MIDDLE ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS absolute monarchy in England and a political centralisation, and consequently a linguistic centralisation leading to a predominance of the national language over local dialects. 2. The introduction of printing — 1477 by William Caxton (1422— 1490). Printing was invented in Germany by Johann Gutenberg in 1438. It quickly spread to other countries and England was among them. The first English printing office was founded in 1476 by William Caxton, and in 1477 there appeared the first book to be printed in England called The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. The appearance of a considerable number of printed books contributed to the normalisation of spelling and grammar forms fostering the choice of a single variant over others. William Caxton established a printing-press at Westminster, from which he issued a stream of books, many of them translated from Latin and French by himself. Caxton, a native of Kent, acquired the London dialect and made a conscious choice from among competing variants, which he even described in a preface to one of his translations, saying that he had submitted it to princess Margaret, sister of the then king, and "anon she found a default in my English which she commanded me to amend." Since that time — the end of the 15"1 century the English language began its development as the language of the English nation, whereas up to that time, beginning with the Germanic conquest of Britain in the 5th century and up to the 15th century, what we call the English language was no more than a conglomerate of dialects, first tribal and then local. Indeed, a notable feature of the Middle English period is the dialectical variety that finds expression in the written documents. It was only •ate in the 14lh century that the London dialect, itself a mixture of the southern and south-eastern dialects, began to emerge as the dominant type. 55 PART 1. LECTURES Thus, the English national language was formed on the basis of the London dialect which was uppermost among Middle English dialects due to the political, geographical, economic and "linguistic" position of London which became the capital of England already in the 11th century — before the Norman conquest and which was in the 15th century a thriving economic centre and port of England due to its geographical position near the estuary of the largest river in England. The geographical position of London as a large port and city in the centre of the country where people of the North mingled with "people of the South, on the one hand, enabled the Londoners to acquire features of both southern and northern dialects, and on the other hand, the people coming to London helped to spread the London dialect all over the country. The importance of the London dialect as the foundation of the English national language grew also because of the fact that many of the best writers of the 14th—15th centuries, and Geoffrey Chaucer among them, whose poetry achieved tremendous contemporary prestige and popularity, were Londoners or used the London dialect in their writings. As we have said, the 15th century is generally referred to as the time of the beginning of the English national language. But the literary norm of the language was established later, already in Early New English, many English authors of the forthcoming centuries contributing to it, among them such as Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Johnson and, finally, William Shakespeare. 56 3. MIDDLE ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Map 3-2. Middle English dialects 57 PART 1. LECTURES 2. Inner history The Middle English period was a time of unprecedentedly rapid development of the language. For the first three centuries English was only a spoken language, and as such had no norm and could develop without any restrain. All the elements of the language changed fundamentally. 2.1. Phonetics The stress is dynamic and fixed in the native words. But in the borrowed French words the stress was on the last syllable: licour [li'ku:r], nature [na'nr.r], etc. New consonant sounds developed in native words: [П ship OE scip [f ] child [Cfe] bridge cild Ьгусз The resonance of the consonant does not depend so much on the position of the consonant, and voiced consonants can appear not only in intervocal, but also in initial and other positions. Vowels in unstressed position were reduced: Old English Middle English These sounds were in the end of the word, and it neutralised the difference between the suffixes — the main grammar means. Compare: 58 3. MIDDLE ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Genitive Singular Nominative Plural Old English Middle English fisces ~~~^—^_ fishes fiscas . - " - " " ^ fishes Vowels under stress underwent mainly quantitative changes. In Middle English we observe a rhythmic tendency, the aim of which is to obliterate overlong and overshort sequences. The tendency is to have in the word one long vowel + one consonant or one short vowel + two consonants. 2.2. Grammar The grammar system in Middle English gradually but very quickly changed fundamentally: the Old English was a synthetic language, the Middle English at the end of the period — an analytical language. The principal grammatical means of the Old English were preserved, but were no longer principal. At the end of the Middle English period the analytical means, which began developing in Middle English, are predominant. They are: 1. analytical verb-forms (Chaucer: perfect — hath holpen (has helped); passive — engendered is (is bom)); 2. the use of prepositions for grammatical purposes (Chaucer; drought of March); 3. a fixed word-order began to develop. 2.3. Word-stock In Middle English it underwent fundamental changes and became almost new. If in Old English the word-stock was almost completely native, in Middle English there were many borrowings. The principal sources of them were: 1. Scandinavian (those who came in the end of the Old English period) — over 500 words (take, give, sky, wrong, etc.); 59 PART I. LECTURES 2. French (the language of the Norman conquerors) — over 3500 words (government, army, battle, etc.). Though the number of the French words is greater, all the Scandinavian words — common, colloquial, everyday, indispensable — entered the very core of the language, and their influence is very great. The French words are generally terms indispensable only in certain official spheres, but not colloquial. The Scandinavian borrowings are intensive, the French borrowings — extensive: 1. the Scandinavians and the English were linguistically similar (both Germanic), the English and the French — different (Germanic and Romance languages); 2. the English and the Scandinavians were similar socially (neither of the nations formed the upper class); the French and the English were different socially (the French-speaking people forming the ruling class, the English-speaking — the lower class); 3. the English and the Scandinavians had similar culture, habits, customs, traditions; the French and the English — different; that is why the assimilation of the French words could not proceed so quickly and intensively as that of Scandinavian. The principal means of enriching vocabulary were thus outer means, i.e. borrowings. Some more facts.... Who are the Scots? Our country and people come into recorded history in AD 84, characteristically resisting foreign domination as we were to do on and off until 1603. By this time the Romans had penetrated as far as modern Stirling. Calgacus, our native 60 3. MIDDLE ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS leader, addressed his men in the following terms : "The invaders loot and massacre and call it government. They make a wilderness and call it peace." The ensuing Battle of Mons Graupius near Stirling checked the Romans and they retired behind their fortified line stretching from what is now Glasgow to Edinburgh. Christianity was to unite the different tribes into that conscious entity we now know as "Scottish". About 400 St Ninian preached the faith to his own Pictish clansfolk. About 550 St Columba came from the famous monastery of lona to evangelise many Scots and Picts. His friend, St Kentigern of Glasgow, was the apostle of the Strathclyde Britons. These great missionaries had many followers and disciples who continued their apostolate. These men laid a sound foundation, for our Scottish Christianity with its valuable cultural heritage stems from them. Today it still informs most of us. Scots, Picts and Britons have been mentioned and some hold that these three words denote the "tattooed people". These unite with the Celt, warrior in name, warrior in our history. Perhaps our love of colourful tartans and our age-old martial spirit come from this racial fusion, Angles and Vikings from the seventh century onwards and Normans from the tenth are assimilated into our race, giving us much, and taking much. By about the twelfth century intermarriage and the Christian faith made us into that united Scottish nation we still are today. About 900 the word "Scot", originally meaning a native of Ireland, came to mean one of ourselves. By 1153 Scotland was one nation, though not all our national strains were fully integrated. The lovely and remote isles of the Hebrides did not become ours till 1266, and the Orkneys and Shetlands not until 1467. It needed the shock and storm of foreign invasion to fuse us into a strong and virile nation — yet still fundamentally a kindly one — a trait which comes into prominence so strikingly in the long history of Scotland the Brave. Much more unites us now than divides us. And though many of us have to leave Scotland, as our small land cannot provide for us all at present, these people and their descendants come back each year in their 61 PART I. LECTURES thousands to the land of their ancestors, where they are inspired and encouraged by the ever-fresh memory of the gallant exploits of our forefathers. From Pict and Scot and Cell and Briton, And Angle, Viking, Norman diversity We Scots in time from these were forged Now conscious of our common unity. Skirl of pipe and swirl of kilt — A joy to us, a joy to others — Fond memory of our mountain home Unites all Scots as hand of brothers. See Bruce and Wallace nobly fight To free our folk and lochs and bens While Burns and Scott and Raeburn too Make known our land of lovely glens. Queen Mary lives in spite of fate In her descendants good and greatFor Charlie Flora death will face, She, finest flower of Highland race. Our men of God give out His Word, New things and old, with charm and wit. Dear Scotland the Brave aye bless it, Lord, Hear we that Word by doing it. After J. A. Carruth LECTURE 4. NEW ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS "It was the nation and the race dwelling all round the globe that had the lion's heart." Winston Churchill • Walter Raleigh, explorer of America James Cook, explorer of Australia and New Zealand David Livingstone, explorer of Africa Benjamin Franklin, explorer of Antarctica List of principal questions: 1. Outer history 1.1. Emergence of the nation 1.2. Establishment of the literary norm 1.3. Geographical expansion of English 2. Inner history 2.1. Phonetics 2.2. Grammar 2.3. Word-stock PART 1. LECTURES 1. Outer history 1.1. Emergence of the nation The 15 century is a border-line in the history of the English people. In 1485 there ended the War between the Roses. The end of the war meant the end of feudalism and the beginning of capitalism, a new, more peaceful era and the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. An absolute monarchy was established, the first absolute monarch being Henry Tudor. It meant a real unification of the country, political and economic, resulted in the development of capitalism and made it inevitable that one nation and one national language be established. The first king of the period, Henry VII (1485—1509) strengthened the monarchy and provided the revenue imperative for its very existence. During his reign commerce and shipbuilding were encouraged, and the material wealth of the country increased. New lands — Newfoundland and Nova Scotia — were discovered. Following in his steps, his son, Henry VIII (1509—1547) broke away from the ecclesiastical influence of Rome, made himself head of the Church of England and of the State and transferred the property of the monasteries to himself. Dozens of large ships were built, trade continued to develop, and new territories were drawn into it. It was during the reign of Henry's son, Edward VI (1547—1553), that trade with Muscovy, or Russia, as we call it today, was opened up. The long reign of Elizabeth I (1558—1603) was one of the most remarkable for the country, its progress in the discovery and colonizing field tremendous. Queen Elizabeth's reign was also particularly rich in learning — it was the age of Shakespeare, Sidney, Spencer, Bacon, Marlowe and many other famous names. Nevertheless, the evident achievements in foreign policy, trade and culture did not put an end to the controversy of various 64 4. NEW ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS powerful forces in the country. Another problem which was to have far-reaching concequences was that of whether sovereignty lay with monarch or Parliament advocating the interests of the new developing classes of society. The strife between the Crown and Parliament was aggavated by religious differences. The development of the country required more regular revenue, and forced the Crown to raise taxes, which met with disapproval from Parliament. In the XVII century Charles I (1625—1649) for over a decade ruled without Parliament, but had finally to reach a compromise, according to which the powers of Parliament were greatly extended. Henceforth one legal system was to apply to the king and his subjects alike, and no taxation was to be raised without Parliament's consent. However, when Paliament demanded further concessions, denied the king control of the army, a crisis followed which is now known under the title of the Great Rebellion. The Crown lost the ensuing war, Charles I surrendered and was executed, and for over a decade the country was ruled by Parliament alone, the most notable leader of that time being Oliver Cromwell. Granted the title of Lord Protector, he was a virtual dictator of the nation, heavily relying on the Army and disillusioning Parliament which had first brought him to power. After the death of Oliver Cromwell the Army and Parliament We re unable to agree on a government, and the restoration of monarchy that followed in 1660, when the son of the executed kin g, Charles II, was.invited to return to the throne, was more a. restoration of Parliament than of the King himself. Charles II, w ho during the time of Cromwell lived in exile in France, brought with him from the Continent a keen interest in scientific development, culture and arts, together with a considerable mfluence of the French language spoken by his supporters. PART I. LECTURES 1.2. Establishment of the literary norm As we have said, in New English there emerged one nation and one national language. But the English literary norm was formed only at the end of the 17* century, when there appeared the first scientific English dictionaries and the first scientific English grammar. In the 17* and 18* centuries there appeared a great number of grammar books whose authors tried to stabilise the use of the language. Thus Samuel Johnson, the author of the famous Dictionary (1755), wrote that he preferred the use of "regular and solemn" pronunciation to the "cursory and colloquial." Many famous writers also greatly contributed to the formation of English, and among them, first and foremost, the great Shakespeare. Early New English (15* — beginning of the 18* century) — the establishment of the literary norm. The language that was used in England at that time is reflected in the famous translation of the Bible called the King James Bible (published in 16И). Although the language of the Bible is Early Modern English, the authors tried to use a more solemn and grand style and more archaic expressions. A great influence was also connected with the magazine published by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele called The Spectator (1711—1714), the authors of which discussed various questions of the language, including its syntax and the use of words. -tit Late New English — since the 18 century. If the gradual acceptance of a virtually uniform dialect by all writers is the most important event in the emergence of Modern English, it must be recognised that this had already gone a considerable way before 1500, and it was undoubtedly helped by Caxton's introduction of printing in 1477. The fact that the London dialect was used by him in his translations and prefaces, 66 4. NEW ENGUSH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Map 4-1. The Growth of Empire S m " " J-K Horrabin. An Alias of European History 67 PART 1. LECTURES and that Chaucer's works were among the books he published, led to its rapid diffusion throughout the country. But the adoption of a standard of spoken English was a slower process. It was not until Elizabeth's time that the language of the court came to be generally recognised as the best form of spoken English; and as late as the 18*, and even the early 19* century country gentlemen in their occasional visits to polite society in London were no ashamed to use dialect. Nevertheless, despite the persistence of wide varieties in pronunciation, the basic phonetic changes that distinguish Modern English from Middle English are profound, though they are not reflected in a similar modification of spelling. The early printers, whose practice was to prove of decisive importance for the future, derived their spelling from the Middle English scribes (a fact that largely accounts for the difficulty of English spelling today). The most important of these changes was that affecting the sound of vowels and diphthongs, with the result that the "continental values" of Middle English were finally replaced by an approximation to modern pronunciation. Lesser changes also occurred in the pronunciation of consonants, though some ot these have since been restored by conscious, and often mistaken, attempts to adapt pronunciation more closely to the received spelling. 1.3. Geographical expansion of English in the li—20* centuries and its effect on the language Up to the 17l century the English language was spoken by the people who lived only on the British Isles (at the time of William the Conqueror there were about 2 million people), but even there in the far-away mountainous parts of the country the people preserved their own Celtic dialects very long into the New 68 4. NEW ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Map 4-2. The English Language Today Source,- The Cambridge B^lopedia "M" English Language, MS 69 PART 1. LECTURES English period. Thus in Cornwall the local dialect, Cornish died out in the 18th century. In Wales there arose a tendency to revive the local Celtic language. In 1893 the Welsh University was founded, and in 1961 the number of those speaking Welsh amounted to 650 thousand. In Ireland through centuries a struggle against English was fought. It reached its climax in 1916 with the Irish rebellion. In 1922 the Irish free state was formed and in 1949 the new state — Eire — left the Commonwealth of Nations. Now Eire occupies the whole but the Northern part of Ireland, which is a part of Britain. The number of people rose from 300 thousand to over 600 thousand, but the majority speak English. The penetration of the English language to other parts of the globe mainly began in the 16 century together with the expansion of British colonialism. The 16' century was an age of great adventurers, and England's progress in the discovery and colonising field was tremendous. The first Virginian colony was founded; Drake circumnavigated the globe; the East India Company was established and English seamen left their mark in many parts of the world. In 1620 the famous ship The Mayflower reached North America in the region which is now the state of Massachusetts. This marked the beginning of English in the New World. The 18 century witnessed the coming of English to India, where nowadays the language is widely spread, although its sphere is limited to large cities and a certain social layer, and in today's India English is a state language together with the native languages of Hindi and Urdu., th In the 18 ' century England conquered Canada. During the 19ft century the colonisation of Australia took place. In the 20 century English penetrated into South Africa. *** Now about 300 million people speak English as their national language in various parts of the globe, and many times 70 4. NEW ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS that — as a second language. To foretell the future of any language, English among them, is of course impossible, but the mere fact of its wide diffusion throughout the world is a guarantee that it will continue to change and develop. 2. Inner history The speed of the development of the language was lesser than in Middle English. The language developed quickly at the beginning of the period and slowly — at the end (with the exception of the word-stock which develops equally quickly during the whole period). When the literary norm was formed, it, being always very conservative, prevented the change of the language, that is why the speed of the development slowed down. 2.1. Phonetics 2. LI. The system of stress In native words the stress is fixed and falls on the first root syllable (as in Old English and Middle English). Some of the borrowed words were not fully assimilated phonetically, that is why the stress falls on another syllable, those fully assimilated have the stress on the first root syllable, like in native words. Native English words are short — they have one or two syllables, that is why it is a norm, a rhythmic tendency of the language to have one stressed syllable and one unstressed one =» in borrowed words there developed a system of two stresses. Sometimes the stress is used to differentiate the words formed from the same root by the process called conversion (to pro'duce— 'produce). 71 PART I. LECTURES 2.1.2. Consonants a) A new [3] was introduced in borrowed words. Otherwise the changes were not so great as in Middle English. b) Vocalisation of consonants (some consonants in some positions were vocalised — they disappeared, influencing the preceding vowel). Ex.: [r] disappeared at the end of the words and before consonants changing the quantity of the vowel immediately preceding it: for form Middle English [for] [form] New English [fo:] [fo:m] 2.1.3. Vowels a) In the unstressed position the vowels that were levelled in Middle English generally disappeared at the end of the words. Some of them were preserved for phonetic reasons only, where the pronunciation without a vowel was impossible. Compare, for example, the plural forms of nouns: Old English -as Middle English -es New English [z] dogs [s] cats [iz] dresses b) All Middle English long vowels underwent the Great Vowel'Shift (in early New English, 15th—18th century). They became more narrow and more front. Some of them remained monophthongs, others developed into diphthongs. Middle English he name [he:] [na:me] New English [hi:] [neim] 72 e: => i: a: => ei 4. NEW ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 2.2. Grammar In New English it did not change fundamentally. The main changes are the strengthening of analytical features of the language: a) In many more cases empty grammatical words are used (form-words); b) Analytical forms of the Middle English are preserved, and in addition to them in New English non-finite analytical forms appear (in Middle English only finite forms could be analytical); c) A fixed word-order is established. 2.3. Word-stock The vocabulary is changing quickly. Many new words are formed to express new notions, which are numerous. Ways of enriching the vocabulary: 1. inner means (conversion: hand => to hand); 2, outer means. The sources here are numberless, as the English have not only direct, but also indirect (through books, later — TV, radio, films) contacts with all the world. In the beginning of the Early New English (15 th —16 th century) — the epoch of the Renaissance — there are many borrowings from Greek, Italian, Latin. The ,17th century is the period of Restoration =>.borrowings come to the English language from French (a considerable number of these words being brought by Charles II and his court). In the 17th century the English appear in America => borrowings from the Indians' languages are registered. In the 18"1 century the English appear in India => borrowings from this source come to the English language (but these words 73 PART 1. LECTURES are not very frequent, for they denote some particular reality of India, ex.: curry). In the 19* century the English colonisers appear in Australia and New Zealand => new borrowings follow (kangaroo). At the end of the 19th—beginning of the 20th century the English appear in Africa, coming to the regions formerly colonised by the Dutch => borrowings from Afrikaans and Dutch appear. Old English and Middle English Russian borrowings are scarce — the contacts between the countries and their peoples were difficult. In New English there are more borrowings: sable (very dark), astrakhan, mammoth; in the 20lh century — soviet, kolkhoz, perestroika, etc. Some more facts... Modern Dialects More often than not it is still possible in Britain to tell from a man's speech from which part of the country, sometimes even from which county, he comes; while the phonetic differences between the speech of any American and any Englishman are even more apparent, although less than three hundred years ago their accents would have been indistinguishable. With regard to grammar, leaving aside dialect forms that are locally still »> everyday use (e.g. such plurals as 'housen', or 'childer', or in Dorset the indiscriminate use of the pronoun 'en' for 'him' or 'her'), there are significant differences. These are largely independent of educational background, between our spontaneous colloquial speech and the written language. Usually we should write: 'the man to whom I was speaking', 'as tall as he', 'if I were she', 'am I not?', but most of us say. 'the man who I was talking to', 'as tall as him', 'if I was her', 'aren't I?' and it would be hazardous to express a confident opinion as to which of these grammatical forms, the written or the spoken, will eventually survive. More immediately obvious, perhaps, are the changes taking place in respect of vocabulary. In some of the 74 4. NEW ENGLISH. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS older trades and industries the use of specific dialect terms is still almost essential for the local conduct of everyday business; while since the beginning of the century thousands of new words, mainly derived from Greek and Latin, have been created to meet the needs of scientists and technologists. At the same time, in every department of life, our borrowing from other languages continues, particularly from America; though here, more often than we appreciate, they are simply restoring words and expressions originally taken from us. Broadly, these changes are of two kinds: those that arise from tendencies inherent in the nature of the language; and those that are the result of external factors. To the fanner belong many phonetical and grammatical changes, and from their study of language in general and of the whole history of English in particular philologists have discovered that these tend to conform to patterns, and can therefore be stated as 'laws'. The latter type of development is usually the result of political and social forces. Reference has already been made to the effect of geographical isolation on the early development of English, and similarly it is clear that the preservation of a number of Elizabethan and Stuart words and idioms in contemporary American speech is due to the remoteness of the earliest settlers from their native land, while political independence and the encouragement of wholesale immigration from almost every part of the world were subsequently to cause yet further differentiation between the two great English-speaking systems. In contrast to such diversifying influences, others operate in the direction of greater uniformity, for instance, in the spread of literacy, increasing dependence on books and the extension of broadcasting. Remembering that these examples of change and variety are taken from a short period, it is easier to appreciate the total qualitative effect produced by a series of small and gradual modifications in the course of a millennium and a half. During that period English has been transformed from the dialect of a few thousand scattered tribesmen into a highly developed language spoken by millions of people in many parts of the world. 75 PART 1. LECTURES In its original form Old English is today only intelligible to specialists; even Middle English.the language of J. Chaucer, is not easy to read without a glossary. Thus, while for purposes of description it is justifiable to treat these as separate periods, and to distinguish both from a language we are familiar with, it is equally important to realise that at no stage were the people of England any more conscious of the changes they were effecting than we are today. After D. Crystal LECTURE 5. OLD ENGLISH PHONETICS In such ships Germanic tribes first came to the British Islands. Souire: Vie Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 1995 List ofprincipal questions: 1. Old English vowels 1.1. Origin of Old English vowel phonemes 1.2. Changes in Old English vowel phonemes 1.2.1. Breaking 1.2.2. Palatal mutation 1.2.3. Effect of palatal mutation upon grammar and word-stock 2. Old English consonants 2.1. Dependence of the quality of the consonant phoneme upon its environment in the word 2.2. Grimm's law, Verner's law 77 PART 1. LECTURES 1. Old English vowels 1.0. There were the following vowel phonemes in Old English monophthongs a e l a зё ё I 0 0 diphthongs u У п У еа ёа ео ёо As we see in Old English there existed an exact parallelism between long vowels and the corresponding short vowels. Not only monophthongs but even diphthongs found their counterparts which differed from them not only in quality but also in quantity. Thus we may say that in the system of vowels both the quality and the quantity of the vowel was phonemic. All the diphthongs were falling diphthongs with the first element stronger than the second, the second element being more open than the first. Examples: monophthongs a — a : stan diphthongs — da3as (stone) аё — аз: daed (dead) ёо—ео: ceosan (choose) (days) — dae3 ёа — е а : (day) ceas (chose) -- heorte (heart) -- eald (old) — 3od 6 — o : 3od (god) (good) I — i : wrltan — writen (write) (written) 1.1. Origin of Old English vowel phonemes All Old English vowel phonemes can be traced back to Common Germanic vowel phonemes. Old English monophthongs are, as a rule, 78 5. OLD ENGLISH PHONETICS a further development of some Common Germanic monophthongs. For example: Old English from Common Germanic [a] dags ёгез (day) 0] [i] bindan bindan (bind) [o] coren (chosen) [u] cusans, etc. Some Old English monophthongs developed from Common Germanic diphthongs: Old English from Common Germanic [a] ras (wrote) [ai] rais Old English long diphthongs are a result of some further development of Common Germanic diphthongs, though in the course of history the quality of the diphthong may have undergone a change: Old English from Common Germanic (Gothic) ceosan (choose) ceas (chose) kiusan kaus Old English short diphthongs originated from monophthongs: Old English from Common Germanic eald (old) heorte (heart) *ald *herte l 7> PART I. LECTURES 1.2. Changes in Old English vowel phonemes 1.2.0. The changes that took place in the prehistoric period of the development of the English language and which explain the difference between Old English and Common Germanic vowels were of two types: assimilative changes and independent (non-assimilative) changes. Independent changes do not depend upon the environment in which the given sound was found. They cannot be explained, but they are merely stated. Common Germanic ai a Old English > > a аз, etc. Assimilative changes are explained by the phonetic position of the sound in the word and the change can and must be explained. Among the many phonetic assimilative changes which took place in the prehistoric period of the development of the English language and which account for the discrepancy between the Old English and the Common Germanic vowel system the most important are breaking and palatal mutation. 1.2..1. Breaking th The process of breaking took place in the 6 century. It affected two vowels — [se] and [e] when they were followed by the consonants [r], [1], [h] generally followed by another consonant. The resulting vowel was a diphthong (hence the name "breaking" — a monophthong "was broken" into a diphthong), consequently the process may be summed up" as diphthongization of short vowels [a?] and [e] before certain consonant clusters. 80 5. OLD ENGLISH PHONETICS For example: a; > ea before r+consonant 1+consonant h+consonant h final asrm > earm (arm) asld > eald (old) aehta > eahta (eight) sseh > seah (saw) e > ea before r+consonant lc+consonant 1 h+consonant h final herte > heorte (heart) melcan > meolcan (to milk) selh > seolh (seal) feh > feoh (cattle) 1.2.2. Palatal mutation The qualitative change of Old English vowels that experts call palatal mutation, or i-mutation, occurred somewhere during the 6th—7th centuries. The process affected Germanic words where a vowel in a stressed syllable was immediately followed by the sound [i] or [j] in the next syllable. Almost all vowels, both diphthongs and monophthongs, in the context described above became further forward and higher, or more palatal and more narrow, with the exception of [e] and [i] which could go no further. This may be described as a kind of vowel hamiony — a natural process affecting many modern languages: the vowels mutate, the change being caused by their partial assimilation to the following vowel (or semi-vowel). Monophthongs a>e ae > e a > её о>e * strangipu *tselian *halian *ofstian > strengpu1 (strength) > tellan (to tell) > hiilan (to heal) > efstan (to hurry) 1 Compare with the root vowel of the noun "talu" from the root of which the i"b was formed, or in the second case the adjective "slrang" and the noun "streng". ve 81 PART 1. LECTURES о>ё u >у п>у *domian *fullian *CUbian > deman (to deem) > fyllan (to fill) > cypan (to announce) As a result of palatal mutation new phonemes entered the vowelsystem in Old English — the vowel phoneme [y] and. the vowel phoneme [y], the result of the mutation of [u] and [п], respectively. Diphthongs ea > ie ёа > Те eo > ie to > Те *ealdira *3eleafian *afeorrian *3etreowi > ieldra (elder) > 3el!efan (to believe) > afierran (to remove) > 3etnewe (true) 1.2.3. Effect of palatal mutation upon grammar and word-stock Though palatal mutation was a phonetic process it left traces in Old English grammar and word-stock. Grammar: As a result of the process of palatal mutation there appeared vowel gradation in the system of the declension of nouns (root-stem declension). In the system of adjectives we have vowel gradation in the degrees of comparison, in the system of verbs vowel gradation is found in Old English irregular weak verbs.1 Word-stock: Palatal mutation resulted in vowel interchange as a word building means. 1 Adjective Verb ful (full) Noun dom (doom) fyllan (fill) Verb deman (deem) Verb sittan (sit) Verb settan (set) See Lecture 7, Old English Grammar. 82 5. OLD ENGLISH PHONETICS 2. Old English consonants 2.0. The Old English consonant system consisted of some 14 consonant phonemes denoted by the letters p, b, m, f, t, d, n, s, r, 1, b(5),c, 3, h. The consonant system in Old English manifested the following peculiarities. 1. The relatively small number of consonant phonemes — only 14 phonemes. 2. The absence of affricates and fricative consonants which we now find in the language such as WL [d 3 ], [J]> [3] 3. Dependence of the quality of the phoneme upon its environment in the word. If the first two points require no particular explanation, the last point calls for a special comment. 2.1. Dependence of the quality of the consonant phoneme upon its environment in the word Among the 14 consonant phonemes that existed in Old English there were at least 5 that gave us positional variants which stand rather wide apart. 1 • The phonemes denoted by the letters f, J>, d or s are.voiced or voiceless depending upon their phonetic position. They are generally voiced in the so-called "intervocaj position" that is between vowels and voiceless otherwise. For example: hlaf[f] (bread) — hlaford[v] (lord, originally hlafweard — bread-keeper) 83 PART I. LECTURES 36s [s] — 35ses [z] (goose, Nom. Sing.) (Gen. Sing.) tod [9] • to6es [6] — (tooth, Nom. Sing.) (Gen. Sing.) 2. The phoneme denoted by the letter с also gave at least two 1 variants — palatal [k ] and velar [k]. In the majority of cases it was a velar consonant and palatal generally before the vowel i. Compare: Cild (child) , SCip (ship) 1 where с denotes the palatal consonant [k ] and such words as can (can), climban (to climb) when the letter с denotes the corresponding velar variant of the phoneme [k]. 3. Similar remarks can be made about the phoneme denoted by the letter 3: we have the voiced velar plosive variant [g] of it at the beginning of the word before back vowels or consonants or in the middle of the word after n: 3od (good), 3retan (to greet, to address), запзап (to go), the voiced velar fricative variant [y] in the middle of the word between back vowels: da3as (days), the voice palatal fricative variant [j] before and after front vowels: dae3 (day), зёаг (year). The system of consonant phonemes that we observe in Old English involves certain peculiarities that are typical of the majority of Germanic dialects which set them (those Germanic dialects and Old English among them) apart from the majority of the Indo-European 84 5. OLD ENGLISH PHONETICS languages. Those peculiarities were mainly accounted for by two linguists — Jacob Grimm and Karl Verner, hence they are generally referred to as "Grimm's law" (or the first Germanic consonant shift) 1 and "Verner's Jaw" . 2.2. Grimm's law & Verner's law Grimm's law explains the correspondence between certain groups of Germanic and non-Germanic consonants. Those correspondences involve three sets of Germanic consonants, consequently they generally speak of three stages of Grimm's law. But we shall speak here about only one stage which is the simplest to explain and the most consistent — the Germanic consonants [f], [8], [h] and the corresponding consonants [p], [t] [k] we find in similar phonetic environment. The essence of this stage of the first Germanic consonant shift is the following: The voiceless plosive consonants [p], [t], [k] of IndoEuropean languages other than Germanic shifted in Germanic languages into the voiceless fricative consonants [f], [9], [h]. It was a non-assimilative change which presumably affected Germanic languages at the beginning of the first millennium AD. Examples: Russian пена пять Три Ты кров, кровля Greek Old English fama (foam) fiv (five) 6rie (three) t>U (thou) hrof (roof) heorte (heart) eahta (eight) kardia octo ' p or more discussion of Grimm's law and Verner's law see Lecture 1. 85 PART 1. LECTURES It should be noted, however, that these correspondences are not absolutely clear in all the cases. Some more complicated phenomena were formulated in the so-called Venter's law. A careful analysis of Germanic words and the corresponding Indo-European words other than Germanic shows, however, that there are certain words or word-forms in Germanic languages where instead of the expected voiceless fricative consonants we find in Germanic languages voiced plosive consonants. These seeming "exceptions" to the rule are a result of the further development of the fricative consonants which appeared in Germanic languages after the first consonant shift. The essence of this change was explained by Karl Verner — hence its name: Verner's law. The Germanic voiceless fricative consonants [f], [0], [h] which appeared due to Grimm's law later became voiced if they were found after unstressed vowels. Compare: Latin pater Old English feeder (father) t>0 in accordance with Grimm's law, but as the stress in the word "fseder" in the prehistoric period was on the second syllable the voiceless fricative consonant [0] became voiced [5]; later the voiced fricative consonant [6] underwent "hardening" and became [d]. Consequently the whole process of the change may be presented in the following way: I.E. [t] > Com. Germ. [9] > Grimm's law [3] > [d] Verner'slaw hardening The change referred to as "Verner's law" also affected a fourth consonant — [s] in addition to the three consonants which appeared in the language under Grimm's law, i.e. [f], [0], [h]. The [s] was also voiced after unstressed vowels — [s] > fz], later the resulting 86 5. OLD ENGLISH PHONETICS consonant [z] became [r] — the change [z] > [r] is called rhotacism. Verner's law explains the appearance of "consonant gradation" in some strong verbs. For instance: I II cwe9an ceosan cwsed ceas III IV cwaedon cweden (say, Strong V) curon coren (choose, Strong II), etc. In Common Germanic the stress in the third and fourth verbforms originally fell on the second syllable, hence the consonant [9] and the consonant [s] which were originally in the forms cwsdon/cweden and curon/coren became voiced, i.e. *[9] > [6] and [s] > [z] — Vemer's law, later [5] > [d] — hardening and [z] > [r] — rhotacism1. Some more facts... Relative Chronology Temporal variation affects any language, giving rise to various highly distinctive processes and varieties. How, then, can one know when exactly the changes in the language, if any, took place? The time of the change, like that of many language phenomena, may be established with sufficient accuracy by relating it to other events, borrowings among them. It would be clear that foreign words entering the language while a certain phonetic change was in force would be affected in the same way as native words, and those borrowed after it was over would remain unchanged. Thus, palatal mutation is thought to have begun after the Anglo-Saxon invaders arrived in Britain, but before the Old English was first written down, because the words which emerged in Old English out of the Germanic spoken on the Rhotacism affected only North and West Germanic languages. It did not affect ast Germanic languages and the Gothic language among them. 87 PART 1. LECTURES Continent looked and, consequently, sounded very different from their later counterparts in the early days of German. Early Latin borrowings — those acquired in the pre-written period of the English language — are affected by palatal mutation: hat. molina > OE myln (mill), Lat. caseus > OE cyse (cheese), although no French word shows the change. This proves that at the time of the earliest contacts with French the process was no longer in force. A still more difficult task is to establish the chronology of the great consonant shift, described by Jakob Grimm and now bearing his name as the Grimm's law. At one time it was thought that the changes took place simultaneously in separate groups into the Indo-European family had split. But so great a change must have been resulted from a long and gradual process. The lower limit is set by the fact that the mutation did not affect Latin and Greek words borrowed through early contact with the Mediterranean nations, so that we may take the first century A.D. as the time by which the first consonant shift was fully accomplished. As to the upper limit — the beginning of the change — it is far more a matter of conjecture, although it had apparently not begun when certain words were borrowed from the Finns. Thus we may say that the first consonant change was at its height in the centuries immediately preceding the Christian era. It.will be seen further that the situation with phonetic changes in later periods is considerably simpler, for there exists written evidence to support the educated guesswork based on logic and comparative reconstruction. After O.F. Emerson LECTURE 6. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Т Щ NOMINAL SYSTEM Norntan uniform Anglo-Saxon uniform Source: The New Universal Library, 1969 List of principal questions: 1. General survey of the nominal system 2. The noun 2.1.Gender 2.2.Number 2.3.Case 2.4.Homonymity of forms in Old English and its influence on the further development of noun forms 3. The pronoun 3.1.Personal pronouns 3.2.Other pronouns 4. The adjective 4.1.Declension of adjectives 4.2.Degrees of comparison of adjectives 89 PART 1. LECTURES 0. Old English grammar 0. The Old English language was a synthetic language which means that all the principal grammatical notions were expressed by a change of the form of the word in the narrow meaning of the term. The grammatical means that the English language used were primarily a) suffixation, b) vowel gradation and c) use of suppletive forms. Old English was a highly inflected language. The abundance of inflections resulted from the fact that the paradigm of declension and the paradigm of conjugation were formed by many grammatical categories and there was more than one declension in the system of declension and more than one conjugation in the system of conjugation due to the splitting of the once uniform paradigm in accordance with the original structure of the word. 1. General survey of ihe nominal system 1.0. There were five declinable parts of speech in Old English1: the noun, the pronoun, the adjective, the numeral,'the participle. The nominal paradigm in Old English was characterised by the following grammatical categories (see Table 6.1). As we can see, the paradigms of different parts of speech had the same number of grammatical categories but these parts of speech were different in the number of categorial forms composing a given grammatical category. Hence the system of forms of each part of speech requires special consideration. Among the non-finite forms of the verb the infinitive was also declined. 90 6. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE NOMINAL SYSTEM Table 6-/.Grammatical categories of declinable parts of speech ^ \ ^ Categories Parts^\^^ of speech ^ ^ \ Gender Number Case Noun Pronoun Adjective + + + + + + + + + Numeral + + + 2. The noun 2.0. The Old English noun paradigm was composed by the following grammatical categories: gender, number, case. 2.1. Gender The category of gender was formed by the opposition of three gender-forms: masculine, feminine and neuter. All nouns, no matter whether they denoted living beings, inanimate things or abstract notions belonged to one of the three genders. The subdivision of Old English nouns in accordance with their grammatical gender is traditional, the correspondence between the meaning of the word and its grammatical gender bei ng hard to trace. Some nouns denoting animals were also treated.as neuter, s uch as cicen (chicken), hors (horse), etc. The grammatical gender did not always coincide with the natural gender of the person and sometimes even contradicted it (thus, for instance, the noun wifman (woman) was declined as Masculine). 91 PART I. LECTURES Compare stSn (stone, masculine), ban (bone, neuter), cwen (queen, feminine) which belong to different genders but have similar forms. More examples: Male beings faeder (father) sunu (son) cyning (king) Masculine Lifeless things hlaf (bread) Stan (stone) hrof (roof) Feminine Female beings Lifeless things modor (mother) tunge (tongue) dohter (daughter) meolc (milk) CWen (queen) 3OS (goose) Living beings cicen (chicken) hors (horse) madden (maiden) Abstract notions Stenc (stench) faer (fear) nama (name) dom (doom) Abstract notions trywdu (truth) huntin3 (hunting) lufu (love) Neuter Lifeless things ёазе (eye) scip (ship) Abstract notions mod (mood) riht (right) 2.2. Number The grammatical category of number was formed by the opposition of two categorial forms: the singular and the plural. Nominative Singular Nominative Plural fiscas ёазап te6 scipu use (fish) ёазе (eye) t55 (tooth) scip (ship) 92 6. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE NOMINAL SYSTEM 2.3. Case The Old English noun formed its paradigm by the opposition of three genders, two numbers and four cases. Thus, presumably, the noun had twenty-four word-forms. On the whole the same could be observed in Common Germanic. In the course of the development of Old English, however, the original paradigm had undergone great changes due to the fusion of the original stem suffix and the original grammatical ending into one element which from the point of view of Old English is to be regarded as a grammatical ending. As a result of that fusion nouns that are known to have had different stem-suffixes originally in Old English acquired materially different endings in the same case, for example: a-stem Nominative plural б-stem n-stem stan-as (stones) car-a (cares) nam-an (names), etc. The original stem suffixes were formed both by vowels and by consonants. Thus there were two respective principal groups of declensions in Old English: the vowel declension ("strong" declension) and the consonant declension ("weak" declension). The vowel (strong) declension comprises four principal Paradigms: the a-stem, the o-stem, the u-stem and the i-stem paradigm. The consonant declension comprises nouns with, the stem originally ending in -n, -r, -s and some other consonants. In rare cases, however, the new form is constructed by adding the ending directly to the root. It is these words that formed the so-called root-stem declension. 93 PART 1. LECTURES Table 6-2. Declensions in Old English ^Declension Vowel (strong) stems Consonant (weak) stem Root Case \ . n о u i and number\ а Nom. Sing. stan cam sunu wine nama (stone) (care) (son) (wine) (name) Nom. Plur. stanas cara suna wine stems r faeder (father) naman fsederos Vowel-Stems. Declension ofa-stem s lamb fot (lamb) (foot) lamb fet nouns This type of declension consists of the masculine and the neuter genders of Old English nouns. As a rule those are common everyday words that formed the very core of the word-stock, such as: ЪШ (bread), hwffirte (wheat), hors (horse), fisc (fish), SCip (ship) etc. As is seen from Table 6-3 below, the paradigm of the a-stem nouns is characterised by the homonymity of the Nominative and Accusative case-forms. The rest of the forms retain their endings. The difference between the genders of the nouns is clearly seen from the different endings in the Nominative and the Accusative plural, i.e. -as for the masculine and -u for the neuter.1 Consonant stems. Declension ofn-stem nouns The consonant declensions consisted of nouns with the stern originally ending in -n, -r, -s and other consonants.2 1 Nouns which had a long stem syllable had the zero ending in the Nominative and the Accusative Plural (such as sceap (sheep), land (land), etc.) 2 Declensions of stems other than -n are not analysed here as nouns belonging to them are few and show a tendency to fall under other declensions. 94 6. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE NOMINAL SYSTEM Masculine Neuter Singular Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative fisc (fish) fisces fisce fisc scip (ship) scipes scipe scip Plural Table 6-3. Declension of a-stem nouns Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative fiscas fisca fiscum fiscas scipu scipa scipum scipu Case ^^~^-^^^ The n-stem class was formed by nouns of all the three genders, such as nama (name.) — masculine, tunge (tongue) — feminine, еазе (eye) — neuter. table 6-4. Declension of n-stem nouns Feminine Neuter Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative nama (name) naman naman naman tunge (tongue) tungan tungan tungan еазе (eye) еазап еазап еазе Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative naman namena namum naman tungan tungena tungum tungan еазап еазепа еазшп еазап / Plural f Singular ^*~\Gender Masculine Case^\^ .95 PART 1. LECTURES The n-stem was the most important among all the consonant stem declensions. This class of nouns was composed of common words. The group was very extensive in Old English and like the a-stem declension it exhibited a tendency to spread its forms over other declensions. The original stem-suffix -n may be observed in the majority of case forms, but very often the grammatical ending had been dropped in the pre-written period; this phenomenon gave rise to a well-marked homonymity of the noun forms of the declension. Five case forms of the masculine and the feminine genders all the Singular with the exception of the Nominative and the Nominative and the Accusative plural are homonymous, in case of neuter nouns only four forms are homonymous, as the Accusative case of neuter nouns is homonymous to the Nominative. Gender oppositions in this declension are also not distinct, the masculine nouns being different from the feminine only in the Nominative Singular and from the neuter — in the Nominative and the Accusative Singular. Declension of root-stem nouns Root-stems require special consideration. This class was not extensive and stood apart among other Old English nouns due to peculiarities of form-building which was partly retained in Modern English. Unlike other classes the root-stem nouns such as man (man, masculine), mfls (mouse, feminine) originally had no stem-suffix the grammatical ending was added directly to the root. As a result of that in the Dative Singular and the Nominative and the Accusative Plural the root-vowel had undergone palatal mutation due to the [i]-sound in the grammatical ending of these forms. Later the ending was dropped and vowel interchange remained the only means of differentiating the 96 6. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE NOMINAL SYSTEM 1 given forms in the paradigm. The endings of the rest of the forms are built up on analogy with those of the a-stems, hence the difference between genders can- be observed only in the Genitive Singular es for the masculine, -e for the feminine. Table 6-5. Declension of root-stem nouns Masculine Feminine Singular Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative man (man) mus (mouse) mannes man man muse mys mus Plural ^^^--^^ Gender Case ^~""~"-~^^^ Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative men manna mannum men mys musa musum mys 2.4. Homonymity offorms in Old English and its influence on the further development of noun forms In. the prehistoric period of the development of the English language each case had an ending typical of its uninflected form. In the course of the development of the English language, however, due to various semantic and phonetic changes different cases began to develop similar endings within one and the same paradigm; this phenomenon gave rise to the well-marked 1 The feminine nouns with the short root had the ending -u in the Nominative and the Accusative Singular, and -e in the Nominative and the Accusative Plural. 4 История английского языка 97 PART 1. LECTURES homonymity of case-forms in English. The reference table given below show the principal noun suffixes in Old English. The table serves to prove that the twenty-four word-forms which built up the noun paradigm had but nine materially different endings. The most distinct among them are: -es — genitive singular, masculine and neuter -a/ena — genitive plural, all genders -um — dative plural, all genders -as — nominative and accusative plural, masculine. As for the rest of the forms their mutual homonymity is considerable. For example, nouns with the stem originally ending in -a show gender differences only in the plural, all the forms in the singular but the nominative being homonymous, irrespective of gender and case differences. The existence of different endings of nouns grammatically alike and homonymous endings of nouns grammatically different testifies to a certain inadequacy of the morphological devices or the Old English noun to show the relation of the noun to other words in the sentence and a need for the development of new means to denote the grammatical meanings formerly denoted morphologically. Table 6-6. Reference table of the principal grammatical noun suffixes in Old English - Gender Masculine l Case ^ ^ - ^ a — e Nominative Genitive es es Dative e e Accusative — e 1 D-i Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative as a um as u u/o a' a a Neuter Feminine n a an an an e/es a 0 u e e e i u u/o e a e a -/e a ana e a a a ena a a um um um um um e/as a an a e 98 a a um a i -/e es e e n e an an e n e an an an a n enr um an u/o u an a a ena um um um u/o/- u an es e — 6. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE NOMINAL SYSTEM 3. The pronoun 0. The following classes of pronouns were to be observed in Old English: personal, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, relative and indefinite pronouns. The system of declension of the pronoun was not the same for all the classes. It has at least two subsystems that should be singled out: the declension of personal pronouns on the one hand and the declension of other pronouns. Although the grammatical categories of each subsystem were the same, i. e. gender, number, case, the number of the categorial forms composing those categories was different. 3.1. The personal pronoun The Old English personal pronoun similar to the Old English noun had the grammatical categories of gender, number and case. Gender Three genders could be distinguished in the pronominal paradigm: masculine, feminine and neuter, but different forms for different genders were found only in the third person singular, the rest of the forms being indifferent to gender. The category of number differs from that of the noun as in the first and second person we find three categorial forms: singular, dual and plural, for instance: PART 1. LECTURES Singular Icf/j Plural Dual wit (two of us) we (we) Case The category of case is built up by the opposition of four categorial forms, similar to those of the noun: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative. The table below may serve as an example of the declension of personal pronouns. Unlike the Old English noun, the paradigm of which was composed of forms that mainly differed in the ending, the paradigm of the Old English personal pronouns is built up by suppletive forms and the homonymity of pronominal forms is not great. We find it only in the Dative and the Accusative cases. Table 6-7. Declension of the personal pronoun Ic Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative . Singular Dual Plural ic mm me mec, me wit uncer unc unc we user, Ore us usic, us .. 3.2. Other pronouns All Old English pronouns with the exception of personal pronouns were declined almost alike. They expressed the grammatical categories of gender (three forms: masculine, feminine and neuter), number (two forms: singular and plural) and case, which was built up by five categorial forms: the Nominative, the Accusative, the Dative, the Genitive and the 100 6. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE NOMINAL SYSTEM Instrumental, different from the Dative only in the Singular. See, for example, the declension of the demonstrative pronoun se in Table 6-8 below. If we compare the paradigms of these pronouns with those of the noun and the personal pronoun we cannot but take notice that they differed in the number of the categorial forms composing the categories of case and number. The personal pronoun unlike the rest of the pronouns and the noun possessed three categorial forms composing the category of number. All the other pronouns unlike the personal pronoun and the noun had five cases. Table 6-8. Declension of the demonstrative pronoun se 4. The adjective 4.1. Declension of adjectives The paradigm of the adjective is similar to that of the noun and the pronoun, i.e. it comprises Gender, Number, Case. The grammatical category of case was built up by five forms: the Nominative, the Accusative, the Dative, the Genitive and the Instrumental. 101 PART 1. LECTURES There were two ways of declining Adjectives — the Definite and the Indefinite declension. The adjective followed the Definite declension mainly if the noun if modified had another attribute — a demonstrative pronoun, and they were declined as Indefinite otherwise. The grammatical suffixes — forms of cases mainly coincided with those of nouns with the stem originally ending in a vowel or -n, yet in some cases we find pronominal suffixes. For example, in the Genitive Plural, in the Dative singular, etc. Table 6-9. Declension of adjectives 4.2. Degrees of comparison The Adjective in Old English changed its forms not only to show the relation of the given adjective to other words in the sentence which was expressed by the gender, number and case of the adjective, but also to show the degree of the quality denoted by the adjective, i.e., the forms of the adjective in Old English could express degrees of comparison. 102 6. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE NOMINAL SYSTEM The degrees of comparison were expressed, the same as all other grammatical notions, synthetically, namely: a) by means of suffixation: heard — heardra -— heardost (hard) b) by means of vowel gradation plus suffixation: eald — ieldra — ieldest (old) c) by means of suppletive forms 3od — bettra — betst (good), the first means being unquestionably the most common. Both suffixation and the use of suppletive forms in the formation of the degrees of comparison are original means that can be traced back to Common Germanic. But the use of vowel interchange is a feature which is typical of the English language only and was acquired by the language in the prehistoric period of its development. The origin of vowel gradation in the forms eald — ieldra — ieldest is a result of the process of palatal mutation which the root-vowel ea underwent under the influence of the original stem-forming suffix -i, i.e. Positive Comparative Superlative degree degree degree eald ieldra ieldest *ealdira *ealdist ealdira > ieldra ealdist > ieldest A similar case is observed with strong (strong), long (long), etc. *** Summary A careful study of the systems of declensions of nouns, pronouns and adjectives shows that the pronominal and adjectival 103 PART I. LECTURES paradigms are more developed, they are richer in the number 01 word-forms. The homonymity of forms although existing (especially in the declension of the definite adjective) is not so pronounced and the oppositions between word-forms are more evident. There were three kinds of declensions — noun, pronoun (with two subdivisions) and adjective. They had the same grammatical categories, the main difference being in the quantity of the categorial forms of number (three number-forms m persona] pronouns) and case (four case-forms — nouns, five case-forms — personal pronouns and adjectives). The subdivision within the system of each part of speech was based on the difference in the material forms (the noun — based on the original stem-suffix, the pronoun — the number of categorial forms, the adjective — strong and weak declensions with the functional difference. Some more facts... Irregular Comparisons Irregularity may be encountered not only in nouns and verbs, but also in adjectives. Some forms of the degrees of comparison may be called irregular, for they do not follow the predominant pattern. The Positives marked below with an asterisk have borrowed their comparatives and superlatives from other roots. Such Positives are therefore irregular, because they have no Comparative or Superlative of their own. The Comparative and Superlative are also defective, because they have no Positive of their own. In all the other examples the Comparative and Superlative are irregular, but formed from the same root as the Positive. Bad, ill, evil* worse* worst* Fore Good* former better* foremost, first best* 104 6. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE NOMINAL SYSTEM Hind Late hinder later, latter hindmost Little* less* least* Much (quantity)* more* most* Many (number)* more* most* Nigh nigher Highest, next Old older, elder oldest, eldest latest, last • Many of the present-day irregular comparatives are interesting from a historical point of view. Late has later— latest, beside the older latter—last, both of which have lost something of their comparative force. Nearer—nearest are examples of new forms based upon an older comparative near, the older comparison being nigh—near—next. In a similar way worser and lesser are based on true comparatives worse, less. Far has two sets of words used somewhat indiscriminately as comparative and superlative. These are farther—farthest, further—furthest, only one of which is original, the comparative further. The superlative of further was fyrst, our first, which has become entirely separated from the series. Later the superlative furthest was formed, and by analogy the remaining forms with the vowel offar. More—most are from an original adverb ma, which became an adjective in Middle English and remained in early Modern English as moe. It may be mentioned also thai evil was in Old English use the positive to worse— worst, but in Middle English both a new adjective badde and ill from the Norse replaced evil in this use. Another instance of irregularity in the degrees of comparison is represented by the following five words which are adverbs in the Positive degree, but adjectives in the Comparative and Superlative: far farther farthest in inner innermost, inmost out outer, utter uttermost, utmost beneath nether nethermost up upper uppermost 105 PART 1. LECTURES Thus instances of irregularity may be found in all the principal grammatical classes of English words. after O.F. Emerson and J.C. Nesfield LECTURE 7. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE VERBAL SYSTEM King Edward the Confessor (10421066) with his servant, fragment of a contemporary embroidery ("Bayeux tapestry", or "Queen Mathilde's tapestry", Musee de Bayeux). List ofprincipal questions: 1. General survey of finite and non-finite forms of the verb 2. Grammatical categories of the finite forms of the verb 2.1. Person 2.2. Number 2.3. Tense 2.4. Mood 3. Morphological classification of verbs 3.1. Strong verbs 3.2. Weak verbs 3.3. Irregular verbs 107 PART 1. LECTURES 1. General survey of finite and non-finite forms of the verb The verb-system in Old English was represented by two sets of forms: the finite forms of the verb and the non-finite forms of the verb, or verbals (Infinitive, Participle). Those two types of forms — the finite and the non-finite — differed more than they do today from the point of view of their respective grammatical categories, as the verbals at that historical period were not conjugated like the verb proper, but were declined like nouns or adjectives. Thus the infinitive could have two case-forms which may conventionally be called the "Common" case and the "Dative" case. Common case Dative case Writan (to write) to writenne (so that I shall write) cepan (to keep) to cepenne (so that I shall keep) drincan (to drink) to drincenne (so that 1 shall drink) The so-called Common case form of the Infinitive was widely used in different syntactical functions, the Dative case was used on a limited scale and mainly when the Infinitive functioned as an adverbial modifier of purpose, i.e. Ic 3a to drincenne (/ go to drink) The participle had a well-developed system of forms, the declension of the Participle resembling greatly the declension of adjectives. The one typically "verbal" grammatical category of the participle was the category of tense, for example: Present tense writende cepende drincende Past tense writen cept druncen 108 7. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE VERBAL SYSTEM 2. Grammatical categories of the finite forms of the verb As we have already said the system of conjugation mainly embraced the finite forms of the verb as the non-finite forms were not conjugated but declined. The system of conjugation of the Old English verb was built up by four grammatical categories, those of person, number, tense and mood. 2.1. Person There were three person forms in Old English: first, second and third. For example: First person — Ic write Second person — pu writes Third person — he wrlte5 But we have distinct person forms only in the Indicative mood, the Imperative and the Oblique mood forms reflecting no person differences and even the Indicative mood forms changing for person only in the Singular, the plural forms being the same irrespective of person, for example: 2.2. Number The grammatical category of number was built up by the opposition of two number forms — Singular and Plural Ic write (singular) we wnta6 (plural) 109 PART I. LECTURES 2.3. Tense The grammatical category of tense was represented by two forms: Present tense and Past terise, for example: Present Past Indicative Ic write Ic wrat Oblique Ic write Ic write There was no Future tense in Old English, future events were expressed with the help of a present tense verb + an adver denoting futurity or by a combination of a modal verb (generally sculan (shall) or willan (will) + an Infinitive, for example: Wille ic asec3an mserum peodne min aerende (7 want to tell the glorious prince my mission) 2.4. Mood There were three mood forms in Old English: Indicative, Imperative and Oblique, for example: Indicative Imperative Oblique pu cepst сер сере The Indicative Mood and the Imperative Mood were used Ш cases similar to those in which they are used now But the Oblique mood in Old English differed greatly from the corresponding mood in New English. There was only one mood form in Old English that was used both to express events that are thought of as unreal or as problematic — today there are two mood forms to denote those two different kinds of events, conventionally called the Subjunctive and the Conjunctive! The forms of the Oblique Mood were also sometimes used in contexts for which now the Indicative mood would be more suitable — to present events in the so-called "Indirect speech": He ssede past pset land sie swipe 1апз. (He said that that land is very long/large). 110 7, OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR, THE VERBAL SYSTEM 3. Morphological classification of verbs All Old English verbs may be subdivided into a number of groups in accordance with the grammatical means with the help of which they built their principal stems. There were two principal means for forming verb-stems in Old English: (1) by means of vowel interchange of the root vowel and (2) by means of suffixation. In accordance with these two methods of the formation of the verb-stems all the verbs in Old English formed two main groups — the strong verbs and the weak verbs. There were other means of the formation of verb-stems in Old English as well, but the number of verbs belonging to those groups was not large. A.I. Smirnitsky suggested the following morphological classification of verbs in Old English. Table 7-1. Morphological classification of Old English verbs Strong verbs I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII classes Other verbs Weak verbs I, II, III classes suppletive irregular (anomalous) preterite-present verbs 3.1. Strong verbs The strong verbs are verbs which use vowel-interchange as the principal means of expressing different grammatical categories. They differ from weak'ones not only in the manner of the building of their forms but also in the number of these principal forms. The strong verbs have four principal forms, the weak ones — three principal forms. in PART 1. LECTURES These terms "strong" and "weak" were introduced into the science of philology by the famous German linguist Jacob Grimm who considered strong verbs to be of "a more noble nature" as compared with weak verbs, because strong verbs conjugated by means of vowel interchange better reflected the prehistoric "golden age" of the language. This vowel interchange, or "ablaut", which was the principal grammatical means in the conjugation of the Old English strong verbs was of two kinds: qualitative and quantitative. The first five classes are mainly based on the qualitative ablaut; the sixth class — on the quantitative ablaut; verbs of the seventh class originally formed their principal forms by means ot the so-called reduplication of the root syllable, but in the course of the development of the language that means was obliterated. The Old English qualitative ablaut is akin to the Common Germanic ablaut and even Indo-European ablaut — its essence, as we remember, is the use of the gradation series consisting of a front vowel, back vowel and zero, e — o— 0 i — a —0 In Russian, for instance, they use two grades of the series, e/zero to form the category of tense: Present tense Past tense e — беру 0 — брал Classes of the strong verbs There were seven principal gradation series in Old English and there were seven classes of the strong verbs — from I to VII. As we have already said, the seventh class of the strong verbs stands apart from the rest of the classes, because it was the only class formed by verbs which originally used reduplication of the root-vowel as their principal grammatical means; the sixth class 7. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE VERBAL SYSTEM of the strong verbs shows a peculiarity that is also typical only of one class within the system of the strong verbs — original quantitative gradation; the rest-of the classes — from I to VII — are characterised by a certain similarity in their original grammatical means as all of them originally used the same type of qualitative ablaut, i.e. the interchange of a front vowel — back vowel — zero in the form of i —a-~0. The difference in the gradation series of each of the classes within the first five was mainly due to the splitting of that one gradation into variants under the influence of the vowel or the consonant of the stem that followed the vowel of gradation. Thus in the first class of the strong verbs the vowel of gradation was followed by the vowel -i, in the second — by the vowel -u, in the third, fourth and fifth — by a sonorous consonant + another consonant, by one sonorous consonant or by a noise consonant, respectively. The root of the verbs of the sixth class consisted only of consonants, and the purely quantitative vowel interchange of prehistoric times developed into a quantitative and qualitative °ne. The verbs of the seventh class show traces of the original reduplication (addition of an extra syllable including the initial consonant of the infinitive and having the vowels -e- or -eo- in the past singular and plural)1. The original structure of the verb is still quite clear in the Gothic language. In table 7-3 below the bold type vowel in the Gothic verb is the vowel of gradation. As is seen from the examples, in the third and second forms of the verb there was no vowel of gradation — the zero grade of gradation. Рог more details on Class VII see also p. 124-125 113 PART 1. LECTURES Table 7-2. Classes of the strong verbs ^XStems N. N. Class \ I II Ш IV V VI VII I stem Infinitive, Present tense. Imperative Elstem Past tense singular III stem Past tense plural nsan (rise) ceosan (choose) bindan (bind) teran (tear) etan (eat) scacan (shake) hatan (-call) ras rison curon bundon ceas band tser set scoc het tseron seton scocon heton IV stem Past Participle JParUJl__ risen coren bunden toren eten scacen haten Table 7-3. Old English and Gothic strong verbs In the following table there is given the paradigm of some types of strong verbs. 114 7. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE VERBAL SYSTEM Table 7-4. Conjugation of Old English strong verbs PART 1. LECTURES 3.2. Weak verbs The Old English weak verbs are relatively younger than the strong verbs. They reflect a later stage in the development of Germanic languages. They were an open class in Old English, as new verbs that entered the language generally formed their forms on analogy with the weak verbs. Whereas the strong verbs used vowel-interchange as a means of differentiation among principal verb stems, the weak verbs used for that purpose suffixation, namely, suffixes -t or -d. For example: cepan — cepte — cept (keep) The strong verbs, as we remember, were "root-stem" verbs, i.e. they did not have any stem-forming suffix following the root, but they added their grammatical endings to the root directly. The weak verbs, however, had a stem-forming suffix that followed the root and preceded the grammatical ending. By way of an example we may use a Gothic verb where that original stem-forming suffix is better preserved than in English. Infinitive Past tense Past Participle Singular I class haus-j-an (hear) haus-i-d-a haus-i-ps Classes of the weak verbs In accordance with the character of the stem-suffix the weak verbs are subdivided into three classes. If the English strong verbs had four principal forms, the English weak verbs had three principal forms. We may draw the following table of the English weak verbs. 116 7. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE VERBAL SYSTEM Table 7-5. Classes of the weak verbs Classes Stem suffix I i oi 1 П Past tense Singular Past Participle deman (deem) fyllan (fill) demde fyllde denied fylled lufian (love) locian (look) lufode lufod locode locod Infinitive Class I - the stem-suffix -i The class includes many verbs formed from other nouns, adjectives or verbs. All of them have a front root vowel — the result of the palatal mutation due to the -i- element of the stemsuffix. e.g. deman fyllan <- dom <r- ful In the course of time this palatal stem-suffix was as a rule lost. It was preserved only in some participles in the form of -e(after sonorous consonants): deman — demde — demed. Class II - the stem-suffix -oi The o-element of the suffix is preserved in the past tense and in the Past Participle. If the first class of the weak verbs reflected the palatal mutation of the root-vowel due to the i-element of the stemsuffix, the root vowel of the weak verbs belonging to the second class remained unchanged (because of the preceding 6). luf-oian —> lufeian -» lufean —> lufian The following table shows the paradigm of weak verbs. ' Of the third class there remained in Old English only three verbs — habban (haw), libban (live), sec3an (see). 117 PART I. LECTURES Table 7-6. Conjugation of Old English weak verbs 7. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE VERBAL SYSTEM 3.3. Irregular verbs Regularity means conformity with some unique principle or pattern. It does not require any exact material marker. That is why it is said that most verbs in Old English were regular I in theor conjugation they followed one of the patterns typical of this or that class of strong or weak verbs. However, there were also a few irregular verbs, conjugated in some specific way. Irregular weak verbs The majority of the weak verbs belonging to the 1st and 2nd classes were regular. The weak verbs of the 3 rd class are considered to be irregular, because the class consists of only three verbs, following their own individual patterns of form-building. However, among the Is1 class there were also some irregular verbs. This irregularity was inherent, but it was manifested in pre-historic times and in Old English differently. Here we may speak of such verbs as tellan — talde — tald (to tell) sellan — salde — said (to sell) The sign of irregularity of the weak verbs in Old English was vowel interchange, a feature not typical of this group of verbs. The cause of it was the original absence of the sterrwforming suffix -i- in Past Singular and Past Participle: * talian — talde — tald Under the influence of -i- only the form of the infinitive could change during the process of palatal mutation: * talian > tellan; the other two remaining unchanged, and as a result the verb acquired vowel interchange. 119 PART 1. LECTURES Irregular strong verbs There was a group of strong verbs which in the pre-wntten period lost some of their forms and'preserved the others, ontis changing their lexical and grammatical meaning. F historically past changed so as to become present in meaning. These verbs are called preterite-present, for in the written peno they build their present tense forms from the original past (preterite) ones. The new past tense forms of these verbs in 0 English are built with the help of dental suffixation, like weak verbs. The majority of preterite-present verbs are defective ver s — they do not have all the forms of regular verbs, which los their connection with the other forms and were dropped. The group of Old English preterite-present verbs includes, among others, the following: infinitive Present Singular азап cunnan sculan тазап 4 cann sceal тэез mot Present Plural азоп .cunnon sculon тазоп moton Past Singular ahte cu5e scolde meahte moste Ратсц азеп cunnen — — The Old English forms of preterite-present verbs correspond to the following pre-written forms of the verb: Pre-written Infinitive Written Infinitive Л Past Singular Past Plural Present Singular Present Plural If Participle u Past Singular Participle II Preterite-present verbs were further to develop in a number of different ways. 120 7. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE VERBAL SYSTEM The verb a^an later developed into several words: — the infinitive азап as a result of phonetic changes gave the New English verb owe with the past tense/participle II form owed built according to the pattern of weak verbs; — the past participle азеп gave the New English adjective own from which there was later formed the regular verb own — owned ~ owned; — the past tense singular ante developed into the modern modal verb ought. The verb cunnan lost its infinitive. The form can began to be used for the present, the past tense form acquired the dental suffix -d, in Middle English began to be spelled with -ou- instead °f -u-, and later acquired the letter -I- on analogy with such verbs as should and would. The verb т а з а п also lost its infinitive and participle I, using the form of таез for its present, and the former meahte gave us the present-day might. The verb mot has preserved but one form — must — which goes back to its past tense form moste and is understood as a present tense form — it is an example of a second change of its meaning, when the new past form came to be understood as the present tense one. The verb sculan, similar to other verbs of this group, lost its infinitive, using the form sceal for the present, and the former sceolde was to develop into should, both verbs nowadays being used as modal or auxiliary. Suppletive verbs Supplition, as we know, is one of the oldest means of formbuilding. All Indo-European languages, and English among them, have suppletive verbs — those building different forms from different roots. Each of them is a class in itself. Among such verbs we may mention the following: 121 PART 1. LECTURES beon —wesan (be) 3§n — eode (go) don — dyde (do) The first verb of each of the pairs above is the root for the Present tense forms, the second — for the past. wa A similar phenomenon is observed in German: sein — ich bin, Russian: быть — есть, иду — шел, Latin: sum -* fui, French: aller —je vais —j'irai. In fact, the forms of the verb cortresponding to the present-day be are derived from three different roots: wes~, es- and be- (for a complete paradigm of the verbs Ьёоп/wesan and jan/eode see table 7-7 on the next page)*** Summary If we compare the system of conjugation with that of the system of declension we shall observe a number of instances oi basic difference between them. — The principal grammatical means used in the paradigm of declension was suffixation, in the paradigm of conjugation —' vowel gradation. — With reference to the structure of the noun we generally speak .of three elements of word-structure: root + stem-suffix + grammatical ending. In the verb we very often have only two elements — the root and the grammatical ending. — The system of declension manifested a tendency to simplification from the point of view of the number of. declensions and the number of grammatical categories, the system of conjugation preserved its principal groups and classes of verbs and also retained and developed its original grammatical categories. 122 7. OLD ENGUSH GRAMMAR. THE VERBAL SYSTEM Table 7-7. Conjugation of beon/wesan and зап/eode Infinitive wesan/beon Present hid. Sing. 1 2 3 Plur. eom eart is sint, sindon Present Subj. Sing. sy, si Plur. syn, sin Imperative Sing. Plur. 3an/eode beo bist bif> beob 3a зФ beo beon За За Wfes beo waesaf) beof) wesende beonde 3§n Participle I Past /nd. Sing. 1 WJBl'On code eodest code eodon waere wSren eode eoden 2 waes wsere 3 W£BS Plur. Past Subj. Sing. Plur. 3ande, 3an3ende Participle II a*» 123 PART 1. LECTURES Some more facts... Reduplication The seventh class of Old English strong verbs is formed by the so-called reduplicating verbs, which, as the name implies, used repetition of their elements as a means of'form-building, although due to later contracting we see but traces of it in u English. These verbs are put in a class by themselves because Щ their unusual pattern of preterits and are significant as fanning a connecting link between the Teutonic1 and other IndoEuropean languages, such as Greek and Latin, which also № reduplication — one of the oldest word- and form-building means of any language, encountered even now in some cieo languages, for example: now-now (immediately), fast-fast (very fast) - in South African English. Reduplication was perfectly preserved only in Gothic, the oldest representative of Teutonic, where past tense was formed by repeating the root syllable, for example: haitan (to call) —- haihait tekan (to touch) — taitok. In Anglo-Saxon examples of reduplication are far less distinctly preserved, some of the most evident of them being: hatan (to call) — heht (Gothic 'haihait'), which shows reduplication by the repetition of'h'; rcedan (to advise)— reord (Gothic 'rairoth'), which shows reduplication by the repetition of Y; lacan (to skip) — leolc (Gothic 'lailaik'), which shows reduplication by the repetition of T. More commonly the repeated consonant diphthong is substituted for the root vowel, as in: Teutonic = Germanic 124 is lost, and ci 7. OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. THE VERBAL SYSTEM Gothic Old English faifall feoll (fell) haihald heold (held) Reduplicating verbs differed in one other respect from the remaining strong verbs, since their four principal steins had but two different vowels, one for the present and participle and another —for the preterite singular and plural. However, due to later changes most of them have lost the pattern, preserving the vowel interchange to become 'irregular', such as beat, blow, fall, grow, hold, know, let, throw, or started to use dental suffixes for their past and participle, losing the vowel difference completely and thus becoming 'regular': blend, claw, dread, fold, glow, leap, row, salt, swoop, wheeze, wield. The only certain example of the pattern remaining in Modern English is hight (to call), which in Old English was heht, the past tense ofhatan and in Gothic — haihait, as shown above. after O.F. Emerson and J.C. Nesjicld LECTURE 8. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE ENGLISH AND NEW ENGLISH William the Conqueror listening to his messenger, fragment of a contemporary embroidery ("Bayeux tapestry", or "Queen Mathilde's tapestry", Musee de Bayeux). List of principal questions: 1. Changes in the phonetic system in Middle English 1.1. Vowels in the unstressed position 1.2. Vowels under stress 1.2.1. Qualitative changes 1.2.2. Quantitative changes 1.3. Consonants 2. Changes in the phonetic system in New English 2.1. Vowels in the unstressed position 2.2. Vowels under stress 2.2.1. Qualitative changes 2.2.2. Quantitative changes 2.3. Consonants 3. Changes in alphabet and spelling in Middle and New English 126 8. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH 1. Changes in the phonetic system in Middle English 1.1. Vowels in the unstressed position All vowels in the unstressed position underwent a qualitative change and became the vowel of the type of [э] or [e] unstressed. This phonetic change had a far-reaching effect upon the system of the grammatical endings of the English words which now due to the process of reduction became homonymous. For example: —forms of strong verbs Old English writan — wrat — writon — writen with the suffixes -an, -on, -en different only in the vowel component became homonymous in Middle English: writen — wrpt — writen — writen —forms of nouns Old English Nominative Plural a-stem Genitive Singular Middle English for both the forms is or Old English Dative Singular Genitive Plural Middle English form in both cases is 1.2. Vowels under fiscas fisces fisces; fisce fisca fisce. stress 1.2.1. Qualitative changes — Changes of monophthongs Three long monophthongs underwent changes in Middle English: 127 PART 1. LECTURES Table 8-1. Long Monophthongs ^-\Periods Middle English Old English a>9 y>I (New English) stan bat st9n bot stone slaepan slfpen sleep fyr fir fire boat the rest of the monophthongs presenting their original quality, o» example: 6 [5] Old English tep top ut п1 tTma Middle English teeth (though the spelM tooth devices may be out different) time Out of the seven principal Old English short monophthongsa, e, o, i, u, ге, у — two changed their quality in Middle English, thus [ae] became [a] and [y] became [i], the rest of the monophthongs remaining unchanged, for example: Old English paet wses fyrst but: Middle English that was first tell an hors singan putan tellen hors sin gen putten 128 . S. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH — Changes of diphthongs All Old English diphthongs were contracted (became monophthongs) at the end of the Old English period. Table 8-2. Diphthongs "\Periods Sounds^\^ ёо>ё ёа>| eo>e ea>a Old English Middle English deep bread seven aid deop bread seofon eald But instead of the former diphthongs that had undergone contraction at the end of the Old English period there appeared in tyTiddle English new diphthongs. The new diphthongs sprang into being due to the vocalization of the consonant [j] after the front vowels [e] or [ae] or due to the vocalization of the consonant [y] or the semi-vowel [w] after the back vowels [o] and [a]. For instance: Old English da?3 we3 gr§3 ёгазап аз an Ьоза > da3 > we3 > gre3 > drawen > 8 wen > bowe Middle English > dai > wei > grei > drauen > ouen > boue (New English) day way grey draw own bow Thus in Middle English there appeared four new diphthongs: [ai], [ei], [au], [ou]. 129 PARTI. LECTURES 1.2.2. Quantitative changes Besides qualitative changes .mentioned above vowels under stress underwent certain changes in quantity. — Lengthening of vowels The first lengthening of vowels took place as early as late Old English (IX century). All vowels which occurred before the combinations of consonants such as mb, nd, Id became long. Old English [i] > [i:] [u] > [u:] climban findan cild hund Middle English climben finden cild hound (New English) climb find child hound The second lengthening of vowels took place in Middle English (XII—XIII century). The vowels [a], [o] and [e] were affected by the process. This change can be observed when the given vowels are found in an open syllable. Old English Middle English (New English) a>a talu tale tale e>e sprecan speken speak 09 hopian hopen hope — Shortening of vowels All long vowels were shortened in Middle English if they are found before two consonants (XI century). Old English Middle English (New English) cepte cepte keep wisdom wisdom wisdom Through phonetic processes the lengthening and the shortening of vowels mentioned above left traces in grammar and wordstock. 130 8. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH Due to it vowel interchange developed in many cases between: — different forms of the same word; — different words formed from the same root. For instance: Middle English [i:] — [i] [e:] — [e] [k] — [i] child kepen wis but children kept wisdom 1.3. Consonants The most important change in the consonant system that can be observed if we compare the Old English and the Middle English consonant system will be the development of the fricative consonant [J] and the affricates ftp and [d3] from Old English palatal consonants or consonant combinations. Thus: Old English Middle English И > [tj] cild benc cin cicen child bench chin chicken [sk1] > [J] scip sceal ship shall [g'l > [d 3 ] brycx bridge Thus we can notice that variants of some Old English consonant phonemes developed differenly. For example: The phoneme denoted in Old English by the letter с had two 1 variants: [k] — hard and [k ] — palatal, the former remaining unchanged, the latter giving us a new phoneme, the phoneme [tj]. 131 PART 1. LECTURES The phoneme denoted by the letters "g" or "сз" and which 1 existed in four variants: [g ], [g] — in spelling "сз" and Ц], IYI in spelling "g" had the following development: 1 [g ] > [d3] w e e Ш> [Yl r vocalized: bridge das3>dai, 3iet>yet, Ьоза>Ьоие, dra3an>drauen [g] remained unchanged: 3od > good Special notice should be taken of the development of su ^ consonant phonemes that had voiced and voiceless vanan Old English, such as: [fj — [v] in spelling f [s] — [z] in spelling s [9] — [ 5 ] in spelling p, 5 They became different phonemes in Middle English. * * * Summary — Middle English 1. Levelling of vowels in the unstressed position. 2. No principally new monophthongs in the system of the language appeared, but the monophthongs of the [o] and [e] type may differ: they are either "open" — generally those developed from the Old English a (stan > stpn) or "close" — developing from the Old English о (boc > bok (book)). 2. The sounds [аз] and [y] disappeared from the system of the language. 3. There are no long diphthongs. 4. New diphthongs appeared with the glide more close than the nucleus (because of the origin) as contrasted to Old English with the glide more open than the nucleus. 5. No parallelism exists between long and short monophthongs different only in their quantity. 132 8. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH 6. The quantity of the vowel depends upon its position in the word, (a, o, e — always long in an open syllable or before Id, mb, nd. All vowels are always short before two consonants, with the exception of Id, mb, nd). Only in one position — in a closed syllable before one consonant vowels of any quantity could be found (wls but pig). 7. New affricates and the fricative [J] appeared in the system of the language. 8. The resonance (the voiced or the voiceless nature) of the consonants ([fj, [v], [s], [z] and [9], [6]) became phonemic. 2. Changes in the phonetic system in New English 2.1. Vowels in the unstressed position Vowels in the unstressed position already reduced in Middle English to the vowel of the [э] type are dropped in New English if they are found in the endings of words, for example: Old English nama writan sunu Middle English name writen sone New English name write son [neim] [rait] [sAn] The vowel in the endings is sometimes preserved — mainly for phonetic reason: wanted, dresses "— without the intermediate vowel it would be very difficult to Pronounce the endings of such words. 133 PART 1. LECTURES S. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW EN GUSH the resulting vowel is more open, than the resulting vowel in such cases when the long vowel undergoing the Shift was followed by a consonant other than "r". For example: [ei] [i:] [ai] [ш] [аи] but but but but but [еэ] [is] [ais] [иэ] [аиэ] fate but fare steep but steer time but tire moon but moor house but hour As a result of the Great Vowel Shift new sounds did not appear, but the already existing sounds appeared under new conditions. For instance: The sound existed before the Shift [ei] [u:] [i:] The sound appeared after the Shift make moon see, wey hous time etc. Two short monophthongs changed their quality in new glish (XVII century), the monophthong [a] becoming [as] and the monophthong [u] becoming [л]. For instance: En Middle English [a] > [аз] [и]>[л] that cut New English that cut However, these processes depended to a certain extent upon the preceding sound. When the sound [a] was preceded by [w] it changed into [o]. Compare: Middle English [a] > [аз] [a] > [o] that was New English that was (but: wax [wseks]). 135 Where the sound [u] was preceded by the consonants [p], И or [f], the change of [u] into [л] generally did not take place, hence: bull, butcher, pull, push, full, etc. But sometimes even the preceding consonant did not preven the change, for instance: Middle English [u] > [л] but [but] New English but [bAt] — Changes of diphthongs Two out of the four Middle English diphthongs changed m New English, the diphthong [ai] becoming [ei] and the diphthong [au] contracted to [o:] For example: Middle English [ai] > [ei] [au]> [o:] dai lawe New English day law 2.2.2. Quantitative changes Among many cases of quantitative changes of vowels in New English one should pay particular attention to the lengthening of the vowel, when it was followed by the consonant [r]. Short vowels followed by the consonant [r] became long after the disappearance of the given consonant at the end of the word or before another consonant: [a] > [a:] [o] > [o:] Middle English farm hors New English farm horse When the consonant [r] stood after the vowels [e], [i], [u], the resulting vowel was different from the initial vowel not only in quantity but also in quality. Compare: 136 8. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH her fir fur or [h] before [t]: might, night, light. 2.3. Consonants The changes that affected consonants in New English are not very numerous. They are as follows. 1) Appearance of a new consonant in the system of English phonemes — [3] and the development of the consonants [d3J and Щ] from palatal consonants. Thus Middle English [sj], [zj], [tj], [dj] gave in New English the sounds [J], [3], [tf], [cfc]. For example: fcj] > [J] fcH > [3] Ш > [tf] Ш > [d3] Asia, ocean measure, treasure nature, culture, century soldier Note should be taken that the above-mentioned change took place in borrowed words, whereas the sounds [tf], №3], Ш which appeared in Middle English developed in native words. 2. Certain consonants disappeared at the end of the word or before another consonant, the most important change of the kind affecting the consonant [r]: farm, form, horse, etc. (see above, quantitative changes of vowels). 3. The fricative consonants [s], [0] and [f] were voiced after Unstressed vowels or in words having no sentence stress — the so-called "Verner's Law in New English": possess, observe, exhibition; dogs, cats; the, this, that, there, then, though, etc. 137 •I* V V Summary — New English The changes that affected the vowel and the consonant system in New English were great and numerous. Vowels — Qualitative changes: 1. Disappearance of vowels in the unstressed position at the end of the word. 2. Changes of all long vowels — the Great Vowel Shift. 3. Changes of two short vowels: [a] > [аг] or [o] and [u] > [л]. Vowels — Quantitative changes: 4. Changes of two diphthongs: [ai] > [ei], [au] > [o:]. 5. Lengthening of vowels before [r] — due to the vocalisation of consonants. Consonants: 6. Appearance of the consonant [3] and the consonants [yJ> [d3] in new positions. 7. Disappearance or vocalisation of the consonant [r]. 8. Voicing of consonants — Verner's Law in New English. 9. Positional disappearance: r w к h vocalised at the end of the word: before r before n before t 138 far write knight light S. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH 3. Changes in alphabet and spelling in Middle and New English As we remember, the Old English spelling system was 1 th th mainly phonetic. However, the 13 and 14 centuries witnessed many changes in the English language, including its alphabet and spelling. As a result of these modifications the written form of the word became much closer to what we have nowadays. In Middle English the former Anglo-Saxon spelling tradition was replaced by that of the Norman scribes reflecting the influence of French and often mixing purely phonetic spelling with French spelling habits and traditions inherited from Old English. The scribes substituted the so-called "continental variant" of the Latin alphabet for the old "insular writing". Some letters came into disuse, replaced by new means of expressing the sounds formerly denoted by them — thus the letters p ("thorn") and p ("wen"), being of runic origin, unknown to the Norman scribes, disappeared altogether. Some letters, already existing in Old English but being not very frequent there, expanded their sphere of use — like the letter k. New letters were added — among them j , w, v and z. Many digraphs — combinations of letter!? to denote one sound, both vowel and consonant — appeared, mostly following the pattern of the French language. The following letters disappeared: 5, p [6/9] replaced by th: bat — that 3 [g. j] g 3od — g° d or у зеаг — year ae [e] e lsetan — leten (let) P [w] w Strictly phonetic spelling means that every sound is represented by only one distinct symbol, and no symbol represents more than one sound 139 PARTLLECTURES The following letters were introduced: gfor [g] in god and Щ] in singe j for $3] in words of French origin: joy, judge к for [k] instead о/ с before front vowels and n: drincan — drinken, cnawan — taiowen. у for [v] instead off as a separate phoneme: lufu — love [luva] q/ог [k] {followed by u) in quay or [kw] in cwen—queen to replace OE cw2 г for [z] as a separate phoneme: zel ( # я " The following digraphs appeared: consonant digraphs: ch for the sound [tj] cild — child dg У3] Ьгусз — bridge h § 1X3 ri3t—right, th [5, 6] pencan — thinken, modor — mother sh [J] scip — ship ph [f] щ w < ? r ^ borrowed from Latin'phonetics ch [к] in words borrowed from Latin'chemistry vowel digraphs — to show the length of the vowel: еа [е] mete — meat ее [е] fet — feet оа [о] bat — boat оо [о] fot — foot ie [e:] feld — field ou/ow [u:] hus — hous, tun — town Until the 17* century reform v was an allograph of u, the two letters often being interchangeable: over—ouer, love—loue. " Although sometimes [z] is still rendered by s: losen (lose), chesen (choose). 140 8. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH Some changes were made for ease of reading and for a better visual image of the word: к instead of с boc — book in the final position for У i by, my better visual separation w u now of words Besides, у and w were considered more ornamental than i and u at the end of the word, allowing to finish it with an elegant curve. о instead of u cumen — come close to letters опзштеп — bigonne consisting only sunu — sone of vertical lu$a — love strokes, such as munuc — monk u/v, n, m The New English period witnessed the establishment of the literary norm presupposing a stable system of spelling. However, the spelling finally fixed in the norm was influenced by many factors, objective and subjective in character, preserving separate elements of different epochs and showing traces of attempts to improve or rationalise it. In New English with the revival of learning in the 16th century a new principle of spelling was introduced, later to be called etymological. It was believed that, whatever the pronunciation, the spelling should represent to the eye the form from which the word was derived, especially in words of Latin or Greek origin. Thus,.the word dett borrowed from French dette w as respelled as debt, for it could be traced to Latin debitum, dout borrowed from French douter — as doubt from Latin dubitare. However, the level of learning at that age was far from Perfect, and many of the so-called etymological spellings were Wrong. Here it is possible to mention such words as: 141 PART 1. LECTURES ME ake (from OE acan) respelt as ache from a wrongfully supposed connection with Greek achos; ME tonge (from OE tunge) respelt-as tongue on analogy with French langue, Latin lingua; a ME iiand (from OE igland) respelt as island from wrongfully supposed connection with French isle, Latin insu a. ME scool borrowed in OE from Latin and always writ with sc- (OE scool) respelt as school, because in Latin the sou [k] in words of Greek origin was rendered as ch; ME delit borrowed from French delit came to be spelt wi mute dighraph -gh- on analogy with light — delight, etc. At the same time, the major phonetic changes of the регю ^ and first of all, the Great Vowel Shift, found practically n^ corresponding changes in spelling. This resulted in the prese day system where one sound can be denoted in several ways, instance: 3 — torn, co&mel, herd, heard, bird, blwrred, erred, stirred, word; ou — note, noble, both, toad, toe, soul, dough, mow, brooch, oh, mauve, beau, depof, yeoman, sew; one symbol can stand for different sounds: ch — cfeaos, c/taise, such, cho'u; dracAm (mute) о — hot, cold, wolf, women, whom, son, button, lost, hero In addition, there are many so-called "silent letters", the presence of which can be explained only historically. Among the latter there are often mentioned the following:. e {mute e) at the end of words: house, take b after m: lamb, limb, comb b before t: debt, doubt ch — yacht g before n and m: gnaw, phlegm h — heir, hour, exhibitor 142 S. CHANGES IN THE PHONETIC SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH к before n: knife, knee 1 — could, yolk, palm n after m: autumn, column s — island, aisle t after s and f and before 1 or n — listen, often, wrestle, soften w — wrap, sword, answer There are also double consonants used not to denote the quality or quantity of the consonant, but the quantity of the preceding vowel: bigger, redder, stopper. All these features make the present-day English system of spelling one of the most complex and complicated in the world. As Walter Skeat, the famous specialist in the History of English, puts it, "we retain a Tudor system of symbols with a Victorian pronunciation". Some more facts... Shakespeare's Pronunciation Shakespeare's pronunciation, though not ours, was much more like ours than has always been realized. He pronounced [e] for [i] in some words just as Pope could still say lay for tea. The falling together of er, ir, ur (e.g., herd, birth, hurt) was under way but not yet completed. As is known, M.E. ё was sometimes open, sometimes close [s: e:] and the two sounds were still distinct in Shakespeare's day, [e;] and [i:] respectively. Consequently sea [se:] does not normally rime with see [si:], heap with keep, speak with seek, etc. Toward the close of the fifteenth century an attempt was made to distinguish between them by the spelling. The closer sound was often spelled with ее or ie (deep, field) while the more open sound was as often written ea (sea, clean). But the practice was not consistently carried out. Although the two sounds are now identical, this 143 PART 1. LECTURES variation in spelling is a reminder of the difference i» pronunciation that long existed. We should also probably notice considerable difference m the pronunciation of words containing M.E. д. This regula) у developed into fu:J, as in room, food, roof, root, and it retains this sound in many words today. In some words the vowel was shortened in the fifteenth century and was unrounded tot e sound in blood, flood. In still other words, however, it retained its length until about 1700, but was then shortened without being unrounded, giving us the sound good, stood, book, fool, apparent that in Shakespeare's day there was much fluctuation in the pronunciation of words containing this Middle Eng ' vowel, both in the different parts of the country and in the usage of different individuals. Consequently we find in the poetry of the period word we flood riming not only with blood but with mood and good. № fact, as late as Dryden we find in the same rime flood—moodgood, the three developments of the sound at the present dayis only in recent times that the pronunciation of these words w$ been standardized, and even today there is some vacillation between a long and short vowel in some of them, e.g., in broom, room, and roof. In addition to such differences in the quality of vowels there were some differences of accent. Shakespeare said persev'er, demon'strate, and generally aspect', de'testable, while he has charact'er, com'mendable, envy', se'cure, welcome', etc., i" contrast to the accentuation that is customaiy in these words today. On the whole, however, we should probably have little more difficulty in understanding Shakespeare's pronunciation than we experience in listening to a broad Irish brogue. after A.C. Baugh and T. Cable LECTURE 9. CHANGES IN THE NOMINAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE ENGLISH AND NEW ENGLISH Soldier of James I (1566— 1625) from "A Schoole for Young Soldiers, containing in briefe the whole Discipline of warre" List of principal questions: 1. General survey of grammar changes in Middle and New English. 2. The noun 2.1. Middle English 2.1.1. Morphological classification 2.1.2. Grammatical categories 2.2. New English 2.2.1. Morphological classification 2.1.2. Origin of irregular noun forms 2.1.3. Grammatical categories 3. The adjective 4. The pronoun 5. The article 145 PART 1. LECTURES 1. General survey of grammar changes in Middle and New English The grammar system of the language in the Middle and ew English periods underwent radical changes. As we remember, principal means of expressing grammatical relations in Old bng were the following: —suffixation — vowel interchange — use of suppletive forms, all these means being synthetic. . . In Middle English and New English many grammatical notions formerly expressed synthetically either disappeared tro the grammar system of the language or came to be expressed У analytical means. There developed the use of analytical form consisting of a form word and a notional word, and also word order, special use of prepositions, etc. — analytical means. . In Middle English and New English we observe the process or the gradual loss of declension by many parts of speech, formeny declined. Thus in Middle English there remained only three declinable parts of speech: the noun, the pronoun and the adjective, against five existing in Old English (the above plus the infinitive and the participle)In New English the noun and the pronoun (mainly personal) are the only parts of speech that are declined. 2. The noun 2.1. Middle English 1.1.1. Morphological classification In Old English there were three principal types of declensions: astem, n-stem and root-stem declension, and also minor declensions — 146 9. CHANGES IN THE NOMINAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH i-stem, u-stem and others. These types are preserved in Middle English, but the number of nouns belonging to the same declension in Old English and Middle English varies. The n-stem declension though preserved as a type has lost many of the nouns belonging to it while the original a-stem declension grows in volume, acquiring new words from the original n-stem, root-stem declensions, and also different groups of minor declensions and also borrowed words. For example: Old English a-stem singular stan (stone) plural stanas n-stem singular nama (name) plural namen root-stem singular boc (book) plural bee Borrowed Middle English singular stpn plural stpnes singular name plural namen singular book plural bookes singular corage (courage) plural corages 2.7.2. Grammatical categories There are only two grammatical categories in the declension of nouns against three in Old English: number and case, the category of gender having been lost at the beginning of the Middle English period. Number There are two number forms in Middle English: Singular and Plural. For example: Singular Plural Old English Middle English fisc stan nama fiscas fishes stanas naman fish stpn name stpnes names 147 PART 1. LECTURES Case r e d u The number of cases in Middle English is | J JJ* compared to Old English. There are only two cases m № English: Common and Genetive, the Old English Nomin^ ^ Accusative and Dative case having fused into one case Common case at the beginning of Middle English. For example: Old English Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive stan stan stane stanes Middle English nama 1 n a naman \ —» Common case stpn naman J naman => Genitive case stones nam Thus we see that the complicated noun paradigm that existe Old English was greatly simplified in Middle English, which 1 reflected in the following: 1) reduction of the number of declensions; 2) reduction of the number of grammatical categories; 3) reduction of the number of categorial forms within one of the two remaining grammatical categories — the category of case. 2.2. New English The process of the simplification of the system of noun declension that was manifest in Middle English continued at the beginning of the New English period. 2.2.1. Morphological classification In Old English we could speak of many types of consonant and vowel declensions, the a-, n- and root-stem being principal among them. In Middle English we observe only these three declensions: 148 P. CHANGES IN THE NOMINAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH a-stem, n-stem, root-stem. In New English we do not find different declensions, as the overwhelming majority of nouns is declined in accordance with the original a-stem declension masculine, the endings of the plural form -es and. the Possessive -s being traced to the endings of the original a-stem declension masculine, i.e.: Old English Nominative & Accusative Plural ending -as Genitive Singular ending -es Middle English Common Plural ending Genitive Singular ending -es -s Of the original n-stem and root-stem declensions we have in New English but isolated forms, generally referred to in modern grammar books as exceptions, or irregular noun forms. 2.2.2. Origin of modern irregular noun forms All modern irregular noun forms can be subdivided into several groups according to their origin: a) nouns going back to the original a-stem declension, neuter gender, which had no ending in the nominative and accusative plural even in Old English, such as: sheep — sheep (OE sceap — sceap) deer — deer (OE deor — deor) b) some nouns of the n-stem declension preserving their plural f°rm, such as: ox — oxen (OE oxa — oxan) c) the original s-stem declension word child — children (Old English cild — cildra) In Middle English the final vowel was neutralised and the ending n added on analogy with the nouns of the original n-stem declension. This shows that the power of the n-stem declension was at the time still relatively strong. 149 PART d) remnants of the original root-stem declension, such as: foot — feet (OE fot — fet) tooth — teeth (OE to6 — ted) e) "foreign plurals" — words borrowed in Early New English from Latin. These words were borrowed by learned people from scientific books who alone used them, trying to preserve their oiigm form and not attempting to adapt them to their native language. Among such words are: datum — data, automaton — automata, axis — axes, etc. It should be noted that when in the course of further history these words entered the language of the whole people, they tended to a regular plural endings, which gaveriseto such doublets as: molecula—moleculae and moleculas, formula —formulae and formulas, antenna—antennae and antennas, the irregular form being reserved for the scientific style. 2.2.3. Grammatical categories The category of gender is formal, traditional already in Old English; in Middle English and New English nouns have no category от gender. The category of number is preserved, manifesting the difference between singular and lural forms. The category of case, which underwent reduction first to three and then to two forms, in New English contains the same number of case-forms as in Middle English, but the difference is the number of the nouns used in the Genitive (or Possessive) case — mainly living beings, and the meaning — mainly the quality or the person who possesses something. the boy's book a women's magazine a two miles' walk 150 9. CHANGES IN THE NOMINAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH Inanimate nouns are not so common: the river's bank the razor's edge In Modern English, however, we observe a gradual spreading of the ending -s of the Possessive case to nouns denoting inanimate things, especially certain geographical notions, such cases as England's prime minister" being the norm, especially in political style. 3. The adjective Only two grammatical phenomena that were reflected in the adjectival paradigm in Old English are preserved in Middle English: declension and the category of number. The difference between the Indefinite (strong) and the Definite (weak) declension is shown by the zero ending for the former and the ending -e for the latter, but only in the Singular. The forms of the ^finite and the Indefinite declension in the Plural have similar endings. For instance: Singular Plural Indefinite a yong squier n J • , yonge Definite the yonge sonne The difference between number forms is manifest only in the Indefinite (strong) declension, where there is no ending in the Singular but the ending -e in the Plural. In New English what remained of the declension in Middle English disappeared completely and now we have the uninflected form f °r the adjective used for all puiposes for which in Old English there existed a complicated adjectival paradigm with two number-forms, five case-forms, three gender-forms and two declensions. As we have seen above, all grammatical categories and declensions in Middle and New English disappeared. Contrary to that degrees of comparison of the adjective were not only preserved but also developed in Middle and New English. For example: 151 PART 1. LECTURES Table 9-1. Degrees of Comparison ^^\^^ Period Degree Positive Comparative Superlative ^*"\. Old English Middle English New English heard hard hard heardra hardre harder heardost hardest hardest Old English Middle English New English eald aid old ieldra/yldra eldre elder ieldest eldest eldest - Old English Middle English New English 3od 3ood good betera bettre better 1 • — betst best best It should be noted, however, that out of the three principal means of forming degrees of comparison that existed in Old Engli suffixation, vowel interchange and suppletive forms, there remained a productive means only one: suffixation, the rest of the means see only in isolated forms. At the same time there was formed an developed a new means — analytical, which can be observed in sue cases encountered, for instance, in the works of J. Chaucer, as: comfortable — more comfortable. 4. The pronoun In Old English all pronouns were declined, and the pronominal paradigm was very complicated. In Middle English the system was greatly simplified and nowadays what remained of the pronominal declension is mainly represented by the declension of the personal pronoun and on a small scale — demonstrative and interrogative (relative). 152 9. CHANGES IN THE NOMINAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH Case The four-case system that existed in Old English gave way to a two-case system in late Middle English and in New English. The development may be illustrated by the following scheme of the pronominal paradigm (see Scheme 9-1). Scheme 9-1. Personal Pronouns Old English Middle English New English Nominative Ic =$ Nominative I ,=> Nominative I Accusative m e c ] >-,,.. . л , . Dative me } Genitive mm Objective => Possessive Pronouns me => Objective me mine mine => Gender As a grammatical phenomenon gender disappeared already in Middle English, the pronouns he and she referring only to animate notions and it — to inanimate. Number The three number system that existed in Early Old English (Singular, Dual, Plural) was substituted by a two number system a bady in Late Old English. 5. The article The first elements of the category of the article appeared already Ь Old English, when the meaning of the demonstrative pronoun was Weakened, and it approached the status of an article in such phrases as: Se mann (the man), S60 see (the sea), "past lond (the land). 153 LECTURES However, we may not speak of any category if it is not represente by an opposition of at least two units. Such opposition arose only m Middle English, when the indefinite article an appeared. The form of the definite article the can be traced back to the Old English demonstrative pronoun se (that, masculine, singular), whic 1 the course of history came to be used on analogy with the forms ot same pronoun having the initial consonant [8] and began to be use with all nouns, irrespective of their gender or number. The indefinite article developed from the Old English numeral an. In Middle English an split into two words: the indefinite pronoun an, losing a separate stress and undergoing reduction of its vowel, and tne numeral one, remaining stressed as any other notional word. Later m indefinite pronoun an grew into the indefinite article a/an, and togethei with the definite article the formed a new grammatical category — t"6 category of determination, or the category of article. * * * Summary The system of the declinable parts of speech underwent considerable simplification, at the same time developing new analytical features: 1. Reduction in the number of the declinable parts of speech. 2. Reduction in the number of declensions (whatever is preserved follows the a-stem masculine). 3. Reduction in the number of grammatical categories 4. • Reduction in the number of the categorial forms (the category of number of personal pronouns and case — of all nominal parts of speech) 5. Formation of a new class of words — article. 154 9. CHANGES IN THE NOMINAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH Some more facts... TheSHEPuzde Plotting the way sounds and words changed between Old and Middle English can be an intriguing business, and one which cannot always be resolved, as the story of she illustrates. There is a fairly obvious relationship between most of the Old English pronouns and their Modem English equivalents. But what is the link between heo and she? The question has attracted several answers, and remains controversial. • The simplest solution is to argue that there was a series of sound changes by which heo gradually changed into she. 1. Sometime between Old and Middle English, the diphthong altered, the first element becoming shorter and losing its stress, [he: 9] thus became [hjo:]. 2. The fhj] element then came to be articulated closer to the palate, as [3], in much the same way as happens to modern English huge. 3. [3] then became [J], to give the modern consonant. There are certain facts in favour of this theory. Spellings such as scho are found in very early Middle English in the north. Also, a similar development took place in a few place names, such as Old Norse Hjaltland becoming modern Shetland. The main argument against the theory is that there is no clear evidence for Step 3 elsewhere in English at any time — apart from in these few foreign place names. Is it plausible to propose a sound change which affected only one word? Also, we are still left with the problem of getting from [o:J to [e:], which is required in order to produce the modern sound of she. For this, we have to assume a process such as analogy — the vowel of she being influenced by that of he. But there is no clear evidence for this. • Alternative theories argue that heo comes from seo, the feminine form of the definite article. The simplest version postulates similar sound changes to the above, giving [sjo:J as a result. This is a short, plausible step away from Ifo:}. However, we are still left with the question of why the jo:) vowel became fe:]. 155 PART I. LECTURES • A third argument also begins with seo, but takes a different phonological route. Sometime after the Conquest, we have a lot of evidence to show that the sound of ёо [е:э] changed to become close to ё [е:]. This would have had the effect of making the words heo and he sound the same. In these circumstances, there would be a need to find a way of keeping the two words apart; and the suggestion is that seo filled this need. Why seo? There is a close semantic link between personal and demonstrative pronouns in many languages, and it can be seen in Old English too, where seo meant "that" as well US "the". The same could apply to seo in its relation to heo. It would be very natural to use the phonetic distinctiveness of the former to help sort out the ambiguity of the latter. All that would then be needed was a further consonant change from [si to If], as the vowel is already on course for its modern sound. The problem here is in this last step. How can [s] become [f] in front of an [e:] vowel? It would be the equivalent of a change from same to shame. To get from [s] to [f], there needs to be some intervening sound which "pulls" the s in the direction of the more palatal sound [J]. The obvious candidate is [j], itself a palatal sound, but the whole point of this third argument is that there is no [j] left in heo. The possibility of a [j] developing disappeared when we argued that ёо became [e:]. The origins of she thus remain one of the unsolved puzzles the history of English. ltl After D. Crystal LECTURE 10. CHANGES IN THE VERBAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE ENGLISH AND NEW ENGLISH Family worship in 1563 (The Whole Psalms in foure partes, John Day, 1563) List ofprincipal questions: 1. Non-finite forms (verbals) 2. Morphological classification of verbs in Middle English and New English 2.1. Strong verbs 2.1.1. Classes of the strong verbs 2.1.2. Principal forms of the strong verbs 2.2. Weak verbs 2.2.1. Classes of the weak verbs 2.2.2. Principal forms of the weak verbs 2.3. Origin of modem irregular verbs 3Grammatical categories of the English verb 157 PART I. LECTURES 1. Non-finite forms (verbals) A comparison of the verbals in Old English and in Middle and New English shows that the number of verbals ш и English was less than that in Middle and New English At the en of the Middle English period a new verbal developed — Gerund, in addition to the Infinitive and the Participle existing already in Old English. The Gerund appeared as a result of a blend between the Old English Present Participle ending ш '-ende' and the Old English Verbal noun ending in '-inge'. № the Verbal noun the Gerund acquired the form (the ending '-ing(e)'), but under the influence of the Participle it became more "verbal" in meaning In the process of English history the Verbals are gradually shifting from the system of declension into the system conjugation Thus in Old English the verbals existing at the time, the infinitive and the participle could be declined (see above, О English). In the course of history the Infinitive (already at the end of the Old English period) and the Participle (in Middle English) lost their declension. And at the end of the Middle English and in New English they acquired elements of conjugation — t n e grammatical categories of order, voice and aspect (the infinitive) and the grammatical categories of order and voice (the participle and the gerund). The Old English preposition to preceding the Dative case of the infinitive loses its independent meaning and functions simply as a grammatical particle showing that the Verbal is an Infinitive. But even in Modern English we can find such contexts where the form of the verbal is active, though the meaning is passive: The book is worth reading. The coat needs ironing. 15X , Ю- CHANGES IN THE VERBAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH or the non-perfect form expresses order, i.e. is used to express events that took place prior to the action of the finite form of the verbs: I remember doing... I thanked him for bringing the happy tidings. Such phenomena reflect the previous stage of the development of the English language, when the given verbals were indifferent to voice and order. 2. Morphological classification of verbs in Middle English and New English 2.0. The subdivision of Old English verbs into Strong and Weak is preserved with modifications in Middle English. 2.1. Strong verbs 2.1.1, Classes of the strong verbs In New English, however, the original regularity that was observed in the group of strong verbs in Old English and partly in Middle English is no longer felt due to the following: 0 Splitting of original classes into subclasses, for example: Old English < New English rise — rose — risen bite — bit — bitten 2) Some strong verbs of one class entering another class. th 1595 class: Thus, the Old English verb of the PARTI. LECTURES sprecan — sprsec — spraicon — sprecen th passed into the 5 class in Middle English with the forms speken — spak — speken — spoken on analogy with such verbs as stelen — stal — stelen — stolen. 3) Passing of some strong verbs into the group of weak ver s and (rarely) vice versa. For example: Old English New English I class gripan glidan to grip to glide II class creopan Шозап to creep to lie III class climban helpan to climb to help VI class bacan waecnan to bake to wake The contrary process, as we have already said, is quite rare. Old English New English hydan to hide waerian to wear 4) But some weak verbs acquired only some features of the strong verbs, like the Old English weak verb sceawian •— Modern English show, showed, but shown. 2.1.2. Principal forms of the strong verbs The strong Verbs in Old English had four principal forms, for example: writan — wrat — writon — writen (to write) bindan — band — bundon — bunden (to shake) 160 10. CHANGES IN THE VERBAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH In Middle English, however, they exhibited a marked tendency to have the same vowel in both the forms of the past tense, thus- gradually reducing the number of the principal forms to three. In New English we have only three principal forms in verbs originally belonging to the group of strong verbs: write — wrote — writen The vowel that is preserved in the Past tense is generally traced back to the vowel of Old English past tense singular. For example: Old English Middle English New English I class wrat wrot wrote (to write) II class scoc shok shook (to shake) but sometimes it is the vowel of the original past tense plural: Old English bitan —bat —biton —biten Middle English biten — bot — biten — biten New English • bite — bit — bitten with the Past tense form deriving its vowel from the past tense plural form of the verb. Sometimes the vowel of the past tense form was borrowed from the form of the past participle: Old English stelan — stsel — staelon — stolen Middle English stelen — stal — stelen — stolen New English steal — stole — stolen 2.2. Weak verbs As we have said above the number of strong verbs was diminishing in Middle English and New English mainly due to the passing of some strong verbs into the weak conjugation. Weak v ei'bs, however, were becoming more and more numerous, as they not only preserved in Middle and New English almost all the verbs that were typical of the group in Old English, but also i6i PART 1. LECTURES added to their group the majority of borrowed verbs and about seventy verbs originally strong (see above), and also such vei as: to call to want Scandinavian borrowings to guess to pierce to punish to finish French borrowings to contribute to create to distribute Latin borrowings Alike strong verbs many weak verbs became irregular in the course of history, especially weak verbs of the first class This irregularity was mainly conditioned by qualitative and quantitative changes that many weak verbs underwent in Middle English and New English. For instance: Old English cepan — cepte — cept Middle English kepen — kepte — kept New English keep — kept — kept As we see the Old English weak verb of the first class became irregular due to the quantitative change — shortening of the vowel in the second and third forms in Middle English (before two consonants — for example, pt), thus acquiring quantitative vowel interchange. This quantitative interchange was followed by qualitative in New English after the Great vowel shift, which only the vowel of the first form, being long, underwent, the short vowel of the second and third forms retaining their quality. 162 10. CHANGES IN THE VERBAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH 2.2.1. Classes of the weak verbs In Old English there were two principal classes of the weak verbs. In Middle English some verbs that did not become irregular lost the class difference and .we have but one class of verbs going back mainly to the weak verbs of the second class. For instance: Old English II class Middle English lufian — lufode — lufod (to love) loven — lov(e)de — luv(e)d 2.2.2. Principal forms of the weak verbs In Old English there were three principal forms of the weak verbs, for instance: cepan—cepte —cept (to keep) lufian — lufode — lufod (to love) In Late Middle English — Early New English, with the loss of the final -e in the second form the second and the third form became homonymous, thus we speak of three principal forms of such verbs as to love or to keep mainly on analogy with original strong verbs, and also because of the existing tradition as no Modern English regular verb, originally belonging to the weak conjugation, shows any trace of difference between the second and third forms. Thus in New English due to different phonetic processes and changes on analogy the two principal groups of verbs that existed m Old English, strong and weak, gave us two principal groups of Modern verbs: regular and irregular, neither of which is directly derived from either of the Old English groups of strong and weak verbs. 163 PART I. LECTURES 2.3. Origin of modem irregular verbs In Old English most verbs were regular, although there weie a number of irregular ones. In Middle English not only the ^ Old English irregular verbs were preserved, but also n irregular verbs appeared. This was due, first of all, ° disappearance of the division of verbs into strong and weak, m ^ strong verbs losing their regular pattern of conjugation and becoming irregular. Another source of irregular verbs was the 1st class of verbs the irregularity of which was due to several reasons. ^ addition to the examples given above we can show three gr°P of verbs originally belonging to the 1st class of weak verbs, wni later became irregular: a) verbs with a long root vowel, the root ending in -t or -d. Old English metan — mette — mett Middle English meten — mette — mett New English meet — met — met In Middle English the root vowel of the second and third forms is shortened due to the rhythmic tendency of the language requiring the shortening of all vowels if followed by two consonants. The vowel interchange in Middle English is quantitative only. In New English the long root vowel in the first form due to the great vowel shift is changed qualitatively, so now we have both quantitative and qualitative vowel interchange in the verb. b) verbs with a long root vowel, the root ending in a consonant other than -t or -d: Old English cepan — cepte — cept Middle English kepen — kepte — kept New English keep — kept — kept 164 10. CHANGES IN THE VERBAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH In Middle English the dental suffixation of the 2nd and 3 rd forms is supplemented with a quantitative vowel interchange similar to that explained above, and in New English we have both vowel interchange (quantitative and qualitative) and suffixation as form-building means. c) verbs with a short root vowel, the root ending in -t or -d: Old English settan — sette — sett Middle English setten — sette — sett New English set — set — set No changes took place in the root vowel, the ending disappeared due to the final reduction of unstressed vowels, and now the verb forms its forms without any material manifestation. Even in the 2nd class of weak verbs examples of irregularity can be found. One of them is the verb to make. Old English macian — macode — macod Middle English maken — makede — maked New English make — made — made The middle syllable of the 2nd and 3rd forms was lost, making the verb irregular. Still another source of irregular verbs may be found in some loan words borrowed into the language in Middle English and New English. Although most borrowed verbs formed their forms in accordance with the weak verbs of the 2nd class, some of them are irregular. Here it is possible to mention Scandinavian strong verb borrowings which preserve their original vowel interchange a nd thus are nowadays irregular, as: give — gave — given take — took — taken get — got — gotten. Another irregular loan word is the French borrowing to catch (caught, caught) which is irregular, forming its forms on analogy with the verb to teach (taught, taught). 165 PARTLLECTURES Thus, among New English regular verbs there may be encountered either native words (almost all Old English weak verbs of the 2nd class and some Old English strong verbs having lost their irregularity and forming their forms on analogy with the weak verbs of the 2nd class, such as to help, to bake, etc.) or borrowings (almost all loan verbs). 3. Grammatical categories of the English verb In Old English the verb had four categories: person, number, tense and mood. In Middle English and New English there gradually developed three more grammatical categories — order, voice ana aspect. These grammatical categories used a new grammatical means for the formation, namely, analytical forms. These analytical forms developed from free word combinations of the Old English verbs habban, beon/wesan + an infinitive (or participle). The way of the formation of those analytical forms was the following: In the free word combination habban, beon/wesan + a n infinitive (or participle) the first element was gradually losing its lexical meaning, and the second — its grammatical one, thus tending to become notionally and grammatically inseparable: idiomatic. The category of order was the oldest, formed already in Middle English from the Old English free combination habban + past participle. ffie hsefdon hlera cynin.3 awor^enne (They had already overthrown their king) 166 10. CHANGES IN THE VERBAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH The younge sonne hath in the Ram his halve course y-runne (The young sun has run its half-course in the Ram) ... Whan the sonne was to reste, So hadde I spoked with hem everichon... (When the sun was about to rest, So I had spoken with every one of them) The same idea of order is sometimes still expressed with the help of the combination to be + participle 2, going back to the Old English beon + past participle: This gentleman is happily arrived. Now he is gone. The category of voice appeared out of the free combination °f weorpan (beon) + past participle: Old English he wearb ofslae3en (he was slain) Middle English engendered is the flour (the flower is generated [born]) The category of aspect was formed in Middle English on the basis of the free combination of ben (beon) + present participle: Singinge he was ... al the dai (he was singing all the day) The grammatical categories of tense and mood which existed in Old English acquired new categorial forms. The Old English present and past tense forms were supplemented with a special form for the future tense which a Ppeared in Middle English out of the free combination of the Old English modal verbs "sculan" and "willan" with the infinitive. This free combination of words was split into two groups: in the first, remaining free, the modal meaning is Preserved: 167 PART 1. LECTURES You shall do it I will do it — necessity — volition in the second the independent meaning is lost and the fixed word combination is perceived as the future tense form: I shall go there. You will go there. The category of mood in Old English was represented by three mood forms, one for each of the moods (indicative, subjunctive and imperative). The subjunctive in Old English did not show whether the events were probable or contrary to fact, but it had two tense forms — past and present, which in the course of history developed into two subjunctive moods: - I/he be present — out of the Old English present tense form of the subjunctive mood - I/he were present — out of the Old English past tense form of the subjunctive mood. The difference between these two subjunctive moods now is in the shade of probability, and not in the tense, the second one denoting events which are contrary to fact. In addition to that at the end of Middle English and the beginning of New English two more subjunctive mood forms appeared making use of the analytical form building means: - I/he should be present — to show events which are probable, though problematic - Г should be present 1 — to show imaginary events, he would be present } contrary to fact. Here should and would are the subjunctive mood forms of the Old English sculan and willan. 168 10. CHANGES IN THE VERBAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH * * * Summary Thus the system of conjugation in Middle English and New English is becoming more and more complicated: 1. New non-finite forms appear (the gerund). 2. Conjugation of verbals and disapeareance of their nomimal categories. 3. New grammatical categories are formed. 4. The already existing grammatical categories acquire new forms. 5. The predominant regularity of the verbs and' their conjugation in Old English gives way to many diverse irregularities. Some more facts... Progressive forms Among the developments as are of most significance in the language of today one of great importance concerns the verb, English is distinctly more varied and flexible in some of its verbal expressions than the other better-known modern languages. Thus, where the French say 'je chante' or the German 'ich singe', the English may say 7 sing\ 7 do sing', or 7 am singing'. The do- forms are often called emphatic forms, and this they sometimes are; but their most important uses are in negative and interrogative sentences ( 7 don't sing', 'do you sing'). The forms with 'to be' and the present participle are generally called progressive forms since their most common use is to indicate an action as being in progress at the time implied by the auxiliary. The wide extension of the use of progressive forms is one of the most important developments of the English verb in the modern period. !f>9 PARTLLECTURES In Old English such expressions as 'he was la-rende' (he was teaching) are occasionally found, but usually in translations from Latin. In early Middle English, progressive forms are distinctly rare, and although their number increases m № course of the Middle English period, we must credit then development mainly to the period since the sixteenth centui)'The chief factor in their growth is the use of the participle as a noun governed by the preposition 'on' ('he burst oil laughing').* This weakened to 'he burst out a-laughing ana. finally to 'he burst out laughing'. In the same way 'he was on laughing' became 'he was a-laughing' and 'he was laughingToday such forms are freely used in all tenses ('is laughing > 'was laughing', 'will be laughing', etc.). The extension of such forms to the passive ('the house i being built') was an even later development. It belongs to the very end of the eighteenth century. Old English had no progressive passive. Such an expression as 'the man is love , feared, hated' is progressive only in so far as the verbs 'loving > 'fearing', 'hating' imply a continuous state. But no such force attaches to 'the man is killed', which does not mean the man is being killed but indicates a completed act. The construction 'the man is on laughing 'was capable also of a passive significance under certain circumstances. Thus 'the house is on building' can only suggest that the house is in process of construction- This use is found from the fourteenth century on, and in its weakened form the construction is not unknown today. Colloquially, at least, we say 'there is nothing doing at the mill this week'. 'The dinner is cooking' and 'the tea is steeping' are familial' expressions. In some parts of America one may hear 'there's a new barn a-building down the road'. When the preposition was completely lost (on building > a-building > building) the form became 'the house is building'. Since such an expression may at times be either active or passive, it had obvious limitations. Thus 'the wagon is making' is a passive, but 'the wagon is making a noise' is active. And whenever the subject of the sentence is animate or capable of pe if arming the action, the verb is almost certain to be in the active voice ('the man is building a house'). With some verbs the construction was impossible in a passive 170 10. CHANGES IN THE VERBAL SYSTEM IN MIDDLE AND NEW ENGLISH sense. Thus the idea 'he is always being called1 could not be expressed by 'he is always calling'. In the last years of the eighteenth century we find the first traces of our modern expression 'the house is being built'. The combination of 'being' with a past participle to form a panicipial phrase had been in use for some time. Shakespeare in 'Hamlet' says: 'which, being kept close, might move more grief to hide'. This is thought to have suggested the new verb phrase. It seems first to have been recognized in an English grammar in 1802. As yet it is generally used only in the present and simple past tense ('is' or 'was being built'). We can hardly say 'the house has been being built for two years', and we avoid saying 'it will be being built next spring'. The history of the new progressive passive shows that English is a living and growing thing, that its grammar is not fixed, that it will continue to change in the future as it has changed in the past, even if more slowly. If the need is felt for a new and better way of expressing an idea, we may rest assured that a way will be found. But it is interesting to note that even so useful a construction was at first resisted by many as an unwarranted innovation. Although supported by occasional instances, it was consciously avoided by some and vigorously attacked by others. In 1837 a writer in the North American Review condemned it as "an outrage upon English idiom, to be detested, abhorred, execrated, and given over to six thousand penny-paper editors." And even so enlightened a student of language as Marsh, in 1859, noted that it "has widely spread, and threatens to establish itself as another solecism," "The phrase 'the house is being built' for 'the house is building'," he says, "is an awkward neologism, which neither convenience, intelligibility, nor syntactical congruity demands, and the use of which ought therefore to be discountenanced, as an attempt at the artificial improvement of the language in a point which needed no amendment." Artificial it certainly was not. Nothing seems to have been more gradual and unpremeditated in its beginnings. But, as late as 1870 Richard Grant White devoted thirty pages of his Words and Their Uses to an attack upon what still seemed to him a 171 PART 1. LECTURES neologism. Although the origin of the construction can be traced back to the latter part of the eighteenth century, its establishment in the language and ultimate acceptance required the better part of the century just past. after A.C. Baugli and T. Cable LECTURE 11. ENGLISH VOCABULARY The habit of smoking (from the title-page of The Roaring Girle, or Moll Cut-Purse by T. Middleton and T. Dekker, 1611). In the 17th century tobacco played a great part in English colonial and commercial expansion. Already in the 1590-ies the new American weed, together with its name, was wellfamiliar in England. List of principal questions: 1. Old English 1.1. General characteristics 1.2. Means of enriching vocabulary 1.2.1. Internal means 1.2.2. External means 2. Middle English 2.1. General characteristics 2.2. Means of enriching vocabulary 2.2.1. Internal means 2.2.2. External means 3. New English 3.1. General characteristics 3.2. Means of enriching vocabulary 3.2.1. Internal means 3.2.2. External means 173 PART 1. LECTURES 1. Old English 1.1. General characteristics The vocabulary of Old English was rather extensive. It is said to have contained about 50 000 words. These words were mainly native words. They could be divided into a number or strata. The oldest stratum was composed of words coming from the Common Indo-European parent tongue. Many of these words were inherited by English together with some other Indo-European languages from the same common source, and we shall find related words in various Indo-European languages. Compare: Old English New English Latin Russian modor niht neowe beran mother night new bear mater nox novus ferre мать ночь новый брать Another layer, relatively more recent, was words inherited by English and other Germanic languages from the same common Germanic source. You will find them in many languages, but only those belonging to the Germanic group. Compare: Old English New English German еогбе land see grene findan earth land sea green find Erde Land See grim finden The third stratum, and that not very extensive, was made up of words that existed only in English, for instance, the word 174 И. ENGLISH VOCABULARY clypian (to call), the root preserved in the now somewhat obsolete word yclept (named). The vocabulary was changing all the time, old words becoming extinct and new words entering the language, enriching it. As is known, there are two principal ways of enriching the vocabulary of a language: internal means — those that are inherent in the language itself, and external means, which result from contacts between peoples. The English-speaking people of the period mainly used internal means of enriching the vocabulary to adapt their language to the expression of more varied or new notions. 1.2. Means of enriching vocabulary While creating new words the English language, as we have mentioned above, principally resorted to its own, internal means: word derivation, primarily affixation and vowel interchange, and word composition. 1.2.1. Internal means of enriching vocabulary — Word derivation In Old English affixation was widely used as a wordbuilding means. There were very many suffixes, with the help of which new nouns, adjectives, adverbs and sometimes verbs were formed, for instance:. — noun suffixes of concrete nouns: -ere -estre -in3 fisc+ere (fisher) , spinn+estre (spinster) } J 'cyn+in3 (king) 175 denoting the doer of the action PART I. LECTURES — noun suffixes of abstract nouns: -6 treow+5 (truth) -nis 30d+nis (goodness) -Scip freond+SCip (friendship) -dom freo+dom. (freedom) -had cild+had (childhood) — adjective suffixes -13 Ts+13 (icy), bys+ i3 (busy) -isc Engl+isc (English), Frens+lSC (French) -ful car+ful (careful) -leas slffip+ leas (sleepless) Prefixes were used on a limited scale and they generally had a negative meaning: formisUllVowel for+3iefan (forgive) mis+dsed (misdeed) un+спб (uncouth) interchange: noun son3 (song) dom (doom) verb singan (to sing) deman (to deem) — Word composition Word composition was a well-developed means of enriching vocabulary in Old English. For instance: Nouns saS+man (seaman), gold+smid (goldsmith), monan+da^3 (Monday), sunan+dae3 (Sunday), Engla+land (land of the Angles, England) Adjectives Tc+ceald (ice-cold) 176 11. ENGLISH VOCABULARY 1.2.2. External means of enriching vocabulary (Old English borrowings) As we understand, borrowings into a language are a result of contacts with other nations. The Germanic tribes had but few contacts with other nations at the beginning of A.D., consequently the number of borrowed words in Old English was not great. The main borrowings that we can single out in Old English were Latin and Celtic borrowings. — Latin borrowings The first Latin borrowings entered the language before the Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians invaded the British Isles, i.e. at the time when they still lived on the continent. Due to trade relations with their southern powerful neighbour — the Roman empire — Germanic tribes learned a number of products that had been unknown to then, and, consequently, their names. So the first stratum of borrowings are mainly words connected with trade. Many of them are preserved in Modern English, such as: pound, inch, pepper, cheese, wine, apple, pear, plum, etc. The second stratum of words was composed of loan Latin words that the Germanic tribes borrowed already on British soil from the romanized Celts, whom they had conquered in the 5"1 century. Those were words connected with building and architecture, as the preserved nowadays: tile, street, wall, mill, etc. They denoted objects which the Germanic invaders encountered on the British Isles. The third stratum of Latin loan words was composed of words borrowed after the introduction of the Christian religion. They are generally of a religious nature, such as the present-day Words: 177 PART 1. LECTURES bishop, devil, apostle, monk. As Latin was the language of learning at the time, there also entered the language some words that were not directly connected with religion, such as: master, school, palm, lion, tiger, plant, astronomy, etc. — Celtic borrowings The Celtic language left very few traces in the English language, because the Germanic conquerors partly exterminate the local population, partly drove them away to the less feni mountaineous parts of the country, where they were not withm reach of the invaders. The Celtic-speaking people who remained on the territory occupied by the Germanic tribes were slaves, and even those were not very numerous. It is small wonder therefore that the number of Celtic loan words was limited. Among the tew borrowed words we can mention: d o w n (the downs of Dover), binn (bin - basket, crib, manger). Some Celtic roots are preserved in geographical names, such as: kil (church — Kilbrook), ball (house — Ballantrae), esk (water — river Esk) and some others. 2. Middle English 2.1. General characteristics An analysis of the vocabulary in the Middle English period shows great instability and constant and rapid change. Many words became obsolete, and if preserved, then only in some dialects; many more appeared in the rapidly developing language 17X 11. ENGLISH VOCABULARY to reflect the ever-changing life of the speakers and under the influence of contacts with other nations. 2.2. Means of enriching vocabulary in Middle English 2.2.1. Internal means of enriching vocabulary Though the majority of Old English suffixes are still preserved in Middle English, they are becoming less productive, and words formed by means of word-derivation in Old English can be treated as such only etymologically. Words formed by means of word-composition in Old English, in Middle English are often understood as derived words. 2.2.2. External means of enriching vocabulary The principal means of enriching vocabulary in Middle English are not internal, but external — borrowings. Two languages in succession enriched the vocabulary of the English language of the time — the Scandinavian language and the French language, the nature of the borrowings and their amount reflecting the conditions of the contacts between the English and these languages. — Scandinavian borrowings The Scandinavian invasion and the subsequent settlement of the Scandinavians on the territory of England, the constant contacts and intermixture of the English and the Scandinavians brought about many changes in different spheres of the English language: wordstock, grammar and phonetics. The relative ease of the mutual penetration of the languages was conditioned by the circumstances of the Anglo-Scandinavian contacts (see above, Lecture 3). 179 PART 1. LECTURES Due to contacts between the Scandinavians and the Englishspeaking people many words were borrowed from the Scandinavian language, for example: Nouns: law, fellow, sky, skirt, skill, skin, egg, anger, awe, bloom, knife, root, .bull, cake, husband, leg, wing, guest, loan, race Adjectives: big, week, wrong, ugly, twin Verbs: call, cast, take, happen, scare, hail, want, bask, gape, kindle Pronouns: they, them, their; and many others. The conditions and the consequences of various borrowings were different. 1. Sometimes the English language borrowed a word for which it had no synonym. These words were simply added to the vocabulary. Examples: law, fellow 2. The English synonym was ousted by the borrowing. Scandinavian taken (to take) and callen (to call) ousted the English synonyms niman and clypian, respectively. 3. Both the words, the English and the corresponding Scandinavian, are preserved, but they became different in meaning. Compare Modern English native words and Scandinavian borrowings: Native Scandinavian borrowing heaven sky starve die 4. Sometimes a borrowed word and an English word are etymological doublets, as words originating from the same source in Common Germanic. 180 U. ENGLISH VOCABULARY Native Scandinavian borrowing shirt skirt shatter scatter raise rear 5. Sometimes an English word and its Scandinavian doublet were the same in meaning but slightly different phonetically, and the phonetic form of the Scandinavian borrowing is preserved in the English language, having ousted the English counterpart. For example, Modern English to give, to get come from the Scandinavian gefa, geta, which ousted the English 3iefan and 3ietan, respectively: Similar Modern English words: gift, forget, guild, gate, again. 6. There may be a shift of meaning. Thus, the word dream originally meant "joy, pleasure"; under the influence of the related Scandinavian word it developed its modern meaning. — French borrowings It stands to reason that the Norman conquest and the subsequent history of the country left deep traces in the English language, mainly in the form of borrowings in words connected with such spheres of social and political activity where Frenchspeaking Normans had occupied for a long time all places of importance. For example: — government and legislature: government, noble, baron, prince, duke, court, justice, judge, crime, prison, condemn, sentence, parliament, etc. — military life: army, battle, peace, banner, victory, general, colonel, lieutenant, major, etc. 181 PART 1. LECTURES — religion: religion, sermon, prey, saint, charity — city crafts: painter, tailor, carpenter (but country occupations remained English: shepherd, smith) — pleasure and entertainment: music, art, feast, pleasure, leisure, supper, dinner, pork, beef, mutton (but the corresponding names oj domestic animals remained English: pig, cow, sheep) — words of everyday life: air, place, river, large, age, boil, branch, brush, catch, chain, chair, table, choice, cry, cost — relationship: aunt, uncle, nephew, cousin. The place of the French borrowings within the English language was different: 1. A word may be borrowed from the French language to denote notions unknown to the English up to the time: government, parliament, general, colonel, etc. 2. The English synonym is ousted by the French borrowing: English French micel large here army §a river 3. Both the words are preserved, but they are stylistically different: English French to begin to work to commence to labour 182 U. ENGLISH VOCABULARY to leave to abandon life existence look regard ship vessel As we see, the French borrowing is generally more literary or even bookish, .the English word - a common one; but sometimes the English word is more literary. Compare: foe (native, English) — enemy (French borrowing). 4. Sometimes the English language borrowed many words with the same word-building affix. The meaning of the affix in this case became clear to the English-speaking people. It entered the system of word-building means of the English language, and they began to add it to English words, thus forming word-hybrids. For instance, the suffix -ment entered the language within such words as "government", "parliament", "agreement", but later there appeared such English-French hybrids as: fulfilment, amazement. The suffix -ance/-ence, which was an element of such borrowed words as "innocence", "ignorance", "repentance", now also forms word-hybrids, such as hindrance. A similar thing: French borrowings "admirable", "tolerable", "reasonable", but also: readable, eatable, unbearable. 5. One of the consequences of the borrowings from French was the appearance of ethymological doublets. — from the Common Indoeuropean: native borrowed fatherly paternal — from the Common Germanic: 183 PART 1. LECTURES "" native yard ward choose borrowed garden guard choice — from Latin: earlier later (Old English) (Middle English) borrowing borrowing mint money inch ounce 6. Due to the great number of French borrowings there appeared in the English language such families of words, which though similar in their root meaning, are different in origin: native borrowed mouth oral sun solar see vision 7. There are caiques on the French phrase: It's no doubt Se n'est pas doute Without doubtSans doute Out of doubt Hors de doute. 3. New English 3.1. General Characteristics The language in New English is growing very rapidly, the amount of actually existing words being impossible to estimate. Though some of the words existing in Old English and Middle English are no longer used*In New English, the amount of new words exceeds the number of obsolete ones manifold. 184 11. ENGLISH VOCABULARY Both internal means and external means are used for the purpose of enriching the vocabulary, and the importance of either of them is hard to evaluate. 3.2. Means of enriching vocabulary in New English 3.2.1. Internal means of enriching vocabulary The principal inner means in New English is the appearance of new words formed by means of conversion. Usually new words are formed by acquiring a new paradigm and function within a sentence. Thus, book (a noun) has the paradigm book — books. Book (a verb) has the paradigm book — books — booked — booking, etc. (The book is on the table - He booked a room.) Similarly: man (n) — man (v) stone (n) — stone (v) — stone (adj) (as in "a stone bench"), etc. 3.2.2. External means of enriching vocabulary Very many new words appear in New English due to borrowing. It is necessary to say here that the process of borrowing, the sources of loan Words, the nature of the new words is different from Middle English and their appearance in the language cannot be understood unless sociolinguistic factors are taken into consideration. Chronologically speaking, New English borrowings may be subdivided into borrowings of the Early New English period — XV—XVII centuries, the period preceeding the establishment of the literary norm, and loan words which entered the language after the establishment of the literary norm — in the XVIII—XX centuries, the period which is generally alluded to as late New English. 185 PART 1. LECTURES — Early New English borrowings (XV—XVII centuries) Borrowings into the English language in the XV—XVII centuries are primarily due to political events and also to the cultural and. trade relations between the English people and peoples in other countries. Thus , in the XV century — the epoch of Renaissance, there appeared in the English language many words borrowed from the Italian tongue: cameo, archipelago, dilettante, fresco, violin, balcony, gondola, grotto, volcano; in the XVI century — Spanish and Portuguese words, such as: armada, negro, tornado, mosquito, renegade, matador and also Latin (the language of culture of the time), for instance: — verbs, with the characteristic endings -ate, -ute: aggravate, abbreviate, exaggerate, frustrate, separate, irritate, contribute, constitute, persecute, prosecute, execute, etc., — adjectives ending in -ant, -ent, -ior, -al: arrogant, reluctant, evident, obedient, superior, inferior, senior, junior, dental, cordial, filial. As a result of numerous Latin borrowings at the time there appeared many ethymological doublets: Latin strictum (direct) strict strait (through French) seniorem senior sir 186 11. ENGLISH VOCABULARY fас turn fact feat defectum defect defeat In the XVII century due to relations with the peoples of America such words were borrowed as: canoe, maize, potato, tomato, tobacco, mahogany, cannibal, hammock, squaw, moccasin, wigwam, etc. French boirowings — after the Restoration: ball, ballet, billet, caprice, coquette, intrigue, fatigue, naive. —Late New English borrowings (XYHJ—XX centuries) — German: kindergarten, waltz, wagon, boy, girl — French: magazine, machine, garage, police, engine, nacelle, aileron — Indian: bungalow, jungle, indigo — Chinese: coolie, tea — Arabic: caravan, divan, alcohol, algebra, coffee, bazaar, orange, cotton, candy, chess IS7 PART 1. LECTURE —Australian: kangaroo, boomerang, lubra — Russian: Before the October Revolution the borrowings from the Russian language were mainly words reflecting Russian realm о the time: borzoi, samovar, tsar, verst, taiga, etc. After the Revolution there entered the English language such words that testified to the political role of this country in the world, as: Soviet, bolshevik, kolkhoz. Cultural and technical achievements are reflected in sue borrowings as: sputnik, lunnik, lunokhod, synchrophasotron and recently such political terms as: glasnost, perestroika. In New English there also appeared words formed on the basis of Greek and Latin vocabulary. They are mainly scientific or technical terms, such as: telephone, telegraph, teletype, telefax, microphone, sociology, politology, electricity, etc. Some more facts... The Change of Calendar Most of the new words coming into the language today have been derived from the same sources or created by the satne methods as those that have long been familiar. Among them are borrowings, many of them reflecting events and changes in the life of the people, committing to memory the names of their perpetrators. Here we may recollect the history of calendar. Julius Caesar in 46 ВС fixed the length of the year at 365 188 U. ENGLISH VOCABULARY days, and 366 days every fourth year. The months had thirty and thirty-one days alternately, with the exception of February (then the last month of the year), which had twenty-nine in ordinary years, and thirty in leap years. To mark this change of calendar July was named after its originator. The Emperor Augustus upset this arrangement by naming August after himself, and in order that it should have the same number of days as July, i.e. thirty-one, took one day from February in both ordinary and leap years. The Julian Calendar made a slight error in the length of the year, a mere eleven minutes and fourteen seconds; but by the sixteenth century the cumulative error was about ten days. This was rectified by Pope Gregory XIII who, in 1582, decreed that 5 October should become the fifteenth. In order to prevent a recurrence of the fault it was ordained that the centurial years (i.e. 1600, 1700, etc.) should not be Leap years unless divisible by 400. England did not accept this Gregorian calendar until 1752, thereby causing much confusion between English and Continental dates, whilst the disparity between the Julian and Gregorian calendars was now eleven days. An Act of Parliament in 1750 made 2 September 1752 into 14 September and moved the first day of the year from 25 March (still reckoned as the beginning of the financial year) to 1 January — 24 March 1700, for example, was followed by 25 March 1701. In this way England was brought into line with the rest of Europe. After E. R. Deldeifield LECTURE 12. ETHYMOLOGICAL STRATA IN MODERN ENGLISH Figures of Red Indians on the announcement of The Lottery for Virginia, 1615 intended for raising money required for colonisation of America. List of principal questions: 1. General characteristics 2. Native element in Modern English 2.1. Common Indo-European stratum 2.2. Common Germanic stratum .3. Foreign element in Modern English (borrowings) 3.1. Latin element 3.2. Scandinavian element 3.3. French element 4. Word-hybrids 5. Ethymological doublets 10. ETHYMOLOGICAL STRATA IN MODERN ENGLISH 1. General characteristics The English vocabulary of today reflects as no other aspect of the language the many changes in the history of the people and various contacts which the English speakers had with many nations and countries. The long and controversial history of the people is reflected in its vocabulary and especially in the number of loan words in it, different in origin and time of their entering the language and the circumstances under which the acquisition of the foreign element took place. So large is the number of foreign words in English that it might at first be supposed that the vocabulary has lost its Germanic nature. However, the functional role of the native element: the lotions expressed by native words, their regularity and frequency of occurrence, lack of restrictions to their use in written and oral speech of different functional styles, proves that the Germanic dement still holds a fundamental place, and the English vocabulary should be called Germanic. 2. Native element in Modern English English native words form" two ethymological strata: the Common Indo-European stratum and the Common Germanic stratum. 2.1. Common Indo-European stratum The words forming this stratum are the oldest in the vocabulary. They existed thousands of years B.C., at the time w hen it was yet impossible to speak about separate IndoEuropean languages, as well as about various nations in Europe. Words of the Common Indo-European vocabulary have been 'nherited by many modem Indo-European languages, not only 191 PART 1. LECTURES Germanic, which is often a possible proof of these words belonging to the Common Indo-European stratum. Compare: English Latin Russian mother brother night be stand two three ten mater frater nox (noctem) fieri stare duo tres decem мать брат ночь быть стоять два три десять, etc. 2.2. Common Germanic stratum There are also words inherited from Common Germanic Common Germanic is supposed to exist before it began splitting into various subgroups around the 1st century B.C.—Г1 century A.D. These words can be found in various Germanic languages, but not in Indo-European languages other than Germanic. English German Swedish man earth harm green grey mann erde harm gran grau man jord harm gron gra The occurrence or non-occurrence of corresponding words in related languages is often a proof of their common origin. But, of course, the word could be borrowed from the same source into different languages, especially if we speak about languages in modern times. 192 10. ETHYMOLOG1CAL STRATA IN MODERN ENGLISH 3. Foreign element in Modern English (borrowings) As we know, borrowed words comprise more than half the vocabulary of the language. These borrowings entered the language from many sources, forming consequently various ethymological strata. The principal ones here are as follows: — the Latin element — the Scandinavian element — the French element. 3.1. Latin element The first Latin words entered the language of the forefathers of the English nation before they came to Britain. It happened during a direct intercourse and trade relations with the peoples of [he Roman empire. They mainly denote names of household •terns and products: apple, pear, plum, cheese, pepper, dish, kettle, etc. Already on the Isles from the Romanized Celts they borrowed such words as: street, wall, mill, tile, port, caster (camp — in such words as Lancaster, Winchester). Words of this kind denoted objects of Latin material culture. Latin words such as: altar, bishop, candle, church, devil, martyr, monk, nun, pope, psalm, etc. Were borrowed after the introduction of the Christian religion (7!h century), which is reflected in their meaning. The number of these words inherited from Old English is almost two hundred. 193 PART I. LECTURES We mentioned these words as Latin borrowings in the sense that they entered English from Latin, but many of them were Greek borrowings into Latin, such as bishop, church, devil and many others. Another major group of Latin borrowings entered English with the revival of learning (15th—I6ll! centuries). Latin was drawn upon for scientific nomenclature, as at the time the language was understood by scientists all over the world, it was considered the common name-language for science. These words were mainly borrowed through books, by people who knew Latin well and tried to preserve the Latin form of the word as much as possible. Hence such words as: antenna — antennae, index — indices, datum data, stratum — strata, phenomenon — phenomena, axi s— axes, formula — formulae, etc. Very many of them have suffixes which clearly mark them as Latin boiTOwings of the time: — verbs ending in -ate, -ute: aggravate, prosecute — adjectives ending in -ant, -ent, -ior, -al: reluctant, evident, superior, cordial. These word-building elements together with the stylistic sphere of the language where such words are used are generally sufficient for the word attribution. 3.2. Scandinavian element Chronologically words of Scandinavian origin entered the language in the period between the 8th and the 10th centuries due to the Scandinavian invasions and settlement of Scandinavians on 194 10. ETHYMOLOGICAL STRATA IN MODERN ENGLISH the British Isles, with subsequent though temporary union of two important divisions of the Germanic race. It is generally thought that the amount of words borrowed from this source was about 500, though some linguists surmise that the number could have been even greater, but due to the similarity of the languages and scarcity of written records of the time it is not always possible to say whether the word is a borrowed one or native, inherited from the same Common Germanic source. Such words may be mentioned here, as: they, then, their, husband, fellow, knife, law, leg, wing, give, get, forgive, forget, take, call, ugly, wrong. As we said, words of Scandinavian origin penetrated into the English language so deeply that their determination is by no means easy. However, there are some phonetic/spelling features of the words which in many cases make this attribution authentic enough. These are as follows: — words with the sk/sc combination in the spelling, as: sky, skin, skill, scare, score, scald, busk, bask (but not some Old French borrowings as task, scare, scan, scape) — words with the sound [g] or [k] before front vowels [i], [e] fei], in the spelling i, e, ue, ai, a (open syllable) or at the end of the word: give, get, forgive, forget, again, gate, game, keg, kid, kilt, egg, drag, dregs, flag, hug, leg, log, rig. There are also personal names of the same origin, ending in •son: Jefferson, Johnson or place names ending in -ly, -thorp, -toft (originally meaning "village", "hamlet"): Whitly, Althorp, Lowestoft. 195 PART 1. LECTURES These places are mainly found in the north-east of England, where the Scandinavian influence was stronger than in other parts of England. 3.3. French element The French element in the English vocabulary is a large and important one. Words of this origin entered the language in the Middle and New English periods. Among Middle English borrowings we generally mention earlier borrowings, their source being Norman French — the dialect of William the Conqueror and his followers. They entered the language in the period beginning with the time of Edward the Confessor and continued up to the loss of Normandy in 1204. Later Middle English borrowings have as their source Parisian French. The time of these borrowings may be estimated as end of the 13th century and up to 1500. These words are generally fully assimilated in English and felt as its integral part: government, parliament, justice, peace, prison, court, crime, etc. Many of these words (though by no means all of them) are terms used in reference to government and courts of law. • Later Middle English borrowings are more colloquial words: air, river, mountain, branch, cage, calm, cost, table, chair. The amount of these Middle English borrowings is as estimated as much as 3,500. French borrowings of the New English period entered the language beginning with the 17th century — the time of the Restoration of monarchy in Britain, which began with the accession to the throne of Charles II, who had long lived in exile at the French court: 196 10. ETHYMOLOGICAL STRATA IN MODERN ENGLISH aggressor, apartment, brunette, campaign, caprice, caress, console, coquette, cravat, billet-doux, carte blanche, etc: Later also such words appeared in the language as: garage, magazine, policy, machine. It is interesting to note that the phonetics of French borrowings always helps us to prove their origin. These phonetic features are at least two: stress and special sound/letter features. Concerning the first (stress), words which do not have stress on the first syllable unless the first syllable is a prefix are almost always French borrowings of the New English period. Words containing the sounds [$"] spelled not sh, [d3] — £°-£ dg, [tj"] — not ch and practically all words with the sound [3] • are sure to be of French origin: aviation, social, Asia, soldier, jury, literature, pleasure, treasure. 4. Word-hybrids The extensive borrowing from various languages and assimilation of loan words gave rise to the formation in English °f a large number of words the elements of which are of different origin — they are generally termed word-hybrids. English beaaout over fore salt false French -cause -round curse cry power front cell(ar) hood because around accurse outcry overpower forefront salt-seller falsehood 197 PART 1. LECTURES French hobby scape trouble plenty aimre- English horse goat some ful -less take English parbandy- Scandinavian take partake leg bandy-legged French re- Scandinavian call recall Latin juxta- French position hobbyhorse scapegoat' troublesome plentiful aimless retake juxtaposition 5. Ethymological doublets Ethymological doublets are words developing from the same word or root, but which entered the given language, in our case English, at different times of through different channels. Classifying them according to the ultimate source of the doublets we shall receive the following: Ultimate Modern source doublets Common Indo-European *pater fatherly paternal Period and channel native M.E. French borrowing 148 10. ETHYMOLOGICAL STRATA IN MODERN ENGLISH Common Gexmamc. *gher- yard garden choose choice native M.E. French borrowing native M.E. French borrowing *wer ward guard native M.E. French borrowing *sker shirt skirt native M.E. Scandinavian borrowing *skhed shatter scatter native M.E. Scandinavian borrowing disk disc O.E. Latin borrowing N.E. Latin borrowing moneta mint money O.E. Latin borrowing M.E. Latin borrowing uncia inch ounce O.E. Latin borrowing M.E. Latin borrowing defectum defect defeat N.E. Latin borrowing M.E. Latin borrowing factum fact feat N.E. Latin borrowing M.E. Latin borrowing seniorem senior sir N.E. Latin borrowing M.E. Latin' borrowing diamond adamant Early M.E. French borrowing Later M.E. French borrowing fancy fantasy N.E. French borrowing M.E. French borrowing *gens- Latin discus Greek adamas fantasia 199 PART 1. LECTURES Hebrew basam balm balsam M.E. French borrowing N.E. Latin borrowing The examples of various ethymological strata in the Modern English vocabulary mentioned above may serve as a sufficient testimony of a long and complicated .history of the English nation and the English language. They prove that language changes can be understood only in relation to the life of the people speaking the language. Some more facts... Folk etymology When people hear a foreign or unfamiliar word for the first time, they try to make sense of it by relating it to words they know well. They guess what it must mean — and often guess wrongly. However, if enough people make the same wrong guess, the error can become part of the language. Such erroneous forms are called folk or popular etymologies. Bridegroom provides a good example. What has a groom got to do with getting married? Is he going to groom the bride? Or perhaps he is responsible for horses to carry him and his bride off into the sunset? The true explanation is more prosaic. The Middle English form was bridgome, which goes back to Old English brydguma, from "bride" + guma "man". However, gome died out during the Middle English period. By the 16" century its meaning was no longer apparent, and it came to be popularly replaced by a similar-sounding word, grome, "serving lad". This later developed the sense of "servant having the care of horses", which is the dominant sense today. But bridegroom never meant anything more than "bride's man". Here are a few other folk etymologies: • sparrow-grass — a popular name for asparagus — though this vegetable has nothing to do with sparrows. 200 10. ETHYMOLOGICAL STRATA IN MODERN ENGLISH • cockroach — the name came from Spanish cucuracha, the first part of which must have been particularly obscure to English ears. There is no connection with cock. • salt-cellar — in Old French a salier was a salt-box. When the word came into English, the connection with salt was evidently not clear, and people started calling the object a saltsaler. The modern form has no connection with a cellar. • sirloin — the first part of the word is simply derived from the French word sur "above". The form must have greatly puzzled the people of the Early Middle English period. Unused to French, they etymologized the form to sir, and then thought up a legend to make sense of it (the story of the English king who found this joint of meat so splendid that he gave it a knighthood.) After D. Crystal Tart Z. Seminars he front panel of the Franks' casket, carved out of whale's bone in Northumbria in about AD 750 and depicting scenes from classical egend, Germanic mythology and the Bible. A runic inscription bribes each panel. (The original is kept at the British Museum, London) LIST OF SEMINARS 205 1. Introductory. Germanic languages 2. Chief characteristics of Germanic languages. Grammar 3. Survey of the periods in the history of English. General characteristics of the Old English period 21 ?17 4. Old English phonetics. Vowels 990 5. Old English phonetics. Consonants 6. Old English grammar. Noun 7. Old English grammar. Verb 8. Old English. Discussion 9. General characteristics of the Middle English period 10. Middle English phonetics. Vowels 11. Middle English phonetics. Consonants 12. Middle English grammar. Noun 13. Middle English grammar. Verb 14. Middle English. Discussion 15. General characteristics of the New English period 16. New English phonetics. Vowels 17..New English phonetics. Consonants .• 18. New English grammar. Noun 19. New English grammar. Verb 20. English wordstock 21. Vocabulary layers 22. Modern regular and irregular noun and verb forms 22 22 228 2 ^' 240 2 ^ 2 ^ 2 ^' 248 251 261 263 267 271 272 274 277 SEMINARS 1—2. GERMANIC LANGUAGES 1- Introductory. Germanic languages 2. Chief characteristics of Germanic languages. Grammar An early engraving of a gold horn roughly dated about 550 AD, found in Jylland, Sweden. It has a maker's formula cut in runes round the brim. 205 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 1. Introductory. Germanic languages Topics for discussion in class 1. Position of Germanic languages within the Indo-European family (main groups of languages, with special reference to Germanic, Celtic, Slavonic). 2. Formation of national Germanic languages in the late Middle Ages and the new period. 3. Classification of Modern Germanic languages; countries where they are spoken. The West and North Germanic subgroups. 4. Old Germanic tribes and dialects: "Common Germanic". Differentiation of Common Germanic into Germanic dialects. East, North and West Germanic groups and their representatives. 5. Development of the system of consonants in the pre-written period. 6. Grimm's law, Verner's law. Reasons for the departure from Verner's law in the pre-written period. Questions and assignments 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the aims of studying the history of a language? What is meant by the outer and inner history of a language? Make a table showing the relationship of English to the other languages of the Indo-European family. Show the position of English among allied Germanic languages. What do we mean by the statement that two languages are "related"? Explain the relations between English and French, English and Greek, English and Welsh, English and Danish. 206 GERMANIC LANGUAGES 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is called the pre-written and written period of a language? What alphabets employed in the history of Germanic languages do you know? Speak on the origin and structure of Germanic alphabets. What is meant by a phonetic law? Show carefully how Grimm's law or any apparent exception to it is illustrated by the following words: stand, father, third, sweet. Write down five illustrations of Grimm's law and five illustrations of Verner's law. 207 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 2. Chief characteristics of Germanic languages. Grammar Topics for discussion in class 1. 2. 3. 4. Development of the system of declension in the pre-written period. Development of the system of conjugation in the pre-written period. Means of form-building in the pre-written period. Vowel interchange as a form-building means in the prewritten period. Ablaut. Questions and assignments 1. 2. 3. 4. Explain and illustrate the terms "synthetic" and "analytic" languages. Give examples of modern synthetic and analytical languages. What form-building means were used in Germanic languages? What verbal and nominal categories existed in Germanic languages? Compare them with the categories of modern languages. Prepare for reading Old English texts: study the table below and learn to read Old English letters. 208 GERMANIC LANGUAGES Reading of Old English texts Letters & Sounds Examples ж at, cwas6, hwasnne 9 mpnn, lpnd, ond У pystrodon, clypode, ymb P 6 past, pystrodon, top [8] [6] cwaed, оббе, du cwe6an, hwe6er, Ьгобог f [f] [v] faeder, fot, faran hlaford, wifan, griefe s [s] и Isaac, his, 3eseon rlsan, forleosan, wyrsa [у] [gJ ёазап, da3as, SI03 Запз, sin3an, 1епзга dae3, be3ite, 3efeohtan, 3 Ш h с his, he, mihte [к'] M супе, cyssan, cin clypode, 3esceot, boc 209 SEMINARS 3—8. OLD ENGLISH 3. Survey of the periods in the history of English. General characteristics of the Old English period 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Old English phonetics. Vowels Old English phonetics. Consonants Old English grammar. Noun Old English grammar. Verb Old English. Discussion A runic memorial stone from Yttergarde, Sweden, telling of a Viking warrior who made three expeditions to England in the early 11th century. 211 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 3. Survey of the periods in the history of English. General characteristics of the Old English period Topics for discussion in class 1. Survey of the three periods in the history of English (dates, principal historical events and linguistic facts). 2. Old English historical background (Germanic settlement, West Germanic tribes and Old English dialects). 3. Old English alphabet and pronunciation. 4. Old English written records: runic inscriptions, religious works, Anglo-Saxon chronicles. Questions and assignments 1. What is called the pre-written and written Old English? 2. What is the time of the written records below (seminars 3—6)? 3. What is the dialect reflected in the records below (seminars 3—6)? 4. How do we pronounce words in Old English texts (vowels and consonants — make use of the table in Seminar 2)? 5. How many vowels and consonants were there in Old English? 6. How does the quality of the consonant depend on the position of the word in the text? 7. Study the model of phonetic analysis of an Old English text. Read and translate the text into Modern English / Russian. 212 OLD ENGLISH Continue the phonetic analysis following the model (analyse only the underlined words). Check your variant with the key. From the Alfredian Version of Orosius's World History; about 893 A.D. Alfred the Great (849—900), King of Wessex, was an outstanding military leader, educator and a man of letters of the time. He tried to restore the cultural traditions of Anglo-Saxon England severely damaged by the barbaric "inroads of the Danes" and to revive learning and literature in his country. He also brought about a great reform in the schools. He translated into his native tongue some books on geography, history and philosophy written by the popular authors of IV—VIII centuries. This was fortunate for the language which became a medium of expression in the simpler forms of speech itself. King Alfred's translation from Latin of "The History of the World" by the Spanish, monk Orosius (V century) is especially valuable as it contains his own insertions — the descriptions of the sea-voyages in the North West of Europe of the two Scandinavian merchants, Ohthere and Wulfstan. King Alfred's writings favoured flourishing of literature in Wessex and marked the beginning of the literary tradition later known as "the Alfredian prose"'. The extract given below is "From Ohthere's account of his first voyage". It contains interesting geographical and ethnographical information of the places he visited. The dialect is West Saxon. 213 PART 2. SEMINARS Ohthere's account of his first voyage Ohthere saede his hlaforde, yElfrede cynin?e, bast he gaixa Nor5monna пофтев! bude. He cwae5 bast he bude on разт lancle noфweardum wip ba Westsas. He ssde beah bset bast land sie s\#£ 1апз поф bonan; ас hit is eal weste, buton on feawum stowum stycce-maslum wlcia5 Finnas, on huntoSe on wintra and on sumera on fiscabe be bsere sai. He sajde bast he a?t suraum cirre wolde fandian hu 1опзе j)£t land пофгуЬле 1аёзе obbe hwas5er з з т з т о п Ьепогбап рает westenne bude. J>a for he пофгуЫе be bsem lande; let him ealne we3 baet weste land on 6st steor-bord. and -ha wTd-see on 6set bjefc bord. brie da3as. I>a was he swa feor поф swaba hwselhuntan fil£S§i farab. I>a for he ba 3iet пофгу^е swa feor swa he meahte on Ьзгт obrum brim da3um 3esi3lan. M Ьёаз past land bjgr east-ry nte °^ e seo see in on 5set lond, he nysse hwasder, buton he wisse 5ast he бгёг bad westanwindes and hwon пофап, and si3lde 5a east be lande, swa-swa he meahte on feower da3um 3esi3ian. M sceolde he баёг bldan гуМ-пофапу/Ыез; for6aem ba&t land Ьеаз baer subryhte obbe seo sae in on 6aet land he nysse hwseber. P& si3lde he bonan sudryhte be lande, swa-swa he on fif da3um 3esi3lan. Da 1ЖЗ.ЪЗГГ an micel ea up-in on bget land. Pa cirdon hie up-in on oa ea, for-jbiem hie ne dorston & ф bi Ьззге ёа si3lan for unfripe; forpasm 6ast land waes eall зеЬпп on obre healfe bare eas. Ne mette he ffir nan зеЬпп land, sibban he from his азпит ham for. Fela spella him ssedon ba Beormas зззЬег зе of hiera азпит lande зе of baem landum be ymb hie utan wseron, ac he nyste hwjet bass sobes wass, for-Ъгёт he hit self ne 3eseah. M Finnas, him buhte, and ba Beormas sprascon neah an 3ebeode. SwTbost he for 6ider, t5-eacan b a s landes sceawun3e. for bsem hors-hwselum, for-бдат hie habbad swlbe sepele ban on hiora t5bum, — ba t§6 hie brohton sume bsem cynin3e —, and hiora hyd. 214 OLD ENGLISH Model of phonetic analysis Word as used m the text Analysis Parallels from NE word cognate languages or I related OE words side [s] — voiceless initially; OE SK^de [as] — lengthening of [ae] (variant form) due to loss of [g] said cynirnje [у] — palatal mutation of OHG kuning [u] — caused by [ij; later M>[i] [ea] — breaking of [эе] Gt alls before [l]+consonant, [ж] — from PG [a] king Nor5monna -monn: [o]=[a] — from PG [a], later [a >a>as] Gt mann(a) Norman lande [a] — before nasal consonants; [a] — from PG [a], later [а >а>аг] Gt land land t'eah [ea] — from PG [au] Gt SWT{)e p] — lengthening due to loss of [n] before a fricative stycce [y] __ palatal mutation of [u] caused by [i] [fj — from [p] by Grimm's Law • fi] _ . from [ie] — monophthongisation of diphthongs in EOE ealra fiscafce cirre norjjryhte fcauh . Gt s w i n g e though — OHG Stukki rel. to s t o c k R пескарь rel to fish OS kerrian (v) char -ryht: [y] — from [ie] — Gt raihts [e] monophthpngisation of diphthongs in EOE 215 all right PART 2. SEMINAR,с [б] — voiced intervocally, [se] — from Gt hvabar whether [Её] — palatal mutation of [a] caused by [i] cp OE an any steor-bord steor: Гёо] — from PG [iuj; bord: [d] — hardening of [3] rel. to Gt star-board baec-bord [SE] — from PG [a] OSk bak back brie [9] — from [t] by Grimm's Law /?три three da3as [a] — is caused by a back vowel in the next syllable Gtdagos days WffiS [se] — from PG [a] OHG was firrest [i] — palatal mutation of [eo] — (feor) caused by [i] (-ist) — suffix of superlative degree: [eo>ie>i] EOE fierest was farther farab [a] — from PG [o] Gt faran (inf) fare 3iet [Те] — (Wess) from PG [ё] — diphthongisation after palatal [j] GtytX yet meahte [ea] — breaking of [ac] before [h]: [a>ae>ea] OHG maht might Gt anbar other hwa25er PGfaf obram stiurjan (v) Cf. OSk bord [o] — from PG [a]; lengthening due to the • loss of [n] before a fricative Ьёаз [ea] — from PG [au] Gt baug bow Ьэзг [Щ — from PG [a], [8] «— initially voiceless Gt bar there east [ea] — from PG [au] Gt austr east 216 OLD ENGLISH Seminar 4. Old English phonetics. Vowels Topics for discussion in class 1. The system of Old English vowels and their origin. 2. Assimilative changes of vowels (breaking, palatal mutation) and their traces in Modern English. Questions and assignments '• Make a list of Old English vowels and analyse the differentiating features between them (in quality and quantity). 2. Describe the Old English diphthongs and comment upon their phonological status. 3. Explain the origin of short diphthongs in Old English: eald (New English old), tealde (New English told), earm (New English arm), feohtan (New English fight). 4. What are the phonetic conditions of palatal mutation? Give some Old English or reconstructed forms showing these conditions. Analyse the results of palatal mutation: (a) in form-building of nouns in the root-stem declension, e.g. Old English fot — fgt (New English foot —feet), mUS —mys (New English mouse — mice)', (b) in word-building of weak verbs of class 1 from noun and adjective stems, e.g. Old English dom — deman (New English doom — deem), fod — fedan (New English food —feed), ful — fyllan (New English full —fill). 217 PART 2. SEMINARS 5. Read and translate the text below into Modern English / Russian (part 1). Make the phonetic analysis following the model given in Seminar 3 (analyse only the underlined words). Check your variant with the key. From the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A. 1013 The Old English Chronicle, sometimes called the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, contains the history of Britain from the time of Caesars invasion to the reign of Henry II (1154). It presents the original and authentic testimony of contemporary writers to the most important events in the history of the country, including many interesting facts relative to architecture, agriculture, coinage, commerce, naval and military events, laws, liberty ana religion. This ancient record is believed to be the second great phenomenon in the history of mankind after the Old Testament, pi there is no other work, ancient or modern, which exhibits at one view a regular and chronological panorama of a people, described in rapw succession by different writers, through so many ages, in their own vernacular language. That is why it may be considered not only as the primaeval source of factual material for all subsequent historians oj England, but also as a faithful depository of the national idiom, providing a very interesting, and extraordinary example of the changes incident to a language, as well as to a nation, in its historical progress. The writers of the Chronicle are not known, probably they were monks, as MSS come from different monasteries. The dialect of the extract given below is West Saxon. It describes the time of Scandinavian Invasions in Britain and the fall of the Saxon dynasty. (Part I) On бает asftran зёаге рё se arcebiscop wass 3emartyrod, se cynin3 3esette Lyfine biscop to Cantwarabvrh t5 6am arcest5le; and on pissum ylcan зёаге, toforan pam топбе Augustus, com Swe3en сутпз mid his flotan to SandwTc, and wende pa swi6e 218 OLD ENGLISH габе abutan Eastenglum into Humbra muban. and swa upweard andlang Trentan, 66 he com to 3enesburuh; and ba sona beah Uhtred eori and ealle Nor6hymbre to 'him; and eall baet folc on Lindesi3e, and si65an baet folc into Flfburhingum. and габе baes eall here be погбап \Vsetlin3a straete, and him man sealde 3islas of aelcere sclre. Sy66an he unde^eat bast eall folc him to 3ebogen was, pa bead he {)set man sceolde his here mettian and horsian; and he 5a wende sybban su6weard mid fulre fyrde, and betsehte f>a scipu and ba 3islas Cnute his suna; and sy66an he com ofer Wstlinga strEete, worhton baet maeste yfel bast еётз here don mihte. Wende pa to Oxenforda, and seo buruhwaru sona beah and 3'slude, and banon to Winceastre, and hi pat ylce dydon. Wende fra banon eastwerd to Lundene, and mycel his folces adrang on Temese, for6am be hi nanre Ьгусзе ne cepton. (Part 2) f*a he to бгёге Ьупз com, ba nolde seo burhwaru Ьизап ас heoldan mid fullan wi3e опзеап. for5an Ьжг waes inne se cyng ^belred and Purkyl mid him. Е»а wende Swe3en cyng banon to Wealingforda, and swa ofer Temese westweard to Baban, and sast ba5r mid his fyrde. And com ЛЕре1тэег ealdorman byder, and 5a westernan Ьезепав mid him, and Ы130П ealle to Swe3ene, and hi 3»sludon. I>a he 5us 3efaren heefde. wende ba nor5weard to his scipum, and eall peodscype hine haefde ba for fulne cyng; and seo buruhwaru after 5am on Lundene beah and 3islude, forSon hi QJDdredon baet he hT fordon wolde. Pa wses se cyning vEbelred sume hwTle mid bam flotan be on Temese. 1аез, and seo hla3fdi3e gewende ba ofer sae to hire Ьгёбег Ricarde, and se cyning gewende ba fram 5am flotan to bam middanwintra to Wihtlande, and waes баёг ba tTd; and sefter Ьэзге tide wende ofer 5a see to Ricarde, and wses базг mid him ob bone byre b«e(: Swe3en wear6 dead. 219 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 5. Old English phonetics. Consonants Topics for discussion in class 1. The system of Old English consonants and their origin. 2. Grimm's law, Verner's law; voicing, devoicing, hardening . and rhotacism in Old English. Questions and assignments 1. Make a list of Old English consonants and analyse the differentiating features between them. 2. What consonant correlations may be observed between words in English and any other Germanic languages? 3. Find in the text examples showing that voiced and voiceless fricative consonants (f/v, 0/6, s/z) were conditioned variants (allophones) of the same phonemes. 4. Read and translate the text above into Modern English / Russian (part 2). Make the phonetic analysis following the model given in Seminar 3 (analyse only the underlined words). Check your variant with the key. 220 OLD ENGLISH Seminar 6. Old English grammar. Noun Topics for discussion in class 1 • Old English nominal system. Means of form-building. 2. Grammatical categories of nouns, adjectives and pronouns. 3. Morphological classification of Old English nouns (types of declensions). 4. Traces of the Old English declensions in Modern English. 5. Degrees of comparison of adjectives in Old English and their further history. Questions and assignments 12. 3. 4. 5. What form-building means were used in the Old English nominal system? Enumerate the grammatical categories of nouns, adjectives and pronouns and state the difference between them. Into what types of declensions did the Old English nouns fall? Why are they termed "stems"? Look through the noun paradigm and find instances of different means used in form-building. Copy and learn the declension of an a-stem, masculine (e.g. Stan, New English stone), a root-Stem (e.g. man. New English man) 6. and an n-stem (e.g. nama. New English name) noun. Point out the forms or endings which have survived in Modern English. Explain the difference between the groupings of nouns into types of declension and the two declensions of adjectives. 221 PART 2. SEMINARS 7. 8. Define the case, number and gender of nouns, pronouns and adjectives in the following: foa wildan hranas; ealra norbmonna; hiera азпшп lande; his yldran sunu; mine da3as; to him Study the model of grammar and vocabulary analysis of an Old English text. Consult the text and your translation notes for Seminar 3 (Ohthere's account of his first voyage). Continue the grammar and vocabulary analysis following the model given below. Check your variant with the key. Model of grammar and vocabulary analysis Words as used in the text Analysis notes Ohthere noun proper, nominative singular Corresponding New English word Translation Ohthere (name) sa;de verb, У person singular, past tense, indicative mood of secgan. weak verb, class III say said his pronoun personal, л У person singular, masculine, genitive his (to) his hlaforde noun, dative singular of hlaford, masculine, a-stem lord lord /Elfrede noun proper, dative singular Alfred Alfred сушпзе noun, dative singular of cynin3, masculine, a-stem king the King л 222 OLD ENGLISH paet conjunction that that he pronoun personal, 3^ person singular, masculine, nominative he he ealra pronoun indefinite, plural, genitive of eal all of all Nor6monna noun, genitive plural of Nor5monn, masculine, root-stem northmen Northmen (Scandinavians) пофтеБ! bude adverb northmost to the north lived (or had lived) verb, 3 rd person singular, past tense, indicative or subjunctive mood of buan. anomalous verb cwae5 verb, 3rd person singular, past tense, indicative mood of cwse6an, strong verb, class V obs. quoth said beet conjunction that that bude see above lived (or had livedj on o n preposition P^m pronoun demonstrative, that dative singular, masculine of se. seo. pact the lande noun, dative singular of land, neuter, a-stem land ОП land norjbweardum adjective, dative singular, neuter of noroward. used adverbially northward to the North whp preposition with of P§ pronoun demonstrative, that accusative singular, feminine of se. seo. feast 223 that (the) PART 2. SEMINARS Westsaj noun proper, accusative singular of Westsse, feminine, i-stem west sea Atlantic Ocean beah conjunction though also jbaet conjunction that that baet pronoun demonstrative, nominative singular, neuter of se. seo, past that that land noun, nominative singular, neuter, a-stem land land sle verb, 3"1 person singular, present tense, subjunctive mood of beon. suppletive verb be is swibe adverb — very 1апз adjective, nominative singular, neuter, strong declension long long поф adverb north north £onan adverb thence from there ас conjunction — but hit pronoun personal, 3 r i person singular, neuter, nominative it it is verb, 3 rd person singular, present tense, indicative mood of beon, irregular verb is is eal pronoun/adverb all weste adjective, nominative singular, neuter, strong declension — all uninhabited (waste) buton conjunction but but on see above on on/in/at 224 OLD ENGLISH feawum adjective, dative plural of few feaw, strong declension few Stowum noun, dative plural of Stow st5w. feminine, wo-stem places styccemaelum adverb stockmeal here and there wlciad verb, У person plural, present tense, indicative mood of wTcian, weak verb, class II — live Finnas noun proper, nominative Finn plural of Finn, masculine, a-stem on preposition on on/by hunto5e noun, dative singular of huntoS. masculine, a-stem hunt hunting on on/in on see above (the) Finns wintra noun, dative singular of winter winter, masculine, u-stem and conjunction and and on see above on on/in noun, dative singular of sumor/er. masculine, u-stem summer summer noun, dative singular of fisco57a6. masculine, a-stem fish fishing be preposition by by/from f>Sre pronoun demonstrative, that dative singular, feminine of se. seo. f>a;t that sae noun, dative singular of §ш, feminine, i-stem sea sumera fiscafce 225 sea winter PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 7. Old English grammar. Verb Topics for discussion in class 1. 2. 3. 4. Old English verbal system. Means of form-building. Grammatical categories of finite and non-finite forms of the verb. Morphological classification of Old English verbs. Traces of the Old English verb conjugation in Modern English. Questions and assignments 1. Enumerate the grammatical categories of the finite and nonfinite forms, indicating the number of members within each category. 2. Look through the verb paradigm and find instances of different form-building means used. 3. What are the main differences between the weak and the strong verbs? • 4. Why did the strong verbs fall into seven classes? Point out the differences between them. 5. Copy and learn the principal forms of the strong verbs of class 1 (e.g. writan. New English write), class 3 (e.g. drincajl, helpan. New English drink, help), class 5 (e.g. wesan, New English be). 6. Account for the division of the weak verbs into classes and point out the differences between them. 226 OLD ENGLISH 7. Copy the conjugation of a weak verb (e.g. locaian. New English look or macian. New English make) in the present and past tenses of the indicative mood and say by what means the verb distinguished person, number and tenses. 8. Define the person, number, tense, mood and the morphological class of the verb in the following: he saide; Ohthere bad; he hwa?5; ba aras he; buhte me; clypode he; pa Isaac ealdode; bu 3esihst; his ёазап bystrodon 9. Read the text in Seminar 4 (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle). Consult your translation notes for Seminars 4—5. Make the grammar and vocabulary analysis following the model given in Seminar 6. Check your variant with the key. 227 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 8. Old English. Discussion Topics for discussion in class 1. Chronological division in the history of English. 2. Old English. Outer and inner history of the period. 3. Principal features of the Old English phonetic system. 4. Principal features of the Old English grammar system. Questions and assignments 1. With what languages of Europe is the English language most closely connected? Describe these relations in more detail. 2. What is meant by runes? Have any runic letters been admitted to the English alphabet? 3. What Old English phonemes no longer exist in New English? Give examples from the set of Old English vowels and consonants. 4. What grammatical categories of Old English no longer exist in New English? Give examples from the nominal and verbal paradigm. 5. Read and translate the text below into Modern English / Russian. Make a complete phonetic, grammar and vocabulary analysis of the text following the models of Seminar 3 and Seminar 6. Hand in your written work as Part 1 of your course project. 228 OLD ENGLISH From ^Elfric's Translation of the Genesis; ab. 1000 A.D. Aelfiic, the most outstanding author of the clerical prose of late Old English, was abbot of the Ensham Benedictine monastery and a native ofWessex. His chief writings are numerous Homilies, his translation of The Lives of Saints" and from the Old Testament as well as of the book "Ars Grammatica" by Donatus Aurelius (Latin, IV century) The extract given below is "The Story of Jakob's Deceit" (Old Testament, Genesis 27) and represents the classical Late West Saxon dialect. The Story of Jacob's Deceit I. Da Isaac ealdode and his ёазап bystrodon, f>aet he ne mihte nan bin3 3eseon, pa clypode he Esau, his yldran sunu, 2. and cwae6 to him: ' M 3esihst Jjaet ic ealdi3e, and ic nat hwasnne Kline da3as азапе beod. 3. Nim bin 3esceot, binne cocur and pinne Ьозап, and запз ut; and, bonne bu ззшз Ь т з be3ite baes-be f>u wene 4. paet me Iyci3e, Ьгшз me, paet ic ete and ic pe bletsi3e, ®r-bam-be ic swelte.' 5. Da Rebecca paet 3ehTrde and Esau uta3an wass, 6. ba cwseb heo to Iacobe, hire suna: 'Ic 3ehlrde past pin fasder с^азб to Esauwe, pmum Ьгёбег: 7. "Влпз me of binum hunto6e, paet ic bletsi3e бё beforan drihtne, азг ic swelte." 8. Sunu mm, hlyste mTnre lare: 9. far to базге heorde and Ьппз me twa ba betstan tyccenu, baet ic maci3e mete pinum feeder разг-of, and he ytt lustllce. 10. Donne 6u 6a in brin3St, he ytt and bletsab be, aer he swelte.' 11. Da cwae6 he to hire: 'J>u wast bast Esau, mm Ьгббиг, ys ruh, and ic eom sme6e. 12. 3if mm fasder me handla6 and me 3ecnaew6 ic ondraBde baet he wene baet ic hine wylle beswTcan and baat he wiri3e me, nass na bletsi3e.' 13. Da cwasd seo modor to him: 'Sunu mm, S13 seo wiri3nys ofer me! Do swa ic be эесзе: far and Ьппз P a pin3 be ic be bead.' 229 PART 2. SEMINARS 14. He ferde pa and brohte and sealde hit hys meder, and heo hit 3earwode, swa heo wiste past his feeder llcode. 15. And heo scrydde Iacob mid bam deorwurpustan reafe pe heo aet ham mid • hire haefde; 16. and befeold his handa mid pasra tyccena fellum; and his swuran, pair he nacod waes, heo befeold. 17. And heo sealde him pone mete pe heo seap, and hlaf; and he brohte past his faeder 18. and cwas5: 'Faeder mini' He andswarode and cwas5: 'Hwset eart рп, sunu mln?' 19. And Iacob cwae5: 'Ic eom Esau, pin frum-cenneda sunu. Ic dyde swa рп me bebude. ArTs upp and site, and et of mlnum hunto5e, past pu me bletsi3e.' 20. Eft Isaac cwas6 to his suna: 'Sunu mm, hu mihtest рп hit swa hraedllce findan?' Pa andswarode he and cwae5: 'Hit waes 3odes willa, bast me hrasdlice опзёап com past ic wolde.' 21. And Isaac cwas6: '3a hider near, past ic aethrine pin, sunu mm, and fandi3e hwas5er рп S13 mln sunu Esau, pe ne S13.' 22. He eode to pam faeder; and Isaac cwa?5, pa pa he hyne 3e3rapod hasfde: 'WitodlTce seo stemn ys Iacobes stefn, and pa handa synd Esauwes handa.' 23. And he ne 3ecneow hine, for-pam pa ruwan handa wseron swilce paes yldran bropur. He hyne bletsode pa 24. and cwasb: 'Eart pu Esau, mm sunu?' And he cwse6: 'la leof, ic hit eom.' 25. M cweed Ш 'Brin3 me mete of blnum hunto6e past ic pe bletsi3e.' P»a he pone mete brohte, he brohte him eac win. Pa he hasfde 3edruncen, 26. ba cwae6 h i to him: 'Sunu mm, запз hider and cysse me.' 27. He nealeahte and cyste hine. Sona, swa he hyne on3eat, he bletsode hine and cw3s6: 'Nfl ys mines suna stenc, swilce pass landes stenc pe drihten bletsode. 28. Sylle pe 3od of heofenes deawe and of еогбап fastnisse, and micelnysse hwastes and wines. 29. And beowion pe eall folc, and 3eeadmedun pe ealle тгёзба. Вео pu pinra brof)ra hlaford and sin pinre modur suna 3ebi3ed beforan be. Se бе бе wiri3e, si he awiri3ed; and, se pe be bletsi3e, si he mid bletsun3e 3efylled.' 230 SEMINARS 9—14. MIDDLE ENGLISH 9. General characteristics of the Middle English period 10. Middle English phonetics. Vowels 11. Middle English phonetics. Consonants 12. Middle English grammar. Noun 13. Middle English grammar. Verb 14. Middle English. Discussion The pilgrims outside the walls of the city of Canterbury, an early 14"' century illustration PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 9. General characteristics of the Middle English period Topics for discussion in class 1. Historical events affecting the English language (the Scandinavian invasion and the Norman conquest). 2. Changes in Middle English word-stock as compared with Old English. 3. Innovations in spelling in Middle English as compared with Old English. 4. Middle English written records. Questions and assignments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Comment on the position of French in the 12th—13' centuries. Speak of the role of foreign influence in Middle English. Comment on the peculiarities of Middle English borrowings, their character and distinctive features. What new letters and digraphs denoting consonants appeared in Middle English? Comment on the origin of the underlined letters and digraphs in the examples below: with, that, shoures, droughte, every, Zeghirus Find more examples of this kind in the text assigned for the seminar. Study the rules of reading a Middle English text (see the 232 MIDDLE ENGLISH table below). What new spelling devices denoting vowels appeared in Middle English? Use the following examples from the text below as illustrations: a) shoures, foweles, yonge; b) soote, breeth; c) droghte. 7. Study the model of phonetic analysis of a Middle English text. Read and translate the text into Modern English / Russian (part 1, lines 1—18). Continue the phonetic analysis following the model (analyse only the underlined words). Check your variant with the key. Reading of Middle English texts Letters & Sounds Examples /. Vowels 1.1. Single letters a [a] [a:] whan, and bathed, maken e [e] [e:] ende, wende slepen, seken i [i] [i:] his, first inspired, shires u [u] [u:] nature, vertu but 233 PART 2. SEMINARS 0 [o] [o:] [u] croppes, from spoken, open sonne, come У [i] [i:] fyngres nyne, ryght 1.2. Digraphs ее [e:] breeth, eek ie [i:] grief 00 Co:] root, soote ou , ow [uO [ou] shoures, how soule, know au , aw [au] straunge, lawe ai, ay [ai] fair, day ei, ey [ei] wey, reysed 2. Consonants 2.1. Single letters с M [s] courage^ licour, Caunterbury certain, perced g [g] №>] goon, goos engendred, corages, pilgrimages f [f] fowels, bifil, y-falle V [v] veyne, vertu, devout s [s] his, is, soundry seson, devyse И 234 MIDDLE ENGLISH 2.2. Digraphs sh m shoures, shires, shortly ch MI chaumbres, everichon th [e] [6] that, thinketh, the bathed, worthy gh №'] nyght, ryght, knight wh [hw] whan, what From Chaucer's Prologue to his "Canterbury Tales"; ab. 1384—1400 Geoffrey Chaucer (? ab. 1340—1400) was a bom Londoner. His father and relatives had some associations with the wine trade and with the Court. For his early schooling he was sent to St. Paul's Almony and later went on to be a page in the household of the Countess of Ulster. There he acquired the finest education in good manners, a matter of great importance not only in his career as a courtier but also in his career as a poet. Later in his life he was many times sent abroad on some commercial and diplomatic missions and finally became a Comptroller of the customs and Justice of the Peace. He had a passion for books and read a lot in Latin, French, AngloNorman and Italian. He made himself a considerable expert in contemporaiy sciences — astronomy, medicine, physics and alchemy. He was a man of Renaissance and he heralded the beginning of English Renaissance in literature. Chaucer's writings are numerous and diverse in subject and literary manner but "The Canterbury Tales" are his greatest work. It is a narrative of a pilgrimage that led to the outskirts of Canterbury to the shrine of St. Thomas a Becket (the archbishop of Canterbury in the XII century, murdered by the order of the king and canonized by the Catholic Church). "The Canterbuiy Tales" are not 235 PART 2. SEMINARS finished. They consist of a Prologue and 24 stories told by the persons described in the Prologue. These people are of different degrees of the medieval English society. The Prologue is the portrait of an entire nation, high and low, old and young, lay and clerical, town and country. The tales these pilgrims tell come from all over Europe, from Chaucer's contemporaries (Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarch), from the ancients, from the Orient. Geoffrey Chaucer was the most outstanding figure of his time. He is considered to be "the Father of English Poetry", the founder of literary language. He wrote in the London dialect which had by that time acquired prevailing East Midland features with a considerable Southern dialectal element. As it was the rise of national English standard various forms coexisted, both dialectal, old and new (e.g. for to seke — for to seken; soote — sweete; y-ronne; spoken; hem, her(<OE) — they (Sc.)), hi bis rhymes (the meter is iambic pentameter); there are many e-forms (Southern dialectal features descending from Kentish). The Prologue i 5 io Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote. And bathed every veyne in swich licour, Of which vertu engendred is the flour: Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tendre cropes, and the vonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halve cours y-ronne, And srnale foweles maken melodye, That slepen al the nyght with open ye — So priketh hem nature in here corages — Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages, And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes, 236 MIDDLE ENGLISH is 20 25 30 35 40 To feme halwes, couthe in sondry londes; And specially, from every shires ende Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende, The hooly. blisful martir for to seke, That hem hath holpen, whan that they were seeke: Bifil that in that seson on a day. In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay, Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage To Caunterbury with ful devout corage, At nyght were come into that hostelrye Wei nyne and twenty in a compaignye Of sondry folk by aventure y-falle In felaweshioe, and pilgrimes were they alle, That toward Caunterbury wolde ryde. The chaumbres and the stables weren wyde. And wel we weren esed atte beste. And shortly, whan the sonne was to reste, So hadde I spoken with hem everichon, That I was of her felaweshipe anon, And made forward erly for to ryse. To take oure wey ther, as I yow devyse. But natheless, whil I have tyme and space, Er that I ferther in this tale pace. Me thynketh it acordaunt to resoun To telle yow al the condicioun Of ech of hem, so as it semed me, And whiche they were, and of what degree. And eek in what array that they were inne; And at a khyght than wol I first bigynne. 237 PART 2. SEMINARS Model of phonetic analysis Word as used in the text whan Changes of spelling and sounds Old English hwsenne [hw] hw that shoures (shour) [hw] > [a] that wit) with > [в] th his his [s] [s] scur shour/showr [sk'] > m[u:rl u replaced by ou/ow sc replaced by sh soote [e:] droghte swote/sweete swote/swete ёгпзоб > [e:] droght(e)/ drought > [u:] [u:] u replaced by o/ou 3 replaced by gh perced tpercen) — New English > > replaced by > [a] > [6] replaced by a replaced by th [6] p replaced by his whan past Ы [в] x p with Middle English percen when [w] [e] w that > > [ae] [5] with > [3] his > [z] shower >Ш > [аиэ] sweet > П:] drought > [аи] pierce [c:] + vocalized | r)> [IQ] 238 MIDDLE ENGLISH roote — rote/roote lo:] bathed (bathen) swich SWilc [k'J с which bathed badode [a] (open syl.) > [a:] [ode] > [ede] th 5 replaced by replaced by hwilc > — flour — bathed > [el] > W swich/s(w)uch such [tfl > tu] > [Л] ал ch which [k'l > [Ш [hw] (hwj hw replaced by wh с replaced by ch vertu root > Iu:] > [u] before a dental cons. which > № > [wj vertu virtue flour flower fi] + vocalized [r]> [э:] [u:] + vocalized [r]> [аиэ] 239 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 10. Middle English phonetics. Vowels Topics for discussion in class 1. 2. Qualitative changes of long and short vowels in Middle English. Quantitative changes of vowels in Middle English: lengthening and shortening. Questions and assignments 1. What phonetic conditions affected the length of vowels in Middle English? 2. What change affected the Old English monophthongs in Middle English? Were the changes positional or independent? Give examples from the text to illustrate points 1 and 2. 3. What changes did the unstressed vowels undergo in Middle English? How did it affect the grammatical endings? 4. Comment on the changes of the short monophthongs [as] and [y] and long monophthongs [а], [аз], [у] in Middle English. 5. Speak of the Old English diphthongs in Middle English. 6. Read and translate the text above into Modern English / Russian (part 2, lines 19—42). Make the phonetic analysis following the model given in Seminar 9 (analyse only the underlined words). Check your variant with the key. 240 MIDDLE ENGLISH Seminar 11. Middle English phonetics. Consonants Topics for discussion in class 1 • Consonant changes in Middle English. The rise of sibilants and affricates. 2. Development of diphthongs due to vocalisation of consonants. Questions and assignments 1- What is the origin of the Modern English consonant phonemes []"], [tf], $3] in native words? 2- Account for the underlined consonants in: ship, child, bridge. 3 - What is the origin of the diphthongs [ai], [au], [ou] in day, now, owe? 4. Read and translate the following text into Modern English / Russian. Make the phonetic analysis following the model given in Seminar 9 (analyse only the underlined words). Check your variant with the key. From Trevisa's Translation of "The Polychronicon"; 1387 John de Trevisa {1326 —1412) of Cornwall, though educated at Oxford, lived most of his life in Gloucestershire (South West of England) serving as chaplain. 241 PART 2. SEMINARS . • Trevisa's "The Polychronicon" is the translation from Latin of a world history written by the English monk Ranulf Higden in the mum of the 14"1 century. In his translation Trevisa inserted his own commem marking it by his name (Trevisa), and by (R) the continuation oj Higden's text. The extract below shows the language situation in England in tm tlteE s Late Middle English period and the role of French in ^ fl society of the time: the 14"' century witnessed the ascendancy ofbngus in public life; whereas the practice had been to use French as saw language (so Higden tells us in his Polychronicon), by the tune J Trevisa English also gained a new place in the schools. Trevisa's English of the Polychronicon combines Midland and South Western dialectal forms, (typical South Western dialect features are we ending of the Present tense, Plural -eth< OE -ath; the form oj Participle II (e.g. i-meddled); /y/ > /u/(e.g. burthe < OE ge-byrd). About the languages of the inhabitants Chapter 59 As it is i-knowe how meny manere peple beef) in faS ilfiSS' pere beep also so many dyvers longages and tonge_s; nopeles Walsche men and Scottes, f>at beep nou3t i-medled wip sfcsl naciouns, holdefc wel nyh hir firste longage and speche,; but 311 the Scottes pat were somtyme confederat and wonede wip Pe Pictes drawe somwhat after hir speche; but pe Flemmynges bat wonep in pe weste side of Wales havep i-left her straunge speche and spekep Saxonliche i-now. Also Englische men, pey hadde from the bygynnynge pre manere speche, norperne, sowjieffle' and middel speche in pe myddel of pe lond, as pey come of f>re manere peple of Germania, nopeles by comyxtioun and mellynge firste wip Danes and afterward wip Normans, in meny pe contray. longage is apayred, and som usep straunge wlafferynge, chiterynge, harrynge, and garrynge grisbayting. This apayrynge of the burbe of pe tunge is bycause of tweie pinges; oon is for 242 MIDDLE ENGLISH children, in scole aqenst pe usage and manere of alle opere naciouns beef) compelled for to leve hire owne langage, and for to construe hir lessouns and- here pynges in Frensche, and so pey havej> sep pe Normans come first in to Engelond. Also gentil men children beef) i-tau^t to speke Frensche from pe tyme pat pey beep i-rokked in here cradel. and kunnep speke and playe wip a Sbiides broche: and uplondisshe men wil likne hym self to gentil men, and fondep wip greet besynesse for to speke Frensche, for to be btojde of. Pis manere was moche i-used to for firste deth and is sippe sumdel i-chaunged; for John Cornwaile, a maister of grammer, chaunged pe lore in gramer scole and construccioun of Frensche in to Englische; and Richard Pencriche lerned pe manere techynge of hym and of opere men of Pencrich; so pat flow, pe зеге of pure Lorde a powsand pre hundred and foure Score and fyve, and of pe secounde kyng Richard after pe conquest nyne. in alle pe gramere scoles of Engelond, children ievep Frensche and construep and lernep an Englische, and hauep {)erby avauntage in oon side and disavauntage in anoper side; here avauntage is pat pey lernep her gramer in lasse tyme pan children were i-woned to doo; disavauntage is pat now children °f gramer scole connep na more Frensche pan can hir lift heele. a nd pat is harme for hem and bey schulle passe pe see and travaille in straunge landes and in many oper places. 243 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 12. Middle English grammar. Noun Topics for discussion in class 1. Simplification of the case system and types of declension in Middle English. 2. Means of form-building in Middle English. 3. Rise of the article. Questions and assignments 1. Describe and account for the loss of inflexions in English nouns, speak about the remaining inflexions. 2. Discuss the grammatical elements of the words children's; leaves; men; brethren's; ships 3. Speak of the changes in the adjective paradigm in Middle English. 4. Study the model of grammar and vocabulary analysis of a Middle English text. Consult your translation notes for Seminars 9—10 (Chaucer, The Prologue). Continue the grammar and vocabulary analysis following the model. Check your variant with the key. 244 MIDDLE ENGLISH Model of grammatical and ethymological analysis wnan that OE hwsenne conjunction when that (adverb/pronoun) pffit (pronoun) (when) OF avrill, L aprilis April Aprille noun proper with preposition his pronoun possessive, masculine, 3rd person singular OE his (pronoun personal) his shoures noun, common case, plural OE sciir shower soote adjective, plural • OE swote/swete sweet the definite article OE se, seo, pset the droghte noun, common case, singular OE drii3o6 drought of preposition ftEof of March noun proper OF mars, march (dial.), L martius March hath perced verb, present perfect, 31X| person, singular of percen. weak verb, class 2 OE habban OF percier pierced) to preposition OE to to roote noun, common case, singular OSk rot root and conjunction OE and and with 245 pierce (has PART 2. SEMINARS bathe {has bathed) bathed verb, present perfect OE ba6ian (hath bathed), 3rd person, singular of bathen. weak verb, class 2 every pronoun indefinite OE aefre every veyne nolin, common case, singular OE veine vein in preposition 0£in in swich pronoun indefinite OE swilc such licour noun, common case, singular OF licur, L liquor of preposition OEof Of which pronoun indefinite /interrogative OE hwilc which vertu noun, common case, singular OF vertu virtue (force) OF engendrer, present tense, 3 person L ingenerane singular of engendren. OE is weak verb, class 2 engender noun, common case, singular flower engendred is verb, passive voice, rd flour liquor (moisture) OF four 246 (is engendered) (blossoming) MIDDLE ENGLISH Seminar 13. Middle English grammar. Verb Topics for discussion in class 1. Historical changes in the verbal system. History of the Old English categories of tense, number, mood and person. 2. Development of analytical forms and new grammatical categories in Middle English. Questions and assignments 1- Give two examples each of (i) strong verbs which have acquired the weak-type conjugation; (ii) weak verbs which have acquired the strong-type conjugation. 2. Account for the present and past tense forms of the principal auxiliary verbs. 3- Account for the past tense forms of the following verbs: taught, sold, sought, fed, felt, caught 4- Mention some verbs that, being originally preterites, have come to be used as presents, and account for their usage. 5. Read the text in Seminar 11 (Trevisa, About the languages of the inhabitants). Consult your translation notes for the Seminar. Make the grammar and vocabulary analysis following the model given in Seminar 12. Check your variant with the key. 247 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 14. Middle English. Discussion Topics for discussion in class 1. Middle English. Outer and inner history of the period. 2. Changes in the Middle English spelling system. 3. Changes in the Middle English phonetic system. 4. Changes in the Middle English grammar system. 5. Changes in the Middle English vocabulary. Questions and assignments 1. What new spelling devices appeared in Middle English? 2. What environment allowed a stressed vowel to preserve its Old English quantity? 3. What were the sources for the appearance of new categorial forms? Give exampes from the nominal and verbal paradigm. 4. Speak on the principal sources of enriching the vocabulary m Middle English. 5. Read and translate the text below into Modern English / Russian. Make a complete phonetic, grammar and vocabulary analysis of the text following the models or Seminar 9 and Seminar 12. Hand in your written work as Part 2 of your course project. 248 MIDDLE ENGLISH From Capgrave's Chronicle of England; ab. 1463 John Capgrave (1393—1463) was a friar of the Augustinian Order in England. He obtained a theological university education and was regarded as one of the most learned men of his time. Capgrave resided most of his life in the friary at King"s Lynn, where he wrote in Latin and English sermons, theological works and commentaries to many books of scripture. Among his books is a chronicle of English history, which is of considerable importance as an early English prose work "The Chronicle of England" starts from the Creation of the World and ends with the year 1417, evidently stopped by the death of the author. It is written in the London dialect bearing but few traces of other late Middle English dialects. [1393] In the month of Auguste was it proclamed thorowoute Ynglond that alle Erishmen be at hom, in her owne lond, in the fest of Nativite of oure Lady, in peyne of lesing of her hed. It was proved be experiens that there were com to Ynglond so many Erischmen that the Erisch cuntre, whech longeth to the king of Ynglond, was so voyded fro his dwelleris that the wilde Erisch were com in, and had dominacioune of al that cuntre. And, more ovyr, it was noted, that in Kyng Edward tyme the Thirde, whan he had set there his bank, his juges, and his chekyr, he received every зеге XXX M. pound: and now the kyng Richard was fayn to paye зег1у to defens of the same cuntre XXX M. mark. (In this зеге, in the XXI. day of Aprile, was that frere bore whech mad these Annotaciones.) And in the same зеге Kyng Richard went into Erland, with the duke of Glouceter, and erles March, Notingham and Ruthland. Many of the Erisch lordis wold ha lettid his comyng; 249 PART 2. SEMINARS but her power was ovyr weyk. Ther was he fro the Nativite of oure Lady onto Esterne. And in that tyme were sent onto him, be the clergi of this lond, the archbishop of York and the bishop of London, praying him that he wold come horn ageyn to oppresse the malice of Lollardis. For thei laboured sore to take away alle the possessiones of the Cherch, and aftir to distroye alle the lawes that were mad to favoure of the Cherch. Whan the kyng herd this, he hastid him in al goodly maner to com horn ageyn. [1394] In the XVIII. зеге the kyng held his Parlement at Dulyn, and thidir com alle the lordes that had mad subjeccion onto him. And in that same tyme, Edmund, duke of York, Keper of Ynglond, held a Parlement at London; to whech Parlement cam the duke of Gloucetir fro Yrlond, expressing the kyngis costid in Yrlond: and his legacion was so acceptabil, that the clergy graunted him a dyme, and the lay fe a fiftene. In this tyme the Lolardis set up scrowis at Westminster and at Poules, with abhominable accusaciones of hem that long to the Cherch, whech sounded in destruccioune of the Sacramentis, ana of statutes of the Cherch. The meynteyneris of the puple that were so infect were these: Richard Storry, Lodewik Clifford, Thomas Latymer, Jon Mountagw. Thei were principal instraetouris of heretikes. The kyng, whan he had conceyved the malice of these men, he cleped hem to his presens, and snybbed hem; forbad hem eke thei schuld no more meynten no swech materes. Of Richard Story he took a hooth; for he swore on a book that he schuld nevyr meynten no swech opiniones. And aftir this hooth the kyng saide: "And I swere here onto the, If evyr thou breke thin ooth, thou schal deye a foul deth." Thei that were gilty in this mater withdraw gretly her oterauns of malys. 250 SEMINARS 15—22. NEW ENGLISH 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. General characteristics of the New English period New English. Phonetics. Vowels New English. Phonetics. Consonants New English Grammar. Noun New English Grammar. Verb English wordstock Vocabulary layers Modern regular and irregular noun and verb forms William Shakespeare • • the engraving for the First Folio (1623) 251 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 15. General characteristics of the New English period Topics for discussion in class 1. Formation of the British nation and the English national language in the Early New English period. 2. Expansion of English overseas. Contacts with other languages. 3. Early New English vocabulary. New means of wordformation (conversion). 4. Influence of Latin and other languages in the New English period. Etymological doublets. 5. New English spelling. Principal ways of indicating the sounds in Modern English. Questions and assignments 1. Compare the effect of different outside contacts upon the English language. 2. Speak of the ways of enriching the vocabulary of a language. Which of them were more important for the New English period? 3. Speak of "mute" letters in New English. 4. What digraphs are used in New English? Give examples and explain their pronunciation. 5. What sounds are denoted by the following letters in New English: a, e, i, o, u? Which of them are the oldest and which are the newest? 252 NEW ENGLISH 6. Study the model of phonetic analysis of a New English text. Read and translate the text into Modern English / Russian (part 1). Continue the phonetic analysis following the model (analyse only the underlined words). Check your variant with the key. William Shakespeare; ab. 1600 William Shakespeare (1565—1616) was born at Stratford-on-Avon. His father was engaged in various kinds of trade and held various municipal offices. Shakespeare was educated at a grammar school learning to read and write and studying the works of some classical historians, moralists and poets, but he did not go to the university. He married at the age of 18. How Shakespeare spent the next 8 years or so until his name begins to appear in London theatre records is not known. By 1592 he seems to have attracted the attention of the Earl of Southampton. It was very important for him: although the puritanical tity of London was generally hostile to the theatre many of the nobility were good patrons of the drama and friends of actors. From 1594 onward he was a recognised member of the Lord Chamberlain s Company of players: they had the best theatre, the Globe, and the best dramatist, Shakespeare. He became a full-time professional man of his own theatre. For 20 years Shakespeare devoted himself to his art, writing more than a million words of poetic drama. Shakespeare lived at a time when ideas and social structure established in Middle Ages still influenced man 's thought and behaviour. Alongside that, economic and social orders were disturbed by the rise of capitalism, expansion of education and by the new wealth from the discovery of new lands. An interplay of new and old ideas was typical of the time (in "Hamlet" discussions on man, belief, a "rotten" state, and times "out of joint" clearly reflect a growing disquiet and scepticism.) It is a usual and reasonable opinion that Shakespeare's greatness is nowhere more visible than in the series of tragedies — "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear". With a few exceptions Shakespeare did not invent the plot of his plays. Sometimes he used old stories ("Hamlet"), sometimes he worked from the stories of comparatively recent Italian writers, the chronicles, 253 PART 2. SEMINARS the popular prose fiction of his contemporaries. The source of the plot ("Tragical History of Hamlet, prince of Denmark") was probably the Icelandic saga of Amleth narrated by Saxo Grammaticus in his history of Denmark, in "Hamlet" the drama of revenge acquired new philosophic aspects introduced by the genius of the author. Given below is an extract from "Hamlet" (mostly MS 2-nd quarto, published in 1604) which is the Performance "The Murder o] Gonzago " played by the actors at Hamlet's request. The language of Shakespeare's plays gives a full representation <?/ the literary language of the Elizabethan Age (the age of literary Renaissance in Early New English). In Shakespeare's day the syntax and other aspects of English grammar and vocabulary1 were in a state of transition from an earlier, highly inflected language. The loss oj endings obscured the distinguishing marks of various parts of speec and the result was not so much confusion as freedom. Shakespeare's ability to create new words and use the living ones in the full range of their polysemy, his versatile grammar are general^ typical of the Early New English period and sometimes are specificall) Shakespearean (e.g. more than one negation in the sentence "nor it not strange"; one stem used as both Past Tense and Participle ' "begunn "; placing a simple verb before the subject in questions Wha means this...?"; subject-verb semantic agreement "the fruit...sticks..№ fall..."; polysemy of words when all the meanings of the word 'worn at a time, e.g. posie — 1) poetry, 2) a motto, a short inscription, mich(ing) — 1) to skulk or retire from view, 2) to steal small things, D to pilfer, 4) to play truant, etc.) From Hamlet, Act III, Scene II. The Performance (pan 1) The Trumpets sounds. Dumbe show followes: Enter a King and a Oueene. the Queene embracing him, and he. her, he takes her vp, and declines his head vpon her песке, he lyes him downe upon a bancke of flowers, she seeing him asleepe, leaues him: anori come in an other man, takes off his crowne. kisses it, щщЦ 254 NEW ENGLISH poyson in the sleepers eares. and leaues him; the Queene returne.i finds the King dead, makes passionate action, the poysner with some- three or foure come in againe, seeme to condole with her, the dead body is carried away, the poysner wooes the Queene with gifts, shee seemes harsh awhile, but in the end accepts hue. Oph. What meanes this my Lord? Ham. Marry that munching Mallico, it meanes mischiefe. Oph- Belike this show imports the argument of the play. Ham. Oph. Ham. Oph. Prol. Ham. Oph. Ham. King. We shall know by this fellow, [Enter Prologue.] The Players cannot keepe, they'le tell аЦ. Will a tell vs what this show meant? I, or any show that you will show him, be not you ash am'd to show, heele not shame to tell you what it meanes. You are naught, you are naught. He mark the play. For vs and for our Tragedie, Heere stooping to your clemencie, We begge your hearing patiently. Is this a Prologue, or the posie of a ring? Tis breefe my Lord. As womans loue. Enter King and Queene. Full thirtie times hath Phebus cart gone round Neptunes saj£ wash, and Tellus orb'd the ground, And thirtie dosen Moones with borrowed sheene About the world haue times twelue thirties beene Since loue our harts, and Hymen did our hands Vnite comutuall in most sacred bands. 255 PART 2. SEMINARS Quee. So many iourneyes may the Sunne and Moone Make vs againe count ore ere loue be doone, But woe is me, you are so sicke of late, So farre from cheere. and from our former state, That I distrust you, yet though I distrust, Discomfort you my Lord it nothing must. For women feare too much, euen as they loue. And womens feare and loue hold quantitie, Eyther none, in neither ought, or in extremitie. Now what my Lord is proofe hath made you know, And as my loue is ciz'd, my feare is so, Where loue is great, the litlest doubts are feare. Where little feares grow great, great loue growes there. King Faith I must leaue thee loue, and shortly to, My operant powers their functions leaue to do And thou shalt Hue in this faire world behind. Honour'd. belou'd, and haply one as kind. For husband shalt thou. (part 2) Quee. О confound the rest, Such loue must needes be treason in my brest, In second husband let me be accurst. None wed the second, but who kild the first. Ham. That's wormwood King The instances that second marriage moue Are base respects of thrift, but none of loue, A second time I kill my husband dead, When second husband kisses me in bed. I doe belieue you thinke what now you speake. But what we doe determine, oft we breake, Purpose is but the slaue to memorie, 256 NEW ENGLISH Of violent birth, but poore validitie, Which now the fruite vnripe sticks on the tree. But faH vnshaken when they mellow bee. Most necessary tis that we forget To gay our selues what to our selues is debt. What to our selues in passion we propose, The passion ending, doth the purpose lose. The violence of eyther, griefe. or ioy, Their owne ennactures with themselues destroy, Where ioy most reuels, griefe doth most lament, Greefe ioy, ioy griefes, on slender accedent, This world is not for aye, nor tis not strange. That euen our loues should with our fortunes change: For tis a question left vs yet to proue. Whether loue lead fortune, or els fortune loue. The great man downe, you marke his fauourite flyes, The poore aduaunc'd. makes friends of enemies, And hetherto doth loue on fortune tend, For who not needes, shall neuer lacke a friend, And who in want a hollow friend doth try, Directly seasons him his enemy. But orderly to end where I begunne. Our wills and fates doe so contrary runne. That our deuises still are ouerthrowne. Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our owne, So thinke thou wilt no second husband wed, But die thy thoughts when thy first Lord is dead. 257 PART 2. SEMINARS Model of phonetic analysis Word as used in the text trumpet Changes of spelling and sounds Old English - New English Middle English trompet trumpet [u] > [л] о - a ME spelling device sound - soun [u:] dumbe domb [u] [u] > [л] [b] lost in NE о - a ME spelling device replaced by rel. to v. sceaw(ian) «. shewe [sk1] > Ш sc replaced by enter [аи] dumb u show sound > - dumb show > Ш sh fn/entre(n) enter unstressed [e] + vocalised [r] > [э] king сушпз [y] с queene kyng cwen queene [e:] > [e:] cw replaced by embracing — king > [i] (East Midland dialect) replaced by к queene > [i:l qu inf. embrace [a:] 258 embrace > [ci] NEW ENGLISH he her take(s) he he [e:] > [e:] hire her/e [i] [e] + vocalised [r] > [э:] inf. takan [a] с replaced by decline(s) his head his [s] head [ea:] tye(s) he > [i:l > [i-] inf. Нсзеп [g] her taken take [a:] open syllable > [ei] к inf. declynen [i:] > [ai] his [s] his > M head head > [e:] > [e] before a dental consonant liggen/lyen of-dune — - M down > [аи] banke [a] flower(s) > a-doune [u:] > [u:] u replaced by ou/ow bancke lie > Из] [i:] down decline bank > [ее] flour flower [u:] + vocalised [r] > [аиэ] ou replaced by ow see(ing) inf. seon [e:] seen > [e:] 259 see > [i:] PART 2. SEMINARS asleep • on-slaep asleep [ffi] > [e:] ге replaced by ее ' leaues inf. ISfan leven [аз:] > [e:] гг replaced by f replaced by v asleep > [i'-l leave > [i:l ea NEW ENGUSB Seminar 16. New English. Phonetics. Vowels Topics for discussion in class 1- Quantitative and qualitative changes of vowels in Early New English. 2. The Great Vowel shift and other New English vowel changes; their effect on Modern English. Questions and assignments '• What phonetic conditions affected the length of vowels in Early New English? 2. What change affected the monophthongs [a] and [u] in New English? Were the changes positional or independent? Give examples from the text to illustrate points 1 and 2. 3. Make a list of vowels that underwent the Great Vowel shift. What is the general direction of the shift? 4. What changes did the unstressed vowels undergo in New English? How did it affect the grammatical endings? 5. Copy the principal forms of the Old English verb wrltan and the paradigm of the Old English noun stan and trace the endings to New English. 6. Write out words from the text to show the different spelling of the sounds [ae], [e:], [ou], [ei], [л], [о], [i:] and explain the origin of the sounds and spelling. Account historically for the differences in the sound value of the same letter or digraph, such as "ow", "ea", V \ "i" (in stressed position). Find words in the text to illustrate your answer. 7. 261 PART 2. SEMINARS Read and translate the text above into Modern English / Russian (part 2). Make the phonetic analysis following the model given in Seminar 15 (analyse only the underlined words). Check your variant with the key. NEW ENGLISH Seminar 17. New English. Phonetics. Consonants Topics for discussion in class 1. Early New English consonant changes. 2. The rise of sibilants and affricates in Early New English. Questions and assignments 1- What is the origin of the Modern English consonant phonemes Ц], [3], [tfl, №3] in borrowed words? 2. Account for the underlined consonants in: a) literature, Asia, soldier, measure. b) shall, drudgery, occasion, nature 3. Account for the spelling of the fricatives and find examples in the text to illustrate the same spelling and/or sound. 4. Find words in the text to illustrate the so-called "Verner's Law" in New English. 5. Account for the "mute" letters "gh", "k" and "1", "r" before "n" and at the end of words, position of stress in native and borrowed words. 6. Read and translate the text below into Russian. Make the phonetic analysis following the model given in Seminar 15. 263 PART 2. SEMINARS Ben Jonson; ab. 1606—1607 Ben Jonson (1572—1637) began to work as player and playwright in 1597. He was a very prolific writer, and his plays were given, among many others, by Shakespeare's company, some with William Shakespeare in the cast. Ben Jonson is mostly known for court masques — dramatic entertainments involving dances and disquises, and comedies which often had a morale in them. "Volpone, or The Fox" is a comedy first acted in 1606 and printed a year later. Volpone, a rich Venetian without children, feigns that he is dying, in order to draw gifts from his would-be heirs. Mosca, his parasite and confederate, persuades each of these in turn that he is to be the heir, and thus extracts costly presents from them. One of the victims of their deceit is Voltore. • From "Volpone, or The Fox" MOSCA. You still are what you were, sir. Only you, Of all the rest, are he, commands his love; And you do wisely to preserve it thus With early visitation, and kind notes Of your good meaning to him, which, I know, Cannot but come most grateful. — Patron! sir! Here's Signior Voltore is come — VOLPONE. What say you? MOSCA. Sir, Signior Voltore is come this morning To visit you. VOLPONE. I thank him. MOSCA. And hath brought A piece of antique plate, bought of Saint Mark, With which he here presents you. 264 NEW ENGLISH VOLPONE. He is welcome. Pray him to come more often. MOSCA. Yes. VOLTORE. What says he? MOSCA. He thanks you, and desires you see him often. VOLPONE. Mosca. MOSCA. My patron! VOLPONE. Bring him near; where is he? I long to feel his hand. MOSCA. The plate is here, sir. VOLTORE. How fare you, sir? VOLPONE. I thank you, Signior Voltore. Where is the plate? mine eyes are bad. VOLTORE. I'm sorry To see you still thus weak. MOSCA. That he is not weaker. VOLPONE. You are too munificent. VOLTORE. No, sir, would to Heaven, I could as well give health to you, as that plate! VOLPONE. You give, sir, what you can. I thank you. Your love Hath taste in this, and shall not be unanswered. I pray you see me often. VOLTORE. Yes. I shall, sir. VOLPONE. Be not far from me. MOSCA. Do you observe that, sir? VOLPONE. Hearken unto me still. It will concern you. MOSCA. You are a happy man, sir; know your good. VOLPONE. I cannot now last long — 265 PART 2. SEMINARS MOSCA. — You are his heir, sir. VOLTORE. Am I? VOLPONE. I feel me going — Uhluh! uh! uh! I'm sailing to my port — Uh! uh! uh! uh! And I am glad I am so near my haven. MOSCA. Alas, kind gentleman! Well, we must all go VOLTORE. But, Mosca — MOSCA. Age will conquer. VOLTORE. Pray thee, hear me. Am I inscribed his heir for certain? MOSCA. Are you! I do beseech you, sir, you will vouchsafe To write me i' your family. All my hopes Depend upon your worship. I am lost, Except the rising sun do shine on me. VOLTORE. It shall both shine and warm thee, Mosca. MOSCA. Sir. I am a man that hath not done your love All the worst offices: here I wear your keys, See all your coffers,.and your caskets locked, Keep the poor inventory of your jewels, Your plate and monies: am your steward, sir, Husband your goods here. VOLTORE. But am I sole heir? 266 NEW ENGLISH Seminar 18. New English. Grammar. Noun Topics for discussion in class '• Historical changes in the nominal system. History of the Old English categories of case, number and gender. 2- Origin of modern categorial forms. 3. Development of personal and demonstrative pronouns. Questions and assignments 12. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What form-building means are used in New English as compared to those in Old English? What is the origin of the Modern English plural ending "es" and the genitive ending "s" in: lessons, mother's? Speak of the changes in the number of cases of nouns and personal pronouns in Middle English and New English. What new personal and possessive pronouns appeared in English in the course of history? Write out the personal and possessive pronouns from the text below and account for their origin. Speak of the degrees of comparison of the adjectives in the text below. Study the model of grammar and vocabulary analysis of a New English text. Consult your translation notes for Seminars 15—16. Continue the grammar and vocabulary analysis following the model. Check your variant with the key. 267 PART 2. SEMINARS Model of grammatical and ethymological analysis Corresponding NE word, translation Words as used in the text trumpets noun, genitive case, plural ME trompette, OF Irompette sounds n. common case, ME soun; OF soun SOUnd(s) plural (oboes play) dumbe adjective show n. common case, ME sheue, rel. to show singular OE sceawian (v); ME shaven (v) verb, present OE fo^ian, weak, 2; follow(s) tense, 3"1 person, ME followen (The dumb singular ot show enters) follow verb, present ME entren weak, 2\ OF entrer enter tense, plural of enter followes enter OE dumb; ME domb trumpet(S ) dumb a article, indefinite OE an; ME a/an a king n. common case OE суптз; ME kyng singular king and conjunction and queene n. common case OE cwen; ME queen singular OE and; ME and 268 queen (actors playing the roles of the King and the Queen) NEW ENGLISH the queene embracing absolute ME embracen, weak 2: the queen embracing participial OF embracer. construction (nominative with participle I) him pronoun personal, objective case, 3'* person, singular, masculine OE him, hire; ME him he pronoun OE he; ME he personal, nominative case, 3rd person, singular, masculine he her pronoun personal, objective case, 3™ person, singular, feminine her takes verb, present OE takan, sir. 6; ME taken tense, 3|U person, singular of take vp adverb declines verb, present ME declynen; OF decliner tense, 3' J person, singular of decline decline his pronoun possessive, 3rd person, singular, masculine his OE hire; ME her(e) OE up, upp; ME up OE his; ME his 269 him take up (raises her from the knees) PART 2. SEMINARS head n. common case, OE heafod; ME heed case, singular head Vpon preposition upon песке п. common case, OE hnecca; ME nekke singular lyes verb, present OE Исзап, sir. 5; ME lyen tense, 3rJ person, singular of lie downe adverb bancke n. common case, ME banke singular bank (bed) Of preposition of flowers n. common case, OF flour plural flower(s) she pronoun OE heo; ME he/she personal, nominative case, 3rf person, singular, feminine she seeing v., participle 1 of see OE seon, sir. 5; ME seen asleepe adjective OE on-slajp; ME on sleep, asleep leaues v., present tense, 3"* person, singular of leave OE lsefan, weak, 1; ME leven OE uppon; ME upon OE of-dfme; ME a-doune OE of; ME of 270 neck (on her shoulder) lie down seeing' asleep leave(s) NEW ENGLISH Seminar 19. New English. Grammar. Verb Topics for discussion in class ' • Historical changes in the verbal system. History of the Old English categories of tense, number, mood and person. 2- Development of analytical forms and new grammatical categories in Early New English. 3- Origin of the main groups of standard and non-standard verb-forms. Questions and assignments '• What form-building means are used in New English as compared to those in Old English? 2. Write out the analytical verb-forms from the text and account for their origin. 3- Speak of the origin of non-finite verb forms: the infinitive, the participles, the gerund. 4- Read the text (Ben Jonson, Volpone, or The Fox). Consult your translation notes for Seminar 17. Make the grammar and vocabulary analysis following the model given in Seminar 18. 271 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 20. English wordstock Topics for discussion in class 1. Historical changes in English wordstock. Questions and assignments 1. Write out from the text examples of native English words, French (or Latin) and Scandinavian borrowings and trace them back to the Middle English or Old English periods. 2. Analyse the word-building elements in the following words and comment on their origin: favourable, miscalled, nominally, recall, good-natured 3. Account for the etymological layers in the English wordstock which you discover in the text by describing the relevant events in the history of Britain. 4. Speak of phonetic marks and components in the morphological structure of the word helping to distinguish etymological layers in the English word-stock. 5. Give examples from the text of hybrids with different etymological components. 6. Read and translate the text given below into Modern English / Russian. Make a complete phonetic, grammar and vocabulary analysis of the text following the models or Seminar 15 and Seminar 18. Check your variant with the key. 272 NEW ENGLISH William Shakespeare, Sonnets, ab. 1600 Another form of literary work at which Shakespeare excelled was the writing of sonnets, lyric verse fashionable in Elizabethan England. It is justly said that there were few poetic compositions of any author or age that have evoked so much admiration as Shakespeare's sonnets. Most of them were probably written between 1593 and 1599 and were first published as a collection in 1609. Sonnet #153 Cupid laid by his brand, and fell asleep: A maid of Dian's this advantage found, And his love-kindling fire did quickly steep In a cold valley-fountain of that ground; Which boirow'd from this holy fire of Love A dateless lively heat, still to endure, And grew a seething bath, which yet men prove Against strange maladies a sovereign cure. But at my mistress' eye Love's brand new-fired, The boy for trial needs would touch my breast; I, sick withal, the help of bath desired, And thither hied, a sad distemper'd guest, But found no cure: the bath for my help lies Where Cupid got new fire — my mistress's eyes. 273 PART 2. SEMINARS Seminar 21. Vocabulary layers Topics for discussion in class 1. 2. Geographical expansion of English in the course of history. Etymological strata in New English vocabulary and their historical explanation. 3. Influence of Latin on English in different periods. 4. Influence of the French language on English in different periods. 5. Latin and French word-building elements in English. Questions and assignments 1. From what languages and when did the English language received the following words: orange, receive, street, chess, kiln, sovereign, potato, fetish? Prove your point of view. 2. Give five examples each of Latin words borrowed to Englisn directly and via French and state the time of the borrowing3. What are word-hybrids? Give examples of word-hybrids consisting of three or more elements different by origin. 4. Read and translate the text given below into Russian. Make a grammar and vocabulary analysis of the text following t n e model of Seminar 18. Pay particular attention to foreign word-building elements. Check your variant with the key. 274 NEW ENGLISH Ch. Dickens, "David Copperfield", a. 1850 Charles Dickens (1812—1870), the son of a government clerk, underwent in early life, as the result of his family's poverty resulting from his father's imprisonment, experiences similar to some of those depicted in "David Copperfield", and received little education. He became newspaper reporter of debates in the House of Commons and contributed to other periodicals, the articles that were subsequently republished as "Sketches of Boz, Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People" (1836—37). These were immediately followed by "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club", where Dickens reached the plentitude of his power and achieved success and financial ease. "David Coppetfield" appeared in monthly numbers in 1849—50. Later Dickens was to write of it: "Of all my books I like this the best. " Extract from Chapter 4 Shall I ever forget those lessons! They were presided over nominally by my mother, but really by Mr. Murdstone and his sister, who were always present, and found them a favourable occasion for giving my mother lessons in that miscalled firmness, which was the bane of both our lives. I believe I was kept at home for that purpose. I had been apt enough to learn and willing enough, when my mother and I had lived alone together. I can faintly remember learning the alphabet at her knee. To this day, when I look upon the fat black letters of the primer, the puzzling novelty of their shapes, and the easy good nature of О and Q and S seem to present themselves again before me as they used to do. But they recall no feeling of disgust or reluctance. On the contrary, I seem to have walked along a path of flowers as far as the crocodile-book, and to have been cheered by the gentleness of my mother's voice and manner all the way. But these solemn 275 PART 2. SEMINARS lessons which succeeded those, I remember as the death-blow at my peace, and a grievous daily drudgery and misery. They were very long, very numerous, very hard — perfectly unintelligible, some of them, to me — and I was generally as much bewildered by them as I believe my poor mother was herself. Let me remember how it used to be, and bring one morning back again. NEW ENGLISH Seminar 22. Modern regular and irregular noun and verb forms Topics for discussion in class 1 • Origin of New English irregular noun forms. 2. Groups of modern non-standard verbs descending from Old English weak verbs. 3. Groups of modern non-standard verbs descending from Old English strong verbs. Questions and assignments 1- What traces of the Old English n-stem and root-stem declensions can we find in New English plural forms of nouns? 2. Comment on the forms of nouns: foot — feet; child — children; deer — deer; ox — oxen; axis — axes 3. Speak of the peculiarities of modal verbs (former preteritepresent) and the verb "to be". 4. Group all verbs in the text below into regular and irregular. Trace them back to Old English and determine whether they were weak or strong. 5. Say if the modern division of the verbs into regular and irregular corresponds to the Old English division into strong and weak, give examples from your list of verbs to confirm your answers. 6. Read and translate the text given below into Russian. Make a 277 PART 2. SEMINARS complete phonetic, grammar and vocabulary analysis of the text following the models of Seminar 15 and Seminar 18. Hand in your-written work as Part 3 of your course project. D. Chrystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 1995 David Crystal, a former professor of linguistics at the University tf Reading, is a well-known writer, editor, lecturer and broadcaster divides Ins time between work on language and work on gener reference publishing. He has written over 40 books on languag > C xbr including "Linguistics", "Clinical Linguistics" and "The f 3^e Encyclopedia of Language". In one of his latest books, Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language ", he exPi0> , various aspects of the history, structure, variety and range of u s .Jf. English worldwide, writing about difficult concepts in a language a and accessible to all. Many observations concerning the English language have been based on the analysis of language data samples collecte together as a corpus. Compiling a corpus is very different пот the traditional practices of citation-gathering or word-watching which have guided work on dictionaries since the time of v\Johnson. Corpora are large and systematic enterprises: whole texts or whole sections of text are included, such a conversations, magazine articles, brochures, newspapeis, lectures, sermons,, broadcasts and chapters of novels. Considerable thought is given to the selection of material so that, in the most general case, the corpus can stand as a reasonably representative sample of the language as a whole — a general, о standard corpus. A well-constructed general corpus turns out to be useful in several ways. It enables investigators to make more objective an 278 NEW ENGLISH confident descriptions of usage that would be possible through introspection. It allows them to make statements about frequency of usage in the language as a whole, as well as comparative statements about usage in different varieties. It permits them, in principle, to arrive at a total account of the linguistic features in any of the texts contained in the corpus. And it provides them with a source of hypotheses about the way the language works. In addition, a corpus which is widely accessible enables researchers in separate locations to collaborate in the analysis of particular problems, and means that results from a range of projects are likely to be somewhat more comparable than if different corpora had been employed. An early printing shop Source: The New Uiihvrslty Library, 1973 LIST OF KEYS Key to Seminars 3 & 6. Ohthere's account of his first voyage Key to Seminars 4,5 & 7. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Key to Seminars 9, 10 & 12. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales Key to Seminars 11 & 13. Trevisa, About thelanguages of the inhabitants Key to Seminars 15,16 & 18. Shakespeare, Hamlet Key to Seminar 20. Shakespeare, Sonnet Key to Seminar 21. Dickens, David Copperfield 283 301 316 338 359 396 405 Key to Seminars 3 & 6 Ohthere's account of his first voyage Ohthere told his lord, King Alfred, that he lived the furthest north of all Norwegians. He said that he lived in the north of Norway on the coast of the Atlantic. He also said that the land extends very far north beyond that point, but it is all uninhabited, except for a few places here and there where the Finns have their camps, hunting in winter, and in summerfishingin the sea. He told how he once wished to find out how far the land extended due north, or whether anyone lived to the north of the unpopulated area. He went due north along the coast, keeping the uninhabited land to starboard and the open sea to port continuously for three days. He was then as far north as the whale hunters go at their furthest. He then continued due north as far as he could reach in the second three days. There the land turned due east, or the sea penetrated the land he did not know which — but he knew that he waited there for a west-north-west wind, and then sailed east along the coast as far as he could sail in four days. There he had to wait for a due northern wind, because there the land turned due south, or the sea penetrated the land he did not know which. Then from there he sailed due south along the coast as far as he could sail in five days. A great river went up into the land there. They turned up into the river, not daring to sail beyond it without permission, since the land on the far side of the river was fully settled. He had not previously come across any settled district since he left his own home. The Beormas told him many stories both about their own country and about the lands which surrounded them, but he did not know how much of it was true because he had not seen it for himself. "It seemed to him that the Finnas and the Beormas spoke almost the same language. His main reason for going there, apart from exploring the 283 PART 3. KEYS land, was for the walruses, because they have very fine ivory in their tusks — they brought some of these tusks to the king — and their hide. Phonetic analysis Word as used in the text Analysis Parallels from NE word cognate languages or I related OE words — . SJEde [s] — voiceless initially; OE S&^de [ae] — lengthening of [ffi] (variant form) due to loss of [g] said сушпзе [у] — palatal mutation of OHG kuning [u] — caused by [i]; later [yl>[i] king ealra [ea] — breaking of [ж] — Gt alls before [l]+consonant, [ae] — fromPGfa] all Nor5monna -monn: [p]=[a] — from PG[a],later[a>a>£e] Gt mann(a) Norman Iande [a]— before nasal consonants; [a] — from PG[a],later[a>a>2e] Gfland land beah [ea]—fromPG[au] Gffcauh though swibe [T] — lengthening due to Gt swinbe loss of [n] — before a fricative Stycce [y 1 — palatal mutation of OHG Stukki rel. to Stock [u] — caused by [i] {!] —from [p]—by R пескарь rel to fish Grimm's Law [i] —framfie]— OSkerrian (v) char monophthongisation of diphthongs in EOE fiscal cirre norbryhte -ryht:[y] —from[ie]monophthpngisation of diphthongs in EOE 284 G?raihts[e] — right TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION пи/агбег [б] — voiced intervocally, Gt hvabar M —fromPG[a] ffini Щ — palatal mutation of cp OE an [a] — caused by [i] any steor-bord steonfio] — from PG fiuj; bord: [d] — hardening of [9] ml. to Gt stiurjan (v) Cf. OSk Ьогб star-board Ьагс-bord [ж]—from PG [a] OSk bak back tine [0J—from[t] —by /г три Grimm's Law [a] — is caused by a back Gt dagos vowel in the next syllable [se] —fromPG[a] OHG was three 3 °*a3aS Wffis whether days was firrest [i]—palatal mutation of jE'OE'fierest [eo] — (feor) caused by [i] (-ist)—suffix of superlative degree: [eo>ie>i] fara|> [a]—fromPG[o] 3iet ре] _ (Wess) from PG [e] Gt 3et - diphthongisation after palatal Ц] yet meahte [eal —breaking of [ге] — O F G m a h t before [h]: [a>se>ea] might [б]—from PG [a]; Gt atfyar other Ьёаз [&]—fromPGfau] Gt baug bSr r g ] _ froinPG[a],[0]— G^bar Фшт Gtfaran(inf) lengthening due to the loss of [n] — before a fricative farther fai« bow there initially voiceless east [ e a ] ~fromPG [аи] bad [a]—fromPGfai] Gfaustr Grbaid 285 east rel. to bide PART 3. KEYS sceolde [eo] — diphthongisation Angl scolde of [ o l — after [skp] should bidan H—fromPG[e+i] bide ff [T] — lengthening due to G/fimf the loss of [m] — before a fricative five ]ЖЗ [a;]—fromPG[a] Gf lag rel. to lay an fa]—fromPG[a+i] Gt ains unfribe healfe [6] — in the intervocal OSkfridr position [ea] — breaking of [ael— OSk halfr before [1+consonant]: [а>ге>еа] азпит [a]~fromPG[a+i] G/aiginf/7) ham [a]—fromPG[a+i] Grhaims wsron [r]—rhotacismof[z],M cf.Gt wesum - voicing of [s] by Verner's Law were hwait [ae] — fromPG[a] O^hvat what 3eseah Angl saeh saw |buhte (Wess.)[ea]— breaking of [ге] before [h] [o] lengthening due to the loss of [n] before a fricative cf. Gt bahta (<*6a*)Xta) thought 3e-£eode [eo] from PG [iu] Gff>iuda — to-ёасап [ea]fromPG[au] rel. to Gt aukan e k e sceawun3e [ea]fromPG [аи] habba5 [bb] — West Germanic gennination (*hafjan > nabban) rel. to OSk skauwon (v) OSfchafa tobum [6] in the intervocal position [el — palatal mutation of [o] caused by [i] te6 Gfbeidanp] 286 one — half own home rel. to show have tooth teeth TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION brohton [6]fromPG [a] Gi brahta hyd y] — palatal mutation of OHG hut п] caused by [i] brought hide Grammar analysis Words as used in the text Analysis notes Ohthere noun proper, nominative singular verb, 3 rd person singular, past tense, indicative mood of sec5an, weak verb, class III siSde Corresponding New English word Translation say Ohthere (name) said his pronoun personal, 3lxl person singular, masculine, genitive his (to) his hlaforde noun, dative singular of hlaford, masculine, a-stem lord lord ^Elfirede noun proper, dative Alfred singular noun, dative singular of king cynin3. masculine, a-stem the King P t conjunction that that he pronoun personal, rd 3 person singular, masculine, nominative he he e a pronoun indefinite, plural, genitive of gal noun, genitive plural of Цогбтопп, masculine, root-stem all of all northmen Northmen (Scandinavians) cynirnje ffi "a Noromonna 287 Alfred PART 3. KEYS to the north norbmest adverb bude verb, 3^ person singular, past tense, indicative or subjunctive mood of buan. anomalous verb cwae5 verb, 3"1 person singular, past tense, indicative mood of cwa5an, strong verb, class V obs. quoth said t>aet conjunction that that on preposition on on |эаёт pronoun demonstrative, that dative singular, masculine of se, seo. past the lande noun, dative singular of land, neuter, a-stem land land norf)weardum adjective, dative singular, neuter of noroward, used adverbially northward to the North wij) preposition with of f* northmost lived (or had lived) pronoun demonstrative, that accusative singular, feminine of se, seo. pset that (the) WestsS noun proper, accusative west sea singular of Westssg. feminine, i-stem Atlantic Ocean t>eah fccBt t>aet conjunction though also conjunction that that pronoun demonstrative, that nominative singular, neuter of se, seo. paet that land noun, nominative singular, neuter, a-stem land 2S8 land TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION SJ verb, 3 person singular, present tense, subjunctive mood of beon. supplelive verb be is swibe adverb — very '^З adjective, nominative singular, neuter, strong declension long long | 1 0 Ф adverb north north jbonan adverb thence from there ac conjunction — but hit pronoun personal, 3rd person singular, neuter, nominative it it is verb, 3"1 person singular, is present tense, indicative mood of beon, irregular verb pronoun/adverb all is e e rd al all Weste adjective, nominative singular, neuter, strong declension — uninhabited (waste) buton conjunction but but feawum adjective, dative plural of few feaw. strong declension few Stowum noun, dative plural of stow, feminine, wo-stem stOW places styecemaslum Wicia5 adverb stockmeal verb, 3"1 person plural, — here and there live present tense, indicative mood ofwician.weak verb, class II Finnas noun proper, nominative Finn plural ofFinn, masculine, a-stem (the) Finns o n preposition on/by on 289 PART 3. KEYS hunto6e noun, dative singular of hunto6, masculine, a-stem wintra noun, dative singular of winter winter, masculine, u-stem winter and conjunction and and sumera noun, dative singular of sumor/er, masculine, u-stem summer summer fisca|)e noun, dative singular of fiscooVad. masculine, a-slem be preposition pxre pronoun demonstrative, that dative singular, feminine of se. seo. ftaet that SEE noun, dative singular of s e a sje, feminine, i-stem preposition at sea sumum pronoun/adjective, some indefinite, dative singular of sum, strong declension some cirre noun, dative singular of char cyr/cir. masculine, i-stem time wolde verb, 3 person singular, would past tense, indicative moodofwillan, anomalous verb /Wisnea fandian verb, infinitive of fandian, — to explore ast hunt hunting fish by rd fishing by/from at/for Y°№A' weak verb, class II to adverb how how 1опзе land adverb noun, nominative singular of land, neuter, a-stem long land long land 290 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION norbryhte adverb 1жзе verb, 3'J person singular, lie past tense, subjunctive mood of Нсзап, strong verb, class V о|фе conjunction — ОГ hwae5er conjunction whether whether «ВП13 any any mon pronoun indefinite [cf.an) noun, nominative singular of man, masculine, root-stem man man benordan preposition north to the north ba?m pronoun demonstrative, that dative singular of JMgt, neuter (of) that westenne noun, dative singular of — westen. neuter, ja-stem adverb — uninhabited land then for verb, 3rd person singular, fare past tense, indicative mood of faran, strong verb, class VI went/sailed be preposition along let verb, 3 person singular, let past tense, indicative mood of laetan, strong verb, class VII let him pronoun personal, 3rd person singular, masculine, nominative him him ealnewe3 adverb always always weste adjective, accusative — singular of weste, neuter, strong declension ba north right lay 3 by rd 291 right (straight) to the north У uninhabited (waste) PART 3. KEYS land noun, accusative singular land of land, neuter, a-stem noun, accusative singular star-board of steor-bord. neuter, a-stem land ba pronoun demonstrative, that accusative singular of seo. feminine that (the) w!d-sa3 noun, accusative singular wide sea ofwid-sae, feminine, i-stem wide sea baec-bord noun, accusative singular back board of bacc-bord. neuter, a-stem backboard (port Side) brie three da3as numeral, nominative three /accusative of prie noun, nominative day /accusative plural of das3.. masculine, a-stem days ba adverb then steor-bord — rd star-board W32S verb, 3 person singular, was past tense, indicative mood of wesan. strong verb, class V was swa... s w a conjunction so (so) as ... as feor adverb far far norb adverb north (to the) north ba pronoun demonstrative, those nominative plural of |>a noun, nominative plural whale hunt of hwaelhunta. masculine; n-stem those adverb, superlative farthest degree of feor/fyr verb, plural, present fare tense, indicative mood of faran, strong verb, class VI farthest hwselhuntan firrest farab 292 whalemen go/sail TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION ballet adverb yet yet rd meahte verb, 3 person singular, might past tense, indicative mood ofma?an. preterite-present verb could bsem pronoun demonstrative, those dative plural of past those obrum pronoun indefinite, dative other other plural of брег frrlrn numeral, dative of £пе da3um noun, dative plural of days da?3, masculine, a-stem verb, indefinite of siglan, sail weak verb, class I (3e—prefix) adverb — 3esi3lan ba three three days (to) sail then Ьёаз verb, 3"* person singular, bow past tense, indicative mood of biigan. strong verb, class П curved (bowed) bisr adverb there there eastryhte adverb east seo pronoun demonstrative, that (the) nominative singular of sgo, feminine that (the) n preposition in in 1 right to the east nysse = ne wisse: verb, 3" wit person singular, past tense, indicative mood of witan. preterite-present verb did not know buton conjunction but Wisse but ri verb, 3 person singular, wit past tense, indicative mood of witan. preterite present verb 293 knew PART 3. KEYS баёг adverb there there bad verb, 3rf person singular, bide past tense, indicative mood of bidan, strong verb, class I waited (for) westanwindes noun, genetive singular of wcstan-wind, west wind wind from the west masculine, a-stem hwon adverb/adjective — a little norban adverb north from the north east adverb east to the east be =bi: adverb/preposition by by/along swa-swa conjunction so so...as feower numeral four four da3um noun, dative plural of day ds3, masculine, a-stem verb, singular, past tense, should of sculan. preterite present verb conjunction — pronoun demonstrative, that nominative singular of past, neuter SCeolde for-daem beet days should (had to) as that bair adverb there there subryhte *J adverb south seo pronoun demonstrative, that nominative singular, feminine bonan adverb thence fif numeral five fi ba adverb — then right ь 294 right. (straight) to the south that from there ve . TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION 'Ж3 verb, 3 rt person singular, lay past tense, indicative mood of licgan, strong verb, class V lay (was) ЯП numeral one one much big micel adjective e a noun, nominative —'• singular of ga, feminine, root-stem (anom.) up-in adverb cirdon verb, plural, past tense, char indicative mood of cyrran, weak verb, class I turned ™3 pronoun personal, 3"1 — person nominative plural pronoun demonstrative, that accusative singular of sgo, feminine they oa u p in river u p in that 6& noun, accusative singular— of ga, feminine, root stem (anom.) ne particle dorston verb, plural, past tense, dare indicative mood of durran. preterite-present verb dared forp adverb pSre pronoun demonstrative, that dative singular of sgo, feminine forth (forward) that ea noun, dative singular of — ga, feminine, root-stem (anom.) river f° r conjunction for (out of) unfripe; noun, dative singular of — on-frifl. masculine, a-stem — forth for 295 river not hostility PART 3. KEYS . а W££S verb, Ъ person singular, was past tense, indicative mood of wesan. strong verb, class V was eall pronoun indefinite, singular, nominative of eal all all ЗеЬпп verb, participle II of buan. anomalous verb — uninhabited ofcre pronoun indefinite, singular, accusative of oper other other healfe noun, accusative singular half of heal f. feminine, o-stem pronoun demonstrative, that genitive singular of seo, feminine fcalre half (of) that Sas noun, genitive singular o f — ga, feminine, root-stem (anom.) river neraette verb, 3 r d person singular, meet past tense, indicative mood of metan, weak verb, class I did not m e e t (had not met) asr adverb till then nan = ne+an: see above an - ere ПО (none) ПО (llOt one) pronoun si|5f>an conjunction/adverb from adverb/preposition his азпит ham fela since from ы pronoun personal, З person singular, masculine, genitive of he adjective, dative singular of азеп noun, dative singular of ham, masculine, a-slem adjective/adverb 296 since from his his own own home home — many TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION spella noun, genitive plural of spell, neuter, a-stem spell stories pronoun personal, 3rd person singular, masculine, dative of he him him SiEdon verb, plural, past tense, indicative mood of sec3an. weak verb, class III say said ba pronoun demonstrative, those . him those nominative plural Beormas Permians Permians a^fcer зе...зе conjunction/pronoun either either ...or of preposition of of/about hiera pronoun personal, 3rd person plural genitive adjective, dative singular of щеп noun, dative singular of land, neuter, a-stem pronoun demonstrative, dative plural — their own own land land — those land lands atrium lande Ьазт landum noun proper plural noun, dative plural of land, neuter, a-stem be conjunction — that ymb prcposiiion/adverb — about/around hie pronoun personal, plural, — accusative adverb out titan them wEEron verb, plural, past tense, indicative mood of wesan. strong verb, class V were on (from) the outside were ac conjunction — but 297 .. PART 3. KEYS nyste = ne wiste: verb, 3"1 wit person singular, past tense, indicative mood of witan, preterite-present verb did not know hwast pronoun interrogative/ indefinite what f)aes pronoun demonstrative, — genitive singular of baet. neuter that sdpes truth waes noun, genitive singular of sooth sob, neuter, a-stcm verb, 3й1 person singular, was past tense, indicative mood of wesan, strong verb, class V was fbr-фгВт see above aS hit pronoun personal singular, neuter, accusative it it self pronoun self himself what rd 3eseah verb, 3 person singular, see past tense, indicative mood of seon. strong verb, class V did (not) see pa those spraecon pronoun demonstrative, those nominative plural verb, plural, past tense, speak indicative mood of sprecan, strong verb, class V neah adverb near nearly an numeral/adjective one one 3epeode noun, accusative singular— of зе-'beode. neuter, ja-stem language SWIDOSt adverb, superlative degree mostly — 298 speak TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION dider adverb thither to-ёасап adverb/preposition — pses pronoun demonstrative, — genitive singular of fojgt, neuter Iandes noun, genitive singular of land land, neuter, a-stem land's sceawur^e noun, genitive singular of showing sceawun.3. feminine, o-stcm survey/ exploration 'or conjunction because of рззт pronoun demonstrative, — dative plural those hors-hwaslum noun, dative plural of hors-hw-cl, masculine, a-stem walruses hie they habbad pronoun personal, 3rd — person plural, nominative verb, plural, present have tense, indicative mood of habhan. weak verb, class III swipe adverb — very aepele adjective — excellent ban noun, accusative singular bone of ban, neuter, a-stem pronoun personal, plural, — dative noun, dative plural of teeth iojj, masculine, root-stem pronoun demonstrative, those accusative plural noun, accusative plural of teeth lofe, masculine, root-stem hiora tobum P^ tso for 299 whale there (to thai place) in addition (to) that have bone their teeth those teeth PART 3. KEYS brohton verb, plural, past tense, indicative mood of Ьппзап. strong-weak verb brought brought sume pronoun/adjective accusative of sum some some balm pronoun demonstrative, — dative singular of sj, masculine (to) that сушпзе noun, dative singular of king cynin3. masculine, a-stem noun, accusative plural hide ofhyd, feminine, l-stem king hyd hide (skins) Key to Seminars 4, 5 & 7 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, A. D. 1013 The year after that Archbishop Elfeah was martyred, the king appointed Lifing to the archiepiscopal see of Canterbury. And in the same year, before the month August, came King Sweyne with his fleet to Sandwich; and very soon went about East-Anglia into the Humbermouth, and so upward along the Trent, until he came to Gainsborough. Then soon submitted to him Earl Utred, and all the Northumbrians, and all the people of Lindsey, and afterwards the people of the Five Boroughs, and soon after all the army to the north of Watling-street; and hostages were given him from each shire. When he understood that all the people were subject to him, then ordered he that his army should have provision and horses; and he then went southward with his main army, committing his ships and the hostages to his son Knute. And after he came over Watling-street, they wrought the greatest mischief that any army could do. Then he went to Oxford; and the population soon submitted, and gave hostages; thence to Winchester, where they did the same. Thence went they eastward to London; and many of the party sunk in the Thames, because they kept not to any bridge. When he came to the city, the population would not submit; but held their ground in full fight against him, because therein was King Ethelred, and Thurkill with him. Then went King Sweyne thence to Wallingford; and so over Thames westward to Bath, where he abode with his army. Thither came Alderman Ethelmar, and all the western thanes with him, and all submitted to Sweyne, and gave hostages. When he had thus settled all, then went he northward to his ships; and all the population fully received him, and considered him full king. The population of London also after this submitted to him, and gave hostages; because they dreaded that he would undo them. Then King 301 PART 3. KEYS Ethelred abode some while with the fleet that lay in the Thames; and the lady went aftei"vvards over sea to her brother Richard. Then went the king from the fleet, about midwinter, to the Isle of Wight; and there abode for the season; after which he went over sea to Richard, with whom he abode till the time when Sweyne died. Phonetic analysis Word as used in the text Analysis NE word Parallels from cognate languages or related OE words sefteran lac]—from PGlal rel. to Gt aftaro Зёаге year [ёа] — diphthoneisation of after OHG fix [Щ after U ] wses [a]fromPG [a] сугапз [у] — palatal mutation of OHG kuning [uj caused by [i]; later ly>[i] [y] — palatal mutation of OE buvh [u] caused by [i] (пот. case) . borough [о] from PG [a] month (Cantware)Ьупз (dative case) тбпбе Gt was OHG manod was king swlde [I] — lengthening due lo Gt swings loss of In] before a fricative — East(englum) [ea] from PG [au] EastAnglia тпбап [п] — lengthening due to Gt munf)s loss of [n] before a fricative up-weard Щ — breaking of [aj before [r+consonant] andlang [a] from PG [a] before a nasal consonant rel. to Gt austr 302 mouth rel. in Gt wards upward(s) OsklungY along TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION sona [ojfromPGla] OHGsan soon bean |ёа] from PG[au] Gt baug bow eorl [eo] —breaking of [e] OSaxerl before [r+consonant] [ea] — breaking of [a] Grails before [11] [I] — lengthening due to Gffimf loss of [m] before a fricative ealle FTf(bui3um) straete [S]fromLat[a] Lat strata man [S] from PG [a] before a nasal consonant; later [a]>[a]>[ae]. Gt mann(a) earl all five street man sealde (Wess) [ea] —breaking of fa] cf. Angl salde (past bid. of before [1+consonant] Gt say an Sellan) ' [e] — palatal mutation of [a] caused by Ц] 11 — doubling due to loss of[j] sold sell 3ebogen [o] — LPG mutation of vowels Gt bugans bow bead [eaJfromPG[au] Gt baud — sceolde [eo] — diphthongisation AnWscolde of [o] after [sk'3 ; betffihte (past [Щ — palatal mutation of cf. OE tacen ii]d.ofh&z [a] caused by [j] (Mi? token) tsecan) should ofer [v] — voicing in the intervocal position over yfel [v] — voicing in the intervocal position Щ] — palatal mutation of cf. OE an [a] caused by [j] [a] before nasal consonants evil 32ШЗ adran3 30? rel. to teach any rel. to drink - PART 3. KEYS опзеап [ea] ~ diphthongisation OHG of [x] after [j] ingangene гофап [6] — voicing in the intervocal position f>sr [ie]fromPG[a] [8] voiceless initially Gt f>ar there ealdor(man) [eaj — breaking of [a] before [1+consonant] [a] from PG [o] OHGbk old Gt farans rel. to fare h&fde (past [v] — voicing in the uul. o/naboani intervocal position [ae] from PG [a] G/habaida had |)eodscipe [eo] from PG [iu] Gf ondrsedon [a;]fromPG [a] OHGintratan dread dead [ea]fromPG [au] Gt daufcs dead wear6 [ea] —breaking of [a] before [r+consonant] Gt warfc 3efaren friuda again — — Grammar analysis Words as used Analysis in the text notes Corresponding New English word Translation On preposition Oil ( ) бзет pronoun demonstrative, that dative singular, neuter offset (that) the asfteran preposition after after Зёаге noun, dative singular of year 3§ar, neuter, a-stem relative particle/ — conjunction Уеаг f>e 304 on when TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION se pronoun demonstrative, that (the) masculine of se nominative singular that (the) arcebiscop noun, nominative singular of arcebiscop. masculine, a-stem archbishop w a e s verb, 3rd person singular, was past tense, indicative mood of wesan. anomalous verb was 3emartyrod verb, participle II of 3emartvrian, weak verb, class If martyred суптз noun, nominative king singular of cynin3, супз, masculine, a-stem king 3esette verb, 3* person singular, set past tense, indicative mood of зе-settan. weak verb, class I set (placed) Lyfinc noun archbishop martyr proper Lifing biscop noun, accusative singular bishop of biscop, masculine, a-stem bishop t° preposition to to Canterbury Canterbury Cantwarebyrij noun proper barn pronoun demonstrative, that dative singular, masculine of se that arcestole noun, dative singular of re), to archarcestol. mascuhne, bishop a-stem archiepiscopal seat bissum pronoun demonstrative, this dative singular, masculine of fees this ylcan filca, pronoun indefinite, ilk (in: of that dative singular, weak ilk, archaic) declension same 305 PART 3. KEYS toforan adverb — monSe noun, dative singular of month тбпаб. masculine, t-stem month Augustus noun proper August August 1 before com verb, 3" person singular, come past tense, indicative mood of cuman. strong verb, class IV came Sweden noun proper — Sweyne (the king of Denmark) mid preposition — with his pronoun personal, his 3 rd person singular, masculine, genitive of he > possessive pronoun his flotan noun, dative singular of flota. masculine, n-stem float fleet SandwTc noun proper Sandwich Sandwich (a town in Kent) wende verb, 3 rd person singular, wend past tense, indicative mood of wendan. weak verb, class I went SWl6e adverb — у е г У^Я!]', exceedingly rade adverb rather quickly, soon abutan adverb / preposition about about Eastenglum noun proper, dative .East Anglia East Anglia into preposition into into Humbra noun proper, genitive Humber Humber тпбап noun, dative singular of mouth тпба. masculine, n-stem т SW§ adverb / preposition / conjunction SO 306 SO ?Н^ • I (of the rivet) TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION upweard adverb upward upwards andlang preposition along along Trenton noun proper Trent Trent °o preposition / conjunction — until "e pronoun personal, 3M person singular, masculine, nominative he he 3enesburuh noun proper Gainsborough Gainsborough (a town on the Trent) sona adverb soon soon beah verb, 3rd person singular, bow past tense, indicative mood of bG^an. strong verb, classTl bowed (surrendered) Uhtred noun proper — Utred ^ noun, nominative singular ofeorl. masculine, a-stem earl chief (earl) ea ^e pronoun indefinite, plural all all Nor5hymbre noun nominative plural ofNor6-hvmbre. masculine, i-slem Northumbria Northumbnans ™ T1 pronoun personal, 3 rd person singular, masculine, dative of he him ^4 pronoun indefinite, all singular pronoun demonstrative, that nominative singular, neuter of bjet all folc noun, nominative singular of fojc, neuter, a-stem folk (people) Lindesi3e noun proper P^l folk Lindsey him that Lindsey (in Lincolnshire) 307 PART 3. KEYS si55an , adverb since afterwards FFfbunum noun proper, dative plural of Fifburhinxas rel. to Five Boroughs the five shires or baes pronoun demonstrative, this nominative singular, masculine of bes this here — Ьё-nordan noun, nominative singular of here, masculine,ja-stem adverb north (the enemy's/ Danish) army to the north Wa&tlin3an noun proper Watling Watling strSte noun, dative singular of street, feminine, o-stem street man pronoun indefinite man street (the road built <n the Romans) (man) one sealde verb, 3rd person singular, sell past tense, indicative mood of sellan. weak verb, class I, irregular gave 3islas noun, nominative / — accusative plural of з1§Ы, masculine, a-stem hostages of preposition of (from) ailcere e a c n pronoun indefinite, each singular, dative of l i e noun, dative singular of shire province sclr.feminine,o-stem verb, 3 d person singular, rel. to under, get understood past tense, indicative mood of UQdeisietajL, weak verb, class III sclre under3eat of 3ebogen verb, past participle of Ьпзап. strong verb, class II bead verb, 3 person singular, — past tense, indicative mood of be-beodan, strong verb, class II td 308 bow subjugate ordered TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION iM conjunction sceolde verb, singular, past tense, should subjunctive mood of sculan. preterite-present verb should here noun, accusative singular— of here, masculine, ja-stem army mettian verb, infinitive of mettian. weak verb, class II rel. to meat (to) supply With food horsian verb, infinitive of horsian. weak verb, class II rel. to horse (to) supply V^Vh horses sudweard adverb southwards southwards ПК* preposition — with "M№ adjective, dative singular of ful, strong declension noun, dative singular of — fyrd_, feminine, i-stem fyrde that that filll betashte verb, 3«* person singular, rel. to teach past tense, indicative mood of betaecan. weak verb, class I, irregular i?3 pronoun demonstrative, those accusative plural of ]эа noun, accusative plural ship of scip. neuter, a-stem noun, accusative plural — of?isel. masculine, a-stem SCipu 3islas Cnute ™ s s u n a full army (military expedition) put in trust those ships hostages noun proper, dative — Knute pronoun possessive, rd 3 person singular, masculine his ™ noun, dative singular of sunu, masculine, u-stem son son 309 s __ PART 3. KEYS ofer preposition over over worhton verb, plural, pasl lense, indicative mood of wircan. weak verb, class I, irregular work (they) , performed (.did) fret... conjunction that that... that mzESte adjective, accusative singular, superlative degree qCmyccl. weak declension most most yfel noun, accusative singular evil {>ав1 evil of yfeb neuter, i-siem азтз pronoun indefinite don (to) do mihte verb, infinitive of don, do anomalous verb verb, singular, past tense, might indicative mood of ma^an, preterite-present verb Oxenaforde noun proper, dative Oxford Oxford SCO pronoun demonstrative, nominative singular, feminine of sgo rel. to t h e the buruhwaru noun (collective), nominative singular of buruhwaru. feminine, o-slem rel. to b o r o u g h citizens ("J " town) 3islude verb, 3rd person singular, — past tense, indicative mood of3islian. weak verb, class II • adverb thence fcanon any any might gave Hostages Winceastre noun proper Winchester thence (from there) Winchester Hf pronoun personal, 3"1 person plural, nominative of 111 — they v 310 - TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION patylce pronoun that ilk (just) the same dydon verb, past tense, plural, indicative mood of don. anomalous verb did did eastwerd adverb eastwards eastwards Lundene noun proper London London m adverb much much (many folces noun, genitive singular of folc, neuter, a-stem folk folk adi-апз verb, 3ixi person singular, rel. to drink, past tense, indicative drench mood of adrincan. strong verb, class III drowned Temese noun proper Thames Thames for 6 a m p e conjunction; 6am — dative of bjst rel. to that as nanre =ne+anre, pronoun not one Ьгусзе noun, genitive/dative singular of hiyS3. feminine, o-stem bridge Щ cepton negative particle not verb, plural, past tense, k e e p indicative mood of S&pjn^weak verb, class I (did not) keep • (guarded) pa . . . p a conjunction/adverb w h e n . . . then Згёге pronoun demonstrative, that dative singular, feminine of seo noun, dative singular of borough hurh, feminine, root-stem =ne+wolde, verb, — singular, past tense, singular, indicative mood of-Willan, anomalous verb 311 ycel u • Ь УПЗ nolde negative, genitive/dative singular, strong declension — no one (not a single) bridge that town (castle) did not want (wish) - PART 3. KEYS Ьизап verb, infinitive of Ьизап, t>OW strong verb, class II to surrender ac conjunction but heoldan =heoldon, verb, plural, hold past tense, indicative mood of healdan, strong verb, class VII held mid preposition (+ dative of the noun) (with) fullan adjective, dative singular iull of M i weak declension \vI3e noun, dative singular of — WT3. neuter, a-stem battle опзеап adverb against against forjjan =fcan,conjunction rel. to that because Ьжг adverb there there inne adverb in in ЖЬеШ noun proper — Ethelred £>urcyl noun proper — Thurkill (a Danish freebooter allied with Sweyne) — — filfl Weallingaforda noun proper, dative Wallingford Wallingford swa adverb SO SO ofer adverb/preposition over over westweard adverb westwards westwards Bajpan noun proper, dative Bath Bath (a town) saet verb, 3 ri person singulai-, sit past tense, indicative mood of sittan. strong verb, class V sat Ж^)е1тжг noun proper Ethelmar — 3)2 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION ealdorman nO un, nominative singular of ealdorman. masculine, root-stem alderdman chief (alderdman) Mer adverb thither there (to that place) waesternan adjective, nominative plural of western, weak declension western western P e 3enas noun, nominative plural ofpegen. masculine, a-stem — rnen . (warriors) bu 3on verb, plural, past tense, indicative mood of Ьпчап. strong verb, class II bow surrendered 3islodon yerb, plural, past tense, indicative mood of ^islan. weak verb, class II — gave hostages ^ conjunction — when Sus adverb thus thus 3efaren hasfde зс/агеп -verb, participle II fare of faraiL-Strong verb, class VI; lU hffifde — verb, 3 person had singular, past tense, indicative mood of habban. wpak verb, class III had gone scipum noun, dative plural of scip, neuter, a-stem ships freodscipe noun, nominative —: singular of peod-scype suffix rel. to -ship pronoun personal, 3 rd person singular, masculine, accusative — him adjective, accusative singular of M , strong declension full fuH preposition after after m e •fi 1 Пе ffiter 313 ship ,. people (tribe) PART 3. KEYS 6am pronoun demonstrative, those dative plural of jba those ОП preposition ОП. tt ondrsedon verb, plural, past tense, indicative mood of oib drasdan, strong verb, class VII conjunction dread )л е Г е ^ Г гП (dreaaea; that that hi pronoun personal, •3rd person plural, accusative of hie — them fordon verb, infinitive offordon rel. to do (to) destroy wolde verb, past tense, singular would of willan. anomalous verb pronoun indefinite, some accusative singular would (Wisnecy noun, accusative singular while • ofhwil, feminine, i-stem pronoun demonstrative, that (the) dative singular, masculine of sg while fraet sume hwfle f)am be conjunction — 1 some that (the) which (that) laeg verb, 3" person singular, lie past tense, indicative mood of liejajL.strong verb, class V lay hlaefdi3e noun, nominative singular of hlafdlge. feminine, n-stem lady lady Sffi noun, accusative singular sea of §jg, feminine, i-stem pronoun personal, her ^""person singular, feminine, dative of hgo sea hire Ьгфег noun, dative singular of brother brajbor, masculine, r-stem 314 her brother .. TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION Ricarde noun proper Richard Richard fraw preposition from from middanwintre noun, dative singular of - midwinter -winter, masculine, u-stem midwinter Wihtlande noun proper, dative Whitland Whitland pronoun demonstrative that that " a И P® I e noun, nominative tide singular of ud, feminine, o-stem pronoun demonstrative, that dative/genitive singular, feminine of sgo period (of time) that ^е noun, dative/genitive tide singular offid,feminine, o-stem period (of time) 0 9 conjunction till (until) бопе pronoun demonstrative, that (the) accusative singular, masculine of se the bye noun, accusative singular, masculine of byife). i-stem or ja-stem — time (period) "eacl adjective, nominative singular, strong declension dead dead weat-б verb, 3«' person singular, -— past tense, indicative mood of weordan. strong verb, class III — became (was) Key to Seminars 9, 10 & 12 From Chaucer's Prologue to "Canterbury Tales" 1 When in April the sweet showers fall Andpierce the drought of March to the root, and all The veins are bathed in liquor of such power As brings about the engendering of the flower, 5 When also Zephyrus with his sweet breath Exhales an air in every grove and heath Upon the tebder shoots, and the young sun His half-course in the sign of the Ram has run, And the small fowl are making melody 10 That sleep away the night with open eye (So nature pricks them and their heart engages) Then people long to go on pilgrimages And palmers long to seek the stranger strands Of far-off saints, hallowed in sundry lands, 15 And specially, from every shire's end Of England, down to Canterbury they wend To seek the holy blissful martyr, quick To give his help to them when they were sickIt happened in that season that one day 20 In Southwark, at The Tabard, as I lay Ready to go on pilgrimage nd start For Canterbury, most devout at heart, At night there came into that hostelry Some nine and twenty in a company 25 Of sundry folk happening then to fall In fellowship, and they were pilgrims all That towards Canterbury meant to ride. The rooms and stables of the inn were wide; 316 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION 30 35 40 1 5 10 15 They made us easy, all was of the best. And, briefly, when the sun had gone to rest, I'd spoken to them all upon the trip And was soon one with them in fellowship, Pledged to rise early and to take the way To Canterbury, as you heard me say. But none the less, while I have time and space, Before my story takes a further pace, It seems a reasonable thing to say What their condition was, the full array Of each of them, as it appeared to me, According to profession and degree, And what apparel they were riding in; And at a Knight I therefore will begin. Когда Апрель обильными дождями Разрыхлил землю, взрытую ростками, И, мартовскую жажду утоля, От корня до зеленого стебля Набухли жилки той весенней силой, Что в каждой роще почки распустила, А солнце юное в своем пути Весь Овна знак успело обойти, И, ни на миг в ночи не засыпая, Без умолку звенели птичьи стаи, Так сердце им встревожил зов весны, Тогда со всех концов родной страны Паломников бессчетных вереницы Мощам заморским снова поклониться Стремились истово; но многих влек Фома Бекет, святой, что им помог 317 PART 3. KEYS 20 25 30 35 40 В беде иль исцелил недуг старинный, Сам смерть прияв, как мученик безвинный. Случилось мне в ту пору завернуть В харчевню "Табард", в Соуерке, свой путь Свершая в Кентербери по обету; Здесь ненароком повстречал я эту Компанию. Их двадцать девять было. Цель общая в пути соединила Их дружбою; они — пример всем нам — Шли поклониться праведным мощам. Конюшен, комнат в "Табарде" немало, И никогда в нем тесно не бывало. Едва обильный ужин отошел, Как я уже со многими нашел Знакомых общих или подружился И путь их разделить уговорился. И вот, покуда скромный мой рассказ Еще не утомил ушей и глаз, Мне кажется, что было бы уместно Вам рассказать все то, что мне известно О спутниках моих: каков их вид, И звание, и чем кто знаменит Иль почему в забвенье пребывает; Мой перечень пусть Рыцарь открывает. 318 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION Phonetic analysis Changes of spelling and sounds Word as used in the text whan that with Old English hwsenne whan [hw] [аз] hw [hw] > [a] baet that fae] > [9] > ге replaced by p replaced by wib re] , p ,, replaced by fa] [9] a th with > [Q] his [s] shoures scur shour/showr (shour) [sk'] soote swote/swete >•«] [u:r] u replaced by ou/ow sc replaced by sh nerced fpercen) r o o j ; e bathed (bathen) v ёгазоб that , > [as] > [6] with > И th his [s] droghte when > [w] > [e] replaced by w his [e:] New English Middle English his > M shower > Ш . > [аиэ] swote/sweete > [«] sweet > [i:] droght(e)/ drought [u:] > [u:] > u replaced by o/ou 3 replaced by gh — percen [e:]+vocalized [r]> — rote/roote [o:] > [u:] > ba6ode bathed [a] (open syl.) > [a:] [ode] > [ede] d replaced by th 319 [аи] pierce [19] root [u] before a dental cons. bathed > [ei] > [d] PART 3. KEYS swich swilc PC] с which vertu flour swich/s(w)uch such > [Ш > ЕШ [и] ch replaced by hwilc Ik'] > [л] which > Ml which > Ufl [hw] hw replaced by с replaced by [hw] wh ch — yertu virtue [i] + vocalized [r> [э:] flour flower — > [w] [u:] + vocalized [r]> [аиэ] eek breeth eac eek breed [x:] ш б inspired eke [ea:] > [к] с replaced by k breeth > replaced by replaced by — (inspiren) > [к] breath [e:] > [e] before a dental cons, ee/ea th inspire(n) inspire [i:] + vocalized [r]> [aia] heath heeth hae5 heeth yonge зеопз/зипз yong sonne sunne sunne/sonne [ж:] > [e:] as replaced by ee/ea б replaced by th > [i:] [u:] > fu] 3 replaced by у и replaced by o/ou > young N sun [и:] > [и] > [Л] и replaced by о before n or retained halfe healf cours — [ea] half > [a] cours half > [a:] [1] lost in NE course [u:l + vocalized [r]> [o:] 320 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION (y)-ronne smale (зе)-шппеп [u] > u replaced by smael [аг] > ш replaced by (y)-ronne [u] о before n smal [a] before U a foweles (fowel) firsjol fowel/foul [uy] > [u:] из replaced by ow maken macia6 [a] slepen open syll. > [a:] slaipa6 x al maken slepen replaced by eal nyght open ye nature corages 6 thanne > [aj before H. neaht/niht nyght/night h replaced by open fo] open syll. > еаче [eaTj > 3 replaced by — gh open [o:] езе/уе/еуе [e:] [i:] у nature [a:] [tjur] — corage Iu] 6 banne/bsenne thanne a]/[£e] > [a] 'ej i > [в] replaced by small1 > [o:] fowl > [аи] make > [ei] sleep e al(le) [ea] run > [л] th all > [o:] night open > [ou] eye > [ai] nature > [ei] > [tja] courage > [л] then > [e] > [6] folk folc [o] folk folk > [o] before Ik > [o:] > [ou] palmeres palm [a] palmere > [a:] before I 321 palmer > [a:] [1J lost in NE PART 3. KEYS seken secan [e:] > с replaced by e replaced by seken/seeken [e:] к ее seek > [i:] straunge — straunge [аи] >[а:] strange > [ei] sondry syndri3 [y] Ш] у 3 replaced by replaced by sondry > [u] South West Midland dial. sundry [л] > И >M lond/land > [a] land > [аз] o/u у londes land [a] specially — specially [sj] shires (shire) scTr [ski > [i:] > sc replaced by shire shire [П > [fl [г.] [ai] + vocalized M> [aia] sh hooly hali3 [a:] . > fo] > a replaced by 3 replaced by hooly [o:] о у ffl especially > Ш ' holy > [ouj > [I] martir martyr [a] [tir] martir/martyr martyr > [a] + vocalized [r]> [a:] > [tir] > [19] final r vocalized in NE were wa?ron were(n) were [a;:] > [e:] + vocalized [r]> [э:] se replaced by e seeke seoc seek/sek/sik [eo:] > [e:] . с replaced by к sick > [i:] bifil (bifallen) be-feallan bifallen [ea] > [a] before П ea replaced by a befall > [o:] seson — seson e 322 replaced by season ea TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION day I ёаез day ic > 1аез — come cumen > lay lay devout devout > [аи] come come [u] > [u] u replaced by о before m ni3on > [л] nyne nine > [i:] — > [ai] compaignye/ companye company > [л] [u] wolde woldon ryde ffdan (wolden) wolden [o] before Jd > [o:] chaumbre(s) > — ride [1:] > chaumbre /chambre [au:] stable(s) would > [u:] > [u] before a dental cons. [1] losl in NE iyde(n)/ride(n) [i:] — > [a:] > [ci] stable wTd stable we esed (esen) > [i:J we we [e:] > te:] — scort-llce [sk1] sc wide > . shortly > Ш replaced by we ease > [i:] shortly >Ш lo] + vocalized (i']> sh 323 [ai] > [i:]>[i-l ese(n) [e:] shortly > [ei] wyd(e) [i:] [ai] chamber [a:] wyde [ai] > [ei] [u:] [i] open syl. compaignye I [i:] [ay] > [ai] эез replaced by ay devout nyne > [ei] I [ik1] lay day [ay] > [ai] Ж3 replaced by ay [o:] PART 3. KEYS was wffis Гге] > [s] > x replaced by was Га] [s] a hadde hasfde [a] > [a] [f] losl in ME ж replaced by a hadde > [ж] spoken sprecen spoken |o:J spoken > [oul с к made forward erly for replaced by macodon [a] open syl. [codon] fore-weard [o] [ea] mad(en) > [a:] > [den] had made > [ei] > [d] forward forward erlich/erly early for for > [o] + vocalized [r]> [o:] > [a] + vocalized [r]> [э] азг-lTce [ж:] > [e:] + vocalized [r]> [э:] ae replaced by a for [o] ryse(n) was after [w] > Ы > [z] > [o] + vocalized [r]> [oO ffsan [i:] take(n) tacan oure ure risen rise > [i:] > [ai] [э] unstressed lost in NE taken [a] open syl. > [a:] с replaced by к take > [ei] our(e) our [u:] > [u:] + vocalized [r]> [аиэ] u replaced by ou wey ther we3 wey/way [e+jT > [ei] 3 replaced by у ' baer se:] ;e] ) replaced by as replaced by ther/there > У way > [ei] there > [9] > [e:] + vocalized [r]> [еэ]J th e 424 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION devyse — devyse > N while > [ai] > [w] у replaced by 1 but but > [u:] > [u] before > [л] a dental cons. but butan [u:] whil hvwl m > [hw] > hw replaced by habbe [a] > [bb] > whil/while M [hw] wh have [a] [v] fima [i:] tyme have tyme space er ferther this tale — > у have > [as] > [v] time fa > [ai] replaced by i space space m > ser er(e) [a?:] > [e:] + vocalized [rl> x replaced by e fyira ferther/further [y] > [el + vocalized [r]> [6] > feis this Г0] > [6] p replaced by th talu ' tale [a] opensyl. > [a:] [u] unstressed > [э] pace — thynketh Ьепсеб resoun devise И pace fa:] thenketh /thynketh [e] > Ш p, б replaced by tn — resoun e:] fu] unstressed 325 [ei] ere [еэ] further [a:] [6] this > [в] tale > [ei] lost in NE pace > fei] thinks > [i] reason > [i:] > faj _ _ _ _ _ PART 3. KEYS condicioun — condicioun ^ ech semed they what condition , нь> P _ aslc Ю > [a::l > [1] BE replaced by semede [e:l > [e] > — cioun replaced by ech/eech [tjl > [e:] > lost in M E ee/ea semed [e:] > [э] they [9] > hwffit what [x] > [a] after [w]> [hw] > [hw] > hw replaced by wh tion each [tj] [i:] seemed [i:] loslinNE they PI what [o] [w] degree — degree [e:f degree > И an-ay — airay [ai] array > [ei] khyght cniht [i] wol knyght > [i:J due to loss of[h'] [kn] > [kn] с replaced by к h replaced by gh wille [i] first > [i] /wot(e).. Lo] > [n] will > [i] fyrst fy] у bigynne will(e)/wull(e) knight > [ai] first first > [i] (East Midland dial.) + vocalized [r]> [э:] replaced by i be-3inne bigynne 01 > Igl [e] unstressed > [э] 326 fel begin . k_ lost in Nfa TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION Grammatical and etymological analysis Words as used in the text Analysis notes OE or foreign prototype Corresponding NE word, translation whan that conjunction OEhwaenne (adverb/pronoun) p<£t {pronoun) when that (when) Aprille noun proper OFayrill, L aprilis April with preposition Qfiwip with his pronoun possessive, masculine, 3"1 person singular shoures noun, common case, OE his (pronoun his personal) OE scur shower plural soote adjective, plural OE swote/swete sweet the definite article OE se, seo, pset the droghte noun, common case, OE dni^od drought of singular of preposition OE of March noun proper hath perced verb, present perfect, 3"1 person, singular of percen. weak verb, class 2 preposition noun, common case, OF mars, march March (dial.), L martius OE habban pierce (has OF percier pierced) to roote OE to OSk rot to root OE and and singular and conjunction bathed verb, present perfect OE badian (hath bathed), Ъл person, singular of bathen. weak verb, class 2 327 ; bathe (Ладbathed) PART 3. KEYS _____ every pronoun indefinite OE sefre every veyne noun, common case, OE veine vein singular h preposition 0£in in swich pronoun indefinite OEswilc such licour noun, common case, OF licur, L liquor liquor singular (moisture) of preposition OE of of which pronoun indefinite /interrogative noun, common case, singular verb, passive voice, present tense, 3"1 person singular of engendren, weak verb, class 2 noun, common case, singular OE hwilc which OF vertu virtue (force) engender (is engendered) OF four flower (blossoming) Zephirus noun proper L zephyrus Zephyr eek adverb OEEac eke (too) SWete see above SOOte see above SOOte SWeet breeth noun, common case, singular verb, present perfect, rd 3 person, singular of inspiren, weak verb, class 2 OE Ьгазб breath OF inspirer L inspirare inspire (has inspired) noun, common case, singular noun, common case, OE holt holt OE ha§5 heath vertu engendred is flour inspired hath holt heeth OF engendrer, L ingenerane singular tendre adjective OF tendre tender croppes noun, common case, plural OE crop crop 328 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION yonge adjective, definite declension, singular noun, common case, singular sonne OE зеопз young OE sunne sun hath y-ronne verb, present perfect, 3rd person, singular of rynen. strong verb, class 3 OE habban ran OE (зе)-пппап Ram noun proper OE ram n-ansl. from Ram (in the L Aries Ram —first sign of the Zodiac) halve adjective, definite declension GEhealf half cours noun, common case, OF cours, course (half singular L cursus of his course smale adjective, plural OEsmasl small foweles noun, common case, plural verb, present tense, plural, indicative mood of maken. weak verb, OE fu3ol fowl (birds) OE macian make noun, common case, singular OF melodie L melodia melody (phrasal unit - that pronoun, relative OE past that slepen verb, present tense, plural, indicative mood of slepen. strong verb, class 7 OE slaipen sleep al pronoun indefinite' OE eal all nyght noun, common case, singular adjective, indefinite declension OE nihl night OE west open maken i i melodye open c l a s s 2 329 (has run) i sing) j -—- PART 3.KEYS ye r.uiar m o n c a s e - ОЕёазе %Visi eye open-a mediaeval belief) SO adjective/conjunction OE swa s 0 priketh verb, present tense, 3rd person, singular, indicative mood of priken. weak verb, class 2 OE prician prick hem pronoun personal, objective case, plural noun, common case, singular OE hie, him them OF nature, L naffira nature pronoun possessive, plural noun, common case, plural OE hira, heora, hiera, hyra OFcorage, reimbior their thanne adverb/conjunction OE panne then longen verb, present tense, plural, indicative mood of longen, weak verb, class 2 OE Ian3ian l° n S folk noun, common case OE folc f°^ to goon verb, infinitive of goon. anomalous verb preposition OE зап t 0 OE on o n pilgrimages noun, common case, plural OF pelegrinage . derived from ш ME pilgrym palmeres noun, common case, OF palmier nature here corages ОП p U r a courage (hearts) »° pilgrtoag P $S/S'« Palestine) for preposition OE for toseken verb, infinitive of seken. OE secan weak verb, class 1, irregular 330 e f° r to seek . TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION straunge adjective Strondes noun, common case, OF estrange, L extraneus OE strand strange (foreign) Strand plural to preposition OE to to feme adjective OE fyrn old, far-off halwes noun, common case, plural verb, participle 2 of connen, preterite-present verb, or adjectivised participle adjective OE Шза hallow (saints) (un)couth (well-known, hallowed) couthe SOndry londes specially noun, common case, plural adverb O£cunan, OE cu5 OE syndri3 sundry OE land land '<?'. to OF especial especially (adj.), L specialis from preposition QEfram from shires noun, genitive case, singular noun, common case, OE scir shire OE ende end OE Engla-land England ende singular Engelond noun proper Caunterbury noun proper they wende hooly blisfi.il martir 0£Cantwarabyri3 Canterbury M pronoun personal, 3 person, plural verb, present tense, plural, indicative mood of wendeju weak verb, class 1 adjective adjective QEhali3 holy rel. to OE blis (n) blissful noun, common case, singular OE martyr, L martyr 331 OSc jbeir they OE wendan wend (go) та г ЙУ (StTJiomas a Becket of Canterbury) PART 3. KEYS hath holpen verb, present perfect, 3td person, singular of helpen, strong verb, class 3 OE habban, help (has OE holpen (pan. 2) helped were(n) verb, past tense, plural, OE wSron indicative mood of been. suppletive verb vvere seeke adjective OE seoc sick bifil verb, past tense, indicative mood of bifallen. strong verb, class 7 OE be-feallan befall (it so happened) seson = sesoun noun, common case, singular OF seson, L satio season (time, season) ОП preposition OEon ОП a article, indefinite OJSan a day OE dx3 Southwerk noun, common case, singular noun proper day (one day) Southward (outskirts oj London) at preposition OE set at Tabard noun proper OF tabard Tabard (here: the name of a London inn; tabard — a sort of cloak) as adjective/conjunction 0£eal-swa as I pronoun personal, lsl person singular, nominative case OE ic I lay verb, past tense, singular, OE Нсзап indicative mood of lyen, strong verb, class 5 lay (stayed) redy adjective O^raede ready my pronoun possessive, 1sl person, singular QEmTn my 332 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION fill adjective/adverb OEM full (most, very) devout adjective . OF devot devout corage noun, common case, singular verb, past perfect of comen. strong verb, class 4 preposition see above courage (heart) were come (there came) were come into that hostelrye wel OE wesan OE cuman, cumen (pan. 2) OE in-to pronoun demonstrative, OE se, seo, bast singular noun, common case, OF hostellerie singular adverb C£wel into that hostelry well (almost) nyne numeral, cardinal OE ni3on nine twenty numeral, cardinal OE twen-ti3 compaignye noun, common case, singular preposition/adverb OF companie twenty (nine and twenty = twenty-nine) company ОЕЫ by y-falle noun, common case, singular verb, infinitive of failefn). strong verb, class 7 OF aventure, L adventfira O£feallan adventure (happening) fall felaweshipe noun, common case, singular OSc felagi fellowship by aventure pilgrimes pilgrims were noun, common case, OF pelegrin, • plural t peregnnus verb, past tense, plural, OE wieron indicative mood of been, suppletive verb alle=al pronoun indefinite all OE eal 333 were PART 3. KEYS toward pronoun relative wolde(n) verb, past tense, plural of OE willan, would willen. anomalous verb wolden {past plural) ryde verb, infinitive of riden, strong verb, class 1 OEfidan ride chaumbres noun, common case, plural OF chambre L camera chamber Stables noun, common case, OF cstable stable plural L stabulum wyde adjective OEvnd wide wel adverb OE wcl well we esed pronoun personal, OEwe 1sl person plural verb, passive voice, past OF eser tense of esen, weak verb, class 2 ease atte=at the see above see above at the beste adjective, superlative OE god; belsl best degree of good (super!, degree) adverb OE scort-lTce shortly OE reslan to rest shortly 0£to-weard to reste verb, infinitive of resten. weak verb, class 1 hadde spoken verb, past perfect of spcken, strong verb, class 4 toward(s) we OE habban; had spoken liaefde (past tense) OE sprccan; sprecen (part. 2) everichon pronoun indefinite OE Sfre aelc every (all) that conjunction OE t>32t that anon adverb OE on an anon (at once) made(n) verb, past tense, plural, indicative mood of maken, weak verb, class 2 OE macian; macodon (past plural) made forward noun, common case, singular OE forc-weard forward (made an agreement) 334 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION erly adverb OE xr-llce early fbrtoryse verb, infinitive of risen, strong verb, class 1 OEtlsan to rise to take verb, infinitive of taken. strong verb, class 6 OE tacan to take oure pronoun possessive, 1sl person, plural OE Ore our wey noun, common case, OE we3 way ОЕрхт there singular ther adverb yow devyse pronoun personal, plural, OE eow objective case verb, present tense, OF deviser singular of devvsen, weak verb, class 2 but conjunction OE butan but natheless adverb OE na-|)y-laes nevertheless whil conjunction/adverb OEhwil while have verb, present tense, l s l person, singular of haven, weak verb, class 3 OE habban have tyrne noun, common case, singular OE tlma time Space noun, common case, OF espace, Space singular L spatium er adverb/conjunction OEisr ferther adjective ibis OE feor; fyrra (comp, degree) OE bis pronoun demonstrative, singular noun, common case, OE talu singular tale Pac6 verb, present tense, OF passer singular of paccn/passen. weak verb, class 2 335 you devise (say, describe) ere (before) JSltfter, . ШГшеГ this tale pace ._ PART 3. KEYS methynketh impersonal construction OE me, тёс of the verb thenken. OE bencan weak verb, class 1; rd 3 person, singular, present tense think (/ think) it pronoun personal, objective case, singular, neuter OE hit it acordaunt adjective OF accordant accordant (according) to preposition OE to to resoun noun, common case, singular OF raison L ratio reason totelle verb, infinitive of tellen. weak verb, class 1, irregular OEtellan to tell condicioun noun, common case, singular OF condicion condition ech pronoun indefinite ОЕяХс each Semed verb, past tense, singular OE seman of semen, weak verb, class 2 seem whiche pronoun indefinite /interrogative OE hwilc which (what kind of people) what pronoun indefinite /interrogative OE hwael what degree noun, common case, singular OF degnSt L de+gradus degree array noun, common case, OF arrai array singular inne adverb OE in in khyght noun, common case, singular adverb/conjunction OE cnihl khight OE fmnne then than 336 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION wol verb, present tense, 1 Г person, singular of willen, anomalous verb QEwille will first adverb OE fyrst first bigynne verb, infinitive of bigynnen/begvnnen. strong verb, class 3 OE be-3innan begin Key to Seminars 11 & 13 TVevisa, About the languages of the inhabitants As it is known how many kinds of people live on this island, there are also as many diverse languages and tongues; nevertheless, Welshmen and Scots that are not in the least mixed with other nations, hold very near their first language and speech; except that the Scots who were once confederate and dwelled with the Picts, draw after their speech; but the Flemings who dwelled in the west side of Wales have left their foreign speech and speak quite like Saxons. Also Englishmen had from the beginning three kinds of speech, Northern, Southern and middle speech in the middle of the land, as they came from three kinds of people of Germany; nevertheless, by mixing and mingling first with Danes and afterwards with Normans, in many respects the country language is impaired, and some use strange stammering, chattering, snarling, and grating gnashing of teeth. This impairing of the birth of the tongue is because of two things; one is because, unlike the situation in all other countries, schoolboys aie compelled to abandon their own language, and to leam their lessons in French, and that has gone on since the Normans first came to England. Also children of the gentry are taught to speak French from the time that they are rocked in their cradle and can speak and play with a child's brooch; and country people want to liken themselves to the gentry and try very hard to speak French to be held as such. This method was much in use before the Great Sickness, but has since been somewhat changed; for John Cornwalle, a master of grammar, changed the learning in grammar school from French into English, Richard Penrich learned the way of teachning from him and from other men of Penrich; so that now, in the year of our Lord 1385, and in the ninth year of the reign of the second king Richard after the conquest, m all grammar schools in England boys abandon French, and conduct 338 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION their studies in English, which leads to an advantage on the one hand, and a disadvantage on the other. Their advantage is that they- learn their grammar in shorter time than boys used to do. The disadvantage is that boys in grammar schools know no more French than their left heel, and that is harmful for them if they should cross the sea and travel in foreign, countries, and in many other places, too. Phonetic analysis Word as used in the text Changes of spelling and sounds Old English is i-knowe is is is [s] Is] И зе-cnawen i-knowe(n) known [а:] fie] he] > [I] [kn] > [kn] 3 replaced by J с replaced by к how hQ тагиз [a] peple — fcis [9] L J iloncHland 13-land [i:] a how > [au] many > [a] many > peple [e:] t>is М lost in NE > fn] how [u:] > [u:] u replaced by ow meny=many New English Middle English И people > И . pis/this this > [в] > ф! f, replaced by th iland > И island > М > [a] > N + s under the influence or isle 339 PART 3. KEYS |эеге fcser las:] x dyvers fiere there > [e:] + vocalized [r] > [еэ] p replaced by th replaced by e — dyvers diverse Ю > [ai] [e] +vocalized [r]> [э] у replaced by i longage(s) — langage language [a] > [x] + [w] under the influence of lingua (Lat) tonges Шпзе tonge tongue [u] > [u] > [л] 3 replaced by g u replaced by о (a ME spelling device) Walsche= Wylsc Welsh [y:] Welsh [sk'l > Ш sc replaced by jiat fcjet fat Ш > [a] [6] > M ббег [°;] nacioun(s) >Ш sh p ot>er > Щ replaced by ojber — heald(an) neah [ea:] th other > to:]>[u:]>[u] > W unstressed [el + vocalized [r] > [a] 5/p replaced by th nacioun hold(en) [ea] > [a] > [a:] before Jd > [o:] nyh=neer that > [x] [a:] [sjun] hold(ef)) Welsh > [e:] (Kentish dial.] > [e] neer nation > [ei] > [?эп] hold > [ou] near > [e:] >[i:] + vocalized [r]> [is] 340 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION firste fyrst first(e) first [i] + vocalized [r]> [э:] [у] > [i] (East Midland dial.) у replaced by i speche spraic speche [ж] > [e:] [k'] > [tj] [r] lost in ME зе replaced by e с replaced by ch but butan [u:] were somtyme but > [л] wajron were were sume-tyman sometyme sometime [ae:] > [e:] + vocalized [r] > [э:] se replaced by e [u] u у drawe but > [u] speech > [i:] > [tj] > [u] > [л] [i:] > ПО > replaced by о (a ME spelling device) replaced by i сказ(аб) drawe draw [a+j] > [аи] 3 replaced by w > [о:] side side И side > M straunge — side > И straunge [ao]>[a:] Englische Er^Usc [sk'] 3 hadde replaced by Englische > [fl g ha3fd(on) hadde [a] > [a] [v] lost in ME a replaced by a 341 [ai] strange > [ei] English >Ш had > [se] ______ PART 3. KEYS bygynn(ynge) manere Ье-зтп(ипзе) begynninge 0] > 3 replaced by [g] (Scand. influence) > [g] g beginning — manere manner fa] > [ae] unstressed [e] + vocalized [r]> [э] sowberne sudeme [u:] u Danes sowberne southern > [u] > [л] unstressed [e] + vocalized [r]> [э] replaced by ow/ou 6/b replaced by th Dene Danes Danes [e] > [a] under the influence ofDani (Lat) [a] > [a:] (open syllable) > [ei] [s] > [z| afterward asfter-weard afterward afterward(s) [ae] > [a] > [a:] before [ft] unstressed [e] + vocalized [r]> [э] [ea] > [a]+vocalized [r]> [a:] after [w]>[o:] ae replaced by a Norman(s) — Norman Norman [o] +vocalized [r]> [o:] contray= countree — countree [u] som sum som(e) country > [л] some [u] > [u] > [л] u replaced by о (a ME spelling device) burbe=birthe (3e-)byrd [y] [y] bycause — burbe/birthe > > bycause [аи] oon an [a:n] birth [u:] South West Midland dial. [i] East Midland dial.+vocalized[r]>[9:] p replaced by th oon because > [о:] one >[o:n] > [u:n] > [wu:n] > [\улп] 342 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION child(ren) cild(ru) 1 [k ] scole scol [o:] a3enst child(ren) > [tj] scole > [o:] оп-зёап child(ren) > [tj] school > [u:] ayeyiies/a3enst/agayn against [ea:] 3 alle > fe:] - [ai}> [ei] [gj (Scand. influence) replaced by g eal [eaj leve lgfan alte > [a] before U leve(n) [«:] > le:] f replaced by v- owiie азеп habb(ad) [a] i-tau3t speke leave > [i:] owne [a:+j] > [ou] 3 ' replaced by w havep all > [o:] own > [ou] hav(e5) > [a] (3e-)taht i-tau3t/y-taught sprecan speke(n) .. Га:1 > [аи] before [hi [h] lost in M E h replaced by gh have > [в] taught > [o:] speak [ei] > te:] open syllable > [i:] [r] lost in ME ' с replaced by к cradel cradol [a] playe ple3ian [e+j] child(es) cild cradel cradle > [a:] open syllable > [ei] playe(n)/pleye(n) play > [ei] > [eil child [k'] > [tj] [i] > Li:] before lid] с replaced by ch 343 child > > [tj] [ai] PART 3. KEYS broche — broche brooch [o:] greet 3reat > [ou] greet great tea:] > [e:] 3 replaced by g besy(nesse) bisi3/bysi3 [y] [y] (i-)tolde moche besy/busy told told > [a:] before [ld]>lo:]>[ou] trade moche/muchel [u:] de & deaf) tea:] i-chaunged lore f> replaced by th _ i-chaunged master > [Л] death > [el before a dental cons. change(d) > maister N master [a] (loss of [j]) > [a:] unstressed [e] + vocalized [r] > N lar lore ta:] gramer much deth > [e:] [au]>[a:] maister busy > [i] East Midland dial> [I] > [u:] South West Midland dial, retained in NE spelling tald [a] > [el] lore > [o:] + vocalized [r]> [o:] _ ^ ^ ^ grammar [a] > N M unstressed [e] + vocalized [r] > l a i construccioun - construccioun [u] tsjun] lern (ed) leorn(ode) e t °] lera(ed) > construction > W > [M barn(t) [e] + vocalized [r]> [э:] 344 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION techynge t s c a n (inf) techen [ж:] > [e:] [k'l > [tfl ae replaced by e/ea now nu now [u:] > [u:] u replaced by ow Зеге З еаг [ea:] 3 oure teach > [i:l > [tfl now > [аи] Зеге year > [e:] + vocalized [r] > [э:] replaced by У ure oure our [u:] > [u:] +vocalized [r]> [аиэ] u replaced by ou Lord(e) hlaford [a:] t>owsand f)Qsand L(h)overd/lord fcowsand/thousand [u:l > [u:] unstressed [a] > [э] p replaced by u replaced by ow/ou hundred hund-red [u] score L J thousand > Ш tn hundred > [u] scorn [ol lord > [o:] +vocalized [r]> [э:] hundred >.[л] score score > [o:] open syllable •• + vocalized[r]> [or] fyve ff fyve five [i:] *УЩ > [i:] cynin 3 > kyng № .king • [y] > [i] East Midland dial. > [I] с replaced by к п Упе do ° ш 3 оп М пупе > И don doo [o:] > [o:] 345 nine > fal] do > ^ > [ U ' ] PART 3. KEYS na=no na [a:] more' тага [a:] can can [a] heele hela l«] harme hearm [ea] schulle scul(on) [skf] passe — na/no > [o:] more more > [o:] + vocalized [r] > [o:] can can > [a] > [ae] heele heel > [e:] > [i:] harme sae shulle — — > Ш passe pass > [a:] before [ss] see sea [ж] , J L > [e:l ж replaced by ee/ea place(s) harm > [a] + vocalized [r] > [a:] [a] see no > [ou] > M place [a:] place > [ei] Grammatical and etymological analysis Corresponding— NE word, translation -— Words as used in the text Analysis notes OE or foreign prototype as conjunction <?£eal-swa it pronoun personal, 3rd person singular, neuter, nominative case OE hit is verb, 3rd person singular, OE wesan (inf) К present tense, indicative OE is (Present tense) mood of been, suppletive verb 346 as U TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION i-knowe adjective/participle 2 of knowen, strong verb, class 7 OE cnawan (in0 OE (3e-)cnawen (part. 2) how adverb OEM how meny adjective/pronoun OE mani^ many manere noun, common case OF mankre PSple noun, common case beep verb, 3rd person plural, present tense, indicative mood of been, suppletive verb OF pueple L populus OE Ьёоб manner (sorts, kinds of) people are n preposition OE in in P IS ilond pronoun demonstrative, <9£bis singular, neuter noun, common case, ОЕц-\Ш known this island singular pere conjunction ОЕЩг there a lso SO adverb adverb 0£eal-swa 0£swa also so longages noun, common case, plural language and conjunction OFlangagelangue L lingua OEhnd and tonges noun, common case, plural OE tun3e tongue nopeles adverb OE na-py-ISs nevertheless Walsche adjective O^Wylisc Welsh rosn noun, common case, plural noun proper, common case, plural OE men n^0 OE Scot Scot Scottes 347 — PART 3. KEYS pat conjunction OE pxl that adverb, negative OE na-with not (not in the least) i-medled adjective/participle 2 of medlen, weak verb, class 2 OFmedler meddle (mingled) wib preposition OE wifi with сфег pronoun indefinite OE брег Other naciouns holdep noun, common case, plural verb, plural, present tense, indicative mood of holden, strong verb, class 7 OF nacion nation L natio OE healdan (inf) hold OE healdajb (pres. tense plural) wel adverb OEwd well (very) nyh preposition / adverb / adjective OE neah near hir pronoun possessive, plural OE hyra/hira their firste adjective OE fyrst first speche noun, common case, singular OE sprsc speech but conjunction OE butan but 3if conjunction OEyf if(except) the definite article OE se, seo, pffit the pat conjunction OEpaet that (who) were verb, plural, past tense, OE waeron indicative mood of been, suppletive verb were somtyme adverb OEsume-timan sometime confederat adjective L conibederatus confederate noint J 348 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION wonede verb, plural, past tense, indicative mood of wonen, weak verb, class 2 OE wunian (inf) dwell OE wunodon (pas; (remained) tense plural) be definite article OE se, seo, past the Pictes noun proper, common case, plural OE Pkt Pict drawe after verb, present tense, indicative mood of drawen, strong verb, class 6 OE dra3an (inf) OE dra3a6 draw after (imitated) Flemmynges noun proper, common case, plural wonep verb, plural, present OE wunian (inf) dwell tense, indicative mood of OE wunia5 wonen, weak verb, (present tense plural) class 2 Я preposition OE in П weste adjective OE wesi west side noun, common case, OE side side Flemish singular Of preposition OEof of Wales noun proper, common case verb, present perfect plural Of leven, weak OE Wealas Wales havebi-left OE habba6 have left (present tense plural) verb, class 1 «B^aJ straunge- adjective ^estrange spekef) verb, plural, present OE sprecan (inf) tense, indicative mood of OE spreca6 (participle 2) sgange speak speken, Strong verb, class 4 (present tense plural) Saxonliche „dverb 2КЕЗЯ5- likeS i-now ad "Язе-» «««h v e rb 349 "°" S _ PART 3. KEYS Englische adjective OE En^lhc English men noun, common case, plural OE men men bey pronoun personal, 3rd person plural OScpeir they hadde verb, past tense, OE habban <inl) indicative mood of OE hajfdon (pasi haven, weak verb, class 3 tense plural) had from preposition from bygynnynge verbal noun of bigynnen, OE be-зуппап OEfrom beginning strong verb, class 3 (inf) {>ie numeral, cardinal ОЕ$п three пофете adjective OE побегпе northern ЭОУфегпе adjective OE siifierne southern middel adjective СШ middel middle myddel noun, common case OE middel middle lond OE lond land come noun, common case, singular verb, plural, past tense, indicative mood of comen, strong verb, class 4 OE cuman (inf) OE comon (past tense plural came Germania noun proper by preposition ОЕЫ by comyxtioun noun, common case OF commistion mixture mellynge verbal noun of medlen, mellen, weak verb, class 2 OF medler. mingling firste adverb OE fyrst first Danes noun proper, common case, plural adverb OE Dane Dane afterward Germany 350 OE sefter-weard afterwards TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION Normans noun proper, common case, plural OF Norman OSc погбтаб Norman roeny adjective/pronoun OEташз many (in many things, in many respects) contray noun, common case, singular OF contree country apayred adjective/participle 2 of empeiren, weak verb, class 2 OF empeirer impaired sor n pronoun indefinite OE sum some f> verb, plural, present OF user tense, indicative mood of usen, weak verb, class 2 use Wlafferynge gerund of wlaffen, weak verb, class 2 stammering chiterynge gerund of chiteren, weak (imit.) verb, class 2 chirping harrynge gerund of harren, weak verb with rolling [r] garrynge participle 1 of garren, weak verb grisbayting noun, common case this pronoun demonstrative, OE pis singular this apayiynge verbal noun of empeiren, of empeirer (inf.) weak verb, class 2 impairing burpe noun, common case OE зе-byrd /Зе-byrdu birth by - preposition; cause - noun, common case ОЕЫ OF cause, L causa because numeral, cardinal OE twa/Ш two use bycause = (by) cause tweie OE wlaffian (inf) (imit.) rcl. to OE зуггап OE 3rist-betun3 351 growling gristbiting (gritting of teeth) PART 3. KEYS fringes noun, common case, OE bin3 thing plural ООП numeral, cardinal OE an one for conjunction OE for for children noun, common case, plural noun, common case, 0£cildru children singular OF escole a3enst preposition О£оп-зёап against usage noun, common case OF usage usage (custom) alle pronoun indefinite ОЕЫ all opere pronoun indefinite OE oder other beef) compelled verb, passive voice, OFcompeller plural, present tense, indicative mood of compellen, weak verb, class 2 verb, infinitive of leven, ОЕШап weak verb, class 1 adjective, definite OE азеп declension verb, infinitive of L construere construen, weak verb, class 2 scole toleve OWne to construe lessouns OE scol, L scola, school are compelled to leave own to construe noun, common case, plural OF lecon, L lectio lesson frynges noun, common case, OEfyins havef) plurai verb^ plural, present OE ЬаЬЬаб tense, indicative mood of haven, weak verb, class 2 have sep conjunction OE si69an since first adverb OE fyrst first Engelond noun proper O£Engla-land England 352 thing TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION gentil (-) men noun, genitive case, plural ef. F gentilhomme gentlemen i-tau3t verb, passive voice, plural, present tense, indicative mood of techen, weak verb, class 1 OE tascan (inf) ОЕ{^е-)\Ш (participle 2) to speke verb, infinitive of speken, OE sprecan strong verb, class 4 noun, common case QEtima tyme beep i-rokked verb, passive voice, plural, present tense, indicative mood of rokken, weak verb, class 2 cradel OE roccian (inf) OE (зе-) roccod (participle 2) taught to speak time are rocked kunnep noun, common case, OE cradol cradle singular verb, plural, present tense OE cunnan (inf) can of connen, preterite OE cunnon present verb (present tense plural) playe verb, infinitive of pleyen, 0£ple3ian play weak verb, class 2 a article, indefinite OE an a childes noun, genitive case, singular noun, common case, singular adjective OEcild child OE broche brooch OE пр-lendisc uplandish broche' uplondisshe wil verb, plural, present OE willan (inf) will (would) tense, indicative mood or OE willa6 (present present subjunctive of indicative) willen, anomalous verb OE willen (present subjunctive) likne verb, infinitive of rei. to OE зе-lTc likne(n), weak verb, (adjective) class 2 liken hym(-)self pronoun, reflexive himself (themselves) OEhim+self 353 PART 3. KEYS fondejj verb, plural, present OE fandian (inf) tense, indicative mood of OE fandiab fonden, weak verb, class 2 try greet adjective OEyeai great besynesse noun, common case OE bisknes to be i-tolde of verb, infinitive passive of OE beon <inf) lellen, weak verb, class 1, OE tellan (inf) irregular OE tald/teald (participle 2) business (very hard) to be told of (to be held / rated highly as such) was i-used verb, passive voice, OE waes singular, past tense of OF user usen, weak verb, class 2 L iisare was used moche adverb QEmicle much to adverb OE to too for preposition OE for for firsts noun, genitive case, singular noun, common case, singular OE first first OE dead sumdel adverb OE sumne dael death (till the end of the period until lately) somewhat isi-chaunged verb, passive voice, singular, present tense, indicative mood of chaungen, weak verb, class 2 OE wesan (inf) is changed OE is (present tense singular) OF changier for conjunction OEfor John noun proper John Cornwaile noun proper Cornwall maister noun, common case, singular deth 354 for OE ma^ister, from master OF maistre, L magister TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION gramer noun, common case OFgrammaire L grammaliea Gr grammatike grammar chaunged verb, past tense, indicative mood of" chaungen, weak verb, class 2 OFchangier changed lore noun, common case OE lar lore constmccioun noun, common case F construction construction (interpretation) in(-)to preposition OE \r\-\.o into Englische noun, common case rei. to OE En3lisc English (adjcciive) (language) Richard noun proper Richard Pencriche noun proper Pencrich lemed verb, past tense, OE leornian (inf) indicative mood of OE leornode (past lernen, weak verb, class 2 tense singular) gerund of techen, weak OE tajcan (inf) verb, class 1, irregular pronoun personal, 02? him, hine rd 3 person singular, masculine, objective case adverb OE nu noun, common case, OE зёаг singular pronoun possessive, ОЕпте sl l person plural noun, common case, OE hlaford learn techynge hym now 3ere ОШ'е Lorde teaching him now year OUT Lord singular fiowsand numeral (subst.) OE pusend thousand f)re numeral, cardinal QEpri/ргёо three hundred noun, common case, singular OE hund-rcd hundred 355 PART 3. KEYS . foure numeral, cardinal OEfeower four score noun, common case, singular OE scoru ' score (two lens) fyve numeral, cardinal <?£fif secounde numeral, ordinal OF second L secundus second kyng noun, common case, OE cynins king five (the yearofl385) singular Richard noun proper conquest noun, common case, singular numeral, cardinal nyne Richard OF conqueste conquest ОЕтзоп nine (the ninth year of the reign of the second king Richard after the Conquest) levef) verb, plural, present OE laifan (inf) tense, indicative mood of OE laefad (present leven, weak verb, class 1 tense plural) leave construef) verb, plural, present L construere tense, indicative mood of construen, weak verb, class 2 construe lernejb verb, plural, present OE leornian (inf) learn tense, indicative mood of OE leorniaO lernen, weak verb, class 2 (present tense plural) an preposition OE an=on on (in) |эегЬу adverb ОЕЩт-Ы thereby avauntage noun, common case, singular OF avantage advantage side noun, common case, singular OE side side disavauntage noun, common case, singular 356 OF disavantage disadvantage TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION anoper pronoun indefinite OE ап+обег another lasse adjective, comparative degree of litel OE lalssa less pan conjunction OE panne than i-woned participle 2 of wonen, weak verb, class 2 to d o o verb, infinitive of doon, anomalous verb connep verb, plural, present tense OE cunnan (inf) know indicative mood of OE cunnon connen, preterite-present (present tense plural) verb na negative particle OE па ПО more adjective, comparative degree of michel OE тага more can verb, singular, present OE cunnan (inf) tense, indicative mood of OE can (present connen, preterite-present tense singular) verb knows lift adjective OElyft/left left heele noun, common case, singular OE hela heel fiat pronoun demonstrative OE pat that harme noun, common case OE hearm harm for preposition OE for for hem pronoun personal, 3rd person plural, objective case OZJhim/heom them schulle verb, plural, present tense, preterite-present verb OE sculan (inf) have to OE sculon (present tense plural) passe verb, infinitive of passe(n), weak verb, class 2 OF passer 357 wont (accustomed) OE don to d o pass/pace PART 3. KEYS see noun, common case, singular OE sae sea travaille verb, infinitive of travaill(en), weak verb, class 2 OF travail lier travel landes noun, common case. plural OE land land places noun, common case, plural OF place, L platea place Key to Seminars 15,16 & 18 Shakespeare, Hamlet Hautboys play. The dumb-show enters. Enter a King and a Queen very lovingly; the Queen embracing him, and he her. She kneels, and makes show of protestation unto him. He takes her up, and declines his head upon her neck: lays him down upon a bank of flowers: she, seeing him asleep, leaves him. Anon comes in a fellow, takes off his crown, kisses it, and pours poison in the King's ears, and exit. The Queen returns; finds the King dead, and makes passionate action. The Poisoner, with some two or three Mutes, comes in again, seeming to lament with her. The dead body is carried away. The Poisoner wooes the Queen with gifts: she seems loath and unwilling awhile, but in the end accepts his love. Exeunt Ophelia What means this, my lord? Hamlet Marry, this is miching mallecho; it means mischief. Oph Belike this show imports the argument of the play. Enter Prologue Ham We shall know by this fellow: the players cannot keep counsel; they'll tell all. Oph Will he tell us what this show meant? Ham Ay, or any show that you'll show him: be not you ashamed to show, he'll not shame to tell you what it means. Oph You are naught, you are naught: I'll mark the play. 359 PART 3. KEYS Prologue For us, and for our tragedy, Here stooping to your clemency, We beg your hearing patiently. Exit Ham Is this a prologue, or the posy of a ring? Oph Tis brief, my lord. Ham As woman's love. Enter two Players, King and Queen Player King Full thirty times hath Phoebus' cart gone round Neptune's salt wash and Tellus' orbed ground, And thirty dozen moons with borrow'd sheen About the world have times twelve thirties been, Since love our hearts and Hymen did our hands Unite commutual in most sacred bands. Player Queen So many journeys may the sun and moon Make us again count o'er ere love be done! But, woe is me, you are so sick of late, So far from cheer and from your former state, That I distrust you. Yet, though I distrust, Discomfort you, my lord, it nothing must: For women's fear and love holds quantity; In neither aught, or in extremity. Now, what my love is, proof hath made you know; And as my love is sized, my fear is so: Where love is great, the littlest doubts are fear; Where little fears grow great, great love grows there. Player King 'Faith, I must leave thee, love, and shortly too; My operant powers their functions leave to do: And thou shalt live in this fair world behind, Honour'd, beloved; and haply one as kind For husband shalt thou— 360 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION Player Queen 0, confound the rest! Such love must needs be treason in my breast: In second husband let me be accurst! None wed the second but who kill'd the first. Ham [Aside] Wormwood, wormwood. Player Queen The instances that second marriage move Are base respects of thrift, but none of love: A second time I kill my husband dead, When second husband kisses me in bed. Player King I do believe you tliink what now you speak; But what we do determine oft we break. Purpose is but the slave to memory, Of violent birth, but poor validity; Which now, like fruit unripe, sticks on the tree; But fall, unshaken, when they mellow be. Most necessary 'tis that we forget To pay ourselves what to ourselves is debt: What to ourselves in passion we propose, The passion ending, doth the purpose lose. The violence of either grief or joy Their own enactures with themselves destroy: Where joy most revels, grief doth most lament; Griefjoys, joy grieves, on slender accident. This world is not for aye, nor 'tis not strange That even our loves should with our fortunes change; For 'tis a question left us yet to prove, Whether love lead fortune, or else fortune love. The great man down, you mark his favourite flies; The poor advanced makes friends of enemies. And hitherto doth love on fortune tend; For who not needs shall never lack a friend, And who in want a hollow friend doth try, 361 PART 3. KEYS Directly seasons him his enemy. But, orderly to end where 1 begun, Our wills and fates do so contrary run That our devices still are overthrown; Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own: So think thou wilt no second husband wed; But die thy thoughts when thy first lord is dead. Играют гобои. Начинается пантомима. Входят актеры — король и королева; весьма нежно королева обнимает его, а он ее. Она становится на колени и делает ему знаки уверения. Он поднимает ее и склоняет голову к ней на плечо; ложится на цветущий дерн; она, видя, что он уснул, покидает его. Вдруг входит человек, снимает с него корону, целует ее, вливает яд в уши королю и уходит. Возвращается королева, застает короля мертвым и разыгрывает страстное действие. Отравитель, с двумя или тремя безмолвными, входит снова, делая вид, что скорбит вместе с нею. Мертвое тело уносят прочь. Отрааитель улещивает королеву дарами; вначале она как будто недовольна и несогласна, но наконец принимает его любовь. Все уходят. Офелия Что это значит, мой принц? Гамлет Это крадущееся малечо, что значит "злодейство". Офелия Может быть, эта сцена показывает содержание пьесы? Входит Пролог. Гамлет Мы это узнаем от этого молодца; актеры не умеют хранить тайн; они всегда все скажут. Офелия Он нам скажет, что значило то, что они сейчас показывали? 362 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSITION Гамлет Да, как и все то, что вы ему покажете; вы не стыдитесь ему показать, а он не постыдится сказать вам, что это значит. Офелия Вы нехороший, вы нехороший! Я буду следить за представлением. Пролог Пред нашим представлением Мы просим со смирением Нас подарить терпением. (Уходит.) Гамлет Что это: пролог или стихи для перстня? Офелия Это коротко, мой принц. Гамлет Как женская любовь. Входят актеры — король и королева. Актер-король Се тридцать раз круг моря и земли Колеса Феба в беге обтекли, И тридцатью двенадцать лун на нас Сияло тридцатью двенадцать раз, С тех пор как нам связал во цвете дней Любовь, сердца и руки Гименей. Актер-королева Пусть столько ж лун и солнц сочтем мы вновь Скорей, чем в сердце кончится Любовь! Но только, ах, ты с некоторых пор Так озабочен, утомлен и хвор, Что я полна волненья. Но оно Тебя ничуть печалить не должно; Ведь в женщине любовь и страх равны: Их вовсе нет или они сильны. Мою любовь ты знаешь с юных дней; Так вот и страх мой соразмерен с ней. Растет любовь, растет и страх в крови; Где много страха, много и любви. 363 PART 3. KEYS Актер-король Да, нежный друг, разлуки близок час; Могучих сил огонь во мне погас; А ты на милом свете будешь жить В почете и любви; и, может быть, С другим супругом ты... Актер-королева О, пощади! Предательству не жить в моей груди, Второй супруг — проклятие и стыд! Второй — для тех, кем первый был убит. Гамлет (в сторону) Полынь, полынь! Актер-королева Тех, кто в замужество вступает вновь, Влечет одна корысть, а не любовь; И мертвого я умерщвлю опять, Когда другому дам себя обнять, Актер-король Я верю, да, так мыслишь ты сейчас, Но замыслы недолговечны в нас. Подвластны нашей памяти они: Могуче их рожденье, хрупки дни; Так плод неспелый к древу прикреплен, Но падает, когда созреет он. Вполне естественно, из нас любой Забудет долг перед самим собой; Тому, что в страсти было решено, Чуть минет страсть, забвенье суждено. И радость и печаль, бушуя в нас, Свои решенья губят в тот же час; Где смех, там плач, — они дружнее всех; Легко смеется плач и плачет смех. Не вечен мир, и все мы видим вновь, Как счастью вслед меняется любовь; Кому кто служит — мудрый, назови: Любовь ли счастью, счастье ли любви? 364 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION Вельможа пал, — он не найдет слуги; Бедняк в удаче, — с ним дружат враги; • И здесь любовь за счастьем вслед идет; Кому не нужно, тот друзей найдет, А кто в нужде спешит к былым друзьям, Тот в недругов их превращает сам. Но чтобы речь к началу привести: Дум и судеб столь разнствуют пути, Что нашу волю рушит всякий час; Желанья — наши, их конец вне нас; Ты новый брак отвергла наперед, Но я умру — и эта мысль умрет. translated by M.Lozinsky Phonetic analysis Changes of spelling and sounds Word as used in the text Old English trumpet У — sound — Middle English trompet soun dumb [u] u show enter trumpet [u] > [л] о — a ME spelling device [u:] dumbe New English replaced by domb sound > [аи] dumb [u] > [л] [b] lost in NE о — a ME spelling device /•<?/. to v. sceaw(ian) n. shewe show [sk1] > Ш > Ш sc replaced by sn — /Vi/entre(n) enter unstressed [e] + vocalised [r] > (э] 365 PART 3. KEYS king сушпч [y] с queene embracing > replaced by kyng cwen queene [c:j > cw replaced by [e] — queene > [i:] qu »,/ embrace embrace la:l he her he lc:J hire decline(s) > taken [a] с replaced by [a:] open syllable > к inf. declynen head his his [si [s] head [ea:] lye(s) his head head liggen/lyen of-dflne — see(ing) — asleep [aO down > Гаи] bank > [ж] flour flower [u:] + vocalised [r] > [аиэ] ou replaced byow inf. seon [c:l > banke [a] flower(s) He a-doune [u:] > [u:] u replaced by ou/ow bancke seen > [e:] on-slsep asleep [аг] > [e:l x replaced by ec 366 . > [e] before a dental consonant [i:] down [ai] > [z] > [e:] inf. Исзеп take [ei] decline > [i:l his he [i:l>[i-l her [e] + vocalised [r] > |э:] inf. takan — > [ei] he > [e:] her/e [i] take(s) king [i] (Easl Midland dialect) к see > [>:] asleep > 11=1 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION leaues what meanes inf. lasfan [e:] replaced by v hwast what [ю] > [a] after | w] [hw] > [hw] hw replaced by wh a? replaced by a rnaJnarHinf) replaced by зг bis 01 s]' j my lord replaced by mischiefe belike impoit(s) play we shall > > leave fi:] ea what [o] [w] mean > [i:] this > [Щ > M th mm myn(e)/my > hlaford [a:] that [e:] e/ca this > [01 > is] {i:] > menen > [SB:] this leven [ж:] > ж f replaced by > bset [i:J my > [ai] l(h)overd/lord lord [o:] + vocalized fr]> [o:] that that [аз] > [a] x replaced by a p replaced by th > [ae] — mischiefe mischief [e:] > ПО rel. /оче-Ис y-Iich/lik (be)like Щ , . > И > M 3 replaced by у с replaced by к rel. to port port [o] + vocalized [r] > [o:] р!еза pley/play play fe+j] > [a] > tei] 3 replaced by у we we we [e:] sceal > [e:] [ea] > [sk1] > se replaced by shal [a] Ш sn 367 > [i:]>|i-] shall > fa] > Ш PART 3. KEYS know cnavvan (inf) [a:] > [kn] > с replaced by knowen [o:] [kn] к can(not) can [a] keepe cepan (inf) keepen И > [e:] с replaced by к e • replaced by ее all eal [ea] any гёшз eni/any [ar.] > [e:] > [a] ae replaced by a > be beo [eo:] be > fi:]>[i-] can > [al mark can > [x] keep > [i:] aValle all > [al before 11 > [o:] be > [e:] (a)sham('d) rel. to scamean (inf) shamen [a] > [a] > [a:] open syll. w know > [ou] > [n] , >щ A sc replaced by mearc(ian) (inf) [ea] > с replaced by any И shame > [ei] > ш sh mark(en) mark [a] + vocalized [r] > [a:] к our Ore our our [u:] > [u:] > [аи] + vocalized [г] >[аиэ] u replaced by ou heere her [e:] hearing пуппз [y:] > у replaced by 3 replaced by patiently , . breefe thirtie heer here > [e:] > (i:] + vocalized [r] > [is] heringfe) hearing [e:] (Kent) > [i:]+ vocalized [r]> [is] e/ea g rel. to patient (adj) — prlti3 Yu] > p replaced by 3 replaced by patient(ly) fa:] > Ы [e:] > Ltjentl breer > IJnt] brief [>:] thritty/bnty thirty [i] + vocalized [r] > [e:] th у 368 . TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION time(s) tlma [i:] gone 3Ш1 gon(e) Га:] > for] 3 replaced by g gone > Го:] round — round > [аи] salt sealt [ea] wash wassc [se]1 > [sk ] > EC replaced by sc replaced by wassh [a] after w Ш a sh wash > [o] > Ш ground 3rund [u] > 3 replaced by u replaced by ground [u:] before nd g ou ground > [аи] moon(es) mona [o:] scyne sheene tyme > И time > [ai] round [u:] salt > [a] salt before И > [о] mone > [o:] shene 1(M moon > [u:]>[u] sheen № i iS about abutan [u:] about(en) > [u:] world woruld [o] world(e) world > [o] + vocalized [r] > [s:] after w harts heorte [eo] herte heart > [e] [er] > lar] > [a] + vocalized [r] > [a:] hand(s) hand [a] hand > [a] sacred •— band(s) — many mante many [a] ° > [a] 3 replaced by у 369 ret. to sacren (inf) M • band [a] > Ё about > [аи] hand > [аз] sacred > [ei] band > [as] many > [as] - PART 3. KEYS may sunne тжз may sunne sonne [ae+jj > [ai] se replaced by a 3 replaced by у may > [el] sun [u] > [u] > [л] u replaced by о (a ME spelling device) count — counten [u:] ore aer doone don er/or doon > [o:]>[u:]>[u] seoc seek [eo:] > [e:] с replaced by к farre feor fer [eo] cheere ere [ж:] > [e:] + vocalized [r] > [еэ] ae replaced by e [o:] sicke count > [аи] done > [л] sick > [i:] > [i] before к far > [e] [er] > [ar] > [aj + vocalized [r] > la:] — cheer cheer [e:] > [i:] + vocalized [r] > [is] former forma distrust — must most [o] [o:] feare hold dis+trust [u] moste/muste > [o:]> [u:] > [u] fseran (inf) former distrust > W must > [л] feren fear hoolden hold [аг:] > [e:] > [i:] + vocalized [r] > [ia] x replaced by e/ea healdan (inf) [ea] aught former > [o] +vocalized [r]> [o:] unstressed [e] + vocalized [r] > [э] awiht, aht > [a]>[a:]beforeld>[o:]>loul aughte [a:+h] > [au+h] a replaced by au h replaced by gh 370 aught > [o:] . now TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION nu now now fu:J > fu:] u replaced by ow made macode made [a] where > [аи] > [a:] open syll. hwiir where doubts — doute grow 3rowan made > [el] where [a] > [e:] + vocalized [r] > [еэ] [hw] > [hw] > fw] hw replaced by wh to:] 3 [u] replaced by > growen [o:] g doubt > [аи] b. in NE under the influence of Lat. dubitare > grow [ou] there peer se:l > '6] > i replaced by a replaced by ther(e) [e:] + vocalized [r] > [еэ] [9] > [6] th e there I 1С I I [i] + vocalized [tj> [i:]>[M] thee Ы shortly scort-llce 1 [sk ] to фее > [i:] > [6] short+lich(e)/shortly shortly > Ш >Ш [o] > [o] +vocalized [r]> sc replaced by sh [o:] to too [o:] power(s) thee e:] > [e:] '9] > [9] j replaced by th — to > [o:J power > [u:] power [u:] > [аи] + vocalized [r] > [аиэ| do don [o:] doon > [o:J 371 do > [u:l>|u] PART 3. KEYS thou bu thou faire fse3er fair u:] > hi:] 6] > [9] ) replaced by th thou > [аи] > (fll fair [ге+j] > [ai] > [ei] + vocalized [r] > [еэ] ж replaced by a 3 replaced by i behind be-hindan behynden [i] honour('d) > — [i:] before nd behind > [ai] honouren honour unstressed fu] + vocalized [r] > [э] [h]lostinNE one an oon [a:] kind cynde kynde [i] husband > [i:] before nd hus-bond > [u] > [э] — nyde treason confound > [аи] nede need > [i:] — treason > И r , tresoun [e:] rel. w cursian (inf) [u] who hwa first fyrst wermwod > cursen > who first > [э] curse [u] + vocalized [r] > [e:] [a:] > [or] [hw] > [hw] hw replaced by wh [y] wormwood [л] [y:l , > [e:] (Kent) у replaced by e/ee unstressed [u] accurst husband > confound(en) [u] need(es) kind > [ai] husbonde Mjr unstressed [о] confound one > [o:] > [u:] > [wu:] > [wu] > [WA| > > who [u:]>fu] [w] first , [i] (East Midland) + vocalized [r] > [W wormwud /wermode wormwood [o]/[e]+vocalized [r]>|e:] [o:] > 372 [u:] _ TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION belieue be-lyfan bileven [v:] > [e:](Kent) f replaced by u/v speake sprecan [e] > e replaced by с replaced by speken speak [e:] open syllable > [i!] e/ea к determine — determynen determine fe] + vocalized [r] > [e:] slaue — slaue/slave [a:] birth (3e)-byrd birthe birth [fj > [i] + vocalized [r] > [e:] у replaced by i poore — poore/poure believe > [i:] slave > [ei] poor [o:} > [u:] + vocalized [г] > [из] which hwilc which which [hw] > [hw] > fw] hw replaced by wh vnripe/umipe un-rlpe unripe uraipe ^ [i:] F > [i:] ^ > [ai] ^ tree treo tree tree [eo:] > [e:J > И fall feallan fallen fall [ea] > [a] before U > [o] vnshaken rel. to scacan shaken shake №] > Ш > Ш [a] > [a:] open syllable > [ei] sc replaced by sh с replaced by к forget for-xitan forgeten forget [i] > [ej > [e] |j] replaced by [g] irom Sc. pay — payen pay fai] > [ei] debt — dette debt [e] > [ej h in NE under the influence of Lai. debeta 373 PART 3. KEYS purpose lose _____ — losian |o] > purpos purpose fu] + vocalized [r)> (e:] losen lose [o:] open syllable> [u:] griefe — their — greef fe:l faeir grief > fi:] their owne азеп owen slender — c:] +vocalized |r)> [еэ] 0] > [fll ) replaced by ih [a:+y] > 3 replaced by [ou] w > s(c)lendre own fou] slender unstressed [e] + vocalized [r] > [э] strange — straunge [au]>la:] euen efne should scolde [sk1] lo] [e] > Г replaced by > > evne/evene sholde should [fl > (ji U>:1 before ! d > [ u : ] > f u : ] > [ u l before a dental cons. UlloslinNE — fortune change — chaungen [o] + vocalized [r]> [tjun] > [aul>[a:] — lead fortune [0:1 Itfnl change > [el] questioun [tju:n] proue even [c:] open syllable > ПО v fortunes question strange > [ci] question > |tjn] profian proven fo:] open syllable > v [u:] laidan leden lead [as:l > ж replaced by [e:J c/ca [o] > f replaced by 374 > prove |i:] TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION aduaunc('d) — friend(s) avauncen [au] freond [eo:] hetherto — fiend > [к] advance > [a:] [d] in NE under the influence of Latin friend > [е] hider-to hitherto fd] > [6] in the vicinity of [r] neuer naifre [se:] x f lacke never(e) — lakken [a] want — want(e) [a] after [w] season(s) — order(ly) — begunne never > [e:] > [e] unstressed [e] + vocalized fr] > [э] replaced by e replaced by v sesounen (inf) [e:] unstressed [u] lack > [a] want > [o] season > [i:] > fa] ordre order begun(ne) begun [o] +vocalized [r]> [0:1 unstressed [e] + vocalized fr] > [э] be-чиппеп [ul > M > [л] [y] replaced by [g] under Scand. influence 3 replaced by g mnne rannfen) ronn(en) run [u] > [u] > [л] u replaced by о (a ME spelling device) deuise(s) — devys № ouerthrowne ofer-ferawan [o] f p thought(s) . overthrow > [o:] open syllable > [po] unstressed [e] + vocalized fr] > [э] [a:] > to:] > ]oul replaced by v replaced by th boht fo+h'] p h over-throwen device > [ai] replaced by replaced by tliought > louhf lh gh 375 thought > [o:J PART • 3. KEYS thy bin thyn(e)/thy i] > [i:J open syllable > ;в] > [в] > ) replaced by th thy [ai] [б] Grammatical and etymological analysis Words as used in text in the the text Analysis notes Ethymology, Ethyvnology, prototype Corresponding Corresponding NEword, NEword, translation translation the article, definite OE se, seo, paet; ME pat / that the trumpets noun, genitive case, plural ME trompette, OF trompette trumpet(S) sounds noun, common case, plural ME soun; OF soun sound(s) (oboes play) dumbe adjective OE dumb; ME domb dumb show noun, common case, singular ME sheue, rel. to OE sceawian (v); ME shaven (v) show followes verb, present tense, rd 3 person, singular of OE fokian, weak, 2; ME followen follow enter verb, present tense, ME entren weak, 2; plural of enter OFentrer a article, indefinite OE an; ME a/an a king noun, common case, OE суш'пз; ME kyng king follow(s) (The dumb show enters} enter singular and conjunction OE and; ME and and queene noun, common case, singular OE cwen; ME queen queen (actors playtnS the roles of tlU King and the Queen) 376 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION the queene absolute participial ME embracen, weak, 2; the queen embracing construction OFembracer embracing (nominative with participle I) of embrace him pronoun personal, objective case, У* person, singular, masculine OE him, hire; ME him him he pronoun personal, nominative case, 3rd person, singular, masculine OE he; ME he he her pronoun personal, objective case, 3™ person, singular, feminine OE hire; ME her(e) her takes verb, present tense, 3rd person, singular of take OE takan, str. 6; ME taken take vp adverb OE up, upp; ME up declines verb, present tense, 3rd person, singular of decline ME declynen, OF decliner; L declmare up (raises her from the knees) decline his .pronoun possessive, 3rd person, singular, masculine OE his; ME his his head noun, common case, OE heafod; ME heed head upon singular Vpon preposition OE uppon; ME upon песке noun, common case case, singular verb, present tense, 3rd person, singular of he adverb OE hnecca; ME nekke neck (on her shoulder) OE Нсзап, str. 5; lie ME lyen lyes downe bancke of noun, common case, singular preposition OE of-dune; down ME a-doune ME banke, OSc banke bank (bed) OE of; ME of 377 of -— PART 3. KEYS flowers noun, common case, plural ME flour; OF flour; L florem, ace. o/flos flower(s) she pronoun personal, nominative case, 3rd person, singular, feminine OE heo; ME he/she she seeing verb, participle 1 of see OE seon, sir. 5; ME seen seeing asleepe adjective OE on-slEep; ME on sleep, asleep asleep leaues verb, present tense, 3"1 person, singular of leave OE liefan, weak, ) ; ME leven leave(s) what pronoun interrogative OE hwast, ME what what meanes verb, present tense, 3"1 person, singular of mean OE тгёпап, weak, I; ME menen rnean(s) this pronoun demonstrative OE fcis; ME this my pronoun possessive, l sl person, singular OE mTn; ME myn(e)/my my lord noun, common case, singular OE hlaford; ME lord marry interjection ME marie this lord С " 7 ^ does it mean, my lordO ME%(ano$ by St.Mary) munching verb, participle 1 ofmiche ME mychen, weak; OFmuchier munching (now dial.skulking, | stealing up to) mallico noun proper, common case OF malice; L malicia malice it = that conjunction OEpset that mischiefe noun, common case, singular modal word ME meschief; OF meschief rel. to OE зе-lic, adj.; ME y-lich mischief belike 378 belike (probably, evidently) _ show TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION noun, common case. singular rel. to OE sceawian, weak, 2; ME shewen show /vShowen imports verb, present tense, 3rd person, singular of import rel. to OF porter,L portare import(s) argument noun, common case, singular noun, common case, singular pronoun personal, Is1 person plural, nominative case ME argument; OF argument OE р!еза,- ME pley /play OE we; ME we argument (plot) play Shall verb, future tense, I s1 person, indicative mood of know by preposition OE sculan (inf), sceal shall know (pres. sing.), pret.-pres., ME shal; OE cnawan, strong, 7; ME knowen OE bl; ME by by (from) fellow noun, common case, singular ME fellawe; rel. to Sc felagi fellow players noun, common case, plural rel. to OE pje3ian, weak,2; ME playen player(s) (actors) cannot verb, modal + negative OE cunnan (inf), can can+not (pres. sing.), pret.-pres.,; ME can verb, infinitive OE cepan, weak, 2; keep of keep MJSkepen (secrets) pronoun personal, OB hie; ME they they 3 rd person plural, nominative case play we keepe they '11 tell verb, future tense, rd we OE willan, anom. verb; (they)'ll tell (=will tell) 3 person, indicative mood of tejl ME will; OE tellan, weak, 1 irreg.; ME tellen all pronoun indefinite OE eal; M E al/alle all VS pronoun personal, nti 2 person plural, objective case OE us; ME us US 379 PART 3. KEYS meant verb, past tense, indicative mood of mean OE msnan, weak, I; ME menen meant I (yea) particle 0 £ зёа; M£ ye уел (yes) any pronoun indefinite OE аётз; ME any any you pronoun personal, 2nd person, nominative case OE eow; ME you you will show verb, future tense, 2 nJ person, indicative mood of show OE willan, anom. verb; will show ME will OE sceawian, weak, 2; ME showen be verb, infinitive OE beon, beo (imper.); be ME been, be (imper.) not negative particle OE na-wiht; ME not not asham'd adjective rel. to OE scamian, weak, 2; ME shamen ashamed (don't be ashamed) he'll heel© = pronoun personal, OE he; ME he hee( 1)= (he 3 rd person singular, will) masculine, nominative case shame verb, infinitive OE scamian, weak, 2; ME shamen OE wesan (inf), earon /ar (pres. tense), suppletive; ME am shame (be ashamed) are are verb, present tense, plural of be naught adjective rel to OE na-wiht; ME naught naught (naughty) Tie t = I( 11) pronoun personal, 1sl person singular, nominative case OE ic; ME icIiA 1('Щ (shall) mark verb, future tense, l s l person, indicative mood of mark preposition OE mearcian, weak, 2; mark MEmarken (see, watcti) OE for; ME for tor pronoun possessive, l s l person plural OE fire; ME our our for our 380 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION tragedie noun, common case OE tragedie; tragedy ME tragedie heere adverb OE her; ME heer here Stooping verb, participle I OE stupian, weak, 1; Stooping of stoop ME stoupen to preposition OE to; ME to your pronoun possessive, 2nd person noun, common case, singular verb, present tense, plural, indicative mood of beg verb, gerund/verbal noun of hear OE eower; ME your(e) your clemencie begge heaiing to L dementia clemency ME beggen, weak, 2; OF begger, noun beg rel. to OE hyran, weak 1, or OE hyrin3, noun; ME hering(e), noun hearing patiently adverb rel. to ME patient, adjective, OF patient, L patens, noun patiently (we beg that you hear patiently) is verb, present tense, 3lJ person singular of be OE wesan, infinitive; OE is; ME is is posie noun, common case, singular ME poesie=poete; OF poesie=poete; L poeta poesy (motto, short inscription) ring noun, common case, singular OE hnny, ME ryng ring tis = it is breefe it is adjective ME breef; OF brief; brief L brevis as conjunction OE eal-swa; ME as as WOmans noun, genitive case, singular noun, common case, singular OEwTf-ma'n; ME womman OE Iufu WOman('s) loue 381 love _____—— PART 3. KEYS full adjeclive OEM; MEM full thirtie numeral cardinal OE bri-Пз; ME thritty /pirty thirty times noun, common case, plural OE tTma; ME tyme time(s) hath gone verb, present perfect perfect of go OE habban, weak, 3; has gone ME haven; OE 3§n (inf); ME goon (inf) Phebus noun proper, genitive = Phoebus case, singular" L Phoebus Phoebus( s) cart noun, common case, singular OE crat; rel. to OSc kartr cart round adverb/preposition round Neptunes noun proper, genitive rel. to ME round, adj., OF roont L Neptunus Neptune( S) case, singular salt adjective OE sealt; ME salt salt wash noun, common case, singular noun proper, common case, singular adjective OE wsesc; ME wassh L Tellus wash (waters) Tellus OF orbe; L orbis orbed ground noun, common case, singular OE srund; ME ground ground , (Tellus - barm in Roman mythology) dosen noun, common case, singular noun, common case, plural ME dosayn dozen OE mona; ME mone moon(s) rel. to OE borgian, weak, 2; ME borwen rel. to OE scyne, adj.; ME shene, adj. borrow(ed) sheene adjective / participle 2 of borrow noun, common case, singular about preposition OE abutan; ME abouten Tellus orb'd moones boiTOwed 382 Sheen about TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION world noun, common case, singular haue beene verb, present perfect OE woruld; ME worlde world OE habban (inf); have been of be OEbeon(inf) twelue numeral, cardinal OE twelf; ME twelve since conjunction OE si65an; ME sith(e) since halts noun, common case, OE heorte; ME herte plural noun, proper, common L Hymen case, singular verb, past tense, L Qmt indicative mood of unite Hymen did unite hands comutuall noun, common case, plural adjective twelve heart(s) Hymen (did) unite OE hand; ME hond hand(s) F com-; OF -mutuel; L mutuus mutual (since love united our hearts and Hymen - our hands) most adjective / pronoun, superlative degree of much OE maest; ME moost most sacred adjective sacred bands noun, common case, rel to ME sacren, weak, 2; OF sacrer ME band, Sc band band(s) plural so adverb OE swa; ME so SO many adjective QE т а т з ; ME many many ioumeyes noun, common case, plural verb, present tense, of may ME journee; journey(s) OF journee OE ma^an (inf), та?з may (pres. sing.), pret-pres., ME may noun, common case, singular OE sunne; ME sonne may sunne 383 sun PART • 3. KEYS make verb, infinitive OE macian, weak, 2; ME maken count verb, infinitive ME counten, weak, 2 OF corner; Lcomputare count (max the Sun and the Moon make us count again as many journeys) ore conjunction OE sr; ME er/or ere (before) ere=our be doone = done woe make our verb, present tense, OE bion (inf); OE beo be subjunctive, singular (pres. subj. sing.) of be verb, participle 2 of do OE don (inf), anom. done verb; OE зе-don (part. 2); ME doon (inf); ME y-doon (part. 2) noun, common case, OE wa, ME wo singular interjection (phrasal unit) woe is me! sicke adjective OE seoc; ME seek sick late adjective OE last; ME lat late farre adjective OE feor; ME fer far from preposition OE Mm; ME cheere noun, common case, ME cheer; OF chere (woe) is woe me from from cheer singular our=your former State distrust our adjective noun, common case, singular verb, present tense of distrust OE forma; ME former OF estat, L statum former State ME dis- + trust, помп, distrust re/ to OSc traust, «сия (/a/» vwmed about you) yet adverb 0£3lt; ME yet 384 yet TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION though conjunction OE beah; ME though though discomfort verb, infinitive of discomfort ME disconforten, weak, discomfort 2; OF desconforter nothing pronoun indefinite OE nan-Ьтз; ME no-thing must verb, present tense of must OE mot, most (past), must (it must pret.-pres.,; ME moot, not discomfort most(e), must (past) you, milord) women noun, common case, plural OE wTf-men; ME wommen women feare verb, present tense, OE fSran, weak, I; fear nothing indicative mood of fear ME feren (inf) too adverb OE to; ME to much adverb OE micle; ME much(el) much euen adverb OE efne; ME even(e) loue verb, present tense, OE lufian; ME loven indicative mood of love womens noun, genitive case, plural OE wff-manna; ME wommen(e)s feare noun, common case, singular OE iaer; ME hold verb, present tense, OE healdan, strong, 7; hold indicative mood of hold ME heold(en) quantitie noun, common case, singular ° ME quantitee; OF quantite quantity {correspond to each other) eyther conjunction OE a»3-hwa26er; either J too feer even love (women fear as much as they love) women('s) fear ME either none pronoun, negative OE nan; ME noon none neither conjunction neither aught pronoun QE пе+гБз-hwaeaer; ME neither OE a-wiht; aht; ME aht, aght, aught ь 385 aught (anything) /'ЛДГ J. KEYS extremitie noun, common case, singular ME cxtremyiee; OF extremite extremity (both fear and love are extreme) now adverb OE nu; ME now now proofe noun, common case, singular ME prove; OF preuve proof hath made verb, present perfect oi make OE macod. pan.2; ME made has made know verb, infinitive OE cnawan; ME knowen know (you А/юн' the proof of it) ciz'd = siz'd verb, participle 2 of size ME (a)ssis(en), vrraA',2; size(d) /r/. /« OF assisen (my fear is me size of my love) where adverb OE hwSr; M£ wher(e) where great adjective OE згёа1; ME greet great litlest adjective, superlative degree of UteJ. noun, common case, plural 0Z? lytel, ISscst (snperl. least degree); ME litel, lestc (smallest) ME doute; OF doute doubt(s) doubts grow verb, present tense, OE 3rowan, strong, 7; plural, indicative mood ME growen of grow grow gl'OWes verb, present tense, 3'd person, singular of grow see above grow(s) there adverb OE \жг\ ME ther, thar there faith noun, common case, ME fcith; OF fcid; L (Ides faith (excl.: by my faith!) thee OE f)e, pec; ME thee thee Shortly pronoun personal, 2"d person singular, objective case adverb О £ scort-lice; ME shortly shortly to adverb OE 16; ME to too operant adjective L operant operant (effective) 386 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION powers noun, common case, plural ME power; OF poeir /pouer power(s) functions noun, common case, plural F foriclion; L functio fimction(s) (my body will stop doing its functions) thou pronoun personal, 2"d person singular, nominative case OE pii; ME thou thou Shalt verb, modal OE sculan (inf), sceait shall (pres. tense, 2"d person), pret.-pres. liue verb, infinitive OE libban, weak, 3; live ME liven faire adjective OE fa^er; ME f air fail- behind adverb honour'd verb, participle 2 of honour verb, participle 2 of love OE be-hindan; ME be-hynden ME honour(en), weak, 2; OF honorer rel. to OE lufian, weak, 2; ME loven behind (after I'm gone)' honour(ecft adjective rel. to ME hap, noun; belou'd haplv J ^ beloved (probably) OSchapp one numeral, cardinal OE an; ME oon one kind adjective OE cynde; ME kynde kind for husband preposition noun, common case, singular 0jEfor;MEfor OE hus-bond; ME husbonde; OSc htisb.6ndi for husband (honoured, beloved and probably someone as kind as I am for a husband 'you'll...) confound verb, imperative mood of confound ME confounden, F confondrc, L confundcre confound 387 weak, 2; ME cursen (let me oe cursed if I marry a second husband) wed verb, subjunctive mood of wed OE weddian, weak, 1; ME wedden wed who pronoun, interrogative / indefinite / relative OE hwa; ME who who kild verb, past tense, indicative mood of кШ OE cyllan, weak, 1; ME killen kill(ed) first numeral, ordinal OE fyrst, adjective; ME first first (let no one wed the second husband but she who killed the first one) w o r m w o o d noun, common case, singular OE wermwod; wormwood ME wermode (corrupted form), wormwud instances noun, common case, plural ME instaunce; OF instance instance(s) (motives, reasons) marriage noun, common case, singular ME manage; OF mariage marriage 388 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION moue verb, present tense, indicative mood of move ME mov(en), weak, 2; OF movoir base adjective ME bas; OF bas base respects noun, common case, plural • ME respect; OF respect respect(s) thrift noun, common case, singular ME thrift; OSC priu thrift ('tonconsiderations when adverb OE hwanne/hwaenne; ME whan(ne) when kisses verb, present tense, OE cyssan, weak, 1; 3rd person, singular, ME kissen indicative mood of kiss kiss(es) bed noun, common case, singular OE bed; ME bed /bedde bed see above do believe doe=do move belieue verb, present tense, indicative mood of believe OE be-Iyfan, weak, I; ME bileven thinke verb, present tense, indicative mood of think OE jbencan, weak, 1, think irregular; ME thynken Speake verb, present tense, indicative mood of speak OE sprecan, strong, 5; speak ME speken determine verb, present tense, indicative mood of determine ME determynen, determine weak, 2; OF determiner, Ldeterminare oft adverb OE oft; ME oft/often oft/often breake verb, present tense, indicative mood of break noun, common case, singular OE brecan, strong, 4; ME breken break ME purpos; OF pourpos; L propositum purpose purpose slaue noun, common case, singular ME sclaue; OF esclave; slave 5c sclyaff; L sclavus 389 PART 3. KEYS memorie noun, common case, ME mcnioric; singular OF memorie; L memoria violent adjective ME violent'; OF violent violent birth noun, common case, singular pOOre adjective validitie noun, common case, singular OE зе-byrd; ME birlhe birth (which Ь bornmorm full of life) ME povre/poure; poor OF povre F validite; L validitas validity (hWis " short-lived) which pronoun, relative OE hvvile; ME which like adjective OE зе-llc; ME y-lich, lik like fruite noun, common case, singular adjective ME fruit; OF fruit; ftuit L fructus OE un-ripe; ME unripe unripe vnripe memory, which sticks verb, present tense, OE stician, weak, 2; 3"1 person, singular, ME stiken indicative mood of stick stick(s) tree noun, common case, singular tree fall vnshaken verb, present tense, OE feallan, strong, 7; indicative mood of fail .ME fallen adjective / participle 2 OE ип+зе-scacen; of shake OE sc'acan, strong, 6; ME shaken mellow adjective ME mclwe, rel. to OE melu, noun bee verb, present tense, subjunctive mood, plural of be OE beon (inf/prps. be subj. plural); ME been necessary adjective ME ncccssarie; OF neccssaire forget verb, present tense, indicative mood «f JoEggt OE Гог-зу1ап, strong, 5; forget OSc gefen; (we most ME (brgeten necessarily OE trco; ME tree 390 fall unshaken mellow (ripe) necessary TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION Ю pay verb, infinitive ourselues pronoun, debt noun, common case, singular noun, common case, singular verb, present tense, indicative mood of propose. passion propose reflexive forge)) ME payen, weak l/2\ to pay Ofpaier ' J OE Ore+self(ves); ourselves ME ourselves ME deile; OF dette; debt С dt'bita ME passioun; passion OF passion; L passio F proposer; propose £ pro+poser (promise, propose to do) ending verb, participle I of e_nd_( OE endian, weak, 2; ' ME enden (the passion absolute predicative ending) construction (nominative with the participle) ending doth verb, present tense, 3"1 person, singular, indicative mood of do OE don, anomal. verb; do(es) ME doon lose verb, present tense, indicative mood of Josg noun, common case, singular OE losian, weak, 1; ME losen ME violence; OF violence; t. violcntia noun, common case, singular noun, common case, singular pronoun possessive, 3rd person plural adjective ME greef; OF gref, grief (taj.; L gravis Af£joyc;0Fjoie; joy l> gauqia OE hira/heara; their ME beir(e); OSc pejra OE азеп; ME ovven own violence griefe юу their owne lose violence (the extremes) ennactures noun, common case, plural rel, to ME enacten, verb themselues pronoun, reflexive ME beim/them+sclves; themselves OSc peim enactments PART 3. KEYS destroy verb, present tense, indicative mood ME destroyen; OF deslruire destroy (prevent mem destroy then') reuels verb, present tense, ME revelen, weak, 2 3 rJ person, singular, OF reveler indicative mood of revel lament noun, common case, singular ioyes verb, present tense, ME joyen, weak, 2; 3rf person, singular, OF jour indicative mood of joy joy(s) griefes verb, present tense, ME greven, weak, 2; 3rd person, singular, OF grever; L gravare indicative mood of grieve grieve(s) slender adjective ME s(c)lendre; OF esclendre slender accedent noun, common case, singular ME accident; OF accident aye adverb ME ay; OSC ei/ey nor conjunction ПОГ (and) strange adjective euen adverb loues noun, common case, plural noun, common case, plural OE na-hw—per; ME nor ME straunge; OF estrange; L extraneus OE efne; ME evne /evene OE lufu; ME love ME fortune; OF fortune; L fortiina fortune(s) fortunes should change revel(S) rel. to F lamenter, verb lament a Fcid&^ohtest (by a *Wm chance) .tyffijg*' Strange fjjj no wonder) even love(s) verb, subjunctive mood OE scolde (past subj.)\ should of change MEsholde change ME chaungen, weak, 2; OF changier 392 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION question left to proue lead noun, common case,. singular verb, participle 2 of leave ME questioun; question OF question OE lsefan, weak, 1; left OE laft (part. 2); ME left verb, infinitive OE profian, weak, 2; ME proven verb, present tense, OE ljedan, weak, !; indicative mood of lead ME leden to prove lead els=else adverb OE elles; ME elles/els else downe adverb OE of-dune; ME a-doune down (when a great man gets down, becomes a nobody) fauourite noun, common case, singular verb, present tense, 3"1 person, singular, indicative mood of fly jF/avorit favourite OE йёозап, strong, 2; MEflyen fly (leave him) flyes poore noun (substantivised adjective) aduaunc'd. verb, subjunctive mood of advance ME povre/poure, adj.; poor OF povre ME avauncen, weak, 2; advance(d) OF avancer (if the poor advanced, had luck) makes verb, present tense, OE macian, weak, 2; 3"1 person, singular, ME maken indicative mood of make friends noun, common case, plural OE freond; ME trend friend(s) enemies noun, common case, plural ME enemy; OF enemi enemy(-ies) hetherto adverb ME hider-to =hitherto. tend verb, present tense, ME tendcn, weak, 2; indicative mood of tend OF lendre 393 make(s) hitherto tend (love depends on fortune) I'AIif J. KEYS needes verb, present tense, OE nydan, weak, I; 3rd person, singular, ME neden indicative mood of need neuer adverb OE nsfre; ME never(e) never lacke verb, infinitive ME lakken, weak, 2 want ME want(e); OSc vant want hollow noun, common case, singular adjective try verb, infinitive directly adverb seasons verb, present tense, 3rd person, singular, indicative mood of season orderly adjective to end bcgunne wills fates contrary ret. to OE holh, noun: ME \\o\ow, adj. ME tryen, weak, 2; OF traer rei. to ME direct, adj.; OF direct ME sesounen; OF satsonner need(s){u7w is not in need) lack hollow (false) try directly season(s) (finds) ret. to ME brdre, noun; orderly OF ordre verb, infinitive OE cndian, weak, 2; to end ME cnden verb, participle 2 (used 0 £ be-3innan; begun as past tense)of begin ME bcgynnen; (began) OE be-3unnen; ME bcgunne nouri; common case, plural noun, common case, plural adjective runne=run verb, infinitive #!£wi!la;MEwillc will(s) ME fate; OF fat; fate(s) L falum, ' ME contrarie; contrary OF contrarie OE rinnan, strong, 3; run ME rinnen; ME ronncn, part. 2 dcuiscs noun, common case, plural Ate devys; OF devis device(s) (plans) TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION Still adverb .<>£stille;M£sliIIe Still (constantly) are ouertnrowne verb, passive vpice, present tense; plural" of overthrow OE ofcr+branan, strong, 7; ME overihrowen are over thrown thoughts noun, comrnpn ease, plural ()£t>ohl/3e-poht: ME thought thought(s) ours pronoun possessive, Is'person plural OE fire; ME ours ours ends noun, common case, plural QE ende; ME ende '" end(s) (their ends are not ours) wilt wed verb, future tense, 2"a person, singular of wed QE willan, anonu verb; will wed OE wilt ipres. sine.); ЩЕ willen, ME wilt ^° a person, pres. sing.) die verb, present tense, indicative mood of die ME deyen/dicn, went; die OSc deyja % pronoun possessive, 2"" person singular , (?£ bin; /WE thyn(e) /thy thy Key to Seminar 20 Shakespeare, Sonnet Свой факел уронив, красавец Купидон Заснул. Одна из дев Дианы подхватила Огонь любви и вмиг светильник опустила В холодный ключ воды, но не погас там он. Из пламени любви священный ключ мгновенно Впитал бессмертный жар на вечные года, И стала для людей целительна вода От злобных болестей, жестоких, как измена. Зажегши факел вновь от глаз, любимых мною, Для пробы мальчик им меня коснулся вдруг. Я исцеленья ждал душой моей больною От теплых вод, куда тянул меня недуг, Но исцеленья нет. Ключ животворный льется В очах возлюбленной, где пламя вновь смеется. Translated by /L Fyodtirov Phonetic analysis Changes of spelling and sounds Word as used in the text Old English Word as used in the text laid by New English Middle English Changes of spelling and sounds • 1 Old English 1езёе 1 Middle English leide [e] + vocalized [y]> [el] ез replaced by ei/ai be by [i:] > i replaced by [i:l у • New English > laid [el] by > [ai] " " • his TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION his Is] brand brand [a] and brand > and M and > [a] > [в] fell fell feoll [eo] his > И brand > [a] und [a] fell his > [s] > [e:] shortened before Д>[е] asleep onslSpe [o] > [as] > эг replaced by asieep/aslepe И [e:] ее maid mae3den mayde(n) [x] + vocalized fy]> [ai] щ replaced by ay maid > [el] this bis [8] (his > [6] advantage — this > [9] asleep > M > DO avauntage advantage [au] > fa:] d on analogy with Lat. ad; (prefix) found fund(on) found [u] > [u:] before nd u replaced by ou love lufti love [u] > [u] [u] > [e] u replaced by о f replaced by v fire steep quicidy found > [аи] fyr fir — stepe [«]> quykly love > W lost in NE fi^3 [y:] > [i:] + vocalized [r]> [аю] у replaced by i cwic+Ece - lice > . - ly cw replaced by qu с replaced by k/ck 397 steep m quickly _____—— PART 3. KEYS cold cald (Merc), ceald (WS) cold [eaj>[a]>[a:]beforeld>l°:] cold > l° u l that past [as] > [0] > p replaced by sc replaced by that [a] [9] th a that > [tc] > [fl] ground 31-und [u] > 3 replaced by u replaced by ground [u:J before nd g ou ground > [аи] which hwile [hw] which > [hw] which > [w] fk'l > ftf] • > Ufl hw replaced by с replaced by holy ШИз wh ch holy holy M > [o:] i3 replaced by у > lou] dateless — dateless > [ei] heat hsltu hete [«:] > [e:] ш replaced by e/ea heat > [i:l seething seo5an • sethen |eo:J > [e:] 9 replaced by th seething > [i:] bath Ьж5 № > ш replaced by 5 replaced by bath > [a:] prove profean proven [o:] > [o:] f replaced by v strange — date+less [a:] bath [a] a th prove > [u:] Straunge strange [au]> [a:] > [el] au replaced by a 398 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION my mm [i:J eye myn(e)/my my > [':] ёазе > eye/ye eye lca:l > [c:]>[i:] 3 replaced by у for for/fore [o] > [ai] for for > | o ] +vocalized [r]> [o:] needs nyd/ned need |y:]>|e:](A'cw;> fe:] would wolde toudh — [o] need(s) > M wolde would > [o:] before Id > [u:] > [u] before a dental consonant [I] lost in N13 о replaced by ou touchen [ul breast fai] breost [eo:l touch > [л] bresl > fc:] Г ic desired [i] + vocalized (Ш> I'M desiren thither bider breast > IeJ I 1 [i:] +vocalized [r]> laio] thider thilher > [0] fei > № desire(d) > c [^ [d] in the vicinity of lr] > [o] p hied sad replaced by hi3ede th hyede hie(d) [i] + vocalized [y]>[i:] 3 replaced by y/i > saed [ю] sad > № x replaced by sad(e) > Ы a 394 Ш PART . 3. KEYS where hwser got 333t [se] [se:] > [hw] > hw replaced by аг replaced by wher(e) where [e:] +vocalized |ii> [еэ] [hw] > fw] wh • e gat > [a]>[a:]>[o:] got > [o] before a dental consonant [3I > [gl from OSc. 3 replaced by g Grammatical and etymological analysis Words as used in the text Analysis notes OE or foreign prototype Corresponding NE word, translation Cupid noun proper Lat Cupldo, CupidonTs Cupid (Veiws's son) v laid verb, past tense OE 1есзап (inf.) weak, I; OE legae (past tense, sing.); ME leide (past tense) laid by adverb OE be; ME be/by by his pronoun possessive, rd 3 person, singular OE his (pronoun personal, 3"'person, sing., masculine, genitive case); ME his (pronoun possessive) his brand noun, common case, singular conjunction OE brand; ME brand brand (torch, flare) and and OE and; ME and fell verb, past tense OE feallan (inf.) strong, 7; OE feoll (past tense, sing.); MEM] fell asleep adjective asleep OE onslffipe; ME asleep /aslepe a art. indefinite OE an; ME a/an 400 a TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION , maid noun, common OE madden; ME mayde(n) case, singular maid • (priestess) Of prep. 0£of .Of Dian's noun proper, genitive case L Diana this pronoun demonstrative noun, common case, singular OE pis (pronoun demonst, sing., neuter); ME this ME avauntage; OF a vantage Diane's (Jupiter's daughter) this advantage found lovekmdling fire verb, past tense OE findan (inf.) strong, 3; OE fond; Affifand adjective OE lufu; MElove (composite) ME kindel (inf.) rel. to OSc kynd-a advantage found lovekindling did steep noun, common OEfyrjMEfir case verb, past tense OE don (inf.) anom. verb; OE dyde; ME dide ME stepe rel. to OE stiepan did steep quickly adverb quickly h preposition cold OE chid (Merc), сеа\д(Щ);' Afficold noun, composite, ME valeie; OF valee common case, ME fontayne; OF fontaine; singular L fontana valleyfountain that ground which borrow'd rel. to OE cwic (adverb) (+lfce);AEBqUyk(+ly> OE in adjective pronoun OE bset (se, seo); ME that demonstrative noun, common OE 3iund; ME ground case pronoun relative QShwilc; ME which verb, past tense OE bor3ian (inf.) weak, 2; OE bor3ode (past tense); ME borwian (inf.) 401 fire il cold Valley. fountain that ground which borrow(ed) ^ PART 3. KEYS _____ from preposition OE fram from holy adjective OE Ш\у, ME holy holy dateless adjective rel. to ME date+less (OE leas); dateless OF date/daltc; L data Ijvely = living adjective /participle I rel. to OE Whhan (inf.) weak, 3 (lively) living! /Hfian; AfiElyven heat noun, common case OE hietu; MEhclc heat Still adverb OE stille; Л/Я stille Still to endure verb, infinitive Л4Е cndure(n), weak 2; OF endurer: rel. to L durare to endure grew verb, past tense OE 3rowari (inf.) strong, 7; grew OE 3reow (past tense sing.); ME, growen. (inf.); ME grew(e) seething adjective /participle I of seethe OE seocten (inf.) strong, 2; ME selhen seething bath noun, common OE bazd'; ME bath bath yet case, singular yet adverb ОЁ $yv, ME yel men noun, common case, plural prove verb, present OE man (root-stem, masculine, men i'»?pj; OE men (plural); ME men OE profean weak, 2; prove (test,, tense, plural ME proven use) against preposition OE on-jean; ME agayn against Strange adjective ME- slraunge; OF estrange; L eselraneus maladies noun, common case, plural adjective noun, common F"maladie;MEmaIadie Strange (difficult, severe) malady(-ies) ME sovercyng; OF soverian ME cure, OF cure, L ciira sovereign cure OFbutan, Mfibul- but sovereign cure case, singular but conjunction 402 — TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION : al preposition OE xl, ME at at т pronoun possessive, 1"' person, singular OE mm (pen. pronoun, I" person, genitive case, sing.), ME myn(e)/my my У mistress' е •• Уе love's new-fired noun, genitive ME maystresse, mistress('s) case, singular OF maistrcsse noun, common OE ёазе, ME eye/ye eye case, singular noun, genitive OE lufu, ME love Jove('s) case (composite) OE newe (adj.), ME newe newfire(d) participle 2 of rel. to OE fyr (noun), (new) fire ME fire (noun), ME firen (verb) toe article definite boy noun, common OE se, seo, pan ME pe, peo, past / the ME boy (origin obscure), the boy case, singular re/. Л? OFris. boi/boy for preposition <?£ for/fore, ME for tor trial noun, common case noun, common case, plural verb, past tense of will verb, infinitive rel. to ME tryen, verA, weak, 2; OF trier OE nyd, ME need trial ('/«z; would touch I noun, common case, singular pronoun personal, Is1 person, singular OE wttan(ittf.)pret.-pres. verb, OE wolde, ЛЛ? wolde ME touchen, weak, 2; OF techier OE breost, ME brest OE'K,MEI I sick adjective OE seoc, ME seek sick Withal adverb Ш? wi6+eal, iWE withal withal help noun, common case OE help, ME help help needs Would touch breast 403 need(s) breast PART 3. KEYS desired verb, past tense ME desiren, weak, 2;_ desire(d) OF desirer, L desTderare thither adverb hied verb, past tense OE hi3ian (inf), OE hi3ede, ME hyede adjective OE seed, ME sad(e) sad G l i d e r , ME thider thither hie(d) (hurried poet, arch.) Sad distemper'd adjective ME distempere(d) rel. to OF distempre (noun) distempered guest noun, common case, singular OE 3iest rel to OSc gestr; ME guest guest ПО lies pronoun OE no, ME no indefinite verb, present OE Нсзап strong, 5, tense, 3"1 person, ME liggan/lyen singular Where adverb got verb, past tense ME geten (inf.), ME gat strong, 5; OSc geta, OE 3ytan/3etan, OE 3aet (past stem, singular) eyes noun, common case, plural 0J5hwser,M£wher(e) OE ёазе, OE eagan, ME eye(s) ПО lie(s) where got (get - inf) eye(s) Key to Seminar 21 Dickens, David Copperfield Забуду ли я когда-нибудь эти уроки? Считалось, что их дает мне мать, но в действительности моими наставниками были мистер Мердстоун с сестрой, которые всегда присутствовали на этих занятиях и не упускали случая, чтобы не преподать матери урок этой пресловутой твердости — проклятия нашей жизни. Мне кажется, именно для этого меня и оставили дома. Я был понятлив и учился с охотой, когда мы жили с матерью вдвоем. Теперь мне смутно вспоминается, как я учился у нее на коленях азбуке. Когда я гляжу на жирные черные' буквы букваря, их очертания кажутся мне и теперь такими же загадочно незнакомыми, а округлые линии О, С, 3 — такими же благодушными, как тогда. Они не вызывают у меня ни вражды, ни отвращения. Напротив, мне кажется, я иду по тропинке, усеянной цветами, в моей книге о крокодилах, и всю дорогу меня подбадривают ласки матери и. ее мягкий голос. Но эти торжественные уроки, последовавшие за теми, прежними, я вспоминаю как смертельный удар, нанесенный моему покою, как горестную и тяжкую работу, как напасть. Они тянулись долго, их было много и были они трудны, а некоторые и вовее непонятны, и наводили на меня страх — такой же страх, какой, думается мне, наводили они и на мою мать. Мне хочется припомнить, как все это происходило, и описать одно такое утро. translated by A, Krivtsova PART • 3. KEYS Phonetic analysis Word as used in the text Changes of spelling and sounds Old English shall I sceal New English Middle English sha! shall [ea] > [a] > (ж] [sk-j > m > m sc replaced by sh ic [k'l I ttfl I [i] + vocalized [tj> [i:] ever aefre > [ai) ever(e) ever [ж:] > [e:] > [e] unstressed [e] + vocalized [r] > [э] ж replaced by e f replaced by' v forget those for-3itan [for] forgeten > [for] Ш > [e] fj] replaced by [g] from Sc. 3 replaced by g fra tho, thos [a:] [6] > [o:] > [0] [s] were wieron mother by M > [i:] modor sister d were > [с:] + vocalized [r] > [e:] bl [o:] [d] those > [ou:] > [6] > M weren [ж:] by forget > [Го:] > [fa] > [e] by > [ai] • moder [or] sweostor [or] > [o:] > [u:] > [и] > [d] > [er] replaced by swuster/suster /sister [i] from Sc. > [eri 406 mother > [л] > [6] > [э! th sister > Is] TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION who always found occcasion hwa who ealvewe3 alwey/alwayes fundon ftinden — occasioun [a:] > to:] fhw] > fhw] hw replaced by. wh [ea] > [a] before! [wej] > [wei] ea replaced by a [u] > fu:] u replaced by ou Ш for for who fu:]>[u| [wj always > [o:] > [wez] found > [ao] occasion > for [o] giv(ing) > > [3] for > [o] + vocalized fr] > [0:] 3yfan yivert/given give [g] from Sc. that which that fat > > hvwlc ft1] which > 1Ш which > 1Ш [hw] > [hw] livy. replaced by wh bane bana Ore °u r bane > [el] our [u:] > [u:] > [аи] + vocalized [г] >[аоэ] u replaced by 6u lives (pi), life ff M was > [a:] opensyll. fa;] [fl] > [w] bane [a]>[aj our that [аз] > M [0] > [9] ш replaced by a p replaced by th wa?s !if > [i:] was [»] > [a] after w ls| > [s] ш replaced by a 407 life > [al] was > [0:] > fz| PART 3. KEYS home ham [a:] learn leomian when hwaenne alone eal-ana knee day feo] hoom > [o:J home > [ou] lemen leam whan when > [e] + vocalized [r] > [e:] И > [a] > [e] [hw] > [hw] > [w] hw replaced by wh x replaced by a replaced by e tea] fa:] alone > (a] > [o:] cneo /knee гЗжз day [eo:] > [e:] [kn] . > {kn] с replaced by к alone > [э] > [ou] knee > [i:] > [n] day [а>ну] >'Дм] ae replaced by a 3 replaced by у > [el] fat faet M fat > [a] fat > M black blaec N black >,[a] black > N с replaced by shape зе-sceap ck i-shap(e) tea] > [a]>(a:] [sk'l ••»',>• Ш sc replaced by ,sh easy — eSy [с:] good xod To:] 3 replaced by good >'fo:] g 408 shape > [el] > Ш easy > И good >.[u:] . nature seem TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION — nature [tj] seman ..semen [e:] (re)call ceallian callen path call feel > [e:] > [i:] wealcan , walken paed „path [eal > [a] before Ik с replaced by к > [a:] before [8] far feor book boc book — cheeren ..,. fer [eo] - hard some book [o:] > fo:] с replaced by - к eal >' [a] dead deeth [ea:] >••[«] б replaced by th heard „ hard sum ' som [ea] > [u:]>[u] before к cheer >[i:] + vocalized [r] > [is] al/alle [ea] death far > Де] [er] > [ar] > fa] + vocalfeed [r] > fa:] [e:] all walk > [Э:] path [ж] > [a] x replaced by /, a .' 5 replaced by th cheered >. (o:] felen [e:] walked > [i:] > [a] before Л felan nature Ml seem > fe:] [ea] feel(ing) > all before!! > {o:] death > [e] before [0] hai-d > [a] f vocalized [r] > [a:] [u] > [u]" . u replaced by о 409 some > [л] PART 3. KEYS much mice I lk'1 michel/muchel much > [ф > Ml [u] > [л] believe be-lyfan bileven [y:] > [c:] у replaced by f replaced by v poor — herself here-self p:] back bsec back Ы > [a] ac replaced by a с replaced by ck believe > [i:] ie povre/poure /poor poor [o:] >[u:l +vocalized (r]> [us] hineself herself > [i:] + vocalized {r] > [e:] back > [ac] Grammatical and etymological analysis Words as used in the text понт lessons, letters, shapes, flowers mother's pronouns I Old English forms Middle English/Early New English forms - as (n-stem declension, masculine gender, nominative/accusative plural) - e s (n-stem declension, masculine gender, genitive singular) -es / - (e)s (common case, plural) ic (pronoun personal, I" person singular, nominative) 410 -es / - (e)'s (possessive case, singular) (ich) i / 1 (pronoun personal, Iя person singular, nominative) TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION me me, mec {pronoun me / me (pronoun personal, V person personal, /" person singular, accusative/dative) singular, objective) my mm (pronoun personal, myn(e), my / mine/my I"person singular, genitive) (pronoun possessive, ]" person singular) her hire, hie (pronoun personal, 3"' person singular, feminine, accusative/dative) they hie (pronoun personal, 3rd. hie, they/they person plural'nominative) (pronoun personal, 3"' • person plural, nominative) them him, heom (phmoun hem, them / them personal, 3"1 person plural, (pronoun personal, 3"' accusative/dative) person plural, objective) this bis (pronoun demonstrative, nominative/accusative singular, neuter) this / this (pronoun demonstrative, singular) these fjas (pronoun danou.stijiiiiic', nominative/accusative plural) thes(e) / these (pronoun demonstrative, plural) •that bajf (pronoun demonstrative, nominative/accusative singular, neuter) that / that (pronoun demonstrative, singular) those $& (pronoun demonstrative, nominative/accusative plural) tho, thos(e) / these (pronoun demonstrative, plural) an (numeral, indefinite pronoun) an, a (indefinite article) se, seo, baet (demonstrative pronoun) the (definite article) here, her / her (pronoun personal, 3"' person singular, feminine, objective) articles a the 411 PART 3. KEYS verbs shall forget sceal (present singular of sculan. preterite-present verb) + forsietanfstmng verb, 5 class) (free word-combimation) shal forgeten / shall forget (analytical future tense farm) were presided was kept was bewildered beon/wesan (weorjjan) + participle 2 of intransitive verbs (free ward-combinations) been (was, waren) + participle 2 / be (was, were) + participle 2 (analytical passive voice farms) had been had lived habban (hasfde, hsefdon) + direct object + participle 2 haven (hadde) + participle 2 / have (had) + participle 2 beon/wesan + participle 2 of intransitive verbs (free word-combinations) been + participle 2 of intransitive verbs / be + participle 2 of verbs of movement (analytical perfect forms) giving learning verbal noun / participle 1 (overlapping of syntactic functions) verbal morpheme + ing (gerund) to present to nave walked -an to -enne (preposition + infinitive, declined, used in various syntactic functions) -en / — (zero ending) to -en/ to —{zero ending) (particle + infinitive) to have been cheered (to) beon + participle 2 (passive infinitive) (td) ben / (to) be + participle 2 (passive infinitive) (t6)han/(to)have + participle 2 (perfect infinitive) (to) han been/(to) have been 4 participle 2 (perfect passive infinitive) TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION Regular and irregular verbs used in the text Words used in the text Old English Middle English preside — presiden (F) believe leam live belyfan (weak, 1) leornian (weak, 2) libban (weak, 3) biliven lernen lyfen look seem locian (weak, 2) seman (weak, l) loken semen use walk meaning influenced by Sc. — usen (F) wealcan (strong, 7) walken bewilder (re)call cheer succeed puzzle bewildrian (weak, 2) -ceallian (weak, 2) — — — bewildren (re)callen cheerenfFJ succeeden (F) apposailen (etym. doubtful) sceal, o/sculan shal regular verbs irregular verbs shall (preterite-present) forget for-3ietan (strong, 5) foryeten / forgeten f-geten under the influence were wseron, past plural of wesan (strong, 5/ suppletive) find give findan (strong, 3) 3ifan (strong, 5) keep cepan (weak, 1) 413 o/ScJ weren finden yuven / gyven fgy ven under the influence ofSc.) keepen . PART 3. KEYS can have (had) bring can, present singular of can Clinnan (preterite-present) habban (weak, 3), ha?fde, haven, hadde past singular Ьппзап (anomalous) bryngen Principal forms of the verbs used in the text OE wesan/beon ME been № be waes was was waeron weren were weren been been ftindon founden found ftmden founden found OE ME NE findan finden find fand fond — OE ME NE 3jefan given give 3eaf gav(e) gave 3eafan geven — 3Jfen given given OE ME NE cepan kepen keep cepte kept(e) kept — — — cept kept kept OE ME NE habban haven have haefde hadd(e) had — — — ha?fd hadd had OE ME NE Ьппзап bringen bring brohte. brought(e) brought — — — OE — ME NE OE ME NE cunnan cude (can- pres. sing.) connen couthe can (pres. sing.) could belyfan belyfode behven behved(e) believe believed OE ME NE learnian lemen learn broht brought brought cunnen/cud — — — — — . couth /i-coua — belyfod behved believed learnode — lerned(e) — learned/learnt — learnod lemed learned/ learro 414 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION OE ME NE Iibban liven live lifde lived(e) lived ~ —— lifd lived lived. OE ME NE locian looken look locode looked(e) looked -— — — locod looked looked Bofwwedwprdsjised in the text Scandinavian they < jDeir tnem<.beim both < babe (mis)called, (re)called < ceallian (see word-hybrids) French lesson < OF lcssoun L lectionem favourable < F, XIV с Miscellaneous apt < L opius alphabet < L alpabetum Gk сЛсра pVa occasion < OF occasioun -Loecasionem reluctance < L reluct• '" " + F -ance (see wordpurpose < OF pourpos hybrids) - L propositum puzzle < ME mister ,< OFmaistre apposailen (etyni. doubtful) nominal < F nominal L nominalis present < OF present - L prasscntfaintly < OF fcindre - L fingcre primer < OF primer - L primus novelty < OF novelte - L nouellitatem easy < OF ese nature < OF nature - L natura numerous < F miniewux, L numerosus + F ous (see word-hybrids) 415 PART 3. KEYS crocodile < F crocodile - L crocodTlus - Gk кроко8еЛо0 contrary < OF contrarie - L contrarius flower< OF flour - L florem preside < F presider (XV c.) - L prjesiderc manner < OF maniere - L maneria disgust < F desgouster (XVI c.) - L ais+gustare voice < Anglo-French voice, cf. OF vois grievous < OF grever (v) - L grauare very < OF verai - L uerus misery < OF miserie - L miserari gentleness < OF gentil - L gentilis (see word-hybrids) use < OF user - L usare cheer < OF chere - L cara succeed < OF succeder - L succedere remember < OF remembrer - L rememorarf Word-hybrids really real (F) + ly (native, OE lie; nominally nominal (t) + ly (native, OE He) firmness firm (L) + ness (native, OE nis; 416 TEXT ANALYSIS AND TRANSLATION faintly faint (F) + ly (native, OE hcj good-nature(d) good (native) + nature (F) recall re (L) + call (Sc) drudgery drudge (native) + ry (F) gentleness gentle (F) + ness (native, OE nis) themselves them (Sc) + selves (native) generally general (F) + ly (native, OE lie; reluctance reluct (L) + ance (F) miscall(ed) mis (native) + call (Sc) perfectly perfect (F) + ly (native, OE llcj unintelligible un (native, OE unj + intelligible (F) Tart 4. Glossary A University Scholar Source: The New University Lilmity. 197$ KEY TO THE DICTIONARY The words in the Dictionary are given in the usual alphabetical order; the letters a, ae and a are treated as the same letter a; the letters g and 3 - as g; the letter b (d) follows t. For ease of reference the alphabetical order is shown on the top of each odd page. Principal abbreviations and symbols adj.-adjective adv. — adverb anom. - anomalous art. - article cf. - confer, compare сотр. - comparative conj. - conjunction ENE - Early New English F — French fem. — feminine OFris - Old Frisian gen. - genitive G k - Greek imit. -imitative indef.-indefinite L - Latin masc. — masculine ME-Middle English n. - noun N E - New English neut. - neuter num.-numeral ОЕ-Old English O F - O l d French OSc -Old Scandinavian part.-participle prep. - preposition pron. - pronoun superl. - superlative v. str. - strong verb v. weak - weak verb > - developed into < - developed from 0 - phrases and word-combinations with the vocabulary entry as the head word a(a,ge)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-^>(6)-u-v-w-x-y-z A •chemist in his laboratory PART 4. GLOSSARY азеп, own, adj.; OE a?enst. against, prep.; ME; < OE оп-зёап annotacioun, annotation (note), «.; M£; < L annotatio anon, anon (at once), adv.; ME; < 0 E On Sn a g e v n . again, adv.; ME; < OE оп-зёап ЖЗ^ег З ё ^ 3£, either (either ... or), conjJpron.;OE anofcer, another, pron. indef.; ME; < OEan+oser antique, adj.; NE; < F antique; L mt ~^uus Щ , pron. indef.; NE; < OE aeni3; al=ail, all, pron. indef. ; ME; < ОЕЫ alas, interjection, NE; < ME/OF alas 0 a! las = wretched that I am! selc. each, pron. indef, sing.; OE all, pron. indef; NE; < OE eal; ~M£al/alle a l l o w , v.; NE; < ME alowen; OF alouer alone, adv.; NE< ME al one, aloon along, prep.; NE; < OE andlang; ME along apayred, impaired, adjJpart. 2, see empeiren a Payrynge, impairing, verb, п., see em eiren P ^ § l e , (excellent),adj.;OE agt, adj.; NE; < L aptus jgr, ere (till then), adv.; OE arcebiscop, archbishop, п., masc, a-stem; OE alphabet, п.; NE; < L alpabetum; Gk c&cpa рлта arcestob (archiepiscopal seat), п., masc, a-stem; OE also, also, adv.; ME; < OE eal-swa always, adv.; NE; < OE ealne-we3; ME alwey am, see be; NE an, on (in), prep.; ME; < OE an=on an, one, numJadj.;OE analysis. /,; NE; < L analysis archbishop, archbishop, п.; ME; < 0 E ^rc-bisC0P are, see be; NE argument, п.; NE; < ME argument; 0 F af gument M i a n , arise, v.,str. 1;OE ^ Е Ш , array, n,ME; < OF arrai ME a n y ^SSr^ Ш,Ш,со,«.;ОЕ and, соф, MEJNE; < OE and art j c l e . п.; NE; < L articulus andjang, along, prep.; OE andswarian, answer, v., weak 2; ar-pam-pe. (before), conj.; OE ^ a S j adjJconJA <0 E eai.SWa ME. _ , . , . „„ Eenig, any, pron. Dirfe/!; OE as, conj.; NE;<OE eal-swa; ME as —' J Ob 422 a(a,£e)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-^)(5)-u-v-w-x-y-z asham'd. adj.; NE; < rel. to OE scamian, v., weak 2; ME shamen avauntage. advantage, п.; ME, < OF avantage asleep. adj.;NE; < OE on-slaJp; ME on sleep, asleep aventure. adventure (happening), п.; ME; < OF aventure; L adventura asleepe. see asleep, ENE away, away, adv.; ME; < OE on-we3 at, at, prep.; ME, NE; < OE xt awyrgan, (curse, damn), v., weak 2; OE set, at, prep.; OE ,, _ ' , . , ave, ever, adv.; NE; < ME ay; OSc aethnnan. (touch, move), v., str. 1; Л/еу J OE aught, (anything), pron.; NE; < OE a-wiht; aht; ME aht, aght, aught PART 4. GLOSSARY В read baking b a e o b o r d . back board (barboard, port side), п., neut., a-stem; OE be-beodan. bid (order, command), v.,str.2;OE back, adv.; NE; < OE base; ME bak bebude. see be-beodan; OE bad, adj.; NE; < ME badde; OE bed, п.; NE; < OE bed; ME bed/ bedde bzeddel ban, bone, п., neut., a-stem; OE bee, see be, v. ENE bancke. bank (bed), п.; NE; < ME banke been, be, suppl. v.; ME; < OE beon bane, п.; NE; < OE bana; ME bane beef), (are), see been befealdan. fold (cover), v., str. 7; OE bank, bank, п.; ME; < F banque beforan. before, adv./prep.; OE base, adj.; NE; < ME bas; OF bas before, band, п.; NE; < ME band; 5c band adv./prep.; NE; < OE beforan; ME biforen, biforn base, v.; NE; < F baser bath. п.; NE; < OE ЬжЗ; ME bath begge, beg, v., ENE; < ME beggen, v., weak 2; OF begger, noun bathen, bathe, v., weak 2; ME; < OE badian begin, v.; NE; <; < OE be-3innan, v., str. 3; ME begynnen be. by (along), prep.; OE begitan, beget (get, obtain, find), v., str. 5; OE begunne. part. 2 (may be used as past tense), see begin, ENE behind, adv.; NE; < OE be-hindan; ME be-hynden be. v. anom.; NE; < OE beon; ME been bead, see be-beodan; OE beah, see Ьпзап; OE 424 a(a,£e)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t- J b(d)-u-v-w-x-y-z beHeue, see believe, ENE believe, v.; NE; < OE be-lyfan, v., weak 1; MZ? bileven belike, (probably, evidently), modal word, ENE; < rel. to OE зе-llc, adjective; MEJ y-lich J birth, п.; NE; < OE зе-byrd; Ш birthe > bJSCOp, bishop, п., masc, a-stem; OE bishop, bishop, п.; ME; < OE biscop ,, , ,. ..„ _„ , . ,, И Щ , « 4 ; NE; < OE blac, bl<ec; MEblak м-+ • „ ., , _л г , bletsian. bless, v., weak 2; OE ЪШШЩ, blessing, n.fem., o-stem; belou'd. beloved, part. 2, see love, EHE Ьё-ПОГбап. north (northwards), Ot/ advJprep.; OE beon. be, v., anom. (pres. t. sing. ^ Ш М blissful, adj.; ME; < rel. to o t b h s beo, bist, bis; pi. beon; past t. ' "• wass, etc. - see wesanj; OE blow, п.; NE; < ME blowe (origin b e r e n . bear, v., str. 4; ME; < obscure) OE beran boga, bow, n. masc, n-stem; OE beseech, v.; NE; < OE besecan, v., weak 1; ME besechen book, п.; ME, NE; < OE boc; ME book beste. best, adj., superl. degr., see bore, see beren ; ME good , borrow, v.; NE; < OE bor3ian, v., beswican. (deceive, betray), v., weak 2; ME borwen str.l;OE , ,,_ borrow'd, adj. I part. 2 of borrow, besynesse. business , п.; Mb; < NE;seehorrow OE bisi^nes , _ , . both, pron.; NE; < ME babe; beteecan. (put in trust), v., weak 1, щ{г S c щ е irreg. ; OE > rel. to NE teach , ._, , , boy, п.; NE; < ME boy (origin beteehte, v., past t.; see betscan; obscure), rel. to OFris. boi/boy , , , brand, (torch, flare); п.; NE; < betst. best, adj. /adv., superl. degr., Q E b r a n d ; ш b r a n d see 3od; OE , .,j , „„, -,J • breake, break, v., ENE; < bewilder v.; NE; < OE bewildnan, ОЕЪтеат, v., str. 4; ME breken v., weak 2; ME bewildren . ., , . . , . , , ЛЕ, breast, п.; NE; < OE breost, bldan, bide (wait), v., str. 1; 0 £ iiffibrest b i f a l l e n , befall (0 bifil - i t so b r e e f e , brief, «,/;., ЯЛТЕ; < happened , v., str. 7; M^; < M£ breef; OF brief; L brevis OE be-feallan bjgyjmen,begyj2nen,begm,v.,,m breeth, b r e a t h 'п.;МБ-,<ОЕЪйб 3; ME; < OE be-3innan 425 PART 4. GLOSSARY breken, break, v>., str. 4; ME; < OE brecan burh, borough (town, castle), п., fem., root-stem; OE brest, see breast, п., ENE . -i ,_t лг, b r ^ e r , «., see brobor; OE b r i l ^ v.;NE; <O£brin3an,onom. v.; M£ bryngen Ь ш з а п , bring, v., яг.-н-евА; OE buruhwaru, (citizens of a town), п., fem., 5-stem; OE > rel. to ^ b'orough Ь ш ф е birth д M E <0 E 3 e . b y r d / —sTbyrdu ^ conj. m m . < QE Ш ш b r ^ F d K a S t . '4- NElft °E< b r 5 d ' bQtan, bflton, but,conj.;OE ME brood, adj. + ME casten, v.; ' OSc kasta buy, v.; NE; < OE Ьусзап, v., weak b r o c h e . brooch, „.; ME; < /; M£ buggen, biggen 0£broche bjl, prep./adv.; NE; < OE bl, be; brochure. „.; NE; < rel. to ME also bz F brocher, v. bycause = (by) cause, because, ЫШШ1, brough, ,,m , Pl, m Ьппзап; Oh br&orMoth^rmscr-stennOE brjC3,bridge,п.,fem.,o-stem;OE bflan, (stay, inhabit), v.,anom.\OE bude. v., past t. sing. Ind. or sub]. mood; see buan; OE b u g a n , bow (curve, subjugate, surrender), v., str. 2; OE bugon, v.,pl.,pastt.;seeЬпзап;OE %£&c,S- ** * Щ®Ь (bjd, incline, subject), v.. b y g y n n y n g e . beginning, verbal noun, see bigynnen byr(e), (time, period), /;., i-stem orjustem; OE by rig, /?., dat. sing.; see burh; OE a(a,£e)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-J3(6)-u-v-w-x-y-z С arpenter with his tools of trade can, can (know), see connen; ME cheere, cheer, п., ENE; < , „n лг. ME cheer; OF chere can, v. modal, NE; < OE cunnan (inf), can (pres. sing.), pret.-pres.; chekyr, (exchequer, п.; ME; < ME can OF eschequier cart, п.; NE; < OE erst; rel. to cherch, church, п.; ME; < OSc kartr OE cirice; Gk кирихкои c a s e , п.; NE; < ME cas, caas; child, child,п.;ME; < OEcild OF cas; L casus children, children, п., pi.; ME; < c a s k e t , п.; NE; < Span casco, OEcMvu confused with F cassette (small c h i t e r e n c h i r p ? v-> w m k 2. ME. < box ) (imit.) cepan, keep (guard), v., weak 1; OE c h i t e r v n g e c h i r p i n g f gemnd> s e e certain, adj.; NE; < OF certein, chiteren certain; L certus + stiff, -anus citation, п.; NE; < ME citacion; change, v.; NE; < ME chaungen, i'., L citation weak 2; OF changier dz'd = MA, part. 2; see size, ENE СЩШ, «.; NE; < ME chapitte c l e m e n c j e > c l e m e n c y > „ ENE < chapitre; OF chapitre, t i Lclemen a L capitulum, cf. L caput i . . . Т.ЖГ7. ^ clepen. (call, summon), v., weak 2; c h a " m u b r t ' c ^ m b e r ' "" ; ME' < ~Ш < OE clipian > re/, ro OF chambre;L camera • ЛЖ yclept, arf/ с Ь { * и " | е п ' c I ? a n S e - v., weaft 2; ME; d e ; c l e r g v , clergy, /г.; ME; < < OF changwsr OFclergie;Z,clericus cheer, y.; /V£; < c/. ME cheere, f?F chiere, n. 427 PART 4. GLOSSARY rel. concern, v.; NE; < F concerner; L concernere c n a w a n , know (recognise), v., strong 7; OE conceven, conceive, v., weak 2; ME; < OF concevir; L concipere COCUr. (case for arrows), n. masc, astem; OE COndicioun, condition, п.; ME; < OF condicion confederate confederate, adj.; ME; < L confoederatus clypian, (call), v., weak 2;0E> to NE yclept, adj. coffer, п.; NE; < ME/OF cofre; L cophinum; Gk kdqnvocr confident, adj.; NE; < L confident cold, adj.; NE; < OE cald (Merc), c^d(WS); ME cold collect, v.; NE; < OF collecter; L collectare confound. v.,; NE; < ME confounden; F confondre; L confundere COMien, can (know), v., pret.-pres.; ME; < OE cunnan come, v.; NE; < OE cuman, v., str. 4; ME comen conquer, v.; NE; < ME conqueren; OF conquerre; L conquirere c o m e n , come, v., str. 4; ME; < OE cuman c o n q u e s t , conquest, п.; ME; < OF conqueste command, v.-.NE: <Fcommander, L commendare considerable, compaignye. company, п.; ME; < OFcompanie construccioun, construction c o l l a b o r a t e , v.; NE; < rel. to F collaborer; L collaborare L considerabilis L comparatlvus (interpretation), п.; ME; < F comparable, adj.; NE; < rel. to F comparer, v.; L comparare + OF -able; L -abilis comparative, adj.; NE; < construction construct. v.;NE; <L construct construen. construe, v., weak 2; ME; <L construere < ME conteinen; c o n t a m , v . ; NE; OFcontenir contrary, adj.; NE; < ME contrarie; OF contrarie adj.; NE; < COmpellen, compel, v., weak 2; ME;<OF compeller compile, v.; NE; < F compiler; Lcompflare c o m y n g , coming, verb, noun / gerund, see comen; ME c o n t r a y , country, п.; Mb, < OF contree п.; NE; < c n n v e r S a t i o n . ME conuersacion; OF conversation; L conversation comyxtioun, mixture, п.; ME; < OF commistion corage, courage (heart), п.; ME; < OF corage; rel. to L cor COmutuall, mutual, adj., ENE; < Fcom-;OF-mutuel;Imutuus 428 a(a,£e)-b-c-d-e-f-g(5)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-j[3(6)--u-v-w-x-y-z corpora, п. plur.; see corpus; NE CUntre, corpus, п.; NE; < L corpus cost, cost, п.; ME; < rel. to OF coster, v.; L constare cure, п.; NE; < ME cure, OF cure, L cura count, v.; NE; < ME counten, v., weak 2; OF conter; L computare country, OF countree п.; ME; < CWae5, quoth (obs., said), v., past t. sing.; see cw£e6an; OE cwaedan. (say), v., str. 5; OE cours. course, п.; ME; < OF cours; L cursus CVnin5, king, п., masc, a-stem; OE COuthe. (un)couth (well-known, hallowed), part. 2, see connen; ME; < OE cunan; OE сиб СУГ. cir, char, chore (odd job), п., masc, i-stem; OE > rel. toNE char in charwoman cradel. cradle, п.; ME; < OE cradol cyrran, char (do a turn of work, perform), v., weak 1;OE> rel. to NE char in charwoman crocodile, п.; NE; < F crocodile; L crocodilus; Gk крокобеЛоа croppe, crop, п., pi.; ME; < OE crop cuman, come, v., str. 4; OE cyssan, kiss, v., weak 1; OE PART 4. GLOSSARY D octor visiting his patients depend, v.; NE; < OF dependre; d a g , day, п., masc, astern; OE daily, adj.; NE; < OE ds 3 -lic; MEdayly data, „.; NE; < ME/OF date; L data d a t e l e s s , adj.; NE; < rel. to testoE'Z date/datt£; L d3ta + L d e Pendere description, п.; NE; < rel. to f* ^ ^ * ;0 F ^ П ^ ' ' L descrTbere „ . NV. . ME d e s i f e n v., Н р ч ! г р й ^1ЪрВЬ*£1А* day, „ , ME, NE; < OE d , 3 ; ^ w ^ ^ < <Ш ^ ^ ME also dffii destrutre dead, dead, adj.; OE destruccioun destruction, п.; ME; J ' <OF destruction death, n.;NE;<OEde*s;MEdeth < d e t e r m i n e > v.; NE; deaw., dew, n. masc/neut, wa-stem; ME determynen, v., weak 2, OE OF determiner debt, п.; NE; < ME dette; OF dette; deth, death, п.; ME; < OE dea6 L debita deuise. device (plan), п., ENE; < decline, (bend aside), v.; NE; < ME devys; OF devis Ш fLfdeclmare - H S y n e " ' °F d£ ?ilfV w n S 5 f«,« ; deCUner; ME; devout, devout, adj.; ME; < QF d e y o t *" dewsen. devise (say, describe), v., OF defense; L defensa ~ ^ 2 ; M£; < OF deviser degree, degree, n.;ME;< OF d&gr6t; d e v e n die v w e a J f e ; M£?; < Lde+gradus —fejeyia deorwurde, dearworth (precious), dictionary, п.; NE; < L dictionarius adj; OE 430 a(a,£e)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-{3(6)-u-v-w-x-y-z die, v.; NE; < ME deyen/dien, v., dorston. dare, v., past t. pi., (see weak; OSc deyja durranj; OE different, adj.: NE: < F different: dosen, dozen, п.; NE; < L different(em) ME dosayn; OF dosaine d i r e c t l y , adv.; NE; < rel. to doth, does, see do, ENE ME direct, of/; OF direct „.; NE; < ME doute; d o u b t . disavauntage. disadvantage. /;.: OF doute ME; < OF disavantage downe. down, adv., ENE; < OE ofdiscomfort. п.; NE; < dune; ME a-doune ME disconforten, v., weak 2; d r a w e n d r a w , v „ л б ш < OF desconforter 0£dra 3 an; 0 draw after - imitate disgust «•; ЛГЯ; < /• desgouster; d r i h t e n { Ш „. ,„ d) fl. Ldis+gustare Sl^OE Ш-Stemper'd, « g ; ЛГС; • < drmcan, drink, v.,^-.J;OF MF distempere(d) re/, to ' OFdistempre,и. droghte, drought, /г.; ME; < u3 d i s t r o y e n . destroy, v., weak 2; ° MF; < OF distruire drudgery, п.; NE; < rel. to OE distrust, v.; NE; < ME dis- + trust, *%&*• v - ^ 2 ; M £ ё г е У е п + /г., rel. to OSc traust, /г. A »,„ лт- j j duke, duke, /;.; MF; < OF due; do, v.; NF; < OE don, anomal. v.; —^Ux MF doon J * „ ,,^/лг. J * d u m b e , dumb, adj., ENE; < doctor, п.; NE; < ME/OF doctour; 0 Fdurnb; ME domb L doctor , „хт„ , durran. dare, v.. pret.-pres.: OE doe, do, v., FiVF; see do ^ . . . . . . dweller, dweller, п.; ME; < rel. to dommacioune, domination, п.; OEdwelkn v ME; < OF dominacion; L dominatio dydon, did, v., past t., pi. (see d5n;; don, do, v., anom.; OE , dyme, dime (one-tenth). /;.: ME; < л I / r n>,j.n doon, do, anom. v.; ME; < OE don " ^ F d i s m e ; L decima doone, done, part. 2; see do, ENE PART 4. GLOSSARY E mily - a personification of spring easy, adj.; NE; < ME esy; OF ese ёа, (river), n.Jem., root-stem (anom.); 0 E ech. each, pron. indef.; ME; < OE %\c , , , , , -~ „ л р 5Яр eek. eke (too), adv.; ME; < OE eac «.. . . . , , .,. np > eft, (again, afterwards), ««?v.; CiJ > rel. to NE after , , , . . „ ni? »UPSejs = else, adv.; NE; < OE ell», M£ elles/els embrace, v.; iV£; < M£ embracen, v., weak 2; OF embracer empeiren, impair, v., weak 2; ME; < OF empeirer вас, eke (also, as well), adv.; OE eadmedan. (show submission), v.. —^aTVOE ea^e,eye,n.neut.,n-stem;OE —*-' J eald, old,flflf/.(сотр. yldra; sup. yWeSt;; °E ealdian, (grow) old, v., weak 2; OE ealdorman. alderdman, (chief), п., masc, root-stem; OE eall. all,pron. indef. sing.; OE employ. v.\ NE; < F employer ealle. pron. indef., pi. (see eallj; OE enable, v.; NE; < ME enablen, en- + 0 Fable;L habilis ealne W J , always, adv.; OE egril, adjJadv, NE; < OE a>rllce; Eй ^Ш ^ , end, v.; NE; < OE endian, v., weak I, ME erly ME eart,^wesan;OE east, east, adv.; OE ^ eastryhte, east right (to the east), e n d e n > e n d ' "' ; ME' < 0 E ^ "^Й^в^иЙГ'Я^ adv 0E eastwerd, eastward, (eastwards), «dv.;OE "^ Ш ' < 0 ^ Ldurare e n e m v n • NE- < ME enemy; —Wtmrni' 432 a(a,a3)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-^(6)-u-v-w-x-y-z engendren, engender,.v., weak 2; esterne. Easter, п.; ME; < ME; < OF engendrer; L ingenerane OE Eastru ennacture. (enactment),' п., ENE; < etan, eat, v., str. 5; OE rel. to ME enacten, v.; NE enact ^ ^ ^ ^ < Q enough, adv.; NE; < OE 3enoh, ME evne/even(e) Зепбз; ME inoh, enogh ^ ^ ady. m < QE _ f r e . ш ^ f2,- Ot O entrer F ^ Ш entre " "" Wmk e v e r i c h o n ш . ^ E ^ - ^У - f r e -«J c Pron. indef, < QE enterprise, «.; NE; < OF enterprise ц ^ ^ p w n Ш ф .ш . < eode. (went), v. anom., past t., see OE asfre n 0E 3* '> evyr. ever, adv.: ME: < OE eefre eojn, « e wesan; O£ experiens. experience, п.; ME; < eorl, earl, (chief), п., masc, a-stem; OE OF experience eorde, earth,n. fern.,n-stem; OE , , . ,.„ er, ere (before), adv/conj.; ME; < OExr ere, see our, OE i , „v /и? • 1 erles. earl, п.; ME; < OE eorl ~— „ ___ ,. erlj:, early, adv.; ME; < OE aer-lice esen. ease, v., weak 2; ME; < OF eser expressen, express, v., weak 2; ME;<OFexpresser;Lexpressare extremme. extremity, п., ENE; < ME extremytee; OF extremite „_ л п SS& п.; NE; < OE ea^, ME eye/yo ^~ _ eyther. either, cow..ENE: < OEЩhw£e5er; ME either PART 4. GLOSSARY F riar- a pillar of his Order fauourite, favourite, п., ENE; < faeder, father, п. masc, r-stem; OE MF faintly, adv.; NE; < ME feint; OF feint + ly (OE licj fltojjj. ad,, ENE; < OE favorit; Lfau6fem favourable, adj. ;NE;<OF favour; L f*3er; ** ^ 0™£&L«* Mth, я7лЖ;< ME feith; OF feid; £а ^ ^ о и г ^ а " о г "^ ^ ' < OI t a v o u r Ь t a v o r L fides; 0 «ri.; by my faith! ' fain й M l , v.; NE; < OE feallan, v., 5Гг. 7 ^ ' ' * ; М ^ ! < °E f ^ n ME fallen fe, fee, п.; ME; < OE feoh; OF fe f a l l e ( n ) . fall, v., str. 7; ME; < feare. fear, п., ENE; < OE fSr; 0 £ feallan ME feet fandian. (explore, try, prove), v., weak feare, fear, v., ENE; < OE Шгап, V:-. 2; OE weak 1; ME feren £ar,adj./adv.;NE;<OEfeor;MEkr f e a t u r e , п.; NE; < ME feture, featUre; faran. fare (go, travel), v., str. 6; OE OF Шк '>L Ш Ш f fare, v.; NE; < OE faran, v., str. 6; Шш> ™>adJ-'0E ME faren feeling, п.; NE; < rel. to OE felatt, Щщ, see fa, ENE v., weak 1; ME Men fat nAi • MF- *• nv ten- M P <v fel, (skin, hide), n. neut., a-stem; OE tat, adj.,Nb,< Ub rastt; Mb tat — у r ^ (Q NE f e e j < Ш fate F Ы ; 13 ^Шт^' '' ° fe ' (^my),adjyadv.;OE jy-. . r „ . felaweshipe, fellowship,».; ME; < л „ tffitniS, fatness,n.fem.,jo-stem; OE O~ScWaS~ 434 a(a,s)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-.j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-jj(5)-u-v-w-x-y-z fellow. n.\ NE; < ME fellawe; rel. to follow, v.; NE; < OE fo^ian, v., weak Sc felagi 2; ME followen feor, far,adv.;OE fonden, (try), v., weak 2; ME; < "miMer, four, num.; OE <W flndian f e m e , (old, far-off), adj, ME; < MJor (because of), co,ijSPrep,;OE, OE fyrn ' iWfi,™ * ^.u * M. J- **r? forbeden, forbid, v., str. 2; ME; < « £ £ , farther, further, adj.; ME; < OEfor-kodm OE feor; fyrra (comp. degree) fest, feast, „.; ME; < OF feste; ferdon, (destroy), v.; J e e do; ^ L festa forget v.; NE; < OE for-3ytan, v., trt r,-,„ str. 5; OSc geten; ME forgeten III, five, num.; OE fj f - ntx _. t , ~.t „,. former, a<//.; ME; < (?£• forma; tlttene. fifteen (one-fifteenth), /ZHHI.; M/? former ME; < OE fif-tyne " ° «. , .._, __, ,. , fortune, ».; A^g; < ME fortune; hM, v. NE; < OE findan; 6»F fortune; £ fortuna ME fynden findan, find, ,,st,3;OE todb, toth. o*.;OT fire, «,^;<^ryr;M£fir ^MmU, ^),conj,OE firmness. „, iV^; < ME, OF ferme; ferfean, (because), c . n ; , ^ Lfirmus+ 0 # -nisj forward, forward, n.; ME; < OE fore~ . , , , weard Iirrest. farthest, adv., superl. d.; see fio7; OE foul, foul (ugly), adj.; ME; < OE ful first, num. / adj. /adv.; ME, NE; < fountain, n.; NE; < ME fontayne; OE fyrst; ME also firste OF fontaine; L fontana fiscad. fiscod, (fishing),«., /nflJC, a- foure, four, ;iwn.; Af£; < OE feower •rt'«w; ^ ^ fowel. fowl (bird),«.; M£; <OE firjol jSote, float (fleet),«., majc., «^«»; f^^^ {tomtprep_. 0E OE fre uenCV L frec uentia flour, flower, n,ME;<OF flour q ' "-; ^ <; ME l F flower. „.; NE; < ME flour; k f f J T ' "" ' <° "^ OF flour; Lflorem,ace. of flos fl^e,fly,v., O f t < Otf fleo3an, , , ^ ^ "* < °E f r 5 o n d ; str. 2; ME flyen fitlfi, folk (people), „., M « t . a ^ « . ; to, torn,prep, ME; <0E Mm OE from, advJprep.; OE, ME, NE; < folk. n.;ME,m<OB folc OE also fAm 435 PART 4. GLOSSARY fruite. fruit, п., ENE; < ME fruit; function, п.; NE; < F fonction; OF fruit; L fructus L functio frum-cenneda, (first-born), adj.; fyllan. fill (completely satisfy), v., OE weak h OE fill, full (most, very), adj/adv.; ME; < fyrd. (army, military expedition), п., OEM fem.,i-stem;OE Ы, full, adj.; OE full, adj.; NE; < OE, ME ful fjjvg, five, num.; ME; < OE fif G unfire diagram gan. go, v. anom. (past t. - eodej; g e m a r t y r o d , part. 2; see OE 3emartyriart; OE garren. (growl), v., weak; ME;< rel. general adj.; NE; < OF general; to ОЕзуггап Lgeneralis gather, v.; NE; < OE 3aderian, v., generally, adv.; NE; < OF general; weak 2; ME gaderen L generalise OE lie 3 | a , yea (yes), particle; OE gentilMman. gentleman, п.; ME; < с/. F gentilhomme л_ Зёаг, year, и., neut., a-stem; OE , •• . ; • . , gentle, adj.; NE; < OF gentil; g e a r w i a n . (make ready, make, ^ gen tilis clothe), v., weak 2; OE A1 gentleman, « e gentle, man ^ebl^ed. see bv^an; OE *—~ .,„ n r .., ** , J ' л i лп gentleness. «.; ЛЖ; < OF gentil; ^ebogen. part. 2; see Ьпзап; OE XgentTlis + (?£ nis gebfln. part. 2; see bQan; OE gere. year, /г.; Affi1; < OE зёаг gecneow. see cnawan; OF, gedruncen. see drincan; OE qeeadmedun, see eadmedan; OE ° Seferen, part. 2; see faran; 0 * З е Щ Ы , see fyllan; O£ SeSEipian, see 3rapian; O£ Sehlrde, see hyran ; № gemartyrian. martyr, v, weak 2; OE > rel. to NE martvr gerly. yearly,flrfv.;ME; < OE 3Sai- + 437 lice s e s e a h saw, v., past t., sing.; see seon; OE g e s g o n . s e e s6on; 0 £ ? e s e t t a n . set, v., weak V; № g e . s i ? I a n , s a i I ,,,, шак 1; OE ^ ^ з § § Ш й > ^ PART 4. GLOSSARY get, v.;iVE;<0£3ytan/3etan, v.,str. 5; OSc geta; ME geten 5efoeode. (language), п., neut., jastem; OE 3if, if (except), conj.', ME; < OE 3 if grateful, adj.; NE; < OF grat-; L gratus + - ful (E) graunten, grant, v., weak 2; ME', < OF graanter, creanter; L creantare, K; credentia >"• W* ^Veef'•' ^ Шу,ш1,Ж;<0Е5уЩ ё 3 i s ^ (hostage), п., masc, astern; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . 31ШШ1, (givehostages),., , ^ 2 ; 2ive vNE-< OE ^ifan v йг 5- < ME. ^ ' ^ < 0 E ъхШ ^tSStJ^^^ griefe> 8rief' "- Ж Я ; <М ^ greef; ; ^ glad, «*•; m < OE 5Ш; ME glad « ^ go. v.; Л^£; < OE зап, suppl.; MB goon f&i^ 3Od, god, masc, a-steml OE 5od. good, arf/. {decrees of сотр.: betera, betst); OE good, good, adj./п.; ME, NE; < OE 3od; betst (superl. degree) g o o d l y , goodly, adj.; ME; < OE 3od-Hc goon, go, verb, anom. v.; ME; < OE^an gramer, grammar, п.; ME; < OF graniraaire; L grammatica; Gk урариатисг) OF grever; Lgravare grievous. «^.; MJ; < r«Z. » OF grever, v.; L grauare -. grisbayting. grist biting (gritting of teeth), п.; ME; < OE 3rist-betun3 g r o u n d , п.; NE; < OE 3™ n d ; ME ground grow, v.:NE; < OE?rowan, v., str. 7; ME growen g u e s t п.; NE; < OE 3iest; rel. to OSc gestr; ME guest g u i d e , v.; NE; < ME gyden; OF guier; F guider 5 r 5 p i a n . grope (touch, feel by. touch), v., weak 2; OE g ^ ' -• ^ f _a(a,ge)-b-c-d-e-f-g(,^)-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-b(5)-u-v-w-x-y-z harrynge. (with rolling "r"), gerund, see harren habban. have, v., weak3; OE had, see han, haven ; ME.. hart heart, п., ENE; < OE theorte; ME herte haefde, had; see habban; OE hasten, hasten, v., weak 2; ME; < halve, half,aclj.;ME;,<OEhmlf "' OF haster • halwe. hallow, (saint), п.; ME; < hath, see have, ENE OEhal^a . . ,' haue, see have, ENE. ham, home, n.,ntosc, a-stem; OE have, v.; ЛЖ; < OE habban; v., wea/c han. haven, have, v., weak 3;>ME; 3; ME haven ., <O£habb.an .. haven, have, v.. weak 3: ME: < hand, hand, n.fenu u-stern; OE • O£ habban : hand, п.:NE\ < ОЕ ЪШ\MEhond haven, n.\NR\ < OE haifan, ' hasfene; ME havene handjign, handle, v., weaA; 2; OE . , ., he, he, /?ran. pera. (ЙСС. hme, «a/. haply, (probably), «&"., ЯЛЖ; < rel. , him, *ei*. hisj; OE . to ДЖ hap, noun; OSc happ . he, he, pron. pars.; ME, NE; < happy, adj.; NE; < rel. to ME hap, QE he ""SchapP head, п.; NE; < OE hSafod; h a r d , adj.; NE; < OE heard; i № heed ME hard healdan. heoldon. hold, v., str. 7; • harme. harm, п.; ME; < OE hearm QE harren. (speak with rolling "r"), v., healf, half, n.Jem., o-stem; OE . weak; ME; < (imit.) hadde. had, see haven • 439 PART 4. GLOSSARY health, п.; NE; < OF ЬГБШ, hS15u; ME here, adv.; NE; < OE her; ME heer h d t h e here, their, pron. pass., pi; ME; < 02?hira,heora,hiera,hyra . „_л„ u л ц . Ш7- < hearing, gerund/verbal п.; NE; < rel. to OE hyran, v., weak 1; or OEhyrin3)n,MEhering(e),„. Ь 1 ^ ЙЬ5: ; мр S h^2f h e ° r C n i a n ' **%&£?• V" " ^ ' ' heretik. heretic, п.; ME; < v.,weak2,MEbatea heat, п.; NE; < OE hstu; ME hete h e a v e n , п.; NE; < OE heofon, hefon; ME heuen hed. head, п.; ME; < OE heafod heeje = he4L£;V2? heele. heel,«.; M£; < ШШ1а " ^ " h e r e t i q u e ; L haereticus; GA: aipenKo? herself, pron. reflex.; NE; see her, + OE, ME, NE self hetherto. hitherto, adv., ENE; < OE, ME hider-to М, Me ( t h e y ) , / ; ^ . ^ ^ ; ^ hgere, here, adv., ЯЛЖ; < OE her; ME heer heeth. heath,«.; ME; <ОЕЬГЯ heir, п.; NEj < ME/OF heir; L herem, heredem held, held, see holden,; M£ Ь ^ ' hither'adv- 0 E vr.p. hie, (hurried - poet, arch.), v., » • hye6& < 0 E h i 3 i a n (»'& ME b t a , (their),pron.per*.,seebM*, hebrt.;^;<O£help,MEhelp hme,(him),pr O n.pm.;^h5;^ Ь М , p/wi. pen.; ME, ЛВ;.< OB him, hire hfi Г feelphan1P' " ' " - ^' hS М £ ;< Ьшт, (their)^^./,^,,^^,!^ Ш ? b * h T £ m ' ' O T - * • '•' m da^^^&CC-% МП, «heir, P ™ , Pos,, pi, ME; < OE hyra/hira hke^Pro,per*,seeMo;OE > h i s ' p r o n ' p e r s A s e e Ы'> °Е _, . his, his, pron. poss., masc; ME, NE; Ш heofon, heaven, n. masc, astern; OE < 0 E h i s (prO7h perS } her, (their), pron. pers.; ME; < OE hie her, pron. pers.; NE; < OE hire; ME her(e). ' hit, it, pron. pers. (dot. him, genhis ); O i ? ' • . _, hlaf, loaf (bread), n. masc, a-stem; Oh herd, heard, see heren,; ME hlaefdfoe, lady, n.,fem., n-stem; OE here, (army), п., masc.Ja-stem; OE hlaford, lord,п., masc, astern; OE 440 _a(a,^)-b-c-d-e-f-g(^)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-|3C5)-u-v-w.-x-v-z hlvstan. listen, v., weak 1; OE huntod, (hunting), п., masc, a-stem; OE hold, v.; NE; < OE healdan, v., str. 7; ME heold(en) husband, п.; NE; < OE hus-bond; ME husbonde; OSc hiisb6ndi h o l d e n . hold, v., str. 7; ME; < OE healdan hwaelhunta, whale hunt(er), (whaleman), п., masc, n-stem; OE hollow, adj.; NE; < rel. to OE holh, п.; ME holow, adj. hwaenne, when, adverb; OE holt, holt, п.; ME; < OE holt holy, adj.; NE; < OE ЬаНз; ME holy hwaet, what, pron. intenog. /indef.; OE hwaite, wheat, n. masc, ja-stem; OE hom, h o o m . home, п.; ME; < OEhmn hwaeder, whether, conj.; OE home, п.; NE; < OE ham; ME hoom hwll while,n.,fem., i-stem;OE honour, v.; NE; <ME honour(en), v., hwon, (a little), adv/adj.; OE weak 2; OF honorer hy. hi» Ый, (they), pron. pers. (dat. him, gen. hyra, hiera, heoraj; OE hooly. holy, adj.; ME; < OE hali3 hyd. hide (skin), п., fern., i-stem; OE booth, see ooth ; ME hojje, п.; NE; < OE hopa; ME hope hym. him, pron. pers.; ME; < OE him, hine hors-hwael. whale (walrus), п., masc, hymMself. himself (themselves), a-stem; OE pron. reflexive; ME; < horsian. (supply with horses), v., OE him+self weak 2; OE > rel. to NE horse hyne. hind (member of a household, k o s t e l r y e . hostelry, п.; ME; < farm worker, etc.), «• masc, OF hostellerie n-stem; OE how, adv.; ME, NE; < OE Ш hypothesis; п.; NE; < L hypothesis; Gk wcoQeaiq hraedlice. (quickly, soon), adj.; OE Ы, how, adv.; OE iiyran, hear, v., weak 1; OE h u n d r e d , hundred, п.; ME; < OE hund-red hys, his (its), pron. pers.; see he and hit; OE PART 4. GLOSSARY I .nnkeeper serving a meal I, pron. pen.; ME, NE; < OE ic; ME also: ich L see yen infecten. infect, v., weak 2; ME; < rel. to OF infect, past part.) L infectus im in adv ME & see 3 ea; OE ^' ' '> > < 0E i n 1c, I, pron. pers. (ace. mec, me, dot. '^^in'adv/'0E me, gen. minj; OE i-now. enough, adv.; ME; < OE 3 e " 1-chaunged. changed, part. 2; see chaungen inscribe, v.; NE; < L inscrlbere idel. idle (vain, empty), adj.; ME; < inspiren. inspire, v., weak 2; ME; < OE Idel OF inspirer; L inspirare if, conj.; ME, NE; < OE $.f; ME also instance, n.; NE; < ME instaunce; 3if OF instance i-knowe. known, adjJpart. 2; see instructour, instructor, n.; ME; < knowen L instructor 3L!ie = r i l ; ENE into, into, prep.; OE, ME, NE i-leffc Mt,part. 2;seeleven introspection. «.; NE; < rel. to L llond. island, „.; ME; < 0Z?I3-land i^spicere, v. MHedJed, meddled (mingled), adj./ i n v e n t o r y , w.; NE; < rel. to B part. 2; see medlen * J F mventer; L muent+are import ,;NE;<rel. to OF porter; iny^gator, L portare in, in, prep.; OE, ME, NE include, v.; NE; < L includere ^ investrgator; cf. F investigated iourneve. see journey, ENE 442 ^J^ a(a,a&)-b-c-d-e-f-g(^)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-i3(9)-u-v-w-x-y-z iflX> joy, «., ENE; < ME joye; l-tau^t taught, pdrt.2,,see techen; ftFjoie;Z,gaudia MB i2X§> joy, v., ENE) < ME joyen, v., i-tolde, told, part. 2; see tellen; MB . W e ^ 2 ; 0 F J"our Wised, used, port. 2; J e e usen; M £ 1§, see be; iV£; been; M ^ j.woned. wont (accustomed), part. iir it, pron. pers., neut:, ME, NE; < 2; see wonien; ME OEhit PART 4. GLOSSARY I esters amusing the king jest. «.; NE; < ME/OF geste; L gesta; 0 ME tell a "geste" - tell tales like a professional storyteller, "gestour" ^ W i ^ S a " MB ' 0We ' ; joye. joy, «.; ME; < OF joie; L gaudia . . . , n. MF-< JOVen, rejoice, v.; weak 2; Mil, < OF jour; L gaiudere J W judge, „, ME; < OF juge; Ljudex journey, «.; A^E; < ME journee; OFjournee .a(a,^)-b-c-d-e-f-g(^)-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-b(9)-u-v-w-x-y-z K ight infallarmour li§§E, V.; NE; < OE cepan, v., weak kiss, v.; NE; < OE cyssan* v., weak 2; ME kepen 1\ ME kissen feggge, see keep, v., ENE knee, «.; A^; < OE cneo; M£ cneo, k e g e r , keeper, n.; MJE; < cf. OScepan «„-„, .T_ __ • ,_,_, Kgy, /?.; A^JS; < OE CBB3; M£ keye mi »rr» ^.r. n / » gm,v.;NE';<OEcyllan,v.,weakl] ME1 killen kne know, v.: NE; < OE cnawaru v.. str. 7;MEknowen Ioiowen, kno^y) v., •j/r. 7; ME; < 0E cn g wan M M , a*'.; ^ ; < OS cynde; tattStt Wght.n.;MB;<OTcnihr M£ kynde kindling, adj.; NE; < ME kindel finf.) rel. to OSc kynd-a king. n.;ME, NE; < OE cynin3 kunnep. can, see connen; ME kyng, king,«.; ME; < OE cynin3 PART 4. GLOSSARY L awyer- servant of Justice labouren. labour, v., weak 2; ME; < OF labourer; L laborare lacke, lack, v., ENE; < ME lakken, V Weak 2 " lady, lady, n.; ME; < OE hla;fdl3e; ME also ladye l a m e n t n.; NE; < rel. to F lamenter, verb land, land, n., «eM?., a-stem; OE land, land, n.;ME;<OEland lar, lore (teaching), n. fern., o-stem; ^Wiargfi'larlS < ^ ^ lasse. less, adj., comp. degree of litel; ME; < OE laessa last, v.; NE; < OE testan, v., weak 1; ME lasten, lesten iltan,let,v.,^.7;O^ i * i- ATT- /«ji t , „ , late, adj.; NE; < OE 1st; ME lat Iawe, law, n.; ME; < OE Ia3u; e/j OSc log lay., lay, adj.; ME; < OF lai; L laicusj lav, v,: A^JB; < 0 E Iec3an, v., we^ 1; past t. Xz^de, ; ME leggen; leyen; past t. leide lead, v.; NE; < OE lffidan, v., weak 1\ iWEleden ,r learn, v.; NE', < OE leornian, v., weak 2;M£:iernen legacJOUS. legation, n.\ ME; < OF legation; L legatio Iegacion< iMf, Hef (dear, beloved), ^ ; , ^ -f 1123311, lie (tell lies), v.,str.2;OE > l e r n e n , learn, v., weak 2; ME; < 0E l e o r n i a n '' lesen. lose, v., sfr. 2; ME; >f O£leosan lesing. losing (loss, perdition), —J^nd, see lesen; ME 446 a(a,^)-b-c-d-ft-f-g(^)-h-i-j-k-I-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-l3(5)-u-v-w-x-y-z ifiSSfin, n.\ NE; < ME lessoun; location, n.;NE: <Llocation OFle9on;Z,lectionem Joj±, v.; M?; < OE lucan, v., ,m 2; ifiSSOun, lesson, n.; ME; < ME lokken OFkgo^L lectio ]ond, land, „ , ME; <OE fond let, v. A®; < 0E Uetan; Affi leten ^ m ,ong M g ^ .m . <m Mm, Hv.,str. 7i-m<0El**m l o n g a g e . i a n g u a g e , „.. M E ; < ifiiler, «.; NE; < ME lettre; OF langage, langue; L lingua OFlettre;Llittera . . . longe. l o n g . ^ v . : ^ mm, leave, v., weak 1; ME; < [ongen, long (belong), v., weak 2; uziaztan ME; < OE lanyan llcsan, lie (rest), v., str. 5; OE j fiO j £; v . ^ g . < 0 £ : 1Scian> v-> w g a j t fician, like (please), v-.H'^/t ;;£>£" 2;Affiloken Ikpur, liquor (moisture),«.; M^; < lord, «.; A?£; < O£ hlaford; OF licur,L liquor MSIorde Ue, (rest) v.; MJ; < OE lic^n v., j/r. Ifirde, lord, «.; MB; < O£" hlaford • 5, ME liggan/lyen lore, lore, n.; ME; < <?^ lar Mt, left, «#.; ME1; < OE lyffleft j 0 J g ) v>. NE; < 0E ] o s i a n ) v>> weak j . iikg, fl^-.; NE; < OE 3e-lTc; ME yME losen lic h. Hk .. toue, jee love,«., EiVE likely, arfv.; MB; < OE 3e-lic; ME y- j o u e see h E m " lich, lik + OE -lie, ME -ly " ... ,„ 1/p ,, love, /;.; WE; < OE lufu; ME love llkne. liken, v.. weak 2; ME; < rel. to •• OE 3e-llc, adj. love, v.; NE; <; < OE lufian, v., weak linguistic, ail; NE; < F linguiste 2; ME loven (L lingua + ist) + OE-Tc love-Kindlmg. arfy. (composite), litlest, (least, smallest), ^ ; . ^ H . ^ « • l o ^ k i n d l i "§ ofe^. <7/litel, EiVE; < OE lytel; test lustllce. lustily (willingly, gladly), (superldegr.); ME litel, leste adv.; OE Hue, see live, v., EiVE l^e, lie, v., ENE; < OE Iic3an, v., str. live, v.;NE;<OElibban,v.,weak3; 5;ME\yen ME liven lyen. lie (stay), v., j^r. 5; ME; < OE I i c a n lively j«e living, ENE 3 livingl adj./part. 1, NE; < rel. to #Elibban v., weak 3 I; lifian; ME lyven 447 PART 4. GLOSSARY M .agician consulting the stars macian, make, v., weak 2; OE man, man (one),pron. indef.; OE mad(e). see maken,; ME man, man, п., masc, root-stem; OE made(n).madcpastt...yeemaken made, part. 2 see make. NE m a n , man, и.; OE, ME* NE; < OE also man mXm,™y,V.,Pre,-PreS,OE «^SS^ magazine, п.; NE; < F magasin masgd. (kin, clan, tribe), n. fem., o-stem; OE maid, maid (priestess), п.; NE; < OE m^en; ME mayde(n) ШШЬ mas,er, „ , ME; < 3 - . „.. NE; < OF maniere; Lmanena many, adj. I adv. /pron,) MB, NE; < ОЕтЫз ^ „,„,,„. M £ . < 0 E m a r c ш ^ < m e a r o i a n , v ., weafc 2; MJS marken ^ ^ m a n n e r тайп °* ™С™'"" " * * marriage, п.; NE; < ME manage;: <?F manage • i n t e r j e c t i o i i , NE; <• m a r r y . M£ marie 0 used in ME as an oath by St.Mary M£maladie martir,martyr,«.;№;<O£:,martyr; malice, malice, п.; ME; < Lmartyr OF malice; L malitia, malicia g e m s t e , most, adj., superl. degr.; seet m a l l i c o , malice, п., ENE; < mycel;OE OF malice; L malicia m a t e r ( e ) , matter, п.; ME; < malvs, see malice ; ME OF matiere; L materia ^МЁ ' m a t e make, v . wefl/c 2 ; . № < Ub macian . m a l a d y , п.; NE; < F maladie; 448 a{a,a)-b-c-d-e-f-g(^)-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-K5)'U-v-w-x-y-z ^^Snal, n.,NE; < ME materyal; micel, much (big), adj.; OE £ materialis . , , micelnvs, (greatness, size; fflay, v.; NE; < OE m&ym (in/), mae3 multitude), n. fern., jo-stem; OE (pres. sing.),Pret.-pres-ME may m M ^ 0$. ME; < OEmiek , m,mQ,Pron.pers,seeic;OE ^A^i^prep-OE m £°n' ^^ UE m ' < °E mS> ffl^flte, might,v.,p^f.; Je ema 3 an; "iM^nwinter.midwinter, n.,masc, u-stem; OE < m i d d e l m i d d l e > adu ME; . OE middel mMe m i g h t V past ^^ME'menen °E m*mU' ^ "** ' ' " "' Se° m^m' ffi^ins, n.; NE; < ret. to mM%, mi&ty,adj.; OE vb masnan, v., weak 1; •*' MBmenenmln, mine (my), prpn. posses., sing.; 0E fflgdiai, meilen. (mingle), v., weak 2; ME; < OF medler mine, mine (my), pron. posses., mpii.,,, .. . ,. A?J?. . plural,seemin; OE IHEUOW, (ripe), adj.; NE; < ^ _ ME melwe, rel. to OE melu,«. mine, pron. poss.; NE; < OE min; ME mellxnge, mingling, verbal noun; ™a see medlen miscall, v.; NE; < OE mis + , , , , „ OSc kalla; OEceallian,v., weak2; m m e l o d i e , melody, n.; ME; < j^caiien OF melodie; L melodia; 0 maken . . . . ,. . .,..„ melodye - sing (phrasal unit) mischiefe, mischief, n., tNt; < ; _ . _,.,-, ^ M£'meschief;£?i 'meschief n i e m o r i e , memory, «., ENE; < , . MiB memorie; OF memorie; misery, /«.; A^^; < OF misene; Lmemoria LmiserM meny. many, adj./pron.; ME; < mister, n.;NE; < OF maistre O£ m5ni3 mistress,«.; NE; < ME maystresse, metan. meet, v., weak 1;OE OF maistresse mete, meat (food), n. masc, i-stem; moche, much, adv.; ME; < OE micle OE modor, mother, n.fem., r-stem; OE mettian, (supply withfood),v., weak ( m^n) QE 2;OE> ret. to NE meat ' \ , , . (aid), . .,. v., weak > monasmeyntenen. maintain * »month, n., masc, t-stem; OE 2; ME; < OF maintenir; L manu money, n.; NE; < ME moneye; tenere ("hold in the hand") OF moneie; L moneta 449 PART 4. GLOSSARY monies, see money month, month, n.; ME; < OE monaf) munching, {now dial - s k ^ m g ' stealing up to), n.; Nh; < ME mychen, weak; OF muchier m o o n , n.; NE; < OE mona; ME mone munificent, adj.; NE; <rd-J° F munificence, n.; L mumdicenQa more, adj. /adv.; ME, NE; < OE mar m u s t , v.; NE; < OE mot, most (pafi, pret.-pres.; ME moot, mostW, morning. «.; NE\ < OE mor3en, morwen + OE uny, must (past) ME morwen, morn(e) + ing mu5a. mouth (ofthe river), n.,mash most, adj. I pron.; NE; < OE maest; n-stem; OE ME moost my. pron. poss.; ME, NE; < OE nun; m o t h e r , n.; NE; < OE modor; ME also myn(e) ME moder o u e . move, v., ENE; < mycel. much (many of), advJadj:, OE ME mov(en), v., weak 2; myddel. middle,«.; ME; <OE*M& OF movoir m u c h , adv.; NE; < OE micle; ME much(el) a(a,a5)-b-c-d-ft-f-g(^)-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-f3(5)-u-v-w-x-y-z N«. US, no," adv. /neg. part; OE "• HaU no, negat. particle; ME; < OE na neah, nigh, near (nearly), adj. /adv. / prep.; OE; see also near nealaecan, (approach), v., we«/t /; nacjjoun, nation, «.; MJE; < Of nacion; £ natio aacod, naked off.; 6>J? _ . •„, nealeante, see nealascan; OE DME, 1 «^- / a<iv - ; Arj?= < 0 £ : n6ar J MJE nerre _ nea£, mgh, near (nearly) adj. /adv. / fian = ne+an, not one, (no one, not a siniie),^7™. /**•; ^ Mnre = ne+anre, not one, (no one, ^^oTashTglel^n.n^.j^nan; necessary, iV5; < arfy.; & r Qg ME necessane; OF necessaire nan sins, nothing, n. neut., a-stem; n e £ ^ , neck, n., ENE; < OE hnecca; -Qjg—•*' M& nekke rises. = ne wais, see wesan; 6>J? need, n.; NE; < OE nyd, AflS need nat = ne+wat see wltan; OE neede, need, v., ENE; < OE nydan, , , ,.„ v., weak I; ME neden natheless, nevertheless, adv.; ME; <OEni-bv-lSs needes, needs, adv., ENE; < <c/inapy O£: nyde; ME nede(s) nativite, nativity, n.; ME; < ... OF nativite; L natlvitas neitner, con].; NE; < OE ne+a33„„ «„ . hwa}3er; ME neither nature, «.; ME, NE; < OF nature; —XTnltura neuer,_ never, adv., ENE; < ,. n.in i <?£ naefre; ME never(e) naught, naughty, arf;., £W£; < rel. to OE na-wiht; ME naught nevyr. never, adv.; ME; < OE naefre ne not, neg. part.; OE new, adj.; NE; < OE newe, ME newe ' 451 PART 4. GLOSSARY new-fired, part. 2 (composite) of (new) fire (v), NE; see new, fire not, negat. particle, NE; < OE nawiht; ME not news, (tidings), n.,NE translation (caique) ofF nouvelles note, п.; NE; < F note; L nota newspaper, п., see news, paper; NE niman, (take), v., str. 4; OE noten. note, v.; ME; < OF nqter; L notare nojteles, nevertheless, q'dv.; ME. < OE na-fiy-ljes ПО. pron. indef.; NE; < OE no, ME no nothing, pron. indef.; NE; < nolde = ne+WOlde. v.; see willan; OE nomt. not (not in the least), adv.; ME; <0Ena-with OE папфтз; ME no-thing nominally, adv.; NE; < F nominal; n o v e l , п.; NE; < It novella; L nominalis + OE He F nouvelle none, pron. neg.; NE; < OE nan; novelty, п.; NE' < OF noveliteit; ME noon L nouellitatem nor, conj.; NE; < OE na-hwas5er; now. adv.;ME,NE;<OEm ME nor nfl, now, adv.; OE norf), north, adv.; OE numerous. adj.;NE;< F numereiw, norban. north (from the north), adv.; L numerosus + F ous OE nyght. night, п.; ME; < OE nib погфегпе. northern, adj.; ME\ < nyh, near,prep./adv. /adj.; ME;< Ш?погдегпе OE neah norfjmest.riorthmost,adv.; OE nyne. nine, num.; ME; < OE шЗ<эп norforyhte. north right (straight to the nysse = ne wisse. v,; see witan; OE north), adv.; OE norf)Ward. northward, adj., used nyste = ne wiste. v.; see witan; OjE adverbially; OE _a(a,ffi)-b-c-ci-e-f-g(3)-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-|j(a)-u-v-w-x-y-2 bservance of Sunday fl obiective,arf/.;A^;<tobjectTvus k • MI? o n l i , adj.; NE; < OE an-lic; Meoonlicn ft ~ff<£2vsSe!ianj S'ME observed onto, onto, pre/;.; ME; < OE unto v.; F observer; I observare gbgervg, v.; NE; <OF observer; g g ^ one> numAME; < OE an QQ^ o a t h ) fl . M £ ; < 0 £ a S iobseruare open, open, adj.; ME; < OE open y flccas oh. n.; NE; < OF occas.oun; " * — ' ; ^ it occasionem fififrant, (effective), arfj.; NE; < _ iT_, I. operant; fre/,tooperate, v) ^rffr-ftWOWflWW npinLn. opinion, „, ME; < LQierj, over, advJprep.; OE OF opinion; L opTnio Office, n.; NE; < ME office; o p p r e s s e n o p p r e s s e ) v-i w e a ^ 2; £, officium ME; < OF oppresser; L opressare oft, see often, adv., ENE Oj^ conj-. # # . < ^ £ a-hw^er, awjier; ME other, outher, auther o f ten< adv) tffc < ^ oft; ME oft/ often gvtf&,adj.;NE;<OFoTbQ;Lorbis on, on (in, by), prep, /adv.; OE, ME, o r d e r l y adj . NE. < rd w M£ NE ordre, n.; OF ordre gngrgdall,dread,v,str.7;OE S£& e r e ( b e f o r e ) j conj^ ENE. < one, ««;«•; A*; < OE Sn>ME o o n o»3Mtt» a 2 a i n ' against, «rfv. /prep.; —^jjfi ^ y ^ (grasp, perceive, fia Sfestend>feel),«'.,^r.5;O£ 453 0E S r ; M £ l e r / o r Oterauns. outeraunce. utterance (extremity), «.; ME; < rel. to OEKadv,MEo^co,nP.de8. +t ance PART 4. GLOSSARY od, (till, until), prep, /conj.; OE брег, other, pron. indef.; OE Ours, pron. poss.; NE; < OE ure; ME ours Oper, Opere. other, pron. indef.; ME; < OE ббег OUrselues. ourselves, pron. reflex., ENE; < OE Ore+self(ves); ME ourselves Oppe, (or), conj.; OE Out, adv.; NE; < OE ut; ME out ouerthrowe. v., ENE; < OE ofer+jpriman, v., str. 7; ME over-throwen over, adv. /prep.; NE; <OE.ofer, ME ouer ought see owe, ENE o v y r , over (too), adv.; ME; < OE ofer ought, v. modal, NE; < OE a^an (inf), ahte (past), pret.-pres.; ME aughte, oughte Owe, (possess), v.; NE; < OE азап; ME азеп, awen, owen our, pron. poss.; NE; < OE ure; ME our pure, our, pron. poss.; ME; < OE ure OWne. own, adj.; ME; ENE; < OE азеп; ME also owen a(a,^)-b-c-d-e-f-g(^)-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-bCQ)-u-v-w-x-y-z P. rioress on a pilgrimage Дасеп, расе, v., weak 2; ME; < OF passer ' mimer, paImer,/i.;Af£;<0Fpalmier »,« fiap_er, п.; OE, ME, NE; < £ papyrus; G*ramupogfrwZ>.of WrL «W Barlement. parliament, п.; ME; < OFparlement particular arfy.; Л^; < ME particuler; OF particulier passen pass/pace, v., weak 2; ME; ^OF'passer Passion, /г.; ME; < MiS passioun; OF passion; L passio path, п.; NE; < OE ршб; ME path Patiently, adv.; NE; < rel. to ME patient, adj., OF patient, L patens, n. p a t r o n , п.; NE; < F patron; L patronum pay. V.;NE;<ME payen, weak 1 or 2; OF paier п а у е й , pay. "•» weak J o r 2'< M E > < (5Fpaier 455 peace, п.; NE; < ME, OF pais; ipacem peple, people, п.;ME; < OFpueple; L populus . percen, pierce, v., и><^ 2; ME; < OFpercier perfectly adv.; NE; < ME perfit; 0 F P a r f i t ; L Perfectus+ OE he permit, v.; NE; < OF permettre; L permittere peyne, pain, я.; ME; < OF peine; L Poena piece, п.; NE; < ME/OF piece p i l g r i m , pilgrim, л.; МЯ; < OF pelegrin; L peregrmus pilgrimage, pilgrimage, п.; ME; < OF pelegrinage or derived from MEpilgrym place, place, п.; ME; < OF place; L platea plate, п.; NE; < ME/OF plate; L platta play, п.; NE; < OE р1еза; ME pley/ play PART 4. GLOSSARY - playen. pleyen. play, v., weak 2; p r e s e n t , v.; NE; < OF presenter; ME; < OE ple3ian L prassentare player, player (actor), «.; NE; < rel. preserve, v.; NE; < OF preserver; to OE ple3ian, v., weak 2; L pra-seruare ME playen p r e s i d e , v.; NE; < OF presider; poor, adj.; NE; < ME povre/poure; L prassidare OF vre P° p r i k e n . prick, v., weak 2; ME; < poore. poor, n. (substantivised OEprician adj.), ENE; < ME povre/poure, p r j m e r „ . N£; < OF primer; adjective; OF povre L p]flmus pjort, n.; NE; < F porte; L porta p r i n c i p a l , principal, adj.; ME; < posie. poesy (motto, short OF principal; L principalis inscription), n., ENE; < principle, n.: NE; < ME pryncipal; ME poesie = poete; OF principal; L principalis OF poesie = poete; L poeta ,, _ »*ir/p . ^ p r o b l e m . «.; NE; < ME/F p o s s e s s i o u n . possesssion, «.; probleme;Lproblema ME; < OF possession, , . . t, ?. L possessio p r o c l a m e n , proclaim, v., weak 2, ME; < OF proclamer, possible, adj.; NE; < ME possyble, L proclamare TpoiiMfc, °F P SSiMe; ° W ^ g t , ..; NE: < jr p.ojec, Lprojectum POUM.pound, n.; ME; < OB pwdi L pOndO p o w e r , „.; ME, NE; < OF poeir/ pouer p r a c l i c e , n.; NE; < ME practise, rel. to practise, v.; OF practiser; Lpractizere pray., v.; NE; < ME preyen, v., weak 2;OFprener;Lprecan p r a y e n , preyen. pray, v., weak 2; ME; < OF preiier; L precari p r e s e n s , presence, «.; ME; < OF presence; L praesentia, praesens p r e s e n t , aJy.; iVE; < OF present; ,uENE<< {e f> ME preve; OF preuve p r o p o s e . v i V £ . < ^ prO p OS er; Lpro+poser p r o u e . prove, v ,. ENE;' < * o F profian, v., weak 2; ME proven proven, prove, v., weak 2; ME; < OE pr 5fi a n; rel. to OF proven; L Prob3re provide, v.; NE; < L providere puple, see pgple ; ME XTr, %jrr, p u r p o s e , n.; NE; < ME purposs; OF pourpos; Z- propositum < MjB apposailen puzzIe NE 456 a(a,as)-b-c-d-e-f-g(^)-h-i-.i-k-l-m-n-0rp-q-r-s-t-}3(6)-u-v-w-x-y-z uarrel at a tournament ШШх, п., ME; < F qualite; L qualitas, qualitatem (ace.) l, п., NE; < ME/OF querele; Z-querela fluantitie. quantity, п., ENE; < ME quantitee; OF quantite q u e e n e , queen, п., ENE; < OE cwen; ME queen question, п.; NE; < ME questioun; Of question quickly, adv.; NE; rel. to OE cwic (adv.) (+hce); ME quyk (+ly) PART 4. GLOSSARY ive- a steward supervising the estates and tenants for the landowner researcher, п.; NE; < OF/L re- + ME serche; OF cerchier + OE/ME -er ra5e, rather, adv.; OE range, v.; NE; < F ranger, rel. to OF reng, п., OHG hrinc; cf. OE Ъпщ (NE ring) resoun. reason, п.; ME; < OF raison; L ratio r e s p e c t п.; NE; < ME respect; OF respect rest, п.; NE; < OF reste; L restare, v. reaf. (garment, clothing, armour), n. neut., a-stem; OE really, adv.; NE; < OF reel; L realis + ly (native, OE \xc) reasonably. adv.; r e s t e n . rest, v., weak 1; ME; < OE restan NE; < ME resoun, п.; OF raison; L ratio + OF -able; L -abilis + OE -lie; ME -lich, -ly result, п.; NE; < rel. to F resulter, v., L resultare reuel. revel, v., ENE; < ME revelen, v., weak 2; OF reveler recall, v.; NE; < L re + OSc kalla; OE ceallian, v., weak 2; ME callen r e c e i v e n . receive, v., weak 2; ME; < OF receivre; L recipere riden. ride, v., str. 1;ME; < OE ndan ring, п.; NE; < OE hrin3; ME ryng redy. ready, adj.; ME; < OE rede rise, v.; NE; < OE rlsan, v., str. 1; ME risen reluctance, п.; NE; < L reluct + F -ance remember. v.; NE; OF remembrer; L rememoran rokken, rock, v. weak 2; ME; < OE roccian < roote, root, п.; ME; < OSc rot representative, adj.; NE; < round, adv. /prep.; NE; < rel. to ME round, adj., OF roont OF/F representatif; L reprasentatlv(us) 458 a(a,ae)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-{3(d)-u-v-w-x-y-2 ruh, rough, adj.; OE M.IO xrr. ,,J-- r . , / , p rule, n., NE; < ME reule, nwle; OF riule, reule; L regula run5v.>^;<O^rinnan,,,^5; ME rinnen JTUWan. see ruh fw ^e/(?re vovvefaj; 0£ ryht-norfoan-wind,rightnorth wind (direct north wind), n., masc, aK s(em. QE ' rM2!run,,J^i;M^;<^rinnan rysen, rise, v., str. 1; ME; < OE ffsan PART 4. GLOSSARY s quire dressed in all his finery Sjg, sea, n.Jem., i-stem; OE s a c r a m e n t , sacrament, n.: ME: < L sacramentum s a c r e d , adj.; NE; < rel. to MBsacren, v., weak 2; OF sacrer sad, adj.; NE; < OE ssed, ME sad(e) ~ safe, adj.; NE; < ME sauf; L saluum saide. see seven ; ME sajl, v.; NE; < OE si3lan, v., weak 1 andse$ian, v., weak2; MEseiten saint, n. / a # ; NE; < ME seint, saint; OF seint; L sanctum schal. see schulle ; ME schuld. see schulle; ME s c h u l l e . shall (have to), pret.-pres. verb; ME; < OE sculan „„.„ . . . ^,M./IF scip. ship,«., neut., a-stem; UP _ .. . . , f , ? vtemSCiJC, shire (province), n.Jem., a-stem, OE scote. school, >».; M^; < OE scol; L s c o l a ; 0 F CSCole score, score (two tens), ».', Wo; < O^scoru scrowe. (scroll, roll of parchment, cnlt n,v, • MI?- ^ nj? coni*. TUIV ann written document), n.; ME; < salt, adj.,mNE; < /OE sealt; ME salt Sm ^^ ^w /7W'!';M^< S Sc sami, O ^ same ^ampiSslmSSamPle; QF e s c r Q u e > rd w m escroW scrvddan. shroud (cover and conceal), v., weaJt 7; OE •• C/ S^UfelH, shall,v.,^.-p.,;OF' that pm » ^ < « W ^ * ^JBfeJ!?^*•• ' " Mil seggen sceawun^. (survey.exploration), „., fem.,o-stem;OE sceolde. should, v., past t. sing, (see sculanj; OE flfl»«ld,v..p«r*.:«<.«llan;flS s e a s o n , v.; ME1; < M£ sesounen; OF s a i s o n n e ! t §£M» see sgoflan; O£ 460 a(a,£e)-b-c-d-e-f-g(?;)-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-br5)-u-v-w-x-v-z secganT say, v., weak 3; OE , ,,„ , Second, num.; NE; < ME secounde; OF second j »,,-, secounde, second, num.; ME; < OF second; L secundus .. . , . section, n.; NE; < L sechon(em) see n.; NE; < OE seon, v., str. 5; ME seen see, sea, n.; ME; < OE see seeke, sick, adj.; ME; < OE seoc seem, v.; NE; < OE seman, v., weak 1 (meaning influenced by Sc); MB semen seethe, v.; NE; < OE seosan, v.; str. 2; ME sethen seething, adjJpart. 1, see seethe, NE seken, seek, v., weak 1, img.\ME;< OE secan selectioji,«.; NE; <I sciecti6n(em) self,self(hims<zlf),pwji.;OE sellan sell (give, hand over), u., weak 1, irrcgA OE semen seem, i'., weak 2; ME; < OEskman send en send, v., weak 1; ME;, < OE scndan eo (that), pron. demonstr.fetn., see S s'e; OZ? > «/. » NE the Sgon see,v.,str.5i.0E seoSan, seethe (boil, cook, by -polling), v.. -y""- 2<0E ggggratg, oajf.; NE; < ME separate; t separatus sermon, n.; NE; < ME sermun, sermoun; OF sermon; L Serm5nem segon = Sgsoun, season (time),«.; ME; < 0F s e s o n ; L s a t i o setten, set, v., weak 1; ME; < tfzTsettan ^ sinC6) •. ME. < 0E s i a 5 a n several, adj.; NE; < F several; ZTseparal seyjen, say, v., weak 3; ME; < OE sec3an } ;] (in^ s ia v . NE; < 0E s c u l a n sceal (pres. sing.), pret.-pres.; ME shal shalt. see shall, ENE shame, v.; NE; < OE scamian, v., weak 2; ME shamen s h a p e n . NE. < 0E 3e.sceap; ME i-shape §M pwn pgr^ NE; < QE h e o . ME he/she sheene, sheen, n., ENE; < rel. to OE scyne, adj; ME shene, adj. shine.' v.; NE; < OE sclnan, v., str. 1; M£ shynen shjre, shire,«.; ME; < 02? scir shortly, adv.; ME, NE; < OE scortlice s h o u I d . V-. ^ ; < 0E s c u I a n f W f scolde f/»«sr subjunct.j; 161 ME sholde shoure, shower, it.; ME; < OE scur ishow. n.; NE; < ME sheue, «•/. to 0/j sceawian, v., weak 2; ME shaven/shewen/showen PART 4. GLOSSARY show, v.; NE; < OE sceawian, v., weak 2; ME shaven/shewen/ showen _ SI, see beon, wesan; OE sick, adj.; NE; < OE seoc, ME seek sjcke, sick, adj., ENE,see sick . A a ., ,„ «„ _, Side, side, n.; ME; < OE side solemn, adj.; NE; < ME, OFsolempne;L solemnem som, some, pron. indef.; ME;< OE sum s o m e , pron.; NE; < OE sum; M£som somewhat. /?ron. / adv.; NE; < OE sum hwxt; ME som-what ^^ Sje, « « beon, wesan; O^ SJ3, see beon, wesan; O£ Sin, see beon, wesan; OE Since, con;.; ME; < OE si3San; ME sith(e) SJT, «.; iVS; < short for sire, F sire; somtvme. sometime, adv.; ME; < OE sume-timan sona, soon, arfv.; OE s o n d r v . sundry, aJ/.; ME: (?£syndri3 sonne. sun,«.; ME; < OE sunne L senior soote. sweet, adj.; ME; < OE swotfe/ Sister, n.; NE; < OE sweostor; swete ME suster (form influenced by §QX& s o r e ( h a r d ) > adv / adj.. ME;k bc) OEsare SJttan,sit,v.,^r.5;O£ o S r r v . adj.; NE; < OE saris; si55an. since (afterwards), advJeonj.; ME sory 0E SO t h a t . conj.,NE; < OE swa; Size, v.; NE; < ME (a)ssis(en)i v., ME swo, so + OEfcaet; Affi that., wea^ 2; rel. to OF assisen ^ s o o t h ( t r u t h ) > n#> n e M t ) a.stemslaue. slave, n., JEWE; < ME sclaue; 0# OFesclave; 5c sclyaff; L sclavus n.; NE; < ME soun; S0Und. slender, adj.; NE; < ME s(c)lendre; OF soun OF esclendre sounden. sounen. sound, v., weak s l e p e n . sleep, v., str. 7; ME; < 2;ME; < OF suner; L sonare OFslSpen s o u r c e , n.; NE; < ME source; smale. small, adj.; ME; < OE smasl OF sours smede, smooth,adj.; OE sovereign, adj.; NE; '< , , ,, ME sovereyng; OF spvenan snybben. snubben. snub, v., weak . ,_ 2; ME; < Sc snibbe, snubba sowperne. southern, adj.; ME; < OE suoerne SO, conjJadv.; ME, NE; < OE swa ,,_ . „ * space, space, n.; ME; < OF espace; SOlg, adj.; NE; < OF sol; L solum Lspatium 462 a(a,£e)-b-c-d-e-f-g(^)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-}j(d)-u-v-w-x-y-2 s p e a k e . speak, v., ENE;'< OE sprecan, v., str. 5; ME speken s p e c h e . speech, n.; ME; < OE spralc specially, especially, adv.; ME; < rel. to OF especial (adj.), Ispecialis s p e k e n . speak, v., str. 4; ME; < OE sprecan spell, spell (story), n., neut., a-stem; stoop, n.\ NE;'< OE stupian, v., weak J; ME stoupen stow, stow (place),«., fern., wo-stem; OE Strange, adj.; NE; < ME straunge; OF estrange; L extraneus street, street (the road built by the Romans), n.,fern., o-stem;OE s t r a u n g e , strange (foreign), adj.; ME; < OF estrange! L extraneus OE strond, strand (shore), n.; ME; < sprecan. speak, v., str. 5; OE OE strand Stable, stable, n.; ME; < OF estable; stycce- mSIum. stockmeal (here Lstabulum and there), adv.; 02? stand, v.;NE;<OEstandan,v.,str. s u b j e c c i o n . subjeccioun. 6; ME stonden subjection, n.; ME; < .rr, .. OF subjection, L subiectio J J standard, adj.; NE; < OF estandard; L standardum succeed, v.; NE; < OF succeder; L succedere r . . State. «.; NE; < OF estat, L statum s u c h , pron.; NE; < OE swilc; Ijrr,ME, statement, n.; NE; < ME/OF estat; —^fE Swich/swuch L status + OF -ment ,rr, />r. t * • SJUHJ some,pronJadj.;OE statut. statute, «.; ME; < OF statut; ' 'y •" • L statutum sumdel. (somewhat), adv.; ME; < .„ , OE sumne dael Steep, v.; NE; < ME stepen rel. to OE stlepan, v., weak 1 sume. some, pron. indef.; OE stefn, (voice, sound), n. masc. / Sumer, sumor. summer. /;.. masc. u, neut. /fern., o-stem; OE stem; OE slgnM!, = stefn, see above; OE sun, n.; NE; < OE sunne; ME sonne stenc, stench, n. masc, i-stem; OE sunne. see sun, n., ENE 5|ggr-bord, star-board,«., neut., a- sunu. son, n., masc, u-stem; OE• swm 0E su|)rvhte. south right (right/straight gjgVjrardL »•; NE; < OE stlweard to the south), adv.; OE stick, v.; NE; < OE stician, v., weak sudweard. southward (southwards), —2TM#stiken adv.;OE Still, adv.; NE; < OE stille; ME stille SWa, so, adv. /prep, /conj.; OE 463 PART 4. GLOSSARY swa... swa. so (so as... as), conj;, OE SWTde. (very much, exceedingly),^.; OE SWech. such, pron.; ME; < OE swilc SWfjbOSt. (mostly), adv., superl. d:,see SWeltan. (die, perish), v., str. 3; OE swi6e; OE sweren, swear, v., str. 6; ME; < Swore, see sweren ; ME OE swerian swura. (neck), n. mascn-stem; OE SWete. sweet, see soote; ME sylle; see sellan; OE SWJch, such, pron. indef.; ME; < synd. see wesan; OE OE swilc SWJlc, such, pron.; OE systematic, adj.; L systematic(us) NE;, < take, v.; NE; < OE takan, v., str. 6; ME taken t h a t , pron. demonstr ./pron. relat./ conj.; ME, NE;<OE ba?t (se, seo) t a k e n , take, v., str. 6; ME; < OE tacan; cf. OSc taka the, art.; ME, NE; < OE se, seo, 6aet; ME also bat / that tale, tale, п.; МЯ; < 0 Я talu thee, pron. pers.; NE; < OE f>e, J)ec; t a s t e , v.; NE; < ME_ tasten; OF taster; L taxitare, taxare , , .,„ techen, teach, v., и/ед^ 1; ME; < OE tecan techvnge, teaching, gerund, see techen; ME tell v.; NE; < OE tellan, v., weak 1, ' 'irreg.; ME tellen tellen, tell, v., weak I, irreg.; ME; < ДО tellan their, pron. poss. ; M?; < 0Z? hira / heara;MEbeir(e); OScbeira v * them, see they; NE themselues, see themselves, ENE themselves, pron. reflex.; NE; < ME f>eim/them; OSc {)eim + OE self t h e r . there, adv./conj.; ME; < OE baer tend, v.; NE; < ME tenden, v., weak 2;'OFtendre there, adv.; NE; < OE Ьагг; ME ther, thar tendre tender, adj.;ME; < OFtendr& these, pron. demonstr.; ME, NE; < ^ 7 ; °*** M NE; < F texte; L textus ^p^m'aiso&?Bi П С 1 а П ti^i i*?at 2; Рш^тШ ' Mb tnanken ^ V E a l " thise ' a "™ PL < &%$*• "«*•• ™-' <ME ^ " 1ЫШЬ thither (to that place), adv.; M£,.< O£, ^jder 465 PART 4. GLOSSARY thin, thine, thy, pron. poss.; ME; < E to^prep.; ME, NE; < OE to n ° & tO,to,prep.;OE thinke, think, v., ENE; < . , , . „ _„,_ OE pencan, v., weak 1, irregular; & ' t 0 0 ' adv/>ME' < 0E t o ME thynken too, adv.;NE;< OE t5; ME to, too t h i r d e , third, num.; ME; < to-eacan. fin addition to). advJprep.; OE pridda OE t h i r t i e , thirty, num.; ENE; < 0F,priti3;MEthritty/pirty this, pron. demonstr.; ME, NE; < OEpis . . , A t h i t h e r , adv.; NE; < OE f>ider, M£ thider t h o r o w o u t e , throughout, prep.; ME; < OE frurh-ut t h o s e , pron. demonstr.; NE; < OE f)os; ME thos thou, (you), / W H . pers., ENE; < OEt>\x; ME thou t h o u g h , conj.; NE; < OE £eah; ME t h o u h 8 t h o u g h t , n.; NE; < OE Jjoht / 3e-{)oht; ME thought thrift, n.; NE; < ME thrift; OSc fnift through, prep.; iVfi; < 0 £ f>urh; M£ thurgh thus, adv.; NE; < OE fws; M£ thus thy, (you), pron. p o ^ ; ENE; < OE $>m; ME thyn(e)/thy thynken, think, v., weak 1; ME; < O£'fyncan^metnynketn-1[tnink, impers. construction tld, tide (period of time), «., /em., o-stem; OE time, n.; NE; < OE tima; M£ tyme toforan, (before),adv.;OE together, pron. demonstr.; NE; < OE to-^sedere; ME toeedere ° x tonge. tongue, n.; ME; < OE tun3e 777" , total. «<://.; AE; < F total; L total(is) tQ&, tooth, n., ma^c, root-stem; OE touch, v.; AE; < ME touchen, v., weak2, OF tochier toward, toward(s), pron. relative; ME;<OEto-weard traditional, adj.; NE; < F traditional; L traditional(is) t r a g e d i e . tragedy, «., ENE; < 0E tragedie; ME tragedie travaillen. travel, v., weak 2; ME; < OF travaillier treason, n.; A^£; < M£ tresoun; OF tresoun iE£§. "•'. ME; < OiS treo; M£ tree trial i «•; A^5 < rc/- ^ ME tryen, v., weak 2; OF trier trumpet, /!.; iV£; < ME trompette, OF trompette ^ v . NE-t < ME trye^ Vi> wefl/t 2 ; OFtraer turn, v.; A'E; < <?^ turnian, v., weak 2; ME turnen; re/, to OF turner; Us = it is, ENE 466 a(a,£e)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-|3(5)-u-v-w-x-y-z twa, two, num.; OE tweie. two, num.; ME; < OB trtto t w e l u e . twelve, num.; ENE; < OE twelf; ME twelve, twelue t w e n t y , twenty, num.; ME; < OEiwen-ti3 twice, num.; NE; < ME twies; O£ twiwa, twi3es ^^cen, (kid), „ neut., a-stem; OE tyme, time, n.; ME; < OE tima PART 4. GLOSSARY T hree Catholic zealots fleeing persecution jba, (then), adv.; OE p_agt vice, that ilk (just the same), Pronr' ^ j p ' fct, (when), conj.; OE |>a, those, pron. demons*., pi; OE yet, «*.; «? ujm, O E ( w h e n " t h e n ) ' conjJadv.; M j б а е т , foam, that (those), pron. demonstr.; see se; OE w h i c h > t h a t ) > pwn r d a t , conj. (often placed in combination with pronouns); OE p a n , than, conj.; ME; < OE fcanne fee, the, art.; ME; < OE se, seo, |>aet foanne, foonne, than, then (when), foeah. though, cwy.; OJB COT;., foe5en. (warrior), п., inasc, a-stein; |>anon, thence (from there), adv.; 0Л? OE 5Г£Г, |)Sra, there, дЛ. /conj.; OE f)eodscipe. (people, tribe),n.;OE;< »— , , , suffix rel. toNE-ship JJ o a e r e , that, pro/i. demonstr., dat. sing., * fem.; see seo; OE foeowian. (serve), v\; weak 2; OE |)ser-of, thereof, adv.; OE fcerby. thereby, adv.; ME; < OE > * i • fcaer-b! i pa3S, p e s , шг^, /;го/г. demonstr.; OE fcere, paes-f>e, ^ей pss, pe; OE _ _, . . , 9get, that, co«/. / pron. demonstr.; <7J5" bat, that, pro/7, demonstrJpron. relatJ conj.;ME;<OE$azt ' . __ paet... paet, that... that, conj.; OE there, adv./conj.; ME; < pes, this, рго/г. demonstr., masc; OE f 1 p e y , they, р/шг. perj.; MJE ; < OScb&a Older, thither (there, to that place), adv. OE 468 a(a,a)-b-c-d-e-f-g('Q-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-b(d)-u-v-w-x-v-z frjn, thine, thy, pron. posses.; OE fere, three, num.; ME; < OE f>n fcing. thing, n. neut., astern; OE frrle. three, num.; OE jbing, thing, n.; ME; < OE f>in3 forim. see f>rle; OE fois. this, pro/i. demonstr.; ME; < feu, thee, thou (you), pron. pers, OE f)is sing. (ace. pec, $e, dat. £e, gen. bissum. this, pron. demonstr., dat. *""* °E sing., masc. (see jbes,); OE dus. thus, adv.; OE foonan. thence (from there), adv.; OE ftyder, thither (there, to that place), -done, that (the),pron. demonstr.;see _a V"' se; Oi? foystrian, (become dark), v., wea/t 2; bowsand. thousand, ««/». (subst.); ME; < OE fcusend PART 4. GLOSSARY ^шшУ ncleSam unanswered, adj.; NE; < rel. to OE un + OE andswarian, v., weak 2; ME answeren undergietan. (understand), v., weak 3; OE > rel. to NE under, get unfrid. (hostility), п., masc, astern; OE upweard, upward (upwards), adv.; OE US. pron. pers.; NE; < OE us; ME us usage, usage (custom), п.; ME, NE; < OF usage use, v.; NE; < F user, L Qsare unintelligible, adj. ;NE;<OEun + Fintelligible;/, intelligibilis useful, adj.; NE; < ME/OF us; L Osus + OE/ME -ful unite, v.; NE; < L unit u s e n . use, v., weak 2; ME; < OF user; L usare unto, prep.; < rel. to und (OFries, Goth, OSax) + OE to; ME unto fit, out, adv.; OE up, adv.; NE; < OE up, upp; ME up fltagan. (go out, go forth), v., anom.; OE up-in, up in, adv.; OE uplondisshe, uplandish, adj.; ME; < OE up-lendisc u p o n , prep.; NE; < OE uppon; ME upon Utan. out (on/from the outside), adv.; OE a(a,ae)-b-c-d-e-f-g(3)-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-l3(6)-u-v-w-x-y-z V. irtuous wife validitie. validity, п., ENE; < F validite; L validitas v i s i t a t i o n . «.; NE; < rel. to F visiter; L uisitare + F -tion valley, п.; NE; < ME valeie; OF valee vnripe. unripe, adj., ENE; < OE unripe; ME unripe valley-fountain, n. (composite), vnshaken, unshaken, adj. I part. 2 of shake, ENE; < OE ип+зеsee valley, fountain; NE scacen; OE scacan (inf), v., str. 6; variety. n.;NE; < rel. to ME varien, ME shaken v.; OF varier; L variare; F variete, voice, п.; NE; < ME, OF vois; n.;L varietas L uocem vertu. virtue (force), п.; ME; < vouch, v.; NE; < MF voucher; OF vertu L uocare Very, adv.; NE; < OF verai; L ueras vouchsafe, v.; NE; see vouch, safe yeyne. vein, п.; ME; < OE veine voyden. void, v., weak ; ME; < rel. Violence, п.; NE; < ME violence; to OF voide, adj. OF violence; L violentia Vp. see up, ENE violent, adj.; NE; < ME violent; Vpon. see upon, ENE OF violent visit, v.; # # ; < F visiter; L uisitare VS, see us, ENE, PART 4. GLOSSARY w ifeofBath walk, v.; NE; < OE wealcan, v., str. 7; ME walken want, n.; NE; < ME want(e); OSc Vant warm, adj.:NE: < OE wearm ——— •* wasron. were, v., past t.; see wesan; wel, well (almost, very), adv.; ME; < OEwel welcome, see well, come; NE well, adv.; NE; < OE, ME wel .,tU. , w e n a n . ween (think, suppose, believe), v., weak I; OE w e n d a n . wend (go), v., weak 1; OE •, ,, . , , H,p. w e n d e n . wend (go), v., weak 1;ME; < OE wendan w e n t , went , past t., see wenden; waes. was, v.,past t. (see wesan); OE y ' wash, n.; NE; < OE wsesc; ME wassh Wast, see witan; OE Western, western, adj.; OE w a t c h , v , NE; < OE wa^ccan, v., ^^Mk, (become), v., str. 3;OE weak 3; ME wacchen were(n). were, pas? f., see been; ME way, n.; NE; < OE we3; ME wey, were. seebe,NE Way w e s a n . (be), v., 5?r. 5, defective we, /?ron. perj.; ME, NE; < OE we fprej. /. sing, eom, eart, is; pi. sint, .,,««ir /• \rc i * /IE- synd. sindan, sindon; pcwf f. wass, 3£§aSi ' ^ ' ^ ^ r e t t o ° W££Can ' w«ron; J M y . si, sl 3 , pi. sin; « « y.,w^7;M£:weken beon);OE w e a r v^; yVE; < O£ werian, v., weak w e s t a n w i n d . west wind,«., /WOK?., fl/;M£weren ' s(em.OE Weddian V ^•'ME^wcdden ' "' ^ ^ weste. waste (uninhabited), arfj.; O£ weste, west, at//.; ME; < OE west 472 a(a,a)-b-c-d-e-f-g(^)-h-i-i-k-i-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-b(d)-u-v-w-x-y-z Westen. waste (uninhabited land), n., neut.,ja-stem;OE westwearri, westward (westwards), adv.;OE WJ5£, way, n.; ME; <0Ewe^ 3 W WC ^ J a§yk, weak, adj.;ME;<OEwac y ' S h a n , when, adv. /pron.; ME; < waenne willan, will (want, wish), v., mom.; OE .,, .,, , WlHen, will (would), anom. verb; ME; < OE willan win, wine, n. neut., astern; OE . . «„ winter, winter,».. masc. u-stem: OE • „ , , . ,. , Wircan, work (perform, do), v., weak 1, irreg.; OE wirisan. wyrgan. (outlaw, curse), Shat) pron. indef./interrogative; v.,weakl;OE ME,NE;<OE^xt wisely, adv.; NE; < OE wis; ffihech, which, pron. rel.; ME; < SJien, adv.; NE; < OE hwanne/ hwa3nne;M£:whan(ne) ^ ^^whSSrNEi < 0E hwSr: mn wner(e) Svlnch., /?^o/z. rel. / indef. / interrogative, ME, NE; < 0 £ hwile; MEflfaowhiche SEll!l,whUe,awyVflrfi».;MB;<Ofihwil S!hQ,pron. interrog./indef./rel.; NE; < OE hwa; ME who ffihole, ^ y , ^ ; < O£ hal; ME hal/ whole , __ V^lCian. (live), v., »pea& 2; O£ •J i „,,„ -J nT^ w i d e l y , arfv., £A^£; < OE wid; ME wyd + OE -lie, ME -ly Wld-saL wide sea, 7i., fern., i-stem; OE ~Z ._ Wlj, (battle), n., neut., a-stem; OE ... __ ... Wilde, wild,adj.;ME;<OEwide Will, «.; A®; <OEwilla; ME wille Will, v.; A^E; < OE willan, omwia/. v.; ME willen Willa. will, n. m « , n-jton; OE 473 ME wys + OE lie WJSSe, (knew), v., past t.; see witan; OE wiste. J g g witan; O£ HBM* wit (know observe know ' ' ' understand), v., pret.-pres. (pres. t. sing, wat, wast, wat; pi. witon; past t. wisse, wist; part. 2 witenj; 0£" with, prep.; ME, NE; < OE wid; withal. Wv.; A^£; < C751 wifl+eal; ^ withal Wlthdrawen. withdraw, v., str. 6; M£; < £>£" wi3 + dra3an Wltodhc, (certain, sure), «*#.; OJ? wijj, with, /;/•<?/?.; OE, ME wlaffen, stammer, v., weak 2; ME; < OEwlaffian wlaifervnge. stammering, gerund; — j e e wlaffen y ^ n . ^jj. < 0 £ wg; M £ wo; 0 woe is me! - interjection (phrasal Uttit > wol, will, see wilien; ME PART 4. GLOSSARY wold, would, see willen; ME wolde, would (wished), v., past t.;see willan; OE wormwood, п.; NE;. < OE wermwod; ME wermode (corrupted form) wolde(n), would, see willen; ME; < OE willan, wolden (pastpi.) w o r s h i p , п.; NE; < short for worthship, OE weor5 scipe; ME worth ship woman, п.; NE; < OE wlf-man; ME womman Worst, adv.; NE; < OE wyrst; ME wurst, werst WOnen, (dwell, remain), v., weak 2; ME; < OE wunian Would, v., see will; NE WOnien, (be used to, dwell, remain), v., weak 2; ME; < OE wunian write, v.;NE; < OE wrltan, v., str. 1; ME writen Word, //.; OE, ME, NE wyde, wide, adj.; ME; < OE wld WOrhton, v., past t.; see wircan; OE wylle, see willa; OE work, п.; NE; < OE weorc; ME were w o r l d , п.; NE; < OE woruld; ME worlde a(a,ge)-b-c-d-e-f-g(^)-h-i-i-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-l3(9)-u-v-w-x-y-z Y eoman - a proper forester y_§, eye, n.; ME; < OE Ea^e. yes, particle, NE; < OE yse, 3ese; ME yis, yus .Vet, adv.; NE; < OE 3it; ME yet fcfaUe,falUee fallen; MS ,,P l .„ yjel, evil, n.,neut.,i-stem;OE yjc = i k , ilk (same) (0 of that ilk, archaic - the same), pron. indef.; OE yldre. elder, fli/;., comp degr., see eald;<9£ ymb. (about/around),prepJadv.; OE yonge. young, adj.; ME; < OE3eon3 YOU, pron. pers.; NE; < OE eow; ME you your, pron. poss.; NE; < OE eower; M2?your(e) y o w , you, pron. pers.; ME; < J o~E ^ow y . r o n n e . r u n ) p a r U 2 ; see r y n e n ; ME y§. - IS, see wesan; OE ^ t t = 1M, jee etan; OE Tart 5. Summary Philosopher in his study John Stanbridse, London, 1520 Основные вехи в истории английского языка 449 - высадка первых германцев на Британские острова 7 век - введение Христианства 7- 9 века - Семицарствие. Территориальные диалекты 871 -901 - правление короля Альфреда Великого 9 век - скандинавское завоевание 878 - раздел Британских островов на зоны англосаксонского и датского (скандинавского) правления 9-10 века- превосходство Уэссекса и уэссекского диалекта - основного диалекта древнеанглийского периода 1017-1042 - переход всей Англии под власть датского (скандинавского) короля 1066 - Битва при Гастингсе. Норманнское завоевание 11-13 века - французский язык - язык государственного устройства, судопроизводства и обучения 13 век - первый Парламент страны 1258 - Прокламация короля Генриха III впервые опубликована на французском и английском языках 14 в е к - возврат английского языка во все сферы жизни страны. Лондонский диалект - основной диалект языка. Творчество Дж. Чосера 1477 - введение книгопечатания 1455-1485 - война Алой и Белой Розы. Централизация страны, образование национального языка. 15 в е к - установление абсолютной монархии 16 в е к - разрыв с Римской католической церковью 16-17 века - начало эпохи Великих географических открытий 1649-1660 - Великая буржуазная революция. Правление Оливера Кромвеля 1660 - реставрация монархии 17-18 века установление литературной нормы английского языка. Творчество Уильяма Шекспира 17-20 века - географическая экспансия английского языка 17 век - первые английские поселенцы в Америке 18 век - колонизация Индии и Канады 19 век - освоение Австралии 20 век - появление английских поселенцев в Южной Африке Лекция 1. Введение. Общие характеристики германских языков /. Цель изучения предмета. Любой язык представляет собой постоянно изменяющееся историческое явление. Изменения охватывают все аспекты языка: грамматику и словарь, фонетику и письменность. Основная цель изучения истории языка состоит в объяснении сегодняшнего этапа его существования, позволяющем лучше понять его современные особенности. 2. Внутренняя и внешняя история языка. Внешняя история любого языка - это события в жизни народа, говорящего на нем, оказывающие влияние на сам язык, это отражение истории людей в языке, на котором они говорят. Внутренняя история языка описывает изменения, происходящие в самом языке, его грамматике, словарном составе, фонетическом строе и письменности. 3. Основные характеристики германских языков. Германские языки принадлежат к индоевропейской языковой семье. В начале первого тысячелетия германские племена проживали на обширных территориях Западной, Центральной и Восточной Европы. 3.1. Фонетические особенности. К основным характеристикам фонетического строя германских языков относятся: динамическое ударение, фиксированное на первом корневом слоге; абляут позиционно независимое чередование гласных в корне, суффиксе или окончании слова, способствующее формо- и словообразованию; умляут фонетическая ассимиляция корневого гласного с гласным окончания, проявляющаяся как своего рода внутренняя флексия; передвижения согласных - регулярные фонетические соответствия согласных германских и прочих индоевропейских языков. 3.2. Грамматические особенности. Германские языки были языками синтетического строя. Именные части речи имели категории падежа, рода и числа, глагольные - времени, наклонения, лица и числа. Основными способами формообразования были окончания, а также чередование гласных в корне слова (особенно в глаголах) и в редких случаях супплетивизм - образование разных форм слова от разных корней. 5.3. Система письма. Германцы имели собственный, так называемый рунический алфавит, и фонетическую систему письма, при которой каждый звук передавался одним символом - руной. Этот алфавит появился во втором веке нашей оры и просуществовал у некоторых народов в течение всего средневековья. 479 PART 5. SUMMARY Лекция 2. Древнеанглийский период. Общая характеристика /. Внешняя история. История английского языка начинается с 5 века нашей эры, когда произошло вторжение западногерманских племен англов, саксов, ютов и фризов на Британские острова. Захватив почти все плодородные земли, они частично уничтожили, частично вытеснили, а частично подчинили себе местное население - кельтов. /./. Основные письменные памятники. Первые письменные памятники представляют образцы рунического письма. В 7 веке с приходом Христианства на Британские острова пришли и многочисленные монахи, говорившие на латыни и использовавшие латинский алфавит, который постепенно вытеснил рунический, позаимствовав из него отдельные символы для обозначения звуков, отсутствовавших в латыни - так возникло так называемое инсулярное, или островное письмо. 1.2. Диалектная классификация письменных памятников. 1.2.1. В отличие от племенных диалектов германских, племен до их переселения на Британские острова, диалекты древнеанглийского периода являются территориальными и именуются по названию королевств, в которых на них говорили. Наиболее важными королевствами и, таким образом, диалектами того периода были Нортумбрия (нортумбрийский диалект), Мерсия (мерсийский диалект) и Уэссекс (уэссекский диалект). 1.2.2. Основные письменные памятники периода написаны инсулярным письмом. Большинство их них относятся к уэссекскому диалекту и представлены трактатами религиозного содержания, а также хрониками, историческими и философскими трудами. 2. Внутренняя история. В течение древнеанглийского периода язык развивался крайне медленно. 2.1. Фонетические особенности. Фонетический строй древнеанглийского периода отличался фиксированным динамическим ударением, падавшим на первый корневой слог слова. Количественные и качественные характеристики гласных звуков были позиционными, т.е. зависели от положения звука в слове. Долгота ударных гласных была фонематичной, позволяя различать слова только долготой ударного корневого гласного. Существовал полный параллелизм долгих и кратких гласных звуков, как монофтонгов, так и дифтонгов. Согласные были менее многочисленны, чем в современном языке. В их числе не было некоторых фрикативных, звуков. Имелся ряд 480 ЛЕКЦИИ 1—12 позиционных качественных характеристик согласных, в том числе звонкость/глухость звука. 2.2. Система письма. Древнеанглийская письменность была в основном фонематична - каждой букве соответствовал один звук. 2.3. Грамматические особенности. Как и другие германские языки, древнеанглийский был языком синтетического строя с хорошо развитой системой флексий. Основными средствами передачи 'Рематических значений были суффиксация, чередование гласных и супплетивизм. Порядок слов в предложении был относительно свободным. 2.4. Словарный состав. Словарный состав почти полностью состоял из исконных слов. Немногочисленные заимствования были 'лавным образом из латыни. Новые слова образовывались путем Деривации (создания производных слов) и словосложения. Лекция 3. Среднеанглийский период. Общая характеристика 1. Внешняя история. 1.1. Скандинавское вторжение. Скандинавское вторжение продолжалось в течение более двух веков, с конца 8 по начало 11 века, когда под контроль завоевателей перешла вся Англия. Скандинавское вторжение и последовавшее за ним переселение скандинавов на территорию Англии, их постоянные контакты и смешение с местным населением оказали глубокое воздействие на все аспекты английского языка. Относительная легкость взаимопроникновения языков объяснялась отсутствием каких-либо политических, социальных, культурных или языковых барьеров между их носителями. 1.2. Норманнское завоевание. Началом норманнского завоевания считается 1066 год. Норманны, скандинавское племя, переселившееся за два века до этого на территорию современной Франции, восприняли язык и культуру своей новой страны, и именно французский язык они принесли с собой на Британские острова. В результате норманнского завоевания французский язык на два с лишним века стал языком правящих классов, языком королевского двора, парламента, судопроизводства, церкви и школы, отодвинув английский на второй план. Восстановление утраченной роли английского языка в 14 веке сопровождалось большим количеством заимствований из французского и существенным изменением грамматической структуры языка. 481 PART 5. SUMMARY 1.3. Образование национального английского языка. Национальный английский язык сложился к 15 веку на базе лондонского диалекта, сформировавшегося из ранних южных и юго-восточных диалектов. Столица Англии, начиная с 11 века, Лондон был крупнейший экономическим, политическим, а также культурным центром, в котором жили и работали многие лучшие писатели и поэты того времени. Однако литературная норма языка возникла гораздо позднее, только в новоанглийский период. 2. Внутренняя история. Среднеанглийский период был временем беспрецедентно быстрого развития языка. Этому способствовало то, что в течение первых трех веков периода английский был исключительно устным языком, не имел письменной нормы и мог изменяться без существенных ограничений. В результате все аспекты языка претерпели фундаментальные изменения. 2.1. Фонетические особенности. Фиксированное динамическое ударение сохраняется в исконных словах, в заимствованиях (особенно французских) ударение падает на последний слог слова. Появляются новые согласные (фрикативные и аффрикаты). Качество согласных перестает быть позиционным. Ударные гласные претерпевают количественные изменения под влиянием так называемой ритмической тенденции, усредняющей длительность слога. 2.2. Грамматические особенности. Грамматический строй в среднеанглийский период претерпевает фундаментальные изменения, превращая синтетический древнеанглийский язык в язык аналитического строя. Возникающие аналитические средства передачи грамматических значений в конце периода становятся доминирующими. 2.3. Словарный состав. Словарный состав языка в течение среднеанглийского периода почти полностью обновился за счет чрезвычайно большого числа заимствований, главным образом скандинавских и французских. Наряду с внешними источниками пополнения словаря определенную роль играли и внутренние - в том числе образование производных слов с использованием исконных и заимствованных элементов. Лекция 4. Новоанглийский период. Общая характеристика /. Внешняя история 11 Становление нации. 15 век стал поворотной вехой в истории английского народа. Закончившаяся в 1485 году война Алой и Белой 482 ЛЕКЦИИ 1—12 Розы означала конец феодальной раздробленности и переход к пигализму, реальное политическое и экономическое объединение траны, появление единой нации и единого национального языка. повоанглийский период стал периодом великих географических рыгии, присоединения к британской империи новых земель и роких контактов с носителями других языков на всех континентах, оставивших свой след в английском языке. Именно этот период дал миру такие великие имена, как Шекспир, 1енсер, Бэкон, Марлоу и многие другие. Относительно спокойное развитие страны было нарушено в 17 веке, когда противоречие королевской власти и парламента привело к переходу власти к последнему, казни короля, а затем, через несколько лет, Реставрации монархии. Возвращение на престол сына казненного короля, прожившего более десяти лет в ссылке во Франции, знаменовало новую волну влияния французского языка. ^•2. Установление литературной нормы. Литературная норма английского языка сформировалась в конце 17 века, когда появились первые словари и грамматики, основанные на научных принципах и ставившие своей целью стабилизировать использование языка. Существенный вклад в становление литературной нормы внесли также многие знаменитые литераторы своего времени, и в первую очередь Уильям Шекспир. Стандарт разговорного английского языка установился несколько позднее. 1.3. Географическое распространение английского языка в 17-20 веках. Новоанглийский период стал периодом языкового объединения страны и вытеснения нормированным английским других языков и Диалектов - кельтского, уэльского, ирландского и др. В 16 веке с экспансией британского колониализма началось проникновение английского языка в другие регионы земного шара: в 17 веке - в Северную Америку, в 18 - Индию, 19 - Австралию и 20 Южную Африку. Сейчас английский язык является национальным языком более 300 миллионов человек во всем мире, а в качестве своего второго языка его признает во много раз большее число людей. 2. Внутренняя история. Скорость развития языка в течение всего периода постепенно замедляется, чему особенно способствует установление литературной нормы, оказывающей стабилизирующее воздействие на язык. 2.1. Фонетические особенности. Ударение в исконных словах фиксировано, в заимствованных может падать на любой слог. Ритмическая тенденция привела к возникновению вторичных ударений в многосложных словах. 483 PART 5. SUMMARY Изменения в согласных звуках были не столь велики, как в среднеанглийский период. Новым явлением была позиционная вокализация согласных. Безударные гласные на конце слов в большинстве случаев исчезли, гласные под ударением подверглись влиянию так называемого Великого сдвига - качественного изменения, в результате которого они стали более узкими и передними по месту их артикуляции 2.2. Грамматические особенности. Грамматический строи в новоанглийский период не претерпел фундаментальных изменении. Основные изменения касались усиления аналитических черт языка, расширения использования вспомогательных слов, увеличения числа аналитических форм, укрепления фиксированного порядка слов в предложении. 2.3. Словарный состав. Словарь - самый быстро развивающийся аспект языка новоанглийского периода. Способы обогащения словарного состава языка - как внутренние (образование производных слов, конверсия), так и внешние (заимствования). Источники последних весьма многочисленны благодаря не только прямым, но и косвенным (через книги, а в 20 веке - через кино, радио, телевидение) контактам со всем миром. Лекция 5. Фонетика древнеанглийского периода /. Гласные древнеанглийского периода. 1.0. В древнеанглийский период существовал полный параллелизм долгих и кратких гласных, как монофтонгов, так и дифтонгов, что позволяет говорить о фонематичности качественных и количественных характеристик гласных. /./. Все гласные древнеанглийского периода происходят от гласных общегерманского праязыка, хотя и с некоторыми изменениями, результате которых монофтонги могли превращаться в дифтонги наоборот. 1.2. В доисторический период развития английского языка в гласных произошел ряд качественных изменений, объясняющих различие между древнеанглийскими и общегерманскими гласными фонемами, ^т изменения были двух видов: позиционными (или ассимилятивными) независимыми (неассимилятивными). Наиболее важным^ ассимилятивными изменениями были преломление и палатальна перегласовка. 1.2.1. Результатом преломления стало появление дифтонгов и монофтонгов в определенном фонетическом окружении. ЛЕКЦИИ 1—12 1.2.2. Палатальная перегласовка привела к сужению и сдвигу вперед Р'г"куляции большинства гласных под влиянием последующих звуков и появлению новых гласных фонем. 1.2.3. Последствия палатальной перегласовки проявились как в грамматике, так и в словарном составе языка. В грамматике она привела к чередованию гласных в корне слова у существительных корневого склонения и в степенях сравнения прилагательных, а также у неправильных слабых глаголов. Чередование гласных в корне в результате палатальной перегласовки стало также средством словообразования. 110 а 2. Согласные древнеанглийского периода 2.0. Система древнеанглийских согласных отличалась от современной рядом особенностей. Среди них можно отметить сравнительно небольшое число фонем, отсутствие фрикативных согласных и аффрикатов, а также зависимость качественных характеристик фонемы от ее непосредственного окружения в слове, последнее привело к появлению так называемых позиционных вариантов, впоследствии развившихся в разные фонемы. Соответствие английских согласных согласным других индоевропейских языков объясняется двумя фонетическими законами, именуемыми по имени их авторов Законом Гримма и Законом Вернера. Лекция 6. Грамматика древнеанглийского периода. Система имени 0. Древнеанглийский язык был языком синтетического строя, предусматривавшего передачу всех основных грамматических значений изменением формы самого слова, сочетавшего в себе как лексическое, так и грамматическое значение. Он отличался большим количеством флексий как в парадигме имени, так и в парадигме глагола, и наличием нескольких вариантов формоизменения в рамках каждой парадигмы в зависимости от первоначальной структуры слова. 1. Общая характеристика системы имени. В древнеанглийском языке было пять склоняемых частей речи: существительное, местоимение, прилагательное, числительное и причастие. 2. Существительное. Парадигма существительного в древнеанглийский период объединяла три грамматических категории: род, число и падеж. 2.1. Категория рода была образована оппозицией трех форм: мужского, женского и среднего рода. Отнесение существительных к тому 485 PART 5. SUMMARY или иному роду не основывалось на их биологической принадлежности к таковым. 2.2. Категория числа была образована оппозицией форм множественного и единственного числа. 2.3. Категория падежа объединяла формы четырех надежей: именительного, родительного, дательного и винительного. Различие в типах склонения существительных объясняется особенностями их первоначальной структуры. В общегерманском языке большинство существительных имело три элемента: корень, основообразующий суффикс и окончание. Именно этот изначальный основообразующий суффикс и является основанием для классификации существительных но группам, или "склонениям", хотя сам он в древнеанглийский период зачастую уже не виден, так как слился с корнем или претерпел некоторые иные изменения. 2.4. В доисторический период развития английского языка каждый падеж имел собственные отчетливые окончания, зависящие от типа склонения существительного и его рода. Однако впоследствии различные семантические и фонетические процессы привели к сближению окончаний в пределах одной парадигмы и появлению омонимичных падежных форм. Это послужило одной из предпосылок создания новых средств для передачи грамматических значений. 3. Местоимение. В древнеанглийский период существовали различные классы местоимений: личные, притяжательные, указательные, вопросительные, относительные и неопределенные. Система склонения различных типов местоимений была неодинаковой, поскольку одни и те же грамматические категории имели различное число категориальных форм. 3.1. Личные местоимения имели грамматические категории, сходные с категориями существительного. Однако различие в роде проявлялись только у существительных третьего лица единственного числа, а категория числа местоимений первого и второго лица была образована оппозицией не двух, а трех форм: единственного, множественного и двойственного числа. Другим отличием местоимений является то, что в их парадигме широко используются супплетивные формы, а омонимия проявляется незначительно. 3.2. Все прочие местоимения склонялись подобно существительным, за исключением того, что в отличие от них некоторые местоимения имели пять падежных форм, добавляя форму инструментального падежа. 486 ЛЕКЦИИ 1—12 4. Прилагательное. Парадигма прилагательного схожа с парадигмой существительного и местоимения. Она включает формы падежей, родов и чисел. 4.1. Особенностью склонения прилагательных было наличие двух 1Ипов склонения: определенного и неопределенного, по которым могло склоняться одно и то же прилагательное. Значение данного явления было впоследствии воплощено в категории артикля, возникшей существенно нозднее. 4.2. Еще одной категорией прилагательных были степени сравнения. Способы выражения значений степеней сравнения, как и Других грамматических значений, были синтетическими: суффиксация, чередование гласных в корне и супплетивизм. Чередование гласных в формах степеней сравнения стало результатом палатальной перегласовки, происшедшей в дописьменный период развития языка, и не встречается в Других германских языках. Лекция 7. Грамматика древнеанглийского периода. Система глагола /• Общий обзор личных и неличных форм глагола. Глагольная система древнеанглийского языка была представлена личными и неличными формами глагола, различие между которыми было более существенным, чем в настоящее время, поскольку неличные формы не только спрягались, но и склонялись, подобно именным частям речи. 2. Грамматические категории личных форм глагола. Система спряжения древнеанглийского глагола включала категории времени, наклонения, числа и лица. 2.1. Категория лица глагола включала формы первого, второго и третьего лица. Это различие проявлялось только в формах единственного числа изъявительного наклонения. 2.2. Категория числа была образована оппозицией форм единственного и множественного числа. 2.3. Категория времени была представлена формами настоящего и будущего времени. Значение будущего времени выражалось с помощью формы настоящего в сочетании с временным наречием или сочетанием модального глагола с инфинитивом. 2.4. Категория наклонения включала формы изъявительного, повелительного и косвенного наклонения. Последнее использовалось для выражения как нереальных, так и проблематичных действий (для 4S7 PART 5. SUMMARY чего в современном английском используется два разных наклонения), а также вместо изъявительного наклонения для передачи косвенной речи. 3. Морфологическая классификация глаголов. Все глаголы древнеанглийского языка можно подразделить на группы в зависимости от грамматических средств, используемых при образовании их основ чередование гласных в корне и суффиксация. 3.1. Т. наз. сильные глаголы использовали в качестве основного средства выражения различных грамматических категорий чередование гласных в корне, или абляут. Грамматические окончания присоединялись непосредственно к корню-основе глагола. Сильные глаголы относятся к наиболее древним глаголам языка. Существовало несколько классов сильных глаголов, отличающихся формой проявления абляута, зависящей от первоначальной фонетической структуры основы глагола. 3.2. Т. наз. слабые глаголы более новые по времени своего появления в языке. В качестве основного грамматического средства образования основы они использовали суффиксацию. Этот способ образования форм был наиболее продуктивным, и именно его использовали вновь образуемые или заимствованные глаголы, постоянно расширяя число слабых глаголов. Слабые глаголы, в отличие от сильных, имели перед грамматическим окончанием основообразующий суффикс, в зависимости от которого их также можно разделить на несколько классов. Лекция 8. Изменения в фонетической системе в среднеанглийский и новоанглийский периоды 1. Среднеанглийский период. 1.1. Гласные в безударном положении. Все гласные в безударном положении претерпели качественное изменение, превратившись в нейтральный звук'[]. Это фонетическое изменение оказало очень сильное влияние на грамматическую структуру языка, поскольку в результате него многие грамматические окончания слов стали омонимичными. 1.2. Гласные под ударением претерпели как количественные, так и качественные изменения. 1.2.1. Качественным изменениям подверглись три долгих и два кратких монофтонга, а также все дифтонги, которые в конце древнеанглийского периода претерпели стяжение, превратившись в 488 ЛЕКЦИИ 1—12 монофтонги. Одновременно возникли новые дифтонги, образовавшиеся из сочетания гласного звука с согласным, подвергшимся вокализации. 1.2.2. Имелись также количественные изменения ударных гласных. Они происходили в определенных позициях, называемых удлиняющими или сокращающими. Эти процессы оставили свой след в грамматике и словарном составе языка; приведя к возникновению чередования корневых гласных в различных формах одного и того же слова, а также появлению различных гласных в исторически однокоренных словах. 1.3. Согласные. Наиболее важным изменением в системе согласных среднеанглийского периода было возникновение фрикативного [f] и а Ффрикат[1<|"] и № ] из палатальных согласных или сочетаний с палатальным согласным, имевшихся в древнеанглийском языке. Это привело к разделению аллофонов на самостоятельные фонемы. Самостоятельными фонемами стали и аллофоны согласных, отличавшихся в древнеанглийский период по глухости/звонкости (s/z, f/v, о\9). 2. Новоанглийский период. 2.1. Гласные в безударном положении, нейтрализованные в среднеанглийском, в новоанглийский период опускаются и в редких случаях остаются исключительно для благозвучия. 2.2. Гласные под ударением претерпели как количественные, так и качественные изменения. 2.2.1. Все долгие монофтонги подверглись процессу, именуемому Великим сдвигом гласных, в результате которого они стали более узкими и сдвинутыми вперед по способу артикуляции. Некоторые из них при этом превратились в дифтонги. Особо следует отметить случаи, когда за долгим гласным, претерпевавшим Великий сдвиг, следовал звук "г", который, вокализуясь, изменял предшествующий гласный, делая его более открытым и превращая монофтонг в дифтонг, а дифтонг - в трифтонг. Определенные позиционные качественные изменения произошли и с некоторыми краткими монофтонгами ([а], [и]). Два из четырех среднеанглийских дифтонгов ([ai], [аи]} под влиянием Великого сдвига также сузились, причем один из них, [аи], при этом превратился в монофтонг [и]. 2.2.2. Количественные изменения гласных в новоанглийский период были вызваны главным образом вокализацией согласных [г] и [h], удлиняющих предшествующий краткий гласный, а в некоторых случаях и изменяя его качественно. 489 PART 5. SUMMARY 2.3. Согласные. Изменения в согласных звуках в новоанглийскии период не очень многочисленны. К ним относится появление новой фонемы [3] и развитие аффрикат из палатальных согласных в заимствованных словах, а также озвончение фрикативных согласных после безударных гласных и в словах, не несущих синтаксического ударения. 3. Изменения в алфавите и системе письма в среднеанглийский и новоанглийский периоды. Фонетическая система письма, существовавшая в древнеанглийском, в 13-14 веках подверглась существенным изменениям в результате деятельности переписчиков, находившихся под влиянием французских традиций письма, а также зачастую допускавших смысловые ошибки. "Островное письмо" было вытеснено "континентальным", в результате чего были утрачены некоторые буквы, а соответствующие им звуки стали обозначаться новыми, позаимствованными из французской письменности, а также сочетаниями букв - диграфами, что также было характерно для французского языка. Орфографическая норма возникла одновременно с литературной нормой, однако она подвергалась неоднократным попыткам ее улучшения или рационализации. В 16 веке был предложен новый принцип письма, стремившийся отразить исконную форму слова, но приводящий зачастую к ошибкам. В то же время крупные фонетические изменения, включая Великий сдвиг гласных, практически не отразились на системе письменности. В результате в современном английском языке один и тот же звук передается зачастую разными буквами и их комбинациями, а одна и та же буква может иметь разное прочтение. Кроме того, имеется большое количество нечитаемых, букв, как отражающих написание прежних периодов, так и добавленных впоследствии для обозначения особенностей чтения предшествующих, букв. Лекция 9. Изменения в системе имени в среднеанглийский и новоанглийский периоды /. Общая характеристика грамматических изменений в среднеанглийский и повоангпийский периоды. Грамматика языка претерпела кардинальные изменения: многие грамматические значения, ранее выражавшиеся синтетическими средствами, либо исчезли, либо начали выражаться аналитически, что привело к изменению самого типа языка. 490 ЛЕКЦИИ 1—12 2. Имя существительное. • '• Среднеанглийский период. Сложная именная парадигма Древнеанглийского языка в течение среднеанглийского периода существенно упрощается. 2т '-1^ Морфологическая классификация. Различные типы клонений сохраняются, но происходит перераспределение числа носимых к ним существительных. Первоначальное а-склонение все льше расширяется за счет существительных других склонений, а также заимствований. 2.1.2. Грамматические категории. В системе склонения остаются ко^две грамматические категории: число и падеж. Количество падежей сокращается до двух: общего и родительного. 2.2. Новоанглийский период. Процесс упрощения системы склонения продолжился. 2.2.1. Морфологическая классификация. Подавляющее большинство существительных склоняется по типу а-склонения; остальных типов склонений не существует (исключения единичны). 2.2.2. Неправильные формы существительных. Все современные неправильные" формы существительных представляют реликтовые формы малочисленных склонений или заимствования из латыни в форме и единственного, и множественного числа. 2.2.3. Грамматические категории. Количество категорий и категориальных форм среднеанглийского периода сохраняется, но Уменьшается число существительных, используемых в родительном (притяжательном) падеже, а также сужается значение притяжательного падежа. 3. Прилагательное. В парадигме прилагательного в среднеанглийский период представлены грамматические категории склонения (сильное и слабое) и числа (единственное и множественное). В новоанглийский период эти категории прекращают свое существование. Напротив, степени сравнения прилагательных получают дальнейшее развитие. При этом из трех основных средств образования форм степеней сравнения, существовавших в древнеанглийский период, продуктивной остается только одно - суффиксация, но в дополнение к нему возникает новое, аналитическое средство - использование вспомогательных слов. 4. Местоимение. Сложная парадигма местоимения в среднеанглийский период существенно упрощается. К концу среднеанглийского - началу новоанглийского периода остается только два падежа, исчезает род как грамматическое явление, а двойственное 491 PART 5. SUMMARY число перестало существовать еще на рубеже древнеанглийского и среднеанглийского периода. 5. Артикль. Эта категория как оппозиция определенного и неопределенного артикля возникла в среднеанглийский период. Форма определенного артикля восходит к указательному местоимению se, неопределенного - к числительному an. Лекция 10. Изменения в системе глагола в среднеанглийский и новоанглийский периоды /. Неличные формы глагола. В процессе истории неличные формы постепенно теряют именные черты (элементы системы склонения), приобретая взамен глагольные (элементы системы спряжения). В среднеанглийский период также возникает новая неличная форма герундий. 2. Морфологическая классификация глаголов в среднеанглийский и новоанглийский период 2.0. В среднеанглийский период разделение глаголов на сильные и слабые сохраняется. 2.1. Сильные глаголы 2.1.1. В новоанглийский период в группе сильных глаголов происходят изменения. Это вызвано разделением первоначальных классов на подклассы, присоединением глаголов одного класса к другому, переходом сильных глаголов в группу слабых и в редких случаях наоборот. 2.1.2. Четыре основных формы сильных глаголов древнеанглийского периода в новоанглийском переходят в три вследствие того, что вместо разных гласных абляута все чаще употребляется одна. 2.2. Слабые глаголы. Группа слабых глаголов становится все более многочисленной, так как пополняется за счет заимствований и вновь образованных слов. 2.2.1. Классы слабых глаголов теряют свои различия, глаголы первого и третьего классов становятся неправильными. 2.2.2. В позднем среднеанглийском - раннем новоанглийском периоде вторая и третья формы слабых глаголов становятся омонимичными. 492 ЛЕКЦИИ 1—12 2.3. В новоанглийский период вследствие различных фонетических изменений две основных группы древнеанглийских глаголов - сильные и слабые - дали две главных ipynnbi современных глаголов: правильные и неправильные, ни одна из которых не происходит непосредственно от тех или иных ipynn древнеанглийских глаголов. Основными источниками неправильных глаголов были немногочисленные неправильные глаголы древнеанглийского периода, ольшинство сильных глаголов, слабые глаголы первого класса, а также глаголы - скандинавские заимствования. j . Грамматические категории английского глагола. В дополнение к Древнеанглийским категориям лица, числа, времени и наклонения в среднеанглийский и новоанглийский период постепенно возникли еще т Ри грамматических категории: залога, аспекта и временной отнесенности. Для их образования использовались новые средства аналитические формы. Аналитические формы стали применяться и для прежних грамматических категорий - времени и наклонения Лекция 11. Словарный состав английского языка 1. Древнеанглийский период. 1.1. Общая характеристика. Словарный состав древнеанглийского периода был достаточно обширным. Он состоял главным образом из исконных слов. Среди них были слова, унаследованные из общего индоевропейского праязыка, слова общегерманского происхождения, а также небольшое число слов, характерных только для английского языка. 1.2. Для выражения новых значений любой язык постоянно обогащает свой словарный запас. Основными средствами пополнения словаря в древнеанглийский период были внутренние. 1.2.1. К внутренним средствам обогащения словаря Древнеанглийского периода относится создание производных слов путем аффиксации или чередования гласных, а также словосложение. 1.2.2. Внешние средства обогащения словаря, или заимствования, в древнеанглийский период были не очень многочисленны. Основньши заимствованиями были латинские, главным образом связанные с торговыми контактами германцев, а позднее - с введением Христианства. 2. Среднеанглийский период. 2.1. Общая характеристика. Словарный состав среднеанглийского периода изменялся крайне быстро, отражая диалектные особенности, а также влияние контактов с другими нациями. 493 PART 5. SUMMARY 2.2.1. Внутренние средства обогащения языка сохраняются, однако многие аффиксы становятся менее продуктивными. 2.2.2. ^Основными средствами обогащения словаря среднеанглийского периода становятся внешние, заимствования. Наиболее сильное влияние на английский язык оказали два языка: скандинавский и французский, хотя природа и количество заимствований из этих языков, а также их последствия были различными. 3. Новоанглийский период. 3.1. Общая характеристика. Словарный состав новоанглийского периода растет очень быстро, не поддаваясь количественному учету. 3.2. Как внутренние, так и внешние средства обогащения словаря имеют большое значение. 3.2.1. Основным внутренним средством обогащения словарного состава выступает конверсия - переход слова из одной части речи в другую. 3.2.2. Большое число заимствований новоанглийского периода отражает особенности контактов носителей языка с другими нациями. Ранние новоанглийские заимствования представлены главным образом словами латинского происхождения (поскольку латынь была языком культуры своего времени), а также итальянскими (в связи с эпохой Возрождения, 15 век), испанскими и португальскими (16 век). Открытие Америки принесло заимствования из языков местных народов, отражавшие реалии нового континента. Заимствования позднего новоанглийского периода представлены словами французского происхождения (заимствованными в связи с Реставрацией монархии в Англии), а также отдельными заимствованиями из немецкого, хинди, китайского, арабского, русского и других языков. Лекция 12. Этимологические слои современного английского языка /. Общая характеристика. Сегодняшний словарный состав английского языка как никакой другой аспект языка отражает глубокие исторические изменения и различные контакты нации. Преобладающее число заимствований позволяет усомниться в самой природе английского языка, если не принимать во внимание превалирующую функциональную роль исконного элемента: значения, передаваемые собственными словами, частотность и регулярность их употребления, отсутствие стилевых и функциональных ограничений их использования. 494 ЛЕКЦИИ 1—12 2. Исконные слова английского языка представлены двумя зимологическими слоями: общеиндоевропейским и общегерманским. 2.1. Слова общеиндоевропейского происхождения относятся к амым древним словам языка, и корни их можно найти во многих других языках этой семьи. 2.2. Слова общегерманского происхождения отражают период ремени вплоть до начала распада общегерманского языка на отдельные ТУппы, происшедшего на рубеже 1 века до Н.Э. - ! века Н.Э. 3. Иностранный элемент (заимствования) составляет более половины словарного состава английского языка. Основными слоями являются латинские, скандинавские и французские заимствования. 3.1. Латинский элемент представлен заимствованиями щегерманского п е Р и ° Д а (главным образом наименования бытовых "редметов и продуктов); заимствованиями раннего древнеанглийского периода (через посредство кельтского языка - наименования объектов материальной культуры римлян); словами, связанными с введением Христианства в 7 веке; словами, вошедшими в язык в 15-16 веках в связи с возрождением науки (главным образом "книжные заимствования", слова научной номенклатуры). Большинство этих слов может быть достаточно легко определено благодаря характерным внешним признакам, а также семантике. 3.2. Скандинавский элемент представлен заимствованиями 8-10 веков, включающими слова повседневного обихода. Они настолько тесно переплелись с исконными словами, что точное этимологическое отнесение их к заимствованиям не всегда возможно. 3.3. Французский элемент английского словаря имеет чрезвычайно большое значение. Ранние французские заимствования относятся к периоду норманнского завоевания. Эти слова в основном относятся к сфере политической жизни, судопроизводству и государственному Устройству. Большинство из них полностью ассимилировались в английском языке и не воспринимаются как заимствования. Средневековые французские заимствования представляют более обиходные слова. Заимствования новоанглийского периода, связанные с Реставрацией монархии, включают много слов' - названий объектов материальной культуры Франции, жизни высшего общества и развлечений. 4. Слова-гибриды. Большое число заимствований из разных языков и их ассимилирование привело к возникновению в английском языке слов, состоящих из элементов, разных по своему происхождению. 5. Этимологические дублеты. Этимологические дублеты - это слова, развившиеся из одного корня, но вошедшие в английский язык 495 PART 5. SUMMARY через посредство разных языков. Зачастую это приводит к существенному изменению как из формы, так и значения. Приведенные примеры различных этимологических слоев современного английского словаря лишний раз свидетельствуют о том, чю долгая и сложная история английского языка может быть в полной мере понята только при изучении его в тесной связи с историей, жизни народа, являющегося его носителем.